insulin resistance

Research: Resistant dextrin may assist with weight loss

Resistant dextrin may improve insulin resistance and assist with weight loss.

Recently, I have noticed a new ingredient in many of the cereals I eat.  The additive is a compound called resistant dextrin.  Dextrin is a soluble gummy substance or prebiotic that is obtained by hydrolysis of starch, used as a thickening agent and in adhesives and dietary supplements.  Resistant dextrins are a class of soluble fiber isolated from wheat or corn that is believed to reduce the glycemic response and promote satiety. Dextrins are also believed to also improve insulin resistance and assist in the management of type 2 diabetes.  It is hypothesized to absorb water and should expand the gut and reduce your appetite, but there is limited evidence that prebiotics improves insulin resistance or reduce weight.


Research: Cloves may inhibit fat deposition and lower insulin resistance

Cloves may reduce both fat deposition and insulin resistance.

Clove is one of the many key spices used in Indian cuisine.  It is also found in many seasonal recipes in the United States.  I love adding a dash to my eggnog.  A little dab of ground clove goes a long way to maximizing the taste it adds to any recipe.  For years, it has also been recommended as a potential remedy for multiple ailments to include diabetes and obesity.  Beyond the great flavor, many of these health claims are poorly supported by research.