Research: Virtual coaching and counseling might help with weight loss.
Dietary adherence improved by virtual counseling and monitoring. Cell Phone Cost and access to support are common obstacles to attaining assistance with weight loss. Whether…
Dietary adherence improved by virtual counseling and monitoring. Cell Phone Cost and access to support are common obstacles to attaining assistance with weight loss. Whether…
Poor diet and obesity are independent risk factors for type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease. In particular truncal obesity is one of the tell-tale signs of obesity and heart disease risk in men. This risk is particularly high in rural areas of the South. I remember many patients who thought that chicken, even fried, was a healthy part of their diet. Many fail to understand the risk of high starch and alcohol intake on central obesity. Also, in much of the world, access to counseling for weight loss is in short supply and this limits the ability for many rural areas. Improved education on which foods to limit could be key and telehealth visit for nutrition education could be a key solution to availability.