Website Review: Cooking without Limits

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Cooking without Limits

A Food Photography and Recipe Blog.

A few months ago, I found an interesting website while reviewing my blog likes. The site is Cooking Without Limits. This website is definitely worth your time to click a few links.

The blogger is Anonymous or I did not find her name. She reported being a nature lover, runner, photographer, skier, and a mother. The blogger lists the site as her happy corner where she cooks and takes photos of her masterpieces. The site is full of a lot of great recipes she has tried and they are fantastic.

A photo of the Chocolate Baklava from her site.

I especially like the article on Santa’s Desserts. The Chocolate Baklava is delicious and easy to make. I would recommend a stroll to look at the site. Although I do nto recommend dessert while dieting, it can be enjoyed with moderation and portion control.

The one downside is that there are advertisements. Mine was for a vaping product. I have no idea why the ads were chosen. I do not smoke or vape.

The bottom line: A great site that has a good list of recipes. It is worthy of a visit. It has ads but the ads are not overpowering.


About the Author

I am a family physician who has served in the US Army. In 2016, I found myself overweight, out of shape, and unhealthy, so I made a change to improve my health. This blog is the chronology of my path to better health and what I have learned along the way.

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