March 2021

Editorial: A healthy start or procrastinate?

Flawed last words of the health kick.

I know you have said and done it.  You plan to start a new diet or exercise plan.  Shortly after the start or a few weeks into the diet, you become distracted and reach for that comfort food.  It is just a small slip, and those words come out fo your mouth.  You should know what is coming next and I guarantee you have said it multiple times.  If you haven’t, I will take my hat off to you.  


Research: Intermittent Fasting Works

Intermittent fasting induces weight loss preferentially in obesity-prone rats

Obesity is a leading health problem in the United States and obesity-related deaths due to disease such as diabetes type 2 and heart disease are on the rise.  Despite the abundance of weight-loss programs and treatments available, the health, fitness, and medical community are unable to make a dent in the skyrocketing epidemic.  Many of those afflicted are looking for help and there is an abundance of research that points to a particular diet and treatment, yet none of them lead to long-lasting weight loss because the urge to eat is just as strong as the instinct to survive.