
This page contains a list of all of the articles and posts that have been written on Walking Off Pounds.  They are displayed in reverse order by date with the most recent first.  

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New Year's Resolutions rarely come to fruition.   We rarely put a lot of time and effort into planning our New year's resolutions.  We make many unrealistic and idealistic plan to change our lives after a night full of alcohol induced delusions…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, New Year, New Year's Resolution, Resolution, Weight, Weight Loss

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Merry Christmas and let's pack on the pounds! Holidays are times of plenty and food is no different.  The goal is to enjoy yourself without digging a hole too big to escape from in the new year.  I’m not going to advocate that you should attempt…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Christmas, Holiday Parties, Holiday Season, Weight Loss

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Merry Christmas and let's pack on the pounds! Holidays are times of plenty and food is no different.  The goal is to enjoy yourself without digging a hole too big to escape from in the new year.  I’m not going to advocate that you should attempt…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Christmas, Holiday Parties, Holiday Season, Weight Loss

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Resistance training may provide superior results.   It has long been argued which type of exercise is superior for weight loss.  Once camp argues that aerobic exercise is superior because it burns more calories and is better for the heart.  The other group argues that resistance training is superior because it…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss

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Cranberry Maple Chia Smoothie This recipe is a smoothie that adds the caramel flavor of maple with the fiber and protein of chia seeds.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Cranberry, Maple, Recipe, Smoothie

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Red Tomatillo Salsa I love Chipotle Mexican Grill.  It is like the Subway of TexMex.  If you make smart choices, it can be healthy.  This recipe is a spicy salsa recipe inspired by their Red Tomatillo Salsa.  It is not the same, but I am sure you will love it.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Salsa, Tomatillo

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Resistance training may provide superior results.   Weights It has long been argued which type of exercise is superior for weight loss.  Once camp argues that aerobic exercise is superior because it burns more calories and is better for the heart.  The other group argues that resistance training is superior because it burns more calories over…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss

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Vegetarian is not necessarily healthier and may not lead to weight loss.   Not all vegetarians are skinny or healthy. It is important to understand that vegan or vegetarian diets are not all the same.  Vegetarians often eliminate meat for religious or health reasons.  Many will continue to eat processed…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Nutrition Vegetarian, Research, Weight Loss

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An American classic made just a bit healthier. This a healthier version of a recipe I once tried from Blue Apron.  I loved it so much that I slimmed it down.  Cheeseburgers are delicious but there are nto exactly low calorie.  
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Cheeseburger, Recipe, Weight Loss

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An introduction to Portion Control One of the most common reasons for failure in weight loss is overeating.  No matter if you are trying to lose weight or just start eating healthier the first thing you need to learn is portion control.  The first step is to really understand what a portion or serving size…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Portion Control, Weight Loss

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Having sex is not a great form of exercise and will probably not help with weight loss.   This concept is total bullshit.  I am sorry if I insulted your sensibilities.  To be honest with you, this is just not a great way to lose weight. Sure, you…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Sex, Weight Loss

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Happy Thanksgiving Today is the day of plenty.  Please enjoy your Thanksgiving.   Tomorrow is another day. The most important thing about Thanksgiving is you should feel no regret and no guilt.  Focus on recovery tomorrow.  Tomorrow I will post an article on attempts to…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Happy Thanksgiving

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  A spouse's weight loss can "spread" to the other spouse. I often find interesting research when I am studying for my job.  I receive emails every day highlighting new research studies.  One from MedPageToday caught my eye [1]. We all know that the benefit of…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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High-intensity interval training may make regional fat loss possible. High-intensity interval training HIIT has been in the exercise new a lot in recent years.  It has been highlighted as an exercise that can be done in a shorter period of time, works better for reducing central body fat, and is…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Interval Training, Research, Weight Loss

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[pullquote]Progress: you may not be where you want to be, but you are a heck of a lot closer than when you started![/pullquote].  We have all been there.  We hit a day in which we are not progressing as much as we would like or maybe we see our goal and it seems so far away,…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Encouragement, Motivation, Motivation Tip

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High-intensity interval training may make regional fat loss possible. High-intensity interval training HIIT has been in the exercise new a lot in recent years.  It has been highlighted as an exercise that can be done in a shorter period of time, works better for reducing central body fat, and is…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Interval Training, Research, Weight Loss

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The Wild West of supplements is mostly unregulated. Supplements Capsules Dietary supplementation is in need of a change. I sesame recommend a need for regulation or laws, but this is one area that needs some moderation. The actual crisis is the fact that the supplement manufacturers are made up of snake oil salesmen and crooks. Although…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Nutrition, Supplement, Weight Loss

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Not all vegetables are created equal.        You already knew that.  Some vegetables have more fiber, some have more vitamins, some aren’t vegetables at all.  Wait… What?  Take corn, for instance.  When in its kernel form, corn is classed…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Vegetables, Weight Loss

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Daily self-weighing may be a successful prevention measure for weight gain  We are all looking for that tip to prevent obesity and weight gain.  There is no magic bullet, but there are things that may help.  Over the last 20 years, I have read many books that suggest that daily…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research, Scale, Weight Loss

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Success!  [pullquote]Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day after day.  [/pullquote] We have all had bad days where we overeat or miss our exercise goal.  It can be very discouraging.  You need to dust yourself off and get back up.  Lick your wounds and get back out there.   Success at anything you…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip

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Keto diets are too restrictive and are not sustainable for long haul. Ketogenic low carbs diet. The ketogenic diet or ‘keto diet’ is one of the new favorite diets that your see on the cover the grocery store garbage magazine. This a dietary approach is not new. Keto diets have been used for decades by…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Keto Diet, Ketogenic, Ketogenic Diet, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Will sin taxes and subsidies improve healthy dietary choices? I have discussed both sin taxes and the increasing obesity epidemic in the article entitled "Food for Thought: Tax on Body Weight".  Ever expanding waistlines will have a major impact on the health care costs of the future if we…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Taxes, Weight Loss

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Fruits and vegetables lower risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer deaths.   Most of the world, including the United States, eats too few fruits and vegetables.  I can remember trying to get my son to eat more vegetables during his elementary school carnivore stage.  Adults are equally…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Food, Healthy, Nutrition, Research

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The Future is What You Make.   The best way to predict your future is to make your own future.  The future thin and healthy you is just one thought away.  Visualize yourself thin and make it happen.  Rehearse your plan daily prepares you to recognize and…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, Weight Loss

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The wonderful flavor of garlic alfredo and the kick of crushed red pepper. I love garlic and developed this recipe after making many Italian-style recipes while being stationed away from my family.  You can tailor the spice level to your taste. My brother is a professionally trained chef and is my inspiration for this recipe.…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Pasta, Recipe

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Cardiovascular risk reduction benefits may continue five years after weight loss program ends. Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Need another reason to lose weight.  This study evidence may motivate you to lose weight.  More motivation is a good thing, and hopefully, this will push you to success.  The bottom line is that even a small amount…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Risk Factors, Weight Loss, Why WAIT

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Sleep can help you lose weight and avoid obesity and cravings.  We all know that sleep is essential for optimal health.  We do not function efficiently without enough sleep, and we are just plain grumpy if our sleep is interrupted, but we still fail to get enough good quality…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Craving, Obesity, Rem, Rem Sleep, Sleep, Sucrose, Weight Loss

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Fresh is better but frozen is fine! Frozen Food Isle I can remember, as a child, my grandmother telling me that flash foods were better than frozen foods. If you think about it, it makes sense that fresh food would be better for you than frozen food. Frozen food is processed and well, fresh food…
Categories: Nutrition
Tags: Fresh, Frozen, Fruits, Nutrition, Vegetables

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A healthy and delicious version of this popular Tex-Mex dish. Chicken fajitas are one of my family’s favorite recipes. I personally love to make it because it can be made in so many ways and it is easily to make. You can make them in a frying pan, grill them, or even back them on…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Recipe, Tex Mex

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Got Splurge? Don't get down. Did you overdo it a little last night?  Did you have too much cake at a party?  Too many buffalo wings while out with friends?  Stay positive and don't let a little lapse get you down.  Don't allow yourself time to become discouraged over a single lapse.  When you begin…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip

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Yo-yo diet may increase your risk of heart disease and premature death.   Scale and Tape Measure A number is just a number, but if your weight yo-yos up and down, losing weight may be bad for your health.  I am not talking about the daily fluctuations that occur in all of us.  Some weight fluctuations…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Weight Loss, Yo-yo Diet

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Detox the myth that detox diets are healthy.   Fruit and Vegetable Smoothy Detox or detoxification diets are being sold as the cure to all that ails you.  You can find it on TV on such shows as the Dr. Oz show and on just about every website that is dedicated to fitness, health, and…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Weight Loss

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Email based support may be superior for weight loss.   Support Group Weight loss is tough and difficult under even the best circumstances.  Almost every dieter is looking for that one thing to help them maximize their weight loss.  Dieters spend billions every year looking for one thing to help them lose and maintain their weight…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Support, Weight Loss

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Exercise is not a great means to lose weight. Exercise To lose weight, you can do this two ways: eat fewer calories than you burn or burn more calories than you eat.  You must have a negative calorie balance to induce weight loss.  There is not a magical pill that will transform or suspend the…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Myth, Weight Loss

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No amount of exercise will turn fat into muscle.  Sit-Ups I remember in high school that guys and my football coaches used this statement.  Even in the late 70s and 80s, we knew that this statement was utterly malarkey.  This statement is almost as fictitious as the alchemist turning lead into gold.   I know…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Myth

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Obesity Tied to Secretive Eating I am not an expert on eating disorders or obesity for that matter, but as a primary care physician, I often am the first to suspect and diagnose eating disorders. The diagnosis is difficult to make, and patients and…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research

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Being moderately overweight is not protective in overall mortality. Obesity: Belly One of the problems in research is when you oversimplify or unintentionally skew your data.  When you do this sort of examination of data, you miss the proverbial forest because you are looking at all the trees.  You need to look at the right…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research

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Your health should be more important.  [pullquote]Sacrifice those high-calorie foods that you crave for something that matters more: your health.[/pullquote]I know you crave something.  There is a food you cannot resist.  For me, it is something smothered in gooey cheese.  It could be nachos or pizza or maybe even another food depending on the restaurant or my mood.…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, Weight Loss

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A delicious side dish that will add a lot of flavor to any meal. A simple and delicious dish to serve with roast meats.  It is easy to make and even my teenage son loves it.  It is also very filling and full of healthy fats.
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Weight Loss

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Apple Cider Vinegar: The Magic Bullet? Apple cider vinegar I can remember as a child that we always made apple butter and cider in the last summer in West Virginia. We would gather at the family farm to pick apples and press them for cider. I love the stuff and miss those simpler days of…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Apple Cider Vinegar, Blood Sugar, Fat Loss, Satiety, Vinegar, Weight Loss

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Eating Patterns May Help Men Maintain a Healthy Weight A Family Preparing a Meal We are all looking for a silver bullet to help us lose weight and sustain the loss afterward.  To be bluntly honest, we have not found such a piece of information, and I personally doubt it exists at all.  The problem…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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[pullquote]Everyone has a bad day or weekend.  Pick yourself up and keep going![/pullquote] We have all experienced a momentary lapse in judgment.  I did it this weekend myself.  You meant to just grab a cup of coffee on your drive into work this morning.  You stopped at Starbucks, and there it was staring back at you…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip

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Group support of a structured diet is a winning strategy.   Diet and Nutrition Confusion Obesity is at epidemic levels in the United States and becoming an increasing problem worldwide.  You can easily see the problem with a short trip to your local shopping center or grocery store.  Five to ten years ago, you only…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Never Get Discouraged! [pullquote]Never Get Discouraged!  If you can't see the result sin the mirror, remember, the first and most important changes happen on the inside of your body.[/pullquote]  It is easy to get discouraged when you do not see progress in the mirror.  Often, initially, progress can be slow, and most of the initial changes…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, Weight Loss

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An easy low calorie, high-fiber casserole.   This high-fiber casserole is one your family will love. Freekeh is a young green wheat that is often roasted and cracked. This traditional food of the Middle East has a pleasant nutty flavor and cooks in just 25 minutes. A high-fiber whole grain, freekeh is perfect for savory…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Chile, Fiber, Food, Recipe

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Cooking at home is cheaper and healthier.   We have all heard the myth that eating at home is more expensive.  Food that is good for you is more expensive is what I have always heard, and I guess that is true if all you eat is frozen…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Research

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“Low-Content” Nutrient Claims in the United States Don't Add Up I can remember the big low-fat claims for nearly a half century, but the fact is that this fight has been going on for over a century. Experts pushed the concept that fat was bad for you and you should…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Sleep deprivation may cause people to eat more calories. Sleep is so critical for good health.  In the past, most of the research investigated the behavioral health impact of poor sleep.  Over the past 10-15 years, the amount of research done on the physical and metabolic effect of…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Sleep, Weight Gain

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How much time you spend a week preparing meals can influence your health and your wallet. [pullquote]Failing to plan is planning to fail. - Allen Lakein[/pullquote]I recently started prepping my meals ahead of time.  I usually prepare my meals for…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Meal Prepping, Research

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[pullquote]Slow Progress is better than no progress!   No matter how slow you progress, you are still doing better than the person on the couch.[/pullquote]I know it might seem depressing when your progress is slower than you expect or want.  Miracles rarely happen so make you own miracle instead of focussing on miraculous results, be happy…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, Progress

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This is a mild recipe to make a family favorite. My family loves this recipe and I am sure yours will too. It is a great winter soup that will help warm you up. It is easy to make and freezes well for later meals. If you want to expand it, consider adding a whole…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Chili, Recipe

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[pullquote]Slow Progress is better than no progress!   No matter how slow you progress, you are still doing better than the person on the couch.[/pullquote]I know it might seem depressing when your progress is slower than you expect or want.  Miracles rarely happen so make you own miracle instead of focussing on miraculous results, be happy…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, Progress

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“Low-Content” Nutrient Claims in the United States Don't Add Up I can remember the big low-fat claims for nearly a half century, but the fact is that this fight has been going on for over a century. Experts pushed the concept that fat was bad for you and you should…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Will sin taxes and subsidies improve healthy dietary choices? I have discussed both sin taxes and the increasing obesity epidemic in the article entitled "Food for Thought: Tax on Body Weight".  Ever expanding waistlines will have a major impact on the health care costs of the future if we…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Taxes, Weight Loss

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Obesity Tied to Secretive Eating I am not an expert on eating disorders or obesity for that matter, but as a primary care physician, I often am the first to suspect and diagnose eating disorders. The diagnosis is difficult to make, and patients and…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research

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Rice: Should I avoid it? Rice is a grain and is one of the most consumed foods in the world.  It is cheap and very dense in both calories and carbohydrates.  Since as long as I can remember, it is has been tied to obesity and chronic diseases such…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Rice, Weight Loss

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A delicious and spicy dish with the zing of ginger and sweetness of teriyaki. This a delicious recipe that adds the slight kick of jalapeño peppers and the sweetness of teriyaki.  I am certain you will like it.  The change from Salmon to Chicken will make a dish your whole family will love.   [cooked-recipe…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Poultry, Recipe

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No amount of exercise will turn fat into muscle.  Sit-Ups I remember in high school that guys and my football coaches used this statement.  Even in the late 70s and 80s, we knew that this statement was utterly malarkey.  This statement is almost as fictitious as the alchemist turning lead into gold.   I know…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Myth

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 [pullquote]“I am in shape. Round is a shape.”- Anonymous[/pullquote]  We spend a lot of time and effort on losing weight.  American's spend billions on supplements, health clubs, and weight loss books.  There is no quick fix so make a pledge today to change.  The key to last weight loss is making a change that sticks.…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inspiration, Quote, Weight Loss

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Guidelines for food intake are not evidence based. I am confident that nearly 100% of the public has seen the food pyramid and the new nutrition plate guideline.  We have been brainwashed in school that these tools were the key to being healthy…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research

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Cappuccino Your coffee habit might be making you fat. I love a good cup of morning joe.  No, I am not talking about a third-rate crappy news show.  A cup of coffee is a staple part of breakfast around the globe.  America’s appetite for caffeinated drinks has led to the success of multiple coffee franchises.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Coffee, Editorial, Obesity, Weigh Gain, Weight Loss

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Reader Question: Does White Kidney Bean Extract work for Weight Loss?   This question came to me from a reader who is struggling with weight loss.  He has been on a diet for three months and has plateaued and wants to know if this supplement might help.  He…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Research, Supplements, User Question

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Eating Breakfast Every Day Will Not Protect Against Obesity Breakfast Many of us have heard this whopper, and I am not referring to that fatty charbroiled cheeseburger from a fast-food chain.  American children have long been indoctrinated by our family members, teachers, and just about any authority figure that routinely eating breakfast is a simple…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Breakfast, Myth

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A delicious side dish that your family will love. This dish is a delicious adaptation of Homes Chef's Zucchini and Sun-Dried Tomato Au Gratin.  I did not care for the sundried tomatoes, so I adapted the recipe.  I am certain you will enjoy it.  
Categories: Recipe
Tags: Recipe

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Advice on smartly navigating the weight loss landmines in the supermarket. When trying to lose weight, one of the most difficult activities you must do is grocery shopping. Since weight loss is 80 percent diet, going to the grocery store can be an exercise in torture. All those tempting…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Food, Healthy, Lists, Nutrition, Shopping, Shopping Tips, Tips

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[pullquote]Determination and Satisfaction: Try to wake with determination to be successful and go to bed with the satisfaction of your accomplishments.[/pullquote]The feeling of determination is critical for the start of a diet and exercise program.  If you are not determined to be successful, you will not start a new program to be more healthy or to lose weight…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Determination, Motivation Tip

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Mechanism found to indicate why the Western diet leads to obesity.   America is in the state of an epidemic.  At least two-thirds of the adults in the United States are considered overweight or obese and the global cost could be as high as 2 trillion dollars per…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research, Weight Loss

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The sweetener and creamer in your coffee and tea can sabotage you weight loss plans. We all like to have a Cup of Joe in the morning and I am not referring to that for that terrible copy of Fox and Friend on CNN.  I am referring to…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coffee, Research, Sugar, Tea, Weight Loss

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Would a tax reduce sugar usage and obesity or is sugar not the bitter poison as portrayed.   For years, public health experts and politicians have argued that adding a tax on sugar would lead to reductions in poor health outcomes.  Sugar consumption is at higher levels…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Sugar Taxes

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[pullquote]Progress: you may not be where you want to be, but you are a heck of a lot closer than when you started![/pullquote].  We have all been there.  We hit a day in which we are not progressing as much as we would like or maybe we see our goal and it seems so far away,…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Encouragement, Motivation, Motivation Tip

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A sweet, salty, and tangy treat for tastebuds. This chicken recipe covers all the bases that I look for in a recipe I love. It is a combination of sweet, tart, and salty. It uses lean chicken breasts and takes less than 45 minutes to complete. This stuffed chicken recipe is easy enough to make…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Recipe

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Water is the essence of life, and without it, there would be none.    Most of us quite simply forget that drinking enough water throughout the day is necessary to maintain an efficient, well-hydrated state.  Many of us avoid consuming water to escape restroom visits during our days of…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dehydrate, Drink, Hydration, Water, Weight Loss

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A new start after a return to an old problem, again. 2023 is well behind us. To be honest, 2024 has nut been much better.  It was a tough 2 years for me, with multiple injuries and a return to my sedentary lifestyle. It began when I retired from the US Army. Now, I have…
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: New Start, Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Hot Peppers and Spicy Food May Increase Longevity.   Red hot peppers on the table Spicy, hot foods are adored by many.  Although this has nothing to do with weight loss, it clearly indicated a positive benefit for eating spicy foods.  I have published another article on the benefits of hot peppers in weight loss.  Recent…
Categories: Nutrition, Research
Tags: Hot Peppers, Research, Spicy Foods

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Fruits and vegetables lower risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer deaths.   Most of the world, including the United States, eats too few fruits and vegetables.  I can remember trying to get my son to eat more vegetables during his elementary school carnivore stage.  Adults are equally…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Food, Healthy, Nutrition, Research

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“Diet” is a four-letter word.  Instead, let’s start eating and living healthily. There are so many diets out there and each one has its own book.  You could literally read a new diet book every day of your life and still have a few more to read.  Most…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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The Future is What You Make.   The best way to predict your future is to make your own future.  The future thin and healthy you is just one thought away.  Visualize yourself thin and make it happen.  Rehearse your plan daily prepares you to recognize and…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, Weight Loss

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A delicious and spicy dish with the zing of ginger and sweetness of teriyaki. This a delicious recipe that adds the slight kick of jalapeño peppers, the zing of ginger, and the sweetness of teriyaki.  I am certain you will like it.    
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Salmon, Weight Loss

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Not all vegetables are created equal.        You already knew that.  Some vegetables have more fiber, some have more vitamins, some aren’t vegetables at all.  Wait… What?  Take corn, for instance.  When in its kernel form, corn is classed…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Vegetables, Weight Loss

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  A spouse's weight loss can "spread" to the other spouse. I often find interesting research when I am studying for my job.  I receive emails every day highlighting new research studies.  One from MedPageToday caught my eye [1]. We all know that the benefit of…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Sleep deprivation may cause people to eat more calories. Sleep is so critical for good health.  In the past, most of the research investigated the behavioral health impact of poor sleep.  Over the past 10-15 years, the amount of research done on the physical and metabolic effect of…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Sleep, Weight Gain

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Will sin taxes and subsidies improve healthy dietary choices? I have discussed both sin taxes and the increasing obesity epidemic in the article entitled "Food for Thought: Tax on Body Weight".  Ever expanding waistlines will have a major impact on the health care costs of the future if we…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Taxes, Weight Loss

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Vegetarian is not necessarily healthier and may not lead to weight loss.   Not all vegetarians are skinny or healthy. It is important to understand that vegan or vegetarian diets are not all the same.  Vegetarians often eliminate meat for religious or health reasons.  Many will continue to eat processed…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Nutrition Vegetarian, Research, Weight Loss

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A healthy burrito bowl your family will love for dinner. I absolutely love Chipotle's burrito bowls so I trying to find a healthier option.  Although not a copy of the original, I am certain you will like this one.  My family loves this as a healthier option. It is not only healthy, but it is…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Burrito Bowl, Recipe

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Is it just the fiber that makes Oatmeal a good choice or is there more to it? It is estimated that during the Bronze Age (3200-600 BC), oats were first cultivated in Switzerland.  Oats had been around for a long time before that but were probably…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Oatmeal, Research, Weight Loss

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Inactivity linked to a decreased motivation in obese mice Elderly Couple Walking on Beach So much research has been completed to find the magic bullet for the cause of obesity and this study is no different.  I found the study after reading an article on Science Daily entitled "Inactivity in obese mice linked to a…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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I recently received a question by email after one of my posts in which a reader asked for a definition of Binge Eating Disorder (BED).   Binge Eating Disorder Binge eating disorder is characterized by compulsive overeating in which people consume excessive amounts of food while feeling they are out of control…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Eating Disorder, Question

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Mechanism found to indicate why the Western diet leads to obesity.   America is in the state of an epidemic.  At least two-thirds of the adults in the United States are considered overweight or obese and the global cost could be as high as 2 trillion dollars per…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research, Weight Loss

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Vegetarian is not necessarily healthier and may not lead to weight loss.   Not all vegetarians are skinny or healthy. It is important to understand that vegan or vegetarian diets are not all the same.  Vegetarians often eliminate meat for religious or health reasons.  Many will continue to eat processed…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Nutrition Vegetarian, Research, Weight Loss

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An American classic made just a bit healthier. This a healthier version of a recipe I once tried from Blue Apron.  I loved it so much that I slimmed it down.  Cheeseburgers are delicious but there are nto exactly low calorie.  
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Cheeseburger, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Red Tomatillo Salsa I love Chipotle Mexican Grill.  It is like the Subway of TexMex.  If you make smart choices, it can be healthy.  This recipe is a spicy salsa recipe inspired by their Red Tomatillo Salsa.  It is not the same, but I am sure you will love it.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Salsa, Tomatillo

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Exercise is Not Punishment! [pullquote]Exercise would be rewarding and relaxing, not a punishment for a dietary indiscretion.[/pullquote]Exercise is healthy and we want to encourage ourselves to do more of it.  Exercise is not a form of torture like waterboarding so we need to stop treating it such.  Look forward to your next session and embrace…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Motivation Tip

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A new mouse study sheds light on how chemicals from plastic may increase obesity risk. What the heck is BPA?  BPA is a chemical found in a variety of plastic food containers, water bottles, and can linings. BPA is employed to make certain plastics and epoxy resins. BPA…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Carbohydrates are no more fattening than any other calorie source.   If you read any of the low-carb books, you will get the idea that carbohydrates are evil and you should avoid them at all costs.  There could be nothing further from the truth because your body needs…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Carbohydrates, Myth, Nutrition, Obesity, Research, Weight Loss

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“Diet” is a four-letter word.  Instead, let’s start eating and living healthily. There are so many diets out there and each one has its own book.  You could literally read a new diet book every day of your life and still have a few more to read.  Most…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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Having sex is not a great form of exercise and will probably not help with weight loss.   This concept is total bullshit.  I am sorry if I insulted your sensibilities.  To be honest with you, this is just not a great way to lose weight. Sure, you…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Sex, Weight Loss

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The wonderful flavor of garlic alfredo and the kick of crushed red pepper. I love garlic and developed this recipe after making many Italian-style recipes while being stationed away from my family.  You can tailor the spice level to your taste. My brother is a professionally trained chef and is my inspiration for this recipe.…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Pasta, Recipe

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[pullquote]Progress: you may not be where you want to be, but you are a heck of a lot closer than when you started![/pullquote].  We have all been there.  We hit a day in which we are not progressing as much as we would like or maybe we see our goal and it seems so far away,…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Encouragement, Motivation, Motivation Tip

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Supplements create short-term success and are not the answer. supplement capsules Supplements that claim to stoke or speed up the metabolism have been around for decades and currently go by the name thermogenic or metabolism boosters.   They are currently one of the most popular weight loss supplements in the world, and the supplement companies have billions invested…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Supplements, Thermogenic, Weight Loss

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Exercise is Not Punishment! [pullquote]Exercise would be rewarding and relaxing, not a punishment for a dietary indiscretion.[/pullquote]Exercise is healthy and we want to encourage ourselves to do more of it.  Exercise is not a form of torture like waterboarding so we need to stop treating it such.  Look forward to your next session and embrace…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Motivation Tip

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Low-calorie diets: The new fountain of youth?   Fountain of Youth We have searched for solutions to create youth and longevity since Ponce DeLeon was searching for the fountain of youth.   We want to live forever but we are quite mortal and forever will never happen.  Our bodies are just not made to live…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Calorie Restriction, Calories, Research, Weight Loss, Youth

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Quote to inspire a healthy mindset: Motivation So you need a little motivation to get you to lose weight and exercise.  Focus on success.  You can do this.  Avoid these negative thoughts of failure and you will.  It may not happen as quickly as you would like, but it will happen as long as you keep…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inspiration, Quote, Weight Loss

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A smooth and filly snack that packs island flavor. I love Piña Coladas or Pina Coladas if you do not have the special characters on your keyboard.  This is an awesome drink that I think you will love.  You will need a Ninja Blender and xylitol, pineapple extract, and coconut extract.
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe
Tags: Piña Colada, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Apple cinnamon can be a delicious and filling start to your day. This is a great recipe for weight loss and a much tastier version of Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal. It is filling and full of fiber. Since it is made with Fairlife skim…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal, Oatmeal, Recipe, Weight Loss

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A mother's body fat may affect her child's risk of obesity. Chunky Baby It has been a common belief that obesity is mostly a learned behavior that children get from both parents.  In the past ten years, genetics has been increasingly blamed for obesity in individuals.  It has been postulated that the body mass index…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Babies, Obesity, Pregnancy, Research

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The sweetener and creamer in your coffee and tea can sabotage you weight loss plans. We all like to have a Cup of Joe in the morning and I am not referring to that for that terrible copy of Fox and Friend on CNN.  I am referring to…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coffee, Research, Sugar, Tea, Weight Loss

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Why so many pounds regained weight after weight loss and how to prevent the weight gain?  Energy Balance I am nearly 100% certain that this is not the first time you have tried to or have lost weight.  I know there are some folks out there that are blessed with a good metabolism but they…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Strcuture, Weight Loss

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Quit Making Excuses and Get Motivated!   Motivation: Results Not Excuses Ok, you had a bad weekend and you slipped up and either did not exercise, splurged on snacks, or both.  But really, stuffing yourself like a Christmas turkey isn’t limited to the holidays. There are plenty of times we might be tempted to overeat.  My…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, No Excuses, Weight Loss

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A tender and juicy chicken recipe that is exploding with bold TexMex flavors. It is great to spend a week at home and today I am making one of my family's favorite meals. The best part is that is is a healthy meal that can jump-start your path to better health. The only weakness is it…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Chile, Lime, Recipe

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Myth: If You Eat and Exercise Consistently, You Will Never Gain Weight Man and woman jumping rope If you exercise once a day, every day, the theory that you can eat whatever you want and not gain weight or fat is utter malarkey.  All the indulgent calories that you consume will just be offset by…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Exercise, Myth

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Inactivity linked to a decreased motivation in obese mice Elderly Couple Walking on Beach So much research has been completed to find the magic bullet for the cause of obesity and this study is no different.  I found the study after reading an article on Science Daily entitled "Inactivity in obese mice linked to a…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Success!  [pullquote]Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day after day.  [/pullquote] We have all had bad days where we overeat or miss our exercise goal.  It can be very discouraging.  You need to dust yourself off and get back up.  Lick your wounds and get back out there.   Success at anything you…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip

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Inactivity linked to a decreased motivation in obese mice Elderly Couple Walking on Beach So much research has been completed to find the magic bullet for the cause of obesity and this study is no different.  I found the study after reading an article on Science Daily entitled "Inactivity in obese mice linked to a…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Stop Wishing and Start Doing.   Stop Wishing and Start Doing We all look at the stars and wish for something.  We are not in the land of Disney so face the facts: the only way you are going to get the health you want is to start doing.  Your life is your life.  You…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, Weight Loss

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A healthy alternative to a Tex Mex Favorite. Our family loves Mexican food. It is one of our favorite meals to have both at home and in a restaurant. We have tried just about every Mexican joint within 30 miles of our house. My favorite dish at our favorite place is the Burrito California. This…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Chile, Food, Mexican, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Multiple studies indicate impulsivity is linked to obesity.   The notion may surprise you in the slightest, but multiple sets of research support the theory that people with impulsive personalities may be more likely to struggle with addiction whether to drugs, alcohol, or even food, but are they also more likely to…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research, Weight Loss

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Is it just the fiber that makes Oatmeal a good choice or is there more to it? It is estimated that during the Bronze Age (3200-600 BC), oats were first cultivated in Switzerland.  Oats had been around for a long time before that but were probably…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Oatmeal, Research, Weight Loss

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Is it just the fiber that makes Oatmeal a good choice or is there more to it? It is estimated that during the Bronze Age (3200-600 BC), oats were first cultivated in Switzerland.  Oats had been around for a long time before that but were probably…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Oatmeal, Research, Weight Loss

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Recent weight loss research found that long-term weight loss is difficult.   Obesity I found an article just after the holidays that was very depressing for me.  While searching for research to back up another post, I found an article on CBC - Canada entitled "Obesity Research Confirms Long-term Weight Loss Almost Impossible"​[1]​ that touted…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Long-term, Research, Success, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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Myth: If You Eat and Exercise Consistently, You Will Never Gain Weight Man and woman jumping rope If you exercise once a day, every day, the theory that you can eat whatever you want and not gain weight or fat is utter malarkey.  All the indulgent calories that you consume will just be offset by…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Exercise, Myth

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Steel Cut Oatmeal: the perfect food and a superfood all rolled up in one. Oatmeal in the slow cooker. Oatmeal is a "superfood."  Although superfood is a made-up marketing term and can be misleading, it is absolutely the proper term for oatmeal.  Oatmeal is very filling when eaten, high in fiber (with both soluble and insoluble),…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Breakfast, Fiber, Oatmeal, Recipe, Satiety

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Water is the essence of life, and without it, there would be none.    Most of us quite simply forget that drinking enough water throughout the day is necessary to maintain an efficient, well-hydrated state.  Many of us avoid consuming water to escape restroom visits during our days of…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dehydrate, Drink, Hydration, Water, Weight Loss

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Inactivity linked to a decreased motivation in obese mice Elderly Couple Walking on Beach So much research has been completed to find the magic bullet for the cause of obesity and this study is no different.  I found the study after reading an article on Science Daily entitled "Inactivity in obese mice linked to a…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Quit Making Excuses and Get Motivated!   Motivation: Results Not Excuses Ok, you had a bad weekend and you slipped up and either did not exercise, splurged on snacks, or both.  But really, stuffing yourself like a Christmas turkey isn’t limited to the holidays. There are plenty of times we might be tempted to overeat.  My…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, No Excuses, Weight Loss

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A mother's body fat may affect her child's risk of obesity. Chunky Baby It has been a common belief that obesity is mostly a learned behavior that children get from both parents.  In the past ten years, genetics has been increasingly blamed for obesity in individuals.  It has been postulated that the body mass index…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Babies, Obesity, Pregnancy, Research

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Myth: If You Eat and Exercise Consistently, You Will Never Gain Weight Man and woman jumping rope If you exercise once a day, every day, the theory that you can eat whatever you want and not gain weight or fat is utter malarkey.  All the indulgent calories that you consume will just be offset by…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Exercise, Myth

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Apple cinnamon can be a delicious and filling start to your day. This is a great recipe for weight loss and a much tastier version of Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal. It is filling and full of fiber. Since it is made with Fairlife skim…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal, Oatmeal, Recipe, Weight Loss

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 You can enjoy your favorite foods by lightening the ingredients.   Making healthy choices is the first step to eating right and losing weight.  Cooking in a healthier way is another huge part of meeting this goal because if you cook the Paula Dean way with a pound…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: List, Recipes, Weight Loss

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Sugar type may be an independent risk for weight gain and disease.   I have been told for years that calories are calories and it does not matter from which source they come.  This month, I found a study in a PubMed search and a review article from Science Daily[1] that…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diabetes, Fuctose, Glucose, Heart Disease, Sugar, Weight Gain

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Dietary sugar guidelines are lacking in evidence. Sugar Cube Pyramid I like to review medical journals, Google Scholarly, and MEDLINE for newly released research articles.  I read each with a certain degree of skepticism.  I recently found a journal article in the Annals of Internal Medicine entitled "The Scientific Basis of Guideline Recommendations on Sugar…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Limits, Restrictions, Sugar

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Why so many pounds regained weight after weight loss and how to prevent the weight gain?  Energy Balance I am nearly 100% certain that this is not the first time you have tried to or have lost weight.  I know there are some folks out there that are blessed with a good metabolism but they…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Strcuture, Weight Loss

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Frozen and prepackaged meals can be a healthy option. Man and Microwave Meal Our society is increasingly on the go and has less downtime than many of our counterparts in the world. With the increased time at work and travel to and from, we look for more convenient ways to feed our families. Frozen and…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Dinners, Foods, Frozen, Meals, Microwave, Nutrition, Packaged, Processed, Weight Loss

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A smooth and filly snack that packs island flavor. I love Piña Coladas or Pina Coladas if you do not have the special characters on your keyboard.  This is an awesome drink that I think you will love.  You will need a Ninja Blender and xylitol, pineapple extract, and coconut extract.
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe
Tags: Piña Colada, Recipe, Weight Loss

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 You can enjoy your favorite foods by lightening the ingredients.   Making healthy choices is the first step to eating right and losing weight.  Cooking in a healthier way is another huge part of meeting this goal because if you cook the Paula Dean way with a pound…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: List, Recipes, Weight Loss

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Low-calorie diets: The new fountain of youth?   Fountain of Youth We have searched for solutions to create youth and longevity since Ponce DeLeon was searching for the fountain of youth.   We want to live forever but we are quite mortal and forever will never happen.  Our bodies are just not made to live…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Calorie Restriction, Calories, Research, Weight Loss, Youth

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Dietary sugar guidelines are lacking in evidence. Sugar Cube Pyramid I like to review medical journals, Google Scholarly, and MEDLINE for newly released research articles.  I read each with a certain degree of skepticism.  I recently found a journal article in the Annals of Internal Medicine entitled "The Scientific Basis of Guideline Recommendations on Sugar…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Limits, Restrictions, Sugar

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Sugar type may be an independent risk for weight gain and disease.   I have been told for years that calories are calories and it does not matter from which source they come.  This month, I found a study in a PubMed search and a review article from Science Daily[1] that…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diabetes, Fuctose, Glucose, Heart Disease, Sugar, Weight Gain

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Myth: If You Eat or Exercise Consistently, You Will Never Gain Weight A common myth is that people who exercise should not gain weight.  The common belief is that fat people are lazy and if they exercise it would fix their obesity.  The fact is that weight gain is mostly an input and not an…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Myth, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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A delicious recipe for a cold day. A tasty recipe for a soup that replaces some of the noodles with vegetables.  It is a delicious soup that you will enjoy and best of all it is balanced with starch, meat, and lots of vegetables.  This soup will fill you up and keep you full for…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken Noodle, Healthy, Recipe, Weight Loss

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My Lessons from a Dietician Nutrition and Calories I recently attended a nutrition class that was offered for free at a local hospital.  It was an interesting class.  Many of the things discussed were things that we already know.  Don’t eat junk food.  Eat more fiber.  Eat more fruits and vegetables.  Reduce red meat consumption. …
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Body, Body Fat, Dietician, Eat, Fat, Nutrition, Registered, Weight

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Low-calorie diets: The new fountain of youth?   Fountain of Youth We have searched for solutions to create youth and longevity since Ponce DeLeon was searching for the fountain of youth.   We want to live forever but we are quite mortal and forever will never happen.  Our bodies are just not made to live…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Calorie Restriction, Calories, Research, Weight Loss, Youth

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Don't quit, try again.   We live in one of the most prosperous nations in existence.  How do we prove that? Our waistlines. There are approximately 320 million people in the United States1.  68% of us are overweight or obese.  At any given time, about 50% of overweight people are trying to lose weight, and…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Weight Loss

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Meal timing study shows promise in helping people shed body fat It has long been postulated that the key to weight loss is eating breakfast and not skipping meals.  It appears that a recent study breaks this concept particularly.  A study at the University of Alabama Birmingham found…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Dinner, Earlier, Meal Skipping, Meal Time, Research

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Not all snacking is bad.   Mindless Eating in front Television Snacking is when you consume food or beverages between your regular meals. Snacking is vilified because, for many of those trying to lose weight, this may be counter-productive to the end result.  Sure, if your idea of a snack is diving headfirst into the…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Snacking, Weight Loss

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Breakfast: Is It The Most Important Meal of the Day? Breakfast We have all heard the statement that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  My grandmother always told me it was unhealthy to miss breakfast.  I have read in many books that missing breakfast makes weight loss more unlikely.  Breakfast can help with…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Breakfast, Research, Weight Loss

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Are you discouraged at the progress in meeting your New Years Resolution? We are at the one-week mark and between 1-3 weeks is where quite a few of us will become discouraged and plan on quitting their plan.  No matter whether you plan to save more, lose weight, live a healthy lifestyle, or improve your…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Discourage, New Year's, Plan, Refocus, Resolutions

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The statement "fast food is too unhealthy for weight loss" is a myth.   Burger and Fries Now before you flood my inbox with emails, I am not saying that it is healthy to eat fast food every meal or even every day.  If you must have a fast food meal, it is more healthy if…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fast Food, Myth, Unhealthy, Weight Loss

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Keeping Old Clothes Will Not Help Motivate You to Lose Weight Walk-in closet I have done it for years.  Whether the clothes are too big or too small, I keep the old clothes because I think I might need them if my weight swings back the other way.  I like a particular pair of shorts…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Lose Weight, Motivation Tip, Old Clothes, Weight Loss

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Low-carbohydrate Diets May Be Better For Weight Loss Than a Low-fat Alternative. As we enter the post-holiday period, most of us begin to focus on recovering from all the parties and feasts.  Most have gained a little poundage over the holidays, and now we plan to lose the extra that we gained around our waistlines.…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Low Carb, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss

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The statement "fast food is too unhealthy for weight loss" is a myth.   Burger and Fries Now before you flood my inbox with emails, I am not saying that it is healthy to eat fast food every meal or even every day.  If you must have a fast food meal, it is more healthy if…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fast Food, Myth, Unhealthy, Weight Loss

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Whey Supplementation Helps with Weight Loss.   WP Powder with Scoop What is whey protein (WP)?  Proteins are the building blocks of our bodies and are made of chains of amino acids. Simply put, whey is one of the two proteinaceous compounds found in milk, with the other being casein.  When a coagulant called renin…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Body Fat, Casein, Fat Loss, Muscle Mass, Obesity, Protein, Weight Loss, Whey

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Pasta can be a very fulfilling meal, but can it be healthy? Not all noodles are created equal.  Even within the same brand, there may be a drastic difference in the nutritional content.  Because we enjoy pasta but want to eat healthily, we compared the nutrition information to help us choose the best.   As with…
Categories: Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Healthier Pasta, Protein, Weight Loss

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Ways to control you portion size Weight loss is not an easy task.  Most dieters have no idea of what a portion size is and how to moderate the intake of various foods they eat in a given day.  When we sit down to eat, the last thing…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Portion Control, Weight Loss

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A new start after a return to an old problem. 2023 is well behind us. It was a tough year for me, with multiple injuries and a return to my sedentary lifestyle. It began when I retired from the US Army. Now, I have made a change and returned to a more healthy lifestyle.  …
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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A Single Additional Bottle of Cold Water Can Lead to Significant Weight Loss Glass of Water This is one of my quick tip articles.  Before we hit the research, let's discuss some background information.  Water is an essential element in our diets.  Our bodies have a need for water that is relentless to function efficiently.  The amount…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Boost Metabolism, Calorie, Quick Tip, Research, Water, Weight Loss

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Don't quit, try again.   We live in one of the most prosperous nations in existence.  How do we prove that? Our waistlines. There are approximately 320 million people in the United States1.  68% of us are overweight or obese.  At any given time, about 50% of overweight people are trying to lose weight, and…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Weight Loss

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New data shows red meat has neutral effect on cardiovascular disease risk factors Red meat has long been vilified for causing heart disease for the last 20-30 years.  Just like dairy and butter, red meat and the saturated fat contained within it has long been tied to heart disease.…
Categories: Research
Tags: Cardiovascular, Moderation, Red Meat, Research, Weight Loss

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Not all snacking is bad.   Mindless Eating in front Television Snacking is when you consume food or beverages between your regular meals. Snacking is vilified because, for many of those trying to lose weight, this may be counter-productive to the end result.  Sure, if your idea of a snack is diving headfirst into the…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Snacking, Weight Loss

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Splurges are a quick way to derail your diet.   Don't let a single slip up ruin your progress or knock you off the wagon.  The big thing is you need to not let one slip up turn into a whole day, month, or week of slip ups.  You cannot…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Derail, Diet, Slip Up, Weight Loss

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The odds are that you have already given up of violated your New Year's resolution. We are one month into resolution season.  Millions of us made the decision to take the plunge into a new plan to accomplish a self-improvement goal.  Statistics show that 40% of Americans will…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Fail, New Year's, New Year's Resolution, Reasons, Resolution, Weight Loss

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Fruits and vegetables and fruits will help you lose weight.   Fruits and vegetables at a farmers market Americans, in general, eat too few fruits and vegetables.  Fruits and vegetables have several benefits that make them exceptionally beneficial for those trying to lose weight.  They tend to have more fiber than fruit juices but still have the…
Categories: Nutrition, Progress Report, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fruits, Nutrition, Research, Research Proven, Vegetables, Weight Loss

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Low-carbohydrate Diets May Be Better For Weight Loss Than a Low-fat Alternative. As we enter the post-holiday period, most of us begin to focus on recovering from all the parties and feasts.  Most have gained a little poundage over the holidays, and now we plan to lose the extra that we gained around our waistlines.…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Low Carb, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss

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Apple Cider Vinegar: The Magic Bullet? Apple cider vinegar I can remember as a child that we always made apple butter and cider in the last summer in West Virginia. We would gather at the family farm to pick apples and press them for cider. I love the stuff and miss those simpler days of…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Apple Cider Vinegar, Blood Sugar, Fat Loss, Satiety, Vinegar, Weight Loss

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Recent weight loss research found that long-term weight loss is difficult.   Obesity I found an article just after the holidays that was very depressing for me.  While searching for research to back up another post, I found an article on CBC - Canada entitled "Obesity Research Confirms Long-term Weight Loss Almost Impossible"​[1]​ that touted…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Long-term, Research, Success, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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A delicious recipe for a cold day. A tasty recipe for a soup that replaces some of the noodles with vegetables.  It is a delicious soup that you will enjoy and best of all it is balanced with starch, meat, and lots of vegetables.  This soup will fill you up and keep you full for…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken Noodle, Healthy, Recipe, Weight Loss

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A Single Additional Bottle of Cold Water Can Lead to Significant Weight Loss Glass of Water This is one of my quick tip articles.  Before we hit the research, let's discuss some background information.  Water is an essential element in our diets.  Our bodies have a need for water that is relentless to function efficiently.  The amount…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Boost Metabolism, Calorie, Quick Tip, Research, Water, Weight Loss

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Alcohol is the diet destroyer.   Quite a few of us enjoy social time after work and the relaxing and sedating effects of a drink.  It is a part of our society's traditions.  I am no different.  I love a good glass of bourbon and…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Alcohol, Diet Destroyer, Diet Killer, Moderation, Weight Loss

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Meal timing study shows promise in helping people shed body fat It has long been postulated that the key to weight loss is eating breakfast and not skipping meals.  It appears that a recent study breaks this concept particularly.  A study at the University of Alabama Birmingham found…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Dinner, Earlier, Meal Skipping, Meal Time, Research

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Sleep can help you lose weight and avoid obesity and cravings.  We all know that sleep is essential for optimal health.  We do not function efficiently without enough sleep, and we are just plain grumpy if our sleep is interrupted, but we still fail to get enough good quality…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Craving, Obesity, Rem, Rem Sleep, Sleep, Sucrose, Weight Loss

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Splurges are a quick way to derail your diet.   Don't let a single slip up ruin your progress or knock you off the wagon.  The big thing is you need to not let one slip up turn into a whole day, month, or week of slip ups.  You cannot…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Derail, Diet, Slip Up, Weight Loss

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A healthy alternative to a Tex Mex Favorite. Our family loves Mexican food. It is one of our favorite meals to have both at home and in a restaurant. We have tried just about every Mexican joint within 30 miles of our house. My favorite dish at our favorite place is the Burrito California. This…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Chile, Food, Mexican, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Whey Supplementation Helps with Weight Loss.   WP Powder with Scoop What is whey protein (WP)?  Proteins are the building blocks of our bodies and are made of chains of amino acids. Simply put, whey is one of the two proteinaceous compounds found in milk, with the other being casein.  When a coagulant called renin…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Body Fat, Casein, Fat Loss, Muscle Mass, Obesity, Protein, Weight Loss, Whey

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Chew More Slowly, Lose More Weight Woman Chewing Chocolate It has been widely postulated that eating slower or completely chewing your food will increase satiety or suppress your appetite.  In medicine and health research, folks often say things based on experience but with our any proof.  For years, my wife has nagged me to eat…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Chew, Chewing, Satiety, Supress, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Inspiration may help you start right! Here is a thought.  Get started with the first step to being healthier today.  Lose one-half pound per week.  That sounds like very little, and you may ask…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inspiration, Quote, Weight Loss

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Cardiovascular risk reduction benefits may continue five years after weight loss program ends. Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Need another reason to lose weight.  This study evidence may motivate you to lose weight.  More motivation is a good thing, and hopefully, this will push you to success.  The bottom line is that even a small amount…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Risk Factors, Weight Loss, Why WAIT

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Taxing Obesity: That will teach those overeaters!   Ultimately, what may be needed to address the obesity problem are direct taxes on body weight. - Jonathan Gruber This is the way many liberals and politicians think.  Tax them and punish them for their bad behavior, and they will change.  How well have they worked out…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Obesity, Tax, Weight Loss

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Is there a healthy alternative to corn-based tortilla chips? Strapping on the feed bag in front of the TV is harder to avoid as you watch your favorite football team.  Our falls are spent in tailgate party binge eating and drinking copious amounts of alcohol.  Snack foods are the bane of weight loss and maintenance.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Tortilla Chips, Weight Loss

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Can running excessively cause hip and knee arthritis?   Running is an excellent form of exercise if your body can take the pounding.  You can burn over 500 calories per hour.  One of the questions many patients ask is if it will increase your risk of degenerative or osteoarthritis (OA).…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Arthritis, Cartlidge, Degenerative, Exercise, Jogging, Joint, Knee, OA, Obesity, Osteoarthritis, Research, Running, Study, Walking, Weight Loss

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Does diet soda help or hurt weight loss?   A cold glass of soda drink The recent bans and taxes in liberal cities to paternalistically protect you from the evils of sugar or carbonation are nothing new.  The bullseye on soda or carbonated sweetened drinks has been around for a long time and they want you…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Artificial sweeteners, Aspartame, Diet Soda, Nutrasweet, Weight Loss

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Obesity and High Blood Pressure AKA Hypertension Diabetes and Hypertension affect many Americans. Hypertension is at epidemic levels, and like diabetes, high blood pressure is a silent killer. The number of people living with hypertension is predicted to be over 1.5 billion worldwide in less than…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Blood Pressure, Hypertension, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Obesity in parents may be an indicator of developmental delays in children.   Obese Family We all know that obesity is not good for the individual and that families who are overweight tend to brood children that are overweight, but is your weight bad for your children's health.  Although the research is not definitive, there is…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Delays, Development, Obesity, Research

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A Challenge of Terminology: Overweight or Overfat Overfat One of the problems with our current state of diet, weight loss, and obesity in the United States is the language we use. Every article I read refers to weight loss when they mean fat loss. I am no different because I interchange the worse at will.…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Body Fat, Obesity, Overfat, Overweight, Research, Weight Loss

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Pasta can be a very fulfilling meal, but can it be healthy? Not all noodles are created equal.  Even within the same brand, there may be a drastic difference in the nutritional content.  Because we enjoy pasta but want to eat healthily, we compared the nutrition information to help us choose the best.   As with…
Categories: Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Healthier Pasta, Protein, Weight Loss

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My Lessons from a Dietician Nutrition and Calories I recently attended a nutrition class that was offered for free at a local hospital.  It was an interesting class.  Many of the things discussed were things that we already know.  Don’t eat junk food.  Eat more fiber.  Eat more fruits and vegetables.  Reduce red meat consumption. …
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Body, Body Fat, Dietician, Eat, Fat, Nutrition, Registered, Weight

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Apple Cider Vinegar: The Magic Bullet? Apple cider vinegar I can remember as a child that we always made apple butter and cider in the last summer in West Virginia. We would gather at the family farm to pick apples and press them for cider. I love the stuff and miss those simpler days of…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Apple Cider Vinegar, Blood Sugar, Fat Loss, Satiety, Vinegar, Weight Loss

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Understanding Prediabetes, Diabetes, and Obesity This post will hopefully help individuals understand how excess weight puts them at a higher risk of developing pre-diabetes and diabetes. Most with a weight problem are not aware they are predisposed for pre-diabetes and diabetes until symptoms of type 2 diabetes begin to show. Even then it takes time…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Nutrition, Obesity, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Alcohol is the diet destroyer.   Quite a few of us enjoy social time after work and the relaxing and sedating effects of a drink.  It is a part of our society's traditions.  I am no different.  I love a good glass of bourbon and…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Alcohol, Diet Destroyer, Diet Killer, Moderation, Weight Loss

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Why haven't I lost weight? I have said this before, but it is time to review this topic as we enter into the new year.  We are impatient and expect instant changes.  Weight loss takes time, and you need avoid becoming discouraged.   Weight loss and fitness require a lot of effort that is more…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Advice, Homor, Weight Loss

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There are healthier tortillas for you to enjoy. So, you have decided to improve your diet. This concept brings up a lot of questions.  Where do you start?  What do you need to change?  Do you go low calorie, low carbohydrate, high fiber, high protein, or any combination of the above?  The wraps you use…
Categories: Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Choice, Flour, Healthy, High Fiber, Low Carb, Nutrition, Review, Tortilla

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Can running excessively cause hip and knee arthritis?   Running is an excellent form of exercise if your body can take the pounding.  You can burn over 500 calories per hour.  One of the questions many patients ask is if it will increase your risk of degenerative or osteoarthritis (OA).…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Arthritis, Cartlidge, Degenerative, Exercise, Jogging, Joint, Knee, OA, Obesity, Osteoarthritis, Research, Running, Study, Walking, Weight Loss

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Chew More Slowly, Lose More Weight Woman Chewing Chocolate It has been widely postulated that eating slower or completely chewing your food will increase satiety or suppress your appetite.  In medicine and health research, folks often say things based on experience but with our any proof.  For years, my wife has nagged me to eat…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Chew, Chewing, Satiety, Supress, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Metabolic Syndrome: Is it more than just overweight? What is metabolic syndrome?  Metabolic syndrome, aka Syndrome X, is a common condition that is every bit as prevalent as the common cold and likely way more expensive for us to treat.  Nearly 50 million Americans have metabolic syndrome, and it has a family, age-related, and ethnic…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Metabolic Syndrome, Nutrition, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Sleep can help you lose weight and avoid obesity and cravings.  We all know that sleep is essential for optimal health.  We do not function efficiently without enough sleep, and we are just plain grumpy if our sleep is interrupted, but we still fail to get enough good quality…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Craving, Obesity, Rem, Rem Sleep, Sleep, Sucrose, Weight Loss

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Does Food Flavor Lead to Obesity? We all have foods that we crave.  The mere thought of eating them brings the flavor to mind and makes our mouths water.  It has often been postulated that sweet or fatty flavors by themselves might cause obesity.  Fat, sugar, and carbohydrates have been vilified as culprits when discussing…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Flavor, Myth, Obesity, Research, Weight Gain

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A tender and juicy chicken recipe that is exploding with bold TexMex flavors. It is great to spend a week at home and today I am making one of my family's favorite meals. The best part is that is is a healthy meal that can jump-start your path to better health. The only weakness is it…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Chile, Lime, Recipe

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Ways to control you portion size Weight loss is not an easy task.  Most dieters have no idea of what a portion size is and how to moderate the intake of various foods they eat in a given day.  When we sit down to eat, the last thing…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Portion Control, Weight Loss

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Do Carbohydrates Help or Hurt Weight Loss? Carbohydrates have been vilified over the years.  The Adkin's diet and other low carbohydrate diets have highlighted carbs as the primary cause of our obesity problem in the United States.  Is there any truth to this claim or is this just hype to sell books and low-carb foods?   Research…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Carbohydrates, Frutose, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Research Proven, Sugars, Weight Loss

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Fresh is better but frozen is fine! Frozen Food Isle I can remember, as a child, my grandmother telling me that flash foods were better than frozen foods. If you think about it, it makes sense that fresh food would be better for you than frozen food. Frozen food is processed and well, fresh food…
Categories: Nutrition
Tags: Fresh, Frozen, Fruits, Nutrition, Vegetables

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Color Up Your Food and Dinner Plate for Weight Loss When I started to research this as a topic after reading an article on colors of plates and weight loss, I thought this topic is crazy.  The color of a plate is not going to cause someone to lose weight.  What inherent property would a…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Hunger, Plate Color, Research, Satiety, Weight Loss

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Are you discouraged at the progress in meeting your New Years Resolution? We are at the one-week mark and between 1-3 weeks is where quite a few of us will become discouraged and plan on quitting their plan.  No matter whether you plan to save more, lose weight, live a healthy lifestyle, or improve your…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Discourage, New Year's, Plan, Refocus, Resolutions

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Why haven't I lost weight? I have said this before, but it is time to review this topic as we enter into the new year.  We are impatient and expect instant changes.  Weight loss takes time, and you need avoid becoming discouraged.   Weight loss and fitness require a lot of effort that is more…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Advice, Homor, Weight Loss

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Taxing Obesity: That will teach those overeaters!   Ultimately, what may be needed to address the obesity problem are direct taxes on body weight. - Jonathan Gruber This is the way many liberals and politicians think.  Tax them and punish them for their bad behavior, and they will change.  How well have they worked out…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Obesity, Tax, Weight Loss

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Alcohol may not be as bad for weight loss you may think it is. There is research that has shown that a single drink a couple of times a week may lower your risk of becoming obese, but those who consume more than four drinks daily are more likely to be obese.  More to come on…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Obstacle, Research, Road Bump, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Calories differ based on the source.   Calorie Definition A calorie is a single measurement of energy, and each calorie is the same in terms of energy.  If they come from a different source, are they different in the way they affect the human body based on the laws of physics and thermodynamics?  Are all calories are created equal…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: A Calorie Is Not A Calorie, Calorie, Calories Are Not Calories, Macronutrients, Protein, Research, Weight Loss

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 Diet Is Better Than Exercise  There is plenty of research out there that indicates that diet is better than exercise.  We've been taught that exercise is so important for weight loss.  I absolutely hate doing to the gym.  The question is, is it true that diet is better than exercise to lose weight? A lot…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Exercise, Proven, Research, Weight Loss

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Does Food Flavor Lead to Obesity? We all have foods that we crave.  The mere thought of eating them brings the flavor to mind and makes our mouths water.  It has often been postulated that sweet or fatty flavors by themselves might cause obesity.  Fat, sugar, and carbohydrates have been vilified as culprits when discussing…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Flavor, Myth, Obesity, Research, Weight Gain

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Healthier Buffalo Chicken Tenders This a very tasty version of my favorite recipe.  My wife makes this for me and my son and he loves it.  It does well with a healthy version of ranch she often makes to dip for the tenders and celery in.  If you are interested in ranch recipe, visit "Recipe:…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Buffalo Chicken, Healthier Buffalo Chick Tenders Recipe, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Alcohol is the diet destroyer.   Quite a few of us enjoy social time after work and the relaxing and sedating effects of a drink.  It is a part of our society's traditions.  I am no different.  I love a good glass of bourbon and…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Alcohol, Diet Destroyer, Diet Killer, Moderation, Weight Loss

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Green Coffee bean may help with weight loss but it is probably not worth the risk. Green coffee beans are the seeds of the Coffee fruit.  They simply normal coffee beans that haven’t been roasted.  When we roast coffee beans to produce drinking coffee, the process reduces the chemical chlorogenic acid level in the coffee…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coffee, Supplements, Weight Loss

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Obesity humor is not just a joke. A positive attitude and confidence can empower successful weight loss, but how is it possible if we continue to pile on with derogatory and sarcastic humor from all angles that make fun of and diminishes the problem and ridicules the individual.  A negative attitude can make losing weight difficult or…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Attitude, Confidence, Editorial, Energy, Negative, Positive, Weight Loss

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The odds are that you have already given up of violated your New Year's resolution. We are one month into resolution season.  Millions of us made the decision to take the plunge into a new plan to accomplish a self-improvement goal.  Statistics show that 40% of Americans will…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Fail, New Year's, New Year's Resolution, Reasons, Resolution, Weight Loss

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Obesity is not due to Poor Self-Discipline. I do not know how many times during my years in the military have I heard an officer and enlisted Soldier refer to someone overweight as weak.  It is more than just willpower and a decision to be thin.  It is 100% false that weight gain/loss is all about…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Weight Gain, Weight Loss, Willpower

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Egg Taco: a simple breakfast treat you family will love. This recipe is a very tasty breakfast meal that is easy to make. tacos are a key staple in Texas. I have grown fond of them during my time at Fort Hood. My family have grown to prefer them over a breakfast sandwich. I have…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Egg Taco, Eggs, Healthy, Recipe, Taco, Tex Mex

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Losing Weight Can Expand Your Wallet While Trimming Your Waist! The number of Americans that are overweight or obese is approximately 72 million per the CDC.  Most are not motivated to lose weight but obviously, we are or you would not be on this website.  What can I do to…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: List, Money, Save Money, Waist Line, Wallet, Weight Loss

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Spicy Food Are Key to Lasting Weight Loss It has long been postulated that spicy foods can help to speed up your metabolism.  Capsaicin, which is the active ingredient in hot peppers, makes you sweat like you just exercised, but does it affect your metabolism?  Do chilies raise your body temperature and require your body to…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Hot Peppers, Research, Spicy Foods, Weight Loss

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How to Incorporate Exercise into Your Day Push Ups Ok, it is Monday after a weekend.  I hit the snooze button too much and now I have to play catch up on my steps.  Don't let your work schedule get in the way of 10,000 steps.  In an ideal situation, I would have gotten up at…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Weight Loss, Work

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Can Coconut Oil Help with Weight Loss? Almost everyone who is dieting wants to find a quick way to maximize weight loss. We all know there are no magic bullets to weight loss, but there are some things that might help us increase our weight loss were assist with maintenance.  Could coconut oil be one of those…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coconut, Coconut Oil, Research, Research Proven, Weight Loss

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Low-fat and Fat-free foods often contain as many or more calories as the full fat versions. In college, I remember when the avalanche of low-fat and fat-free products hit the market.  People flocked to the stores to buy and try these new products.  The marketing had sole them as a way to manage calories and eat…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fat-free, Lose Weight, Low-fat, Myth, Nutrition

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A tender and juicy chicken recipe that is exploding with bold TexMex flavors. It is great to spend a week at home and today I am making one of my family's favorite meals. The best part is that is is a healthy meal that can jump-start your path to better health. The only weakness is it…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Chile, Lime, Recipe

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Can running excessively cause hip and knee arthritis?   Running is an excellent form of exercise if your body can take the pounding.  You can burn over 500 calories per hour.  One of the questions many patients ask is if it will increase your risk of degenerative or osteoarthritis (OA).…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Arthritis, Cartlidge, Degenerative, Exercise, Jogging, Joint, Knee, OA, Obesity, Osteoarthritis, Research, Running, Study, Walking, Weight Loss

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Supplements create short-term success and are not the answer. supplement capsules Supplements that claim to stoke or speed up the metabolism have been around for decades and currently go by the name thermogenic or metabolism boosters.   They are currently one of the most popular weight loss supplements in the world and the supplement companies have billions invested…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Supplements, Thermogenic, Weight Loss

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Doughnut are Satan's Minions Doughnuts are one of those things that are very hard to resist.  They are exceptionally delicious and I might even say addictive but they are also poisoned to your waistline.  They make you feel good with a euphoria that is to some as addictive as heroin.  There is nothing like the…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Doughnuts, Evils, Fat, Obesity, Sugar. Editorial

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Can Calcium Increase Weight Loss I already did an article that showed research raving that yogurt can help with weight loss.  We are told that milk and calcium are good for the bones and teeth.  I have read that calcium can do it also, but is there research to back that up?   Pouring milk Research on…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetitie, Calcium, Dairy, Fat Loss, Weight Loss

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Does Food Flavor Lead to Obesity? We all have foods that we crave.  The mere thought of eating them brings the flavor to mind and makes our mouths water.  It has often been postulated that sweet or fatty flavors by themselves might cause obesity.  Fat, sugar, and carbohydrates have been vilified as culprits when discussing…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Flavor, Myth, Obesity, Research, Weight Gain

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A delicious recipe for a cold day. A tasty recipe for a soup that replaces some of the noodles with vegetables.  It is a delicious soup that you will enjoy and best of all it is balanced with starch, meat, and lots of vegetables.  This soup will fill you up and keep you full for…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken Noodle, Healthy, Recipe, Weight Loss

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How to avoid overeating while traveling.   Travel and Dieting: The Open Road Traveling can create difficult obstacles to eating a healthy diet.  It may seem like the two are incompatible, and you may feel like just waiting until after the holiday season or your big trip.  The stress of traffic and being in the…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dieting, Fast Food, List, Travel, Weight Loss

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Are you discouraged at the progress in meeting your New Years Resolution? We are at the one-week mark and between 1-3 weeks is where quite a few of us will become discouraged and plan on quitting their plan.  No matter whether you plan to save more, lose weight, live a healthy lifestyle, or improve your…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Discourage, New Year's, Plan, Refocus, Resolutions

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Low-carbohydrate Diets May Be Better For Weight Loss Than a Low-fat Alternative. As we enter the post-holiday period, most of us begin to focus on recovering from all the parties and feasts.  Most have gained a little poundage over the holidays, and now we plan to lose the extra that we gained around our waistlines.…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Low Carb, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss

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There are healthier tortillas for you to enjoy. So, you have decided to improve your diet. This concept brings up a lot of questions.  Where do you start?  What do you need to change?  Do you go low calorie, low carbohydrate, high fiber, high protein, or any combination of the above?  The wraps you use…
Categories: Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Choice, Flour, Healthy, High Fiber, Low Carb, Nutrition, Review, Tortilla

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Whey Supplementation Helps with Weight Loss.   WP Powder with Scoop What is whey protein (WP)?  Proteins are the building blocks of our bodies and are made of chains of amino acids. Simply put, whey is one of the two proteinaceous compounds found in milk, with the other being casein.  When a coagulant called renin…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Body Fat, Casein, Fat Loss, Muscle Mass, Obesity, Protein, Weight Loss, Whey

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Not all snacking is bad.   Mindless Eating in front Television Snacking is when you consume food or beverages between your regular meals. Snacking is vilified because, for many of those trying to lose weight, this may be counter-productive to the end result.  Sure, if your idea of a snack is diving headfirst into the…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Snacking, Weight Loss

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A simple chicken dish that is easy to make. This is an easy main course to put together.  Enjoy this chicken in a high-fiber wrap with a side of veggies and you have a quick and simple meal. You family will love this dish and ask for it regularly.
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Interval Training can assist with weight loss We have all looked for exercise to help maximize weight loss.  Which ones work and which ones do not?  All exercise will work for weight loss if you have a calorie deficit, but some work better. What is interval training?  Interval training is a type of exercise that combines various…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Interval, Loss, Training, Weight Loss

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Sleep can help you lose weight and avoid obesity and cravings.  We all know that sleep is essential for optimal health.  We do not function efficiently without enough sleep, and we are just plain grumpy if our sleep is interrupted, but we still fail to get enough good quality…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Craving, Obesity, Rem, Rem Sleep, Sleep, Sucrose, Weight Loss

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Why haven't I lost weight? I have said this before, but it is time to review this topic as we enter into the new year.  We are impatient and expect instant changes.  Weight loss takes time, and you need avoid becoming discouraged.   Weight loss and fitness require a lot of effort that is more…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Advice, Homor, Weight Loss

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 Diet Is Better Than Exercise  There is plenty of research out there that indicates that diet is better than exercise.  We've been taught that exercise is so important for weight loss.  I absolutely hate doing to the gym.  The question is, is it true that diet is better than exercise to lose weight? A lot…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Exercise, Proven, Research, Weight Loss

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New Year's Resolutions rarely come to fruition.   We rarely put a lot of time and effort into planning our New year's resolutions.  We make many unrealistic and idealistic plan to change our lives after a night full of alcohol induced delusions…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, New Year, New Year's Resolution, Resolution, Weight, Weight Loss

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A light, refreshing, and delicious smoothie to start the day. Today for recipe Sunday and I have made a simple, summertime smoothie that is so tasty and filling it can keep you full for hours.  This is my favorite Raspberry Orange Smoothie.  This recipe is a delicious and filling breakfast smoothie.  
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Overeating is one reason we are overweight. It does not matter if you are trying to maintain weight loss or if you are just starting to lose weight, the reasons for less-than-successful weight loss are the same.  You have decided to make a change and are careful to know portion sizes and eat healthy choices, but…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: List, Loss, Overeat, Reasons, Weight

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What does a Mediterranean Diet do to diabetes risk?   Metabolic Syndrome infographic First, let's look at what metabolic syndrome is.  Metabolic syndrome is a pre-drome for diabetes are heart disease.  It is simply the syndrome of central obesity, elevated blood pressure, insulin resistance, abnormal cholesterol levels, and truncal or central obesity.  The pre-drome or precursor…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Recent weight loss research found that long-term weight loss is difficult.   Obesity I found an article just after the holidays that was very depressing for me.  While searching for research to back up another post, I found an article on CBC - Canada entitled "Obesity Research Confirms Long-term Weight Loss Almost Impossible"​[1]​ that touted…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Long-term, Research, Success, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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A Mediterranian diet is not only healthy; they may help with weight loss.   Assorted Nuts I remember in the past year being taught that a low-fat diet is a way to go but as I indicated, this is a thing of the past.  Now research is overwhelmingly abundant that it is not fat, but the type…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Nuts, Olive Oil, Research, Weight Loss

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Merry Christmas Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.   This is a great time of year to enjoy you family so from my family to yours, Merry Christmas.  Enjoy the family time and don't worry about your diet.  As I have said many times this year, have a great day and don't go "hog wild".  The less…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Merry Christmas, Wish

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How to survive with your sanity after the holidays with your family. I have often thought about a vacation in sub-Sahara Africa during the holiday season to avoid my family.  I guess I could play possum or just stop answering the door and phone.  I love my family, but ten…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Alcohol, Anxiety, Christmas Tips, Holiday Tips, Stress

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Alcohol does not have too derail weight loss, but it can.  Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy. - Frank Sinatra Ok, we all know that alcohol is full of calories, but we continue to drink it.  This point I would make is that if you can avoid alcohol,…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Alcohol, Quote, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Obstacles to a Diet During Travel  Travel during the holidays presents several road bumps.  Road trips, air travel, changing schedules, eating Thanksgiving or Christmas dinners, Chanukah and its emphasis on dairy and foods fried in oil.  The list of challenges is as endless as the different ways we celebrate the holidays. …
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Hints, Holiday, Obesity, Travel, Weight Loss

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Merry Christmas and let's pack on the pounds! Holidays are times of plenty and food is no different.  The goal is to enjoy yourself without digging a hole too big to escape from in the new year.  I’m not going to advocate that you should attempt…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Christmas, Holiday Parties, Holiday Season, Weight Loss

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Spicy Food Are Key to Lasting Weight Loss It has long been postulated that spicy foods can help to speed up your metabolism.  Capsaicin, which is the active ingredient in hot peppers, makes you sweat like you just exercised, but does it affect your metabolism?  Do chilies raise your body temperature and require your body to…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Hot Peppers, Research, Spicy Foods, Weight Loss

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Cortisol: The Beer Gut Hormone Steroid hormone cortisol (hydrocortisone) structural formula Cortisol is a steroid hormone of the glucocorticoid class that is made and released by the Adrenal Glands in response to stress (Examples of glucocorticoid-like hormones are hydrocortisone and prednisone).  The adrenals located above each kidney.  It is often released in hard times to…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cortisol, Hormones, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Motivation is one key for weight loss success. The Way Get Started Is To Quit Talking And Begin Doing. ~ Walt Disney I have found it difficult to stay motivated and have to admit that I often fail to meet my target.  More times than not, I get backed into a corner and have no choice but to lose…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Weight Loss

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Egg Taco: a simple breakfast treat you family will love. This recipe is a very tasty breakfast meal that is easy to make. tacos are a key staple in Texas. I have grown fond of them during my time at Fort Hood. My family have grown to prefer them over a breakfast sandwich. I have…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Egg Taco, Eggs, Healthy, Recipe, Taco, Tex Mex

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Pedometers and The number of steps needed for a healthy lifestyle. If you buy a pedometer, smartwatch, or fitness tracker like a Fitbit, chances are the device will encourage you to take 10,000 steps a day. But do you have to walk this much to be healthy?   There are many recommendations on how many…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Electronics, Exercise, Fitness, Fitness Electronics, Steps, Walking, Weight Loss

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Can Coconut Oil Help with Weight Loss? Almost everyone who is dieting wants to find a quick way to maximize weight loss. We all know there are no magic bullets to weight loss, but there are some things that might help us increase our weight loss were assist with maintenance.  Could coconut oil be one of those…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coconut, Coconut Oil, Research, Research Proven, Weight Loss

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Stress and Cortisol: a struggle with Obesity This is the first of a four-part article on stress and cortisol.  If you understand stress and cortisol, you will understand one reason why Americans are getting fatter and fatter.  Sure we overeat, but stress and cortisol are arguably the main reasons why. What is Stress? Stress is…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cortisol, Stress, Weight, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Resistance training may provide superior results.   It has long been argued which type of exercise is superior for weight loss.  Once camp argues that aerobic exercise is superior because it burns more calories and is better for the heart.  The other group argues that resistance training is superior because it…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss

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I am not sure I know who said it, but I found it online.  Today I needed come inspiration.  I reassess my goals and I would like to get to 199 pounds and 18 percent body fat.  I am currently at 208 and 22.5 percent.  The body post and metabolic testing in 3-4 weeks should help…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inspirational Quote, Weight Loss

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A simple but healthier twist on a family favorite. I have to admit that I love Italian.  I have a weakness for a simple pasta and meat sauce and I am looking for ways to make a quick dish that I can make and put in bowls in my refrigerator to eat for dinner for…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Italian, Recipe, Weight Loss

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There are healthier tortillas for you to enjoy. So, you have decided to improve your diet. This concept brings up a lot of questions.  Where do you start?  What do you need to change?  Do you go low calorie, low carbohydrate, high fiber, high protein, or any combination of the above?  The wraps you use…
Categories: Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Choice, Flour, Healthy, High Fiber, Low Carb, Nutrition, Review, Tortilla

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Type 2 Diabetes can be slowed or prevented. “No disease that can be treated by diet should be treated with any other means.” ― Maimonides Diabetes Diabetes type II or adult-onset diabetes is a genetic disease that is diet and nutrition-related.  If your parents have it, you likely have the gene that will give you this disease.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diabetes, Diet, Food, Nutrition, Thought

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"Stressed spelled backward is desserts. Coincidence? I think not!" ~Author Unknown Chips, nachos and curls This a small food for thought on the simple things you can remove from your diet and how much weight you could lose in a year if you avoid them.  We are going to focus on sugar and junk food today.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Food For Thought, Junk Food, Weight Loss

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Most people who avoid gluten are wasting money. Low and no gluten foods are a huge market right now.  Just a few years ago, you could not find a gluten-free product on the shelves, but now, you see the label almost everywhere.  The number of folks who feel that…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Gluten, Myth

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Doughnut are Satan's Minions Doughnuts are one of those things that are very hard to resist.  They are exceptionally delicious and I might even say addictive but they are also poisoned to your waistline.  They make you feel good with a euphoria that is to some as addictive as heroin.  There is nothing like the…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Doughnuts, Evils, Fat, Obesity, Sugar. Editorial

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A simple but healthier twist on a family favorite. I have to admit that I love Italian.  I have a weakness for a simple pasta and meat sauce and I am looking for ways to make a quick dish that I can make and put in bowls in my refrigerator to eat for dinner for…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Italian, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Exercise can help, but a flat belly is made in the Kitchen. "I got kicked out of ballet class because I pulled a groin muscle.  It wasn't mine." - Rita Rudner  Exercise motivation is tough.  Many morning that I have planned to exercise ended with me rolling over and burying my face in the pillow…
Categories: Exercise
Tags: Exercise, Quote, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Omega-3: An Appetite Suppressant?  There is no such thing as a sure thing or a magic bullet when it comes to weight loss.  Around the globe, obesity and obesity-related illnesses represent a major public health challenge. The prognosis for citizens of the United States is exceptionally poor.  Unfortunately, there is no sunrise on the horizon and…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fatty Acid, Leptin, Omega-3, Weight Loss

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An introduction to Portion Control One of the most common reasons for failure in weight loss is overeating.  No matter if you are trying to lose weight or just start eating healthier the first thing you need to learn is portion control.  The first step is to really understand what a portion or serving size…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Portion Control, Weight Loss

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 Can I Eat Eggs and Lose Weight?   Eggs in a bowl. Successful weight loss is as simple as making good decisions for your breakfast.  Adding eggs to your diet may be one of the easiest things to do if you’re trying to lose weight.  Eggs are cheap, easy to make,  and they are a great source…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Eggs, Proven, Research, Weight Loss

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The Hormones of Weight Gain and Loss Nearly two-thirds of Americans are either overweight of obese.  Medical providers are overwhelmed by the consequences of poor dietary and lifestyle decisions.  Obesity results in deaths from illnesses such as hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes type 2, heart disease, high cholesterol, and stroke.  Weight gain and obesity is…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Hormones, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Can I eat at McDonald's and still maintain a healthy lifestyle?   McWeight Fat food is the biggest minefield for dieters.   You are on the road and want something fast and your family chooses McDonald's.  Although it is not the best choice, you can still control your portion size and eat somewhat healthy.   Breakfast:…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Eating Healthy, McDonald, Weight Loss

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Weight training can assist with weight loss. Lifting Weights If you understand how you burn calories, you understand why it is important to keep muscle mass.  Weight lifting is one way to protect and build more muscle mass.   Many consider weight liftings or residence training to be one of the most important methods of…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss, Weight Training

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Happy Thanksgiving Today is the day of plenty.  Please enjoy your Thanksgiving.   Tomorrow is another day. The most important thing about Thanksgiving is you should feel no regret and no guilt.  Focus on recovery tomorrow.  Tomorrow I will post an article on attempts to…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Happy Thanksgiving

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Thanksgiving is almost here! Thanksgiving is the holiday of over indulgence.  The cornucopia of plenty is a threat to any diet.   Many surveys indicate that the average weight gain during Thanksgiving is approximately 5 pounds for each American.  …
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Road Bump, Thanksgiving, Weight Gain

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Obstacles to a Diet During Travel  Travel during the holidays presents several road bumps.  Road trips, air travel, changing schedules, eating Thanksgiving or Christmas dinners, Chanukah and its emphasis on dairy and foods fried in oil.  The list of challenges is as endless as the different ways we celebrate the holidays. …
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Hints, Holiday, Obesity, Travel, Weight Loss

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Fact: Our metabolic rate can be changed. You have probably heard people blame their weight on a slow metabolism.  I know I have heard them and they treat it like it is a crutch.  To them, it is an unchanging disability that will forever keep their weight high.  Is metabolism the…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Boost Metabolism, Exercise, Myth

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A simple Tex-Mex dish that is also healthy. Tex Mex Pizza A delicious and simple recipe for Mexican pizza your family will love. Mexican Pizza is delicious as a pizza crust or flour tortilla topped with any number of toppings. You can add beans, beef, cheese, sour cream, onions, tomatoes, jalapeños, or even guacamole. The…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Mexican Pizza, Pizza, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Exercise: Slow Return to Running If you have not figured it out yet, I am in the US Military.  The military is very interested in readiness and part of readiness is being able to run from incoming fire.  I can run if you chase me with a baseball bat.  In fact, I am pretty sure…
Categories: Exercise
Tags: Exercise, Running, Slow, Walking

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Can Calcium Increase Weight Loss I already did an article that showed research raving that yogurt can help with weight loss.  We are told that milk and calcium are good for the bones and teeth.  I have read that calcium can do it also, but is there research to back that up?   Pouring milk Research on…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetitie, Calcium, Dairy, Fat Loss, Weight Loss

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How to Incorporate Exercise into Your Day Push Ups Ok, it is Monday after a weekend.  I hit the snooze button too much and now I have to play catch up on my steps.  Don't let your work schedule get in the way of 10,000 steps.  In an ideal situation, I would have gotten up at…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Weight Loss, Work

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Meal timing study shows promise in helping people shed body fat It has long been postulated that the key to weight loss is eating breakfast and not skipping meals.  It appears that a recent study breaks this concept particularly.  A study at the University of Alabama Birmingham found…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Dinner, Earlier, Meal Skipping, Meal Time, Research

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Low-fat foods will not help with weight loss.   I first started having a weight problem when I was in my early to mid-twenties.  The college weight was adding up and my sedentary lifestyle with most of my time spent sitting and studying was not helping.  During that period of…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Low-fat, Myth, Weight Loss

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Pasta can be a very fulfilling meal, but can it be healthy? Not all noodles are created equal.  Even within the same brand, there may be a drastic difference in the nutritional content.  Because we enjoy pasta but want to eat healthily, we compared the nutrition information to help us choose the best.   As with…
Categories: Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Healthier Pasta, Protein, Weight Loss

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New data shows red meat has neutral effect on cardiovascular disease risk factors Red meat has long been vilified for causing heart disease for the last 20-30 years.  Just like dairy and butter, red meat and the saturated fat contained within it has long been tied to heart disease.…
Categories: Research
Tags: Cardiovascular, Moderation, Red Meat, Research, Weight Loss

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Splurges are a quick way to derail your diet.   Don't let a single slip up ruin your progress or knock you off the wagon.  The big thing is you need to not let one slip up turn into a whole day, month, or week of slip ups.  You cannot…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Derail, Diet, Slip Up, Weight Loss

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A new study found plant protein promotes high satiety.   In recent years, animal advocacy groups have been pushing for less animal and more plant based consumption.  Manufacturers have made progress in the texture of plant based products that look, taste, and feel like their animal based predecessors.  You…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetitie, Protein, Research, Satiety

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Taxing Obesity: That will teach those overeaters!   Ultimately, what may be needed to address the obesity problem are direct taxes on body weight. - Jonathan Gruber This is the way many liberals and politicians think.  Tax them and punish them for their bad behavior, and they will change.  How well have they worked out…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Obesity, Tax, Weight Loss

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Steel Cut Oatmeal: the perfect food and a superfood all rolled up in one. Oatmeal in the slow cooker. Oatmeal is a "superfood."  Although superfood is a made-up marketing term and can be misleading, it is absolutely the proper term for oatmeal.  Oatmeal is very filling when eaten, high in fiber (with both soluble and insoluble),…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Breakfast, Fiber, Oatmeal, Recipe, Satiety

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Can running excessively cause hip and knee arthritis?   Running is an excellent form of exercise if your body can take the pounding.  You can burn over 500 calories per hour.  One of the questions many patients ask is if it will increase your risk of degenerative or osteoarthritis (OA).…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Arthritis, Cartlidge, Degenerative, Exercise, Jogging, Joint, Knee, OA, Obesity, Osteoarthritis, Research, Running, Study, Walking, Weight Loss

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Low-carbohydrate Diets May Be Better For Weight Loss Than a Low-fat Alternative. As we enter the post-holiday period, most of us begin to focus on recovering from all the parties and feasts.  Most have gained a little poundage over the holidays, and now we plan to lose the extra that we gained around our waistlines.…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Low Carb, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss

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Breakfast: Is It The Most Important Meal of the Day? Breakfast We have all heard the statement that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  My grandmother always told me it was unhealthy to miss breakfast.  I have read in many books that missing breakfast makes weight loss more unlikely.  Breakfast can help with…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Breakfast, Research, Weight Loss

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Whey Supplementation Helps with Weight Loss.   WP Powder with Scoop What is whey protein (WP)?  Proteins are the building blocks of our bodies and are made of chains of amino acids. Simply put, whey is one of the two proteinaceous compounds found in milk, with the other being casein.  When a coagulant called renin…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Body Fat, Casein, Fat Loss, Muscle Mass, Obesity, Protein, Weight Loss, Whey

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A Challenge of Terminology: Overweight or Overfat Overfat One of the problems with our current state of diet, weight loss, and obesity in the United States is the language we use. Every article I read refers to weight loss when they mean fat loss. I am no different because I interchange the worse at will.…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Body Fat, Obesity, Overfat, Overweight, Research, Weight Loss

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A tender and juicy chicken recipe that is exploding with bold TexMex flavors. It is great to spend a week at home and today I am making one of my family's favorite meals. The best part is that is is a healthy meal that can jump-start your path to better health. The only weakness is it…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Chile, Lime, Recipe

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Sugar type may be an independent risk for weight gain and disease.   I have been told for years that calories are calories and it does not matter from which source they come.  This month, I found a study in a PubMed search and a review article from Science Daily[1] that…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diabetes, Fuctose, Glucose, Heart Disease, Sugar, Weight Gain

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New research shows that access to supermarkets and fast food is not tied to obesity in veterans.   Healthy Home Cooked Meal America is the land of plenty, and on every street corner, you will find a fast-food restaurant to get you to fix filled with a fat and carb-filled delight.  In recent years, new…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fast Food, Research, Weight Loss

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Keeping Old Clothes Will Not Help Motivate You to Lose Weight Walk-in closet I have done it for years.  Whether the clothes are too big or too small, I keep the old clothes because I think I might need them if my weight swings back the other way.  I like a particular pair of shorts…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Lose Weight, Motivation Tip, Old Clothes, Weight Loss

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A Single Additional Bottle of Cold Water Can Lead to Significant Weight Loss Glass of Water This is one of my quick tip articles.  Before we hit the research, let's discuss some background information.  Water is an essential element in our diets.  Our bodies have a need for water that is relentless to function efficiently.  The amount…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Boost Metabolism, Calorie, Quick Tip, Research, Water, Weight Loss

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Not all snacking is bad.   Mindless Eating in front Television Snacking is when you consume food or beverages between your regular meals. Snacking is vilified because, for many of those trying to lose weight, this may be counter-productive to the end result.  Sure, if your idea of a snack is diving headfirst into the…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Snacking, Weight Loss

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A healthy alternative to a Tex Mex Favorite. Our family loves Mexican food. It is one of our favorite meals to have both at home and in a restaurant. We have tried just about every Mexican joint within 30 miles of our house. My favorite dish at our favorite place is the Burrito California. This…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Chile, Food, Mexican, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Recent weight loss research found that long-term weight loss is difficult.   Obesity I found an article just after the holidays that was very depressing for me.  While searching for research to back up another post, I found an article on CBC - Canada entitled "Obesity Research Confirms Long-term Weight Loss Almost Impossible"​[1]​ that touted…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Long-term, Research, Success, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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Chew More Slowly, Lose More Weight Woman Chewing Chocolate It has been widely postulated that eating slower or completely chewing your food will increase satiety or suppress your appetite.  In medicine and health research, folks often say things based on experience but with our any proof.  For years, my wife has nagged me to eat…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Chew, Chewing, Satiety, Supress, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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My Lessons from a Dietician Nutrition and Calories I recently attended a nutrition class that was offered for free at a local hospital.  It was an interesting class.  Many of the things discussed were things that we already know.  Don’t eat junk food.  Eat more fiber.  Eat more fruits and vegetables.  Reduce red meat consumption. …
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Body, Body Fat, Dietician, Eat, Fat, Nutrition, Registered, Weight

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New data shows red meat has neutral effect on cardiovascular disease risk factors Red meat has long been vilified for causing heart disease for the last 20-30 years.  Just like dairy and butter, red meat and the saturated fat contained within it has long been tied to heart disease.…
Categories: Research
Tags: Cardiovascular, Moderation, Red Meat, Research, Weight Loss

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Smaller meals mean fewer calories...Maybe. Myth If you have health problems, discuss this and any dieting plans with your doctor or dietician.  They can help individualize your plan to your disease condition. One of the most common myths I hear is that it is better to eat 5-6 smaller meals rather than three larger meals. …
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Research, Smaller Meals, Weight Loss

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A delicious recipe for a cold day. A tasty recipe for a soup that replaces some of the noodles with vegetables.  It is a delicious soup that you will enjoy and best of all it is balanced with starch, meat, and lots of vegetables.  This soup will fill you up and keep you full for…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken Noodle, Healthy, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Frozen and prepackaged meals can be a healthy option. Man and Microwave Meal Our society is increasingly on the go and has less downtime than many of our counterparts in the world. With the increased time at work and travel to and from, we look for more convenient ways to feed our families. Frozen and…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Dinners, Foods, Frozen, Meals, Microwave, Nutrition, Packaged, Processed, Weight Loss

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Chew More Slowly, Lose More Weight Woman Chewing Chocolate It has been widely postulated that eating slower or completely chewing your food will increase satiety or suppress your appetite.  In medicine and health research, folks often say things based on experience but with our any proof.  For years, my wife has nagged me to eat…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Chew, Chewing, Satiety, Supress, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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A Challenge of Terminology: Overweight or Overfat Overfat One of the problems with our current state of diet, weight loss, and obesity in the United States is the language we use. Every article I read refers to weight loss when they mean fat loss. I am no different because I interchange the worse at will.…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Body Fat, Obesity, Overfat, Overweight, Research, Weight Loss

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Cardiovascular risk reduction benefits may continue five years after weight loss program ends. Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Need another reason to lose weight.  This study evidence may motivate you to lose weight.  More motivation is a good thing, and hopefully, this will push you to success.  The bottom line is that even a small amount…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Risk Factors, Weight Loss, Why WAIT

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Frozen and prepackaged meals can be a healthy option. Man and Microwave Meal Our society is increasingly on the go and has less downtime than many of our counterparts in the world. With the increased time at work and travel to and from, we look for more convenient ways to feed our families. Frozen and…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Dinners, Foods, Frozen, Meals, Microwave, Nutrition, Packaged, Processed, Weight Loss

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Is there a healthy alternative to corn-based tortilla chips? Strapping on the feed bag in front of the TV is harder to avoid as you watch your favorite football team.  Our falls are spent in tailgate party binge eating and drinking copious amounts of alcohol.  Snack foods are the bane of weight loss and maintenance.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Tortilla Chips, Weight Loss

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Meal timing study shows promise in helping people shed body fat It has long been postulated that the key to weight loss is eating breakfast and not skipping meals.  It appears that a recent study breaks this concept particularly.  A study at the University of Alabama Birmingham found…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Dinner, Earlier, Meal Skipping, Meal Time

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Maximize Fat Loss What dieters should focus on is fat loss and not weight loss.  Ultimately, maximizing fat loss is all about calories in versus calories out and a total deficit of 3500 calories to lose 1 pound of body weight[1].  This fact is true, but how much less should you eat to…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Caloric Balance, Fat Loss, Maximizing Fat Loss, Weight Loss

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My Lessons from a Dietician Nutrition and Calories I recently attended a nutrition class that was offered for free at a local hospital.  It was an interesting class.  Many of the things discussed were things that we already know.  Don’t eat junk food.  Eat more fiber.  Eat more fruits and vegetables.  Reduce red meat consumption. …
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Body, Body Fat, Dietician, Eat, Fat, Nutrition, Registered, Weight

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Aspiration Therapy for obesity; a Safe and Effective Treatment or the 21st Century Tape Worm. In obesity, you have to understand the root of what causes most obesity.  Most obesity is not caused by a magical endocrine disorder or metabolic shortcoming that hinders someone from losing weight.  The problem in…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: AspireAssist, Obesity, Research, Therapy, Weight Loss

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The statement "fast food is too unhealthy for weight loss" is a myth.   Burger and Fries Now before you flood my inbox with emails, I am not saying that it is healthy to eat fast food every meal or even every day.  If you must have a fast food meal, it is more healthy if…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fast Food, Myth, Unhealthy, Weight Loss

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Meal timing study shows promise in helping people shed body fat It has long been postulated that the key to weight loss is eating breakfast and not skipping meals.  It appears that a recent study breaks this concept particularly.  A study at the University of Alabama Birmingham found…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Dinner, Earlier, Meal Skipping, Meal Time

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Can running excessively cause hip and knee arthritis?   Running is an excellent form of exercise if your body can take the pounding.  You can burn over 500 calories per hour.  One of the questions many patients ask is if it will increase your risk of degenerative or osteoarthritis (OA).…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Arthritis, Cartlidge, Degenerative, Exercise, Jogging, Joint, Knee, OA, Obesity, Osteoarthritis, Research, Running, Study, Walking, Weight Loss

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Alcohol is the diet destroyer.   Quite a few of us enjoy social time after work and the relaxing and sedating effects of a drink.  It is a part of our society's traditions.  I am no different.  I love a good glass of bourbon and…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Alcohol, Diet Destroyer, Diet Killer, Moderation, Weight Loss

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Metabolic Syndrome: Is it more than just overweight? What is metabolic syndrome?  Metabolic syndrome, aka Syndrome X, is a common condition that is every bit as prevalent as the common cold and likely way more expensive for us to treat.  Nearly 50 million Americans have metabolic syndrome, and it has a family, age-related, and ethnic…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Metabolic Syndrome, Nutrition, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Apple Cider Vinegar: The Magic Bullet? Apple cider vinegar I can remember as a child that we always made apple butter and cider in the last summer in West Virginia. We would gather at the family farm to pick apples and press them for cider. I love the stuff and miss those simpler days of…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Apple Cider Vinegar, Blood Sugar, Fat Loss, Satiety, Vinegar, Weight Loss

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Splurges are a quick way to derail your diet.   Don't let a single slip up ruin your progress or knock you off the wagon.  The big thing is you need to not let one slip up turn into a whole day, month, or week of slip ups.  You cannot…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Derail, Diet, Slip Up, Weight Loss

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Is there a healthy alternative to corn-based tortilla chips? Strapping on the feed bag in front of the TV is harder to avoid as you watch your favorite football team.  Our falls are spent in tailgate party binge eating and drinking copious amounts of alcohol.  Snack foods are the bane of weight loss and maintenance.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Tortilla Chips, Weight Loss

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Low-carbohydrate Diets May Be Better For Weight Loss Than a Low-fat Alternative. As we enter the post-holiday period, most of us begin to focus on recovering from the all the parties and feasts.  Most have gained a little poundage over the holidays and now we are planning to lose the extra that we gained around…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Low Carb, Low-carbohydrate, Weight Loss

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Peanut butter can be a part of your weight loss plan. As a child, I loved to eat peanut butter sandwiches after exercise.  I used to have 1-2 after each football and basketball practice.  It is a staple food of many children and teenagers in America, but somewhere after that age,  peanut butter becomes vilified…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Peanut Butter, Research, Weight Loss

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Understanding Prediabetes, Diabetes, and Obesity This post will hopefully help individuals understand how excess weight puts them at a higher risk of developing pre-diabetes and diabetes. Most with a weight problem are not aware they are predisposed for pre-diabetes and diabetes until symptoms of type 2 diabetes begin to show. Even then it takes time…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Nutrition, Obesity, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Sleep can help you lose weight and avoid obesity and cravings.  We all know that sleep is essential for optimal health.  We do not function efficiently without enough sleep, and we are just plain grumpy if our sleep is interrupted, but we still fail to get enough good quality…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Craving, Obesity, Rem, Rem Sleep, Sleep, Sucrose, Weight Loss

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Does Food Flavor Lead to Obesity? We all have foods that we crave.  The mere thought of eating them brings the flavor to mind and makes our mouths water.  It has often been postulated that sweet or fatty flavors by themselves might cause obesity.  Fat, sugar, and carbohydrates have been vilified as culprits when discussing…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Flavor, Myth, Obesity, Research, Weight Gain

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Why haven't I lost weight? I have said this before, but it is time to review this topic as we enter into the new year.  We are impatient and expect instant changes.  Weight loss takes time, and you need avoid becoming discouraged.   Weight loss and fitness require a lot of effort that is more…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Advice, Homor, Weight Loss

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Calories differ based on the source.   Calorie Definition A calorie is a single measurement of energy, and each calorie is the same in terms of energy.  If they come from a different source, are they different in the way they affect the human body based on the laws of physics and thermodynamics?  Are all calories are created equal…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: A Calorie Is Not A Calorie, Calorie, Calories Are Not Calories, Macronutrients, Protein, Research, Weight Loss

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Do Carbohydrates Help or Hurt Weight Loss? Carbohydrates have been vilified over the years.  The Adkin's diet and other low carbohydrate diets have highlighted carbs as the primary cause of our obesity problem in the United States.  Is there any truth to this claim or is this just hype to sell books and low-carb foods?   Research…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Carbohydrates, Frutose, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Research Proven, Sugars, Weight Loss

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Obesity and High Blood Pressure AKA Hypertension Diabetes and Hypertension affect many Americans. Hypertension is at epidemic levels, and like diabetes, high blood pressure is a silent killer. The number of people living with hypertension is predicted to be over 1.5 billion worldwide in less than…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Blood Pressure, Hypertension, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Alcohol is the diet destroyer.   Quite a few of us enjoy social time after work and the relaxing and sedating effects of a drink.  It is a part of our society's traditions.  I am no different.  I love a good glass of bourbon and…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Alcohol, Diet Destroyer, Diet Killer, Moderation, Weight Loss

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Taxing Obesity: That will teach those overeaters!   Ultimately, what may be needed to address the obesity problem are direct taxes on body weight. - Jonathan Gruber This is the way many liberals and politicians think.  Tax them and punish them for their bad behavior, and they will change.  How well have they worked out…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Obesity, Tax, Weight Loss

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Chicken Wrap This recipe is for a wrap you and your family will love as a meal on the go or for dinner when you need a break.  The best part is that it can be made with leftovers.
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Recipe, Rotissery, Weight Loss, Wrap

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Ways to control you portion size Weight loss is not an easy task.  Most dieters have no idea of what a portion size is and how to moderate the intake of various foods they eat in a given day.  When we sit down to eat, the last thing…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Portion Control, Weight Loss

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Fruits and vegetables and fruits will help you lose weight.   Fruits and vegetables at a farmers market Americans, in general, eat too few fruits and vegetables.  Fruits and vegetables have several benefits that make them exceptionally beneficial for those trying to lose weight.  They tend to have more fiber than fruit juices but still have the…
Categories: Nutrition, Progress Report, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fruits, Nutrition, Research, Research Proven, Vegetables, Weight Loss

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Obesity humor is not just a joke. A positive attitude and confidence can empower successful weight loss, but how is it possible if we continue to pile on with derogatory and sarcastic humor from all angles that make fun of and diminishes the problem and ridicules the individual.  A negative attitude can make losing weight difficult or…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Attitude, Confidence, Editorial, Energy, Negative, Positive, Weight Loss

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Does diet soda help or hurt weight loss?   A cold glass of soda drink The recent bans and taxes in liberal cities to paternalistically protect you from the evils of sugar or carbonation are nothing new.  The bullseye on soda or carbonated sweetened drinks has been around for a long time and they want you…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Artificial sweeteners, Aspartame, Diet Soda, Nutrasweet, Weight Loss

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Obesity is not due to Poor Self-Discipline. I do not know how many times during my years in the military have I heard an officer and enlisted Soldier refer to someone overweight as weak.  It is more than just willpower and a decision to be thin.  It is 100% false that weight gain/loss is all about…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Weight Gain, Weight Loss, Willpower

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The perfect dip and dressing made a little healthier. I want to make something that I could dip Buffalo Strips in during the football games so here you go, but what are Bafflo strips without ranch dip. The best part is that this dip goes great with Buffalo or vegetables. If you want it as a…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Healthy, Ranch, Recipe

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Losing Weight Can Expand Your Wallet While Trimming Your Waist! The number of Americans that are overweight or obese is approximately 72 million per the CDC.  Most are not motivated to lose weight but obviously, we are or you would not be on this website.  What can I do to…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: List, Money, Save Money, Waist Line, Wallet, Weight Loss

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Coffee can be a healthy part of nearly any diet. Cup of Coffee "Coffee is dangerous and unhealthy."  This is preposterous and untrue for most of us.  The reasoning behind this is coffee…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coffee, Dangerous, Mortality, Myth, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Calories differ based on the source.   Calorie Definition A calorie is a single measurement of energy, and each calorie is the same in terms of energy.  If they come from a different source, are they different in the way they affect the human body based on the laws of physics and thermodynamics?  Are all calories are created equal…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: A Calorie Is Not A Calorie, Calorie, Calories Are Not Calories, Macronutrients, Protein, Research, Weight Loss

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Omega-3: An Appetite Suppressant?  There is no such thing as a sure thing or a magic bullet when it comes to weight loss.  Around the globe, obesity and obesity-related illnesses represent a major public health challenge. The prognosis for citizens of the United States is exceptionally poor.  Unfortunately, there is no sunrise on the horizon and…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fatty Acid, Leptin, Omega-3, Weight Loss

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Fresh is better but frozen is fine! Frozen Food Isle I can remember, as a child, my grandmother telling me that flash foods were better than frozen foods. If you think about it, it makes sense that fresh food would be better for you than frozen food. Frozen food is processed and well, fresh food…
Categories: Nutrition
Tags: Fresh, Frozen, Fruits, Nutrition, Vegetables

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Healthier Buffalo Chicken Tenders This a very tasty version of my favorite recipe.  My wife makes this for me and my son and he loves it.  It does well with a healthy version of ranch she often makes to dip for the tenders and celery in.  If you are interested in ranch recipe, visit "Recipe:…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Buffalo Chicken, Healthier Buffalo Chick Tenders Recipe, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Withings Pedometer  Bottom Line Up Front:  This is a good and effective pedometer.  It just plain works and has a lot of great features which are listed below.  It is unfortunate that it never made it. Pedometers come in all shapes, colors, and sizes.   This particular model is the perfect shape and size to fit on your…
Categories: Exercise, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Fitness Tracker, Pedometer, Pulse

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Leptin: the hormone that suppresses appetite  Many dieters struggle with weight loss because of their feelings of hunger.  They try to lose weight but their appetite gets in the way.  Many have tried unsafe fad diets that are based on science but do not fully understand the science behind them.  Recently, I wrote an article…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Ghrelin, Hunger, Leptin, Obesity, Sateity, Satiety, Weight Loss

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Doughnut are Satan's Minions Doughnuts are one of those things that are very hard to resist.  They are exceptionally delicious and I might even say addictive but they are also poisoned to your waistline.  They make you feel good with a euphoria that is to some as addictive as heroin.  There is nothing like the…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Doughnuts, Evils, Fat, Obesity, Sugar. Editorial

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Alcohol may not be as bad for weight loss you may think it is. There is research that has shown that a single drink a couple of times a week may lower your risk of becoming obese, but those who consume more than four drinks daily are more likely to be obese.  More to come on…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obstacle, Research, Road Bump, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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 [pullquote]“I am in shape. Round is a shape.”- Anonymous[/pullquote]  We spend a lot of time and effort on losing weight.  American's spend billions on supplements, health clubs, and weight loss books.  There is no quick fix so make a pledge today to change.  The key to last weight loss is making a change that sticks.…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inspiration, Quite, Weight Loss

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A simple Tex-Mex dish that is also healthy. Tex Mex Pizza A delicious and simple recipe for Mexican pizza your family will love. Mexican Pizza is delicious as a pizza crust or flour tortilla topped with any number of toppings. You can add beans, beef, cheese, sour cream, onions, tomatoes, jalapeños, or even guacamole. The…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Mexican Pizza, Pizza, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Losing Weight Can Expand Your Wallet While Trimming Your Waist! The number of Americans that are overweight or obese is approximately 72 million per the CDC.  Most are not motivated to lose weight but obviously, we are or you would not be on this website.  What can I do to…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: List, Money, Save Money, Waist Line, Wallet, Weight Loss

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Weight loss mistakes make it more difficult. The is part 2 of the series.  I hope you find it helpful.   Obesity - Causes and Effects Dehydration:  Hydration is key and it is a research-proven method to lose weight and keep it off.  If you do not get enough fluids, you will gain weight.  There…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Loss, Mistakes, Weight, Weight Loss

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Michelle Obama was right but missed the mark in her methods.   Before you start reading, I am fairly conservative and a Ronald Reagan fan.  I consider him to the be the best president in the 50 years I have been on this planet.  If this offends you, I suggest…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Nutrition, School Lunches

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Late to rise from bed may increase your risk of obesity. Waking Up Ben Franklin may be right when he said that ".....early to rise, may make a man healthy, wealthy, and wise".  Based on this statement, he believed that people who were morning folks would be healthier.  Re=cent research from February 2017 appears to…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Sleep, Weight Loss

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Obesity and weight gain are the bain of fitness. [pullquote]“If you keep on eating unhealthy food than no matter how many weight loss tips you follow, you are likely to retain weight and become obese. If only you start eating healthy food, you will be pleasantly surprised how easy it is to lose weight.”  ― Subodh…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inpirational, Obesity, Quote, Weight Gain

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Egg Taco: a simple breakfast treat you family will love. This recipe is a very tasty breakfast meal that is easy to make. tacos are a key staple in Texas. I have grown fond of them during my time at Fort Hood. My family have grown to prefer them over a breakfast sandwich. I have…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Egg Taco, Eggs, Healthy, Recipe, Taco, Tex Mex

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Ice Cream: The Frozen Nectar of Satan Ice cream is a fantastic thing unless of course, you are lactose intolerant then it is worse than the frozen nectar of stain.  You can get the yogurt version or lactose-free but they are not the same.  Ice cream is sweet can creamy cold goodness that our parents reward…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Dessert, Ice Cream, Road Bump, Weight Loss

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Do Carbohydrates Help or Hurt Weight Loss? Carbohydrates have been vilified over the years.  The Adkin's diet and other low carbohydrate diets have highlighted carbs as the primary cause of our obesity problem in the United States.  Is there any truth to this claim or is this just hype to sell books and low-carb foods?   Research…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Carbohydrates, Frutose, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Research Proven, Sugars, Weight Loss

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Ice Cream: The Frozen Nectar of Satan Ice cream is a fantastic thing unless of course, you are lactose intolerant then it is worse than the frozen nectar of stain.  You can get the yogurt version or lactose-free but they are not the same.  Ice cream is sweet can creamy cold goodness that our parents reward…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dessert, Ice Cream, Road Bump, Weight Loss

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Maximize Fat Loss What dieters should focus on is fat loss and not weight loss.  Ultimately, maximizing fat loss is all about calories in versus calories out and a total deficit of 3500 calories to lose 1 pound of body weight[1].  This fact is true, but how much less should you eat to…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Caloric Balance, Fat Loss, Maximizing Fat Loss, Weight Loss

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Weight loss requires a lifelong change.   Feet on scale Before you start talking about how much weight you have lost and how I am wrong, give me time to explain what I mean by this statement.  As a military physician, I spend a good portion of my life trying to lose weight or helping…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dieting, Editorial, Weight Loss

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Not all carbs are bad. Sure, they all end up as simple sugars.  They all end up being stored as fat or burned for energy.   Products rich of complex carbohydrates. Now for the rest of the message: not all carbohydrates are the same.  There are two basic types of carbohydrates: simple and complex. This…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Bad, Carbohydrate, Carbs, Myth, Nutrition

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Can I eat at McDonald's and still maintain a healthy lifestyle?   McWeight Fat food is the biggest minefield for dieters.   You are on the road and want something fast and your family chooses McDonald's.  Although it is not the best choice, you can still control your portion size and eat somewhat healthy.   Breakfast:…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Eating Healthy, McDonald, Weight Loss

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Overeating is one reason we are overweight. It does not matter if you are trying to maintain weight loss or if you are just starting to lose weight, the reasons for less-than-successful weight loss are the same.  You have decided to make a change and are careful to know portion sizes and eat healthy choices, but…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: List, Loss, Overeat, Reasons, Weight

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Can Calcium Increase Weight Loss I already did an article that showed research raving that yogurt can help with weight loss.  We are told that milk and calcium are good for the bones and teeth.  I have read that calcium can do it also, but is there research to back that up?   Pouring milk Research on…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetitie, Calcium, Dairy, Fat Loss, Weight Loss

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What is fiber?  Why do I need it?  How can I add it to my diet?  Read more of this article to find out everything you want or need to know about fiber. Fiber: Why Do We Need It? What Foods Are Rich In Fiber? Fiber is the performer, otherwise known as roughage. Simply put, it…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Nutrition, Roughage

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Color Up Your Food and Dinner Plate for Weight Loss When I started to research this as a topic after reading an article on colors of plates and weight loss, I thought this topic is crazy.  The color of a plate is not going to cause someone to lose weight.  What inherent property would a…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Hunger, Plate Color, Research, Satiety, Weight Loss

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[pullquote]The number of kids affected by obesity has tripled since 1980, and this can be traced in large part to lack of exercise and a healthy diet. - Virginia Foxx[/pullquote]One of my pet peeves is seeing many of the folks riding around stores on a motorized shopping cart.  Before you get mad, I am not criticizing…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Disability, Food For Thought, Handicap, Motorized Carts

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A simple Tex-Mex dish that is also healthy. Tex Mex Pizza A delicious and simple recipe for Mexican pizza your family will love. Mexican Pizza is delicious as a pizza crust or flour tortilla topped with any number of toppings. You can add beans, beef, cheese, sour cream, onions, tomatoes, jalapeños, or even guacamole. The…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Mexican Pizza, Pizza, Recipe, Weight Loss

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How to Incorporate Exercise into Your Day Push Ups Ok, it is Monday after a weekend.  I hit the snooze button too much and now I have to play catch up on my steps.  Don't let your work schedule get in the way of 10,000 steps.  In an ideal situation, I would have gotten up at…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Weight Loss, Work

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 Diet Is Better Than Exercise  There is plenty of research out there that indicates that diet is better than exercise.  We've been taught that exercise is so important for weight loss.  I absolutely hate doing to the gym.  The question is, is it true that diet is better than exercise to lose weight? A lot…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Exercise, Proven, Research, Weight Loss

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I have read a lot about food choices in dieting and weight loss.  One question that is commonly asked: Are there any key food types to avoid?  Food that makes the most sense to avoid is this that has limits for no nutritional value.  Some of these are referred to as empty calories.  This term, empty…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dieting, Empty Calories, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Interval Training can assist with weight loss We have all looked for exercise to help maximize weight loss.  Which ones work and which ones do not?  All exercise will work for weight loss if you have a calorie deficit, but some work better. What is interval training?  Interval training is a type of exercise that combines various…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Interval, Loss, Training, Weight Loss

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 Can I Eat Eggs and Lose Weight?   Eggs in a bowl. Successful weight loss is as simple as making good decisions for your breakfast.  Adding eggs to your diet may be one of the easiest things to do if you’re trying to lose weight.  Eggs are cheap, easy to make,  and they are a great source…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Eggs, Proven, Research, Weight Loss

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Eating healthy while eating out is not easy. Fast Food Restaurant I would prefer not to eat healthily when I eat out.  I would prefer just to eat what I want, but recently, I visited a restaurant that is a less common chain restaurant near Jacksonville, FL.  I reviewed the calorie content online as I…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dining, Eating, Out, Weight Loss

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Avoiding mistakes is the key to success. Weight loss fail. Losing weight is not easy.  For some, the struggle to maintain a healthy weight, and others just give up and wallow in their obesity.  There are lots of mistakes you can make during your endeavor to lose weight.  These traps will lead to you ultimately failing…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Loss, Mistakes, Weight, Weight Loss

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Overeating is one reason we are overweight. It does not matter if you are trying to maintain weight loss or if you are just starting to lose weight, the reasons for less-than-successful weight loss are the same.  You have decided to make a change and are careful to know portion sizes and eat healthy choices, but…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: List, Loss, Overeat, Reasons, Weight

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Leptin: the hormone that suppresses appetite  Many dieters struggle with weight loss because of their feelings of hunger.  They try to lose weight but their appetite gets in the way.  Many have tried unsafe fad diets that are based on science but do not fully understand the science behind them.  Recently, I wrote an article…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Ghrelin, Hunger, Leptin, Obesity, Sateity, Satiety, Weight Loss

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 [pullquote]“I am in shape. Round is a shape.”- Anonymous[/pullquote]  We spend a lot of time and effort on losing weight.  American's spend billions on supplements, health clubs, and weight loss books.  There is no quick fix so make a pledge today to change.  The key to last weight loss is making a change that sticks.…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inspiration, Quite, Weight Loss

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 Can I Eat Eggs and Lose Weight?   Eggs in a bowl. Successful weight loss is as simple as making good decisions for your breakfast.  Adding eggs to your diet may be one of the easiest things to do if you’re trying to lose weight.  Eggs are cheap, easy to make,  and they are a great source…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Eggs, Proven, Research, Weight Loss

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Exercise: Slow Return to Running If you have not figured it out yet, I am in the US Military.  The military is very interested in readiness and part of readiness is being able to run from incoming fire.  I can run if you chase me with a baseball bat.  In fact, I am pretty sure…
Categories: Exercise
Tags: Exercise, Running, Slow, Walking

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A simple chicken dish that is easy to make. This is an easy main course to put together.  Enjoy this chicken in a high-fiber wrap with a side of veggies and you have a quick and simple meal. You family will love this dish and ask for it regularly.
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Fiber will fill you up and keep you full longer. I posted an article on the benefits of fiber.  This is going to be a multiple part series on high fiber foods you need to add to your diet on a regular basis.  I have found that if I get 30-50 grams of fiber in…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, High Fiber Foods, List, Nutrition

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Omega-3: An Appetite Suppressant?  There is no such thing as a sure thing or a magic bullet when it comes to weight loss.  Around the globe, obesity and obesity-related illnesses represent a major public health challenge. The prognosis for citizens of the United States is exceptionally poor.  Unfortunately, there is no sunrise on the horizon and…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fatty Acid, Leptin, Omega-3, Weight Loss

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[pullquote]The number of kids affected by obesity has tripled since 1980, and this can be traced in large part to lack of exercise and a healthy diet. - Virginia Foxx[/pullquote]One of my pet peeves is seeing many of the folks riding around stores on a motorized shopping cart.  Before you get mad, I am not criticizing…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Disability, Food For Thought, Handicap, Motorized Carts

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Stress as Cause of Weight Gain This a continuation of part 1.  Cortisol, as indicated in part one, is a stress steroid hormone. Many health experts say cortisol is public enemy number one. Researchers and doctors alike have indicated that it is a major cause of poor health in patients with chronic elevated stress and…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Stress Reduction, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Thoughts of Quitting do not mean failure! Quitting Quote [pullquote]“Be the person that when your feet touch the floor in the morning the devil says, “aww shit.. they’re up…”  -- The Rock[/pullquote] We all think about quitting because weight loss seems so hard.  Focus on your goal and why you decided to take this quest,…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Inspirational Quote, Quitting, Weight Loss

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Weight loss mistakes make it more difficult. The is part 2 of the series.  I hope you find it helpful.   Obesity - Causes and Effects Dehydration:  Hydration is key and it is a research-proven method to lose weight and keep it off.  If you do not get enough fluids, you will gain weight.  There…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Loss, Mistakes, Weight, Weight Loss

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Seventeen tips to help start your weight loss right. Whenever you strive to change, making the decision is the first step.  Pat yourself on the back for making that decision.  You have already accomplished the first hurdle.  You now need to be confident in your decision and have a positive attitude.  As your blood sugar…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: List, Motivation, Strategies, Weight Loss

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Ghrelin: The Gremlin of Hunger Hormones If you talk to the average American, they have heard of adrenalin, insulin, and cortisol.  If you mention ghrelin, they will probably think it was a corny 1980s film about little creatures that you should not feed at night or give water.  This one is almost as sinister and…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Ghrelin, Hormone, Hunger, Obesity, Weight Gain

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Resistance training may provide superior results.   It has long been argued which type of exercise is superior for weight loss.  Once camp argues that aerobic exercise is superior because it burns more calories and is better for the heart.  The other group argues that resistance training is superior because it…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss

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Comfort foods can add to your midsection. The best comfort food will always be greens, cornbread, and fried chicken. -  Maya Angleou Comfort foods are foods we use to soothe our anxiety and depression.  They make us calm and increase endorphins.  For me, my comfort food is pizza or pepperoni rolls  Heck, I will take…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Comfort, Food, Thought

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Inspiration may help you start right! Here is a thought.  Get started with the first step to being healthier today.  Lose one-half pound per week.  That sounds like very little, and you may ask…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inspiration, Quote, Weight Loss

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Fiber will fill you up and keep you full longer. I posted an article on the benefits of fiber.  This is going to be a multiple part series on high fiber foods you need to add to your diet on a regular basis.  I have found that if I get 30-50 grams of fiber in…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, High Fiber Foods, Nutrition

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One of the biggest misconceptions I have found in articles, books, and conversations concerning weight loss is that all you have to do is remove a single food type or group from your diet to lose weight.  This is simply and patently false.  So what is the key to losing weight? There are plenty of…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Keys For Success, List, Weight Loss

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Stress and Cortisol: a struggle with Obesity This is the first of a four-part article on stress and cortisol.  If you understand stress and cortisol, you will understand one reason why Americans are getting fatter and fatter.  Sure we overeat, but stress and cortisol are arguably the main reasons why. What is Stress? Stress is…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cortisol, Stress, Weight, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Added Sugar, Hidden Sugar, Obesity, Weight Lsos

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Cortisol: The Beer Gut Hormone Steroid hormone cortisol (hydrocortisone) structural formula Cortisol is a steroid hormone of the glucocorticoid class that is made and released by the Adrenal Glands in response to stress (Examples of glucocorticoid-like hormones are hydrocortisone and prednisone).  The adrenals located above each kidney.  It is often released in hard times to…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cortisol, Hormones, Obesity, Weight Loss

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The Hormones of Weight Gain and Loss Nearly two-thirds of Americans are either overweight of obese.  Medical providers are overwhelmed by the consequences of poor dietary and lifestyle decisions.  Obesity results in deaths from illnesses such as hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes type 2, heart disease, high cholesterol, and stroke.  Weight gain and obesity is…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Hormones, Obesity, Weight Loss

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A simple but healthier twist on a family favorite. I have to admit that I love Italian.  I have a weakness for a simple pasta and meat sauce and I am looking for ways to make a quick dish that I can make and put in bowls in my refrigerator to eat for dinner for…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Italian, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Weight training can assist with weight loss. Lifting Weights If you understand how you burn calories, you understand why it is important to keep muscle mass.  Weight lifting is one way to protect and build more muscle mass.   Many consider weight liftings or residence training to be one of the most important methods of…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss, Weight Training

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Exercise can help, but a flat belly is made in the Kitchen. "I got kicked out of ballet class because I pulled a groin muscle.  It wasn't mine." - Rita Rudner  Exercise motivation is tough.  Many morning that I have planned to exercise ended with me rolling over and burying my face in the pillow…
Categories: Exercise
Tags: Exercise, Quote, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Butter has been vilified over the years.  Are there any healthier options?  This article discusses a few.  One of the questions I have been asked on more than one occasion is whether I should use butter or not.  I am a little different than most physicians, and I disagree with dietitians on this one.  I…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Butter, Margarine, Peanut Butter, Substitute

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Peanut butter can be a part of your weight loss plan. As a child, I loved to eat peanut butter sandwiches after exercise.  I used to have 1-2 after each football and basketball practice.  It is a staple food of many children and teenagers in America, but somewhere after that age,  peanut butter becomes vilified…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Peanut Butter, Research, Weight Loss

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Family Food Preferences Not all of us have the option of preparing meals for just one.  Some of us have to consider our family, friends, roommates, etc. when choosing the weekly menu, shopping, and preparation of meals.  With Chuck living away for work, I must feed myself and our son.  The problem comes in that…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Family Food Preferences, Road Bump

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Spicy Red Pepper Hummus : A healthier option than nachos It is Saturday and this is a great recipe for game day.  Yes, I know it is not nacho cheese, but you can dip with vegetable chips or bean chips and save a whole lot of calories.  This is a spicy hummus that will make you…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Weight Loss

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Weight training can assist with weight loss. Lifting Weights If you understand how you burn calories, you understand why it is important to keep muscle mass.  Weight lifting is one way to protect and build more muscle mass.   Many consider weight liftings or residence training to be one of the most important methods of…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss, Weight Training

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A little stagnation.... I had a slight step back but no weight gain.......   Weight: 263 Exercise: Walked 3 of 5 days.   Alcohol: Had a bit of a relapse.   Calories: More and I have had too much ice cream.     The bottom line: There is always next week.  .  
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Yogurt could be one key to unlocking weight loss success. Yogurt One of the key lessons to achieving lasting weight loss is actually learning to eat correctly.  There are many foods that can be added to your diet to maximize weight loss or reduce weight gain.  One such food is yogurt.  There are plenty of…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Loss, Research, Weight, Weight Loss, Yogurt

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Even a cheap pedometer will work if you use it. Bottom Line Up Front:  This is a cheap but effective pedometer.  It is made in China and I purchased it for about $2 dollars and that included shipping. Pedometers come in all shapes, colors, and sizes.   Most are not the most accurate at measuring steps…
Categories: Exercise, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Fitness, Healthy, Pedometer, Walking, Weight Loss

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Type 2 Diabetes can be slowed or prevented. “No disease that can be treated by diet should be treated with any other means.” ― Maimonides Diabetes Diabetes type II or adult-onset diabetes is a genetic disease that is diet and nutrition-related.  If your parents have it, you likely have the gene that will give you this disease.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diabetes, Diet, Food, Nutrition, Thought

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Exercise can help, but a flat belly is made in the Kitchen. "I got kicked out of ballet class because I pulled a groin muscle.  It wasn't mine." - Rita Rudner  Exercise motivation is tough.  Many morning that I have planned to exercise ended with me rolling over and burying my face in the pillow…
Categories: Exercise
Tags: Exercise, Quote, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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"Stressed spelled backward is desserts. Coincidence? I think not!" ~Author Unknown Chips, nachos and curls This a small food for thought on the simple things you can remove from your diet and how much weight you could lose in a year if you avoid them.  We are going to focus on sugar and junk food today.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Food For Thought, Junk Food, Weight Loss

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The slower pace will finish the race! One of the most important tips I can give you about starting slow.  If you start out from more sedentary or mild activity to level and try to go heavy or high-intensity exercise, you will likely either be unsuccessful or end in injury.  As you increase the intensity,…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise Tip, Go Slow

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Small, small improvemeng.... One step at a time......   Weight: 263 Exercise: Waled every day this week.   Alcohol: Less.   Calories: Much less.   The bottom line: Progress continues.  
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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The real truth about supplements and myths:   Figure 1:  Mortal and Pestle: This how many herbs are ground up for medicinal use.     What is the truth about supplements? Many health-conscious Americans are taking a vitamin, mineral, or supplement today.  I believe natural medicine has a role in health and wellness.  I grew up…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Bad, Danger, Good, Myth, Supplements, Truth

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Motivation is one key for weight loss success. The Way Get Started Is To Quit Talking And Begin Doing. ~ Walt Disney I have found it difficult to stay motivated and have to admit that I often fail to meet my target.  More times than not, I get backed into a corner and have no choice but to lose…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Weight Loss

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Sugar-sweetened beverages increase the risk of metabolic syndrome and obesity.   Metabolic Syndrome Each person in the United States drinks nearly 45 gallons of soda each year.  Many of those are sugar-sweetened.  Consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages, which include soft drinks, fruit drinks, iced tea, and energy and vitamin water drinks, has risen across the globe.…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Metabolic Syndrome, Research, Soda, Weight Loss

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Not all carbs are bad. Sure, they all end up as simple sugars.  They all end up being stored as fat or burned for energy.   Products rich of complex carbohydrates. Now for the rest of the message: not all carbohydrates are the same.  There are two basic types of carbohydrates: simple and complex. This…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Bad, Carbohydrate, Carbs, Myth, Nutrition

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Family Food Preferences Not all of us have the option of preparing meals for just one.  Some of us have to consider our family, friends, roommates, etc. when choosing the weekly menu, shopping, and preparation of meals.  With Chuck living away for work, I must feed myself and our son.  The problem comes in that…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Family Food Preferences, Road Bump

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The slower pace will finish the race! One of the most important tips I can give you about starting slow.  If you start out from more sedentary or mild activity to level and try to go heavy or high-intensity exercise, you will likely either be unsuccessful or end in injury.  As you increase the intensity,…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise Tip, Go Slow

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Better.... I have started with a baby step.   Weight: 264 Exercise: Light, but I need to do more. I walked 3 days this week.     Alcohol: Less.   Calories: Much less.   The bottom line: Progress is progress. 
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Even more weight loss mistakes to avoid. You plan you diet carefully and limit snack to only the healthier foods.  But are you making good choices.  This series is all about looking at the not so smart choices you might have made.   Low-fat diets:  Recent studies have debunked the age-old claims that we should…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Loss, Mistakes, Weight, Weight Loss. Nutrition

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I am not sure I know who said it, but I found it online.  Today I needed come inspiration.  I reassess my goals and I would like to get to 199 pounds and 18 percent body fat.  I am currently at 208 and 22.5 percent.  The body post and metabolic testing in 3-4 weeks should help…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inspirational Quote, Weight Loss

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The key to weight loss is a negative calorie balance.   Calculator I know this seems like a simple concept, but many cannot accomplish this simple task.  If you want to lose weight, you must create a deficit of calories.  It is this simple if you eat too many calories, you will lose weight, and…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Calorie Deficit, Weight Loss

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Bottom Line Up Front:  This is a very cheap but effective pedometer.  It is made in China and I purchased it for about three dollars including shipping. Pedometers come in all shapes, colors, and sizes.   Most are not extremely accurate at measuring steps or feature-rich choice, but it is great at estimating how close…
Categories: Exercise, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Fitness, Fitness Electronics, Pedometer, Weight Loss

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"Stressed spelled backward is desserts. Coincidence? I think not!" ~Author Unknown Chips, nachos and curls This a small food for thought on the simple things you can remove from your diet and how much weight you could lose in a year if you avoid them.  We are going to focus on sugar and junk food today.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Food For Thought, Junk Food, Weight Loss

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Seventeen tips to help start your weight loss right. Whenever you strive to change, making the decision is the first step.  Pat yourself on the back for making that decision.  You have already accomplished the first hurdle.  You now need to be confident in your decision and have a positive attitude.  As your blood sugar…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: List, Motivation, Strategies, Weight Loss

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Better and Better.... I continue to take baby steps.   Weight: 266 Exercise: Light.  Alcohol: Less.   Calories: Much less.   The bottom line: Progress is progress. 
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Low-calorie foods might not be the answer. Eating Cardboard   "A gourmet who thinks of calories is like a tart who looks at her watch." -   ~ James Beard Everyone thinks that foods that are high in calories are unhealthy.  I will refute this right now.  Plain and simple, this is untrue.  Cardboard is…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Food For Thought, High-calorie Foods

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Eating cake can derail your weight-loss train. Parties often involve a celebratory cake.  Cakes are full of sugar and fat.  The best of all is a buttercream cake.  The cake is often made pound cake which contains over a pound of butter and flour and that does not count what is in the icing.  How…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Cake, Nutrition, Road Bump, Weight Loss

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An introduction to Portion Control One of the most common reasons for failure in weight loss is overeating.  No matter if you are trying to lose weight or just start eating healthier the first thing you need to learn is portion control.  The first step is to really understand what a portion or serving size…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Portion Control, Weight Loss

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Peer pressure may be the root of all weight gain evil! One of the biggest obstacles to success in weight loss or weight loss management is peer pressure. Peer Pressure You are out to eat with your family and they decide they want to order dessert or your son opens the box of Oreos.  Oreo…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Peer Pressure, Research, Road Bump, Weight Loss

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Beef Nachos Ok, it is college game day, and of course, who does not like nachos on game day?  This is a healthier twist to a game-time treat. This recipe is one your whole family will enjoy and come back asking for more. It might even give you healthy snacks while helping you…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Healthy, Nachos, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Pedometers and The number of steps needed for a healthy lifestyle. If you buy a pedometer, smartwatch, or fitness tracker like a Fitbit, chances are the device will encourage you to take 10,000 steps a day. But do you have to walk this much to be healthy?   There are many recommendations on how many…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Electronics, Exercise, Fitness, Fitness Electronics, Steps, Walking, Weight Loss

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Better.... I have started with a baby step.   Weight: 268 Exercise: Light, but I need to start walking in the mornings.   Alcohol: Less.   Calories: Much less.   The bottom line: Progress is progress.  Hopefully, we do better next week.  
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Fiber is filling and can assist with weight loss. We all know that fiber helps lower cholesterol and the risk of colon cancer.  In my opinion, when it comes to losing weight, a straightforward piece of advice may be more helpful than all the diet books, exercise, calorie counting, and portion measuring put together: Eat more…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss

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What is fiber?  Why do I need it?  How can I add it to my diet?  Read more of this article to find out everything you want or need to know about fiber. Fiber: Why Do We Need It? What Foods Are Rich In Fiber? Fiber is the performer, otherwise known as roughage. Simply put, it…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Nutrition, Roughage

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Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Lights, Research, Sleep, Weight Loss

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Rest and sleep and two keys to weight loss success. "Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise".Ben Franklin So should you walk up at 5 am and go out for a run?  Ben Franklin said that "Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise".  In the…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Rest, Road Bump, Sleep, Weight Loss

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Delicious garlic-filled recipe! Chicken, when cooked correctly, can be a delicious and nutritious meal.  When I was looking to lose weight, I found many of the recipes to be less than desirable.  I think you and your family will love this addition to your night-time rotation. This recipe is one that I really like.…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe
Tags: Healthy, Recipe, Weight Loss

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The magic of a pedometer is simple math. Ok.  The key to knowing more about pedometers is to know how the math works.  If you understand the math, you understand the science and mechanism behind the wizard that is a pedometer.  They are not all that complicated until you get to the smartwatch. Americans are…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Electronics, Exercise, Fitness, Fitness Electronics, Steps, Walking, Weight Loss

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Starting Fresh I am starting fresh with a new weight loss plan.  After retiring, I have gained nearly 40 pounds.  My health has suffered. Weight: 270 Exercise: What is that? Alcohol: Please.   Calories: too damn many.   The bottom line:  I need to lose weight and exercise more.  At 55, I am starting to…
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Water can help you lose weight. Americans are estimated to be 5-10% dehydrated, but too much water can be just as fatal as dehydration.  I would suspect that this estimate is low based on my trips to the grocery store.  Everyone I saw was loading their cart full of soda and coffee.  Both of these may…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Research, Water, Weight Loss

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An introduction to Portion Control One of the most common reasons for failure in weight loss is overeating.  No matter if you are trying to lose weight or just start eating healthier the first thing you need to learn is portion control.  The first step is to really understand what a portion or serving size…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Portion Control, Weight Loss

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Coffee can jump start your weight loss plan. Coffee is a nectar of the gods.  It is miraculous what it does to me each morning.  It truly wakes me from my zombielike state each morning.  It starts every day for many around the world.   I can speak for my administrative assistant and she thanks our maker…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coffee, Research, Satiety, Weight Loss

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Eating cake can derail your weight-loss train. Parties often involve a celebratory cake.  Cakes are full of sugar and fat.  The best of all is a buttercream cake.  The cake is often made pound cake which contains over a pound of butter and flour and that does not count what is in the icing.  How…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Cake, Nutrition, Road Bump, Weight Loss

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Beef Nachos Ok, it is college game day, and of course, who does not like nachos on game day?  This is a healthier twist to a game-time treat. This recipe is one your whole family will enjoy and come back asking for more. It might even give you healthy snacks while helping you…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Healthy, Nachos, Recipe, Weight Loss

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A pedometer can assist with accountability. Why buy a pedometer?  Many folks will tell you you are wasting your money if you buy a fitness tracker or pedometer.  Buying one has many benefits, but are they worth the investment?  How do pedometers help me with fitness and weight loss? Pedometer Why buy a pedometer? Pedometers…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Fitness Electronics, History, Pedometer, Walking

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Garcinia Cambogia is probably one to avoid! Source: Garcinia Cambogia Fruit which is a small green to pale yellow fruit that is shaped a like a pumpkin.  It is grown in Southeast Asia and Africa and is also know as brindleberry, Malabar tamarind, and kudam puli.   Garcinia cambogia…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Garcinia Cambogia Extract, Research, Supplement, Weight Loss

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Travel and weight loss: a bumpy road. Ok, I am on my first big trip to take a vacation.  That is actually two obstacle to continuing my health kick.  One is traveling and the other being on vacation.  I plan to attack this differently than I have in the past.  In the past, I would take…
Categories: Weight Loss

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A smaller plate can lead to a smaller waist. I know it sounds ridiculous.  I have heard for years that using a smaller bowl or plate will help you eat less.  Today, when we eat out, our portions are huge, and they seem to get larger every year.  We truly are not only supervising our…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Smaller Plate, Weight Loss

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Time to change the supplement rules and enforcement Supplements I am sure you remember the snake oil salesmen from the old westerns.  In a not too distant past, salespeople would go city to city and door to door to sell their wares, and these elixirs and tonics rarely worked, and many contained addictive ingredients such…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Supplements, Weight Loss

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Low-calorie foods might not be the answer. Eating Cardboard   "A gourmet who thinks of calories is like a tart who looks at her watch." -   ~ James Beard Everyone thinks that foods that are high in calories are unhealthy.  I will refute this right now.  Plain and simple this is untrue.  Cardboard is…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Food For Thought, High-calorie Foods

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What is the history of pedometers?   Pedometers were first popular in the 1960s.  They gained fame in the 1964 Olympics in Japan as the 10,000 Step Meter or  Manpo-Kei.  This caused a fitness explosion in Japan and many walking clubs sprung into existence.  Even though this is when pedometers gained popularity, they have existed…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Fitness Electronics, History, Pedometer, Walking

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Whey protein may help you lose weight. Whey Protein is one of the most common supplements for muscle building and weight loss.  I have heard a lot of outlandish claims about it.  I remember a press conference on YouTube a few years ago when one of the better-known companies claimed a higher rate of muscle…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Protein, Supplement, Weight Loss. Whey

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Airport Food: The options are slim and unhealthy. Airline meal I am in the airport in Dallas and I have to say it is a nice airport.  With a 2 hour layover, I have plenty of time to walk steps in the airport.  The open area and walkways between terminals will allowed me to get…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Airplane Food, Nutrition, Road Bump, Weight Loss

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Green tea boosts fat loss. Green tea has been widely recommended for just about anything that you can think up.  This liquid cure-all from the Orient is full of antioxidants and metabolism boosters.  The taste takes some time to get used to it, but once you do, it can be very pleasant. The question remains:…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Green Tea, Research, Weight Loss

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Peer pressure may be the root of all weight gain evil! One of the biggest obstacles to success in weight loss or weight loss management is peer pressure. Peer Pressure You are out to eat with your family and they decide they want to order dessert or your son opens the box of Oreos.  Oreo…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Peer Pressure, Research, Road Bump, Weight Loss

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Delicious garlic-filled recipe! Chicken, when cooked correctly, can be a delicious and nutritious meal.  When I was looking to lose weight, I found many of the recipes to be less than desirable.  I think you and your family will love this addition to your night-time rotation. This recipe is one that I really like.…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe
Tags: Healthy, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Does an illness need to derail your exercise plans? Should I exercise when I am sick?  This is not an exact answer.  But I will do my best to provide an answer.    What type of illnesses are we discussing? allergies colds coughs ear infections sinusitis tonsillitis throat infections (sore throat) Whether you should exercise…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cold, Common Cold, Exercise, Heat Injury, Illness

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The Bod Pod: Body Fat Percentages  The Bod Pod is the Cadillac of body fat percentages.  I have a scale in the bathroom and it does electrical impedance.  They are notorious for being 12 percentages off depending on hydration.  I decided to have the measurement done at our local wellness center to see where I…
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Bod Pod, Body Composition, Body Fat, Motivation, Weight Loss

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Will Alli help with weight loss? Orlistat is a pharmaceutical drug, sold over-the-counter under the name Alli, and under prescription as Xenical.  It has been on the market since 1999.  In 2007, it was released for over-the-counter sales under the name Alli.  The difference between the two pills, Alli and Xenical, is dosage.  Alli is…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Review, Supplements, Weight Loss

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Healthy, positive emotions are key to weight loss success. Weight loss quote with apple and tape measure If you are trying to lose right or get healthier, the worst thing you can do is feel that you have slipped up or are failing.  Regret and guilt will follow, and you will begin to worsen your eating…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Emotions, Weight Loss

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High protein diets may help with weight loss. High Protein Foods How does protein consumption affect weight loss?  I am not going o discuss a particular source of protein.  This is a post reviewing general research on the amount of protein consumption and weight loss.   The fad diets are out there.  Everyone has heard…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: High Protein, Research, Supplement, Weight Loss

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Calories from different sources are not the same. Cutting Calories I have had a lot of nutrition lectures.  Whether it was a medical instructor or a dietician that I visited when I was trying to lose weight, almost all of them said weight loss is all about calories.  Although this is true to a point, it…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Calories, Myth, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Eating Healthy In Restaurants Eating out with family and friends shouldn't be an excuse to eat unhealthy foods. This article contains five of the tips that I use to keep my calorie count down when I eat out.  Now, you can sit and enjoy your meal guilt-free.   So,  you can sit and enjoy the company of your family…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Eating Out, Nutrition, Restaurant, Weight Loss

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What is a pedometer, and how does one work? A pedometer is a relatively simple device.  Pedometers are devices that are portable and electronic, mechanical, or electromechanical and count each step a person takes by detecting the motion of the user's hands or hips.  They can be a simple mechanical device that just counts steps or as complex as the modern sports…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Calorie Counter, Exercise, Fitness Electronics, Pedometer, Step Count, Step Counter

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A new study found plant protein promotes high satiety.   In recent years, animal advocacy groups have been pushing for less animal and more plant based consumption.  Manufacturers have made progress in the texture of plant based products that look, taste, and feel like their animal based predecessors.  You…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetitie, Protein, Research, Satiety

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Cinnamon works!  Give it a try but consider using Ceylon cinnamon because it is safer at higher doses. Cinnamon You have heard me say a million times that there is no quick fix when it comes to weight loss.  Because being overweight or obese is so prevalent, the epidemic and potential cures are a favorite…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Insulin Resistance, Research, Weight Loss

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Green Coffee bean may help with weight loss, but it is probably not worth the risk. Green coffee beans are the seeds of the Coffee fruit.  They are simply normal coffee beans that haven’t been roasted.  When we roast coffee beans to produce drinking coffee, the process reduces the chemical chlorogenic acid level in the…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Green Coffee, Research, Supplements, Weight Loss

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Quote to inspire a healthy mindset: Motivation So you need a little motivation to get you to lose weight and exercise.  Focus on success.  You can do this.  Avoid these negative thoughts of failure and you will.  It may not happen as quickly as you would like, but it will happen as long as you keep…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inspiration, Quote, Weight Loss

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What is a healthy goal for weight loss? The problem with most dieters is they pick a target that is too lofty or unrealistic, and when they miss the mark, they become discouraged.  Being discouraged naturally leads to regret and guilt and these negation thoughts are not helpful with weight loss.  We are in the…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Smart Goals, Weight Loss

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Peanut butter can be a part of your weight loss plan. As a child, I loved to eat peanut butter sandwiches after exercise.  I used to have 1-2 after each football and basketball practice.  It is a staple food of many children and teenagers in America, but somewhere after that age,  peanut butter becomes vilified…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Peanut Butter, Research, Weight Loss

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Medications are hit-and-miss for weight loss...mostly a miss. I recently had a request to write an article on weight loss medications.   As a physician, I try everything in my arsenal to avoid going this route with patients.  I would prefer that they not have to take medications, but some cannot lose weight without them.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Medications, Question, Supplements, Weight Loss

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Good vs. Bad fats. Figure 1: Pound of Body Fat Disgusting fat! Would all of our weight loss problems be solved if we just eliminated fat from our diets? The simple answer is no, it's not that simple.  Fats are an important part of a healthy diet; you cannot live without them.  Essential fatty acids…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Healthy Fats, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Supplements create short-term success and are not the answer. supplement capsules Supplements that claim to stoke or speed up the metabolism have been around for decades and currently go by the name thermogenic or metabolism boosters.   They are currently one of the most popular weight loss supplements in the world, and the supplement companies have billions invested…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Supplements, Thermogenic, Weight Loss

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Weight loss supplements provide limited weight loss assistance. Supplements The weight loss supplement industry is a billion-dollar industry.  There is a lot of research out there that seems to support the use of supplements to lose weight.  What is the truth behind the research and should I take supplements? There are all sorts of different…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Bad, Danger, Good, Myth, Supplements, Truth

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Chicken Wrap This recipe is for a wrap you and your family will love as a meal on the go or for dinner when you need a break.  The best part is that it can be made with leftovers.
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Recipe, Rotissery, Weight Loss, Wrap

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The real truth about supplements and myths:   Figure 1:  Mortal and Pestle: This how many herbs are ground up for medicinal use.     What is the truth about supplements? Many health-conscious Americans are taking a vitamin, mineral, or supplement today.  I believe natural medicine has a role in health and wellness.  I grew up…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Bad, Danger, Good, Myth, Supplements, Truth

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More improvement.   I am below my goal now.  I am reassessing my goals.   Weight:  If you look at figure 1.  I lost 5.4 pounds this week.  I do not think the weight gain was real.  Some of the weights were a different…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report

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Yogurt could be one key to unlocking weight loss success. Yogurt One of the key lessons to achieving lasting weight loss is actually learning to eat correctly.  There are many foods that can be added to your diet to maximize weight loss or reduce weight gain.  One such food is yogurt.  There are plenty of…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Loss, Research, Weight, Weight Loss, Yogurt

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Inspiration may help you start right! Here is a thought.  Get started with the first step to being healthier today.  Lose one-half pound per week.  That sounds like very little, and you may ask…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inspiration, Quote, Weight Loss

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Weight loss mistakes make it more difficult. The is part 2 of the series.  I hope you find it helpful.   Obesity - Causes and Effects Dehydration:  Hydration is key and it is a research-proven method to lose weight and keep it off.  If you do not get enough fluids, you will gain weight.  There…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Loss, Mistakes, Weight, Weight Loss

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Smaller meals mean fewer calories...Maybe. Myth If you have health problems, discuss this and any dieting plans with your doctor or dietician.  They can help individualize your plan to your disease condition. One of the most common myths I hear is that it is better to eat 5-6 smaller meals rather than three larger meals. …
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Research, Smaller Meals, Weight Loss

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Hatch Chile Chicken: This recipe is a quick and delicious recipe that your family will love.  The best part is that it is low in fat and it can be eaten alone or added to a wrap or bowl.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Hatch Chile, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Medications are hit-and-miss for weight loss...mostly a miss. I recently had a request to write an article on weight loss medications.   As a physician, I try everything in my arsenal to avoid going this route with patients.  I would prefer that they not have to take medications, but some cannot lose weight without them.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Medications, Question, Supplements, Weight Loss

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Motivation is one key for weight loss success. The Way Get Started Is To Quit Talking And Begin Doing. ~ Walt Disney I have found it difficult to stay motivated and have to admit that I often fail to meet my target.  More times than not, I get backed into a corner and have no choice but to lose…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Weight Loss

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Eating healthy while eating out is not easy. Fast Food Restaurant I would prefer not to eat healthily when I eat out.  I would prefer just to eat what I want, but recently, I visited a restaurant that is a less common chain restaurant near Jacksonville, FL.  I reviewed the calorie content online as I…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dining, Eating, Out, Weight Loss

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Chicory root is a common additive to food.  It is also known as inulin.  You can read more to find out specifics and the pros and cons of Inulin. Figure 1:  Chicory Flower Chicory, or Cichorium intybus, grows in the United States and is cultivated in Mediterranean areas in Europe.  Chicory is a woody, perennial herbaceous plant of the dandelion…
Categories: Nutrition
Tags: Chicory, Fiber, Inulin, Root

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Thoughts of Quitting do not mean failure! Quitting Quote [pullquote]“Be the person that when your feet touch the floor in the morning the devil says, “aww shit.. they’re up…”  -- The Rock[/pullquote] We all think about quitting because weight loss seems so hard.  Focus on your goal and why you decided to take this quest,…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Inspirational Quote, Quitting, Weight Loss

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You can lose weight without cutting calories.   Cutting Calories This statement is partially true, but if you fail to lose weight or have some stubborn pounds you can lose, you should stop and reevaluate your caloric intake.  Your body needs a certain baseline level of calories.  I cannot count the number of people that think that…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Figure 1:  Microwave Meal A frozen dinner may not be what comes to mind when you think about trying to eat healthily. For people who live alone or are single, it might be difficult to cook healthy because small portions can be difficult.  If you cook large portions, some of the leftovers might spoil, or…
Categories: Nutrition
Tags: Frozen Meal, Microwave Meal, Nutrition

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Interval Training can assist with weight loss We have all looked for exercise to help maximize weight loss.  Which ones work and which ones do not?  All exercise will work for weight loss if you have a calorie deficit, but some work better. What is interval training?  Interval training is a type of exercise that combines various…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Interval, Loss, Training, Weight Loss

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Coffee can be a healthy part of nearly any diet. Cup of Coffee "Coffee is dangerous and unhealthy."  This is preposterous and untrue for most of us.  The reasoning behind this is coffee…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coffee, Dangerous, Mortality, Myth, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Is it time for an obesity code?   obesity The obesity rate in the United States is growing faster than the average waistline of a Dunkin' Doughnuts Patron.  Many of the nanny state politicians would make you think that we should consider taxing the food that is unhealthy or adding a tax for each inch of your…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Taxes, Weight Loss

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Avoiding mistakes is the key to success. Weight loss fail. Losing weight is not easy.  For some, the struggle to maintain a healthy weight, and others just give up and wallow in their obesity.  There are lots of mistakes you can make during your endeavor to lose weight.  These traps will lead to you ultimately failing…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Loss, Mistakes, Weight, Weight Loss

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Smaller meals mean fewer calories...Maybe. Myth If you have health problems, discuss this and any dieting plans with your doctor or dietician.  They can help individualize your plan to your disease condition. One of the most common myths I hear is that it is better to eat 5-6 smaller meals rather than three larger meals. …
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Research, Smaller Meals, Weight Loss

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A loaded pecan smoothie. I am from Georgia and have many pecan trees on my farm. Pecans are high in fiber and antioxidants.  The addition of pumpkin and banana make this an excellent source of vitamins and minerals.   In my home town, you can smell the pralines as they cook year-round. It is intoxicating. I…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chocolate, Pecan, Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Why did I choose walking as a form of exercise?  This is an easy answer for me.  It is an exercise that I can continue as I age.   Walking can be a simple form of exercise for the beginner, overweight, sedentary, or just the general couch potato.  It may not…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Walking

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Supplements create short-term success and are not the answer. supplement capsules Supplements that claim to stoke or speed up the metabolism have been around for decades and currently go by the name thermogenic or metabolism boosters.   They are currently one of the most popular weight loss supplements in the world, and the supplement companies have billions invested…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Supplements, Thermogenic, Weight Loss

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Fat but healthy: is it a real thing? I cannot count the number of times that a patient or family member has said that they are fat but healthy.  As a physician, I have no idea what that means, but it seems to be a common myth.  I guess,…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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I have read a lot about food choices in dieting and weight loss.  One question that is commonly asked: Are there any key food types to avoid?  Food that makes the most sense to avoid is this that has limits for no nutritional value.  Some of these are referred to as empty calories.  This term, empty…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dieting, Empty Calories, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Mustard Mustard may boost your metabolism and reduce insulin sensitivity.   Weight loss is tough for just about anyone that attempts it.  Few of us have the gift of the perfect metabolism that allows us to eat whatever we want and not gain weight.  No matter what your plan is, weight loss is best achieved through…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Mustard, Research, Spice, Weight Loss

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Okay.  Let's start with the basics.  If you understand the why and how of weight loss and weight gain, then losing weight is an easy concept that is very difficult to maintain.  Weight loss is not as easy as just pushing back from the table or not filling the feed bag.  You will need to…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Biochemistry, Calories, Weight Loss

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Today I am trying a new meal.  I paid $1.74 for Smart Ones Spaghetti meal. The photo is a fair representation of the meal inside.  It absolutely does not have the number of mushrooms in the photo, but that is ok because I don't care for mushrooms. I did add a little parmesan cheese to…
Categories: Nutrition, Review
Tags: Food, Italian, Meat Sauce, Microwave Meal, Nutrition, Review, Spaghetti, Weight Watchers

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Every so-called expert will tell you the secret to weight loss.  Anyone who tells you it is easy and you just have to eat lots of a single item, be leery.  Whether it is your sister or aunt telling you all you have to do is drink plenty of water and avoid all "xxx" foods.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Calorie Balance, Made Simple, Weight Loss

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Eating Healthy In Restaurants Eating out with family and friends shouldn't be an excuse to eat unhealthy foods. This article contains five of the tips that I use to keep my calorie count down when I eat out.  Now, you can sit and enjoy your meal guilt-free.   So,  you can sit and enjoy the company of your family…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Eating Out, Nutrition, Restaurant, Weight Loss

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Food Commercials Focus on Selling Food and Not on Your Health.   Potato Chips Every commercial we see on TV is directed at the sale of a product. It doesn't matter whether his Weight Watchers or Nutrisystem's, the intent is to sell a product.   There are a lot of fat diets out there, and most…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Junk Food, Research, Snacks

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Bread is one of the most common foods in the American diet. During the past 50 years, bread in America has had less and less nutritional value. We are engineering our bread to be more easily digestible and with less nutritional quality.  These tips will help you choose better bread.  One question I commonly receive…
Categories: Nutrition
Tags: Bread, Fiber, Nutrition, Protein, Whole Grain

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Understanding Calories and BMR can assist with weight loss "How many calories do I need?"  This is one of the most asked questions from people trying to lose weight.  This is a short and straightforward question, but it does not have an easy answer.  The correct answer is that it depends on several factors. What…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Bmr, Calculations, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Good morning!!!!! I am not a morning person, but I am excited to start fresh today.  If you have read any of my posts, you know I have decided to switch my diet around.  This is my first meal.  This is not regular toast; this is higher fiber and protein bread.   I am a…
Categories: Nutrition
Tags: Breakfast, Fiber, Meal, Protein, Weight Loss

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One of the biggest misconceptions I have found in articles, books, and conversations concerning weight loss is that all you have to do is remove a single food type or group from your diet to lose weight.  This is simply and patently false.  So what is the key to losing weight? There are plenty of…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Keys For Success, List, Weight Loss

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I have often thought about returning to running.  I remember my days in Germany running with a jogging stroller for fitness and in hope that this would induce sleep for my son.  It gave my wife a break and was a means for me to exercise.  I loved the stress release, and I could exercise…
Categories: Exercise
Tags: Cons, Exercise, Jogging, Pros, Running, Walking

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If someone wants to lose weight, they should know what they eat and drink daily. The most effective way to do this is to log these items in either a journal or an online food tracker. Awareness is a key step in weight loss and weight management. Researchers estimated in 2017 that there would be 3.7…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Awareness, Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Tracking, Weight Loss

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Butter has been vilified over the years.  Are there any healthier options?  This article discusses a few.  One of the questions I have been asked on more than one occasion is whether I should use butter or not.  I am a little different than most physicians, and I disagree with dietitians on this one.  I…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Butter, Margarine, Peanut Butter, Substitute

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Alcohol may not be as bad for weight loss you may think it is. There is research that has shown that a single drink a couple of times a week may lower your risk of becoming obese, but those who consume more than four drinks daily are more likely to be obese.  More to come on…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Obstacle, Research, Road Bump, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Moderate and low-intensity workouts are more efficient at burning fat.   Figure 1: Heart Rate Zones - Click for larger version. This statement centers on an age-old question that will be debated well after I am long from this Earth.  With mountains of research to explain the physiology, the question remains is low or high-intensity…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Fat, Myth, Weight Loss

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Chocolate Devine Smoothie It was adapted from a GreenBlender Smoothie: Death by Chocolate.  I really love this recipe, but I did not care for the fake yogurt added to it.  It is thick and creamy.  I am sure you will enjoy it too.  If you are vegan, swap…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chocolate, Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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What is fiber?  Why do I need it?  How can I add it to my diet?  Read more of this article to find out everything you want or need to know about fiber. Fiber: Why Do We Need It? What Foods Are Rich In Fiber? Fiber is the performer, otherwise known as roughage. Simply put, it…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Nutrition, Roughage

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Progress Report: I am making on eating healthier and getting more steps.  My weight had not budged.  I have gained about 40 pounds and now weigh 245.  It is a great first step to just avoid alcohol and get some steps.    I need to avoid ice cream and cookies.   The bottom line: Good…
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Mustard Mustard may boost your metabolism and reduce insulin sensitivity.   Weight loss is tough for just about anyone that attempts it.  Few of us have the gift of the perfect metabolism that allows us to eat whatever we want and not gain weight.  No matter what your plan is, weight loss is best achieved through…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Mustard, Research, Spice, Weight Loss

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Manufacturers and USDA have conspired for decades to make us fat.    Imagine a foreign power planning to infiltrate our government and conspiring to alter our food recommendations to encourage our citizens to eat unhealthy food choices.  The spies change our food guidelines to make us sick and…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Nutrition Vegetarian, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Peppermint may help avoid cravings.   Peppermint Tea The sense of smell is directly tied to taste and vice versa.  It makes sense that we might be attracted to foods that taste good.  I am sure you have felt an intense desire to consume certain foods and drinks after smelling them, such as cookies, pizza,…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Peppermint, Research, Weight Loss

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Does Food Flavor Lead to Obesity? We all have foods that we crave.  The mere thought of eating them brings the flavor to mind and makes our mouths water.  It has often been postulated that sweet or fatty flavors by themselves might cause obesity.  Fat, sugar, and carbohydrates have been vilified as culprits when discussing…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Flavor, Myth, Obesity, Research, Weight Gain

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Maqui Pluot Raspberry Smoothie This recipe is a delicious smoothie that is just as beautiful with its purple hue as it is nutritious.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Why walking?  This article reviews the many reasons walking is better than higher-impact exercise such as running.  For me, I chose walking because I have a physical limitation that keeps me from running long distances.  After having major ankle reconstruction surgery, I have been limited in my ability to run.  There are lots of reasons…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Running, Walking, Weight Loss

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I am starting with a similar post to where I started nearly seven years ago.  I have decided it is time to make a change in my life.  I am on new path to better health. In January, I decided to make a change. I gained 65 pounds in the prior three years. I have…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Progress Report
Tags: Health, Weight Loss

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Chili powder may help you lose weight.   chili powder A visitor to the site asked for chili powder can help with weight loss.  The answer, without a doubt, is: YES. Chili powder is a traditional smoky and spicy flavored spice that is used in Latin American and Tex-Mex cooking.  The ingredients of chili powder…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Chili Powder, Question, Research, Spicy, Weight Loss

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Why haven't I lost weight? I have said this before, but it is time to review this topic as we enter into the new year.  We are impatient and expect instant changes.  Weight loss takes time, and you need avoid becoming discouraged.   Weight loss and fitness require a lot of effort that is more…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Advice, Homor, Weight Loss

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Weight loss should be more than just pounds.   Waistline Weight loss as a term is itself the problem with getting healthy.  Instead of calling it losing weight, we need to focus on getting healthy overall and belly fat loss.  When it comes to weight loss, a lot of folks focus on that number on…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Research, Waist Circumference, Weight Loss

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Doing Crunches will not give you a six-pack, but walking your butt off will. Many people want to lose fat from one specific area of their body.  How many guys or gals do I see in the gym who are overtraining a particular area.  Examples are you might…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Weight Loss

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Raspberry Kefir Smoothie This recipe is the best-tasting raspberry smoothie I have ever had. This recipe is a delicious smoothie with the fiber and protein to keep you full and the vitamins and antioxidants of maqui berry powder.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Kefir, Raspberry, Recipe, Smoothie

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Clean eating will not in itself help with weight loss. Clean eating: oatmeal cereal, apple, and smoothie Nutritious fruit and vegetables Firstly, what is clean eating?  Clean eating means consuming minimally processed foods such as unrefined, whole, unprocessed, wild, pasture-raised, hormone-free - the way nature intended.  On these diets, you try to consume very little…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Clean Eating, Myth, Weight Loss

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Quote to inspire a healthy mindset: Motivation So you need a little motivation to get you to lose weight and exercise.  Focus on success.  You can do this.  Avoid these negative thoughts of failure and you will.  It may not happen as quickly as you would like, but it will happen as long as you keep…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inspiration, Quote, Weight Loss

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Green Coffee bean may help with weight loss but it is probably not worth the risk. Green coffee beans are the seeds of the Coffee fruit.  They simply normal coffee beans that haven’t been roasted.  When we roast coffee beans to produce drinking coffee, the process reduces the chemical chlorogenic acid level in the coffee…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coffee, Supplements, Weight Loss

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The Wild West of supplements is mostly unregulated. Supplements Capsules Dietary supplementation is in need of a change. I sesame recommend a need for regulation or laws, but this is one area that needs some moderation. The actual crisis is the fact that the supplement manufacturers are made up of snake oil salesmen and crooks. Although…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Nutrition, Supplement, Weight Loss

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High-intensity interval training may make regional fat loss possible. Running Stairs High-intensity interval training HIIT has been in the exercise new a lot in recent years.  It has been highlighted as an exercise that can be done in a shorter period of time, works better for reducing central body fat, and is in the spotlight as…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss

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Calories from different sources are not the same. Cutting Calories I have had a lot of nutrition lectures.  Whether it was a medical instructor or a dietician that I visited when I was trying to lose weight, almost all of them said weight loss is all about calories.  Although this is true to a point, it…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Weight Loss

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Raspberry Kefir Smoothie This recipe is the best-tasting raspberry smoothie I have ever had. This recipe is a delicious smoothie with the fiber and protein to keep you full and the vitamins and antioxidants of maqui berry powder.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Interval Training can assist with weight loss We have all looked for exercise to help maximize weight loss.  Which ones work and which ones do not?  All exercise will work for weight loss if you have a calorie deficit, but some work better. What is interval training?  Interval training is a type of exercise that combines various…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Interval, Loss, Training, Weight Loss

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A new study found plant protein promotes high satiety.   In recent years, animal advocacy groups have been pushing for less animal and more plant based consumption.  Manufacturers have made progress in the texture of plant based products that look, taste, and feel like their animal based predecessors.  You…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetitie, Protein, Research, Satiety

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Do Carbohydrates Help or Hurt Weight Loss? Carbohydrates have been vilified over the years.  The Adkin's diet and other low carbohydrate diets have highlighted carbs as the primary cause of our obesity problem in the United States.  Is there any truth to this claim or is this just hype to sell books and low-carb foods?   Research…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Carbohydrates, Frutose, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Research Proven, Sugars, Weight Loss

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Keto diets are too restrictive and are not sustainable for long haul. Ketogenic low carbs diet. The ketogenic diet or ‘keto diet’ is one of the new favorite diets that your see on the cover the grocery store garbage magazine. This a dietary approach is not new. Keto diets have been used for decades by…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Keto Diet, Ketogenic, Ketogenic Diet, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Does diet soda help or hurt weight loss?   A cold glass of soda drink The recent bans and taxes in liberal cities to paternalistically protect you from the evils of sugar or carbonation are nothing new.  The bullseye on soda or carbonated sweetened drinks has been around for a long time and they want you…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Artificial, Aspartame, Fountain Drink, Obesity, Soda, Soft Drink, Sweetener, Waistline, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Weight loss supplements provide limited weight loss assistance. Suplements The weight loss supplement industry is a billion dollar industry.  There is a lot of research out there that seems to support the use of supplements to lose weight.  What is the truth behind the research and should I take supplements? There are all sorts of…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Bad, Danger, Good, Myth, Supplements, Truth

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A delicious smoothie to remind you of a childhood treat. When first introduced, smoothies were a huge success. They are a far cry from the Orange Julius drinks I had a child. They are nutritious and can be a filling part of or replacement for a meal while on the go. My all-time favorite is…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition. Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Tips to avoid late-night snacking Snacking can be the enemy of weight loss and cause significant weight gain.  If you can prevent snacking and grazing, you will be a step ahead in losing weight.  
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: List, Snack, Weight Loss

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Healthy, positive emotions are key to weight loss success. Weight loss quote with apple and tape measure If you are trying to lose right or get healthier, the worst thing you can do is feel that you have slipped up or are failing.  Regret and guilt will follow, and you will begin to worsen your eating…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Emotions, Weight Loss

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Supplements create short-term success and are not the answer. supplement capsules Supplements that claim to stoke or speed up the metabolism have been around for decades and currently go by the name thermogenic or metabolism boosters.   They are currently one of the most popular weight loss supplements in the world and the supplement companies have billions invested…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Supplements, Thermogenic, Weight Loss

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Should I be worried? The "so-what" to research results from 2013. There are hundreds of millions so people suffering from Diabetes type 2 around the globe (if not more). This disease is caused by an inability to properly process sugar from the blood. Normally, insulin signals our cells to pull sugar from our blood when…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Blood Sugar, Chewing, Editorial, Research, Satiety

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Artificially sweetened beverages may not be as benign as we think. Refreshing Bubbly Soda Pop There are a lot of people out there who drink diet sodas. It is a huge market with sales in the billions of dollars. There is a perception that diet sodas are healthier than sugar-sweetened sodas. The manufacturers claim that…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Artificial sweeteners, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Mortality, Research, Sugar

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