Research: Structure Your Weight Loss and Maintenance Plan to Guarantee Success
Why so many pounds regained weight after weight loss and how to prevent the weight gain? Energy Balance I am nearly 100% certain that this…
Why so many pounds regained weight after weight loss and how to prevent the weight gain? Energy Balance I am nearly 100% certain that this…
Frozen and prepackaged meals can be a healthy option. Man and Microwave Meal Our society is increasingly on the go and has less downtime than…
Low-calorie diets: The new fountain of youth? Fountain of Youth We have searched for solutions to create youth and longevity since Ponce DeLeon was…
Sugar type may be an independent risk for weight gain and disease. I have been told for years that calories are calories and it…
Myth: If You Eat or Exercise Consistently, You Will Never Gain Weight A common myth is that people who exercise should not gain weight. The…
Low-calorie diets: The new fountain of youth? Fountain of Youth We have searched for solutions to create youth and longevity since Ponce DeLeon was…
Meal timing study shows promise in helping people shed body fat It has long been postulated that the key to weight loss is eating breakfast…
Not all snacking is bad. Mindless Eating in front Television Snacking is when you consume food or beverages between your regular meals. Snacking is…
Breakfast: Is It The Most Important Meal of the Day? Breakfast We have all heard the statement that breakfast is the most important meal of the…
Low-carbohydrate Diets May Be Better For Weight Loss Than a Low-fat Alternative. As we enter the post-holiday period, most of us begin to focus on…