Time to return to my path to better health.

For a long time, I have the wrong priorities. I have been focusing on short term enjoyment and relaxation instead on my path to better health. I blame it on stress at work and temptations from my family. The fact is that this is all on me.
No More! I am going to focus on my health and less on weight loss. Weight loss is not what I need. If I focus on these 5 things, the rest will happen on its own.
- Eating more fiber. Fiber fills you up and lowers nearly all causes of morbidity and mortality.
- Less empty calories. Empty calories are terrible for your waistline. In particular, alcohol and sugar are two of my vices.
- More exercise. I need to walk and do flexibility exercises more. My body is slowly circling the toilet. I need to pull myself out of the spiral.
- More sleep. I need to get better and more sleep. It is nto necessarily about hours or quantity. It is more about quality.
- Less eating out. Eat at home more and if I eat out, I need to make better choices. The bane of my existence is Mexican food and Buffalo wings.
The bottom line: I am going back to my success and focusing on health. My weight will go down if I do these tasks and make it a part of my habits, the weight will come off on its own.
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