List of weight loss tips

Check List
This post is a list of the 115 or more weight loss tips with accompanying image to help you find a tip that might be helpful for your busy lifestyle. It only takes a small change over time to make a huge difference in your waistline. The tips included in this list are ones I have found helpful in my successful weightless. If you have any suggested tips, please send them to me.
Publish on April,03 2021
by ChuckH
Advice on smartly navigating the weight loss landmines in the supermarket. When trying to lose weight, one of the most difficult activities you must do is grocery shopping. Since weight loss is 80 percent diet, going to the grocery store can be an exercise in torture. All those tempting goodies on the shelves, the delicious…
Publish on July,15 2020
by ChuckH
Prepping your meal plans can help you lose weight. Food Meal Prep Who would have thought that planning your meal plans ahead of time and using an assembly line to get your meals packaged for the upcoming week would help you lose weight? I think we experience trouble making all the meals for you or…
Publish on July,01 2020
by ChuckH
The right combo of fat and fiber spells lasting satiety. Healthy Fats Like many of you, I am looking for a way to promote fullness and satiety. The problem is that it is not as easy as you might expect. The good news is that combining fat with fiber has been shown to promote fullness…
Publish on June,17 2020
by ChuckH
Meal delivery services can help you lose weight. Food Meal Prep Do you hate to cook? Not many of us like to cook and all are looking to a quick and easy way to prepare meals and still lose weight. The good news is you don't have to cook to lose weight and meal delivery…
Publish on June,10 2020
by ChuckH
Why eggs are one of the perfect weight loss foods. Bunch of Eggs Eggs have long been vilified as unhealthy food and the cause of high cholesterol, heart disease, and strokes. The fact is that the tie between eggs and health conditions is very poor and more recent research refutes these claims. In fact, eggs are…
Publish on June,03 2020
by ChuckH
Avoid most herbal supplements and supplements. Supplements Everyone his looking for a leg up in weight loss. To be honest, I would buy them if they were proven safe by a reputable study and effective at weight loss. The problem is that rarely is there a good study that is not full bias and often…
Publish on May,27 2020
by ChuckH
Muscle burns more calories Muscle Weight loss is simple and it is very dependent on a simple calculation. The key is to produce a dept of calories. This is the one debt that we will encourage. Boosting your metabolism can help you lose weight and keep it off, but how do you boost your metabolism? Metabolism is…
Publish on May,20 2020
by ChuckH
Consume fewer calories by eating more fruits and vegetables Fruits and vegetables at a farmers market Eating fewer calories is the key to weight loss. Although it may seem easy, it is not as easy as it may seem. Many of the foods that we have grown to love are high in calories and in…
Publish on May,06 2020
by ChuckH
The first three months are essential for weight loss. Weight loss fail. Losing weight is not easy. Nearly every dieter struggles to lose weight or hits a plateau. Experts will tell you good gradual weight loss is the way to go. It is Victor's little to no evidence to back up this week. In fact,…
Publish on April,29 2020
by ChuckH
More sleep and quality sleep helps shed the pounds Man sleeping Poor sleep duration and quality can pack on the pounds. It is well documented in research and medical literature that sleep helps reduce weight gain. Sleep is essential for efficient and properly functioning metabolism. In fact, a short sleep duration that is less than…
Publish on April,22 2020
by ChuckH
Modify old habits and adopt new ones can add a little spice to your old diet. Mindless Intake in front Television The enemy of a successful diet is boredom. That little rut can happen anytime but it is more likely to happen when you are bored. The problem is that it is very easy to…
Publish on April,15 2020
by ChuckH
Eating out less and making your meals is the recipe for more weight loss. Couple cooking A lot of folks will tell that eating at home is healthier than eating out but it also a recipe for weight loss. The average meal that is eaten in a restaurant is near twice the caloric count that…
Publish on April,08 2020
by ChuckH
Getting out of bed and moving around is a simple what to lose weight. Rise and shine I have to admit that like many of us that I am not a morning person. I wake a little grumpy and need a few cups of coffee to get moving. My mom used to sing a good…
Publish on April,01 2020
by ChuckH
The wrong wrap can lead to gained weight. Chicken Wrap Wraps are a popular food choice and most feel that they are a superior food for weight loss. I have no doubt that they are a delicious, complete, convenient, and balanced meal that can fit the palm of your hand. Wraps are a popular food…
Publish on March,25 2020
by ChuckH
Skipping the bread can help you lose some fat rolls. White Bread When out at a restaurant, ask the server to hold the bread. I would never argue that a little bread and olive oil with your dinner is not a fantastic and flavorful way to start each meal. The is nothing like a good…
Publish on March,18 2020
by ChuckH
Healthy fats promote satiety: Choose your fats wisely can help you feel full longer. Example of Dietary Fat Sources Dietary fat has frequently have been blamed for the increase in the prevalence of obesity. It sort of makes sense that logically that if fat is what is stored that eating more would be the culprit…
Publish on March,11 2020
by ChuckH
Smoothies and soup may be the perfect foods to promote satiety and weight loss. Chunky Vegetable and Bean Soup If you are like me, you can probably remember the soup your mother made when you came in from a day playing in the snow. Soup may be the perfect comfort food for those that are…
Publish on March,04 2020
by ChuckH
Thirst can lead to overeating. A Woman drinking water. Most American's are in a state of chronic dehydration. As a society, we have become so accustomed to drinking many artificial drinks suck as soda and many of them contain high levels of dehydrating caffeine. I have been told many times that thirst and hunger can…
Publish on February,26 2020
by ChuckH
Hummus is a healthier and more filling option than Ranch dip. Spicy Red Pepper Hummus Nothing says party like chips or vegetables and dip. Almost every party I have been to that has snack food has bowls of some sort of chips, plates of vegetables, and some fatty dairy-based dip like ranch or sour cream…
Publish on February,12 2020
by ChuckH
Greek yogurt will keep you full and add some much-needed protein to your diet. Yogurt with Chia and Kiwi Looking for a filling and delicious snack or dessert that will nto pack on the pounds? You really do not need to go any further than the dairy aisle. I recommend adding a little nonfat Greek…
Publish on February,05 2020
by ChuckH
You do not need to clean your plate so save some for lunch tomorrow. Big family dinner Portion control is essential for weight loss. We have all been tunned by our grandmothers and parents to clean out plates. There are many differences between the diets out there, but they all have something in common and…
Publish on January,29 2020
by ChuckH
Sex can reduce your appetite and can help you lose weight. young couple in bed It is well known that exercise can help suppress your appetite. I am not saying that exercise will not deplete your sorted calories and make you need to eat. I am saying that exercise before meals can reduce your need…
Publish on January,22 2020
by ChuckH
Processed foods have limited nutritional value and essentially only pad your waistline. Junk Food Box We are currently flooded and overwhelmed with processed foods. They assault our eating option around every corner. There are very limited means to avoid them but if you want to lose weight, you must avoid them. You may never be…
Publish on January,15 2020
by ChuckH
Add a hot spice to your meals can help you eat less and lose weight. Red pepper flakes Much of the United States likes spicy food, but we are absolutely not the most spice loving region of the world. Indian and Thai foods are among the spiciest foods in the world. My wife and I…
Publish on January,08 2020
by ChuckH
Getting more sleep can help to lose more weight. Businessperson sleeping in the office It is hard to believe that eating a little more can help you lose more weight. It seems counterintuitive that laying down and doing less will help you burn more calories and lose more weight. Believe it or not, sleeping more can help…
Publish on December,18 2019
by ChuckH
Adding flax to your oatmeal will bump up your fiber and healthy fat consumption. Flax seeds Flaxseeds have long been recommended as a healthy addition to any diet. Historically, flax is one of the oldest fiber crops in the world. Flaxseed has been cultivated in ancient Egypt and China. The seeds were cultivated in Babylon as early…
Publish on December,11 2019
by ChuckH
Having options at home can prevent fast food grazing when restraint is lower. Woman with Kitchen Pantry We have all had that moment of weakness. You are driving home after work or after a long day at play. You remember that the refrigerator is empty. You have two choices at this stage: take a quick…
Publish on December,04 2019
by ChuckH
Fatigue is a symptom you should not ignore. Fatigued stressed female Do you feel tired all of the time while trying to lose weight? Fatigue while dieting is a very common symptom caused by a reduction in calories as you burn up your excess carbohydrates. Some reduction in energy may occur naturally, but it might…
Publish on November,20 2019
by ChuckH
Choosing the right cooking method can help you lose weight. Cooking time The way you are cooking may be making you fatter. One key to a slim waist is choosing the right foods, but nearly as important to the food choice is the way you prepare them to be eaten. Certain cooking methods may not…
Publish on November,13 2019
by ChuckH
Pumpkin seeds may be small, but they are full of valuable nutrients and filling healthy fats and fiber. Raw Pumpkin Seeds One of the challenges with choosing the right snack. Snacks can be full of processed fats and carbohydrates that will hinder satiety and have you looking for more soon after you consume them. Pumpkin…
Publish on October,30 2019
by ChuckH
Consuming beans can make you lean. White Kidney Beans Beans are not only inexpensive, easy to prepare, and healthy, but they may also help with weight loss. Beans are seeds or legumes that are a staple food around the globe. They have a bad rap for causing gas but this will dissipate over time if…
Publish on October,23 2019
by ChuckH
Good posture builds core muscles and will burn calories and help weight loss. Posture analysis Many people allow their shoulders to slouch and stand in a manner that would have our grandmothers hapring. Poor posture is terrible for your health and might also be contributing to less confidence and weight gain. Because standing with proper posture uses more…
Publish on October,16 2019
by ChuckH
Sharing weight loss goals can build accounability and encouragement. Man with megaphone Most people who make a change toward better eating and exercise to lose weight will tell at least a few others about their intentions. They rarely keep is a secret. All of a sudden you’re buying healthier foods and exercising more, so it…
Publish on October,09 2019
by ChuckH
Taking a short nap can diminish your risk of a binge just by reducing carvings. A guy taking a nap. Getting adequate sleep is a part of any healthy lifestyle. It reduces stress and anxiety and can improve your work performance. But who would've thought that adequate sleep and even a short nap can help…
Publish on October,02 2019
by ChuckH
Photographs can be used as motivation and to document your success. Photographer using old camera After college, I gained a lot of weight. Part of it was the sedentary lifestyle that grew with my waistline as I moved through medical school. Unfortunately, the sedentary lifestyle of education was not healthy for my weight. I am…
Publish on September,25 2019
by ChuckH
Yoga is a great low impact exercise to help with weight loss. Yoga is a fantastic exercise. It is been touted to help with just about anything you can imagine. Exercise can be stressful on your body and many exercises can create a lot of impact on your joints. Yoga is not only low impact…
Publish on September,18 2019
by ChuckH
Quinoa is a whole grain that is easy to cook and goes great with both meats and vegetables. Quinoa Quinoa is a seed that is prepared and eaten similarly to a grain. It was not widely known in the United States until recently. In fact, it is not new at all. Quinoa was an important…
Publish on September,11 2019
by ChuckH
Cheese is calorie dense and reducing it can assist with weight loss Wedge of cheese with caraway seeds Seductive foods that taste great are very tempting when you are restricting intake while trying to lose weight. These foods are addictive and found in just about any restaurant you find. They make fast food nearly impossible…
Publish on September,04 2019
by ChuckH
Resistance bands are a simple at-home or on-the-go strength training option. Athlete fit woman using a red resistance band. Resistance training and weightlifting are well documented through research to assist with weight loss. Resistance bands are a great alternative to weights or even a great addition to a traditional weight training program. I think there is…
Publish on August,28 2019
by ChuckH
Mayonnaise contains empty calories and provides little to no nutrition and is best left in the jar. Mayonnaise sauce. Mayonnaise is one of those guilty pleasures that many people feel is essential to their daytime regime. People added to their sandwich and just about any recipe you can imagine. I, like you, enjoy mayonnaise on…
Publish on August,21 2019
by ChuckH
Avoiding the temptation is key to success in weight loss and maintenance. Meal prepping The enemy of weight loss is eating more. We often have a little leftover when we are done serving our meals. It sits there begging to be eaten and if your anything like me, you have a tendance to want to…
Publish on August,14 2019
by ChuckH
Remember the lessons but let the past go. I have found that dieting is all about focusing on the future. Like the Apple Computer theme, it is important in weight loss that you think differently - you must start thinking thin. Far too often, we hold on to the belief that they can't think…
Publish on August,07 2019
by ChuckH
Salads are not instant weight loss but they can help. Fresh green salad One item you can add to your plans for weight loss is more vegetables and fiber. Salads are full of fiber that can help you feel full without those extra calories that need to be burned off. Salads, if propperly made can…
Publish on July,31 2019
by ChuckH
Taking a break from eating may the key to weight loss. Most of us sit down to eat and once we start shoveling with the fork, we do not stop eating until our food is all gone. We are in a rush all day and we rarely take a break so why should meals be…
Publish on May,15 2019
by ChuckH
Food hoarding leads to weight gain and less healthy choices. Food hoarding is similar to compulsive hoarding that we have all seen on TV. I am really not talking about that, but it is similar. True hoarders should seek the help of a behavioral health provider. Special care needs to be taken to address…
Publish on March,23 2019
by ChuckH
Advice on smartly navigating the weight loss landmines in the supermarket. When trying to lose weight, one of the most difficult activities you must do is grocery shopping. Since weight loss is 80 percent diet, going to the grocery store can be an exercise in torture. All those tempting…
Publish on March,13 2019
by ChuckH
Omega-3: An Appetite Suppressant? There is no such thing as a sure thing or a magic bullet when it comes to weight loss. Around the globe, obesity and obesity-related illnesses represent a major public health challenge. The prognosis for citizens of the United States is exceptionally poor. Unfortunately, There is no sunrise on the horizon and…
Publish on March,06 2019
by ChuckH
Color Up Your Food and Dinner Plate for Weight Loss When I started to research this as a topic after reading an article on colors of plates and weight loss, I thought this topic is crazy. The color of a plate is not going to cause someone to lose weight. What inherent property would a…
Publish on February,27 2019
by ChuckH
Eggs can help you lose weight! You have probably read somewhere, been told by a friend or doctor, or watch a TV show that has indicated that you should avoid eggs as a part of your daily breakfast. They have been tied to more dastardly poor health conditions than the most villainous of comic book…
Publish on February,20 2019
by ChuckH
Chokeberries may reduce weight gain and modulate insulin What the heck is a chokeberry? The Chokeberry is of the Aronia genus of deciduous shrubs. The shrubs that grow the berries are native to eastern North America and most commonly found in wet woods and swamps and many feel they a nuisance or weed. Chokeberries are…
Publish on February,13 2019
by ChuckH
Schedule times for me-time you schedule. Weight Loss Tip 196 - Make Sacred Times Most of us make the critical mistake of filling our schedule to the brim with appointments to take care of other things or people. I am sure you have experienced times when you have 8-10 hours of back to back meetings…
Publish on February,06 2019
by ChuckH
Cleaner food choices can help you lose weight. I know you have used the excuse that it is a weekend or holiday so you partake in foods you would normally avoid. If you keep holiday and weekend meals…
Publish on January,30 2019
by ChuckH
People who have sex more often weigh less. Having a healthy weight is part of a healthy life, and many of us are focusing on exercising and eating right in order to attain a healthy…
Publish on January,23 2019
by ChuckH
Napping may help with weight loss. You read that right. A nap may...may help with weight loss. Cosying up with a blanket to these nap has benefits and one of those is weight loss. I…
Publish on January,19 2019
by ChuckH
Advice on smartly navigating the weight loss landmines in the supermarket. When trying to lose weight, one of the most difficult activities you must do is grocery shopping. Since weight loss is 80 percent diet, going to the grocery store can be an exercise in torture. All those tempting goodies on the shelves, the delicious…
Publish on January,16 2019
by ChuckH
Doing too much at the gym can be worse than not going at all. We have all done it. You go to the gym and go hog wild with your workout. It's never a good idea to overdo it with your workout. If you overdo it, you will be less likely to maintain the exercise…
Publish on January,09 2019
by ChuckH
Cottage cheese can help with weight loss. Stocking your fridge with cottage cheese is one step to jump-starting your weight loss. Well, this is sort of true. You have to eat it to get the…
Publish on January,02 2019
by ChuckH
If you believe you can do it, you are halfway there. I talk to a lot of people about getting healthy and lose weight. Ultimately, you did not gain that weight overnight, and…
Publish on December,26 2018
by ChuckH
Keep pushing toward that goal. [pullquote]“The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places.” ~Unknown[/pullquote]We have the opportunity to succeed and do something great in life, and we can either grasp the bull by the horns, or we can let…
Publish on December,21 2018
by ChuckH
Tight Clothing Can Motivate Weight Loss. As you try to find some motivation to lose weight, all you have to do is grab a pair of shorts that do not fit…
Publish on December,19 2018
by ChuckH
Weight loss is a slow process, but quitting won't speed it up or help you reach your goal. [pullquote]“Be the person that when your feet touch the floor in the morning, the devil says, “aww shit.. they’re…
Publish on December,14 2018
by ChuckH
Attitude is the difference between succeeding and trying. We all start with a weight loss attempt and a plan to succeed, but even the word considers we might fail. We are not attempting to lose weight. Rather, we will lose weight. We will meet our…
Publish on December,12 2018
by ChuckH
The enemy of good is better, and that includes the quest for perfection. Being a perfectionist is the enemy of progress in a successful diet. Being a perfectionist is a true weakness. There…
Publish on December,07 2018
by ChuckH
Guilty feelings can sabotage your weight loss program. Eating a meal is associated with pleasure and enjoyment, but can also create guilt and shame. We have all had that moment of guilt after eating something you…
Publish on December,05 2018
by ChuckH
Look in the mirror because the person looking back is your competition. Do not get discouraged by the figure that looks back at you, use it as motivation to make a…
Publish on November,30 2018
by ChuckH
Focus on small goals. We have all heard the story of someone in our circle that has lost a massive amount of weight. We use others stories as motivation, but the fact is that establishing a massive weight…
Publish on November,28 2018
by ChuckH
Writing it down can keep you motivated. Occasionally, you may have a setback or slow down in your weight loss. Don't be too hard on yourself. One of the best motivators in your weight loss journey is yourself. Keep a motivational…
Publish on November,23 2018
by ChuckH
Determination and Satisfaction [pullquote]Wake with determination to complete the daily goal and go to bed with satisfaction that you are one day closer to making your dreams a reality.[/pullquote]Motivation and determination in the context of weight management is a difficult topic because it…
Publish on November,21 2018
by ChuckH
Smart Weight Loss is..... [pullquote]Smart weight loss is 1% inspiration and 99% determination.[/pullquote]Weight loss is a simple mixture of eating a healthy diet (80%) and exercise (20%), but you must first start with a little inspiration and follow through with a lot…
Publish on November,16 2018
by ChuckH
Design Your Own Weight Loss Plan One of the toughest things about leading an organization in a new direction is getting buy-in. Buy-in for a new program is easier if the participants assist in the development. This statement is even true if you…
Publish on November,14 2018
by ChuckH
Stop wish for better health and thinner and start doing what you need to be it! I wish I were a genie and could snap my fingers and get what I want. I would be back in a size of jeans with a 32-inch waist. We…
Publish on November,09 2018
by ChuckH
Commitment is pushing yourself when no one else is around. Successful and lasting weight loss requires commitment. It is easy to commit to something when your coworkers, family, and friends are watching. It is harder to do when you are bored and home alone.…
Publish on November,07 2018
by ChuckH
Slow and steady progress will win the weight loss race. Everyone is looking for a quick trip to a new weight, but the key to weight loss success is to retrain your daily routine. Once you develop a new routine, you will be more likely…
Publish on November,02 2018
by ChuckH
Failure is making excuses for your weaknesses. We all look for what we have failed in the past, but this search might be holding you back. We all think of things to keep us from losing the…
Publish on October,31 2018
by ChuckH
Negative energy will bread self-doubt and negative thoughts. Being hard on yourself is not the right approach to successful weight loss. When it comes to losing weight, having an all or nothing approach is very common and is a common cause of…
Publish on October,26 2018
by ChuckH
Special events can be used to motive weight loss. Motivation is a good thing, and we all find motivation in different ways. Everyone has a special day in which they want to weight less to impress people they have not…
Publish on October,24 2018
by ChuckH
Get Competitive: With Yourself or Your Friends. Light a little fire behind you by using a competition with a friend to motivate you. There is nothing like a bit of competition to get your motor running. It does…
Publish on October,19 2018
by ChuckH
Motivation got you started, but you will need the discipline to stay on the path to health. [pullquote]Discipline is just choosing between what you want now and what you want more.[/pullquote] We all go shopping at the inopportune…
Publish on October,17 2018
by ChuckH
Avoid canned fruit and fruit sauces. Oh, wait, please tell me you are not going to attack my fruit cocktail and applesauce. Applesauce and cans of fruit cocktail are a favorable memory from my childhood as I am sure it is from yours.…
Publish on October,12 2018
by ChuckH
Eat like you care about yourself. Food can be our medicine or our enemy. I want to encourage you to eat like you love yourself. You are worth the time and effort to eat…
Publish on October,10 2018
by ChuckH
The most significant obstacle is overcoming your inner self. [pullquote]The hardest part of weight loss is not the exercise or nutrition, it is motivating you mind to make a change.[/pullquote] The odds are that this is not the first time you…
Publish on October,05 2018
by ChuckH
Avoid fatalistic view, you can do this! [pullquote]Everyone has a bad day or weekend. Pick yourself up and keep going![/pullquote] We have all experienced a momentary lapse in judgment. I did it this weekend myself. You meant…
Publish on October,03 2018
by ChuckH
Got Splurge? Don't get down. Did you overdo it a little last night? Did you have too much cake at a party? Too many buffalo wings while out with friends? Stay positive and don't let a little lapse…
Publish on September,28 2018
by ChuckH
Your health should be more important. Dieting and weight loss is a lot of hard work. You have to make tough choices and sacrifices to be successful at weight loss. Then again, do you really want…
Publish on September,26 2018
by ChuckH
Having a snack does not have to sink your diet. With practice, healthy snacking can become as easy as dropping a couple dollars in the vending machine. In fact, with as much trouble as I have had…
Publish on September,21 2018
by ChuckH
Avoid getting discouraged! Your body stores excess calories as body fat. You need some fat to save for a rainy day and to pad your organs, but too much body fat will pose a health risk.…
Publish on September,19 2018
by ChuckH
Soda pop can increase weight gain. I love soda or pop. I can remember it being a treat when I would go to football games that my Dad would buy me my own…
Publish on September,14 2018
by ChuckH
Meal Planning Made Easy: Freezing Leftovers Part of my weekly meal planning strategy is to have a few backup meals at all times in the freezer for nights that I know I won't have time…
Publish on September,12 2018
by ChuckH
Meditation will help you cope with chronic stress and lose weight. In my profession, stress is usually a regular part of my life. I am an Osteopathic Physician. For the over 20 years, I…
Publish on September,07 2018
by ChuckH
Progress is still progress. [pullquote]Slow Progress is better than no progress! No matter how slow you progress, you are still doing better than the person on the couch.[/pullquote]I know it might seem depressing when…
Publish on September,05 2018
by ChuckH
Attitude is one key to weight loss and determination and satisfaction help. [pullquote]Determination and Satisfaction: Try to wake with determination to be successful and go to bed with the satisfaction of your accomplishments.[/pullquote]Theoretically, weight loss is easy, but I practice it is much harder in reality. Is…
Publish on August,31 2018
by ChuckH
The future is what you make. Have you tried to lose weight dozens of times and always end up frustrated? Change is hard and weight loss is a change that is not different from any…
Publish on August,29 2018
by ChuckH
Progress is attained one step repeated over and over again. [pullquote]Progress: you may not be where you want to be, but you are a heck of a lot closer than when you started![/pullquote]We have all been there. We hit a day in which…
Publish on August,24 2018
by ChuckH
Success is a sum of small efforts. [pullquote]Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day after day. [/pullquote] Like a New Year's resolution, new diets and exercise programs often fail in one to two weeks. The gyms make huge…
Publish on August,22 2018
by ChuckH
Exercise is Not Punishment! [pullquote]Exercise would be rewarding and relaxing, not a punishment for a dietary indiscretion.[/pullquote]Exercise is healthy and we want to encourage ourselves to do more of it. Exercise is not a form of torture like waterboarding so we need to stop…
Publish on August,17 2018
by ChuckH
Freezing leftovers can prevent the urge for seconds. Near twice a week, I have written a post to share a tip or trick that I have found to be helpful as journeyed down the…
Publish on August,15 2018
by ChuckH
A simple update can help motivate weight loss. Do you like to buy new clothes? Do you like the feeling of fitting into a new pair of jeans? Updating your closet is an easy way promote weight loss…
Publish on August,03 2018
by ChuckH
Soybeans can be the perfect snack. What is edamame? That term is nothing more than a fancy word for the American soybean. It is a fancy name for a legume grown all across the globe. I…
Publish on August,01 2018
by ChuckH
Before you eat out, check the options out online. Just because you’re trying to lose weight does not mean you should stop socializing and having fun. You can be on a diet…
Publish on July,27 2018
by ChuckH
Ending overeating: Try to avoid obsessing on the foods you should avoid. Are you obsessed with certain foods? I can remember several years ago that I would focus…
Publish on July,25 2018
by ChuckH
Adding exercise during the workday can assist with weight loss. Let's face it, one of the enemies of a slim waistline is the perpetual seated lifestyle that work has given us. Unfortunately, there is…
Publish on July,20 2018
by ChuckH
Trade out your favorite pasta noodles with spiraled vegetables. When eating pasta or any other starchy food such as bread, potatoes, or rice, portion control is a key to avoiding weight gain or losing weight. Maintaining control your food intakes is…
Publish on July,18 2018
by ChuckH
Overnight oatmeal can help you save time and lose weight. Breakfast is way too important to miss. We all have trouble finding time to eat right, and breakfast is the easiest one…
Publish on July,13 2018
by ChuckH
Exercise is not a punishment! [pullquote]Exercise would be rewarding and relaxing, not a punishment for a dietary indiscretion.[/pullquote]Exercise is healthy and we want to encourage ourselves to do more of it. Exercise is…
Publish on July,11 2018
by ChuckH
Success is a state of mind. [pullquote]Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day after day. [/pullquote] We have all had bad days where we overeat or miss our exercise goal. It can be very discouraging. You need to dust…
Publish on July,06 2018
by ChuckH
Food addiction and binge eating will expand your waistline. Food addiction and compulsions are a terrible thing for a slim waistline. I have been addicted to food nearly my whole life. It started…
Publish on July,04 2018
by ChuckH
Keep moving forward. [pullquote]Never give up! Everyone has a bad day or weekend. Pick yourself up and Keep Going![/pullquote] We have all experienced a momentary lapse in judgment. I did it this weekend myself. You meant to just grab a cup of…
Publish on June,29 2018
by ChuckH
Quit Making Excuses and Get Motivated! Ok, you had a bad weekend and you slipped up and either did not exercise, splurged on snacks, or both. But really, stuffing yourself like a Christmas turkey isn’t limited to the holidays. There are plenty of…
Publish on June,27 2018
by ChuckH
Stop Wishing and Start Doing. [pullquote]“Life is too short to be wishing for things that have been proven by many to be achievable.” ― Edmond Mbiaka[/pullquote]We all look at the stars and wish for something. We are not in the land of Disney…
Publish on June,22 2018
by ChuckH
Don't quit, try again. We live in one of the most prosperous nations in existence. How do we prove that? Our waistlines. We continue to expand our waists more and more, and we fail to learn from our prior attempts so…
Publish on June,20 2018
by ChuckH
Keeping Your Old Clothes Will Not Help Motivate You to Lose Weight I have done it for years. Whether the clothes are too big or too small, I keep the old clothes because I…
Publish on June,15 2018
by ChuckH
Buying single serving contains for leftovers can help with weight loss. One of the biggest threats to a slim waistline is going back for seconds. We all have leftovers and the temptation is to polish…
Publish on June,13 2018
by ChuckH
Using nonstick spray instead of oil can help with weight loss. Spraying your pain with a little nonstick spray can when you sauté or fry your foods can significantly reduce your calories. Oil is often used…
Publish on June,08 2018
by ChuckH
Avoid restaurant and store made juice smoothies. What could be unhealthy about drinking smoothies? They are fruit and juice, so they have to be healthy, right? When people think about smoothies, they assume they are…
Publish on June,06 2018
by ChuckH
Sports drinks can derail your weight loss. There are hundreds of them on the market. They are pretty much the same thing. Sports drinks are dilute sugary some added sodium and potassium. Each one of them is…
Publish on June,01 2018
by ChuckH
Cooking smaller amounts of food can help with weight loss. One of the biggest obstacles to losing or maintaining weight is the ever-growing meal of our modern culture. As with…
Publish on May,30 2018
by ChuckH
Snacking may be the enemy of weight loss. Over the years, I have seen many suggestions to assist with weight loss. If you bring up snacking in front of dietitians, medical providers, and fitness buffs, you…
Publish on May,25 2018
by ChuckH
Avoid eating snacks from a bag. I remember a commercial from my childhood. Lay's produced the commercial with the slogan "Bet you can't eat just one!". The slogan is much more than a…
Publish on May,23 2018
by ChuckH
A buffet is a weight loss minefield. Some of the finest moments in my college time were spent eating at the all-you-can-eat buffet with my friends. Cheap and endless food supply is the…
Publish on May,16 2018
by ChuckH
Publish on May,11 2018
by ChuckH
Having smaller goals can lead to larger results. The most significant mistake you can make when planning weight loss is to start with too large of a goal. Lofty or unrealistic goals can lead to you becoming discouraged when…
Publish on May,09 2018
by ChuckH
Planning and visualizing will motivate success. As I had heard many times when I used to play golf, "see or be the ball." This statement means you need to visualize a successful put to make it happen. The same…
Publish on May,04 2018
by ChuckH
Reducing the booze can help with weight loss. Alcohol use is a common part of our social culture. I myself, like to have a drink on occasion. I would say that alcohol has some positive effects,…
Publish on May,02 2018
by ChuckH
weight lsos tipEating only at the dinner table can help with weight loss. Eating around the dinner table is something special. I can remember eating dinner with my family as a child. It…
Publish on April,27 2018
by ChuckH
Use healthy food as your blocker as you hit the fridge or pantry. Football season is over but I will sue a little analogy to illustrate a point. Like a football running back, blocking can…
Publish on April,25 2018
by ChuckH
Weight loss will be easier if you cut out processed foods. Today's food manufacturers have made our lives much easier. We no longer have to hunt or gather your food and unfortunately, it…
Publish on April,20 2018
by ChuckH
Eating too little is almost as bad as eating too much! No, I am not talking about starving yourself. I am talking about getting enough food. We have all done it. You are trying hard to make…
Publish on April,18 2018
by ChuckH
Little celebrations of your weight loss success can motivate you. Each person's start on the path to health is different. Making a behavioral change is only the first step to success. You have to maintain…
Publish on April,13 2018
by ChuckH
"Sugar-free" does not always mean "more healthy". Sugar is in the health spotlight as being risk #1 for obesity. There are two types of sugar in your food. There's the sugar that comes naturally in the sugar that is added. Natural sugar includes things like fructose…
Publish on April,11 2018
by ChuckH
Healthy fats can keep you satisfied. Sounds crazy? You have always heard that fat makes you fat? I dispelled the myth of high-fat diets causing obesity in Research: High protein diet may improve metabolic syndrome. People…
Publish on April,06 2018
by ChuckH
Eat whole grains and lose weight. Switching to 100% whole wheat or whole grain bread is easy, especially now that so many 100% whole wheat products are available in supermarkets, but you need to read…
Publish on April,04 2018
by ChuckH
Start your day off right with a nutritious breakfast. We have all heard it at one time during our life: breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You can’t go…
Publish on March,28 2018
by ChuckH
Fill half of your plate with vegetables to lose weight. What is the thing that most of us do to lose weight? Most look to decrease caloric intake and increase exercise as a means to…
Publish on March,23 2018
by ChuckH
Dessert is not the enemy. We focus on sweets a being the enemy. You do not need to deny yourself desserts all the time, in fact, desserts may help you lose weight. If you deny yourself the treats you…
Publish on March,21 2018
by ChuckH
Only eat that which you need! We have all had it happen to us. We are at a family dinner with your family or your in-laws. They push that button with the food you absolutely love. Mine is…
Publish on March,16 2018
by ChuckH
Force yourself to walk more steps. Exercise can be fit into your schedule each day and does not have to cost you any money. You can increase your exercise with simple changes and…
Publish on March,14 2018
by ChuckH
Eat slowly and savor each bite. Many of us are looking for the newest quick loss diet to find an easy way out of the work for weight loss. I would…
Publish on March,09 2018
by ChuckH
Start your day with exercise. We have passed the New Years resolution period and now you have fallen off the wagon. Have you missed you last several exercise days? I am not trying to kick in a guilt…
Publish on March,07 2018
by ChuckH
Dips can be very satiating. Admittedly, This is a very controversial topic. What I will tell you is it is better to tip in those dressings and sips than to pour. If you love creamy dips and sauces,…
Publish on March,02 2018
by ChuckH
Portion Control is one key method of weight maintenance. You have been trying hard to get rid of your gut for a while and unfortunately, I am sure your New Year's resolution is now in the rear…
Publish on February,28 2018
by ChuckH
A handful of walnuts may help with losing weight I know what you are thinking. Walnuts are high in fat and fat makes you fat. Although, it would seem that since walnuts are high in fat and calories…
Publish on February,23 2018
by ChuckH
Green tea has been shown to reduce abdominal circumference Most of us focus on weight when we start on a health kick. Our goal is always centered on the scale so every day millions of Americans will…
Publish on February,21 2018
by ChuckH
Low-carbohydrate diets help with weight loss. The fact is that low-carb diets are effective at weight loss. I have been told that eating fat will make you fat. It is actually much more complicated than that. …
Publish on February,16 2018
by ChuckH
Housework stacks up well against exercise and can help with weight loss I absolutely hate working out and for that matter. I also despise housework, but if I had my choice, I would rather…
Publish on February,14 2018
by ChuckH
Remember, Weight Loss is Not A Race In the United States, nearly two-thirds of adults are obese or overweight. Most want to lose weight, and many of them have tried to lose weight. The question…
Publish on February,07 2018
by ChuckH
Calories are important but focus on more. We have all focused on calories too much. If you think about calories that are 100 calories or less, you will quickly see my points. A medium apple…
Publish on February,05 2018
by ChuckH
Keep pushing toward that goal. [pullquote]“The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places.” ~Unknown[/pullquote]We have the opportunity to succeed and do something great in life, and we can either grasp the bull by the horns, or we can let it…
Publish on February,02 2018
by ChuckH
Publish on January,31 2018
by ChuckH
Get up and move more! I am sure you have seen the multitude of articles equating sitting to be the new smoking. There is no doubt about it that the research points to sitting as…
Publish on January,26 2018
by ChuckH
Chewing gum reduces appetite and cravings. Distracting yourself from hunger has long been shown to reduce hunger and cravings. It appears that cravings, in particular, are short-lived and will dissipate if you can distract yourself for 10-20 minutes. There…
Publish on January,24 2018
by ChuckH
Eating a big breakfast may keep you full longer. Eating a larger meal at the beginning of the day will keep you full longer. I know you have heard it a million…
Publish on January,12 2018
by ChuckH
Intermittent Dieters may lose more weight. Everything I have read until recently has suggested the key to dieting is consistency. When most of us decide to lose weight, we usually set up a plan to exercise…
Publish on January,05 2018
by ChuckH
Meditation might help with weight loss. Before you commit to that fad diet you’re considering, try meditation. Meditation is a simple and easy strategy that could be just what you are looking for to cut…
Publish on December,27 2017
by ChuckH
Plan tomorrow’s meals before your hungry. Anyone who knows me knows that I am a proponent for folks to enjoy life. There is no reason to be miserable so you might as well have fun. Most of…
Publish on December,22 2017
by ChuckH
Drink More Water and Lost Weight Water is an essential part of your diet. Your body is 50-60% water and it needs it for everything from digestions to clearing toxins from your cells. Water…
Publish on December,20 2017
by ChuckH
Use the Rule of One to reduce your holiday indiscretions. The key to weight loss is not depriving you of the foods you desire. If you truly want the food and completely avoid it, you might make the desire for the food…
Publish on December,15 2017
by ChuckH
Add interval training because it can help you lose weight. Interval training is when you vary your speeds and intensity throughout your workout and involves repetitions of series of low- to high-intensity workouts that are abbreviated by rest periods that…
Publish on December,13 2017
by ChuckH
Eat Eggs For Breakfast and Lose Weight Successful weight loss is as simple as making good decisions for your breakfast. Adding eggs to your diet may be one of the easiest things to do if you are trying to lose weight. Eggs are cheap, easy to make, and they are…
Publish on December,08 2017
by ChuckH
Emotional eating can tank your weight loss plans, so get control of your comfort foods. Emotional stress can create some of the strongest food cravings. They tend to hit when you are weak, and…
Publish on December,06 2017
by ChuckH
Don't Find Time, Make Time to Exercise! You have heard many people say that exercise makes you fit and eating right makes you slim. Do not misinterpret this statement! This statement does not mean that activity is not essential. Plain and…
Publish on December,01 2017
by ChuckH
Portion or serving size is key to weight loss and maintenance. The serving size in the United States has been growing for the past 50 years. Unfortunately, our serving sizes are influenced by all the wrong…
Publish on November,29 2017
by ChuckH
Committing to weight loss together will up your odds of success. If you are trying to lose weight, consider joining a weight-loss group and competing against others. Enlist a friend or your spouse to…
Publish on November,24 2017
by ChuckH
Fat-free broth or demi-glace can add lots of flavor with minimal calories. Cooking for yourself is not an easy thing. Cooking for yourself can get monotonous but especially if you eat only microwave meals. I found many ways to help increase…
Publish on November,22 2017
by ChuckH
Determine what stimulates you to overeat We all have triggers and comfort foods, We all have had that moment during the week when we are at our weakest. Our stressors or anxiety lead us to eat…
Publish on November,17 2017
by ChuckH
Substituting hot peppers or hot sauce for condiments can reduce your calorie intake Most of us would not think a small drizzle of our favorite condiment would much of a difference…
Publish on November,15 2017
by ChuckH
Become aware of your calories. You have heard the saying that a calorie is a calorie. Not all calories are not created equal. Sugar is an empty calorie. You may develop consistent cravings…
Publish on November,10 2017
by ChuckH
Scheduling your meals workouts in advance can help with weight loss. I am a busy executive for a major medical center. My days are full and my schedule often…
Publish on November,08 2017
by ChuckH
Measuring is key to portion control. Measuring is one measure to control your portion size, but no, you do not have to weigh and measure your food if you are trying to lose weight. Personally, I do…
Publish on November,03 2017
by ChuckH
Packing your lunch can help you lose weight. You have started a new diet and now, you are feeling pretty good about yourself. You are walking with confidence and have a great outlook on your…
Publish on October,27 2017
by ChuckH
Plan your meal schedule and stick to the routine. I have heard a lot of diet experts speak that should eat before you exercise and yet others express the benefits of eating after you exercise. Some say…
Publish on October,25 2017
by ChuckH
Divide your portion and ask for the doggie bag before you eat. The key to weight loss is portion control and avoiding mindless eating. Restaurants often give you 2-3 times the amount…
Publish on October,20 2017
by ChuckH
Reducing sugar can help with weight loss Sugar is the ultimate in empty calories. When you begin to reduce your sugar intake, you will likely not only lose weight but also feel better. There are many…
Publish on October,18 2017
by ChuckH
Tips to maximize weight loss and minimize hunger and malnutrition. In dieting, it is easy to miss a step or get off track…
Publish on October,13 2017
by ChuckH
People who sit in the middle eat more at parties and gatherings. So you are at a party or a family dinner at this new restaurant. Where do you sit at the table? Wait staff tends to…
Publish on October,11 2017
by ChuckH
Eating with your non-dominant hand can reduce how much you eat. We are all looking for habits that will help you decrease your calorie intake. I have found one that is…
Publish on October,06 2017
by ChuckH
Get more sleep during the work week. We all do it. We go to work during the day, and we spend our evenings trying to do our hobbies and be with our family. All of…
Publish on October,04 2017
by ChuckH
Greens are slimming and filling. Green foods such as lettuce, broccoli, and spinach are low and calories, filling, and slimming. Green salads are a healthful addition to any diet, as long you do not smother it…
Publish on September,29 2017
by ChuckH
Create your own snack packs Making your own snack packs is more economical and may reduce grazing. Grazing the candy bowls or cake cutting ceremonies at work can hurt your chances of weight I…
Publish on September,27 2017
by ChuckH
A pedometer can keep you honest in getting up from your desk. A pedometer is just a tool for us to measure our progress on a daily basis step by step. Pedometers are not perfect, but they do…
Publish on September,22 2017
by ChuckH
Avoid dieting, eat and exercise better. Dieting conjures up the thoughts of the Spanish Inquisition or torture in a sweat box in Southeast Asia. Part of me would rather have bamboo shoots under my…
Publish on September,20 2017
by ChuckH
Drinking a 16-ounce glass of cold water before every meal may decrease calories eaten As long as I can remember, I have recommended a full glass of water before each meal. Since your body is…
Publish on September,15 2017
by ChuckH
Snack foods might be making you fat. Snacking foods might be the enemy to reducing your waistline. The problem with snacking is that it often adds calories to your diet that are low calorie.…
Publish on September,13 2017
by ChuckH
A scoop of cinnamon a day will keep the fat away. There is plenty of research to pack up cinnamon's health benefits. Studies have shown that including cinnamon in your daily diet can help you balance your blood sugar…
Publish on September,08 2017
by ChuckH
Remove all tempting low-quality food from your kitchen. You are embarking on a lifestyle change with a goal of losing weight and living healthier. If you are like me, you have probably squirreled away various foods that were on sale at your…
Publish on September,06 2017
by ChuckH
If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Today, you will start a new diet. Tomorrow, you will break your diet. Next, you will awake to plan or start a new diet, or maybe you will wait a week.…
Publish on September,01 2017
by ChuckH
Saving leftovers can help with weight loss. My grandmother was part of the group that survived the Great Depression. They thought that food wasted was a sin and encouraged us all to clean out plates. They encouraged us to…
Publish on August,30 2017
by ChuckH
Black Coffee Can Help With Weight Loss. Coffee and caffeine have been unfairly demonized. If you read many of the articles on caffeine and coffee you will come to the belief that a…
Publish on August,25 2017
by ChuckH
A small slip-up is not the end of the world. We have all been there before. You plan for this great success and then a few small slip-ups, and you are totally defeated, physically and emotionally. Your path to health…
Publish on August,23 2017
by ChuckH
Less mindless eating will reduce your waistline. How many times have you sat down on the couch with a bowl or bag of popcorn and before you know it, the container was empty, and you are left looking for where…
Publish on August,18 2017
by ChuckH
Let Your Plate Size Help Shrink Your Waist Shrinking your plate is a simple method to make you perceive your portions are larger than they are. Cornell University has been doing studies on plate size and color for years, and their researchers…
Publish on August,16 2017
by ChuckH
Increased muscle mass means more calories burned. You are thinking of losing weight. The key concept is that the speed of weight loss is dependent on your metabolism. You can increase your metabolism by increasing your…
Publish on August,11 2017
by ChuckH
Slow change is the key to long term weight loss success. We live in the day of instant gratification. Every thing we do is fast or quick. We have fast food, instant oats, and microwave meals. We can quickly order something online…
Publish on August,09 2017
by ChuckH
Vegetables are the perfect diet food. Weight loss and weight gain are directly related to the pattern of how and what you eat. If you set a pattern and repeat it each time you eat, you will make it a habit or a part of your routine. Once it is a part of your…
Publish on August,04 2017
by ChuckH
Slow and steady progress will win the weight loss race. Everyone is looking for a quick trip to a new weight, but the key to weight loss success is to retrain your daily routine. Once you develop a new routine, you will more likely to…
Publish on August,02 2017
by ChuckH
Before you get in the check out line, review your shopping cart one last time. You made a list and you think you stuck to it. Then you get home and realize you just fell for the snack trap. What is the…
Publish on July,28 2017
by ChuckH
Black tea is a staple of the European diet, and it may help you lose weight. Over 80% of all tea consumed in Europe is black tea. I have already written an…
Publish on July,26 2017
by ChuckH
If you can't resist overeating them, I recommend you keep the binge starting foods out your of your home! Junk food is pretty tempting. I have been told my entire life to just not eat and that dieting is all about will…
Publish on July,21 2017
by ChuckH
The skinny truth on mayonnaise and some healthy alternatives. I am going to just be blunt about this. There is no way to beat around the bush on mayonnaise. It tastes great and it is…
Publish on July,19 2017
by ChuckH
Hot peppers can assist with weight loss It has long been postulated that spicy foods can help to speed up your metabolism. Capsaicin, which is the active ingredient in hot peppers, makes you sweat like you just exercised, but does it affect your metabolism? Do chilies raise your body temperature and require your body to "turn…
Publish on July,14 2017
by ChuckH
Realistic goals are the key to weight loss success. The biggest threat to successful fat or weight loss is becoming discourages. Confidence is the key to success. If you create a lofty, unrealistic goal, you are more likely to become discourages. Every day,…
Publish on July,12 2017
by ChuckH
Higher stress levels can lead to a diet failure. I have written two articles on stress already. The first one was a weight loss tip on reducing your stress at work. Another article is on the stress hormone: cortisol. …
Publish on July,07 2017
by ChuckH
Shopping lists are essential to sticking to your diet. One of my local grocery stores does the perfect temptation dance. The dance they practice is a very diverse list of marketing tactics that do a mile further than any store I have ever shopped. Weight Loss Tip 44 -…
Publish on June,30 2017
by ChuckH
Protein Early Will Mean Less Calorie Intake. Increase you early morning protein intake. I say "pound the protein" earlier in the day to reduce your calories eaten all day. Protein is digested more slowly than most other foods. If you add a little protein during breakfast, you will feel fuller the rest of the day. …
Publish on June,16 2017
by ChuckH
Standing more can help you burn more calories. Standing seems like a minuscule change, and it would n0t make much of a difference. It is true that standing takes little to no effort, but it can add up…
Publish on June,14 2017
by ChuckH
Reduce stress during the workday can reduce work time splurges. We all experience the stress of a busy workday. Some days have tighter schedules than others, but schedules full of tight deadlines, endless meetings, and elevated demands…
Publish on June,09 2017
by ChuckH
Half the bread in your sandwich. Bread and carbohydrates can be the enemy of weight loss and maintenance. Most bread is low in fiber will not keep you full long and many of us who are trying to lose or maintain our weight struggle with the number of carbohydrates we eat. If you put…
Publish on June,07 2017
by ChuckH
Loss of pounds is necessary, but healthy choices are essential to lifelong successful weight loss. The biggest mistake you can make is to focus on a set number of pounds to lose in a specified period. I am confident that some can lose weight doing this, but…
Publish on June,02 2017
by ChuckH
Limit the juicing and make your calories count. Watching calories is the most important thing to weight loss. Sure, juice sounds healthy, and our mothers and grandmothers have brainwashed us into thinking that juice is a healthy alternative to soda or other sweetened drinks. The thing you need to understand is that calories need…
Publish on May,31 2017
by ChuckH
Upgrade your snack with more protein and stay full longer. Protein keeps you feeling full and it is a great snack. Whether a snack before hitting the gym or…
Publish on May,26 2017
by ChuckH
Eat Lots of Fruits and Vegetables Can Keep You Feeling Full Longer Anything you can do to keep yourself feeling full longer can assist with weight loss. One key to success in diets for weight loss is to include plenty of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables…
Publish on May,24 2017
by ChuckH
Moderation and not elimination is the key to weight loss. This statement is not a new topic. You have heard me pipe in with the moderation topic and not to vilify foods. We all question the food choices we make and the amount of food you are eating. Studies have shown that we do a…
Publish on May,19 2017
by ChuckH
Skipping Meals can sabotage your success. We have all done it. We plan to have regular meals and life gets in the way. You slept in today and now eating breakfast is not an option. Next,…
Publish on May,17 2017
by ChuckH
Food and Body Shaming does not work. I see this nearly every day in the United States Army. Body shaming is the norm in many parts of the military. To the military, your weight is purely a measure of your lack of discipline. This approach is not helpful and shows a genuine lack of…
Publish on May,12 2017
by ChuckH
What is the Truth About White Foods? Should you give up white foods because they are high in calories? Many white foods are, essentially, carbohydrates. These white carbohydrates are white in color and that have been processed and refined,…
Publish on May,10 2017
by ChuckH
Short bouts of exercise are better than no exercise Many professions have time requirements that are near to impossible to maintain a healthy lifestyle. There are no many of them that can match up with the life of a physician. I wake at 05:00 or 5:00 AM…
Publish on May,05 2017
by ChuckH
Variety is the Spice of Life! No, I am not talking about using the blender. We have all done it. You find that food you love and is perfect for your weight loss plan and lifestyle so we make it a staple food in your house. Mine was frozen meal that is found in your…
Publish on May,03 2017
by ChuckH
Calories from, Sugary Soda and Fruit Juices Can Quickly Add Up Most beverages are of limited to no nutritional value, and they can pack on or pour on the pounds. I am like all of you, and I…
Publish on April,28 2017
by ChuckH
No food should be vilified. We often place foods in lists as being either good or bad. Although the goal of making it off limits is to reduce the intake of these foods, unfortunately, it often has the opposite effect. Most of the restrictions are limitations on higher calorie foods.…
Publish on April,26 2017
by ChuckH
The key to successful weight loss is change. [pullquote]You will never lose weight until you change and the secret to successful weight loss is in developing a new routine.[/pullquote]We all get stuck in a rut or a counterproductive routine. Remember that the definition of insanity is to keep trying the same failed measures of the past…
Publish on April,21 2017
by ChuckH
Moderate Bad Decisions and Make Better Ones [pullquote]Life is hard; it's even harder if you're stupid. ~ John Wayne. [/pullquote] Weight loss and maintenance is dependent on the quality of the decision you make. If you make a bad decision, you are more likely to derail your ride to success. Less than ideal decisions are often…
Publish on April,19 2017
by ChuckH
Chocolate for weight loss: Reality or is it too good to be true? Chocolate is the ultimate indulgence for many out there. Dark chocolate is the right mixture of sweet to not be overpowering with a slight bitterness. Researchers have preached for a long time of the benefits of…
Publish on April,14 2017
by ChuckH
Daily Self-Weighing Can Help Prevent Weight Gain and Help You Lose Weight We have all heard the statement that we should not weigh ourselves every day because it can become discouraging and cause you to…
Publish on April,12 2017
by ChuckH
Your Smart Phone Can Help You Choose Food Wisely. When you are shopping or dining out and wonder what a better or healthier choice for a meal or snack might be, do a quick search on Google, and you will find many sources for just about any restaurant meal you…
Publish on April,07 2017
by ChuckH
Make small short term goals. I have not met a dieter that has made a goal that does not focus on this huge number of pounds to lose as a goal. We all…
Publish on April,05 2017
by ChuckH
The Shopping List: A Guide to Avoid the Supermarket Trap [pullquote]Making a Shopping List: Making a list prior to shopping will reduce impulse buying and over indulgence. [/pullquote] After 45 minutes to an hour wandering the aisles of the concrete plains looking fo my kill to…
Publish on March,31 2017
by ChuckH
Oats are your diet's friend by promoting fullness! Oats are one of the most healthy carbohydrate sources out there. Eating a cup of oatmeal in the morning will keep you full well into the afternoon. Oats are a healthy staple food for both me and my family because they…
Publish on March,29 2017
by ChuckH
You should avoid empty calories including carbohydrates. I know you have heard this before, but empty calories provide very limited nutritional benefit. This concept means that the food is low in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Often, we splurge on these low-quality foods. The problem is you get very…
Publish on March,24 2017
by ChuckH
The rule is called the 50/25/25 Rule. We have all heard it from our mother and grandmother. They told us to finish our vegetables. Little did I know they were 100% correct. Well, at least partially. I am sure my grandmother did not fully understand nutrition when guilting me into finishing my plate. In fact,…
Publish on March,22 2017
by ChuckH
Noise and Light Inhibit the Initiation and Quality of Sleep. In 18 years of medical practice, I get at least one patient that is there to see me about the quality of their sleep, and when I complete a sleep hygiene review, I find that they watch TV or listen to the radio in bed.…
Publish on March,17 2017
by ChuckH
Shopping while you are hungry will increase both the amount of calories and food you purchase. We have all done it and regretted our decision before we even made it to the exit. You are on your way home from work, and you stop to buy groceries at your local market. You meant to…
Publish on March,15 2017
by ChuckH
Nuts can be healthy and help with weight loss. For years, people have recommended avoiding nuts because of their high-fat and calorie content. They have been vilified for causing anything from obesity to diverticulitis. Today, we can celebrate nuts for their nutritional value because “nuts are unhealthy could…
Publish on March,10 2017
by ChuckH
Television snacking increases the amount you eat and your risk of obesity. I am starting a new series of short articles that are hopefully both entertaining and informative. My goal is to provide a quick blurb each Saturday on a weight loss tip and some research to back it up if it exists. [caption…
Publish on March,08 2017
by ChuckH
Freshening Your Breath or Cleansing Your Palate Can Reduce Your Calorie Consumption. I have found one thing that seems to help me maintain and lose weight, and it is very simple. People often try to lose weight and find this urge to change the taste in…
Publish on March,03 2017
by ChuckH
Empty Calories Will Sabotage Your Diet. Empty calories provide limited nutritional benefit and often are low in fiber. You want to make your calories count and reduce your drive to splurge. You want to get ample protein, fiber, fat, minerals, and vitamins and let's face the…
Publish on March,01 2017
by ChuckH
If you don't see them, you won't eat them. Out of sight, out of mind, out of ... mouth? If you put the treats that you want to avoid in the back of your drawer,…
Publish on February,24 2017
by ChuckH
Buying a fruit bowl can help you decrease your BMI. The growing obesity epidemic in the United States has raised questions among many health professionals. Health providers of all types have been asking themselves how to help their patients become healthier and accomplish a healthier weight. They…
Publish on February,22 2017
by ChuckH
Lighten the recipe, but eat the foods you like. Do you like pizza or Mexican food? Don't completely ban them from your diet. Find a way to make them healthier. One of the easiest ways to reduce calories without feeling…
Publish on February,17 2017
by ChuckH
Food Commercials Increase Snacking. Every commercial we see on TV is directed at the sale of a product. Every aspect of the commercial is planned to accentuate the product and tap into your subconscious to get you to buy the product. Whether the commercial is for Doritos or Poptarts, the goal is to get…
Publish on February,15 2017
by ChuckH
Focus on healthy choices and not the weight on the scale. We have all done it. We value the tracking of our weights more than the long game of change your habits. The problem with scale watching is that you will plateau or our weight loss will slow. The gradual change makes it easy to get…
Publish on February,10 2017
by ChuckH
Climbing the Stairs Is a Great Exercise to Help You Burn More Calories Stair climbing is a unique exercise that you can easily fit into your work day and can have a beneficial impact on your health over time. The scientific evidence shows it is everyday activities like…
Publish on February,08 2017
by ChuckH
Prepping and Planning Your Meals Leads to Success. I have never been much of a prepper. To be frank and honest, I am a procrastinator. I loathe being prepared. I am an adrenaline junky that likes to fly by the seat of his pants. I prepare, but as I get closer to the deadline,…
Publish on February,03 2017
by ChuckH
Go Walking and Lose Weight Walking is an easy form of exercise that just about anyone can perform. Both young and old can enjoy the benefits with little to no equipment or training. Walking will keep you fit and if you walk each mile in 13-14 minutes, you…
Publish on February,01 2017
by ChuckH
Fiber is free and fills you up. Fill up on fiber. Fiber is an important part of digestion, but it is also filling and free. Why do I say this? It can be subtracted from your carbohydrate count because although it is a carbohydrate, you cannot digest…
Publish on January,27 2017
by ChuckH
Measure You Waist Circumference I have seen quite a few folks trying to lose weight that were very distressed by hitting a plateau. Using only a scale is a terrible way to look at your progress. They always report doing the right thing with their…
Publish on January,14 2017
by ChuckH
[pullquote]When eating out, ask for the salad dressing on the side. This way, you can eat only the dressing you want. [/pullquote]Weight loss tip #1 is very simple. Eating out is a trap for those trying to lose weight. The foods can be high in calories and…
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