Motivation Tip: Your Old Clothes Can Help With Weight Loss

Motivation Tip 36 - Your Old Clothes Can Help With Weight LossMotivation Tip 36 - Your Old Clothes Can Help With Weight Loss

Tight Clothing Can Motivate Weight Loss.  

Motivation Tip 36 - Your Old Clothes Can Help With Weight Loss
Motivation Tip 36 – Your Old Clothes Can Help With Weight Loss

As you try to find some motivation to lose weight, all you have to do is grab a pair of shorts that do not fit well.  You have a pair of shorts or a short that might be just a bit too tight, and you want them to fit a little better.  You can use this “tightness” to motivate you to exercise or diet just a little harder or to cheat on the diet just a little less.  Instead of putting on your big pants, pick some smaller ones and use them as motivation to get them to fit.  

Buying a smaller piece of clothing can motivate you to stick to your healthy eating habits, but it could also leave you feeling down.  The key is getting a pair that is close to fitting.  You can use multiple pairs of different sizes and use them as baby steps.  Use them to evaluate your goals.   The more realistic you are with yourself, the more likely you can avoid disappointment.  Even if you do not fully meet your goal, be sure to celebrate each of your accomplishments.  Each of them is a huge step toward better health.  Each pants size that fits is one more step toward your ultimate goal.  The motivation caused by each size fitting could lead you closer toward success as get near and near to your healthy eating and fitness goals.

The bottom line: Those pants that don’t quite fit perfectly and can guide you toward meeting your weight loss goals.  Consider these tight pants as a tool to motivate you and each size is one step toward your goal.      

About the Author

I am a family physician who has served in the US Army. In 2016, I found myself overweight, out of shape, and unhealthy, so I made a change to improve my health. This blog is the chronology of my path to better health and what I have learned along the way.

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