Progress Report:
Ok, here we are at one month. Like a kid in the candy store I am eager to see how we have done. Week 4 has been my best week so far. I did not take a single day off. Drum roll please…

Figure 1: Runtastic Distance and Steps: This chart was created by Runtastic with steps from my FitBit.
During the fourth week, I had my best week of exercise so far. I walked a total of 42.7 miles and averaged 6.18 miles per day. I did not take a single day off. I did add in 3 sets of push up and setups every other day with 20-30 of each per set. This addition of some strength exercises should add some to my weight maintenance because the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn.

Figure 2: Runtatsic Distance with Steps for the Month: This image is data from Runtastic with steps from the FitBit Surge.
This is a new image. This is the 28 day average for the month. I walked almost 140 miles during the last 28 days and average 5.09 miles per day. I burned 13,225 calories which is almost 4 pounds just with exercise. I also walked almost 300,000 steps. The point of this image is to show what it takes to lose weight successfully. It is not just dieting.

Figure 3: Runtastic Graph for Week: Above is another depiction of the exercise from the Runtastic Dashboard. I use an iPhone for GPS to get the distance.
I burned 4,308 calories this week. That is over one pound lost for the week just through exercise. My calculations and the Fitbit agree with this measurement.

Figure 4: Fitbit Steps for Week: Above is a depiction of the steps from the Fitbit dashboard. I use a Fitbit Surge to measure my steps.
My best day for exercise was Sunday. I did over 16,000 step! With my sedentary job, 86,000 steps for a week is a huge accomplishment.
I did miss my goal of 10,000 steps 5 days for the month. Most of these were days off. That is really not bad for a month. Why 10,000 steps? That is really just a notional goal. I do not believe there is any research to back that goal up but more to come in another article.
This graph shows that I met the activity goal of 30 minute per day for all but one day. This is a better measure of my exercise program because it counts forms of exercise other than steps.

Figure 5: Fitbit Dashboard Weight For Week: This a graphical representation of weight progression over the past 7 days.
So how much weight have I lost? I have lost a total of 11.4 pounds in 4 weeks and 2.9 pounds this week. That is an average of 2.85 pounds per week. The weight loss is gradual so you can see I am doing it by combining exercise and calorie restrictions. The interesting thing is that over 1/3 of the weight loss is from my daily exercise. This is pretty impressive.

Figure 6: Lose It Weight One Week Graph: It is a measure with an additional day. It gives you an idea of the features on I prefer the nutrition features in Loseit over the FitBit dashboard.

Figure 7: Fitbit Weight for Month: This a graphical representation of the weight progression over the past 28 days.
One point I want to make from the above graph is you can see the small blips or upticks in my weight during the month. As I pointed out once in the past four weeks is that this represents water weight with dietary change. For me this was salt intake while dining out at a required function for work. The point of this discussion is to not get discouraged and get back on the horse the next day. If a momentary lapse turns into a week, you will have a bigger deficit to fix.
So how did I complete week three successfully? I continued to take in 30-45 grams of fiber and averaged 100-128 ounces of water per day. I maintained about 1400-1800 calorie per day. I reduce my candy intake this week but I could use more protein.

Figure 8: Lose-it Calorie Intake: A graphical representation of the calorie intake for the last 7-14 days. I averaged about 1300-1800 calories which is a deficit on the average of 900 calories a day or 6,300 calories a week. That is just under 2 pounds of weight loss from my diet.

Figure 9: Lose-it Calorie Intake by Meal: This graph is a graph that show the percentage calorie intake by meal.
The one glitch I can see in my diet is that too many of my calories are in snacks and too few are in my lunch meal. I would decrease the snack and dinner and add more to breakfast and lunch if I were making a suggestion to others.
My fiber consumption was 30-45 grams per day this week. I can tell a difference if I have less fiber. I am considerably more hungry. I did miss having a dairy one day with breakfast and that also resulted in a higher level of hunger.
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