Travel and weight loss: a bumpy road.

Ok, I am on my first big trip to take a vacation. That is actually two obstacle to continuing my health kick. One is traveling and the other being on vacation. I plan to attack this differently than I have in the past. In the past, I would take the whole day off and just spiral out of control. No more. Today will be different.
For breakfast, I had yogurt on my way out the door. In the airport, I did have a stress reliever in the form of a pack of Reese cups. It is very tough to eat healthy when traveling.
The key point for success is to get back on the horse and not let regrets and guilt make you spiral into further bad choices. One meal or one snack will not end the world, but it needs to end there.
Another obstacle that I touch on yesterday was being on vacation. Travel and change of environment can be a major cause of weight gain and an obstacle to weight maintenance. I have found this to be difficult for the last two days. The other problem with family vacations is peer pressure. You are with your spouse and children, and they do not or may not want to eat healthy while on vacation. I have approached this time as a few days off.
I will try to get back on the horse tomorrow. The key is not to have a 1-2 week splurge that continues past the vacation.
The bottom line: Vacations are relaxing, btu be wear and pack meals when traveling or you might come home to a mountain of regret becasue of the deitary road bumps you failed to avoid.
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