Six reasons not panic due to Coronavirus

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A list of reasons COVID-19 is not the Zombie Apocalypse.


The coronavirus epidemic is over three months old. This pandemic is increasing in complexity and size every day. Although I think you should not panic, I do not want to create a false sense of security or create a sense that the severity of this national emergency is anything less than the true tragedy that it is.

The mere presence of this tragedy has created a scare in the public that is resulted in a rush on grocery stores and recording of toilet paper. The stark markets have plummeted to near-record levels that have not been seen since the Great Depression. COVID-19 is picking up momentum and is now spread worldwide.

We do have is a pandemic of fear. The media is gripped by coronavirus pandemic. The repercussions move from the global health sphere into business and politics. Covid-19 should be taken seriously, but the following list is a group of reasons why we should not panic to the level we currently are operating. Use this list is a somber reminder of why we should not overreact.

  1. We have a test: Sure, we are not testing everybody for this virus, but we have a test that is a very specific virus and it is available for those who are ill. Because we can detect it, there is no reason to panic. The test is confirmatory, so there is no reason to test mass groups of the population.
  2. Most infections are mild: Despite popular belief, most of the infections of covert are very mild. Less than 14% of infections result in pneumonia and fewer than 5% are fatal. Over 80 percent of infections are mild or cold-like. To be honest, the fatality rate is not even known in the United States.
  3. Recovery is common than fatalities: Although the news would like you to believe that nearly everyone dies from the novel coronavirus, but this could not be further from the truth. The fact is that less than 5% die. Even in the over 80 years of age group, more survive than die of this illness. Those that die from the illness usually have some degree of chronic ailments such as diabetes, heart disease or some other immunodeficiency disorder.
  4. We have heard this story before: Approximately 10 years ago, the world was threatened with H1N1. Despite grave predictions, the world survived this virus to live on. We will once again defeat this opponent. There is no reason to believe the coronavirus will be just any more than H1N1 attempted to beat us 10 years ago.
  5. Coronavirus is not that contagious: Sure, 2 to 3 people will catch from each in person that is infected. Coronavirus is mostly caught through hand to face contact. It is rarely passed through the air. Even though it is aerosolized, in the general outdoor environment, this is not how it is passed from human to human. in hospitals, aerosolization is a significant risk, but outdoors and in 6-foot social distancing, it is rarely a risk.
  6. We have survived other pandemics and epidemics: We news would have you believe that coronavirus is the most deadly of all epidemics we have ever experienced as a human race. It is not. We survived H1N1 and the Spanish flu and we will surely survive this current plague. I am not saying that the current death rate is not tragic, but it is not millions of people.
  7. There will be a vaccine: Multiple researchers are close to having a vaccine ready for humans. There is no indication that the vaccine will not work. In fact, vaccines have been forwarded to both the FDA and the US military for trials.
  8. Antivirals appear to be effective: multiple antiviral infections to show improvement in the most severely ill. Although it is not the panacea or a cure, is better than a swift kick in the gonads. There are just under 100 clinical trials looking at various treatments for coronavirus.
  9. Good sanitation works: believe it or not, simple isopropyl alcohol above 60% appears to kill this virus. Hydrogen peroxide annihilates this virus. Simple bleach on any rag will remove it and sanitize any surface. If you’re worried about your hands or in other words the dirtiest part of your body, so will completely cleanse the virus and allowed it to go down the drain.
  10. The situation is improving around the globe: despite the doom and gloom, the situation is improving in almost every country around the globe except the United States. We were the last one is to show up to the ballgame and of course, it will take some time for us to improve, but the situation in New York and other areas such as the state of Washington are showing promise and I am sure that the entire United States will share progress soon.

The bottom line: Coronavirus is a very serious issues and the pandemic deserves our utmost concentration and respect. We need to maintain social distancing and avoid any reduction in our efforts. We can beat this virus is a country in a global community as long we avoid blaming and focusing on helping one another.


About the Author

I am a family physician who has served in the US Army. In 2016, I found myself overweight, out of shape, and unhealthy, so I made a change to improve my health. This blog is the chronology of my path to better health and what I have learned along the way.

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