Weight loss tip: Get more sleep.
Getting more sleep can help to lose more weight. Businessperson sleeping in the office It is hard to believe that eating a little more can…
Getting more sleep can help to lose more weight. Businessperson sleeping in the office It is hard to believe that eating a little more can…
If you snooze better, you will be more likely to lose weight. Sleep Sleep is essential for your health and successful weight loss. The truth…
Association of Exposure to Artificial Light at Night While Sleeping With Risk of Obesity in Women Sleep I am sure you are inundated with news…
Reducing meal size through time can improve sleep quality. Sleeping Child Prior research has looked at time-restricted feeing as means to promote weight loss. This…
In today’s on-the-go culture, we spend a lot of our lives in a state so sleep deprivation. We struggle to find enough time in the day to accomplish family, me, and work time so often we skip multiple hours of sleep to live the best lives that we can. There is plenty of research to show that chronic sleep deprivation leads to increase stress, overeating, and an expansion of the waistline.
Medical providers and researchers have long known that there is a relationship between obesity and sleep apnea and that sleep apnea causes daytime sleepiness or drowsiness. This finding is now known to be due with increased floppiness of the airway and thickness of the tissue on the chest and airways. The fact is that daytime somnolence cannot always be explained by obstructive sleep apnea. This fact would make one think that weight gain may be associated with day time sleepiness with or without obstructive sleep apnea, but the evidence was lacking.
Eating near bedtime can hinder sleep but some foods are worse than others. Sleep Bedtime or nighttime snacks can help satiate the hungers and for…
Just about anyone who has trouble sleeping has filled out a sleep hygiene questionnaire and received education to avoid exercise within 4 hours of bedtime because it will disrupt sleep and make you hungrier. In today’s culture, following this advice makes evening exercise nearly impossible. If you are like me, you are lucky to be home by 5:30 p.m.
If you snooze, you will lose weight! This list is an extension of the 10 sleep suggestions article that I wrote a few years ago. Sleep…