Variety is the Spice of Life!
No, I am not talking about using the blender. We have all done it. You find that food you love and is perfect for your weight loss plan and lifestyle so we make it a staple food in your house. Mine was frozen meal that is found in your local grocery store. It is a chicken parmesan. The boredom hits and you would rather have anything but that food and now you are tired and the eating out or ordering pizza bug hits and you can’t resist. This result is why I recommend that you mix it up.
Food prep 2-3 different recipes a week and freeze or refrigerate 1-2 servings of each. This will allow you to mix and match different foods. I usually cook a diverse rotation fish, beef, chicken, meatless, and pork recipes. I have found that rotating recipes helps me maintain a healthy diet. Good luck and I hope it helps you.
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