Weight Loss Tip: Protein Packs for Snacks

Weight Loss Tip - Protein Packs for SnacksWeight Loss Tip - Protein Packs for Snacks

Upgrade your snack with more protein and stay full longer.

Weight Loss Tip - Protein Packs for Snacks

Weight Loss Tip – Protein Packs for Snacks

Funny owl with peanut butter and fruits on rice cake

Funny owl with peanut butter and fruits on rice cake

Protein keeps you feeling full and it is a great snack.  Whether a snack before hitting the gym or a midday snack to avoid the 3 PM hunger, a high-protein snack could be the key to you avoiding a midday splurge.  Protein is slowly digested and will keep you feeling full longer.  You can diversify your snacks and the options are not limited to beef jerky, nuts, and boiled eggs.  Protein snacks are super simple and extremely effective for weight loss.


  1. Peanut butter and apples: Peanut butter contains protein, healthy fats, and fruit.  
  2. Jerky: Turkey and beefs jerky is easy to carry, high in protein and does not need refrigerated.  
  3. Soy nuts: These little bundles of health are high in protein and fiber.  They come in many flavors.  
  4. Protein Bars: These snacks can be very convenient, but you need to watch the carbs.  They can very high in sugar if you choose poorly.  
  5. Protein drink: A whey smoothie can really work as a snack and a supplement.  The on-the-go bottles can really fill in the gap between meals, but you need to watch the sugar.  
  6. Scoops of Whey Protein Powder

    Scoops of Whey Protein Powder

    Cheese sticks: They do need refrigerated, but these little snacks are really convenient and full of nutrition.  

  7. Nut butter and crackers:  Choose the cracker wisely.  Nut butter is great for weight loss because it slows digestion, but you need to watch the portion size because they are high in calories.  
  8. Hardboiled eggs or deviled eggs: Eggs are great for weight loss.  They keep you feeling full and are a good source of protein.  

Add some protein to keep your diet humming along with fewer splurges.  There is research to prove that whey protein results in satiety.  The same is true for other forms of protein to include eggs and meat.  

The bottom line: Protein is more slowly digested which results in longer satiety.  You need fat and carbs also, but mix it up with some protein snacks.  


About the Author

I am a family physician who has served in the US Army. In 2016, I found myself overweight, out of shape, and unhealthy, so I made a change to improve my health. This blog is the chronology of my path to better health and what I have learned along the way.

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