Research: Meal replacements and weight loss
Meal replacement products may be an effective means to assist with weight loss. Meal Replacement Shakes Meal replacements drinks and products are just about everywhere…
Meal replacement products may be an effective means to assist with weight loss. Meal Replacement Shakes Meal replacements drinks and products are just about everywhere…
Being overweight before age forty linked to increased cancer risk. Obese with Measuring Tape Cancer is on the rise around the globe and most of…
Standup desks may assist with burning more calories in the obese. Standup Desk Standup desks are all the rage in my office. Nearly every furniture…
Reducing you cell phone usage may improve your life and leap you lose weight. Cell Phone Americans and the world are becoming more and more…
Coffee could be the key to a slim waistline. Coffee is the favorite drink of the United States. You can hardly drive any distance without…
Independent of weight loss, carbohydrate restrictions can help improve metabolic syndrome. Metabolic Syndrome We have all heard about the evils of metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome…
I am a physician and I have read a lot of articles that vilify artificial sweeteners. There are plenty of rat studies that suggest that they may be harmful to rodents. Very few studies have shown any significant form in humans are the recommended dosage. In fact, I would do a step further and say that there is limited evidence to suggest that nonnutritive sweeteners have any beneficial effects on metabolism, weight, and obesity-related chronic diseases.
Leptin deficiencies tied to weight gain and obesity. Most people looking to lose weight are looking for a quick and easy weight loss trick. The…
In today’s on-the-go culture, we spend a lot of our lives in a state so sleep deprivation. We struggle to find enough time in the day to accomplish family, me, and work time so often we skip multiple hours of sleep to live the best lives that we can. There is plenty of research to show that chronic sleep deprivation leads to increase stress, overeating, and an expansion of the waistline.
Fatphobia is the rampant in social media, the United States, and most of the World. Most people believe that obesity is a personal weakness and choice. Many fail to see the facts before them. Obesity is a disease and we should not judge people that suffer its evil clutches. Sure, obesity is less healthy than being slim, but people who suffer from having it does not make the choice to eat more and exercise less.