Visitor Question: What is a ketogenic diet and do they work?
Ketogenic diets: The basics and some research A keto or ketogenic diet is not a new diet. This type of diet has been well known…
Ketogenic diets: The basics and some research A keto or ketogenic diet is not a new diet. This type of diet has been well known…
Traveling can create difficult obstacles to eating a healthy diet. It may seem like the two are incompatible, and you may feel like just waiting until after the holiday season or your big trip. The stress of traffic and being in the care with your family are natural triggers to snacking and binging. Fast food restaurants are the minefield along the open road. At home, restaurants can make it difficult to stick with your plans, but, on the road, they are nearly impossible to avoid. You are in a hurry to get back on the road; they can be especially enticing to maintain your timeline.
Chlorogenic acid appears to assist with weight loss. Coffee I get this type of question all of the time. It is an interesting question, but…
According to research: More protein is better to keep the weight off. High-Protein Many studies have looked for the best strategy for weight loss and…
When you do partake, moderation is key to avoiding gluttony. Cake, whether white, yellow, or chocolate, is one of the most tempting foods man…
Chia seeds may induce weight loss Chia seeds or Salvia hispanica have a food additive that have recently become the center of attention for many…
The right combo of fat and fiber spells lasting satiety. Healthy Fats Like many of you, I am looking for a way to promote fullness…
Week on, week off intermittent dieting appears to be effective for weight loss and maintenance. Which Diet? Intermittent energy restriction or the “week on, week…
Fifteen high-protein snacks that will help prevent grazing the candy bowls Hard-boiled eggs This article is an extended version of the post: List: Ten High Protein…
Worksite weight control programs help workers lose weight and keep it off. Businesswoman Doing Stretching Exercise In the Workplace Prior research on worksite weight loss…