
Research: Does protein quality reduce energy intake during a weight loss diet plan?

Protein quality can affect your energy intake.  

Today, many nutritional experts are recommending a return to eating foods that are less processed.  Processed food reduces the nutritional quality of the food by removing parts of the nutrients such as vitamins and minerals or the nondigestible fiber.  The act of processing the foods makes them more palatable but reduced the quality by removing some of the most important parts. Many of these new experts are missing an important part of the recommendation and that is to just increase the quality of the food you eat.  


Recipe: Dark Cherry Flax Smoothie

Dark Cherry Flax Smoothie

This recipe combines healthy fats from chia seeds and flax meal.  Flax meal is high in fiber and 73% of the fat is polyunsaturated.  I have added a base of Fairlife milk and kefir.  The fruit is simply 140 grams of unsweetened frozen raspberries.  This simple smoothie has enough fiber and protein to keep you full all morning long.  


List: Twenty-four ways to eat chia seeds

Twenty-four Ways to Eat Chia Seeds

Chia seeds have come a long way since being introduced in 1977 as a house botanical garden that you plant on a clay head or pet.  Since then, they have been sold in many forms from the likeness of Garfield the cat to President Obamaā€™s and just about anything in between.  These fast-growing seeds have amazed many a child and created both a plant and humor.   Today, they become sold as a superfood in many of the products we consume and by themselves.


Weight loss tip: Add omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3: An Appetite Suppressant? 

There is no such thing as a sure thing or a magic bullet when it comes to weight loss.  Around the globe, obesity and obesity-related illnesses represent a major public health challenge. The prognosis for citizens of the United States is exceptionally poor.  Unfortunately, There is no sunrise on the horizon and the prognosis is getting worse for children, adolescents, and adults alike across the United States.  Bulging waistlines represent a major risk to the future prosperity and the only cure is to make life long changes in our activity and diet. There are something you can do to help with weight loss and suppressing your appetite.   Omega-3 fish oil supplementation seems to be a safe and appears effective option that can help with this endeavor. 


Research: Buckwheat may promote satiety

Buckwheat combined with satiety increases satiety.

Nearly every dieter is looking for that magic gun that will reduce their dietary intake and promote weight loss.  Researchers have long pointed to a diet rich in whole grains as a potential panacea toward weight loss and maintenance.  Whole grains have been linked to multiple beneficial health outcomes, including cardiovascular health, weight loss, and a decreased risk of acquiring type 2 diabetes. While wheat is considered a dominant grain crop in Canada and the United States, other minor crops, including gluten-free buckwheat, become popular alternatives to wheat products such as couscous.  Many of the other grains are considered to be healthier alternatives to wheat because of the higher fiber and lower gluten content.  You can quickly figure out why Buckwheat might be superior to wheat for weight control.


List: Four tips to make weight loss easier.

Four key tips to make weight loss easier.

Weight loss is a simple concept, but we often make it harder than it needs to be.  The key is avoiding excess calories while maintaining a lower level of hunger and a higher level of satiety.  Being satisfied with the food you have eaten when you are depriving yourself of the diet for which you have become accustomed.  If you struggle to maintain a high level of willpower, you will succumb to hunger and give up your weight loss plans.  The following tips will help you lower your appetite and lose weight.  


Research: Soy protein also increases satiety

Soy protein induces satiety similar to animal sources.  

There are many studies that show that a plant-based diet can help you live longer and healthier.  Plant-based protein tends to be higher in carbohydrates and fiber.  Plant-based protein also tends to be of lower quality unless you acquire it from multiple sources.  These statements may lead medical providers to recommend that patients not partake in a weight loss program while dieting because every calorie counts and there is some evidence to indicate that it will take more to get the total amino acid requirements to meet your nutritional needs.  More food will lead to more calories, and this would be more difficult to lose weight.  If you stick to a lower calorie count, it might be fair to assume that you might have less satiety.  


Research: Frequency, not amount lowers cravings

The frequency of foods consumption can lower cravings.

We all crave certain foods and the craving of these foods can be near to impossible to avoid consumption.  A food craving is simply an intense desire for a specific food and they differ from person to person.  Food cravings are thought to be the result of social conditioning with the consumption of certain foods.  One person may crave salty foods and another may want something sweet.  This desire can seem uncontrollable and the hunger may not be satisfied until they get that particular food.  The question has always been how do we limit of control cravings?