Editorial: Obesity is a Disease


Obesity is a disease and not a choice.  

Fatphobia is the rampant in social media, the United States, and most of the World.  Most people believe that obesity is a personal weakness and choice.  Many fail to see the facts before them.  Obesity is a disease and we should not judge people that suffer its evil clutches.  Sure, obesity is less healthy than being slim, but people who suffer from having it does not make the choice to eat more and exercise less.  

Research: Mobile bite counters can promote weight loss


Mobile Bite Counters may assist with weight loss.

Chewing is the mechanism by which we mechanically crush and cut food.  The act of chewing stimulates multiple physiologic responses to include increased release of digestive enzymes and a feeling of satiety.  Prior research has shown that chewing slower and more increases satiety.  It would make sense that using a bite counter might increase satiety if it encourages you to chew more and eat slower.  The problem is there is limited research to back up this hypothesis.