Editorial: The truth about energy drinks


Are energy drinks bad for you?

We have all been there.  It was a long night and you tossed and turned.  You may have had a late night of work followed by a dinner that haunted you.  You may have even had a nightcap or two.  Now, it is 9 am and you are dragging at work or school.  Now, that energy drink is calling your name.  It really is easy to give in and reach for a tall, monster-sized drink of instant octane in the cooler.  The questions are if they are really that bad for you or is this just hype from the healthy nuts?  

Research: App based self-monitoring works in weight loss


Cell phone apps that self-monitor can assist with  weight loss

A discussed in multiple other research projects, self-monitoring of dietary intake is essential for successful weight loss.  Self-monitoring is one means of behavioral weight loss treatment, but most of the research has been done through paper journals and logs. Past research has shown that people often start with the goal of recording their food intake.  Despite early success, most fail to continue over time. Very little research has involved newer cell phone applications as a means to monitor.  The good news is that today, you have multiple options to follow your diet, weight, exercise, and just about anything that might affect weight loss.

Milk alternatives, Part 1: Fairlife Ultra-Filtered Milk


Fairlife Milk: The Better Milk

If you visit the Fairlife milk website, you can easily find the claims that it is nutrient-rich milk made with a patented cold-filtration process that removes the lactose and increases the protein content.  The claim that their filtration process was inspired by the same process that removes impurities from water.  The process reportedly started with dairy from family-owned dairy farms that is processed by soft filters that concentrate and removed parts to leave the milk goodness that had less lactose and more calcium and protein.

Recipe: Apple Cranberry Flax Smoothie


Apple Cranberry Flax Smoothie

This recipe combines healthy fats from the flax meal.  Flax meal is high in fiber, and 73% of the fat is polyunsaturated.   I have added a base of Fairlife nonfat milk.  The fruit adds enough sweetness to absolve the need for sugar, but you may need to add a little honey.   This simple smoothie has enough fiber and protein to keep you full all morning long.  

Research: High-protein diet improves weight loss and metabolic syndrome


A high-protein diet may be the answer for weight loss and metabolic syndrome.

The high protein lifestyle has been recommended for weight loss for years.  Some argue that fat and protein from meat is the cause of obesity.  Many are beginning to suggest that we should avoid protein and in particular meat because it makes us unhealthy.  I would argue that the answer is a more balanced meal.  Multiple studies have shown that protein-enriched diets can lead to greater weight loss and improvements in the markers of metabolic syndrome than standard protein diets.

Weight loss tip: Stop hoarding food


Food hoarding leads to weight gain and less healthy choices.  

Food hoarding is similar to compulsive hoarding that we have all seen on TV.  I am really not talking about that, but it is similar.  True hoarders should seek the help of a behavioral health provider.  Special care needs to be taken to address an addicts relationship with food.  I am not discussing true food addictions, but I am talking about those that tend to buy food to save for a rainy day.

Research: Effect of high-protein meal replacement on weight and cardiac risks


High-protein may assist with weight control and lower cardiac risk.

Higher protein diets are still a common approach to weight loss.  Most dieters have tried them.  The problem with suggesting them is that there is limited research to support their use and some research shows that the addition of many sources of protein may actually increase your risk of heart disease.   Any future research that might show higher protein diets lower cardiometabolic risk factors would potentially indicate that higher protein diets that result in weight loss might have a place in treating diabetes and heart disease.