Research: Insulin resistance improves more in women.
Women may experience better improvement in insulin resistance than men after weight loss. Weight loss interventions are considered part of the first line…
Women may experience better improvement in insulin resistance than men after weight loss. Weight loss interventions are considered part of the first line…
When you do partake, moderation is key to avoiding gluttony. Cake, whether white, yellow, or chocolate, is one of the most tempting foods man…
Black Raspberry Blueberry Chia Water This drink recipe is a healthy way to get some fiber, protein, and antioxidants. I added apple cider vinegar because…
Twenty Ways to Eat Chia Seeds Chia seeds have come a long way since being introduced in 1977 as a house botanical garden that you…
Walnuts are readily available year-round in just about every grocery store on the planet. They are a delicious source of protein and healthy fats. Walnuts are well documented to be high in antioxidants and helpful in lowering your “bad” cholesterol. The key is walnuts are high in monounsaturated fats which are the “good fats” found in foods like almonds, avocados, peanuts, and olive oil.
Food addiction and binge eating will expand your waistline. Food addiction and compulsions are a terrible thing for a slim waistline. I have been…
Chia seeds may induce satiety Chia seeds or Salvia hispanica are a fairly new arrival to the food additive market. Two days ago I wrote…
Keep moving forward. [pullquote]Never give up! Everyone has a bad day or weekend. Pick yourself up and Keep Going![/pullquote] We have all experienced a…
Chia seeds may induce weight loss Chia seeds Chia seeds or Salvia hispanica have a food additive that have recently become the center of…
Missed opportunities and a new start. None of us are infallible. We all slip up, and I am no different. It has been…