
Reseach: Does coconut oil assist with weight loss?

Does coconut oil help with weight loss or is it another fad?  

n recent years, coconut oil has been touted as one of the healthy fats and many think it is a cure for everything to include diabetes type 2, heart disease, metabolic syndrome, and obesity.  Currently, because of what I like to call the ketokraze, coconut oil is being widely promoted for weight-loss.  While I would not vilify coconut oil, the claims of benefits might be a tab bit outlandish.  There are only a few studies that have looked at the benefit of coconut oil on weight loss and, in my opinion, the results are spotty at best.


List: Ten steps to lower your stress and lose weight

Ten stress relief tips to help you lose weight


Weight loss tip: Add color to your food and plate

Color Up Your Food and Dinner Plate for Weight Loss

When I started to research this as a topic after reading an article on colors of plates and weight loss, I thought this topic is crazy.  The color of a plate is not going to cause someone to lose weight.  What inherent property would a colored plate have that could introduce weight loss?  It is not going to post your metabolism.  Then it hit me.  I had a class in advertising and psychology in college that discussed colors and what emotions they cause.  It is possible.


Research: No evidence artificial sweeteners provide benefits

The evidence is lacking to back the use of artificial sweeteners.

Non-sugar sweeteners or artificial sweeteners have been around for hundreds of years.  Medical providers have recommended them to patients for decades to help reduce patient risks for obesity and Diabetes.  It just makes sense that they would work to decrease the risk of both.  The sweeteners have nearly zero calories and are replacing sugar which is what we measure when we suspect that you have Diabetes.