
Research: fiber intake and adherence to diet associated with weight-Loss.

Fiber intake and adherence to diet predict weight loss success.  

Low-fat diets have been long accepted to be the key to weight loss.  In recent years, higher fat and protein diets have also been shown to produce weight loss and these diets are all the rage in health and fitness magazines. Nearly all of us are looking for tips to increase weight loss success or to help us lose weight.  Many of the tips we receive have limited to no evidence to back them up.


Editorial: The truth about cinnamon and weight loss.

The facts about cinnamon, your metabolism, satiety, and weight loss

I recently read a blog post by a dietician who was slamming cinnamon and the medical and scientific community that has touted its benefits for weight loss.  The self-proclaimed “expert” suggested that readers put on their BS detectors in the first paragraph.  This is pretty telling that he is not approaching the topic with any semblance of openmindedness.   It is a textbook case of bias.  So what are the facts?  


Editorial: Liberal Pediatricians strike again

Liberal Pediatrician and American Heart Association recommend soda tax.  

Soda taxes are a topic that is near and dear to my heart.  On 25 March of 2019, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and American Heart Association releases a joint policy statement that recommends in favor of the US Government and States instituting a sugar tax[1].  I have written several articles on this topic to include: Sugar Tax: Would it decrease obesity?, Research: Soda taxes may increase alcohol sales, Soda Taxes Can Change Behavior, and Food Subsidies: Right Choice to Encourage Good Choices?