Research: Weight variability increases with psychologic status


Worsening psychologic status leads to weight cycling.

Several studies have suggested an association between weight cycling and psychological status.  It makes sense that anxiety and depression will lead to an increase in eating and less exercise.  Although I think that weight cycles an lead to psychological distress, anxiety and depression (as well as other behavioral illnesses) could lead to weight cycling.  It is highly likely that both have a positive effect and magnify the effects of each other.  

Research: Does chromium picolinate improve weight loss?


The evidence does not support chromium supplements for weight loss.  

Chromium picolinate has long been touted as a miracle supplement for weight loss and blood sugar stabilization.  It has been suggested as a supplement for diabetic type 2 patients because this metabolic syndrome should improve with blood sugar stabilization and weight loss.  

Editorial: Moderate of carbohydrates is the key for health and weight loss


Reducing carbohydrates intake is essential for weight loss.

Low-carb diets are commonplace in our society.  You will be hard pressed to find a single individual that has not tried on the form of this dietary spectrum or another.  Many of these diets replace carbohydrates with proteins and/or fats.  The low carb craze is nothing new.  The craze, as I like to call it, has been around for well over a century if not two.  I have tried it and will admit that it does work and can work fast, but it is likely not healthy.

Research: Extremes of carbohydrate intake tied to increased mortality


Low and high carbohydrate intakes are tied to increase mortality.  

There is much disagreement about how much carbohydrates are recommended.  For years, American experts have recommended anywhere from 45-65% of your calorie intake from carbohydrates.  Some experts argue for a lower number and others suggest higher numbers.  Who is right?