Research: Mindfulness does not predict weight loss success.
Mindfulness is not a good predictor with weight loss success. Weight loss success is difficult to predict. There is behavior linked to weight loss success. An…
Mindfulness is not a good predictor with weight loss success. Weight loss success is difficult to predict. There is behavior linked to weight loss success. An…
I had a great weekend with my family and I ate out twice with no weight gain. I did eat what I wanted but I avoided splurges. That is the hardest thing because we were out of town for a rocket launch.
Healthy Beef Nachos Ok, it is college game day and of course, who does not like nachos on game day. This is a healthier…
The article is a continuation of List: 21 Ways to Fight Cravings. Everybody has moments of weakness that sends them toward the exit ramp from the diet train. Nothing will destroy your willpower or derail your diet faster than giving into your cravings. It does not matter what you crave. It might be creamy, sweet, salty, or sour foods. Unfortunately, these very flavors are often at the center of gustatory pleasure that undermines your efforts to lose weight. After all, when is the last time you craving broccoli or cauliflower? No, it is the more unhealthy choices. If you can figure out how to prevent or reduce these cravings, dieting and weight loss will become much easier. Below is a list of 25 tips to help you reduce your cravings.
On Monday, I was very worried that I could not lose weight. I was discouraged and I had not observed progress despite multiple attempts over 1-2 months. I am very happy to report a week (5 days) of progress.
More weight loss is better in patients with knee arthritis. Osteoarthritis or arthritis I have always been taught that better is the enemy…
Cleaner food choices can help you lose weight. I know you have used the excuse that it is a weekend or holiday so you…
Cell phones can assist with weight loss and maintenance Cell Phone The obesity epidemic in the United States is exploding and has spread to…
It is down to go time. I have 2 months till my next PT test and weight in. I have really missed up and I have about 16 pounds to lose to make weight. This amount of weight loss is not outside the realm of possibility. It is time to buckle down, helmet up, and make this possibility a reality. In recent weeks, I have indulged too much. It is time to turn off the indulgence engine and start working toward this goal.
Chicken when cooked correctly can be a delicious and nutritious meal. When I was looking to lose weight, I found many of the recipes to…