Happy MLK Day


Become more inclusive.  

Today, Monday 21 January 2019 is MartinLuther King (MLK) day.  MLK made a huge impact on encouraging diversity.  The key word there is encouraging and enforcing.  We should be me inclusive and less divisive.  Exclusivity discourages others from joining a group.   

List: 31 Tips for Healthy Shopping for Weight Loss or Maintenance


Advice on smartly navigating the weight loss landmines in the supermarket.

When trying to lose weight, one of the most difficult activities you must do is grocery shopping. Since weight loss is 80 percent diet, going to the grocery store can be an exercise in torture. All those tempting goodies on the shelves, the delicious aromas coming from the in-store bakery, the eye-catching displays of tasty but fattening foods. How do you make it through this minefield blowing up your diet?

Editorial: holiday weekend: the enemy of weight loss


Holiday weekend – a weight loss challenge.  

Weight loss during the week is easy.  Holidays and weekends are a challenge.  We made it through November and December.  Now, welcome to January.  I am headed into the 4 days weekend: the weekend of the MLK holiday.  The holiday weekends are not helpful for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.   Family and friends make is near impossible to make healthy choices.  Gaining weight on weekends when you like to relax and watch TV is almost certain.  I almost dread the time off because I know I will be playing catchup the following week.  

Weight Loss Tip: Listen to your body.


Doing too much at the gym can be worse than not going at all.

We have all done it.  You go to the gym and go hog wild with your workout.  It’s never a good idea to overdo it with your workout.  If you overdo it, you will be less likely to maintain the exercise program and quit.  This concept is especially true if you are just starting out or adding something new.  

Research: Intermittent Fasting Works


Intermittent fasting induces weight loss preferentially in obesity-prone rats

Obesity is a leading health problem in the United States and obesity-related deaths due to disease such as diabetes type 2 and heart disease are on the rise.  Despite the abundance of weight-loss programs and treatments available, the health, fitness, and medical community are unable to make a dent in the skyrocketing epidemic.  Many of those afflicted are looking for help and there is an abundance of research that points to a particular diet and treatment, yet none of them lead to long-lasting weight loss because the urge to eat is just as strong as the instinct to survive.  

Progress Report: 14 January 2018


Progress Report: Week 1

I just finished the first-week fo trying to lose weight for 2019.  I need to lose about 20 pounds from my starting weight of 234 pounds and 28.8% body fat per impedance.  I have elected to throw out the fad diets and just moderate my intake and add exercise.  I am about 12 weeks away from my next military physical fitness test.