Progress report: 11 January 2019


Slight improvement.  

Name a diet, and you will find a diet that I have struggled to maintain.  I have tried Keto, low carb, paleo, and fasting.  I, like countless people, can tell me about my trials and tribulations with nearly every diet I have tried. Each time I tried a new diet, I saw a quick initial weight loss to only eventually fail.  

Editorial: A healthy start or procrastinate?


Flawed last words of the health kick.

I know you have said and done it.  You plan to start a new diet or exercise plan.  Shortly after the start or a few weeks into the diet, you become distracted and reach for that comfort food.  It is just a small slip, and those words come out fo your mouth.  You should know what is coming next and I guarantee you have said it multiple times.  If you haven’t, I will take my hat off to you.  

List: Solutions to Avoid the Travel Binging


How to avoid overeating while traveling.  

Traveling can create difficult obstacles to eating a healthy diet.  It may seem like the two are incompatible, and you may feel like just waiting until after the holiday season or your big trip.  The stress of traffic and being in the care with your family are natural triggers to snacking and binging.   Fast food restaurants are the minefield along the open road.  At home,  restaurants can make it difficult to stick with your plans, but, on the road, they are nearly impossible to avoid. You are in a hurry to get back on the road; they can be especially enticing to maintain your timeline.