Research: Overweight mothers are poor judges of their children’s weight
Moms who have a weight problem misjudge their children’s weight As a family physician, I have spent a lot of my life taking care…
Moms who have a weight problem misjudge their children’s weight As a family physician, I have spent a lot of my life taking care…
Follow every meal with a large glass of water. Your body is over 7o% water and water is a vital part of every bodily function….
Sugary Sweetened Sodas Linked Increased Heart Disease Risk There is almost nothing more American than an ice cold Coke on a hot and sunny day….
I am sick and tired of surfing the craving wave. Today is Monday and odds are, if you are anything like me, you have grazed…
Pomegranate Ginger Chai Tea Latte This recipe is for a lower calorie chai latte with the zing of ginger. You can easily increase or decrease…
One diet works for all? No, that is absurd. Humans are as different as they are similar. Sure, we share most of our genetic code,…
Soybeans can be the perfect snack. What is edamame? That term is nothing more than a fancy word for the American soybean. It is…
Stress correlates with higher levels of obesity. Earlier I wrote an article about the hormone cortisol and why it is the enemy of a slim…
Before you eat out, check the options out online. Just because you’re trying to lose weight does not mean you should stop socializing and…
Extending your lifespan may be as easy as eating less. A chronic caloric restriction has been suggested by several studies as a means to…