Research: Probiotics and Weight Loss
Probiotics can assist with weight loss and weight maintenance but they are not a magic cure for obesity. Probiotics While you are probably reading about…
Probiotics can assist with weight loss and weight maintenance but they are not a magic cure for obesity. Probiotics While you are probably reading about…
Support can be the difference been keeping the weight loss and gaining is all back. Support Group Most of us try to lose weight in…
Persistent self-weighing is one key means to increase the success of successful weight loss and maintenance. Scale and Tape Measure Self-monitoring of weight loss success…
Resistance training alone unlikely to end in fat or weight loss. Exercise I have served as a military officer for over twenty years. In the…
Self-monitoring is the centerpiece of most weight loss interventions. It is one of the major and, possibly, most important behavioral interventional strategy for weight management and lifestyle change is self-monitoring. Self-monitoring has been used for years by successfully and less successful dieters. It will not guarantee you success, but it will increase the odds that you will lose weight and keep it off.
Weight regain happens in nearly every person that is successful at losing weight. Most dieters who attempt weight loss are able to lose the weight but the big challenge is keeping it off. Few are able to sustain the changes in behavior required to prevent subsequent weight regain and following a weight loss intervention, most dieters drift back to the same habits that caused them to gain the weight. If we are able to identify the common factors that predict successful weight maintenance, we might be able to improve to odds of weight maintenance.
I have long been told that frequent weighing is not helpful for weight loss. I have written several articles on scales, but to this date, I have not found one on the use of smart scales. Prior studies have shown that frequent trips to the scale can help maintain a healthy weight and prevent weight gain. I also wrote an article on the myth that self-weighing too often can cause diet failure. Frequent self-weighing is a low-intensity strategy that can easily be molded into your daily schedule and has been shown prior research to be associated with improved weight loss and weight maintenance in adults.
Habit-based interventions can help with weight loss by building a healthier routine. The prevalence of overweight and obesity continues to skyrocket each year in the United…
Don’t get stuck on that endless diet roller coaster. Losing weight isn’t easy, but it is a lot easier than keeping it off. Keeping…
Weight loss results in both short and long-term increases in health-related quality of life. Obesity is a worldwide public health issue. Most Americans have a…