Healthier Tortilla Chips
Is there a healthy alternative to corn-based tortilla chips? Strapping on the feed bag in front of the TV is harder to avoid as you…
Is there a healthy alternative to corn-based tortilla chips? Strapping on the feed bag in front of the TV is harder to avoid as you…
My Lessons from a Dietician Nutrition and Calories I recently attended a nutrition class that was offered for free at a local hospital. It was…
Aspiration Therapy for obesity; a Safe and Effective Treatment or the 21st Century Tape Worm. In obesity, you have to understand the root of what…
Alcohol is the diet destroyer. Quite a few of us enjoy social time after work and the relaxing and sedating effects of a drink. It…
Taxing Obesity: That will teach those overeaters! Ultimately, what may be needed to address the obesity problem are direct taxes on body weight. –…
Fruits and vegetables and fruits will help you lose weight. Fruits and vegetables at a farmers market Americans, in general, eat too few fruits and…
Does diet soda help or hurt weight loss? A cold glass of soda drink The recent bans and taxes in liberal cities to paternalistically…
How to survive with your sanity after the holidays with your family. I have often thought about a vacation in sub-Sahara Africa during the holiday season…
Merry Christmas and let’s pack on the pounds! Holidays are times of plenty and food is no different. The goal is to enjoy yourself without…
The perfect dip and dressing made a little healthier. I want to make something that I could dip Buffalo Strips in during the football games so…