Research: New study on soda taxes.


Soda taxes reduce sales in Philadelphia by sending buyers to neighboring areas.  

In prior posts, I have been quite skeptical of sin taxes such as sugar or soda taxes.  I personally think that they will hurt those who can barely afford them and drive people to buy them elsewhere.  I wrote about it in Sugar Tax: Would it decrease obesity?  I also believe that it might reduce sales, and that is supported by my article entitled “Soda Taxes Can Change Behavior.”  So what does the new research show?  

Research: Catch up sleep will not help you metabolism


Sleeping more on weekends will not recover the sleep debt impact on your metabolism.

In today’s on-the-go culture, we spend a lot of our lives in a state so sleep deprivation.   We struggle to find enough time in the day to accomplish family, me, and work time so often we skip multiple hours of sleep to live the best lives that we can.  There is plenty of research to show that chronic sleep deprivation leads to increase stress, overeating, and an expansion of the waistline.