List: 16 Smoothie Ingredients That Are High in Fiber


Sixteen high fiber smoothie ingredients that will keep you full.  

Fiber is your friend.  Fiber is one of those miracle ingredients that is an awesome addition to any smoothie.  It will keep you full and help slow the digestion and absorption of both carbohydrates and fats.  Fiber slows down the digestion of starch and other more complex sugars.  Fiber binds fats and slows and prevents their absorption.  Lastly, fiber sweeps out the colon and cleans out toxins that your body does not need. You can quickly see that fiber is a needed addition to a healthy diet.  

Editorial: Pizza is not a vegetable, but you gotta make foods kids will eat.


Michelle Obama was right but missed the mark in her methods.

Before you start reading, I am fairly conservative and a Ronald Reagan fan.  I consider him to be the best president in the 50 years I have been on this planet.  If this offends you, I suggest you stop reading now.  In preparing for this article, I read a few articles on the lobbies that tried to have ketchup and pizza declared a vegetable.  Various lobbies over the years have created an effort to get the US Department of Agriculture and the Department of Education to recognize them as a vegetable.