My resolution or evolution: 2019


I started last year like any other by creating a New Year’s Resolutions.  I planned to be healthier and for this, I was partially successful.  I did well for the first 4-6 months and then I began to be less successful.   As soon as I returned to live with my family (we were separated for 2 years because of my job), my unhealthy habits returned.  Maybe my goals are overly ambitious.  I only have myself to blame.  

List: Ten reasons to eat more chocolate


Reasons to eat more dark chocolate.

Do you really need a reason to eat more chocolate?  Probably not!  Chocolate is the ultimate comfort food.  Chocolate is one of the simple pleasures in life that has been tied to just about any benefit you can imagine.  People claim it can reduce stress, protect your heart, and acts as an aphrodisiac.  

Merry Christmas: 2018.


Merry Christmas!  

This time of year is the perfect time to reflect and show appreciation.  Christmas is a time of sharing and giving.  I want to give my appreciation to everyone that has visited my site.  I am truly grateful for all of my readers, family, and friends that have and continue to support me in my journey to a healthier lifestyle and weight. Honestly, I could never have done it without you all.

Progress report: 24 December 2018


Swing and a miss.  

It is Christmas Eve and I have a lot to be happy about.  I am at home with my family and not in the middle of the desert.  I am pretty healthy.  The problem is that I am still at 230 and have not made a dent in my diet and exercise plan.  The good news is that my wife has decided to start a Keto diet with me.  I have never tried it officially but that will change.