Research: Walnut supplementation assists weight loss.


Walnuts may help you lose weight and make better food choices.  

Gaining weight is complicated, but it is not less complicated than losing it.  Weight gain is a consequence of total energy intake.  It is an imbalance between what we eat and burn during our lives.  If we burn more, we lose weight, and if we burn too little, we gain weight.  It is simple in concept yet complex in reality.  At the population level, consuming foods, such as nuts, would appear to be inversely associated with increasing weight because they are very dense in calories.  The reasons for the difference are unclear, but they could be examined in the context of dietary advice for weight loss.

Recipe: Pineapple Flax Smoothie


Pineapple Flax Smoothie

This recipe combines healthy fats from chia seeds and flax meal.  Flax meal is high in fiber and 73% of the fat is polyunsaturated.  Chia seeds are equally impressive a decent source of protein and fiber.   I have added a base of Fairlife milk and kefir.  The fruit is simply 140 grams of unsweetened frozen pineapple.  This simple smoothie has enough fiber and protein to keep you full all morning long.  

List: 5 High protein breakfasts.


Easy high protein breakfasts for those on the go.  

We all struggle to get out the door on time and still have a healthy filling breakfast.  It is essential that we start our day off right?  Adding high-protein foods to your morning meals can help you start your day right and staff full all morning long.  Research has shown that getting plenty of protein in the morning helps you stay full and satisfied longer. It may even help you eat less throughout the day.  I usually prep my meals for the whole week over the weekend.   

List: Ten Weight Loss Tips That Work


Ten Weight Loss Tips That Work

Below is a list of ten weight loss tips that work.  I have made a list of weight loss tips that I have made on this site.  Some think will apply to use and others will not.  I recommend that you pick one or two and slowly add them to your daily plan.  Do not overdo change or it will overwhelm you.  

Research: Do smart scales work for weight loss?


Smart scales can help improve weight loss.  

I have long been told that frequent weighing is not helpful for weight loss.  I have written several articles on scales, but to this date, I have not found one on the use of smart scales.  Prior studies have shown that frequent trips to the scale can help maintain a healthy weight and prevent weight gain.  I also wrote an article on the myth that self-weighing too often can cause diet failure.  Frequent self-weighing is a low-intensity strategy that can easily be molded into your daily schedule and has been shown prior research to be associated with improved weight loss and weight maintenance in adults.

Research: What makes a difference in weight loss?


Self-monitoring is can make a difference in weight loss success

Weight-loss should focus on building behaviors that will not only result in weight loss but also lead to life-long change that will prevent weight regain.  In the past, changes such as calorie counting, carb counting, physical activity, and daily self-weighing have been suggested.   These self-monitoring techniques should result in weight loss and prevent regain but the research on the effectiveness of the self-monitoring techniques is very limited.