Weight Loss Tip: Stand More

Weight Loss Tip - stand moreWeight Loss Tip - stand more

Standing more can help you burn more calories.  

Weight Loss Tip - stand more

Weight Loss Tip – Stand More

Standing Desk

Standing Desk

Standing seems like a minuscule change, and it would n0t make much of a difference.  It is true that standing takes little to no effort, but it can add up over time.  Weight loss is indeed choosing to make a small change and continue it to maintain the loss.   You can lose weight by standing more often. Weight loss and maintenance is simply a matter of burning more calories and sustain the loss.  A 2008 study by the University of Missouri and cited by Science Daily found that sitting causes your body to stop circulating an enzyme that helps absorb fat. Standing starts the enzyme’s fat-absorbing activity and leads to more weight loss, even if you aren’t moving around. As part of a program of healthy eating and regular physical activity, standing more frequently and for longer periods of time can help you lose weight.

Standing burns more calories than sitting and thus leads to more weight loss even though you aren’t moving around.  A 2015 study looked at both treadmill and standing desks[1].  The study showed that both standing and treadmill desks lead to superior outcomes including postprandial glucose, HDL cholesterol, and waist circumference when compared to sitting at work.  This study confirms the results of a prior study from 2011[2].  

A good site for reference is juststand.org.  During an 8 hour work day, I sit approximately 4-6 hours.  If I could just reduce that to 2 hours, I would burn an extra 150 calories a day.  You may say big deal, but this small change could result in 24 pounds of weight lost.  

The bottom line: Standing more and sitting less will lower your risk of diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.  It will also burn more calories.  

[1]MacEwen, MacDonald, and Burr, “A Systematic Review of Standing and Treadmill Desks in the Workplace.”
[2]Benden et al., “The Impact of Stand-Biased Desks in Classrooms on Calorie Expenditure in Children.”
Benden, Mark E., Jamilia J. Blake, Monica L. Wendel, and John C. Huber Jr. “The Impact of Stand-Biased Desks in Classrooms on Calorie Expenditure in Children.” American Journal of Public Health. American Public Health Association, August 2011. doi: 10.2105/ajph.2010.300072
MacEwen, Brittany T., Dany J. MacDonald, and Jamie F. Burr. “A Systematic Review of Standing and Treadmill Desks in the Workplace.” Preventive Medicine. Elsevier BV, January 2015. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2014.11.011

About the Author

I am a family physician who has served in the US Army. In 2016, I found myself overweight, out of shape, and unhealthy, so I made a change to improve my health. This blog is the chronology of my path to better health and what I have learned along the way.

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