
Research: Is effective weight-loss strategy too difficult?

Self-monitoring is the best approach to weight loss.

Self-monitoring is the centerpiece of most weight loss interventions. It is one of the major and, possibly, most important behavioral interventional strategy for weight management and lifestyle change is self-monitoring.  Self-monitoring has been used for years by successfully and less successful dieters.  It will not guarantee you success, but it will increase the odds that you will lose weight and keep it off.  


Editorial: Day 1 of starting a new path to better health

Today you plan to start an anew, but what is next?  

You are planning a new diet or a new pathway to better health.  So you arenā€™t sure of how to where to start? Donā€™t worry! This concern or question is one of the most asked questions for new dieters.  To survive droughts or period of less, we have built of this ability to store for a rainy day, but that day never comes.  Our fat does not run over our belt, and it is time to make a change.  Our storage of energy as adipose fat tissue is not in excess, and we need a self intervention to make a difference.  Don’t fret; the help you need is no farther than your own kitchen.  


List: Ten steps to lower your stress and lose weight

Ten stress relief tips to help you lose weight


List: Seventeen Tips to Avoid the All-or-Nothing Mentality

Seventeen ways to avoid the all-or-nothing pitfall.  

All-or-nothing usually ends in nothing but diet failure.   The all-or-nothing mentality is the enemy of successful weight loss or maintenance.  Unfortunately, this type of mentality leads to unrealistic expectations.  Recently, I was required to take a trip for work.  This trip required that I take a flight and you know airplane food is the most healthy food on earth.  Of course,  many of us feel that we paid for the food so we must eat the food so just like them, I ate the food that was served to me.  I immediately felt regret and guilt.  I took the rest of the trip off and soon spiraled.  One week of a required work trip soon became the nightmare of binge and splurge.   


List: Ten Weight Loss Tips That Work

Ten Weight Loss Tips That Work

Below is a list of ten weight loss tips that work.  I have made a list of weight loss tips that I have made on this site.  Some think will apply to use and others will not.  I recommend that you pick one or two and slowly add them to your daily plan.  Do not overdo change or it will overwhelm you.  


Research: What makes a difference in weight loss?

Self-monitoring is can make a difference in weight loss success

Weight-loss should focus on building behaviors that will not only result in weight loss but also lead to life-long change that will prevent weight regain.  In the past, changes such as calorie counting, carb counting, physical activity, and daily self-weighing have been suggested.   These self-monitoring techniques should result in weight loss and prevent regain but the research on the effectiveness of the self-monitoring techniques is very limited.


List: Four tips to make weight loss easier.

Four key tips to make weight loss easier.

Weight loss is a simple concept, but we often make it harder than it needs to be.  The key is avoiding excess calories while maintaining a lower level of hunger and a higher level of satiety.  Being satisfied with the food you have eaten when you are depriving yourself of the diet for which you have become accustomed.  If you struggle to maintain a high level of willpower, you will succumb to hunger and give up your weight loss plans.  The following tips will help you lower your appetite and lose weight.  


List: fifteen ways to lose belly fat

Fifteen easy ways to banish your belly fat

No one wants more ugly disgusting belly fat.  Belly fat is not just a problem because of its appearance.  More belly fat leads to more than just being fat.  Losing belly fat has benefits for your health and can help you live longer because it lowers your risk of diseases such as diabetes type 2 and heart disease.  Because of this risk, you should consider taking some steps to lose some weight.  The good news is that I have created this list of fifteen tips to help with your endeavor.