My Renewed Effort for Improved Health
I am five days into my return to a healthier path. After just over two months of going astray, I am finally back on track. I fell prey to the evils of procrastination. It is easy to procrastinate, and this simple change can lead to massive weight gain.
I have exercised twice in 5 days, and I have stuck to my diet all but one day. I have lost a total of 5 pounds and now weight about 2012. It is funny how you gain confidence with each pound of weight you lose. I have decided not to make a pound of weight loss or end weight goal. My goal this time is just to be healthier. This trip to health starts with a few simple tasks: less alcohol, less sugar, limited artificial sweeteners, and more exercise.
Tomorrow is another day in this quest. One thing is for certain; I feel fantastic.
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