Research: Weight loss and short bouts exercise

Research - Boggle LettersResearch - Boggle Letters

Short bouts of exercise have an accumulated effect on weight loss.

Exercise couple

I have long been suspect of exercise for weight loss. Although exercise by itself is not effective for weight loss or maintenance, it can be combined With a healthy diet to create a positive result on weight loss and maintenance. That being said, there is very limited research to back exercise by itself.

In 2019, research was completed to look at the combined effect of multiple bouts of exercise​[1]​. The researchers sought to quantify the effectiveness of accumulated short-bout exercise interventions on reducing the obesity indices in adults. The studies included in the analysis intervened with short-bouts of exercise under 30 minutes per episode in obesity subjects. They measured the effects of multiple bouts fo exercise before and after exercise.

During the studies included, the average intervention length was approximately 16 weeks. The researchers found that multiple bouts of exercise significantly reduced BMI, body fat, was it circumference. Intervention length Of over 10 weeks was more effective than shorter intervention periods for reducing weight and fat mass.

The bottom line: Accumulated short bouts of exercise have a beneficial effect on reducing the obesity indices among adults. I would recommend adding exercise in small bouts to your healthy diet to boost its effects. Work up the length of exercise as tolerated. The current study Is spoiling, but I would love to see a large randomized controlled trial to back these results.


  1. [1]
    H. Kim, J. Reece, and M. Kang, “Effects of Accumulated Short Bouts of Exercise on Weight and Obesity Indices in Adults: A Meta-Analysis,” Am J Health Promot, pp. 96–104, Sep. 2019, doi: 10.1177/0890117119872863. [Online]. Available:


About the Author

I am a family physician who has served in the US Army. In 2016, I found myself overweight, out of shape, and unhealthy, so I made a change to improve my health. This blog is the chronology of my path to better health and what I have learned along the way.

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