Weight Loss Tips

I have made a list of weight loss tips that I have made on this site.  I will post a new tip every Wednesday and Friday.  Some think will apply to use and others will not.  I recommend that you pick one or two and slowly add them to your daily plan.  Do not overdo change or it will overwhelm you.  

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Avoiding the temptation is key to success in weight loss and maintenance. Meal prepping The enemy of weight loss is eating more. We often have a little leftover when we are done serving our meals. It sits there begging to be eaten and if your anything like me, you have a tendance to want to…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Meal Prepping, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Remember the lessons but let the past go.   I have found that dieting is all about focusing on the future. Like the Apple Computer theme, it is important in weight loss that you think differently - you must start thinking thin. Far too often, we hold on to the belief that they can't think…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Focus, Future, Weight Loss Tip

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Salads are not instant weight loss but they can help. Fresh green salad One item you can add to your plans for weight loss is more vegetables and fiber. Salads are full of fiber that can help you feel full without those extra calories that need to be burned off. Salads, if propperly made can…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Salad, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Taking a break from eating may the key to weight loss. Most of us sit down to eat and once we start shoveling with the fork, we do not stop eating until our food is all gone. We are in a rush all day and we rarely take a break so why should meals be…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Food hoarding leads to weight gain and less healthy choices.   Food hoarding is similar to compulsive hoarding that we have all seen on TV.  I am really not talking about that, but it is similar.  True hoarders should seek the help of a behavioral health provider.  Special care needs to be taken to address…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Food Hoarding, Weight Loss Tip

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Advice on smartly navigating the weight loss landmines in the supermarket. When trying to lose weight, one of the most difficult activities you must do is grocery shopping. Since weight loss is 80 percent diet, going to the grocery store can be an exercise in torture. All those tempting…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Food, Healthy, Lists, Nutrition, Shopping, Tips, Weight Loss Tips

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Omega-3: An Appetite Suppressant?  There is no such thing as a sure thing or a magic bullet when it comes to weight loss.  Around the globe, obesity and obesity-related illnesses represent a major public health challenge. The prognosis for citizens of the United States is exceptionally poor.  Unfortunately, There is no sunrise on the horizon and…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fatty Acid, Leptin, Omega-3, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Color Up Your Food and Dinner Plate for Weight Loss When I started to research this as a topic after reading an article on colors of plates and weight loss, I thought this topic is crazy.  The color of a plate is not going to cause someone to lose weight.  What inherent property would a…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Food Color, Obesity, Plate Color, Weight Loss Tip

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Eggs can help you lose weight!   You have probably read somewhere, been told by a friend or doctor, or watch a TV show that has indicated that you should avoid eggs as a part of your daily breakfast.  They have been tied to more dastardly poor health conditions than the most villainous of comic book…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Eggs, Research, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Chokeberries may reduce weight gain and modulate insulin What the heck is a chokeberry?  The Chokeberry is of the Aronia genus of deciduous shrubs.  The shrubs that grow the berries are native to eastern North America and most commonly found in wet woods and swamps and many feel they a nuisance or weed.  Chokeberries are…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Aronia Berry, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip
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