Weight Loss Tips

I have made a list of weight loss tips that I have made on this site.  I will post a new tip every Wednesday and Friday.  Some think will apply to use and others will not.  I recommend that you pick one or two and slowly add them to your daily plan.  Do not overdo change or it will overwhelm you.  

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Consuming beans can make you lean. White Kidney Beans Beans are not only inexpensive, easy to prepare, and healthy, but they may also help with weight loss. Beans are seeds or legumes that are a staple food around the globe. They have a bad rap for causing gas but this will dissipate over time if…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Beans. Legumes, Satiety, Weight Loss Tip

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Good posture builds core muscles and will burn calories and help weight loss. Posture analysis Many people allow their shoulders to slouch and stand in a manner that would have our grandmothers hapring. Poor posture is terrible for your health and might also be contributing to less confidence and weight gain. Because standing with proper posture uses more…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Confidence, Posture, Weight Loss Tip

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Sharing weight loss goals can build accounability and encouragement. Man with megaphone Most people who make a change toward better eating and exercise to lose weight will tell at least a few others about their intentions.  They rarely keep is a secret. All of a sudden you’re buying healthier foods and exercising more, so it…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Share Goal, Share Plan, Weight Loss Tip

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Taking a short nap can diminish your risk of a binge just by reducing carvings. A guy taking a nap. Getting adequate sleep is a part of any healthy lifestyle. It reduces stress and anxiety and can improve your work performance. But who would've thought that adequate sleep and even a short nap can help…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Cravings, Nap, Napping, Weight Loss Tip

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Photographs can be used as motivation and to document your success. Photographer using old camera After college, I gained a lot of weight. Part of it was the sedentary lifestyle that grew with my waistline as I moved through medical school. Unfortunately, the sedentary lifestyle of education was not healthy for my weight. I am…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Document, Motivate, Photograph, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Yoga is a great low impact exercise to help with weight loss. Yoga is a fantastic exercise. It is been touted to help with just about anything you can imagine. Exercise can be stressful on your body and many exercises can create a lot of impact on your joints. Yoga is not only low impact…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Stress Reduction, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip, Yoga

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Quinoa is a whole grain that is easy to cook and goes great with both meats and vegetables. Quinoa Quinoa is a seed that is prepared and eaten similarly to a grain. It was not widely known in the United States until recently. In fact, it is not new at all. Quinoa was an important…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Protein, Quinoa, Weight Loss Tip

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Cheese is calorie dense and reducing it can assist with weight loss Wedge of cheese with caraway seeds Seductive foods that taste great are very tempting when you are restricting intake while trying to lose weight. These foods are addictive and found in just about any restaurant you find. They make fast food nearly impossible…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Cheese, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Resistance bands are a simple at-home or on-the-go strength training option. Athlete fit woman using a red resistance band. Resistance training and weightlifting are well documented through research to assist with weight loss.  Resistance bands are a great alternative to weights or even a great addition to a traditional weight training program.  I think there is…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Fat Loss, Resistance Bands, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Mayonnaise contains empty calories and provides little to no nutrition and is best left in the jar. Mayonnaise sauce. Mayonnaise is one of those guilty pleasures that many people feel is essential to their daytime regime. People added to their sandwich and just about any recipe you can imagine. I, like you, enjoy mayonnaise on…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Maynnaisem, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip