List: Yes even fifty more weight loss tips (151-200).


Fifty more weight loss tips.

This is list is fifty tips that may assist with your weight loss endeavor.  In the last several years, I have made a list of weight loss tips that I have made on this site.  I tended to post a new tip every Wednesday and sometimes on Friday.  Some think will apply to use and others will not.  I recommend that you pick one or two and slowly add them to your daily plan.  Do not overdo change or it will overwhelm you.  This list is a list of weight loss tips 151-200..  

Weight Loss Tips: 151-200

  1. Weight Loss Tip 151 - update your wardrobe
    Weight Loss Tip: Ā Update your Wardrobe Ā 
    A simple update can help motivate weight loss. Do you like to buy new clothes?  Do you like the feeling of fitting into a new pair of jeans?  Updating your closet is an easy way promote weight loss and maintenance.  If you’re like me, I am often distressed by that perfect pair ā€¦
  2. Weight loss tip 152 - Quickly put leftovers in the freezer
    Weight loss tip: Quickly put leftovers in the freezer
    Freezing leftovers can prevent the urge for seconds.   Near twice a week, I have written a post to share a tip or trick that I have found to be helpful as journeyed down the path to improved health and weight.  In the last two years, I found the key to success was meal planning or ā€¦
  3. Weight loss tip: 153 - Enjoy Exercise
    Weight loss tip 153: Exercise Should Not Be Punishment
    Exercise is Not Punishment! [pullquote]Exercise would be rewarding and relaxing, not a punishment for a dietary indiscretion.[/pullquote]Exercise is healthy and we want to encourage ourselves to do more of it.  Exercise is not a form of torture like waterboarding so we need to stop treating it ā€¦
  4. Weight loss tip 154 - Success is a sum of small efforts
    Weight loss tip: Success
    Success is a sum of small efforts.  [pullquote]Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day after day.  [/pullquote] Like a New Year’s resolution, new diets and exercise programs often fail in one to two weeks.  The gyms make huge money form these decisions to fail ā€¦
  5. Weight loss tip 155 - Progress-One step repeated
    Weight loss tip: Progress
    Progress is attained one step repeated over and over again.   [pullquote]Progress: you may not be where you want to be, but you are a heck of a lot closer than when you started![/pullquote]We have all been there.  We hit a day in which we are not progressing as much as we would like ā€¦
  6. Weight loss tip 156 - The Future is under your control
    Weight loss tip: The future is under your control.
    The future is what you make.   Have you tried to lose weight dozens of times and always end up frustrated?  Change is hard and weight loss is a change that is not different from any other change in life.  So you are counting calories, using portion control, avoiding empty ā€¦
  7. Weight loss tip 157 - Determination and Satisfaction
    Weight loss tip: Determination and Satisfaction
    Attitude is one key to weight loss and determination and satisfaction help.   [pullquote]Determination and Satisfaction: Try to wake with determination to be successful and go to bed with the satisfaction of your accomplishments.[/pullquote]Theoretically, weight loss is easy, ā€¦
  8. Weight loss tip 158 - Slow is still progress
    Weight loss tip: Slow is still progress!
    Progress is still progress.   [pullquote]Slow Progress is better than no progress!   No matter how slow you progress, you are still doing better than the person on the couch.[/pullquote]I know it might seem depressing when your progress is slower than you expect or want. ā€¦
  9. Weight loss tip 159 - Meditate to reduce your stress and weight
    Weight loss tip: Meditate for stress and weight reduction
    Meditation will help you cope with chronic stress and lose weight. In my profession, stress is usually a regular part of my life.  I am an Osteopathic Physician.  For the over 20 years, I have experienced a constant barrage of stressful events.  As a result, my weight ā€¦
  10. Weight loss tip 160 - Meal prep your leafovers
    Weight loss tip: Meal prep your leftovers
    Meal Planning Made Easy: Freezing Leftovers Part of my weekly meal planning strategy is to have a few backup meals at all times in the freezer for nights that I know I won’t have time to cook.  I often have at least 5-10 in the freezer ready to go.  This meal prepping strategy will ā€¦
  11. Weight loss tip 161 - Pass on the pop
    Weight loss tip: Pass on the pop
    Soda pop can increase weight gain.   I love soda or pop.  I can remember it being a treat when I would go to football games that my Dad would buy me my own soda.  I would quickly drift off into the sugar induced euphoria.  Sodas and other sugary beverages are common sights in ā€¦
  12. Weight loss tip 162 - Avoid getting discouraged
    Weight loss tip: Never get discouraged!
    Avoid getting discouraged! Your body stores excess calories as body fat. You need some fat to save for a rainy day and to pad your organs, but too much body fat will pose a health risk.  I do not know many overweight people who do not want to lose weight.  Unfortunately, losing weight can ā€¦
  13. Weight loss tip 163 - Pack a snack
    Weight loss tip: Pack a snack
    Having a snack does not have to sink your diet. With practice, healthy snacking can become as easy as dropping a couple dollars in the vending machine.  In fact, with as much trouble as I have had to get the machines to take my bills or coins, it might even be easier to pack a healthy snack ā€¦
  14. Weight loss tip 164 - Sacrifice the fat
    Weight loss tip: Sacrifice the Fat
    Your health should be more important.  Dieting and weight loss is a lot of hard work.  You have to make tough choices and sacrifices to be successful at weight loss.  Then again, do you really want to eat all of those twinkies and doughnuts you have been stuffing in your mouth for ā€¦
  15. Weight loss tip 165 - Stay Positive
    Weight loss tip: Stay positive
    Got Splurge? Don’t get down. Did you overdo it a little last night?  Did you have too much cake at a party?  Too many buffalo wings while out with friends?  Stay positive and don’t let a little lapse get you down.  If you overly focus on a misstep, you will have ā€¦
  16. Weight loss tip mac 166 - Never Give Up
    Weight loss tip: Never Give Up!
    Avoid fatalistic view, you can do this! [pullquote]Everyone has a bad day or weekend.  Pick yourself up and keep going![/pullquote] We have all experienced a momentary lapse in judgment.  I did it this weekend myself.  You meant to just grab a cup of coffee on your drive to ā€¦
  17. Weight Loss Tip 167 - You Biggest Competition
    Weight loss tip: Your biggest competition is from within.
    The most significant obstacle is overcoming your inner self.     [pullquote]The hardest part of weight loss is not the exercise or nutrition, it is motivating you mind to make a change.[/pullquote] The odds are that this is not the first time you have tried to lose weight.  You have ā€¦
  18. Weight Loss Tip 168 - You are worth eating right
    Weight loss tip: You are worth eating right.
    Eat like you care about yourself. Food can be our medicine or our enemy.  I want to encourage you to eat like you love yourself.  You are worth the time and effort to eat healthily.  Food can be the cure most of what is wrong with you, but if you eat in excess, it can be the cause of ā€¦
  19. Weight loss tip 168 - Stick to whole fruit
    Weight loss tip: Stick to whole fruit
    Avoid canned fruit and fruit sauces. Oh, wait, please tell me you are not going to attack my fruit cocktail and applesauce.  Applesauce and cans of fruit cocktail are a favorable memory from my childhood as I am sure it is from yours.  My family used to get together once a year to ā€¦
  20. Weight Loss Tip 170 - Stay disciplined
    Weight loss tip: Stay Disciplined
    Motivation got you started, but you will need the discipline to stay on the path to health.   [pullquote]Discipline is just choosing between what you want now and what you want more.[/pullquote] We all go shopping at the inopportune time and buy that “food” we do not need. ā€¦
  21. Weight Loss Tip 171 - get competitive
    Weight loss tip: Get Competitive
    Get Competitive: With Yourself or Your Friends.   Light a little fire behind you by using a competition with a friend to motivate you.  There is nothing like a bit of competition to get your motor running.  It does not matter whether it is a golf game, shooting hoops, playing chess, ā€¦
  22. Weight Loss Tip 172 - Use an event to motivate
    Weight loss tip: Use an Event to Motivate!
    Special events can be used to motive weight loss.   Motivation is a good thing, and we all find motivation in different ways.  Everyone has a special day in which they want to weight less to impress people they have not seen in a while.  Weddings, reunions, and vacations result in ā€¦
  23. Weight Loss Tip 173 - Don't Be Hard On Yourself
    Weight Loss Tip: Don’t Be Hard On Yourself
    Negative energy will bread self-doubt and negative thoughts.  Being hard on yourself is not the right approach to successful weight loss.  When it comes to losing weight, having an all or nothing approach is very common and is a common cause of lower levels of success.  This ā€¦
  24. WLT 174 - Stop making excuses
    Weight loss tip: Stop making excuses
    Failure is making excuses for your weaknesses.   We all look for what we have failed in the past, but this search might be holding you back.  We all think of things to keep us from losing the weight that we are trying to lose.  A prime example is when you blame desserts or a family ā€¦
  25. Weight Loss Tip 175 - Go Slow
    Weight loss tip: Go Slow
    Slow and steady progress will win the weight loss race. Everyone is looking for a quick trip to a new weight, but the key to weight loss success is to retrain your daily routine.  Once you develop a new routine, you will be more likely to stick to a healthy lifestyle.  If you lose ā€¦
  26. Weight Loss Tip 176 - Commitment
    Weight loss tip: Commitment
    Commitment is pushing yourself when no one else is around.   Successful and lasting weight loss requires commitment.  It is easy to commit to something when your coworkers, family, and friends are watching.  It is harder to do when you are bored and home alone.   You must make ā€¦
  27. Weight Loss Tip 177 - Do something about it
    Weight loss tip: Do Something About It.
    Stop wish for better health and thinner and start doing what you need to be it! I wish I were a genie and could snap my fingers and get what I want.  I would be back in a size of jeans with a 32-inch waist.  We all wish we had a quick and easy way to lose weight, but ā€¦
  28. Weight Loss Tip 178 - Route your own path
    Weight loss tip: Route Your Own Path
    Design Your Own Weight Loss Plan One of the toughest things about leading an organization in a new direction is getting buy-in.  Buy-in for a new program is easier if the participants assist in the development.  This statement is even true if you are developing your own path to ā€¦
  29. Weight Loss Tip 179 - Smart Weight Loss is
    Weight Loss Tip: Smart Weight Loss is…..
    Smart Weight Loss is….. [pullquote]Smart weight loss is 1% inspiration and 99% determination.[/pullquote]Weight loss is a simple mixture of eating a healthy diet (80%) and exercise (20%), but you must first start with a little inspiration and follow through with a lot of determination.   ā€¦
  30. Weight Loss Tip 180 - Determination and Satisfaction
    Weight loss tip: Determination and Satisfaction
    Determination and Satisfaction [pullquote]Wake with determination to complete the daily goal and go to bed with satisfaction that you are one day closer to making your dreams a reality.[/pullquote]Motivation and determination in the context of weight management is a difficult topic because it ā€¦
  31. Weight loss tip 181 - Keep a Motivational Journal
    Weight loss tip: Keep a Motivational Journal
    Writing it down can keep you motivated.   Occasionally, you may have a setback or slow down in your weight loss.  Don’t be too hard on yourself.  One of the best motivators in your weight loss journey is yourself. Keep a motivational journal of your weight loss goals and ā€¦
  32. Weight Loss Tip 182 - Focus on one pound at a time
    Weight loss tip: Focus on one pound at a time
    Focus on small goals.   We have all heard the story of someone in our circle that has lost a massive amount of weight.  We use others stories as motivation, but the fact is that establishing a massive weight loss goal of 25-50 pounds or more can be overwhelming.  The problem is we ā€¦
  33. Weight Loss Tip 183 - Look in the Mirror
    Weight Loss Tip: Look in the Mirror
    Look in the mirror because the person looking back is your competition.   Do not get discouraged by the figure that looks back at you, use it as motivation to make a new you.  A Mirror is a powerful tool to help you identify and focus your goals.  Every day, wake up, get ā€¦
  34. Weight Loss Tip 184 - Skip the Guilt
    Weight Loss Tip: Skip the Guilt
    Guilty feelings can sabotage your weight loss program.   Eating a meal is associated with pleasure and enjoyment, but can also create guilt and shame.  We have all had that moment of guilt after eating something you should not or eat more than you intended.  Guilt and shame, in ā€¦
  35. Weight Loss Tip 185 - Don't be a perfectionist
    Weight Loss Tip: Don’t Be a Perfectionist
    The enemy of good is better, and that includes the quest for perfection.   Being a perfectionist is the enemy of progress in a successful diet.  Being a perfectionist is a true weakness.  There is nothing wrong with the quest to be better, but perfection is not attainable. ā€¦
  36. Weight Loss Tip 186 - Attitude
    Weight Loss Tip: Watch you Attitude
    Attitude is the difference between succeeding and trying.   We all start with a weight loss attempt and a plan to succeed, but even the word considers we might fail.  We are not attempting to lose weight.  Rather, we will lose weight.  We will meet our goal.  This ā€¦
  37. Weight Loss Tip 187 - Stop Quitting
    Weight Loss Tip: Stop Quitting
    Weight loss is a slow process, but quitting won’t speed it up or help you reach your goal.   [pullquote]ā€œBe the person that when your feet touch the floor in the morning, the devil says, ā€œaww shit.. theyā€™re upā€¦ā€  — The Rock[/pullquote]We all think about quitting because weight ā€¦
  38. Weight Loss Tip 188 - Your Old Clothes Can Help With Weight Loss
    Weight Loss Tip: Your Old Clothes Can Help With Weight Loss
    Tight Clothing Can Motivate Weight Loss.   As you try to find some motivation to lose weight, all you have to do is grab a pair of shorts that do not fit well.  You have a pair of shorts or a short that might be just a bit too tight, and you want them to fit a little better. ā€¦
  39. Weight Loss Tip 189 - Keep Pushing Forward
    Weight Loss Tip: Keep Pushing Forward
    Keep pushing toward that goal.   [pullquote]ā€œThe road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places.ā€ ~Unknown[/pullquote]We have the opportunity to succeed and do something great in life, and we can either grasp the bull by the horns, or we can let it pass.  One the road to diet ā€¦
  40. Weight Loss Tip 190 - Believe you can do it
    Weight Loss Tip: Believe you can do it
    If you believe you can do it, you are halfway there.       I talk to a lot of people about getting healthy and lose weight.  Ultimately, you did not gain that weight overnight, and you will not lose that weight overnight.  If you lack confidence, you will easily become ā€¦
  41. Weight Loss Tip 191 - Have Some Cottage Cheese
    Weight loss tip: Have Some Cottage Cheese
    Cottage cheese can help with weight loss.   Stocking your fridge with cottage cheese is one step to jump-starting your weight loss.  Well, this is sort of true.  You have to eat it to get the weight loss effects.  Cottage cheese is packed with protein and helps promote satiety. ā€¦
  42. Weight Loss Tip 192 - Listen to your body
    Weight Loss Tip: Listen to your body.

    Doing too much at the gym can be worse than not going at all.

    We have all done it.  You go to the gym and go hog wild with your workout.  It's never a good idea to overdo it with your workout.  If you overdo it, you will be less likely to maintain the exercise program and quit.  This concept is especially true if you are just starting out or adding something new.  
  43. Family with a shopping cart
    List: 31 Tips for Healthy Shopping for Weight Loss or Maintenance

    Advice on smartly navigating the weight loss landmines in the supermarket.

    When trying to lose weight, one of the most difficult activities you must do is grocery shopping. Since weight loss is 80 percent diet, going to the grocery store can be an exercise in torture. All those tempting goodies on the shelves, the delicious aromas coming from the in-store bakery, the eye-catching displays of tasty but fattening foods. How do you make it through this minefield blowing up your diet?
  44. Weight Loss Tip 193 - Take a Nap
    Weight loss tip: Take a nap.
    Napping may help with weight loss.   You read that right.  A nap may…may help with weight loss.  Cosying up with a blanket to these nap has benefits and one of those is weight loss.  I know now that your mind is running a million miles an hour.    You were ā€¦
  45. Weight Loss Tip 194 - Have sex and lose weight
    Weight loss tip: Have more sex and lose weight.
    People who have sex more often weigh less.   Having a healthy weight is part of a healthy life, and many of us are focusing on exercising and eating right in order to attain a healthy weight.  Over 2/3 of Americans are overweight, and we are all struggling to lose it and keep it off. ā€¦
  46. Weight Loss Tip 195 - Eat cleaner
    Weight loss tip: Eat cleaner
    Cleaner food choices can help you lose weight. I know you have used the excuse that it is a weekend or holiday so you partake in foods you would normally avoid.  If you keep holiday and weekend meals from turning into an all-you-can-eat buffet, you will be more successful at losing or keep the ā€¦
  47. Weight Loss Tip 196 - Make Sacred Times
    Weight loss tip: Make sacred times in your schedule
    Schedule times for me-time you schedule. Weight Loss Tip 196 – Make Sacred Times Most of us make the critical mistake of filling our schedule to the brim with appointments to take care of other things or people.  I am sure you have experienced times when you have 8-10 hours of back to ā€¦
  48. Weight Loss Tip 197 - Add Aronia berries
    Weight loss tip: Add Aronia berries or chokeberries to your diet

    Chokeberries may reduce weight gain and modulate insulin

    What the heck is a chokeberry?  The Chokeberry is of the Aronia genus of deciduous shrubs.  The shrubs that grow the berries are native to eastern North America and most commonly found in wet woods and swamps and many feel they a nuisance or weed.  Chokeberries are cultivated as ornamental plants and as food products. The berries are small 1 cm fruits that have relatively thick, pigmented skin that come in several colors to include black, red, and blue.
  49. Weight Loss Tip 198 - Eat Eggs
    Weight loss tip: Eat Eggs

    Eggs can help you lose weight!  

    You have probably read somewhere, been told by a friend or doctor, or watch a TV show that has indicated that you should avoid eggs as a part of your daily breakfast.  They have been tied to more dastardly poor health conditions than the most villainous of comic book heroes.  The problem is that these recommendations could not be further from the truth.  In fact, when eaten the right way and in moderation, eggs are a healthy source of protein and will keep your mind functioning and your belly feeling full.  Best of all, eating eggs can be part of a balanced diet that may also help you lose a few inches around your waist.
  50. Weight Loss Tip 199 - Add color to your food and plate
    Weight loss tip: Add color to your food and plate

    Color Up Your Food and Dinner Plate for Weight Loss

    When I started to research this as a topic after reading an article on colors of plates and weight loss, I thought this topic is crazy.  The color of a plate is not going to cause someone to lose weight.  What inherent property would a colored plate have that could introduce weight loss?  It is not going to post your metabolism.  Then it hit me.  I had a class in advertising and psychology in college that discussed colors and what emotions they cause.  It is possible.
The bottom line: These are a few of the recommended weight loss tips that have worked for me, so  I decided to write about them.  I will post more in the next couple of months and continue to add them in lists.  I hope you find each of them helpful.  

About the Author

I am a family physician who has served in the US Army. In 2016, I found myself overweight, out of shape, and unhealthy, so I made a change to improve my health. This blog is the chronology of my path to better health and what I have learned along the way.

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