
This page contains a list of all of the articles and posts that have been written on Walking Off Pounds.  They are displayed in reverse order by date with the most recent first.  

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Sleep can help you lose weight and avoid obesity and cravings.  We all know that sleep is essential for optimal health.  We do not function efficiently without enough sleep, and we are just plain grumpy if our sleep is interrupted, but we still fail to get enough good quality…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Craving, Obesity, Rem, Rem Sleep, Sleep, Sucrose, Weight Loss

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Fresh is better but frozen is fine! Frozen Food Isle I can remember, as a child, my grandmother telling me that flash foods were better than frozen foods. If you think about it, it makes sense that fresh food would be better for you than frozen food. Frozen food is processed and well, fresh food…
Categories: Nutrition
Tags: Fresh, Frozen, Fruits, Nutrition, Vegetables

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A healthy and delicious version of this popular Tex-Mex dish. Chicken fajitas are one of my family’s favorite recipes. I personally love to make it because it can be made in so many ways and it is easily to make. You can make them in a frying pan, grill them, or even back them on…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Recipe, Tex Mex

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Got Splurge? Don't get down. Did you overdo it a little last night?  Did you have too much cake at a party?  Too many buffalo wings while out with friends?  Stay positive and don't let a little lapse get you down.  Don't allow yourself time to become discouraged over a single lapse.  When you begin…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip

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Yo-yo diet may increase your risk of heart disease and premature death.   Scale and Tape Measure A number is just a number, but if your weight yo-yos up and down, losing weight may be bad for your health.  I am not talking about the daily fluctuations that occur in all of us.  Some weight fluctuations…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Weight Loss, Yo-yo Diet

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Detox the myth that detox diets are healthy.   Fruit and Vegetable Smoothy Detox or detoxification diets are being sold as the cure to all that ails you.  You can find it on TV on such shows as the Dr. Oz show and on just about every website that is dedicated to fitness, health, and…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Weight Loss

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Email based support may be superior for weight loss.   Support Group Weight loss is tough and difficult under even the best circumstances.  Almost every dieter is looking for that one thing to help them maximize their weight loss.  Dieters spend billions every year looking for one thing to help them lose and maintain their weight…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Support, Weight Loss

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Exercise is not a great means to lose weight. Exercise To lose weight, you can do this two ways: eat fewer calories than you burn or burn more calories than you eat.  You must have a negative calorie balance to induce weight loss.  There is not a magical pill that will transform or suspend the…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Myth, Weight Loss

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No amount of exercise will turn fat into muscle.  Sit-Ups I remember in high school that guys and my football coaches used this statement.  Even in the late 70s and 80s, we knew that this statement was utterly malarkey.  This statement is almost as fictitious as the alchemist turning lead into gold.   I know…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Myth

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Obesity Tied to Secretive Eating I am not an expert on eating disorders or obesity for that matter, but as a primary care physician, I often am the first to suspect and diagnose eating disorders. The diagnosis is difficult to make, and patients and…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research

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Being moderately overweight is not protective in overall mortality. Obesity: Belly One of the problems in research is when you oversimplify or unintentionally skew your data.  When you do this sort of examination of data, you miss the proverbial forest because you are looking at all the trees.  You need to look at the right…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research

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Your health should be more important.  [pullquote]Sacrifice those high-calorie foods that you crave for something that matters more: your health.[/pullquote]I know you crave something.  There is a food you cannot resist.  For me, it is something smothered in gooey cheese.  It could be nachos or pizza or maybe even another food depending on the restaurant or my mood.…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, Weight Loss

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A delicious side dish that will add a lot of flavor to any meal. A simple and delicious dish to serve with roast meats.  It is easy to make and even my teenage son loves it.  It is also very filling and full of healthy fats.
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Weight Loss

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Apple Cider Vinegar: The Magic Bullet? Apple cider vinegar I can remember as a child that we always made apple butter and cider in the last summer in West Virginia. We would gather at the family farm to pick apples and press them for cider. I love the stuff and miss those simpler days of…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Apple Cider Vinegar, Blood Sugar, Fat Loss, Satiety, Vinegar, Weight Loss

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Eating Patterns May Help Men Maintain a Healthy Weight A Family Preparing a Meal We are all looking for a silver bullet to help us lose weight and sustain the loss afterward.  To be bluntly honest, we have not found such a piece of information, and I personally doubt it exists at all.  The problem…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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[pullquote]Everyone has a bad day or weekend.  Pick yourself up and keep going![/pullquote] We have all experienced a momentary lapse in judgment.  I did it this weekend myself.  You meant to just grab a cup of coffee on your drive into work this morning.  You stopped at Starbucks, and there it was staring back at you…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip

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Group support of a structured diet is a winning strategy.   Diet and Nutrition Confusion Obesity is at epidemic levels in the United States and becoming an increasing problem worldwide.  You can easily see the problem with a short trip to your local shopping center or grocery store.  Five to ten years ago, you only…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Never Get Discouraged! [pullquote]Never Get Discouraged!  If you can't see the result sin the mirror, remember, the first and most important changes happen on the inside of your body.[/pullquote]  It is easy to get discouraged when you do not see progress in the mirror.  Often, initially, progress can be slow, and most of the initial changes…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, Weight Loss

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An easy low calorie, high-fiber casserole.   This high-fiber casserole is one your family will love. Freekeh is a young green wheat that is often roasted and cracked. This traditional food of the Middle East has a pleasant nutty flavor and cooks in just 25 minutes. A high-fiber whole grain, freekeh is perfect for savory…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Chile, Fiber, Food, Recipe

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Cooking at home is cheaper and healthier.   We have all heard the myth that eating at home is more expensive.  Food that is good for you is more expensive is what I have always heard, and I guess that is true if all you eat is frozen…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Research

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“Low-Content” Nutrient Claims in the United States Don't Add Up I can remember the big low-fat claims for nearly a half century, but the fact is that this fight has been going on for over a century. Experts pushed the concept that fat was bad for you and you should…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Sleep deprivation may cause people to eat more calories. Sleep is so critical for good health.  In the past, most of the research investigated the behavioral health impact of poor sleep.  Over the past 10-15 years, the amount of research done on the physical and metabolic effect of…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Sleep, Weight Gain

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How much time you spend a week preparing meals can influence your health and your wallet. [pullquote]Failing to plan is planning to fail. - Allen Lakein[/pullquote]I recently started prepping my meals ahead of time.  I usually prepare my meals for…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Meal Prepping, Research

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[pullquote]Slow Progress is better than no progress!   No matter how slow you progress, you are still doing better than the person on the couch.[/pullquote]I know it might seem depressing when your progress is slower than you expect or want.  Miracles rarely happen so make you own miracle instead of focussing on miraculous results, be happy…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, Progress

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This is a mild recipe to make a family favorite. My family loves this recipe and I am sure yours will too. It is a great winter soup that will help warm you up. It is easy to make and freezes well for later meals. If you want to expand it, consider adding a whole…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Chili, Recipe

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[pullquote]Slow Progress is better than no progress!   No matter how slow you progress, you are still doing better than the person on the couch.[/pullquote]I know it might seem depressing when your progress is slower than you expect or want.  Miracles rarely happen so make you own miracle instead of focussing on miraculous results, be happy…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, Progress

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“Low-Content” Nutrient Claims in the United States Don't Add Up I can remember the big low-fat claims for nearly a half century, but the fact is that this fight has been going on for over a century. Experts pushed the concept that fat was bad for you and you should…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Will sin taxes and subsidies improve healthy dietary choices? I have discussed both sin taxes and the increasing obesity epidemic in the article entitled "Food for Thought: Tax on Body Weight".  Ever expanding waistlines will have a major impact on the health care costs of the future if we…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Taxes, Weight Loss

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Obesity Tied to Secretive Eating I am not an expert on eating disorders or obesity for that matter, but as a primary care physician, I often am the first to suspect and diagnose eating disorders. The diagnosis is difficult to make, and patients and…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research

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Rice: Should I avoid it? Rice is a grain and is one of the most consumed foods in the world.  It is cheap and very dense in both calories and carbohydrates.  Since as long as I can remember, it is has been tied to obesity and chronic diseases such…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Rice, Weight Loss

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A delicious and spicy dish with the zing of ginger and sweetness of teriyaki. This a delicious recipe that adds the slight kick of jalapeño peppers and the sweetness of teriyaki.  I am certain you will like it.  The change from Salmon to Chicken will make a dish your whole family will love.   [cooked-recipe…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Poultry, Recipe

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No amount of exercise will turn fat into muscle.  Sit-Ups I remember in high school that guys and my football coaches used this statement.  Even in the late 70s and 80s, we knew that this statement was utterly malarkey.  This statement is almost as fictitious as the alchemist turning lead into gold.   I know…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Myth

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 [pullquote]“I am in shape. Round is a shape.”- Anonymous[/pullquote]  We spend a lot of time and effort on losing weight.  American's spend billions on supplements, health clubs, and weight loss books.  There is no quick fix so make a pledge today to change.  The key to last weight loss is making a change that sticks.…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inspiration, Quote, Weight Loss

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Guidelines for food intake are not evidence based. I am confident that nearly 100% of the public has seen the food pyramid and the new nutrition plate guideline.  We have been brainwashed in school that these tools were the key to being healthy…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research

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Cappuccino Your coffee habit might be making you fat. I love a good cup of morning joe.  No, I am not talking about a third-rate crappy news show.  A cup of coffee is a staple part of breakfast around the globe.  America’s appetite for caffeinated drinks has led to the success of multiple coffee franchises.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Coffee, Editorial, Obesity, Weigh Gain, Weight Loss

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Reader Question: Does White Kidney Bean Extract work for Weight Loss?   This question came to me from a reader who is struggling with weight loss.  He has been on a diet for three months and has plateaued and wants to know if this supplement might help.  He…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Research, Supplements, User Question

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Eating Breakfast Every Day Will Not Protect Against Obesity Breakfast Many of us have heard this whopper, and I am not referring to that fatty charbroiled cheeseburger from a fast-food chain.  American children have long been indoctrinated by our family members, teachers, and just about any authority figure that routinely eating breakfast is a simple…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Breakfast, Myth

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A delicious side dish that your family will love. This dish is a delicious adaptation of Homes Chef's Zucchini and Sun-Dried Tomato Au Gratin.  I did not care for the sundried tomatoes, so I adapted the recipe.  I am certain you will enjoy it.  
Categories: Recipe
Tags: Recipe

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Advice on smartly navigating the weight loss landmines in the supermarket. When trying to lose weight, one of the most difficult activities you must do is grocery shopping. Since weight loss is 80 percent diet, going to the grocery store can be an exercise in torture. All those tempting…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Food, Healthy, Lists, Nutrition, Shopping, Shopping Tips, Tips

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[pullquote]Determination and Satisfaction: Try to wake with determination to be successful and go to bed with the satisfaction of your accomplishments.[/pullquote]The feeling of determination is critical for the start of a diet and exercise program.  If you are not determined to be successful, you will not start a new program to be more healthy or to lose weight…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Determination, Motivation Tip

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Mechanism found to indicate why the Western diet leads to obesity.   America is in the state of an epidemic.  At least two-thirds of the adults in the United States are considered overweight or obese and the global cost could be as high as 2 trillion dollars per…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research, Weight Loss

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The sweetener and creamer in your coffee and tea can sabotage you weight loss plans. We all like to have a Cup of Joe in the morning and I am not referring to that for that terrible copy of Fox and Friend on CNN.  I am referring to…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coffee, Research, Sugar, Tea, Weight Loss

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Would a tax reduce sugar usage and obesity or is sugar not the bitter poison as portrayed.   For years, public health experts and politicians have argued that adding a tax on sugar would lead to reductions in poor health outcomes.  Sugar consumption is at higher levels…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Sugar Taxes

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[pullquote]Progress: you may not be where you want to be, but you are a heck of a lot closer than when you started![/pullquote].  We have all been there.  We hit a day in which we are not progressing as much as we would like or maybe we see our goal and it seems so far away,…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Encouragement, Motivation, Motivation Tip

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A sweet, salty, and tangy treat for tastebuds. This chicken recipe covers all the bases that I look for in a recipe I love. It is a combination of sweet, tart, and salty. It uses lean chicken breasts and takes less than 45 minutes to complete. This stuffed chicken recipe is easy enough to make…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Recipe

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Water is the essence of life, and without it, there would be none.    Most of us quite simply forget that drinking enough water throughout the day is necessary to maintain an efficient, well-hydrated state.  Many of us avoid consuming water to escape restroom visits during our days of…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dehydrate, Drink, Hydration, Water, Weight Loss

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A new start after a return to an old problem, again. 2023 is well behind us. To be honest, 2024 has nut been much better.  It was a tough 2 years for me, with multiple injuries and a return to my sedentary lifestyle. It began when I retired from the US Army. Now, I have…
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: New Start, Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Hot Peppers and Spicy Food May Increase Longevity.   Red hot peppers on the table Spicy, hot foods are adored by many.  Although this has nothing to do with weight loss, it clearly indicated a positive benefit for eating spicy foods.  I have published another article on the benefits of hot peppers in weight loss.  Recent…
Categories: Nutrition, Research
Tags: Hot Peppers, Research, Spicy Foods

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Fruits and vegetables lower risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer deaths.   Most of the world, including the United States, eats too few fruits and vegetables.  I can remember trying to get my son to eat more vegetables during his elementary school carnivore stage.  Adults are equally…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Food, Healthy, Nutrition, Research

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“Diet” is a four-letter word.  Instead, let’s start eating and living healthily. There are so many diets out there and each one has its own book.  You could literally read a new diet book every day of your life and still have a few more to read.  Most…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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The Future is What You Make.   The best way to predict your future is to make your own future.  The future thin and healthy you is just one thought away.  Visualize yourself thin and make it happen.  Rehearse your plan daily prepares you to recognize and…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, Weight Loss

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A delicious and spicy dish with the zing of ginger and sweetness of teriyaki. This a delicious recipe that adds the slight kick of jalapeño peppers, the zing of ginger, and the sweetness of teriyaki.  I am certain you will like it.    
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Salmon, Weight Loss

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Not all vegetables are created equal.        You already knew that.  Some vegetables have more fiber, some have more vitamins, some aren’t vegetables at all.  Wait… What?  Take corn, for instance.  When in its kernel form, corn is classed…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Vegetables, Weight Loss

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  A spouse's weight loss can "spread" to the other spouse. I often find interesting research when I am studying for my job.  I receive emails every day highlighting new research studies.  One from MedPageToday caught my eye [1]. We all know that the benefit of…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Sleep deprivation may cause people to eat more calories. Sleep is so critical for good health.  In the past, most of the research investigated the behavioral health impact of poor sleep.  Over the past 10-15 years, the amount of research done on the physical and metabolic effect of…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Sleep, Weight Gain

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Will sin taxes and subsidies improve healthy dietary choices? I have discussed both sin taxes and the increasing obesity epidemic in the article entitled "Food for Thought: Tax on Body Weight".  Ever expanding waistlines will have a major impact on the health care costs of the future if we…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Taxes, Weight Loss

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Vegetarian is not necessarily healthier and may not lead to weight loss.   Not all vegetarians are skinny or healthy. It is important to understand that vegan or vegetarian diets are not all the same.  Vegetarians often eliminate meat for religious or health reasons.  Many will continue to eat processed…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Nutrition Vegetarian, Research, Weight Loss

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A healthy burrito bowl your family will love for dinner. I absolutely love Chipotle's burrito bowls so I trying to find a healthier option.  Although not a copy of the original, I am certain you will like this one.  My family loves this as a healthier option. It is not only healthy, but it is…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Burrito Bowl, Recipe

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Is it just the fiber that makes Oatmeal a good choice or is there more to it? It is estimated that during the Bronze Age (3200-600 BC), oats were first cultivated in Switzerland.  Oats had been around for a long time before that but were probably…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Oatmeal, Research, Weight Loss

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Inactivity linked to a decreased motivation in obese mice Elderly Couple Walking on Beach So much research has been completed to find the magic bullet for the cause of obesity and this study is no different.  I found the study after reading an article on Science Daily entitled "Inactivity in obese mice linked to a…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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I recently received a question by email after one of my posts in which a reader asked for a definition of Binge Eating Disorder (BED).   Binge Eating Disorder Binge eating disorder is characterized by compulsive overeating in which people consume excessive amounts of food while feeling they are out of control…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Eating Disorder, Question

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Mechanism found to indicate why the Western diet leads to obesity.   America is in the state of an epidemic.  At least two-thirds of the adults in the United States are considered overweight or obese and the global cost could be as high as 2 trillion dollars per…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research, Weight Loss

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Vegetarian is not necessarily healthier and may not lead to weight loss.   Not all vegetarians are skinny or healthy. It is important to understand that vegan or vegetarian diets are not all the same.  Vegetarians often eliminate meat for religious or health reasons.  Many will continue to eat processed…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Nutrition Vegetarian, Research, Weight Loss

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An American classic made just a bit healthier. This a healthier version of a recipe I once tried from Blue Apron.  I loved it so much that I slimmed it down.  Cheeseburgers are delicious but there are nto exactly low calorie.  
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Cheeseburger, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Red Tomatillo Salsa I love Chipotle Mexican Grill.  It is like the Subway of TexMex.  If you make smart choices, it can be healthy.  This recipe is a spicy salsa recipe inspired by their Red Tomatillo Salsa.  It is not the same, but I am sure you will love it.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Salsa, Tomatillo

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Exercise is Not Punishment! [pullquote]Exercise would be rewarding and relaxing, not a punishment for a dietary indiscretion.[/pullquote]Exercise is healthy and we want to encourage ourselves to do more of it.  Exercise is not a form of torture like waterboarding so we need to stop treating it such.  Look forward to your next session and embrace…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Motivation Tip

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A new mouse study sheds light on how chemicals from plastic may increase obesity risk. What the heck is BPA?  BPA is a chemical found in a variety of plastic food containers, water bottles, and can linings. BPA is employed to make certain plastics and epoxy resins. BPA…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Carbohydrates are no more fattening than any other calorie source.   If you read any of the low-carb books, you will get the idea that carbohydrates are evil and you should avoid them at all costs.  There could be nothing further from the truth because your body needs…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Carbohydrates, Myth, Nutrition, Obesity, Research, Weight Loss

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“Diet” is a four-letter word.  Instead, let’s start eating and living healthily. There are so many diets out there and each one has its own book.  You could literally read a new diet book every day of your life and still have a few more to read.  Most…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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Having sex is not a great form of exercise and will probably not help with weight loss.   This concept is total bullshit.  I am sorry if I insulted your sensibilities.  To be honest with you, this is just not a great way to lose weight. Sure, you…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Sex, Weight Loss

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The wonderful flavor of garlic alfredo and the kick of crushed red pepper. I love garlic and developed this recipe after making many Italian-style recipes while being stationed away from my family.  You can tailor the spice level to your taste. My brother is a professionally trained chef and is my inspiration for this recipe.…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Pasta, Recipe

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[pullquote]Progress: you may not be where you want to be, but you are a heck of a lot closer than when you started![/pullquote].  We have all been there.  We hit a day in which we are not progressing as much as we would like or maybe we see our goal and it seems so far away,…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Encouragement, Motivation, Motivation Tip

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Supplements create short-term success and are not the answer. supplement capsules Supplements that claim to stoke or speed up the metabolism have been around for decades and currently go by the name thermogenic or metabolism boosters.   They are currently one of the most popular weight loss supplements in the world, and the supplement companies have billions invested…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Supplements, Thermogenic, Weight Loss

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Exercise is Not Punishment! [pullquote]Exercise would be rewarding and relaxing, not a punishment for a dietary indiscretion.[/pullquote]Exercise is healthy and we want to encourage ourselves to do more of it.  Exercise is not a form of torture like waterboarding so we need to stop treating it such.  Look forward to your next session and embrace…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Motivation Tip

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Low-calorie diets: The new fountain of youth?   Fountain of Youth We have searched for solutions to create youth and longevity since Ponce DeLeon was searching for the fountain of youth.   We want to live forever but we are quite mortal and forever will never happen.  Our bodies are just not made to live…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Calorie Restriction, Calories, Research, Weight Loss, Youth

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Quote to inspire a healthy mindset: Motivation So you need a little motivation to get you to lose weight and exercise.  Focus on success.  You can do this.  Avoid these negative thoughts of failure and you will.  It may not happen as quickly as you would like, but it will happen as long as you keep…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inspiration, Quote, Weight Loss

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A smooth and filly snack that packs island flavor. I love Piña Coladas or Pina Coladas if you do not have the special characters on your keyboard.  This is an awesome drink that I think you will love.  You will need a Ninja Blender and xylitol, pineapple extract, and coconut extract.
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe
Tags: Piña Colada, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Apple cinnamon can be a delicious and filling start to your day. This is a great recipe for weight loss and a much tastier version of Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal. It is filling and full of fiber. Since it is made with Fairlife skim…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal, Oatmeal, Recipe, Weight Loss

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A mother's body fat may affect her child's risk of obesity. Chunky Baby It has been a common belief that obesity is mostly a learned behavior that children get from both parents.  In the past ten years, genetics has been increasingly blamed for obesity in individuals.  It has been postulated that the body mass index…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Babies, Obesity, Pregnancy, Research

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The sweetener and creamer in your coffee and tea can sabotage you weight loss plans. We all like to have a Cup of Joe in the morning and I am not referring to that for that terrible copy of Fox and Friend on CNN.  I am referring to…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coffee, Research, Sugar, Tea, Weight Loss

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Why so many pounds regained weight after weight loss and how to prevent the weight gain?  Energy Balance I am nearly 100% certain that this is not the first time you have tried to or have lost weight.  I know there are some folks out there that are blessed with a good metabolism but they…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Strcuture, Weight Loss

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Quit Making Excuses and Get Motivated!   Motivation: Results Not Excuses Ok, you had a bad weekend and you slipped up and either did not exercise, splurged on snacks, or both.  But really, stuffing yourself like a Christmas turkey isn’t limited to the holidays. There are plenty of times we might be tempted to overeat.  My…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, No Excuses, Weight Loss

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A tender and juicy chicken recipe that is exploding with bold TexMex flavors. It is great to spend a week at home and today I am making one of my family's favorite meals. The best part is that is is a healthy meal that can jump-start your path to better health. The only weakness is it…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Chile, Lime, Recipe

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Myth: If You Eat and Exercise Consistently, You Will Never Gain Weight Man and woman jumping rope If you exercise once a day, every day, the theory that you can eat whatever you want and not gain weight or fat is utter malarkey.  All the indulgent calories that you consume will just be offset by…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Exercise, Myth

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Inactivity linked to a decreased motivation in obese mice Elderly Couple Walking on Beach So much research has been completed to find the magic bullet for the cause of obesity and this study is no different.  I found the study after reading an article on Science Daily entitled "Inactivity in obese mice linked to a…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Success!  [pullquote]Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day after day.  [/pullquote] We have all had bad days where we overeat or miss our exercise goal.  It can be very discouraging.  You need to dust yourself off and get back up.  Lick your wounds and get back out there.   Success at anything you…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip

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Inactivity linked to a decreased motivation in obese mice Elderly Couple Walking on Beach So much research has been completed to find the magic bullet for the cause of obesity and this study is no different.  I found the study after reading an article on Science Daily entitled "Inactivity in obese mice linked to a…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Stop Wishing and Start Doing.   Stop Wishing and Start Doing We all look at the stars and wish for something.  We are not in the land of Disney so face the facts: the only way you are going to get the health you want is to start doing.  Your life is your life.  You…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, Weight Loss

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A healthy alternative to a Tex Mex Favorite. Our family loves Mexican food. It is one of our favorite meals to have both at home and in a restaurant. We have tried just about every Mexican joint within 30 miles of our house. My favorite dish at our favorite place is the Burrito California. This…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Chile, Food, Mexican, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Multiple studies indicate impulsivity is linked to obesity.   The notion may surprise you in the slightest, but multiple sets of research support the theory that people with impulsive personalities may be more likely to struggle with addiction whether to drugs, alcohol, or even food, but are they also more likely to…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research, Weight Loss

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Is it just the fiber that makes Oatmeal a good choice or is there more to it? It is estimated that during the Bronze Age (3200-600 BC), oats were first cultivated in Switzerland.  Oats had been around for a long time before that but were probably…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Oatmeal, Research, Weight Loss

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Is it just the fiber that makes Oatmeal a good choice or is there more to it? It is estimated that during the Bronze Age (3200-600 BC), oats were first cultivated in Switzerland.  Oats had been around for a long time before that but were probably…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Oatmeal, Research, Weight Loss

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Recent weight loss research found that long-term weight loss is difficult.   Obesity I found an article just after the holidays that was very depressing for me.  While searching for research to back up another post, I found an article on CBC - Canada entitled "Obesity Research Confirms Long-term Weight Loss Almost Impossible"​[1]​ that touted…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Long-term, Research, Success, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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Myth: If You Eat and Exercise Consistently, You Will Never Gain Weight Man and woman jumping rope If you exercise once a day, every day, the theory that you can eat whatever you want and not gain weight or fat is utter malarkey.  All the indulgent calories that you consume will just be offset by…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Exercise, Myth

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Steel Cut Oatmeal: the perfect food and a superfood all rolled up in one. Oatmeal in the slow cooker. Oatmeal is a "superfood."  Although superfood is a made-up marketing term and can be misleading, it is absolutely the proper term for oatmeal.  Oatmeal is very filling when eaten, high in fiber (with both soluble and insoluble),…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Breakfast, Fiber, Oatmeal, Recipe, Satiety

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Water is the essence of life, and without it, there would be none.    Most of us quite simply forget that drinking enough water throughout the day is necessary to maintain an efficient, well-hydrated state.  Many of us avoid consuming water to escape restroom visits during our days of…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dehydrate, Drink, Hydration, Water, Weight Loss

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Inactivity linked to a decreased motivation in obese mice Elderly Couple Walking on Beach So much research has been completed to find the magic bullet for the cause of obesity and this study is no different.  I found the study after reading an article on Science Daily entitled "Inactivity in obese mice linked to a…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Quit Making Excuses and Get Motivated!   Motivation: Results Not Excuses Ok, you had a bad weekend and you slipped up and either did not exercise, splurged on snacks, or both.  But really, stuffing yourself like a Christmas turkey isn’t limited to the holidays. There are plenty of times we might be tempted to overeat.  My…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, No Excuses, Weight Loss

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A mother's body fat may affect her child's risk of obesity. Chunky Baby It has been a common belief that obesity is mostly a learned behavior that children get from both parents.  In the past ten years, genetics has been increasingly blamed for obesity in individuals.  It has been postulated that the body mass index…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Babies, Obesity, Pregnancy, Research

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Myth: If You Eat and Exercise Consistently, You Will Never Gain Weight Man and woman jumping rope If you exercise once a day, every day, the theory that you can eat whatever you want and not gain weight or fat is utter malarkey.  All the indulgent calories that you consume will just be offset by…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Exercise, Myth

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Apple cinnamon can be a delicious and filling start to your day. This is a great recipe for weight loss and a much tastier version of Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal. It is filling and full of fiber. Since it is made with Fairlife skim…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal, Oatmeal, Recipe, Weight Loss

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 You can enjoy your favorite foods by lightening the ingredients.   Making healthy choices is the first step to eating right and losing weight.  Cooking in a healthier way is another huge part of meeting this goal because if you cook the Paula Dean way with a pound…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: List, Recipes, Weight Loss

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Sugar type may be an independent risk for weight gain and disease.   I have been told for years that calories are calories and it does not matter from which source they come.  This month, I found a study in a PubMed search and a review article from Science Daily[1] that…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diabetes, Fuctose, Glucose, Heart Disease, Sugar, Weight Gain

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Dietary sugar guidelines are lacking in evidence. Sugar Cube Pyramid I like to review medical journals, Google Scholarly, and MEDLINE for newly released research articles.  I read each with a certain degree of skepticism.  I recently found a journal article in the Annals of Internal Medicine entitled "The Scientific Basis of Guideline Recommendations on Sugar…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Limits, Restrictions, Sugar

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Why so many pounds regained weight after weight loss and how to prevent the weight gain?  Energy Balance I am nearly 100% certain that this is not the first time you have tried to or have lost weight.  I know there are some folks out there that are blessed with a good metabolism but they…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Strcuture, Weight Loss

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Frozen and prepackaged meals can be a healthy option. Man and Microwave Meal Our society is increasingly on the go and has less downtime than many of our counterparts in the world. With the increased time at work and travel to and from, we look for more convenient ways to feed our families. Frozen and…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Dinners, Foods, Frozen, Meals, Microwave, Nutrition, Packaged, Processed, Weight Loss

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A smooth and filly snack that packs island flavor. I love Piña Coladas or Pina Coladas if you do not have the special characters on your keyboard.  This is an awesome drink that I think you will love.  You will need a Ninja Blender and xylitol, pineapple extract, and coconut extract.
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe
Tags: Piña Colada, Recipe, Weight Loss

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 You can enjoy your favorite foods by lightening the ingredients.   Making healthy choices is the first step to eating right and losing weight.  Cooking in a healthier way is another huge part of meeting this goal because if you cook the Paula Dean way with a pound…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: List, Recipes, Weight Loss

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Low-calorie diets: The new fountain of youth?   Fountain of Youth We have searched for solutions to create youth and longevity since Ponce DeLeon was searching for the fountain of youth.   We want to live forever but we are quite mortal and forever will never happen.  Our bodies are just not made to live…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Calorie Restriction, Calories, Research, Weight Loss, Youth

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Dietary sugar guidelines are lacking in evidence. Sugar Cube Pyramid I like to review medical journals, Google Scholarly, and MEDLINE for newly released research articles.  I read each with a certain degree of skepticism.  I recently found a journal article in the Annals of Internal Medicine entitled "The Scientific Basis of Guideline Recommendations on Sugar…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Limits, Restrictions, Sugar

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Sugar type may be an independent risk for weight gain and disease.   I have been told for years that calories are calories and it does not matter from which source they come.  This month, I found a study in a PubMed search and a review article from Science Daily[1] that…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diabetes, Fuctose, Glucose, Heart Disease, Sugar, Weight Gain

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Myth: If You Eat or Exercise Consistently, You Will Never Gain Weight A common myth is that people who exercise should not gain weight.  The common belief is that fat people are lazy and if they exercise it would fix their obesity.  The fact is that weight gain is mostly an input and not an…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Myth, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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A delicious recipe for a cold day. A tasty recipe for a soup that replaces some of the noodles with vegetables.  It is a delicious soup that you will enjoy and best of all it is balanced with starch, meat, and lots of vegetables.  This soup will fill you up and keep you full for…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken Noodle, Healthy, Recipe, Weight Loss

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My Lessons from a Dietician Nutrition and Calories I recently attended a nutrition class that was offered for free at a local hospital.  It was an interesting class.  Many of the things discussed were things that we already know.  Don’t eat junk food.  Eat more fiber.  Eat more fruits and vegetables.  Reduce red meat consumption. …
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Body, Body Fat, Dietician, Eat, Fat, Nutrition, Registered, Weight

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Low-calorie diets: The new fountain of youth?   Fountain of Youth We have searched for solutions to create youth and longevity since Ponce DeLeon was searching for the fountain of youth.   We want to live forever but we are quite mortal and forever will never happen.  Our bodies are just not made to live…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Calorie Restriction, Calories, Research, Weight Loss, Youth

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Don't quit, try again.   We live in one of the most prosperous nations in existence.  How do we prove that? Our waistlines. There are approximately 320 million people in the United States1.  68% of us are overweight or obese.  At any given time, about 50% of overweight people are trying to lose weight, and…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Weight Loss

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Meal timing study shows promise in helping people shed body fat It has long been postulated that the key to weight loss is eating breakfast and not skipping meals.  It appears that a recent study breaks this concept particularly.  A study at the University of Alabama Birmingham found…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Dinner, Earlier, Meal Skipping, Meal Time, Research

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Not all snacking is bad.   Mindless Eating in front Television Snacking is when you consume food or beverages between your regular meals. Snacking is vilified because, for many of those trying to lose weight, this may be counter-productive to the end result.  Sure, if your idea of a snack is diving headfirst into the…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Snacking, Weight Loss

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Breakfast: Is It The Most Important Meal of the Day? Breakfast We have all heard the statement that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  My grandmother always told me it was unhealthy to miss breakfast.  I have read in many books that missing breakfast makes weight loss more unlikely.  Breakfast can help with…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Breakfast, Research, Weight Loss

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Are you discouraged at the progress in meeting your New Years Resolution? We are at the one-week mark and between 1-3 weeks is where quite a few of us will become discouraged and plan on quitting their plan.  No matter whether you plan to save more, lose weight, live a healthy lifestyle, or improve your…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Discourage, New Year's, Plan, Refocus, Resolutions

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The statement "fast food is too unhealthy for weight loss" is a myth.   Burger and Fries Now before you flood my inbox with emails, I am not saying that it is healthy to eat fast food every meal or even every day.  If you must have a fast food meal, it is more healthy if…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fast Food, Myth, Unhealthy, Weight Loss

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Keeping Old Clothes Will Not Help Motivate You to Lose Weight Walk-in closet I have done it for years.  Whether the clothes are too big or too small, I keep the old clothes because I think I might need them if my weight swings back the other way.  I like a particular pair of shorts…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Lose Weight, Motivation Tip, Old Clothes, Weight Loss

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Low-carbohydrate Diets May Be Better For Weight Loss Than a Low-fat Alternative. As we enter the post-holiday period, most of us begin to focus on recovering from all the parties and feasts.  Most have gained a little poundage over the holidays, and now we plan to lose the extra that we gained around our waistlines.…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Low Carb, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss

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The statement "fast food is too unhealthy for weight loss" is a myth.   Burger and Fries Now before you flood my inbox with emails, I am not saying that it is healthy to eat fast food every meal or even every day.  If you must have a fast food meal, it is more healthy if…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fast Food, Myth, Unhealthy, Weight Loss

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Whey Supplementation Helps with Weight Loss.   WP Powder with Scoop What is whey protein (WP)?  Proteins are the building blocks of our bodies and are made of chains of amino acids. Simply put, whey is one of the two proteinaceous compounds found in milk, with the other being casein.  When a coagulant called renin…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Body Fat, Casein, Fat Loss, Muscle Mass, Obesity, Protein, Weight Loss, Whey

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Pasta can be a very fulfilling meal, but can it be healthy? Not all noodles are created equal.  Even within the same brand, there may be a drastic difference in the nutritional content.  Because we enjoy pasta but want to eat healthily, we compared the nutrition information to help us choose the best.   As with…
Categories: Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Healthier Pasta, Protein, Weight Loss

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Ways to control you portion size Weight loss is not an easy task.  Most dieters have no idea of what a portion size is and how to moderate the intake of various foods they eat in a given day.  When we sit down to eat, the last thing…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Portion Control, Weight Loss

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A new start after a return to an old problem. 2023 is well behind us. It was a tough year for me, with multiple injuries and a return to my sedentary lifestyle. It began when I retired from the US Army. Now, I have made a change and returned to a more healthy lifestyle.  …
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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A Single Additional Bottle of Cold Water Can Lead to Significant Weight Loss Glass of Water This is one of my quick tip articles.  Before we hit the research, let's discuss some background information.  Water is an essential element in our diets.  Our bodies have a need for water that is relentless to function efficiently.  The amount…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Boost Metabolism, Calorie, Quick Tip, Research, Water, Weight Loss

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Don't quit, try again.   We live in one of the most prosperous nations in existence.  How do we prove that? Our waistlines. There are approximately 320 million people in the United States1.  68% of us are overweight or obese.  At any given time, about 50% of overweight people are trying to lose weight, and…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Weight Loss

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New data shows red meat has neutral effect on cardiovascular disease risk factors Red meat has long been vilified for causing heart disease for the last 20-30 years.  Just like dairy and butter, red meat and the saturated fat contained within it has long been tied to heart disease.…
Categories: Research
Tags: Cardiovascular, Moderation, Red Meat, Research, Weight Loss

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Not all snacking is bad.   Mindless Eating in front Television Snacking is when you consume food or beverages between your regular meals. Snacking is vilified because, for many of those trying to lose weight, this may be counter-productive to the end result.  Sure, if your idea of a snack is diving headfirst into the…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Snacking, Weight Loss

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Splurges are a quick way to derail your diet.   Don't let a single slip up ruin your progress or knock you off the wagon.  The big thing is you need to not let one slip up turn into a whole day, month, or week of slip ups.  You cannot…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Derail, Diet, Slip Up, Weight Loss

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The odds are that you have already given up of violated your New Year's resolution. We are one month into resolution season.  Millions of us made the decision to take the plunge into a new plan to accomplish a self-improvement goal.  Statistics show that 40% of Americans will…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Fail, New Year's, New Year's Resolution, Reasons, Resolution, Weight Loss

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Fruits and vegetables and fruits will help you lose weight.   Fruits and vegetables at a farmers market Americans, in general, eat too few fruits and vegetables.  Fruits and vegetables have several benefits that make them exceptionally beneficial for those trying to lose weight.  They tend to have more fiber than fruit juices but still have the…
Categories: Nutrition, Progress Report, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fruits, Nutrition, Research, Research Proven, Vegetables, Weight Loss

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Low-carbohydrate Diets May Be Better For Weight Loss Than a Low-fat Alternative. As we enter the post-holiday period, most of us begin to focus on recovering from all the parties and feasts.  Most have gained a little poundage over the holidays, and now we plan to lose the extra that we gained around our waistlines.…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Low Carb, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss

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Apple Cider Vinegar: The Magic Bullet? Apple cider vinegar I can remember as a child that we always made apple butter and cider in the last summer in West Virginia. We would gather at the family farm to pick apples and press them for cider. I love the stuff and miss those simpler days of…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Apple Cider Vinegar, Blood Sugar, Fat Loss, Satiety, Vinegar, Weight Loss

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Recent weight loss research found that long-term weight loss is difficult.   Obesity I found an article just after the holidays that was very depressing for me.  While searching for research to back up another post, I found an article on CBC - Canada entitled "Obesity Research Confirms Long-term Weight Loss Almost Impossible"​[1]​ that touted…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Long-term, Research, Success, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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A delicious recipe for a cold day. A tasty recipe for a soup that replaces some of the noodles with vegetables.  It is a delicious soup that you will enjoy and best of all it is balanced with starch, meat, and lots of vegetables.  This soup will fill you up and keep you full for…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken Noodle, Healthy, Recipe, Weight Loss

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A Single Additional Bottle of Cold Water Can Lead to Significant Weight Loss Glass of Water This is one of my quick tip articles.  Before we hit the research, let's discuss some background information.  Water is an essential element in our diets.  Our bodies have a need for water that is relentless to function efficiently.  The amount…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Boost Metabolism, Calorie, Quick Tip, Research, Water, Weight Loss

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Alcohol is the diet destroyer.   Quite a few of us enjoy social time after work and the relaxing and sedating effects of a drink.  It is a part of our society's traditions.  I am no different.  I love a good glass of bourbon and…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Alcohol, Diet Destroyer, Diet Killer, Moderation, Weight Loss

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Meal timing study shows promise in helping people shed body fat It has long been postulated that the key to weight loss is eating breakfast and not skipping meals.  It appears that a recent study breaks this concept particularly.  A study at the University of Alabama Birmingham found…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Dinner, Earlier, Meal Skipping, Meal Time, Research

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Sleep can help you lose weight and avoid obesity and cravings.  We all know that sleep is essential for optimal health.  We do not function efficiently without enough sleep, and we are just plain grumpy if our sleep is interrupted, but we still fail to get enough good quality…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Craving, Obesity, Rem, Rem Sleep, Sleep, Sucrose, Weight Loss

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Splurges are a quick way to derail your diet.   Don't let a single slip up ruin your progress or knock you off the wagon.  The big thing is you need to not let one slip up turn into a whole day, month, or week of slip ups.  You cannot…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Derail, Diet, Slip Up, Weight Loss

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A healthy alternative to a Tex Mex Favorite. Our family loves Mexican food. It is one of our favorite meals to have both at home and in a restaurant. We have tried just about every Mexican joint within 30 miles of our house. My favorite dish at our favorite place is the Burrito California. This…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Chile, Food, Mexican, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Whey Supplementation Helps with Weight Loss.   WP Powder with Scoop What is whey protein (WP)?  Proteins are the building blocks of our bodies and are made of chains of amino acids. Simply put, whey is one of the two proteinaceous compounds found in milk, with the other being casein.  When a coagulant called renin…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Body Fat, Casein, Fat Loss, Muscle Mass, Obesity, Protein, Weight Loss, Whey

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Chew More Slowly, Lose More Weight Woman Chewing Chocolate It has been widely postulated that eating slower or completely chewing your food will increase satiety or suppress your appetite.  In medicine and health research, folks often say things based on experience but with our any proof.  For years, my wife has nagged me to eat…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Chew, Chewing, Satiety, Supress, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Inspiration may help you start right! Here is a thought.  Get started with the first step to being healthier today.  Lose one-half pound per week.  That sounds like very little, and you may ask…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inspiration, Quote, Weight Loss

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Cardiovascular risk reduction benefits may continue five years after weight loss program ends. Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Need another reason to lose weight.  This study evidence may motivate you to lose weight.  More motivation is a good thing, and hopefully, this will push you to success.  The bottom line is that even a small amount…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Risk Factors, Weight Loss, Why WAIT

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Taxing Obesity: That will teach those overeaters!   Ultimately, what may be needed to address the obesity problem are direct taxes on body weight. - Jonathan Gruber This is the way many liberals and politicians think.  Tax them and punish them for their bad behavior, and they will change.  How well have they worked out…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Obesity, Tax, Weight Loss

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Is there a healthy alternative to corn-based tortilla chips? Strapping on the feed bag in front of the TV is harder to avoid as you watch your favorite football team.  Our falls are spent in tailgate party binge eating and drinking copious amounts of alcohol.  Snack foods are the bane of weight loss and maintenance.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Tortilla Chips, Weight Loss

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Can running excessively cause hip and knee arthritis?   Running is an excellent form of exercise if your body can take the pounding.  You can burn over 500 calories per hour.  One of the questions many patients ask is if it will increase your risk of degenerative or osteoarthritis (OA).…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Arthritis, Cartlidge, Degenerative, Exercise, Jogging, Joint, Knee, OA, Obesity, Osteoarthritis, Research, Running, Study, Walking, Weight Loss

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Does diet soda help or hurt weight loss?   A cold glass of soda drink The recent bans and taxes in liberal cities to paternalistically protect you from the evils of sugar or carbonation are nothing new.  The bullseye on soda or carbonated sweetened drinks has been around for a long time and they want you…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Artificial sweeteners, Aspartame, Diet Soda, Nutrasweet, Weight Loss

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Obesity and High Blood Pressure AKA Hypertension Diabetes and Hypertension affect many Americans. Hypertension is at epidemic levels, and like diabetes, high blood pressure is a silent killer. The number of people living with hypertension is predicted to be over 1.5 billion worldwide in less than…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Blood Pressure, Hypertension, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Obesity in parents may be an indicator of developmental delays in children.   Obese Family We all know that obesity is not good for the individual and that families who are overweight tend to brood children that are overweight, but is your weight bad for your children's health.  Although the research is not definitive, there is…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Delays, Development, Obesity, Research

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A Challenge of Terminology: Overweight or Overfat Overfat One of the problems with our current state of diet, weight loss, and obesity in the United States is the language we use. Every article I read refers to weight loss when they mean fat loss. I am no different because I interchange the worse at will.…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Body Fat, Obesity, Overfat, Overweight, Research, Weight Loss

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Pasta can be a very fulfilling meal, but can it be healthy? Not all noodles are created equal.  Even within the same brand, there may be a drastic difference in the nutritional content.  Because we enjoy pasta but want to eat healthily, we compared the nutrition information to help us choose the best.   As with…
Categories: Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Healthier Pasta, Protein, Weight Loss

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My Lessons from a Dietician Nutrition and Calories I recently attended a nutrition class that was offered for free at a local hospital.  It was an interesting class.  Many of the things discussed were things that we already know.  Don’t eat junk food.  Eat more fiber.  Eat more fruits and vegetables.  Reduce red meat consumption. …
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Body, Body Fat, Dietician, Eat, Fat, Nutrition, Registered, Weight

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Apple Cider Vinegar: The Magic Bullet? Apple cider vinegar I can remember as a child that we always made apple butter and cider in the last summer in West Virginia. We would gather at the family farm to pick apples and press them for cider. I love the stuff and miss those simpler days of…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Apple Cider Vinegar, Blood Sugar, Fat Loss, Satiety, Vinegar, Weight Loss

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Understanding Prediabetes, Diabetes, and Obesity This post will hopefully help individuals understand how excess weight puts them at a higher risk of developing pre-diabetes and diabetes. Most with a weight problem are not aware they are predisposed for pre-diabetes and diabetes until symptoms of type 2 diabetes begin to show. Even then it takes time…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Nutrition, Obesity, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Alcohol is the diet destroyer.   Quite a few of us enjoy social time after work and the relaxing and sedating effects of a drink.  It is a part of our society's traditions.  I am no different.  I love a good glass of bourbon and…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Alcohol, Diet Destroyer, Diet Killer, Moderation, Weight Loss

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Why haven't I lost weight? I have said this before, but it is time to review this topic as we enter into the new year.  We are impatient and expect instant changes.  Weight loss takes time, and you need avoid becoming discouraged.   Weight loss and fitness require a lot of effort that is more…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Advice, Homor, Weight Loss

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There are healthier tortillas for you to enjoy. So, you have decided to improve your diet. This concept brings up a lot of questions.  Where do you start?  What do you need to change?  Do you go low calorie, low carbohydrate, high fiber, high protein, or any combination of the above?  The wraps you use…
Categories: Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Choice, Flour, Healthy, High Fiber, Low Carb, Nutrition, Review, Tortilla

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Can running excessively cause hip and knee arthritis?   Running is an excellent form of exercise if your body can take the pounding.  You can burn over 500 calories per hour.  One of the questions many patients ask is if it will increase your risk of degenerative or osteoarthritis (OA).…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Arthritis, Cartlidge, Degenerative, Exercise, Jogging, Joint, Knee, OA, Obesity, Osteoarthritis, Research, Running, Study, Walking, Weight Loss

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Chew More Slowly, Lose More Weight Woman Chewing Chocolate It has been widely postulated that eating slower or completely chewing your food will increase satiety or suppress your appetite.  In medicine and health research, folks often say things based on experience but with our any proof.  For years, my wife has nagged me to eat…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Chew, Chewing, Satiety, Supress, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Metabolic Syndrome: Is it more than just overweight? What is metabolic syndrome?  Metabolic syndrome, aka Syndrome X, is a common condition that is every bit as prevalent as the common cold and likely way more expensive for us to treat.  Nearly 50 million Americans have metabolic syndrome, and it has a family, age-related, and ethnic…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Metabolic Syndrome, Nutrition, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Sleep can help you lose weight and avoid obesity and cravings.  We all know that sleep is essential for optimal health.  We do not function efficiently without enough sleep, and we are just plain grumpy if our sleep is interrupted, but we still fail to get enough good quality…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Craving, Obesity, Rem, Rem Sleep, Sleep, Sucrose, Weight Loss

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Does Food Flavor Lead to Obesity? We all have foods that we crave.  The mere thought of eating them brings the flavor to mind and makes our mouths water.  It has often been postulated that sweet or fatty flavors by themselves might cause obesity.  Fat, sugar, and carbohydrates have been vilified as culprits when discussing…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Flavor, Myth, Obesity, Research, Weight Gain

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A tender and juicy chicken recipe that is exploding with bold TexMex flavors. It is great to spend a week at home and today I am making one of my family's favorite meals. The best part is that is is a healthy meal that can jump-start your path to better health. The only weakness is it…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Chile, Lime, Recipe

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Ways to control you portion size Weight loss is not an easy task.  Most dieters have no idea of what a portion size is and how to moderate the intake of various foods they eat in a given day.  When we sit down to eat, the last thing…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Portion Control, Weight Loss

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Do Carbohydrates Help or Hurt Weight Loss? Carbohydrates have been vilified over the years.  The Adkin's diet and other low carbohydrate diets have highlighted carbs as the primary cause of our obesity problem in the United States.  Is there any truth to this claim or is this just hype to sell books and low-carb foods?   Research…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Carbohydrates, Frutose, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Research Proven, Sugars, Weight Loss

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Fresh is better but frozen is fine! Frozen Food Isle I can remember, as a child, my grandmother telling me that flash foods were better than frozen foods. If you think about it, it makes sense that fresh food would be better for you than frozen food. Frozen food is processed and well, fresh food…
Categories: Nutrition
Tags: Fresh, Frozen, Fruits, Nutrition, Vegetables

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Color Up Your Food and Dinner Plate for Weight Loss When I started to research this as a topic after reading an article on colors of plates and weight loss, I thought this topic is crazy.  The color of a plate is not going to cause someone to lose weight.  What inherent property would a…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Hunger, Plate Color, Research, Satiety, Weight Loss

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Are you discouraged at the progress in meeting your New Years Resolution? We are at the one-week mark and between 1-3 weeks is where quite a few of us will become discouraged and plan on quitting their plan.  No matter whether you plan to save more, lose weight, live a healthy lifestyle, or improve your…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Discourage, New Year's, Plan, Refocus, Resolutions

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Why haven't I lost weight? I have said this before, but it is time to review this topic as we enter into the new year.  We are impatient and expect instant changes.  Weight loss takes time, and you need avoid becoming discouraged.   Weight loss and fitness require a lot of effort that is more…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Advice, Homor, Weight Loss

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Taxing Obesity: That will teach those overeaters!   Ultimately, what may be needed to address the obesity problem are direct taxes on body weight. - Jonathan Gruber This is the way many liberals and politicians think.  Tax them and punish them for their bad behavior, and they will change.  How well have they worked out…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Obesity, Tax, Weight Loss

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Alcohol may not be as bad for weight loss you may think it is. There is research that has shown that a single drink a couple of times a week may lower your risk of becoming obese, but those who consume more than four drinks daily are more likely to be obese.  More to come on…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Obstacle, Research, Road Bump, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Calories differ based on the source.   Calorie Definition A calorie is a single measurement of energy, and each calorie is the same in terms of energy.  If they come from a different source, are they different in the way they affect the human body based on the laws of physics and thermodynamics?  Are all calories are created equal…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: A Calorie Is Not A Calorie, Calorie, Calories Are Not Calories, Macronutrients, Protein, Research, Weight Loss

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 Diet Is Better Than Exercise  There is plenty of research out there that indicates that diet is better than exercise.  We've been taught that exercise is so important for weight loss.  I absolutely hate doing to the gym.  The question is, is it true that diet is better than exercise to lose weight? A lot…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Exercise, Proven, Research, Weight Loss

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Does Food Flavor Lead to Obesity? We all have foods that we crave.  The mere thought of eating them brings the flavor to mind and makes our mouths water.  It has often been postulated that sweet or fatty flavors by themselves might cause obesity.  Fat, sugar, and carbohydrates have been vilified as culprits when discussing…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Flavor, Myth, Obesity, Research, Weight Gain

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Healthier Buffalo Chicken Tenders This a very tasty version of my favorite recipe.  My wife makes this for me and my son and he loves it.  It does well with a healthy version of ranch she often makes to dip for the tenders and celery in.  If you are interested in ranch recipe, visit "Recipe:…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Buffalo Chicken, Healthier Buffalo Chick Tenders Recipe, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Alcohol is the diet destroyer.   Quite a few of us enjoy social time after work and the relaxing and sedating effects of a drink.  It is a part of our society's traditions.  I am no different.  I love a good glass of bourbon and…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Alcohol, Diet Destroyer, Diet Killer, Moderation, Weight Loss

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Green Coffee bean may help with weight loss but it is probably not worth the risk. Green coffee beans are the seeds of the Coffee fruit.  They simply normal coffee beans that haven’t been roasted.  When we roast coffee beans to produce drinking coffee, the process reduces the chemical chlorogenic acid level in the coffee…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coffee, Supplements, Weight Loss

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Obesity humor is not just a joke. A positive attitude and confidence can empower successful weight loss, but how is it possible if we continue to pile on with derogatory and sarcastic humor from all angles that make fun of and diminishes the problem and ridicules the individual.  A negative attitude can make losing weight difficult or…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Attitude, Confidence, Editorial, Energy, Negative, Positive, Weight Loss

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The odds are that you have already given up of violated your New Year's resolution. We are one month into resolution season.  Millions of us made the decision to take the plunge into a new plan to accomplish a self-improvement goal.  Statistics show that 40% of Americans will…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Fail, New Year's, New Year's Resolution, Reasons, Resolution, Weight Loss

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Obesity is not due to Poor Self-Discipline. I do not know how many times during my years in the military have I heard an officer and enlisted Soldier refer to someone overweight as weak.  It is more than just willpower and a decision to be thin.  It is 100% false that weight gain/loss is all about…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Weight Gain, Weight Loss, Willpower

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Egg Taco: a simple breakfast treat you family will love. This recipe is a very tasty breakfast meal that is easy to make. tacos are a key staple in Texas. I have grown fond of them during my time at Fort Hood. My family have grown to prefer them over a breakfast sandwich. I have…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Egg Taco, Eggs, Healthy, Recipe, Taco, Tex Mex

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Losing Weight Can Expand Your Wallet While Trimming Your Waist! The number of Americans that are overweight or obese is approximately 72 million per the CDC.  Most are not motivated to lose weight but obviously, we are or you would not be on this website.  What can I do to…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: List, Money, Save Money, Waist Line, Wallet, Weight Loss

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Spicy Food Are Key to Lasting Weight Loss It has long been postulated that spicy foods can help to speed up your metabolism.  Capsaicin, which is the active ingredient in hot peppers, makes you sweat like you just exercised, but does it affect your metabolism?  Do chilies raise your body temperature and require your body to…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Hot Peppers, Research, Spicy Foods, Weight Loss

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How to Incorporate Exercise into Your Day Push Ups Ok, it is Monday after a weekend.  I hit the snooze button too much and now I have to play catch up on my steps.  Don't let your work schedule get in the way of 10,000 steps.  In an ideal situation, I would have gotten up at…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Weight Loss, Work

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Can Coconut Oil Help with Weight Loss? Almost everyone who is dieting wants to find a quick way to maximize weight loss. We all know there are no magic bullets to weight loss, but there are some things that might help us increase our weight loss were assist with maintenance.  Could coconut oil be one of those…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coconut, Coconut Oil, Research, Research Proven, Weight Loss

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Low-fat and Fat-free foods often contain as many or more calories as the full fat versions. In college, I remember when the avalanche of low-fat and fat-free products hit the market.  People flocked to the stores to buy and try these new products.  The marketing had sole them as a way to manage calories and eat…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fat-free, Lose Weight, Low-fat, Myth, Nutrition

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A tender and juicy chicken recipe that is exploding with bold TexMex flavors. It is great to spend a week at home and today I am making one of my family's favorite meals. The best part is that is is a healthy meal that can jump-start your path to better health. The only weakness is it…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Chile, Lime, Recipe

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Can running excessively cause hip and knee arthritis?   Running is an excellent form of exercise if your body can take the pounding.  You can burn over 500 calories per hour.  One of the questions many patients ask is if it will increase your risk of degenerative or osteoarthritis (OA).…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Arthritis, Cartlidge, Degenerative, Exercise, Jogging, Joint, Knee, OA, Obesity, Osteoarthritis, Research, Running, Study, Walking, Weight Loss

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Supplements create short-term success and are not the answer. supplement capsules Supplements that claim to stoke or speed up the metabolism have been around for decades and currently go by the name thermogenic or metabolism boosters.   They are currently one of the most popular weight loss supplements in the world and the supplement companies have billions invested…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Supplements, Thermogenic, Weight Loss

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Doughnut are Satan's Minions Doughnuts are one of those things that are very hard to resist.  They are exceptionally delicious and I might even say addictive but they are also poisoned to your waistline.  They make you feel good with a euphoria that is to some as addictive as heroin.  There is nothing like the…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Doughnuts, Evils, Fat, Obesity, Sugar. Editorial

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Can Calcium Increase Weight Loss I already did an article that showed research raving that yogurt can help with weight loss.  We are told that milk and calcium are good for the bones and teeth.  I have read that calcium can do it also, but is there research to back that up?   Pouring milk Research on…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetitie, Calcium, Dairy, Fat Loss, Weight Loss

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Does Food Flavor Lead to Obesity? We all have foods that we crave.  The mere thought of eating them brings the flavor to mind and makes our mouths water.  It has often been postulated that sweet or fatty flavors by themselves might cause obesity.  Fat, sugar, and carbohydrates have been vilified as culprits when discussing…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Flavor, Myth, Obesity, Research, Weight Gain

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A delicious recipe for a cold day. A tasty recipe for a soup that replaces some of the noodles with vegetables.  It is a delicious soup that you will enjoy and best of all it is balanced with starch, meat, and lots of vegetables.  This soup will fill you up and keep you full for…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken Noodle, Healthy, Recipe, Weight Loss

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How to avoid overeating while traveling.   Travel and Dieting: The Open Road Traveling can create difficult obstacles to eating a healthy diet.  It may seem like the two are incompatible, and you may feel like just waiting until after the holiday season or your big trip.  The stress of traffic and being in the…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dieting, Fast Food, List, Travel, Weight Loss

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Are you discouraged at the progress in meeting your New Years Resolution? We are at the one-week mark and between 1-3 weeks is where quite a few of us will become discouraged and plan on quitting their plan.  No matter whether you plan to save more, lose weight, live a healthy lifestyle, or improve your…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Discourage, New Year's, Plan, Refocus, Resolutions

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Low-carbohydrate Diets May Be Better For Weight Loss Than a Low-fat Alternative. As we enter the post-holiday period, most of us begin to focus on recovering from all the parties and feasts.  Most have gained a little poundage over the holidays, and now we plan to lose the extra that we gained around our waistlines.…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Low Carb, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss

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There are healthier tortillas for you to enjoy. So, you have decided to improve your diet. This concept brings up a lot of questions.  Where do you start?  What do you need to change?  Do you go low calorie, low carbohydrate, high fiber, high protein, or any combination of the above?  The wraps you use…
Categories: Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Choice, Flour, Healthy, High Fiber, Low Carb, Nutrition, Review, Tortilla

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Whey Supplementation Helps with Weight Loss.   WP Powder with Scoop What is whey protein (WP)?  Proteins are the building blocks of our bodies and are made of chains of amino acids. Simply put, whey is one of the two proteinaceous compounds found in milk, with the other being casein.  When a coagulant called renin…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Body Fat, Casein, Fat Loss, Muscle Mass, Obesity, Protein, Weight Loss, Whey

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Not all snacking is bad.   Mindless Eating in front Television Snacking is when you consume food or beverages between your regular meals. Snacking is vilified because, for many of those trying to lose weight, this may be counter-productive to the end result.  Sure, if your idea of a snack is diving headfirst into the…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Snacking, Weight Loss

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A simple chicken dish that is easy to make. This is an easy main course to put together.  Enjoy this chicken in a high-fiber wrap with a side of veggies and you have a quick and simple meal. You family will love this dish and ask for it regularly.
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Interval Training can assist with weight loss We have all looked for exercise to help maximize weight loss.  Which ones work and which ones do not?  All exercise will work for weight loss if you have a calorie deficit, but some work better. What is interval training?  Interval training is a type of exercise that combines various…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Interval, Loss, Training, Weight Loss

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Sleep can help you lose weight and avoid obesity and cravings.  We all know that sleep is essential for optimal health.  We do not function efficiently without enough sleep, and we are just plain grumpy if our sleep is interrupted, but we still fail to get enough good quality…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Craving, Obesity, Rem, Rem Sleep, Sleep, Sucrose, Weight Loss

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Why haven't I lost weight? I have said this before, but it is time to review this topic as we enter into the new year.  We are impatient and expect instant changes.  Weight loss takes time, and you need avoid becoming discouraged.   Weight loss and fitness require a lot of effort that is more…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Advice, Homor, Weight Loss

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 Diet Is Better Than Exercise  There is plenty of research out there that indicates that diet is better than exercise.  We've been taught that exercise is so important for weight loss.  I absolutely hate doing to the gym.  The question is, is it true that diet is better than exercise to lose weight? A lot…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Exercise, Proven, Research, Weight Loss

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New Year's Resolutions rarely come to fruition.   We rarely put a lot of time and effort into planning our New year's resolutions.  We make many unrealistic and idealistic plan to change our lives after a night full of alcohol induced delusions…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, New Year, New Year's Resolution, Resolution, Weight, Weight Loss

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A light, refreshing, and delicious smoothie to start the day. Today for recipe Sunday and I have made a simple, summertime smoothie that is so tasty and filling it can keep you full for hours.  This is my favorite Raspberry Orange Smoothie.  This recipe is a delicious and filling breakfast smoothie.  
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Overeating is one reason we are overweight. It does not matter if you are trying to maintain weight loss or if you are just starting to lose weight, the reasons for less-than-successful weight loss are the same.  You have decided to make a change and are careful to know portion sizes and eat healthy choices, but…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: List, Loss, Overeat, Reasons, Weight

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What does a Mediterranean Diet do to diabetes risk?   Metabolic Syndrome infographic First, let's look at what metabolic syndrome is.  Metabolic syndrome is a pre-drome for diabetes are heart disease.  It is simply the syndrome of central obesity, elevated blood pressure, insulin resistance, abnormal cholesterol levels, and truncal or central obesity.  The pre-drome or precursor…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Recent weight loss research found that long-term weight loss is difficult.   Obesity I found an article just after the holidays that was very depressing for me.  While searching for research to back up another post, I found an article on CBC - Canada entitled "Obesity Research Confirms Long-term Weight Loss Almost Impossible"​[1]​ that touted…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Long-term, Research, Success, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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A Mediterranian diet is not only healthy; they may help with weight loss.   Assorted Nuts I remember in the past year being taught that a low-fat diet is a way to go but as I indicated, this is a thing of the past.  Now research is overwhelmingly abundant that it is not fat, but the type…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Nuts, Olive Oil, Research, Weight Loss

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Merry Christmas Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.   This is a great time of year to enjoy you family so from my family to yours, Merry Christmas.  Enjoy the family time and don't worry about your diet.  As I have said many times this year, have a great day and don't go "hog wild".  The less…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Merry Christmas, Wish

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How to survive with your sanity after the holidays with your family. I have often thought about a vacation in sub-Sahara Africa during the holiday season to avoid my family.  I guess I could play possum or just stop answering the door and phone.  I love my family, but ten…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Alcohol, Anxiety, Christmas Tips, Holiday Tips, Stress

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Alcohol does not have too derail weight loss, but it can.  Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy. - Frank Sinatra Ok, we all know that alcohol is full of calories, but we continue to drink it.  This point I would make is that if you can avoid alcohol,…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Alcohol, Quote, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Obstacles to a Diet During Travel  Travel during the holidays presents several road bumps.  Road trips, air travel, changing schedules, eating Thanksgiving or Christmas dinners, Chanukah and its emphasis on dairy and foods fried in oil.  The list of challenges is as endless as the different ways we celebrate the holidays. …
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Hints, Holiday, Obesity, Travel, Weight Loss

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Merry Christmas and let's pack on the pounds! Holidays are times of plenty and food is no different.  The goal is to enjoy yourself without digging a hole too big to escape from in the new year.  I’m not going to advocate that you should attempt…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Christmas, Holiday Parties, Holiday Season, Weight Loss

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Spicy Food Are Key to Lasting Weight Loss It has long been postulated that spicy foods can help to speed up your metabolism.  Capsaicin, which is the active ingredient in hot peppers, makes you sweat like you just exercised, but does it affect your metabolism?  Do chilies raise your body temperature and require your body to…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Hot Peppers, Research, Spicy Foods, Weight Loss

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Cortisol: The Beer Gut Hormone Steroid hormone cortisol (hydrocortisone) structural formula Cortisol is a steroid hormone of the glucocorticoid class that is made and released by the Adrenal Glands in response to stress (Examples of glucocorticoid-like hormones are hydrocortisone and prednisone).  The adrenals located above each kidney.  It is often released in hard times to…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cortisol, Hormones, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Motivation is one key for weight loss success. The Way Get Started Is To Quit Talking And Begin Doing. ~ Walt Disney I have found it difficult to stay motivated and have to admit that I often fail to meet my target.  More times than not, I get backed into a corner and have no choice but to lose…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Weight Loss

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Egg Taco: a simple breakfast treat you family will love. This recipe is a very tasty breakfast meal that is easy to make. tacos are a key staple in Texas. I have grown fond of them during my time at Fort Hood. My family have grown to prefer them over a breakfast sandwich. I have…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Egg Taco, Eggs, Healthy, Recipe, Taco, Tex Mex

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Pedometers and The number of steps needed for a healthy lifestyle. If you buy a pedometer, smartwatch, or fitness tracker like a Fitbit, chances are the device will encourage you to take 10,000 steps a day. But do you have to walk this much to be healthy?   There are many recommendations on how many…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Electronics, Exercise, Fitness, Fitness Electronics, Steps, Walking, Weight Loss

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Can Coconut Oil Help with Weight Loss? Almost everyone who is dieting wants to find a quick way to maximize weight loss. We all know there are no magic bullets to weight loss, but there are some things that might help us increase our weight loss were assist with maintenance.  Could coconut oil be one of those…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coconut, Coconut Oil, Research, Research Proven, Weight Loss

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Stress and Cortisol: a struggle with Obesity This is the first of a four-part article on stress and cortisol.  If you understand stress and cortisol, you will understand one reason why Americans are getting fatter and fatter.  Sure we overeat, but stress and cortisol are arguably the main reasons why. What is Stress? Stress is…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cortisol, Stress, Weight, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Resistance training may provide superior results.   It has long been argued which type of exercise is superior for weight loss.  Once camp argues that aerobic exercise is superior because it burns more calories and is better for the heart.  The other group argues that resistance training is superior because it…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss

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I am not sure I know who said it, but I found it online.  Today I needed come inspiration.  I reassess my goals and I would like to get to 199 pounds and 18 percent body fat.  I am currently at 208 and 22.5 percent.  The body post and metabolic testing in 3-4 weeks should help…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inspirational Quote, Weight Loss

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A simple but healthier twist on a family favorite. I have to admit that I love Italian.  I have a weakness for a simple pasta and meat sauce and I am looking for ways to make a quick dish that I can make and put in bowls in my refrigerator to eat for dinner for…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Italian, Recipe, Weight Loss

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There are healthier tortillas for you to enjoy. So, you have decided to improve your diet. This concept brings up a lot of questions.  Where do you start?  What do you need to change?  Do you go low calorie, low carbohydrate, high fiber, high protein, or any combination of the above?  The wraps you use…
Categories: Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Choice, Flour, Healthy, High Fiber, Low Carb, Nutrition, Review, Tortilla

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Type 2 Diabetes can be slowed or prevented. “No disease that can be treated by diet should be treated with any other means.” ― Maimonides Diabetes Diabetes type II or adult-onset diabetes is a genetic disease that is diet and nutrition-related.  If your parents have it, you likely have the gene that will give you this disease.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diabetes, Diet, Food, Nutrition, Thought

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"Stressed spelled backward is desserts. Coincidence? I think not!" ~Author Unknown Chips, nachos and curls This a small food for thought on the simple things you can remove from your diet and how much weight you could lose in a year if you avoid them.  We are going to focus on sugar and junk food today.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Food For Thought, Junk Food, Weight Loss

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Most people who avoid gluten are wasting money. Low and no gluten foods are a huge market right now.  Just a few years ago, you could not find a gluten-free product on the shelves, but now, you see the label almost everywhere.  The number of folks who feel that…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Gluten, Myth

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Doughnut are Satan's Minions Doughnuts are one of those things that are very hard to resist.  They are exceptionally delicious and I might even say addictive but they are also poisoned to your waistline.  They make you feel good with a euphoria that is to some as addictive as heroin.  There is nothing like the…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Doughnuts, Evils, Fat, Obesity, Sugar. Editorial

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A simple but healthier twist on a family favorite. I have to admit that I love Italian.  I have a weakness for a simple pasta and meat sauce and I am looking for ways to make a quick dish that I can make and put in bowls in my refrigerator to eat for dinner for…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Italian, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Exercise can help, but a flat belly is made in the Kitchen. "I got kicked out of ballet class because I pulled a groin muscle.  It wasn't mine." - Rita Rudner  Exercise motivation is tough.  Many morning that I have planned to exercise ended with me rolling over and burying my face in the pillow…
Categories: Exercise
Tags: Exercise, Quote, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Omega-3: An Appetite Suppressant?  There is no such thing as a sure thing or a magic bullet when it comes to weight loss.  Around the globe, obesity and obesity-related illnesses represent a major public health challenge. The prognosis for citizens of the United States is exceptionally poor.  Unfortunately, there is no sunrise on the horizon and…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fatty Acid, Leptin, Omega-3, Weight Loss

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An introduction to Portion Control One of the most common reasons for failure in weight loss is overeating.  No matter if you are trying to lose weight or just start eating healthier the first thing you need to learn is portion control.  The first step is to really understand what a portion or serving size…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Portion Control, Weight Loss

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 Can I Eat Eggs and Lose Weight?   Eggs in a bowl. Successful weight loss is as simple as making good decisions for your breakfast.  Adding eggs to your diet may be one of the easiest things to do if you’re trying to lose weight.  Eggs are cheap, easy to make,  and they are a great source…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Eggs, Proven, Research, Weight Loss

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The Hormones of Weight Gain and Loss Nearly two-thirds of Americans are either overweight of obese.  Medical providers are overwhelmed by the consequences of poor dietary and lifestyle decisions.  Obesity results in deaths from illnesses such as hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes type 2, heart disease, high cholesterol, and stroke.  Weight gain and obesity is…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Hormones, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Can I eat at McDonald's and still maintain a healthy lifestyle?   McWeight Fat food is the biggest minefield for dieters.   You are on the road and want something fast and your family chooses McDonald's.  Although it is not the best choice, you can still control your portion size and eat somewhat healthy.   Breakfast:…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Eating Healthy, McDonald, Weight Loss

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Weight training can assist with weight loss. Lifting Weights If you understand how you burn calories, you understand why it is important to keep muscle mass.  Weight lifting is one way to protect and build more muscle mass.   Many consider weight liftings or residence training to be one of the most important methods of…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss, Weight Training

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Happy Thanksgiving Today is the day of plenty.  Please enjoy your Thanksgiving.   Tomorrow is another day. The most important thing about Thanksgiving is you should feel no regret and no guilt.  Focus on recovery tomorrow.  Tomorrow I will post an article on attempts to…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Happy Thanksgiving

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Thanksgiving is almost here! Thanksgiving is the holiday of over indulgence.  The cornucopia of plenty is a threat to any diet.   Many surveys indicate that the average weight gain during Thanksgiving is approximately 5 pounds for each American.  …
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Road Bump, Thanksgiving, Weight Gain

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Obstacles to a Diet During Travel  Travel during the holidays presents several road bumps.  Road trips, air travel, changing schedules, eating Thanksgiving or Christmas dinners, Chanukah and its emphasis on dairy and foods fried in oil.  The list of challenges is as endless as the different ways we celebrate the holidays. …
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Hints, Holiday, Obesity, Travel, Weight Loss

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Fact: Our metabolic rate can be changed. You have probably heard people blame their weight on a slow metabolism.  I know I have heard them and they treat it like it is a crutch.  To them, it is an unchanging disability that will forever keep their weight high.  Is metabolism the…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Boost Metabolism, Exercise, Myth

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A simple Tex-Mex dish that is also healthy. Tex Mex Pizza A delicious and simple recipe for Mexican pizza your family will love. Mexican Pizza is delicious as a pizza crust or flour tortilla topped with any number of toppings. You can add beans, beef, cheese, sour cream, onions, tomatoes, jalapeños, or even guacamole. The…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Mexican Pizza, Pizza, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Exercise: Slow Return to Running If you have not figured it out yet, I am in the US Military.  The military is very interested in readiness and part of readiness is being able to run from incoming fire.  I can run if you chase me with a baseball bat.  In fact, I am pretty sure…
Categories: Exercise
Tags: Exercise, Running, Slow, Walking

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Can Calcium Increase Weight Loss I already did an article that showed research raving that yogurt can help with weight loss.  We are told that milk and calcium are good for the bones and teeth.  I have read that calcium can do it also, but is there research to back that up?   Pouring milk Research on…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetitie, Calcium, Dairy, Fat Loss, Weight Loss

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How to Incorporate Exercise into Your Day Push Ups Ok, it is Monday after a weekend.  I hit the snooze button too much and now I have to play catch up on my steps.  Don't let your work schedule get in the way of 10,000 steps.  In an ideal situation, I would have gotten up at…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Weight Loss, Work

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Meal timing study shows promise in helping people shed body fat It has long been postulated that the key to weight loss is eating breakfast and not skipping meals.  It appears that a recent study breaks this concept particularly.  A study at the University of Alabama Birmingham found…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Dinner, Earlier, Meal Skipping, Meal Time, Research

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Low-fat foods will not help with weight loss.   I first started having a weight problem when I was in my early to mid-twenties.  The college weight was adding up and my sedentary lifestyle with most of my time spent sitting and studying was not helping.  During that period of…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Low-fat, Myth, Weight Loss

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Pasta can be a very fulfilling meal, but can it be healthy? Not all noodles are created equal.  Even within the same brand, there may be a drastic difference in the nutritional content.  Because we enjoy pasta but want to eat healthily, we compared the nutrition information to help us choose the best.   As with…
Categories: Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Healthier Pasta, Protein, Weight Loss

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New data shows red meat has neutral effect on cardiovascular disease risk factors Red meat has long been vilified for causing heart disease for the last 20-30 years.  Just like dairy and butter, red meat and the saturated fat contained within it has long been tied to heart disease.…
Categories: Research
Tags: Cardiovascular, Moderation, Red Meat, Research, Weight Loss

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Splurges are a quick way to derail your diet.   Don't let a single slip up ruin your progress or knock you off the wagon.  The big thing is you need to not let one slip up turn into a whole day, month, or week of slip ups.  You cannot…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Derail, Diet, Slip Up, Weight Loss

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A new study found plant protein promotes high satiety.   In recent years, animal advocacy groups have been pushing for less animal and more plant based consumption.  Manufacturers have made progress in the texture of plant based products that look, taste, and feel like their animal based predecessors.  You…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetitie, Protein, Research, Satiety

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Taxing Obesity: That will teach those overeaters!   Ultimately, what may be needed to address the obesity problem are direct taxes on body weight. - Jonathan Gruber This is the way many liberals and politicians think.  Tax them and punish them for their bad behavior, and they will change.  How well have they worked out…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Obesity, Tax, Weight Loss

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Steel Cut Oatmeal: the perfect food and a superfood all rolled up in one. Oatmeal in the slow cooker. Oatmeal is a "superfood."  Although superfood is a made-up marketing term and can be misleading, it is absolutely the proper term for oatmeal.  Oatmeal is very filling when eaten, high in fiber (with both soluble and insoluble),…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Breakfast, Fiber, Oatmeal, Recipe, Satiety

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Can running excessively cause hip and knee arthritis?   Running is an excellent form of exercise if your body can take the pounding.  You can burn over 500 calories per hour.  One of the questions many patients ask is if it will increase your risk of degenerative or osteoarthritis (OA).…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Arthritis, Cartlidge, Degenerative, Exercise, Jogging, Joint, Knee, OA, Obesity, Osteoarthritis, Research, Running, Study, Walking, Weight Loss

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Low-carbohydrate Diets May Be Better For Weight Loss Than a Low-fat Alternative. As we enter the post-holiday period, most of us begin to focus on recovering from all the parties and feasts.  Most have gained a little poundage over the holidays, and now we plan to lose the extra that we gained around our waistlines.…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Low Carb, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss

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Breakfast: Is It The Most Important Meal of the Day? Breakfast We have all heard the statement that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  My grandmother always told me it was unhealthy to miss breakfast.  I have read in many books that missing breakfast makes weight loss more unlikely.  Breakfast can help with…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Breakfast, Research, Weight Loss

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Whey Supplementation Helps with Weight Loss.   WP Powder with Scoop What is whey protein (WP)?  Proteins are the building blocks of our bodies and are made of chains of amino acids. Simply put, whey is one of the two proteinaceous compounds found in milk, with the other being casein.  When a coagulant called renin…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Body Fat, Casein, Fat Loss, Muscle Mass, Obesity, Protein, Weight Loss, Whey

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A Challenge of Terminology: Overweight or Overfat Overfat One of the problems with our current state of diet, weight loss, and obesity in the United States is the language we use. Every article I read refers to weight loss when they mean fat loss. I am no different because I interchange the worse at will.…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Body Fat, Obesity, Overfat, Overweight, Research, Weight Loss

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A tender and juicy chicken recipe that is exploding with bold TexMex flavors. It is great to spend a week at home and today I am making one of my family's favorite meals. The best part is that is is a healthy meal that can jump-start your path to better health. The only weakness is it…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Chile, Lime, Recipe

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Sugar type may be an independent risk for weight gain and disease.   I have been told for years that calories are calories and it does not matter from which source they come.  This month, I found a study in a PubMed search and a review article from Science Daily[1] that…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diabetes, Fuctose, Glucose, Heart Disease, Sugar, Weight Gain

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New research shows that access to supermarkets and fast food is not tied to obesity in veterans.   Healthy Home Cooked Meal America is the land of plenty, and on every street corner, you will find a fast-food restaurant to get you to fix filled with a fat and carb-filled delight.  In recent years, new…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fast Food, Research, Weight Loss

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Keeping Old Clothes Will Not Help Motivate You to Lose Weight Walk-in closet I have done it for years.  Whether the clothes are too big or too small, I keep the old clothes because I think I might need them if my weight swings back the other way.  I like a particular pair of shorts…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Lose Weight, Motivation Tip, Old Clothes, Weight Loss

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A Single Additional Bottle of Cold Water Can Lead to Significant Weight Loss Glass of Water This is one of my quick tip articles.  Before we hit the research, let's discuss some background information.  Water is an essential element in our diets.  Our bodies have a need for water that is relentless to function efficiently.  The amount…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Boost Metabolism, Calorie, Quick Tip, Research, Water, Weight Loss

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Not all snacking is bad.   Mindless Eating in front Television Snacking is when you consume food or beverages between your regular meals. Snacking is vilified because, for many of those trying to lose weight, this may be counter-productive to the end result.  Sure, if your idea of a snack is diving headfirst into the…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Snacking, Weight Loss

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A healthy alternative to a Tex Mex Favorite. Our family loves Mexican food. It is one of our favorite meals to have both at home and in a restaurant. We have tried just about every Mexican joint within 30 miles of our house. My favorite dish at our favorite place is the Burrito California. This…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Chile, Food, Mexican, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Recent weight loss research found that long-term weight loss is difficult.   Obesity I found an article just after the holidays that was very depressing for me.  While searching for research to back up another post, I found an article on CBC - Canada entitled "Obesity Research Confirms Long-term Weight Loss Almost Impossible"​[1]​ that touted…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Long-term, Research, Success, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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Chew More Slowly, Lose More Weight Woman Chewing Chocolate It has been widely postulated that eating slower or completely chewing your food will increase satiety or suppress your appetite.  In medicine and health research, folks often say things based on experience but with our any proof.  For years, my wife has nagged me to eat…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Chew, Chewing, Satiety, Supress, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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My Lessons from a Dietician Nutrition and Calories I recently attended a nutrition class that was offered for free at a local hospital.  It was an interesting class.  Many of the things discussed were things that we already know.  Don’t eat junk food.  Eat more fiber.  Eat more fruits and vegetables.  Reduce red meat consumption. …
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Body, Body Fat, Dietician, Eat, Fat, Nutrition, Registered, Weight

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New data shows red meat has neutral effect on cardiovascular disease risk factors Red meat has long been vilified for causing heart disease for the last 20-30 years.  Just like dairy and butter, red meat and the saturated fat contained within it has long been tied to heart disease.…
Categories: Research
Tags: Cardiovascular, Moderation, Red Meat, Research, Weight Loss

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Smaller meals mean fewer calories...Maybe. Myth If you have health problems, discuss this and any dieting plans with your doctor or dietician.  They can help individualize your plan to your disease condition. One of the most common myths I hear is that it is better to eat 5-6 smaller meals rather than three larger meals. …
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Research, Smaller Meals, Weight Loss

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A delicious recipe for a cold day. A tasty recipe for a soup that replaces some of the noodles with vegetables.  It is a delicious soup that you will enjoy and best of all it is balanced with starch, meat, and lots of vegetables.  This soup will fill you up and keep you full for…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken Noodle, Healthy, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Frozen and prepackaged meals can be a healthy option. Man and Microwave Meal Our society is increasingly on the go and has less downtime than many of our counterparts in the world. With the increased time at work and travel to and from, we look for more convenient ways to feed our families. Frozen and…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Dinners, Foods, Frozen, Meals, Microwave, Nutrition, Packaged, Processed, Weight Loss

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Chew More Slowly, Lose More Weight Woman Chewing Chocolate It has been widely postulated that eating slower or completely chewing your food will increase satiety or suppress your appetite.  In medicine and health research, folks often say things based on experience but with our any proof.  For years, my wife has nagged me to eat…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Chew, Chewing, Satiety, Supress, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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A Challenge of Terminology: Overweight or Overfat Overfat One of the problems with our current state of diet, weight loss, and obesity in the United States is the language we use. Every article I read refers to weight loss when they mean fat loss. I am no different because I interchange the worse at will.…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Body Fat, Obesity, Overfat, Overweight, Research, Weight Loss

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Cardiovascular risk reduction benefits may continue five years after weight loss program ends. Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Need another reason to lose weight.  This study evidence may motivate you to lose weight.  More motivation is a good thing, and hopefully, this will push you to success.  The bottom line is that even a small amount…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Risk Factors, Weight Loss, Why WAIT

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Frozen and prepackaged meals can be a healthy option. Man and Microwave Meal Our society is increasingly on the go and has less downtime than many of our counterparts in the world. With the increased time at work and travel to and from, we look for more convenient ways to feed our families. Frozen and…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Dinners, Foods, Frozen, Meals, Microwave, Nutrition, Packaged, Processed, Weight Loss

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Is there a healthy alternative to corn-based tortilla chips? Strapping on the feed bag in front of the TV is harder to avoid as you watch your favorite football team.  Our falls are spent in tailgate party binge eating and drinking copious amounts of alcohol.  Snack foods are the bane of weight loss and maintenance.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Tortilla Chips, Weight Loss

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Meal timing study shows promise in helping people shed body fat It has long been postulated that the key to weight loss is eating breakfast and not skipping meals.  It appears that a recent study breaks this concept particularly.  A study at the University of Alabama Birmingham found…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Dinner, Earlier, Meal Skipping, Meal Time

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Maximize Fat Loss What dieters should focus on is fat loss and not weight loss.  Ultimately, maximizing fat loss is all about calories in versus calories out and a total deficit of 3500 calories to lose 1 pound of body weight[1].  This fact is true, but how much less should you eat to…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Caloric Balance, Fat Loss, Maximizing Fat Loss, Weight Loss

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My Lessons from a Dietician Nutrition and Calories I recently attended a nutrition class that was offered for free at a local hospital.  It was an interesting class.  Many of the things discussed were things that we already know.  Don’t eat junk food.  Eat more fiber.  Eat more fruits and vegetables.  Reduce red meat consumption. …
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Body, Body Fat, Dietician, Eat, Fat, Nutrition, Registered, Weight

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Aspiration Therapy for obesity; a Safe and Effective Treatment or the 21st Century Tape Worm. In obesity, you have to understand the root of what causes most obesity.  Most obesity is not caused by a magical endocrine disorder or metabolic shortcoming that hinders someone from losing weight.  The problem in…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: AspireAssist, Obesity, Research, Therapy, Weight Loss

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The statement "fast food is too unhealthy for weight loss" is a myth.   Burger and Fries Now before you flood my inbox with emails, I am not saying that it is healthy to eat fast food every meal or even every day.  If you must have a fast food meal, it is more healthy if…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fast Food, Myth, Unhealthy, Weight Loss

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Meal timing study shows promise in helping people shed body fat It has long been postulated that the key to weight loss is eating breakfast and not skipping meals.  It appears that a recent study breaks this concept particularly.  A study at the University of Alabama Birmingham found…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Dinner, Earlier, Meal Skipping, Meal Time

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Can running excessively cause hip and knee arthritis?   Running is an excellent form of exercise if your body can take the pounding.  You can burn over 500 calories per hour.  One of the questions many patients ask is if it will increase your risk of degenerative or osteoarthritis (OA).…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Arthritis, Cartlidge, Degenerative, Exercise, Jogging, Joint, Knee, OA, Obesity, Osteoarthritis, Research, Running, Study, Walking, Weight Loss

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Alcohol is the diet destroyer.   Quite a few of us enjoy social time after work and the relaxing and sedating effects of a drink.  It is a part of our society's traditions.  I am no different.  I love a good glass of bourbon and…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Alcohol, Diet Destroyer, Diet Killer, Moderation, Weight Loss

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Metabolic Syndrome: Is it more than just overweight? What is metabolic syndrome?  Metabolic syndrome, aka Syndrome X, is a common condition that is every bit as prevalent as the common cold and likely way more expensive for us to treat.  Nearly 50 million Americans have metabolic syndrome, and it has a family, age-related, and ethnic…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Metabolic Syndrome, Nutrition, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Apple Cider Vinegar: The Magic Bullet? Apple cider vinegar I can remember as a child that we always made apple butter and cider in the last summer in West Virginia. We would gather at the family farm to pick apples and press them for cider. I love the stuff and miss those simpler days of…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Apple Cider Vinegar, Blood Sugar, Fat Loss, Satiety, Vinegar, Weight Loss

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Splurges are a quick way to derail your diet.   Don't let a single slip up ruin your progress or knock you off the wagon.  The big thing is you need to not let one slip up turn into a whole day, month, or week of slip ups.  You cannot…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Derail, Diet, Slip Up, Weight Loss

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Is there a healthy alternative to corn-based tortilla chips? Strapping on the feed bag in front of the TV is harder to avoid as you watch your favorite football team.  Our falls are spent in tailgate party binge eating and drinking copious amounts of alcohol.  Snack foods are the bane of weight loss and maintenance.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Tortilla Chips, Weight Loss

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Low-carbohydrate Diets May Be Better For Weight Loss Than a Low-fat Alternative. As we enter the post-holiday period, most of us begin to focus on recovering from the all the parties and feasts.  Most have gained a little poundage over the holidays and now we are planning to lose the extra that we gained around…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Low Carb, Low-carbohydrate, Weight Loss

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Peanut butter can be a part of your weight loss plan. As a child, I loved to eat peanut butter sandwiches after exercise.  I used to have 1-2 after each football and basketball practice.  It is a staple food of many children and teenagers in America, but somewhere after that age,  peanut butter becomes vilified…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Peanut Butter, Research, Weight Loss

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Understanding Prediabetes, Diabetes, and Obesity This post will hopefully help individuals understand how excess weight puts them at a higher risk of developing pre-diabetes and diabetes. Most with a weight problem are not aware they are predisposed for pre-diabetes and diabetes until symptoms of type 2 diabetes begin to show. Even then it takes time…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Nutrition, Obesity, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Sleep can help you lose weight and avoid obesity and cravings.  We all know that sleep is essential for optimal health.  We do not function efficiently without enough sleep, and we are just plain grumpy if our sleep is interrupted, but we still fail to get enough good quality…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Craving, Obesity, Rem, Rem Sleep, Sleep, Sucrose, Weight Loss

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Does Food Flavor Lead to Obesity? We all have foods that we crave.  The mere thought of eating them brings the flavor to mind and makes our mouths water.  It has often been postulated that sweet or fatty flavors by themselves might cause obesity.  Fat, sugar, and carbohydrates have been vilified as culprits when discussing…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Flavor, Myth, Obesity, Research, Weight Gain

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Why haven't I lost weight? I have said this before, but it is time to review this topic as we enter into the new year.  We are impatient and expect instant changes.  Weight loss takes time, and you need avoid becoming discouraged.   Weight loss and fitness require a lot of effort that is more…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Advice, Homor, Weight Loss

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Calories differ based on the source.   Calorie Definition A calorie is a single measurement of energy, and each calorie is the same in terms of energy.  If they come from a different source, are they different in the way they affect the human body based on the laws of physics and thermodynamics?  Are all calories are created equal…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: A Calorie Is Not A Calorie, Calorie, Calories Are Not Calories, Macronutrients, Protein, Research, Weight Loss

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Do Carbohydrates Help or Hurt Weight Loss? Carbohydrates have been vilified over the years.  The Adkin's diet and other low carbohydrate diets have highlighted carbs as the primary cause of our obesity problem in the United States.  Is there any truth to this claim or is this just hype to sell books and low-carb foods?   Research…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Carbohydrates, Frutose, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Research Proven, Sugars, Weight Loss

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Obesity and High Blood Pressure AKA Hypertension Diabetes and Hypertension affect many Americans. Hypertension is at epidemic levels, and like diabetes, high blood pressure is a silent killer. The number of people living with hypertension is predicted to be over 1.5 billion worldwide in less than…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Blood Pressure, Hypertension, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Alcohol is the diet destroyer.   Quite a few of us enjoy social time after work and the relaxing and sedating effects of a drink.  It is a part of our society's traditions.  I am no different.  I love a good glass of bourbon and…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Alcohol, Diet Destroyer, Diet Killer, Moderation, Weight Loss

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Taxing Obesity: That will teach those overeaters!   Ultimately, what may be needed to address the obesity problem are direct taxes on body weight. - Jonathan Gruber This is the way many liberals and politicians think.  Tax them and punish them for their bad behavior, and they will change.  How well have they worked out…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Obesity, Tax, Weight Loss

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Chicken Wrap This recipe is for a wrap you and your family will love as a meal on the go or for dinner when you need a break.  The best part is that it can be made with leftovers.
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Recipe, Rotissery, Weight Loss, Wrap

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Ways to control you portion size Weight loss is not an easy task.  Most dieters have no idea of what a portion size is and how to moderate the intake of various foods they eat in a given day.  When we sit down to eat, the last thing…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Portion Control, Weight Loss

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Fruits and vegetables and fruits will help you lose weight.   Fruits and vegetables at a farmers market Americans, in general, eat too few fruits and vegetables.  Fruits and vegetables have several benefits that make them exceptionally beneficial for those trying to lose weight.  They tend to have more fiber than fruit juices but still have the…
Categories: Nutrition, Progress Report, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fruits, Nutrition, Research, Research Proven, Vegetables, Weight Loss

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Obesity humor is not just a joke. A positive attitude and confidence can empower successful weight loss, but how is it possible if we continue to pile on with derogatory and sarcastic humor from all angles that make fun of and diminishes the problem and ridicules the individual.  A negative attitude can make losing weight difficult or…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Attitude, Confidence, Editorial, Energy, Negative, Positive, Weight Loss

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Does diet soda help or hurt weight loss?   A cold glass of soda drink The recent bans and taxes in liberal cities to paternalistically protect you from the evils of sugar or carbonation are nothing new.  The bullseye on soda or carbonated sweetened drinks has been around for a long time and they want you…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Artificial sweeteners, Aspartame, Diet Soda, Nutrasweet, Weight Loss

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Obesity is not due to Poor Self-Discipline. I do not know how many times during my years in the military have I heard an officer and enlisted Soldier refer to someone overweight as weak.  It is more than just willpower and a decision to be thin.  It is 100% false that weight gain/loss is all about…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Weight Gain, Weight Loss, Willpower

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The perfect dip and dressing made a little healthier. I want to make something that I could dip Buffalo Strips in during the football games so here you go, but what are Bafflo strips without ranch dip. The best part is that this dip goes great with Buffalo or vegetables. If you want it as a…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Healthy, Ranch, Recipe

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Losing Weight Can Expand Your Wallet While Trimming Your Waist! The number of Americans that are overweight or obese is approximately 72 million per the CDC.  Most are not motivated to lose weight but obviously, we are or you would not be on this website.  What can I do to…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: List, Money, Save Money, Waist Line, Wallet, Weight Loss

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Coffee can be a healthy part of nearly any diet. Cup of Coffee "Coffee is dangerous and unhealthy."  This is preposterous and untrue for most of us.  The reasoning behind this is coffee…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coffee, Dangerous, Mortality, Myth, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Calories differ based on the source.   Calorie Definition A calorie is a single measurement of energy, and each calorie is the same in terms of energy.  If they come from a different source, are they different in the way they affect the human body based on the laws of physics and thermodynamics?  Are all calories are created equal…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: A Calorie Is Not A Calorie, Calorie, Calories Are Not Calories, Macronutrients, Protein, Research, Weight Loss

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Omega-3: An Appetite Suppressant?  There is no such thing as a sure thing or a magic bullet when it comes to weight loss.  Around the globe, obesity and obesity-related illnesses represent a major public health challenge. The prognosis for citizens of the United States is exceptionally poor.  Unfortunately, there is no sunrise on the horizon and…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fatty Acid, Leptin, Omega-3, Weight Loss

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Fresh is better but frozen is fine! Frozen Food Isle I can remember, as a child, my grandmother telling me that flash foods were better than frozen foods. If you think about it, it makes sense that fresh food would be better for you than frozen food. Frozen food is processed and well, fresh food…
Categories: Nutrition
Tags: Fresh, Frozen, Fruits, Nutrition, Vegetables

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Healthier Buffalo Chicken Tenders This a very tasty version of my favorite recipe.  My wife makes this for me and my son and he loves it.  It does well with a healthy version of ranch she often makes to dip for the tenders and celery in.  If you are interested in ranch recipe, visit "Recipe:…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Buffalo Chicken, Healthier Buffalo Chick Tenders Recipe, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Withings Pedometer  Bottom Line Up Front:  This is a good and effective pedometer.  It just plain works and has a lot of great features which are listed below.  It is unfortunate that it never made it. Pedometers come in all shapes, colors, and sizes.   This particular model is the perfect shape and size to fit on your…
Categories: Exercise, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Fitness Tracker, Pedometer, Pulse

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Leptin: the hormone that suppresses appetite  Many dieters struggle with weight loss because of their feelings of hunger.  They try to lose weight but their appetite gets in the way.  Many have tried unsafe fad diets that are based on science but do not fully understand the science behind them.  Recently, I wrote an article…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Ghrelin, Hunger, Leptin, Obesity, Sateity, Satiety, Weight Loss

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Doughnut are Satan's Minions Doughnuts are one of those things that are very hard to resist.  They are exceptionally delicious and I might even say addictive but they are also poisoned to your waistline.  They make you feel good with a euphoria that is to some as addictive as heroin.  There is nothing like the…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Doughnuts, Evils, Fat, Obesity, Sugar. Editorial

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Alcohol may not be as bad for weight loss you may think it is. There is research that has shown that a single drink a couple of times a week may lower your risk of becoming obese, but those who consume more than four drinks daily are more likely to be obese.  More to come on…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obstacle, Research, Road Bump, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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 [pullquote]“I am in shape. Round is a shape.”- Anonymous[/pullquote]  We spend a lot of time and effort on losing weight.  American's spend billions on supplements, health clubs, and weight loss books.  There is no quick fix so make a pledge today to change.  The key to last weight loss is making a change that sticks.…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inspiration, Quite, Weight Loss

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A simple Tex-Mex dish that is also healthy. Tex Mex Pizza A delicious and simple recipe for Mexican pizza your family will love. Mexican Pizza is delicious as a pizza crust or flour tortilla topped with any number of toppings. You can add beans, beef, cheese, sour cream, onions, tomatoes, jalapeños, or even guacamole. The…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Mexican Pizza, Pizza, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Losing Weight Can Expand Your Wallet While Trimming Your Waist! The number of Americans that are overweight or obese is approximately 72 million per the CDC.  Most are not motivated to lose weight but obviously, we are or you would not be on this website.  What can I do to…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: List, Money, Save Money, Waist Line, Wallet, Weight Loss

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Weight loss mistakes make it more difficult. The is part 2 of the series.  I hope you find it helpful.   Obesity - Causes and Effects Dehydration:  Hydration is key and it is a research-proven method to lose weight and keep it off.  If you do not get enough fluids, you will gain weight.  There…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Loss, Mistakes, Weight, Weight Loss

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Michelle Obama was right but missed the mark in her methods.   Before you start reading, I am fairly conservative and a Ronald Reagan fan.  I consider him to the be the best president in the 50 years I have been on this planet.  If this offends you, I suggest…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Nutrition, School Lunches

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Late to rise from bed may increase your risk of obesity. Waking Up Ben Franklin may be right when he said that ".....early to rise, may make a man healthy, wealthy, and wise".  Based on this statement, he believed that people who were morning folks would be healthier.  Re=cent research from February 2017 appears to…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Sleep, Weight Loss

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Obesity and weight gain are the bain of fitness. [pullquote]“If you keep on eating unhealthy food than no matter how many weight loss tips you follow, you are likely to retain weight and become obese. If only you start eating healthy food, you will be pleasantly surprised how easy it is to lose weight.”  ― Subodh…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inpirational, Obesity, Quote, Weight Gain

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Egg Taco: a simple breakfast treat you family will love. This recipe is a very tasty breakfast meal that is easy to make. tacos are a key staple in Texas. I have grown fond of them during my time at Fort Hood. My family have grown to prefer them over a breakfast sandwich. I have…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Egg Taco, Eggs, Healthy, Recipe, Taco, Tex Mex

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Ice Cream: The Frozen Nectar of Satan Ice cream is a fantastic thing unless of course, you are lactose intolerant then it is worse than the frozen nectar of stain.  You can get the yogurt version or lactose-free but they are not the same.  Ice cream is sweet can creamy cold goodness that our parents reward…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Dessert, Ice Cream, Road Bump, Weight Loss

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Do Carbohydrates Help or Hurt Weight Loss? Carbohydrates have been vilified over the years.  The Adkin's diet and other low carbohydrate diets have highlighted carbs as the primary cause of our obesity problem in the United States.  Is there any truth to this claim or is this just hype to sell books and low-carb foods?   Research…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Carbohydrates, Frutose, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Research Proven, Sugars, Weight Loss

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Ice Cream: The Frozen Nectar of Satan Ice cream is a fantastic thing unless of course, you are lactose intolerant then it is worse than the frozen nectar of stain.  You can get the yogurt version or lactose-free but they are not the same.  Ice cream is sweet can creamy cold goodness that our parents reward…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dessert, Ice Cream, Road Bump, Weight Loss

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Maximize Fat Loss What dieters should focus on is fat loss and not weight loss.  Ultimately, maximizing fat loss is all about calories in versus calories out and a total deficit of 3500 calories to lose 1 pound of body weight[1].  This fact is true, but how much less should you eat to…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Caloric Balance, Fat Loss, Maximizing Fat Loss, Weight Loss

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Weight loss requires a lifelong change.   Feet on scale Before you start talking about how much weight you have lost and how I am wrong, give me time to explain what I mean by this statement.  As a military physician, I spend a good portion of my life trying to lose weight or helping…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dieting, Editorial, Weight Loss

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Not all carbs are bad. Sure, they all end up as simple sugars.  They all end up being stored as fat or burned for energy.   Products rich of complex carbohydrates. Now for the rest of the message: not all carbohydrates are the same.  There are two basic types of carbohydrates: simple and complex. This…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Bad, Carbohydrate, Carbs, Myth, Nutrition

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Can I eat at McDonald's and still maintain a healthy lifestyle?   McWeight Fat food is the biggest minefield for dieters.   You are on the road and want something fast and your family chooses McDonald's.  Although it is not the best choice, you can still control your portion size and eat somewhat healthy.   Breakfast:…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Eating Healthy, McDonald, Weight Loss

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Overeating is one reason we are overweight. It does not matter if you are trying to maintain weight loss or if you are just starting to lose weight, the reasons for less-than-successful weight loss are the same.  You have decided to make a change and are careful to know portion sizes and eat healthy choices, but…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: List, Loss, Overeat, Reasons, Weight

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Can Calcium Increase Weight Loss I already did an article that showed research raving that yogurt can help with weight loss.  We are told that milk and calcium are good for the bones and teeth.  I have read that calcium can do it also, but is there research to back that up?   Pouring milk Research on…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetitie, Calcium, Dairy, Fat Loss, Weight Loss

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What is fiber?  Why do I need it?  How can I add it to my diet?  Read more of this article to find out everything you want or need to know about fiber. Fiber: Why Do We Need It? What Foods Are Rich In Fiber? Fiber is the performer, otherwise known as roughage. Simply put, it…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Nutrition, Roughage

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Color Up Your Food and Dinner Plate for Weight Loss When I started to research this as a topic after reading an article on colors of plates and weight loss, I thought this topic is crazy.  The color of a plate is not going to cause someone to lose weight.  What inherent property would a…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Hunger, Plate Color, Research, Satiety, Weight Loss

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[pullquote]The number of kids affected by obesity has tripled since 1980, and this can be traced in large part to lack of exercise and a healthy diet. - Virginia Foxx[/pullquote]One of my pet peeves is seeing many of the folks riding around stores on a motorized shopping cart.  Before you get mad, I am not criticizing…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Disability, Food For Thought, Handicap, Motorized Carts

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A simple Tex-Mex dish that is also healthy. Tex Mex Pizza A delicious and simple recipe for Mexican pizza your family will love. Mexican Pizza is delicious as a pizza crust or flour tortilla topped with any number of toppings. You can add beans, beef, cheese, sour cream, onions, tomatoes, jalapeños, or even guacamole. The…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Mexican Pizza, Pizza, Recipe, Weight Loss

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How to Incorporate Exercise into Your Day Push Ups Ok, it is Monday after a weekend.  I hit the snooze button too much and now I have to play catch up on my steps.  Don't let your work schedule get in the way of 10,000 steps.  In an ideal situation, I would have gotten up at…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Weight Loss, Work

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 Diet Is Better Than Exercise  There is plenty of research out there that indicates that diet is better than exercise.  We've been taught that exercise is so important for weight loss.  I absolutely hate doing to the gym.  The question is, is it true that diet is better than exercise to lose weight? A lot…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Exercise, Proven, Research, Weight Loss

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I have read a lot about food choices in dieting and weight loss.  One question that is commonly asked: Are there any key food types to avoid?  Food that makes the most sense to avoid is this that has limits for no nutritional value.  Some of these are referred to as empty calories.  This term, empty…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dieting, Empty Calories, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Interval Training can assist with weight loss We have all looked for exercise to help maximize weight loss.  Which ones work and which ones do not?  All exercise will work for weight loss if you have a calorie deficit, but some work better. What is interval training?  Interval training is a type of exercise that combines various…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Interval, Loss, Training, Weight Loss

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 Can I Eat Eggs and Lose Weight?   Eggs in a bowl. Successful weight loss is as simple as making good decisions for your breakfast.  Adding eggs to your diet may be one of the easiest things to do if you’re trying to lose weight.  Eggs are cheap, easy to make,  and they are a great source…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Eggs, Proven, Research, Weight Loss

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Eating healthy while eating out is not easy. Fast Food Restaurant I would prefer not to eat healthily when I eat out.  I would prefer just to eat what I want, but recently, I visited a restaurant that is a less common chain restaurant near Jacksonville, FL.  I reviewed the calorie content online as I…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dining, Eating, Out, Weight Loss

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Avoiding mistakes is the key to success. Weight loss fail. Losing weight is not easy.  For some, the struggle to maintain a healthy weight, and others just give up and wallow in their obesity.  There are lots of mistakes you can make during your endeavor to lose weight.  These traps will lead to you ultimately failing…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Loss, Mistakes, Weight, Weight Loss

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Overeating is one reason we are overweight. It does not matter if you are trying to maintain weight loss or if you are just starting to lose weight, the reasons for less-than-successful weight loss are the same.  You have decided to make a change and are careful to know portion sizes and eat healthy choices, but…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: List, Loss, Overeat, Reasons, Weight

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Leptin: the hormone that suppresses appetite  Many dieters struggle with weight loss because of their feelings of hunger.  They try to lose weight but their appetite gets in the way.  Many have tried unsafe fad diets that are based on science but do not fully understand the science behind them.  Recently, I wrote an article…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Ghrelin, Hunger, Leptin, Obesity, Sateity, Satiety, Weight Loss

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 [pullquote]“I am in shape. Round is a shape.”- Anonymous[/pullquote]  We spend a lot of time and effort on losing weight.  American's spend billions on supplements, health clubs, and weight loss books.  There is no quick fix so make a pledge today to change.  The key to last weight loss is making a change that sticks.…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inspiration, Quite, Weight Loss

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 Can I Eat Eggs and Lose Weight?   Eggs in a bowl. Successful weight loss is as simple as making good decisions for your breakfast.  Adding eggs to your diet may be one of the easiest things to do if you’re trying to lose weight.  Eggs are cheap, easy to make,  and they are a great source…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Eggs, Proven, Research, Weight Loss

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Exercise: Slow Return to Running If you have not figured it out yet, I am in the US Military.  The military is very interested in readiness and part of readiness is being able to run from incoming fire.  I can run if you chase me with a baseball bat.  In fact, I am pretty sure…
Categories: Exercise
Tags: Exercise, Running, Slow, Walking

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A simple chicken dish that is easy to make. This is an easy main course to put together.  Enjoy this chicken in a high-fiber wrap with a side of veggies and you have a quick and simple meal. You family will love this dish and ask for it regularly.
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Fiber will fill you up and keep you full longer. I posted an article on the benefits of fiber.  This is going to be a multiple part series on high fiber foods you need to add to your diet on a regular basis.  I have found that if I get 30-50 grams of fiber in…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, High Fiber Foods, List, Nutrition

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Omega-3: An Appetite Suppressant?  There is no such thing as a sure thing or a magic bullet when it comes to weight loss.  Around the globe, obesity and obesity-related illnesses represent a major public health challenge. The prognosis for citizens of the United States is exceptionally poor.  Unfortunately, there is no sunrise on the horizon and…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fatty Acid, Leptin, Omega-3, Weight Loss

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[pullquote]The number of kids affected by obesity has tripled since 1980, and this can be traced in large part to lack of exercise and a healthy diet. - Virginia Foxx[/pullquote]One of my pet peeves is seeing many of the folks riding around stores on a motorized shopping cart.  Before you get mad, I am not criticizing…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Disability, Food For Thought, Handicap, Motorized Carts

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Stress as Cause of Weight Gain This a continuation of part 1.  Cortisol, as indicated in part one, is a stress steroid hormone. Many health experts say cortisol is public enemy number one. Researchers and doctors alike have indicated that it is a major cause of poor health in patients with chronic elevated stress and…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Stress Reduction, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Thoughts of Quitting do not mean failure! Quitting Quote [pullquote]“Be the person that when your feet touch the floor in the morning the devil says, “aww shit.. they’re up…”  -- The Rock[/pullquote] We all think about quitting because weight loss seems so hard.  Focus on your goal and why you decided to take this quest,…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Inspirational Quote, Quitting, Weight Loss

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Weight loss mistakes make it more difficult. The is part 2 of the series.  I hope you find it helpful.   Obesity - Causes and Effects Dehydration:  Hydration is key and it is a research-proven method to lose weight and keep it off.  If you do not get enough fluids, you will gain weight.  There…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Loss, Mistakes, Weight, Weight Loss

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Seventeen tips to help start your weight loss right. Whenever you strive to change, making the decision is the first step.  Pat yourself on the back for making that decision.  You have already accomplished the first hurdle.  You now need to be confident in your decision and have a positive attitude.  As your blood sugar…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: List, Motivation, Strategies, Weight Loss

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Ghrelin: The Gremlin of Hunger Hormones If you talk to the average American, they have heard of adrenalin, insulin, and cortisol.  If you mention ghrelin, they will probably think it was a corny 1980s film about little creatures that you should not feed at night or give water.  This one is almost as sinister and…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Ghrelin, Hormone, Hunger, Obesity, Weight Gain

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Resistance training may provide superior results.   It has long been argued which type of exercise is superior for weight loss.  Once camp argues that aerobic exercise is superior because it burns more calories and is better for the heart.  The other group argues that resistance training is superior because it…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss

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Comfort foods can add to your midsection. The best comfort food will always be greens, cornbread, and fried chicken. -  Maya Angleou Comfort foods are foods we use to soothe our anxiety and depression.  They make us calm and increase endorphins.  For me, my comfort food is pizza or pepperoni rolls  Heck, I will take…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Comfort, Food, Thought

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Inspiration may help you start right! Here is a thought.  Get started with the first step to being healthier today.  Lose one-half pound per week.  That sounds like very little, and you may ask…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inspiration, Quote, Weight Loss

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Fiber will fill you up and keep you full longer. I posted an article on the benefits of fiber.  This is going to be a multiple part series on high fiber foods you need to add to your diet on a regular basis.  I have found that if I get 30-50 grams of fiber in…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, High Fiber Foods, Nutrition

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One of the biggest misconceptions I have found in articles, books, and conversations concerning weight loss is that all you have to do is remove a single food type or group from your diet to lose weight.  This is simply and patently false.  So what is the key to losing weight? There are plenty of…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Keys For Success, List, Weight Loss

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Stress and Cortisol: a struggle with Obesity This is the first of a four-part article on stress and cortisol.  If you understand stress and cortisol, you will understand one reason why Americans are getting fatter and fatter.  Sure we overeat, but stress and cortisol are arguably the main reasons why. What is Stress? Stress is…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cortisol, Stress, Weight, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Added Sugar, Hidden Sugar, Obesity, Weight Lsos

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Cortisol: The Beer Gut Hormone Steroid hormone cortisol (hydrocortisone) structural formula Cortisol is a steroid hormone of the glucocorticoid class that is made and released by the Adrenal Glands in response to stress (Examples of glucocorticoid-like hormones are hydrocortisone and prednisone).  The adrenals located above each kidney.  It is often released in hard times to…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cortisol, Hormones, Obesity, Weight Loss

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The Hormones of Weight Gain and Loss Nearly two-thirds of Americans are either overweight of obese.  Medical providers are overwhelmed by the consequences of poor dietary and lifestyle decisions.  Obesity results in deaths from illnesses such as hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes type 2, heart disease, high cholesterol, and stroke.  Weight gain and obesity is…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Hormones, Obesity, Weight Loss

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A simple but healthier twist on a family favorite. I have to admit that I love Italian.  I have a weakness for a simple pasta and meat sauce and I am looking for ways to make a quick dish that I can make and put in bowls in my refrigerator to eat for dinner for…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Italian, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Weight training can assist with weight loss. Lifting Weights If you understand how you burn calories, you understand why it is important to keep muscle mass.  Weight lifting is one way to protect and build more muscle mass.   Many consider weight liftings or residence training to be one of the most important methods of…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss, Weight Training

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Exercise can help, but a flat belly is made in the Kitchen. "I got kicked out of ballet class because I pulled a groin muscle.  It wasn't mine." - Rita Rudner  Exercise motivation is tough.  Many morning that I have planned to exercise ended with me rolling over and burying my face in the pillow…
Categories: Exercise
Tags: Exercise, Quote, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Butter has been vilified over the years.  Are there any healthier options?  This article discusses a few.  One of the questions I have been asked on more than one occasion is whether I should use butter or not.  I am a little different than most physicians, and I disagree with dietitians on this one.  I…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Butter, Margarine, Peanut Butter, Substitute

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Peanut butter can be a part of your weight loss plan. As a child, I loved to eat peanut butter sandwiches after exercise.  I used to have 1-2 after each football and basketball practice.  It is a staple food of many children and teenagers in America, but somewhere after that age,  peanut butter becomes vilified…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Peanut Butter, Research, Weight Loss

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Family Food Preferences Not all of us have the option of preparing meals for just one.  Some of us have to consider our family, friends, roommates, etc. when choosing the weekly menu, shopping, and preparation of meals.  With Chuck living away for work, I must feed myself and our son.  The problem comes in that…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Family Food Preferences, Road Bump

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Spicy Red Pepper Hummus : A healthier option than nachos It is Saturday and this is a great recipe for game day.  Yes, I know it is not nacho cheese, but you can dip with vegetable chips or bean chips and save a whole lot of calories.  This is a spicy hummus that will make you…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Weight Loss

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Weight training can assist with weight loss. Lifting Weights If you understand how you burn calories, you understand why it is important to keep muscle mass.  Weight lifting is one way to protect and build more muscle mass.   Many consider weight liftings or residence training to be one of the most important methods of…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss, Weight Training

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A little stagnation.... I had a slight step back but no weight gain.......   Weight: 263 Exercise: Walked 3 of 5 days.   Alcohol: Had a bit of a relapse.   Calories: More and I have had too much ice cream.     The bottom line: There is always next week.  .  
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Yogurt could be one key to unlocking weight loss success. Yogurt One of the key lessons to achieving lasting weight loss is actually learning to eat correctly.  There are many foods that can be added to your diet to maximize weight loss or reduce weight gain.  One such food is yogurt.  There are plenty of…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Loss, Research, Weight, Weight Loss, Yogurt

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Even a cheap pedometer will work if you use it. Bottom Line Up Front:  This is a cheap but effective pedometer.  It is made in China and I purchased it for about $2 dollars and that included shipping. Pedometers come in all shapes, colors, and sizes.   Most are not the most accurate at measuring steps…
Categories: Exercise, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Fitness, Healthy, Pedometer, Walking, Weight Loss

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Type 2 Diabetes can be slowed or prevented. “No disease that can be treated by diet should be treated with any other means.” ― Maimonides Diabetes Diabetes type II or adult-onset diabetes is a genetic disease that is diet and nutrition-related.  If your parents have it, you likely have the gene that will give you this disease.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diabetes, Diet, Food, Nutrition, Thought

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Exercise can help, but a flat belly is made in the Kitchen. "I got kicked out of ballet class because I pulled a groin muscle.  It wasn't mine." - Rita Rudner  Exercise motivation is tough.  Many morning that I have planned to exercise ended with me rolling over and burying my face in the pillow…
Categories: Exercise
Tags: Exercise, Quote, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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"Stressed spelled backward is desserts. Coincidence? I think not!" ~Author Unknown Chips, nachos and curls This a small food for thought on the simple things you can remove from your diet and how much weight you could lose in a year if you avoid them.  We are going to focus on sugar and junk food today.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Food For Thought, Junk Food, Weight Loss

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The slower pace will finish the race! One of the most important tips I can give you about starting slow.  If you start out from more sedentary or mild activity to level and try to go heavy or high-intensity exercise, you will likely either be unsuccessful or end in injury.  As you increase the intensity,…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise Tip, Go Slow

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Small, small improvemeng.... One step at a time......   Weight: 263 Exercise: Waled every day this week.   Alcohol: Less.   Calories: Much less.   The bottom line: Progress continues.  
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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The real truth about supplements and myths:   Figure 1:  Mortal and Pestle: This how many herbs are ground up for medicinal use.     What is the truth about supplements? Many health-conscious Americans are taking a vitamin, mineral, or supplement today.  I believe natural medicine has a role in health and wellness.  I grew up…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Bad, Danger, Good, Myth, Supplements, Truth

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Motivation is one key for weight loss success. The Way Get Started Is To Quit Talking And Begin Doing. ~ Walt Disney I have found it difficult to stay motivated and have to admit that I often fail to meet my target.  More times than not, I get backed into a corner and have no choice but to lose…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Weight Loss

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Sugar-sweetened beverages increase the risk of metabolic syndrome and obesity.   Metabolic Syndrome Each person in the United States drinks nearly 45 gallons of soda each year.  Many of those are sugar-sweetened.  Consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages, which include soft drinks, fruit drinks, iced tea, and energy and vitamin water drinks, has risen across the globe.…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Metabolic Syndrome, Research, Soda, Weight Loss

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Not all carbs are bad. Sure, they all end up as simple sugars.  They all end up being stored as fat or burned for energy.   Products rich of complex carbohydrates. Now for the rest of the message: not all carbohydrates are the same.  There are two basic types of carbohydrates: simple and complex. This…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Bad, Carbohydrate, Carbs, Myth, Nutrition

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Family Food Preferences Not all of us have the option of preparing meals for just one.  Some of us have to consider our family, friends, roommates, etc. when choosing the weekly menu, shopping, and preparation of meals.  With Chuck living away for work, I must feed myself and our son.  The problem comes in that…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Family Food Preferences, Road Bump

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The slower pace will finish the race! One of the most important tips I can give you about starting slow.  If you start out from more sedentary or mild activity to level and try to go heavy or high-intensity exercise, you will likely either be unsuccessful or end in injury.  As you increase the intensity,…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise Tip, Go Slow

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Better.... I have started with a baby step.   Weight: 264 Exercise: Light, but I need to do more. I walked 3 days this week.     Alcohol: Less.   Calories: Much less.   The bottom line: Progress is progress. 
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Even more weight loss mistakes to avoid. You plan you diet carefully and limit snack to only the healthier foods.  But are you making good choices.  This series is all about looking at the not so smart choices you might have made.   Low-fat diets:  Recent studies have debunked the age-old claims that we should…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Loss, Mistakes, Weight, Weight Loss. Nutrition

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I am not sure I know who said it, but I found it online.  Today I needed come inspiration.  I reassess my goals and I would like to get to 199 pounds and 18 percent body fat.  I am currently at 208 and 22.5 percent.  The body post and metabolic testing in 3-4 weeks should help…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inspirational Quote, Weight Loss

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The key to weight loss is a negative calorie balance.   Calculator I know this seems like a simple concept, but many cannot accomplish this simple task.  If you want to lose weight, you must create a deficit of calories.  It is this simple if you eat too many calories, you will lose weight, and…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Calorie Deficit, Weight Loss

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Bottom Line Up Front:  This is a very cheap but effective pedometer.  It is made in China and I purchased it for about three dollars including shipping. Pedometers come in all shapes, colors, and sizes.   Most are not extremely accurate at measuring steps or feature-rich choice, but it is great at estimating how close…
Categories: Exercise, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Fitness, Fitness Electronics, Pedometer, Weight Loss

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"Stressed spelled backward is desserts. Coincidence? I think not!" ~Author Unknown Chips, nachos and curls This a small food for thought on the simple things you can remove from your diet and how much weight you could lose in a year if you avoid them.  We are going to focus on sugar and junk food today.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Food For Thought, Junk Food, Weight Loss

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Seventeen tips to help start your weight loss right. Whenever you strive to change, making the decision is the first step.  Pat yourself on the back for making that decision.  You have already accomplished the first hurdle.  You now need to be confident in your decision and have a positive attitude.  As your blood sugar…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: List, Motivation, Strategies, Weight Loss

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Better and Better.... I continue to take baby steps.   Weight: 266 Exercise: Light.  Alcohol: Less.   Calories: Much less.   The bottom line: Progress is progress. 
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Low-calorie foods might not be the answer. Eating Cardboard   "A gourmet who thinks of calories is like a tart who looks at her watch." -   ~ James Beard Everyone thinks that foods that are high in calories are unhealthy.  I will refute this right now.  Plain and simple, this is untrue.  Cardboard is…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Food For Thought, High-calorie Foods

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Eating cake can derail your weight-loss train. Parties often involve a celebratory cake.  Cakes are full of sugar and fat.  The best of all is a buttercream cake.  The cake is often made pound cake which contains over a pound of butter and flour and that does not count what is in the icing.  How…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Cake, Nutrition, Road Bump, Weight Loss

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An introduction to Portion Control One of the most common reasons for failure in weight loss is overeating.  No matter if you are trying to lose weight or just start eating healthier the first thing you need to learn is portion control.  The first step is to really understand what a portion or serving size…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Portion Control, Weight Loss

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Peer pressure may be the root of all weight gain evil! One of the biggest obstacles to success in weight loss or weight loss management is peer pressure. Peer Pressure You are out to eat with your family and they decide they want to order dessert or your son opens the box of Oreos.  Oreo…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Peer Pressure, Research, Road Bump, Weight Loss

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Beef Nachos Ok, it is college game day, and of course, who does not like nachos on game day?  This is a healthier twist to a game-time treat. This recipe is one your whole family will enjoy and come back asking for more. It might even give you healthy snacks while helping you…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Healthy, Nachos, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Pedometers and The number of steps needed for a healthy lifestyle. If you buy a pedometer, smartwatch, or fitness tracker like a Fitbit, chances are the device will encourage you to take 10,000 steps a day. But do you have to walk this much to be healthy?   There are many recommendations on how many…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Electronics, Exercise, Fitness, Fitness Electronics, Steps, Walking, Weight Loss

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Better.... I have started with a baby step.   Weight: 268 Exercise: Light, but I need to start walking in the mornings.   Alcohol: Less.   Calories: Much less.   The bottom line: Progress is progress.  Hopefully, we do better next week.  
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Fiber is filling and can assist with weight loss. We all know that fiber helps lower cholesterol and the risk of colon cancer.  In my opinion, when it comes to losing weight, a straightforward piece of advice may be more helpful than all the diet books, exercise, calorie counting, and portion measuring put together: Eat more…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss

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What is fiber?  Why do I need it?  How can I add it to my diet?  Read more of this article to find out everything you want or need to know about fiber. Fiber: Why Do We Need It? What Foods Are Rich In Fiber? Fiber is the performer, otherwise known as roughage. Simply put, it…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Nutrition, Roughage

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Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Lights, Research, Sleep, Weight Loss

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Rest and sleep and two keys to weight loss success. "Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise".Ben Franklin So should you walk up at 5 am and go out for a run?  Ben Franklin said that "Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise".  In the…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Rest, Road Bump, Sleep, Weight Loss

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Delicious garlic-filled recipe! Chicken, when cooked correctly, can be a delicious and nutritious meal.  When I was looking to lose weight, I found many of the recipes to be less than desirable.  I think you and your family will love this addition to your night-time rotation. This recipe is one that I really like.…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe
Tags: Healthy, Recipe, Weight Loss

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The magic of a pedometer is simple math. Ok.  The key to knowing more about pedometers is to know how the math works.  If you understand the math, you understand the science and mechanism behind the wizard that is a pedometer.  They are not all that complicated until you get to the smartwatch. Americans are…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Electronics, Exercise, Fitness, Fitness Electronics, Steps, Walking, Weight Loss

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Starting Fresh I am starting fresh with a new weight loss plan.  After retiring, I have gained nearly 40 pounds.  My health has suffered. Weight: 270 Exercise: What is that? Alcohol: Please.   Calories: too damn many.   The bottom line:  I need to lose weight and exercise more.  At 55, I am starting to…
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Water can help you lose weight. Americans are estimated to be 5-10% dehydrated, but too much water can be just as fatal as dehydration.  I would suspect that this estimate is low based on my trips to the grocery store.  Everyone I saw was loading their cart full of soda and coffee.  Both of these may…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Research, Water, Weight Loss

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An introduction to Portion Control One of the most common reasons for failure in weight loss is overeating.  No matter if you are trying to lose weight or just start eating healthier the first thing you need to learn is portion control.  The first step is to really understand what a portion or serving size…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Portion Control, Weight Loss

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Coffee can jump start your weight loss plan. Coffee is a nectar of the gods.  It is miraculous what it does to me each morning.  It truly wakes me from my zombielike state each morning.  It starts every day for many around the world.   I can speak for my administrative assistant and she thanks our maker…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coffee, Research, Satiety, Weight Loss

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Eating cake can derail your weight-loss train. Parties often involve a celebratory cake.  Cakes are full of sugar and fat.  The best of all is a buttercream cake.  The cake is often made pound cake which contains over a pound of butter and flour and that does not count what is in the icing.  How…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Cake, Nutrition, Road Bump, Weight Loss

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Beef Nachos Ok, it is college game day, and of course, who does not like nachos on game day?  This is a healthier twist to a game-time treat. This recipe is one your whole family will enjoy and come back asking for more. It might even give you healthy snacks while helping you…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Healthy, Nachos, Recipe, Weight Loss

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A pedometer can assist with accountability. Why buy a pedometer?  Many folks will tell you you are wasting your money if you buy a fitness tracker or pedometer.  Buying one has many benefits, but are they worth the investment?  How do pedometers help me with fitness and weight loss? Pedometer Why buy a pedometer? Pedometers…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Fitness Electronics, History, Pedometer, Walking

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Garcinia Cambogia is probably one to avoid! Source: Garcinia Cambogia Fruit which is a small green to pale yellow fruit that is shaped a like a pumpkin.  It is grown in Southeast Asia and Africa and is also know as brindleberry, Malabar tamarind, and kudam puli.   Garcinia cambogia…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Garcinia Cambogia Extract, Research, Supplement, Weight Loss

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Travel and weight loss: a bumpy road. Ok, I am on my first big trip to take a vacation.  That is actually two obstacle to continuing my health kick.  One is traveling and the other being on vacation.  I plan to attack this differently than I have in the past.  In the past, I would take…
Categories: Weight Loss

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A smaller plate can lead to a smaller waist. I know it sounds ridiculous.  I have heard for years that using a smaller bowl or plate will help you eat less.  Today, when we eat out, our portions are huge, and they seem to get larger every year.  We truly are not only supervising our…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Smaller Plate, Weight Loss

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Time to change the supplement rules and enforcement Supplements I am sure you remember the snake oil salesmen from the old westerns.  In a not too distant past, salespeople would go city to city and door to door to sell their wares, and these elixirs and tonics rarely worked, and many contained addictive ingredients such…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Supplements, Weight Loss

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Low-calorie foods might not be the answer. Eating Cardboard   "A gourmet who thinks of calories is like a tart who looks at her watch." -   ~ James Beard Everyone thinks that foods that are high in calories are unhealthy.  I will refute this right now.  Plain and simple this is untrue.  Cardboard is…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Food For Thought, High-calorie Foods

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What is the history of pedometers?   Pedometers were first popular in the 1960s.  They gained fame in the 1964 Olympics in Japan as the 10,000 Step Meter or  Manpo-Kei.  This caused a fitness explosion in Japan and many walking clubs sprung into existence.  Even though this is when pedometers gained popularity, they have existed…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Fitness Electronics, History, Pedometer, Walking

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Whey protein may help you lose weight. Whey Protein is one of the most common supplements for muscle building and weight loss.  I have heard a lot of outlandish claims about it.  I remember a press conference on YouTube a few years ago when one of the better-known companies claimed a higher rate of muscle…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Protein, Supplement, Weight Loss. Whey

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Airport Food: The options are slim and unhealthy. Airline meal I am in the airport in Dallas and I have to say it is a nice airport.  With a 2 hour layover, I have plenty of time to walk steps in the airport.  The open area and walkways between terminals will allowed me to get…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Airplane Food, Nutrition, Road Bump, Weight Loss

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Green tea boosts fat loss. Green tea has been widely recommended for just about anything that you can think up.  This liquid cure-all from the Orient is full of antioxidants and metabolism boosters.  The taste takes some time to get used to it, but once you do, it can be very pleasant. The question remains:…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Green Tea, Research, Weight Loss

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Peer pressure may be the root of all weight gain evil! One of the biggest obstacles to success in weight loss or weight loss management is peer pressure. Peer Pressure You are out to eat with your family and they decide they want to order dessert or your son opens the box of Oreos.  Oreo…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Peer Pressure, Research, Road Bump, Weight Loss

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Delicious garlic-filled recipe! Chicken, when cooked correctly, can be a delicious and nutritious meal.  When I was looking to lose weight, I found many of the recipes to be less than desirable.  I think you and your family will love this addition to your night-time rotation. This recipe is one that I really like.…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe
Tags: Healthy, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Does an illness need to derail your exercise plans? Should I exercise when I am sick?  This is not an exact answer.  But I will do my best to provide an answer.    What type of illnesses are we discussing? allergies colds coughs ear infections sinusitis tonsillitis throat infections (sore throat) Whether you should exercise…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cold, Common Cold, Exercise, Heat Injury, Illness

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The Bod Pod: Body Fat Percentages  The Bod Pod is the Cadillac of body fat percentages.  I have a scale in the bathroom and it does electrical impedance.  They are notorious for being 12 percentages off depending on hydration.  I decided to have the measurement done at our local wellness center to see where I…
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Bod Pod, Body Composition, Body Fat, Motivation, Weight Loss

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Will Alli help with weight loss? Orlistat is a pharmaceutical drug, sold over-the-counter under the name Alli, and under prescription as Xenical.  It has been on the market since 1999.  In 2007, it was released for over-the-counter sales under the name Alli.  The difference between the two pills, Alli and Xenical, is dosage.  Alli is…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Review, Supplements, Weight Loss

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Healthy, positive emotions are key to weight loss success. Weight loss quote with apple and tape measure If you are trying to lose right or get healthier, the worst thing you can do is feel that you have slipped up or are failing.  Regret and guilt will follow, and you will begin to worsen your eating…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Emotions, Weight Loss

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High protein diets may help with weight loss. High Protein Foods How does protein consumption affect weight loss?  I am not going o discuss a particular source of protein.  This is a post reviewing general research on the amount of protein consumption and weight loss.   The fad diets are out there.  Everyone has heard…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: High Protein, Research, Supplement, Weight Loss

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Calories from different sources are not the same. Cutting Calories I have had a lot of nutrition lectures.  Whether it was a medical instructor or a dietician that I visited when I was trying to lose weight, almost all of them said weight loss is all about calories.  Although this is true to a point, it…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Calories, Myth, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Eating Healthy In Restaurants Eating out with family and friends shouldn't be an excuse to eat unhealthy foods. This article contains five of the tips that I use to keep my calorie count down when I eat out.  Now, you can sit and enjoy your meal guilt-free.   So,  you can sit and enjoy the company of your family…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Eating Out, Nutrition, Restaurant, Weight Loss

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What is a pedometer, and how does one work? A pedometer is a relatively simple device.  Pedometers are devices that are portable and electronic, mechanical, or electromechanical and count each step a person takes by detecting the motion of the user's hands or hips.  They can be a simple mechanical device that just counts steps or as complex as the modern sports…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Calorie Counter, Exercise, Fitness Electronics, Pedometer, Step Count, Step Counter

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A new study found plant protein promotes high satiety.   In recent years, animal advocacy groups have been pushing for less animal and more plant based consumption.  Manufacturers have made progress in the texture of plant based products that look, taste, and feel like their animal based predecessors.  You…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetitie, Protein, Research, Satiety

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Cinnamon works!  Give it a try but consider using Ceylon cinnamon because it is safer at higher doses. Cinnamon You have heard me say a million times that there is no quick fix when it comes to weight loss.  Because being overweight or obese is so prevalent, the epidemic and potential cures are a favorite…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Insulin Resistance, Research, Weight Loss

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Green Coffee bean may help with weight loss, but it is probably not worth the risk. Green coffee beans are the seeds of the Coffee fruit.  They are simply normal coffee beans that haven’t been roasted.  When we roast coffee beans to produce drinking coffee, the process reduces the chemical chlorogenic acid level in the…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Green Coffee, Research, Supplements, Weight Loss

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Quote to inspire a healthy mindset: Motivation So you need a little motivation to get you to lose weight and exercise.  Focus on success.  You can do this.  Avoid these negative thoughts of failure and you will.  It may not happen as quickly as you would like, but it will happen as long as you keep…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inspiration, Quote, Weight Loss

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What is a healthy goal for weight loss? The problem with most dieters is they pick a target that is too lofty or unrealistic, and when they miss the mark, they become discouraged.  Being discouraged naturally leads to regret and guilt and these negation thoughts are not helpful with weight loss.  We are in the…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Smart Goals, Weight Loss

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Peanut butter can be a part of your weight loss plan. As a child, I loved to eat peanut butter sandwiches after exercise.  I used to have 1-2 after each football and basketball practice.  It is a staple food of many children and teenagers in America, but somewhere after that age,  peanut butter becomes vilified…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Peanut Butter, Research, Weight Loss

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Medications are hit-and-miss for weight loss...mostly a miss. I recently had a request to write an article on weight loss medications.   As a physician, I try everything in my arsenal to avoid going this route with patients.  I would prefer that they not have to take medications, but some cannot lose weight without them.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Medications, Question, Supplements, Weight Loss

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Good vs. Bad fats. Figure 1: Pound of Body Fat Disgusting fat! Would all of our weight loss problems be solved if we just eliminated fat from our diets? The simple answer is no, it's not that simple.  Fats are an important part of a healthy diet; you cannot live without them.  Essential fatty acids…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Healthy Fats, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Supplements create short-term success and are not the answer. supplement capsules Supplements that claim to stoke or speed up the metabolism have been around for decades and currently go by the name thermogenic or metabolism boosters.   They are currently one of the most popular weight loss supplements in the world, and the supplement companies have billions invested…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Supplements, Thermogenic, Weight Loss

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Weight loss supplements provide limited weight loss assistance. Supplements The weight loss supplement industry is a billion-dollar industry.  There is a lot of research out there that seems to support the use of supplements to lose weight.  What is the truth behind the research and should I take supplements? There are all sorts of different…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Bad, Danger, Good, Myth, Supplements, Truth

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Chicken Wrap This recipe is for a wrap you and your family will love as a meal on the go or for dinner when you need a break.  The best part is that it can be made with leftovers.
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Recipe, Rotissery, Weight Loss, Wrap

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The real truth about supplements and myths:   Figure 1:  Mortal and Pestle: This how many herbs are ground up for medicinal use.     What is the truth about supplements? Many health-conscious Americans are taking a vitamin, mineral, or supplement today.  I believe natural medicine has a role in health and wellness.  I grew up…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Bad, Danger, Good, Myth, Supplements, Truth

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More improvement.   I am below my goal now.  I am reassessing my goals.   Weight:  If you look at figure 1.  I lost 5.4 pounds this week.  I do not think the weight gain was real.  Some of the weights were a different…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report

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Yogurt could be one key to unlocking weight loss success. Yogurt One of the key lessons to achieving lasting weight loss is actually learning to eat correctly.  There are many foods that can be added to your diet to maximize weight loss or reduce weight gain.  One such food is yogurt.  There are plenty of…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Loss, Research, Weight, Weight Loss, Yogurt

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Inspiration may help you start right! Here is a thought.  Get started with the first step to being healthier today.  Lose one-half pound per week.  That sounds like very little, and you may ask…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inspiration, Quote, Weight Loss

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Weight loss mistakes make it more difficult. The is part 2 of the series.  I hope you find it helpful.   Obesity - Causes and Effects Dehydration:  Hydration is key and it is a research-proven method to lose weight and keep it off.  If you do not get enough fluids, you will gain weight.  There…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Loss, Mistakes, Weight, Weight Loss

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Smaller meals mean fewer calories...Maybe. Myth If you have health problems, discuss this and any dieting plans with your doctor or dietician.  They can help individualize your plan to your disease condition. One of the most common myths I hear is that it is better to eat 5-6 smaller meals rather than three larger meals. …
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Research, Smaller Meals, Weight Loss

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Hatch Chile Chicken: This recipe is a quick and delicious recipe that your family will love.  The best part is that it is low in fat and it can be eaten alone or added to a wrap or bowl.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Hatch Chile, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Medications are hit-and-miss for weight loss...mostly a miss. I recently had a request to write an article on weight loss medications.   As a physician, I try everything in my arsenal to avoid going this route with patients.  I would prefer that they not have to take medications, but some cannot lose weight without them.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Medications, Question, Supplements, Weight Loss

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Motivation is one key for weight loss success. The Way Get Started Is To Quit Talking And Begin Doing. ~ Walt Disney I have found it difficult to stay motivated and have to admit that I often fail to meet my target.  More times than not, I get backed into a corner and have no choice but to lose…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Weight Loss

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Eating healthy while eating out is not easy. Fast Food Restaurant I would prefer not to eat healthily when I eat out.  I would prefer just to eat what I want, but recently, I visited a restaurant that is a less common chain restaurant near Jacksonville, FL.  I reviewed the calorie content online as I…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dining, Eating, Out, Weight Loss

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Chicory root is a common additive to food.  It is also known as inulin.  You can read more to find out specifics and the pros and cons of Inulin. Figure 1:  Chicory Flower Chicory, or Cichorium intybus, grows in the United States and is cultivated in Mediterranean areas in Europe.  Chicory is a woody, perennial herbaceous plant of the dandelion…
Categories: Nutrition
Tags: Chicory, Fiber, Inulin, Root

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Thoughts of Quitting do not mean failure! Quitting Quote [pullquote]“Be the person that when your feet touch the floor in the morning the devil says, “aww shit.. they’re up…”  -- The Rock[/pullquote] We all think about quitting because weight loss seems so hard.  Focus on your goal and why you decided to take this quest,…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Inspirational Quote, Quitting, Weight Loss

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You can lose weight without cutting calories.   Cutting Calories This statement is partially true, but if you fail to lose weight or have some stubborn pounds you can lose, you should stop and reevaluate your caloric intake.  Your body needs a certain baseline level of calories.  I cannot count the number of people that think that…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Figure 1:  Microwave Meal A frozen dinner may not be what comes to mind when you think about trying to eat healthily. For people who live alone or are single, it might be difficult to cook healthy because small portions can be difficult.  If you cook large portions, some of the leftovers might spoil, or…
Categories: Nutrition
Tags: Frozen Meal, Microwave Meal, Nutrition

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Interval Training can assist with weight loss We have all looked for exercise to help maximize weight loss.  Which ones work and which ones do not?  All exercise will work for weight loss if you have a calorie deficit, but some work better. What is interval training?  Interval training is a type of exercise that combines various…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Interval, Loss, Training, Weight Loss

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Coffee can be a healthy part of nearly any diet. Cup of Coffee "Coffee is dangerous and unhealthy."  This is preposterous and untrue for most of us.  The reasoning behind this is coffee…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coffee, Dangerous, Mortality, Myth, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Is it time for an obesity code?   obesity The obesity rate in the United States is growing faster than the average waistline of a Dunkin' Doughnuts Patron.  Many of the nanny state politicians would make you think that we should consider taxing the food that is unhealthy or adding a tax for each inch of your…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Taxes, Weight Loss

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Avoiding mistakes is the key to success. Weight loss fail. Losing weight is not easy.  For some, the struggle to maintain a healthy weight, and others just give up and wallow in their obesity.  There are lots of mistakes you can make during your endeavor to lose weight.  These traps will lead to you ultimately failing…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Loss, Mistakes, Weight, Weight Loss

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Smaller meals mean fewer calories...Maybe. Myth If you have health problems, discuss this and any dieting plans with your doctor or dietician.  They can help individualize your plan to your disease condition. One of the most common myths I hear is that it is better to eat 5-6 smaller meals rather than three larger meals. …
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Research, Smaller Meals, Weight Loss

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A loaded pecan smoothie. I am from Georgia and have many pecan trees on my farm. Pecans are high in fiber and antioxidants.  The addition of pumpkin and banana make this an excellent source of vitamins and minerals.   In my home town, you can smell the pralines as they cook year-round. It is intoxicating. I…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chocolate, Pecan, Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Why did I choose walking as a form of exercise?  This is an easy answer for me.  It is an exercise that I can continue as I age.   Walking can be a simple form of exercise for the beginner, overweight, sedentary, or just the general couch potato.  It may not…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Walking

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Supplements create short-term success and are not the answer. supplement capsules Supplements that claim to stoke or speed up the metabolism have been around for decades and currently go by the name thermogenic or metabolism boosters.   They are currently one of the most popular weight loss supplements in the world, and the supplement companies have billions invested…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Supplements, Thermogenic, Weight Loss

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Fat but healthy: is it a real thing? I cannot count the number of times that a patient or family member has said that they are fat but healthy.  As a physician, I have no idea what that means, but it seems to be a common myth.  I guess,…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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I have read a lot about food choices in dieting and weight loss.  One question that is commonly asked: Are there any key food types to avoid?  Food that makes the most sense to avoid is this that has limits for no nutritional value.  Some of these are referred to as empty calories.  This term, empty…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dieting, Empty Calories, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Mustard Mustard may boost your metabolism and reduce insulin sensitivity.   Weight loss is tough for just about anyone that attempts it.  Few of us have the gift of the perfect metabolism that allows us to eat whatever we want and not gain weight.  No matter what your plan is, weight loss is best achieved through…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Mustard, Research, Spice, Weight Loss

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Okay.  Let's start with the basics.  If you understand the why and how of weight loss and weight gain, then losing weight is an easy concept that is very difficult to maintain.  Weight loss is not as easy as just pushing back from the table or not filling the feed bag.  You will need to…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Biochemistry, Calories, Weight Loss

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Today I am trying a new meal.  I paid $1.74 for Smart Ones Spaghetti meal. The photo is a fair representation of the meal inside.  It absolutely does not have the number of mushrooms in the photo, but that is ok because I don't care for mushrooms. I did add a little parmesan cheese to…
Categories: Nutrition, Review
Tags: Food, Italian, Meat Sauce, Microwave Meal, Nutrition, Review, Spaghetti, Weight Watchers

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Every so-called expert will tell you the secret to weight loss.  Anyone who tells you it is easy and you just have to eat lots of a single item, be leery.  Whether it is your sister or aunt telling you all you have to do is drink plenty of water and avoid all "xxx" foods.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Calorie Balance, Made Simple, Weight Loss

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Eating Healthy In Restaurants Eating out with family and friends shouldn't be an excuse to eat unhealthy foods. This article contains five of the tips that I use to keep my calorie count down when I eat out.  Now, you can sit and enjoy your meal guilt-free.   So,  you can sit and enjoy the company of your family…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Eating Out, Nutrition, Restaurant, Weight Loss

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Food Commercials Focus on Selling Food and Not on Your Health.   Potato Chips Every commercial we see on TV is directed at the sale of a product. It doesn't matter whether his Weight Watchers or Nutrisystem's, the intent is to sell a product.   There are a lot of fat diets out there, and most…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Junk Food, Research, Snacks

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Bread is one of the most common foods in the American diet. During the past 50 years, bread in America has had less and less nutritional value. We are engineering our bread to be more easily digestible and with less nutritional quality.  These tips will help you choose better bread.  One question I commonly receive…
Categories: Nutrition
Tags: Bread, Fiber, Nutrition, Protein, Whole Grain

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Understanding Calories and BMR can assist with weight loss "How many calories do I need?"  This is one of the most asked questions from people trying to lose weight.  This is a short and straightforward question, but it does not have an easy answer.  The correct answer is that it depends on several factors. What…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Bmr, Calculations, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Good morning!!!!! I am not a morning person, but I am excited to start fresh today.  If you have read any of my posts, you know I have decided to switch my diet around.  This is my first meal.  This is not regular toast; this is higher fiber and protein bread.   I am a…
Categories: Nutrition
Tags: Breakfast, Fiber, Meal, Protein, Weight Loss

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One of the biggest misconceptions I have found in articles, books, and conversations concerning weight loss is that all you have to do is remove a single food type or group from your diet to lose weight.  This is simply and patently false.  So what is the key to losing weight? There are plenty of…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Keys For Success, List, Weight Loss

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I have often thought about returning to running.  I remember my days in Germany running with a jogging stroller for fitness and in hope that this would induce sleep for my son.  It gave my wife a break and was a means for me to exercise.  I loved the stress release, and I could exercise…
Categories: Exercise
Tags: Cons, Exercise, Jogging, Pros, Running, Walking

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If someone wants to lose weight, they should know what they eat and drink daily. The most effective way to do this is to log these items in either a journal or an online food tracker. Awareness is a key step in weight loss and weight management. Researchers estimated in 2017 that there would be 3.7…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Awareness, Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Tracking, Weight Loss

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Butter has been vilified over the years.  Are there any healthier options?  This article discusses a few.  One of the questions I have been asked on more than one occasion is whether I should use butter or not.  I am a little different than most physicians, and I disagree with dietitians on this one.  I…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Butter, Margarine, Peanut Butter, Substitute

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Alcohol may not be as bad for weight loss you may think it is. There is research that has shown that a single drink a couple of times a week may lower your risk of becoming obese, but those who consume more than four drinks daily are more likely to be obese.  More to come on…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Obstacle, Research, Road Bump, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Moderate and low-intensity workouts are more efficient at burning fat.   Figure 1: Heart Rate Zones - Click for larger version. This statement centers on an age-old question that will be debated well after I am long from this Earth.  With mountains of research to explain the physiology, the question remains is low or high-intensity…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Fat, Myth, Weight Loss

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Chocolate Devine Smoothie It was adapted from a GreenBlender Smoothie: Death by Chocolate.  I really love this recipe, but I did not care for the fake yogurt added to it.  It is thick and creamy.  I am sure you will enjoy it too.  If you are vegan, swap…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chocolate, Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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What is fiber?  Why do I need it?  How can I add it to my diet?  Read more of this article to find out everything you want or need to know about fiber. Fiber: Why Do We Need It? What Foods Are Rich In Fiber? Fiber is the performer, otherwise known as roughage. Simply put, it…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Nutrition, Roughage

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Progress Report: I am making on eating healthier and getting more steps.  My weight had not budged.  I have gained about 40 pounds and now weigh 245.  It is a great first step to just avoid alcohol and get some steps.    I need to avoid ice cream and cookies.   The bottom line: Good…
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Mustard Mustard may boost your metabolism and reduce insulin sensitivity.   Weight loss is tough for just about anyone that attempts it.  Few of us have the gift of the perfect metabolism that allows us to eat whatever we want and not gain weight.  No matter what your plan is, weight loss is best achieved through…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Mustard, Research, Spice, Weight Loss

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Manufacturers and USDA have conspired for decades to make us fat.    Imagine a foreign power planning to infiltrate our government and conspiring to alter our food recommendations to encourage our citizens to eat unhealthy food choices.  The spies change our food guidelines to make us sick and…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Nutrition Vegetarian, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Peppermint may help avoid cravings.   Peppermint Tea The sense of smell is directly tied to taste and vice versa.  It makes sense that we might be attracted to foods that taste good.  I am sure you have felt an intense desire to consume certain foods and drinks after smelling them, such as cookies, pizza,…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Peppermint, Research, Weight Loss

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Does Food Flavor Lead to Obesity? We all have foods that we crave.  The mere thought of eating them brings the flavor to mind and makes our mouths water.  It has often been postulated that sweet or fatty flavors by themselves might cause obesity.  Fat, sugar, and carbohydrates have been vilified as culprits when discussing…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Flavor, Myth, Obesity, Research, Weight Gain

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Maqui Pluot Raspberry Smoothie This recipe is a delicious smoothie that is just as beautiful with its purple hue as it is nutritious.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Why walking?  This article reviews the many reasons walking is better than higher-impact exercise such as running.  For me, I chose walking because I have a physical limitation that keeps me from running long distances.  After having major ankle reconstruction surgery, I have been limited in my ability to run.  There are lots of reasons…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Running, Walking, Weight Loss

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I am starting with a similar post to where I started nearly seven years ago.  I have decided it is time to make a change in my life.  I am on new path to better health. In January, I decided to make a change. I gained 65 pounds in the prior three years. I have…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Progress Report
Tags: Health, Weight Loss

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Chili powder may help you lose weight.   chili powder A visitor to the site asked for chili powder can help with weight loss.  The answer, without a doubt, is: YES. Chili powder is a traditional smoky and spicy flavored spice that is used in Latin American and Tex-Mex cooking.  The ingredients of chili powder…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Chili Powder, Question, Research, Spicy, Weight Loss

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Why haven't I lost weight? I have said this before, but it is time to review this topic as we enter into the new year.  We are impatient and expect instant changes.  Weight loss takes time, and you need avoid becoming discouraged.   Weight loss and fitness require a lot of effort that is more…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Advice, Homor, Weight Loss

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Weight loss should be more than just pounds.   Waistline Weight loss as a term is itself the problem with getting healthy.  Instead of calling it losing weight, we need to focus on getting healthy overall and belly fat loss.  When it comes to weight loss, a lot of folks focus on that number on…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Research, Waist Circumference, Weight Loss

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Doing Crunches will not give you a six-pack, but walking your butt off will. Many people want to lose fat from one specific area of their body.  How many guys or gals do I see in the gym who are overtraining a particular area.  Examples are you might…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Weight Loss

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Raspberry Kefir Smoothie This recipe is the best-tasting raspberry smoothie I have ever had. This recipe is a delicious smoothie with the fiber and protein to keep you full and the vitamins and antioxidants of maqui berry powder.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Kefir, Raspberry, Recipe, Smoothie

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Clean eating will not in itself help with weight loss. Clean eating: oatmeal cereal, apple, and smoothie Nutritious fruit and vegetables Firstly, what is clean eating?  Clean eating means consuming minimally processed foods such as unrefined, whole, unprocessed, wild, pasture-raised, hormone-free - the way nature intended.  On these diets, you try to consume very little…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Clean Eating, Myth, Weight Loss

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Quote to inspire a healthy mindset: Motivation So you need a little motivation to get you to lose weight and exercise.  Focus on success.  You can do this.  Avoid these negative thoughts of failure and you will.  It may not happen as quickly as you would like, but it will happen as long as you keep…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inspiration, Quote, Weight Loss

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Green Coffee bean may help with weight loss but it is probably not worth the risk. Green coffee beans are the seeds of the Coffee fruit.  They simply normal coffee beans that haven’t been roasted.  When we roast coffee beans to produce drinking coffee, the process reduces the chemical chlorogenic acid level in the coffee…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coffee, Supplements, Weight Loss

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The Wild West of supplements is mostly unregulated. Supplements Capsules Dietary supplementation is in need of a change. I sesame recommend a need for regulation or laws, but this is one area that needs some moderation. The actual crisis is the fact that the supplement manufacturers are made up of snake oil salesmen and crooks. Although…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Nutrition, Supplement, Weight Loss

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High-intensity interval training may make regional fat loss possible. Running Stairs High-intensity interval training HIIT has been in the exercise new a lot in recent years.  It has been highlighted as an exercise that can be done in a shorter period of time, works better for reducing central body fat, and is in the spotlight as…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss

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Calories from different sources are not the same. Cutting Calories I have had a lot of nutrition lectures.  Whether it was a medical instructor or a dietician that I visited when I was trying to lose weight, almost all of them said weight loss is all about calories.  Although this is true to a point, it…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Weight Loss

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Raspberry Kefir Smoothie This recipe is the best-tasting raspberry smoothie I have ever had. This recipe is a delicious smoothie with the fiber and protein to keep you full and the vitamins and antioxidants of maqui berry powder.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Interval Training can assist with weight loss We have all looked for exercise to help maximize weight loss.  Which ones work and which ones do not?  All exercise will work for weight loss if you have a calorie deficit, but some work better. What is interval training?  Interval training is a type of exercise that combines various…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Interval, Loss, Training, Weight Loss

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A new study found plant protein promotes high satiety.   In recent years, animal advocacy groups have been pushing for less animal and more plant based consumption.  Manufacturers have made progress in the texture of plant based products that look, taste, and feel like their animal based predecessors.  You…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetitie, Protein, Research, Satiety

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Do Carbohydrates Help or Hurt Weight Loss? Carbohydrates have been vilified over the years.  The Adkin's diet and other low carbohydrate diets have highlighted carbs as the primary cause of our obesity problem in the United States.  Is there any truth to this claim or is this just hype to sell books and low-carb foods?   Research…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Carbohydrates, Frutose, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Research Proven, Sugars, Weight Loss

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Keto diets are too restrictive and are not sustainable for long haul. Ketogenic low carbs diet. The ketogenic diet or ‘keto diet’ is one of the new favorite diets that your see on the cover the grocery store garbage magazine. This a dietary approach is not new. Keto diets have been used for decades by…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Keto Diet, Ketogenic, Ketogenic Diet, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Does diet soda help or hurt weight loss?   A cold glass of soda drink The recent bans and taxes in liberal cities to paternalistically protect you from the evils of sugar or carbonation are nothing new.  The bullseye on soda or carbonated sweetened drinks has been around for a long time and they want you…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Artificial, Aspartame, Fountain Drink, Obesity, Soda, Soft Drink, Sweetener, Waistline, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Weight loss supplements provide limited weight loss assistance. Suplements The weight loss supplement industry is a billion dollar industry.  There is a lot of research out there that seems to support the use of supplements to lose weight.  What is the truth behind the research and should I take supplements? There are all sorts of…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Bad, Danger, Good, Myth, Supplements, Truth

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A delicious smoothie to remind you of a childhood treat. When first introduced, smoothies were a huge success. They are a far cry from the Orange Julius drinks I had a child. They are nutritious and can be a filling part of or replacement for a meal while on the go. My all-time favorite is…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition. Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Tips to avoid late-night snacking Snacking can be the enemy of weight loss and cause significant weight gain.  If you can prevent snacking and grazing, you will be a step ahead in losing weight.  
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: List, Snack, Weight Loss

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Healthy, positive emotions are key to weight loss success. Weight loss quote with apple and tape measure If you are trying to lose right or get healthier, the worst thing you can do is feel that you have slipped up or are failing.  Regret and guilt will follow, and you will begin to worsen your eating…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Emotions, Weight Loss

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Supplements create short-term success and are not the answer. supplement capsules Supplements that claim to stoke or speed up the metabolism have been around for decades and currently go by the name thermogenic or metabolism boosters.   They are currently one of the most popular weight loss supplements in the world and the supplement companies have billions invested…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Supplements, Thermogenic, Weight Loss

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Should I be worried? The "so-what" to research results from 2013. There are hundreds of millions so people suffering from Diabetes type 2 around the globe (if not more). This disease is caused by an inability to properly process sugar from the blood. Normally, insulin signals our cells to pull sugar from our blood when…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Blood Sugar, Chewing, Editorial, Research, Satiety

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Artificially sweetened beverages may not be as benign as we think. Refreshing Bubbly Soda Pop There are a lot of people out there who drink diet sodas. It is a huge market with sales in the billions of dollars. There is a perception that diet sodas are healthier than sugar-sweetened sodas. The manufacturers claim that…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Artificial sweeteners, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Mortality, Research, Sugar

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To remain healthy and keep the weight off, you must watch what you eat. All-You-Can-Eat-Buffet Obesity is associated with an increased risk of several chronic diseases, but being thin or losing weight does not resolve that risk if you fail to maintain the change in your diet.  You will need to keep a healthy diet…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Butter or Ghee: Which one is better?   The question of butter or ghee is quite a conundrum.  Ghee is all the rave.  Whether you are trying to lose weight or not, you can find lots of claims to the benefits of ghee with a quick internet search.  
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Butter, Ghee], Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Ten beverages that will pack on the pounds.   I think we all like having a drink during a social event.  The problem is these babies are full of empty calories, but not all drinks are created equal.  Some, in particular, are high in fat and sugar.  The empty calories are the reason you should…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Alcohol, List, Weight Loss

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Peanut butter can be a part of your weight loss plan. As a child, I loved to eat peanut butter sandwiches after exercise.  I used to have 1-2 after each football and basketball practice.  It is a staple food of many children and teenagers in America, but somewhere after that age,  peanut butter becomes vilified…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Peanut Butter, Research, Weight Loss

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Thoughts of Quitting does not mean failure! Quitting Quote [pullquote]“Be the person that when your feet touch the floor in the morning the devil says, “aww shit.. they’re up…”  -- The Rock[/pullquote] We all think about quitting because weight loss seems so hard.  Focus on your goal and why you decided to take this quest…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Inspirational Quote, Quitting, Weight Loss

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Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Caloric Density, Research, Weight Loss

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Weight loss mistakes make it more difficult. The is part 2 of the series.  I hope you find it helpful.   Obesity - Causes and Effects Dehydration:  Hydration is key and it is a research-proven method to lose weight and keep it off.  If you do not get enough fluids, you will gain weight.  There…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Loss, Mistakes, Weight, Weight Loss

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Apricot, Blueberry, Protein Smoothie Apricot, Blueberry, Protein Smoothie A beautiful and delicious smoothie to add antioxidants to your or snack morning meal.  It is packed with vitamins and fiber.
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss

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How to avoid overeating while traveling.   Travel and Dieting: The Open Road Traveling can create difficult obstacles to eating a healthy diet.  It may seem like the two are incompatible, and you may feel like just waiting until after the holiday season or your big trip.  The stress of traffic and being in the…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dieting, Fast Food, List, Travel, Weight Loss

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Green Coffee bean may help with weight loss, but it is probably not worth the risk. Green coffee beans are the seeds of the Coffee fruit.  They are simply normal coffee beans that haven’t been roasted.  When we roast coffee beans to produce drinking coffee, the process reduces the chemical chlorogenic acid level in the…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Green Coffee, Research, Supplements, Weight Loss

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Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Break, Research, Weight Loss

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It is not eating at night but rather eating near your bedtime that causes weight gain.   Businessperson sleeping in office Nighttime eating, mainly before bed, has received considerable attention over the past several years.  Limiting food at night has been proposed as both a weight loss strategy and approach to improve health and body…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Nighttime Meals, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Alcohol in moderation does not significantly increase weight.   Glass of Beer I have always been told that alcohol consumption is not conducive to weight loss and can significantly increase weight gain since it is empty calories.  I believe this is true if you fail to moderate your consumption.  The calories from alcohol like that…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Alcohol, Research, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Smaller meals mean fewer calories...Maybe. Myth If you have health problems, discuss this and any dieting plans with your doctor or dietician.  They can help individualize your plan to your disease condition. One of the most common myths I hear is that it is better to eat 5-6 smaller meals rather than three larger meals. …
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Research, Smaller Meals, Weight Loss

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Chocolate Covered Almonds Smoothies Chocolate Covered Almonds Smoothie This recipe is delicious and moderately high in fiber, and the addition of lacuna creates a taste of peanuts. You will love it.  
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss

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If you snooze better, you will be more likely to lose weight. Sleep Sleep is essential for your health and successful weight loss.  The truth is that you can sleep your way to a smaller waistline.  If you do not get enough sleep, your metabolism will slow, and your body will degrade.  This post is…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: List, Sleep, Weight Loss

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What is a pedometer, and how does one work? A pedometer is a relatively simple device.  Pedometers are devices that are portable and electronic, mechanical, or electromechanical and count each step a person takes by detecting the motion of the user's hands or hips.  They can be a simple mechanical device that just counts steps or as complex as the modern sports…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Calorie Counter, Exercise, Fitness Electronics, Pedometer, Step Count, Step Counter

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Daily self-weighing is effective in the prevention of holiday-associated weight gain. Apple, Scale, and Tape Measure Holiday weight gain is a huge problem for all Americans. Some gain as many as ten pounds or more from November to January. The average holiday weight gain is reported to be about 3-4 pounds which clearly and contributes…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Daily Self-Weighing, Holidays, Research, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Addiction to being healthy is not easy.   I am addicted to food. I have been addicted to food for years.  This idea is not some new revelation, but it is something that I wish would go away. After many years of being exposed to its powers, I spent hours…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Execise, Healthy Life, Nutrition

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Chia seeds may induce weight loss Chia seeds Chia seeds or Salvia hispanica have a food additive that have recently become the center of attention for many people interested in healthy and fitness.  I have seen a lot of outlandish claims, but some of them have a basis behind them.  I have seen some claim…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss

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A quote can be used as a method of encouraging good behavior. Challenges Success isn't easy, and that's a good thing - at least in business. If it was easy, everybody would be doing it and your competition would be outrageous!"  ~ David Fairweather We should always try to be successful in all that we do.…
Categories: Weight Loss

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Merry Christmas Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.   This is a great time of year to enjoy you family so from my family to yours, Merry Christmas.  Enjoy the family time and don't worry about your diet.  As I have said many times this year, have a great day and don't go "hog wild".  The less…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Merry Christmas, Wish

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How to survive with your sanity after the holidays with your family. I have often thought about a vacation in sub-Sahara Africa during the holiday season to avoid my family.  I guess I could play possum or just stop answering the door and phone.  I love my family, but ten…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Alcohol, Anxiety, Christmas Tips, Holiday Tips, Stress

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Supplements create short-term success and are not the answer. supplement capsules Supplements that claim to stoke or speed up the metabolism have been around for decades and currently go by the name thermogenic or metabolism boosters.   They are currently one of the most popular weight loss supplements in the world, and the supplement companies have billions invested…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Supplements, Thermogenic, Weight Loss

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You do not need to avoid your favorite foods to lose weight.   Overweight man watching television with doughnuts Weight loss is all about a reduction in calorie intake.  Banning a single food is an over-simplistic view of weight loss.  Sure if you cannot limit your consumption of ice cream, you need to avoid it.  Everyone…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Weight Loss

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Calories from different sources are not the same. Cutting Calories I have had a lot of nutrition lectures.  Whether it was a medical instructor or a dietician that I visited when I was trying to lose weight, almost all of them said weight loss is all about calories.  Although this is true to a point, it…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Weight Loss

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Commercial Weight Loss May Be Superior Primary Care Directed Plans.   I know this is a no brainer.  Primary care managers do not have the time nor is it the right focus for intensive behavioral interaction.  It is the ideal to bring up the concerns, but the follow…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Weight loss supplements provide limited weight loss assistance. Suplements The weight loss supplement industry is a billion dollar industry.  There is a lot of research out there that seems to support the use of supplements to lose weight.  What is the truth behind the research and should I take supplements? There are all sorts of…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Bad, Danger, Good, Myth, Supplements, Truth

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A refreshing green fruit smoothie. Collard greens are one of the only vegetables with protein and they have a healthy dose of fiber as well. They do not stop there because they are high in vitamins A, C, and calcium.  This mixed with cashews and fruit to round out the nutritional smorgasbord. This smoothie will…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Fruit, Green, Recipe, Smoothie

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Healthy, positive emotions are key to weight loss success. Weight loss quote with apple and tape measure If you are trying to lose right or get healthier, the worst thing you can do is feel that you have slipped up or are failing.  Regret and guilt will follow, and you will begin to worsen your eating…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Emotions, Weight Loss

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The facts about self weigh-ins. One of the most common questions I receive is how often should you weigh yourself. This is not a simple question and there is no right answer. I have been a physician for a long time and many health care professionals and fitness experts try to make it more simple…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Question, Scale, Water, Weight Loss, Weight-in

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What is a healthy goal for weight loss? The problem with most dieters is they pick a target that is too lofty or unrealistic, and when they miss the mark, they become discouraged.  Being discouraged naturally leads to regret and guilt and these negation thoughts are not helpful with weight loss.  We are in the…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Smart Goals, Weight Loss

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Paternal exercise appears to improve glucose metabolism in offspring.   Dads, this is one more reason to shed that dad bod before you start procreating.  Exercise has many positive effects outside of physical fitness and improved stamina.  Exercise lowers stress and improves your cognitive ability.  Exercise is synergistic with…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Metabolic, Research

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Not all carbs are bad. Sure, they all end up as a simple sugar.  They all end up being stored as fat or burned for energy.   Products rich of complex carbohydrates. Now for the rest of the message: not all carbohydrates are the same.  There are two basic types of carbohydrates: simple and complex.…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Bad, Carbohydrate, Carbs, Myth, Nutrition

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Red Tomatillo Salsa I love Chipotle Mexican Grill.  It is like the Subway of TexMex.  If you make smart choices, it can be healthy.  This recipe is a spicy salsa recipe inspired by their Red Tomatillo Salsa.  It is not the same, but I am sure you will love it.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Salsa, Tomatillo

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Ten beverages that will pack on the pounds.   I think we all like having a drink during a social event.  The problem is these babies are full of empty calories, but not all drinks are created equal.  Some, in particular, are high in fat and sugar.  The empty calories are the reason you should…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Alcohol, List, Weight Loss

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New research points to a vegan diet as a solution for elevated weight and obesity. The biggest nutritional argument of the past twenty years has been between the low-carbohydrate and low-fat crowds.  There is plenty of research to back up both sides claims that…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: High Carbohydrate, Research, Vegan Diet, Weight Loss

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The magic of pedometer is simple math. Ok.  The key to knowing more about pedometers is to know how the math works.  If you understand the math, you understand the science and mechanism behind the wizard that is a pedometer.  They are not all that complicated until you get to the smartwatch. Americans are becoming…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Electronics, Exercise, Fitness, Fitness Electronics, Steps, Walking, Weight Loss

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Bacteria supplementation appears to help with weight loss and metabolic syndrome Bacteria People have long looked for magical weight loss cure. Anything that could help you gain that advantage against the losing battle to lose weight which most of us have struggled with our whole life. Although it is not coming to market or a…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Bacteria, Metabolic Syndrome, Obesity, Weight Loss

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[pullquote]Never give up!  Everyone has a bad day or weekend.  Pick yourself up and Keep Going![/pullquote]  We have all experienced a momentary lapse in judgment.  I did it this weekend myself.  You meant to just grab a cup of coffee on your drive into work this morning.  You stopped at Starbucks, and there it was…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Weight Loss

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A delicious side dish that will add a lot of flavor to any meal. A simple and delicious dish to serve with roast meats.  It is easy to make and even my teenage son loves it.  It is also very filling and full of healthy fats. My family loves this recipe so much I republished…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Weight Loss

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Birthdays should be guilt-free. Colorful cupcakes with candles spelling Happy Birthday Today is my birthday, and I am 55. I am a Sagittarius, and according to myth, I should be impulsive and fiery. I guess that is pretty much a fact. I fully intend to have my cake, and I will eat it, too!! When…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Happy Birthday

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Will Alli help with weight loss? Orlistat is a pharmaceutical drug, sold over-the-counter under the name Alli, and under prescription as Xenical.  It has been on the market since 1999.  In 2007, it was released for over-the-counter sales under the name Alli.  The difference between the two pills, Alli and Xenical, is dosage.  Alli is…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Supplement, Weight Loss

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Inspiration may help you start right! Here is a thought.  Get started with the first step to being healthier today.  Lose one half pound per week.  That sounds like very little and you may…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inspiration, Quote, Weight Loss

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A pedometer can assist with accountability. Why buy a pedometer?  Many folks out there will tell you that you are wasting your money if you buy a fitness tracker or pedometer.  There are many benefits to buying one, but are they worth the investment?  How do pedometers help me with fitness and weight loss? Pedometer…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss

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Smaller meals mean fewer calories...Maybe. Myth If you have health problems, discuss this and any dieting plans with your doctor or dietician.  They can help individualize your plan to your disease condition. One of the most common myths I hear is that it is better to eat 5-6 smaller meals rather than three larger meals. …
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Research, Smaller Meals, Weight Loss

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Delicious garlic-filled recipe! Chicken, when cooked correctly, can be a delicious and nutritious meal.  When I was looking to lose weight, I found many of the recipes to be less than desirable.  I think you and your family will love this addition to your night-time rotation. This recipe is one that I really like.…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe
Tags: Healthy, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Does an illness need to derail your exercise plans? Should I exercise when I am sick?  This is not an exact answer.  But I will do my best to provide an answer.    What type of illnesses are we discussing? allergiescoldscoughsear infectionssinusitistonsillitisthroat infections (sore throat) Whether you should exercise depends not on the several issues:…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cold, Common Cold, Exercise, Heat Injury, Illness

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Happy Thanksgiving Today is the day of plenty.  Please enjoy your Thanksgiving.   Tomorrow is another day. Happy thanksgiving against the autumn scene A day late and a dollar short. The most important thing about Thanksgiving is you should feel no regret and no guilt.  Focus on recovery tomorrow.  Tomorrow I will post an article…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Happy Thanksgiving

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Green Coffee bean may help with weight loss, but it is probably not worth the risk. Green coffee beans are the seeds of the Coffee fruit.  They are simply normal coffee beans that haven’t been roasted.  When we roast coffee beans to produce drinking coffee, the process reduces the chemical chlorogenic acid level in the…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Green Coffee, Research, Supplements, Weight Loss

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Eating healthy while eating out is not easy. Fast Food Restaurant I personally would prefer to not eat healthy when I eat out.  I would prefer to just eat what I want, but recently, I visited a restaurant that is a less common chain restaurant near Jacksonville, FL.  I reviewed the calorie content online as…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dining, Eating, Out, Weight Loss

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What is the history of pedometers?   Pedometers were first popular in the 1960s.  They gained fame in the 1964 Olympics in Japan as the 10,000 Step Meter or  Manpo-Kei.  This caused a fitness explosion in Japan and many walking clubs sprung into existence.  Even though this is when pedometers gained popularity, they have existed…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Fitness Electronics, History, Pedometer, Walking

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Daily self-weighing may be a successful prevention measure for weight gain  We are all looking for that tip to prevent obesity and weight gain.  There is no magic bullet, but there are things that may help.  Over the last 20 years, I have read many books that suggest that daily…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research, Scale, Weight Loss

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A simple Tex-Mex dish that is also healthy. Tex Mex Pizza A delicious and simple recipe for Mexican pizza your family will love. Mexican Pizza is delicious as a pizza crust or flour tortilla topped with any number of toppings. You can add beans, beef, cheese, sour cream, onions, tomatoes, jalapeños, or even guacamole. The…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Mexican Pizza, Pizza, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Quote to inspire a healthy mindset: Motivation So you need a little motivation to get you to lose weight and exercise.  Focus on success.  You can do this.  Avoid these negative thoughts of failure and you will.  It may not happen as quickly as you would like, but it will happen as long as you keep…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inspiration, Quote, Weight Loss

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Green Coffee bean may help with weight loss, but it is probably not worth the risk. Green coffee beans are the seeds of the Coffee fruit.  They are simply normal coffee beans that haven’t been roasted.  When we roast coffee beans to produce drinking coffee, the process reduces the chemical chlorogenic acid level in the…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Green Coffee, Research, Supplements, Weight Loss

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What is fasting and is it a safe option for weight loss? Fasting Scale I am preparing to try fasting.  Before I start, as preparation, I have been reading as much as I can find to determine if fasting is safe and what the best type of fasting is for me.   Like many of…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fasting, Weight Loss

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High protein diets may help with weight loss. High Protein Foods How does protein consumption affect weight loss?  I am not going o discuss a particular source of protein.  This is a post reviewing general research on the amount of protein consumption and weight loss.   The fad diets are out there.  Everyone has heard…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: High Protein, Research, Weight Loss

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What is fiber?  Why do I need it?  How can I add it to my diet?  Read more of this article to find out everything you want or need to know about fiber. Fiber: Why Do We Need It? What Foods Are Rich In Fiber? Fiber is the performer otherwise known as roughage. Simply put it…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Nutrition, Roughage

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Eating Healthy In Restaurants Eating out with family and friends shouldn't be an excuse to eat unhealthy foods. This article contains five of the tips that I use to keep my calorie count down when I eat out.  Now, you can sit and enjoy your meal guilt-free.   So,  you can sit and enjoy the company of your family…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Eating Out, Healthy Diet, Weight Loss

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What is a pedometer, and how does one work? A pedometer is a relatively simple device.  Pedometers are devices that are portable and electronic, mechanical, or electromechanical and count each step a person takes by detecting the motion of the user's hands or hips.  They can be a simple mechanical device that just counts steps or as complex as the modern sports…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Calorie Counter, Exercise, Fitness Electronics, Pedometer, Step Count, Step Counter

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Green Coffee bean may help with weight loss, but it is probably not worth the risk. Green coffee beans are the seeds of the Coffee fruit.  They are simply normal coffee beans that haven’t been roasted.  When we roast coffee beans to produce drinking coffee, the process reduces the chemical chlorogenic acid level in the…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Green Coffee, Research, Supplements, Weight Loss

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Bread is one of the most common foods in the American diet. During the past 50 years, bread in America has had less and less nutritional value. We are engineering our bread to be more easily digestible and with less nutritional quality.  These tips will help you chose a better bread.  One question I commonly…
Categories: Nutrition
Tags: Bread, Fiber, Nutrition, Protein, Whole Grain

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A new study found plant protein promotes high satiety.   In recent years, animal advocacy groups have been pushing for less animal and more plant based consumption.  Manufacturers have made progress in the texture of plant based products that look, taste, and feel like their animal based predecessors.  You…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetitie, Protein, Research, Satiety

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Weight loss mistakes make it more difficult. The is part 2 of the series.  I hope you find it helpful.   Obesity - Causes and Effects Dehydration:  Hydration is key and it is a research-proven method to lose weight and keep it off.  If you do not get enough fluids, you will gain weight.  There…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Loss, Mistakes, Weight, Weight Loss

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Chicken Wrap This recipe is for a wrap that you and your family will love as a meal on the go or for dinner when you need a break.  The best part is that it can be made with leftovers.
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Recipe, Rotissery, Weight Loss, Wrap

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Interval Training can assist with weight loss We have all looked for exercise to help maximize weight loss.  Which ones work and which ones do not?  All exercise will work for weight loss if you have a calorie deficit, but some work better. What is interval training?  Interval training is a type of exercise that combines various…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Interval, Loss, Training, Weight Loss

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Supplements create short-term success and are not the answer. supplement capsules Supplements that claim to stoke or speed up the metabolism have been around for decades and currently go by the name thermogenic or metabolism boosters.   They are currently one of the most popular weight loss supplements in the world and the supplement companies have billions invested…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Supplements, Thermogenic, Weight Loss

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Okay.  Let's start with the basics.  If you understand the why and how of weight loss and weight gain then losing weight is an easy concept that is very difficult to maintain.  Weight loss is not as easy as just pushing back from the table or not filling the feed bag.  You will need to…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Biochemistry, Calories, Weight Loss

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Good vs. Bad fats. Figure 1: Pound of Body Fat Disgusting fat! Would all of our weight loss problems be solved if we just eliminated fat from our diets? The simple answer is no, it's not that simple.  Fats are an important part of a healthy diet and you cannot live without them.  Essential fatty…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Healthy Fats, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Coffee can be a healthy part of nearly any diet. Cup of Coffee "Coffee is dangerous and unhealthy."  This is preposterous and untrue for most of us.  The reasoning behind this is coffee…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coffee, Dangerous, Mortality, Myth, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Hatch Chile Chicken: This recipe is a quick and delicious recipe that your family will love.  The best part is that it is low in fat and it can be eaten alone or added to a wrap or bowl.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Hatch Chile, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Why did I choose walking as a form of exercise?  This is an easy answer for me.  It is an exercise that I can continue as I age.   Walking can be a simple from of exercise for the beginner, overweight, sedentary, or just the general couch potato.  It may not…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Walking

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Peppermint may help avoid cravings.   Peppermint Tea The sense of smell is directly tied to taste and vice versa.  It makes sense that we might be attracted to foods that taste good.  I am sure you have felt an intense desire to consume certain foods and drinks after smelling, such as cookies, pizza, or…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Peppermint, Research, Satiety, Spice, Weight Loss

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Avoiding mistakes is the key to success. Weight loss fail. Losing weight is not easy.  For some, the struggle to maintain a healthy weight, and others just give up and wallow in their obesity.  There are lots of mistakes you can make during your endeavor to lose weight.  These traps will lead to you ultimately failing…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Loss, Mistakes, Weight, Weight Loss

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The real truth about supplements and myths:   Figure 1:  Mortal and Pestle: This how many herbs are ground up for medicinal use.     What is the truth about supplements? A lot of health-conscious Americans are taking a vitamin, mineral, or supplement today.  I believe natural medicine has a role in health and wellness.  I…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Bad, Danger, Good, Myth, Supplements, Truth

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Manufacturers and USDA have conspired for decades to make us fat.    Imagine a foreign power planning to infiltrate our government and to conspire to alter our food recommendations to encourage our citizens to eat unhealthy food choices.  The spies change our food guidelines to make us sick…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Alcohol may not be as bad for weight loss you may think it is. There is research that has shown that a single drink a couple of times a week may lower your risk of becoming obese, but those who consume more than four drinks daily are more likely to be obese.  More to come on…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Obstabcle, Road Bump, Weight Loss

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Chocolate Devine Smoothie It was adapted from a GreenBlender Smoothie: Death by Chocolate.  I really love this recipe, but I did not care for the fake yogurt added to it.  It is thick and creamy.  I am sure you will enjoy it too.  If you are vegan, swap…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chocolate, Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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I have often though about returning to running.  I remember my days in Germany running with a jogging stroller for fitness and in hope that this would induce sleep for my son.  It gave my wife a break and was a means for me to exercise.  I loved the stress release and I could exercise…
Categories: Exercise
Tags: Cons, Exercise, Jogging, Pros, Running, Walking

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Peanut butter can be a part of your weight loss plan. As a child, I loved to eat peanut butter sandwiches after exercise.  I used to have 1-2 after each football and basketball practice.  It is a staple food of many children and teenagers in America, but somewhere after that age,  peanut butter becomes vilified…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Peanut Butter, Research, Weight Loss

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Ten high-protein snacks that will help prevent grazing the candy bowls We all have had one of those days.  You are having one of those days with no white space and the marathon of back-to-back meetings all day long.  Dinner will be late, and you know that the enemy…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: High Protein, List, Snacks

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Just say no to being hangry. I know you have experienced it.  You start a new diet and now you are both angry from low blood sugar and hungry from the lack of food.  The problem is that this might not be what really happens.  A study from…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Moderate and low-intensity workouts are more efficient at burning fat.   Figure 1: Heart Rate Zones - Click for larger version. This statement centers on an age-old question that will be debated well after I am long from this Earth.  With mountains of research to explain the physiology, the question remains is low or high-intensity…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Intensity, Myth, Weight Loss

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Maqui Pluot Raspberry Smoothie This recipe is a delicious smoothie that is just as beautiful with its purple hue as it is nutritious.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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One of the biggest misconceptions I have found in articles, books, and conversations concerning weight loss is that all you have to do is remove a single food type or group from your diet to lose weight.  This is simply and patently false.  So what is the key to losing weight? There are plenty of…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Keys For Success, Weight Loss

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Low-calorie foods might not be the answer. Eating Cardboard   "A gourmet who thinks of calories is like a tart who looks at her watch." -   ~ James Beard Everyone thinks that foods that are high in calories are unhealthy.  I will refute this right now.  Plain and simple this is untrue.  Cardboard is…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Food For Thought, High-calorie Foods

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Medications are hit and miss for weight loss...mostly a miss. I recently had a request to write an article one weight loss medications.   As a physician, I try everything in my arsenal to avoid going this route with patients.  I would prefer that they not have to take medications, but some are not able…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Medications, Research, Weight Loss

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Understanding Calories and BMR can assist with weight loss "How many calories do I need?"  This is one of the most asked questions from people trying to lose weight.  A short and straightforward question, but it does not have an easy answer.  The most correct answer is that it depends on several factors. What is…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: BMR Calculations, Wight Loss

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Yogurt could be one key to unlock weight loss success. Yogurt One of the key lessons to achieving lasting weight loss is actually learning to eat correctly.  There are many foods that can be added to your diet to maximize weight loss or reduce weight gain.  One such food is yogurt.  There are plenty of…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Loss, Research, Weight, Weight Loss, Yogurt

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I have read a lot about food choices in dieting and weight loss.  One question that is commonly asked: Are there any key food types to avoid?  Food that makes the most sense to avoid is this that has limits for no nutritional value.  Some of these are referred to as empty calories.  This term, empty…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dieting, Empty Calories, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Apple Maqui Kumquat Smoothie I recently tried kumquats for the first time.  This tart little citrus fruit is delicious in a smoothie.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Chicory root is a common additive to food.  It is also known as inulin.  You can read more to find out specifics and the pros and cons of Inulin. Figure 1:  Chicory Flower Chicory or Cichorium intybus, grows in the United States and is cultivated in Mediterranean areas in Europe.  Chicory is a woody, perennial herbaceous plant of the dandelion…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicory, Fiber, Inulin, Root

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New research points to a vegan diet as a solution for elevated weight and obesity. The biggest nutritional argument of the past twenty years has been between the low-carbohydrate and low-fat crowds.  There is plenty of research to back up both sides claims that…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: High Carbohydrate, Research, Vegan Diet, Weight Loss

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Butter has been vilified over the years.  Are there any healthier options?  This article discusses a few.  One of the questions I have been asked on more than one occasion is whether should I use butter or not.  I am a little different than most physicians, and I do not agree with dietitians on this…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Butter, Margarine, Peanut Butter, Substitute

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Paternal exercise appears to improve glucose metabolism in offspring.   Dads, this is one more reason to shed that dad bod before you start procreating.  Exercise has many positive effects outside of physical fitness and improved stamina.  Exercise lowers stress and improves your cognitive ability.  Exercise is synergistic with…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Metabolic, Research

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People over 50 years should exercise. Elderly Walking Regardless of age, exercise is a key part of maintaining and improving your fitness and health.  A 50- or 60-year-old body isn't the same as a 20-year-old, but exercise can benefit everyone.  Exercise is key to lowering stress, improving sleep, improving memory, and reducing the risk of…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Myth, Weight Loss

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Acerola Cherry, Peach, Pineapple Probiotic Smoothie Acerola Cherry, Peach, Pineapple Probiotic Smoothie This smoothie recipe is packed with 800% of your vitamin C requirements and plenty of fiber and protein.  Best of all, it is delicious.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Figure 1:  Microwave Meal A frozen dinner may not be what comes to mind when you think about trying to eat healthily. For people who live alone or are single, it might be difficult to cook healthy because small portions can be difficult.  If you cook large portions, some of the leftovers might spoil, or…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Frozen Meal, Microwave Meal, Nutrition

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Chili powder may help you lose weight.   chili powder A visitor to the site asked for chili powder can help with weight loss.  The answer, without a doubt, is: YES. helps Chili powder is a traditional smoky, spicy flavored spice used in Latin American and Tex-Mex cooking.  The ingredients of chili powder are different…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Research, Visitor Question, Weight Loss

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Every so-called expert will tell you the secret to weight loss.  Anyone who tells you it is easy and you just have to eat lots of a single item, be leery.  Whether it is your sister or aunt telling you all you have to do is drink plenty of water and avoid all "xxx" foods.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Calorie Balance, Made Simple, Weight Loss

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Mustard Mustard may boost your metabolism and reduce insulin sensitivity.   Weight loss is tough for just about anyone that attempts it.  Few of us have the gift of the perfect metabolism that allows us to eat whatever we want and not gain weight.  No matter what your plan is, weight loss is best achieved through…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Mustard, Research, Spice, Weight Loss

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Is alkaline water a healthy option, or are the claims fraudulent?   Essentia Water My grandmother would have laughed at the idea of spending $2-5 for a bottle of water.  To her, the idea of wasting money on a plastic bottle of water was a waste of hard-earned cash.  In the United States, we have…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Alkaline Water, Editorial, Hoax

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Cranberry Orange Smoothie This recipe is one of the most delicious smoothies I have ever had.  It was adapted from Homechef's Cranberry Orange Dream Smoothie. I added some fiber and protein with Darndad Nutrition's Fiber DX.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Understanding Calories and BMR can assist with weight loss "How many calories do I need?"  This is one of the most asked questions from people trying to lose weight.  A short and straightforward question, but it does not have an easy answer.  The most correct answer is that it depends on several factors. What is…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Bmr, Calories, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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An introduction to Portion Control One of the most common reasons for failure in weight loss is overeating.  No matter if you are trying to lose weight or just start eating healthier the first thing you need to learn is portion control.  The first step is to really understand what a portion or serving size…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Portion Control, Weight Loss

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Ginseng may improve insulin sensitivity and assist with weight loss.   Back home in West Virginia, ginseng is found growing in the mountains.  It is a native plant that has been a part of the mountain culture.  For generations, they have traded it and used it in traditional recipes to…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Ginseng, Insulin Resistance, Weight Loss

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What is fiber?  Why do I need it?  How can I add it to my diet?  Read more of this article to find out everything you want or need to know about fiber. Fiber: Why Do We Need It? What Foods Are Rich In Fiber? Fiber is the performer otherwise known as roughage. Simply put it…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Nutrition, Roughage

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Cardamom could assist with your weight loss plans Cardamon is one of the more expensive spices in your spice cabinet.  As an Osteopathic physician, I am trained to investigate and approach suggestions from my patients with an open mind.  We are trained to take a holistic approach to any treatments we…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Spice, Weight Lsos

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Starches and carbohydrates do not make you fat.   [pullquote]Do carbohydrates make us fat?  [/pullquote]There are only four common macronutrients used for energy: alcohol, carbohydrates, fats, and protein.  Of these, carbohydrates instill fear in all that think of them.  They are vilified for being the cause of diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.  The fear is…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Carbohydrate, Myth, Starch

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A light and nutrition packed smoothie that will keep you full. Delicious, fiber filled smoothie recipe that will keep you full longer and is high in potassium and calcium.    
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Bread is one of the most common foods in the American diet. During the past 50 years, bread in America has had less and less nutritional value. We are engineering our bread to be more easily digestible and with less nutritional quality.  These tips will help you chose a better bread.  One question I commonly…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Bread, Fiber, Nutrition, Protein, Whole Grain

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Part of the cure for obesity includes mobile applications.   In recent years, the number of mobile weight loss and health-related applications has grown faster than the waistline of the average American.   We all know that the average Unites States resident could use some help with coming to grips with their unhealthy lifestyle.  The…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Mobile Applications, Research, Weight Loss

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Butter has be vilified over the years.  Are their any healthier options?  This article discusses a few.  One of the questions I have been asked on more than one occasion is should I use butter or not.  I am a little different than most physicians and I definitely do not agree with dietitians on this…
Categories: Nutrition
Tags: Butter, Margarine, Peanut Butter, Substitute

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Your motivation may help your spouse lose weight.   I have long felt that my wife did not help my weight loss.  Over the years, I have tried to lose weight to meet the standards required for my work, and my family seems to lack the diligence to back…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Aerobic is not superior to weight lifting for weight loss.   Running You may have heard that weight loss and washboard abdominals are made in the kitchen.  There is no doubt this is true.  Does exercise have a place?  Absolutely.   Does exercise help with weight loss and maintenance?  Absolutely.  Can I lose weight without…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Aerobic, Exercise, Myth, Weight Lifting, Weight Loss

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Apricot, Blueberry, Protein Smoothie A beautiful and delicious smoothie to add antioxidants to your or snack morning meal.  It is packed with vitamins and fiber.
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Protein, Recipe, Smoothie

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Good morning!!!!! I am not a morning person, but I am excited to start fresh today.  If you have read any of my posts, you know I have decided to switch my diet around.  This is my first meal.  This is not regular toast, this is higher fiber and protein bread.   I am a…
Categories: Nutrition
Tags: Breakfast, Fiber, Meal, Protein, Weight Loss

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Increased alcohol sales: an undesired outcome of soda taxes.   Beer belly, gut Taxing sodas is not a new idea.  It has been mentioned every several years for as long as I have been alive.  The idea is that if you tax it enough, it will reduce consumption.  Well, it worked for tobacco, so it…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research, Soda, Sugar, Weight Loss

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I have read a lot about food choices in dieting and weight loss.  One question that is commonly asked: Are there any key food types to avoid?  Food that make the most sense to avoid are this that have limits for no nutritional value.  Some of these are referred to as empty calories.  This term, empty…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dieting, Empty Calories, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Turmeric may assist in weight loss.   Chicken Curry Turmeric has long been used as a spice in our foods.  Turmeric is a spice or perennial herb that has traditional usage worldwide but is most commonly used in Indian dishes.  It is a close relative of ginger.  It is a yellow-orange spice that is a…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Spices, Weight Loss

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Weight loss requires a lifelong change.   Feet on scale Before you start talking about how much weight you have lost and how I am wrong, give me time to explain what I mean by this statement.  As a military physician, I spend a good portion of my life trying to lose weight or helping…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dieting, Editorial, Weight Loss

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Apple Banana Cinnamon Smoothie I call this my ABC smoothie because like the alphabet, this smoothie is how you should start you day. This smoothie recipe has three servings of fruits and vegetables.  It is packed with 11 grams of fiber per serving.  You will love it.  …
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Why walking?  This article reviews the many reasons walking is better than higher impact exercise such as running.  For me I chose walking because I have a physical limitation that keeps me from running long distances.  After having major ankle reconstruction surgery, I have been limited in my ability to run.  There are lots of…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Running, Walking, Weight Loss

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Large waist tied to lower fitness level Central Obesity Every dieter is looking for a tip to help them lose weight.  In the past, many experts have suggested eating less and exercising more.   At least on paper, the following research would appear to confirm this, or does it?  To many of us, we cannot…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Obesity, Research

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Progress cannot happen without change. Progress is not possible without deviation.~ Frank Zappa No one likes change but the fact of the matters it that is necessary in life. Status quo is a comfortable thing, but you have to get out of your comfort zone to lose weight. The definition of insanity is continuing to…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Quote, Weight Loss

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Cumin may help with weight loss.   Spices Cumin is a common spice that often in Asian, African, Indian, Mexican, and Latin American foods.   Without it, Tex-Mex foods such as chili would not be the same.  It is a rather spicy herb that scientifically known as Cuminum cyminum, and it belongs to the family…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cumin, Research, Spices, Weight Loss

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Don't quit; try again.   We live in one of the most prosperous nations in existence.  How do we prove that? Our waistlines. There are approximately 320 million people in the United States1.  68% of us are overweight or obese.  At any given time, about 50% of overweight people…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, Weight Loss

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Raspberry Kefir Smoothie This recipe is the best-tasting raspberry smoothie I have ever had. This recipe is a delicious smoothie that has the fiber and protein to keep you full and the vitamins and antioxidants of maqui berry powder.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Today I am trying a new meal.  I paid $1.74 for Smart Ones Spaghetti meal. The photo is a fair representation of the meal inside.  It absolutely does not have the number of mushrooms in the photo, but that is ok because I don't care for mushrooms. I did add a little parmesan cheese to…
Categories: Nutrition, Review
Tags: Food, Italian, Meat Sauce, Microwave Meal, Nutrition, Review, Spaghetti, Weight Watchers

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KETO, come on. I am still stagnating. Again. Report: Weight: 235 pounds - Lost 5 poundsBody Fat: 23% - 1% lostDiet: I am fairly successful at maintaining 20 grams of carbohydrates. No alcohol. Exercise: Exercising every day. The bottom line: 0 pounds lost this week. Still doing well.
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Can cayenne help with weight loss?   Cayenne Pepper Cayenne pepper is a herb that is commonly added to food to add that spicy heat, so many of us love to eat, and this addition may just help you lose weight.  I absolutely love cayenne.  I like to add it to anything from Creole cooking…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetitie, Cayenne, Hot Peppers, Research, Weight Loss

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Is it time for an obesity code?   obesity The obesity rate in the United States is growing faster than the average waistline of a Dunkin' Doughnuts Patron.  Many of the nanny state politicians would make you think that we should consider taxing the food that is unhealthy or adding a tax for each inch of your…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity Tax, Weight Loss

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Dietary patterns may indicate a risk of weight regain.   Central Obesity The dietary habits contributing to weight loss and maintenance are fully understood.  If you happen to be lucky to lose the weight that you are trying to lose, maintenance is the key to long-term weight loss success.    There are multiple studies that indicate…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet Pattern, Research, Weight Loss

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Fat-free can add more fat you belly.   Fat Free I remember back in the 1990s that we had a flood of fat-free products to help combat obesity.  For years, our goverment and medical and nutrition experts have have sold fat and saturated fat as the cause of  obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.  The fact…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fat-free, Myth, Weight Loss

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Chocolate Covered Almonds Smoothies This recipe is delicious that is moderately high in fiber, and the addition of lacuna creates a taste of peanut. You will love it.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Almond, Recipe, Smoothie

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Tips to avoid late-night snacking fridge with food Get enough fiber throughout the day.  Fiber helps you feel fuller longer, quelling your urge to snack. Get enough sleep. Stick to a routine and go to bed simultaneously each night. If you are asleep, you will not be able to raid the pantry. Drink a glass of water.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: List, Snack, Weight Loss

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KETO, come on. I am still stagnating Report: Weight: 235 pounds - Lost 5 poundsBody Fat: 23% - 1% lostDiet: I am fairly successful at maintaining 20 grams of carbohydrates. No alcohol. Exercise: Exercising every day. The bottom line: 1 pounds lost this week. Still doing well.
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Dietary patterns may indicate a risk of weight regain.   Central Obesity The dietary habits contributing to weight loss and maintenance are fully understood.  If you happen to be lucky to lose the weight that you are trying to lose, maintenance is the key to long-term weight loss success.    There are multiple studies that indicate…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet Pattern, Research, Weight Loss

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Starting again is not failure. We can always begin again.~Sharon Salzberg Meditation guru Sharon Salzburg shared this quote in 2013. Although weight loss is not meditation, meditation can assist with weight loss. I will add that meditation, like life, is a challenge. We don’t need to be perfect on the first try, but when we…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Begins Again, Quote, Weight Loss

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The Ketogenic Diet: Does it work? First, let's define ketogenic diet.  A keto or ketogenic diet is not a new concept.  Infect you might know it by a different name.  The keto diet is also known as the low carbohydrate, high-fat diet.  This diet is the one that has been…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Adkin's Diet, Ketogenic Diet, Research, Weight Loss

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You can lose weight without cutting calories.   Cutting Calories This statement is partially true, but if you fail to lose weight or have some stubborn pounds you can lose, you should stop and reevaluate your caloric intake.  Your body needs a certain baseline level of calories.  I cannot count the number of people that think that…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Bmr, Myth, Weight Loss

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Cranberry Maple Chia Smoothie This recipe is a smoothie that adds the caramel flavor of maple with the fiber and protein of chia seeds.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Cranberry, Maple, Recipe, Smoothie

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Long live Green Blender. GreenBlender A long time ago, I wrote a review on Green Blender. Green Blender was a smoothie delivery service that was just plain fantastic. You received a box of smoothies every week. They were vegetarian but I often added kefir too add some protein. Today, there are options, but none are…
Categories: Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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KETO stagnation. I have slipped up a little Report: Weight: 236 pounds - Lost 4 poundsBody Fat: 23% - 1% lostDiet: I am fairly successful at maintaining 20 grams of carbohydrates. Alcohol has been a problem. Exercise: Exercising every day. The bottom line: 1 pounds lost this week. I guess progress is progress.
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Weight loss and fat loss are very different things.   Obese with Measuring Tape It is that time of the year and many of us have put on a few pounds during the winter and now we want to lose it for the summer.  Many of us use the term "weight loss" when we diet, but…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Weight Loss

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Counting calories will not lead to long-term weight loss or maintenance.   In our day and time, you would think that weight loss is simple.  Many of us have been taught to measure and count our way to weight loss.  I am 100% certain that nearly everyone has tried calorie counting,…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Counting Calories, Myth, Weight Loss

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LCHF diets may work for weight loss. Given the existing problem of obesity, you would think that there was plenty of research to look at just about any diet type you can imagine.  There are limited research studies that point to the effectiveness of low-carb diets that are higher in fat, but dieticians and physicians…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Low Carb, Research, Weight Loss

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Michelle Obama was right but missed the mark in her methods.   Before you start reading, I am fairly conservative and a Ronald Reagan fan.  I consider him to the be the best president in the 50 years I have been on this planet.  If this offends you, I suggest…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Nutrition, School Lunches

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Chocolate Pumpkin Seed Smoothie This recipe has the fiber from pumpkin and chia seeds and the protein and probiotics of kefir.   
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Smoothie Recipe, Weight Loss

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Resistance training may provide superior results.   Weights It has long been argued which type of exercise is superior for weight loss.  Once camp argues that aerobic exercise is superior because it burns more calories and is better for the heart.  The other group argues that resistance training is superior because it burns more calories over…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss

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KETO oops. I still a keto believer. Report: Weight: 237 pounds - Lost 3 poundsBody Fat: 23.5% - 0.5% lostDiet: I am fairly successful at maintaining 20 grams of carbohydrates. No alcohol. Exercise: Exercising every day. The bottom line: 1 pound lost this week. I am still making progress.
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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High-intensity interval training may make regional fat loss possible. High-intensity interval training HIIT has been in the exercise new a lot in recent years.  It has been highlighted as an exercise that can be done in a shorter period of time, works better for reducing central body fat, and is…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Interval Training, Research, Weight Loss

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Butter has be vilified over the years.  Are their any healthier options?  This article discusses a few.  One of the questions I have been asked on more than one occasion is should I use butter or not.  I am a little different than most physicians and I definitely do not agree with dietitians on this…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Butter, Margarine, Peanut Butter, Substitute

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Daily self-weighing may be a successful prevention measure for weight gain  We are all looking for that tip to prevent obesity and weight gain.  There is no magic bullet, but there are things that may help.  Over the last 20 years, I have read many books that suggest that daily…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research, Scale, Weight Loss

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Actually, weighing yourself daily may help with weight loss.   I have heard many people claim that weighing yourself daily will hurt your ability to lose weight.  It makes sense that your body weight due to hydration and fiber intake can fluctuate quite a bit…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Self-weighing, Weight Loss

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Cranberry Kiwi Kefir Smoothie A protein, fiber-rich smoothie that will keep you full all morning long.
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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KETO going ok. I continue to be a keto believer. Report: Weight: 238 pounds - Lost 2 poundsBody Fat: 24% - No changeDiet: I am fairly successful at maintaining 20 grams of carbohydrates. No alcohol. Exercise: Exercising every day. The bottom line: 2 pounds lost this week. It is a good start.
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Resistance training may provide superior results.   It has long been argued which type of exercise is superior for weight loss.  Once camp argues that aerobic exercise is superior because it burns more calories and is better for the heart.  The other group argues that resistance training is superior because it…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss

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Black pepper may help you lose weight.   Like many other spices, black pepper boasts fat-burning properties.  The active ingredient in black pepper is peperine.  It appears that adding a little a little pepper to your food will help with weight loss.  Before you run out and buy yourself…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Black Pepper, Research, Spices, Weight Loss

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Late to rise from bed may increase your risk of obesity. Waking Up Ben Franklin may be right when he said that ".....early to rise, may make a man healthy, wealthy, and wise".  Based on this statement, he believed that people who were morning folks would be healthier.  Re=cent research from February 2017 appears to…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Sleep, Weight Loss

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Apple Cinnamon Smoothie A delicious smoothie that will have you thinking of Mom's baked apples and cinnamon.  
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Cinnamon, Recipe, Smoothie

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Fact: Our metabolic rate can be changed. You have probably heard people blame their weight on a slow metabolism.  I know I have heard them and they treat it like it is a crutch.  To them, it is an unchanging disability that will forever keep their weight high.  Is metabolism the…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Boost Metabolism, Exercise, Myth

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Ten high-protein snacks that will help prevent grazing the candy bowls We all have had one of those days.  You are having one of those days with no white space and the marathon of back-to-back meetings all day long.  Dinner will be late, and you know that the enemy…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: High Protein, List, Snacks

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KETO Time. Once Again. I am definitely in need of a new start. I had to start my new blood pressure medication and my weight is up. It is time for a new start. Report: Weight: 240 pounds - Gained 20 pounds in 3 months. Body Fat: 24%. Diet: I am going to try to…
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Jello Gelatin can help reduce your appetite.   I recent visitor to the website asked a novel question after reading an article in a health magazine.  It is interesting because I have personally never seen anything to support using gelatin for weight loss, but why let this hinder my ability to research the topic.  If…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Gelatin, Research, Satiety, Visitor Question

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Weight loss and fat loss are very different things.   Obese with Measuring Tape It is that time of the year and many of us have put on a few pounds during the winter and now we want to lose it for the summer.  Many of us use the term "weight loss" when we diet, but…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Weight Loss

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Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Caloric Density, Research, Weight Loss

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Low-fat foods will not help with weight loss.   I first started having a weight problem when I was in my early to mid-twenties.  The college weight was adding up and my sedentary lifestyle with most of my time spent sitting and studying was not helping.  During that period of…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Low-fat, Myth, Weight Loss

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Tropical Cranberry Pear Smoothie Tropical Cranberry Pear Smoothie This recipe is a delicious cranberry pear smoothie with a touch of tropical flavor from coconut and orange.  I added a little pea protein and chia seeds for extra protein and fiber but you could easily replace them with flax and whey.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Raspberry ketones: Hype or hoax?   Red Raspberries Raspberries are one of my favorite fruits or berries. They are a staple in my smoothies, so the idea of a component of them being helpful for weight loss has my attention. This concept is especially true since a component of them would be a natural product, and…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Visitor Question, Weight Loss

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Consumption of empty calories is tied to weight gain.   Calorie For many years, I have read diet book after diet book that has advocated for one method or another to lose weight.  Some suggest that a balanced diet with counting calories and exercising more is the key to success.  A few suggest limiting particular…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Calorie, Research, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Every so called expert will tell you the secret to weight loss.  Anyone who tells you it is easy and you just have to eat lots of a single item, be leery.  Whether it is your sister or aunt telling you all you have to do is drink plenty of water and avoid all "xxx"…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Calorie Balance, Made Simple, Weight Loss

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Exercise may be one key to preventing overeating.   With the ever-growing obesity epidemic, it is essential that we slow the growth of the world's waistline.  The "exercise more and eat less" crowd has long touted this mantra as the solution for overeating and weight gain.  The group points to…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Hunger, Research, Satiety

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"Cheat" meals and snacks can be a part of a successful diet.   The thought of starting a diet can be quite depressing for many, and one thing is for certain, dieting is not easy.  Most of us do not enjoy dieting, but it is a necessary evil.  Most…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Cheat Meals, Myth

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A simple Tex-Mex dish that is also healthy. Tex Mex Pizza A delicious and simple recipe for Mexican pizza your family will love. Mexican Pizza is delicious as a pizza crust or flour tortilla topped with any number of toppings. You can add beans, beef, cheese, sour cream, onions, tomatoes, jalapeños, or even guacamole. The…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Mexican Pizza, Pizza, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Ten high-protein snacks that will help prevent grazing the candy bowls We all have had one of those days.  You are having one of those days with no white space and the marathon of back-to-back meetings all day long.  Dinner will be late, and you know that the enemy…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: High Protein, List, Snacks

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Higher body mass index has been linked to dementia. Five obesely fat men on the beach Almost all of us worry about becoming dependent on others and losing our independence as we age.  Having treated patients with Alzheimer's dementia for years, I can tell you the loss of my faculties scares the daylights out of me.…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research, Weight Loss

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Late to rise from bed may increase your risk of obesity. Waking Up Ben Franklin may be right when he said that ".....early to rise, may make a man healthy, wealthy, and wise".  Based on this statement, he believed that people who were morning folks would be healthier.  Re=cent research from February 2017 appears to…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research, Sleep, Weight Loss

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Adding olive oil to your diet may boost weight loss. Olive Oil Olive oil is a true superfood, and there is no doubt that it protects against the risk of heart disease.  It is a delicious part of almost any meal and does not have to be limited to just Italian or Greek foods.  Contrary to popular…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fats, Meditteranean Diet, Weight Loss

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America's birthday is not a reason to gain weight. United States Flag Fireworks and freedom are a combination that marks every 4th of July in America. That’s what we do on the Fourth of July to celebrate the country’s birthday. It is filled with lots of burgers and hotdogs. The calories are a minefield that…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Independence Day, List, Weight Loss

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Cinnamon Bun Smoothie I know you have craved a cinnamon bun.  You walk into the mall and the smell hits your nose and it is nearly an instant craving.  This smoothie recipe might help fill that void.  The only difference is this is a heck of a lot more…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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High-intensity interval training may make regional fat loss possible. High-intensity interval training HIIT has been in the exercise new a lot in recent years.  It has been highlighted as an exercise that can be done in a shorter period of time, works better for reducing central body fat, and is…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Interval Training, Research, Weight Loss

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The link between coffee consumption and reduce risks for diabetes and heart disease is confirmed.   Top Ten Beverages Worldwide Cup of Coffee Coffee is one of the most popular beverages consumed in the United States and worldwide.  Depending on the method used to measure, it is recorded as being number one or number two…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coffee, Research, Weight Loss

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Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Added Sugar, Hidden Sugar, Obesity, Weight Lsos

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Potential mechanism of fat loss found for cinnamon.   I recently published a post in August of 2017 discussing the results of another study that showed that cinnamon helps weight loss.  The researchers found that there is a link between cinnamon consumption and fat loss but it…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cinnamon, Fat Loss, Weight Loss

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Below is an Added Sugar Infographic that shows the added sugar content of various foods.  
Categories: Nutrition
Tags: Added Sugar Infographic

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Today I am trying a new meal.  I paid $1.74 for Smart Ones Spaghetti meal. The photo is a fair representation of the meal inside.  It absolutely does not have the number of mushrooms in the photo, but that is ok because I don't care for mushrooms. I did add a little parmesan cheese to…
Categories: Nutrition, Review
Tags: Food, Italian, Meat Sauce, Microwave Meal, Nutrition, Review, Spaghetti, Weight Watchers

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Categories: Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Food Delivery, HelloFresh, Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss

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What is fiber?  Why do I need it?  How can I add it to my diet?  Read more of this article to find out everything you want or need to know about fiber. Fiber: Why Do We Need It? What Foods Are Rich In Fiber? Fiber is the performer otherwise known as roughage. Simply put it…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Nutrition, Roughage

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Bread is one of the most common foods in the American diet. During the past 50 years, bread in America has had less and less nutritional value. We are engineering our bread to be more easily digestible and with less nutritional quality.  These tips will help you chose a better bread.  One question I commonly…
Categories: Nutrition
Tags: Bread, Fiber, Nutrition, Protein, Whole Grain

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Chicory root is a common additive to food.  It is also known as inulin.  You can read more to find out specifics and the pros and cons of Inulin.   Chicory or Cichorium intybus, grows in the United States and is cultivated in Mediterranean areas in Europe.  Chicory is…
Categories: Nutrition
Tags: Chicory, Fiber, Inulin, Root

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Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Body Fat, Myth, Restance Training, Weight Loss, Weight Training

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I have read a lot about food choices in dieting and weight loss.  One question that is commonly asked: Are there any key food types to avoid?  Food that make the most sense to avoid are this that have limits for no nutritional value.  Some of these are referred to as empty calories.  This term, empty…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dieting, Empty Calories, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Good morning!!!!! I am not a morning person, but I am excited to start fresh today.  If you have read any of my posts, you know I have decided to switch my diet around.  This is my first meal.  This is not regular toast, this is higher fiber and protein bread.   I am a…
Categories: Nutrition
Tags: Breakfast, Fiber, Meal, Protein, Weight Loss

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A delicious smoothie to remind you of a childhood treat. When first introduced, smoothies were a huge success. They are a far cry from the Orange Julius drinks I had a child. They are nutritious and can be a filling part of or replacement for a meal while on the go. My all-time favorite is…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Okay.  Let's start with the basics.  If you understand the why and how of weight loss and weight gain then losing weight is an easy concept that is very difficult to maintain.  Weight loss is not as easy as just pushing back from the table or not filling the feed bag.  You will need to…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Biochemistry, Calories, Weight Loss

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Decaffeinated black and green tea polyphenols decrease weight gain in obese mice. A cup of black tea Tea possesses significant antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anticarcinogenic, antihypertensive, neuroprotective, cholesterol-lowering, and thermogenic properties​[1]​.  Black and green tea are high in phytochemical.  A phytochemical is plant compound that is renowned for their antioxidant properties.  Tea is the most frequently…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Black Tea, Research, Weight Loss

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I have read a lot about food choices in dieting and weight loss.  One question that is commonly asked: Are there any key food types to avoid?  Food that make the most sense to avoid are this that have limits for no nutritional value.  Some of these are referred to as empty calories.  This term, empty…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dieting, Empty Calories, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Understanding Calories and BMR can assist with weight loss "How many calories do I need?"  This is one of the most asked questions from people trying to lose weight.  A short and straightforward question, but it does not have an easy answer.  The most correct answer is that it depends on several factors. What is…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Bmr, Calories, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Why did I choose walking as a form of exercise?  This is an easy answer for me.  It is an exercise that I can continue as I age.   Walking can be a simple from of exercise for the beginner, overweight, sedentary, or just the general couch potato.  It may not…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Walking

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Employee weight loss results in organizational study Money There have been studies that looked at the individual saving money if they lose weight.  In general, if you eat less, you will save money on food.  I am sure you will also save money on health care and potentially on transportation costs since your car now…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Money, Research, Weight Loss

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Why walking?  This article reviews the many reasons walking is better than higher impact exercise such as running.  For me I chose walking because I have a physical limitation that keeps me from running long distances.  After having major ankle reconstruction surgery, I have been limited in my ability to run.  There are lots of…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Running, Walking, Weight Loss

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Research connects health benefits for obesity and diabetes type 2 to a ketogenic diet. In the preceding year, you cannot walk through the checkout line without finding a headline spouting the benefits of keto. The ketogenic or keto diet is another low-carb eating plan that has gained steam in the battle against our ever-expanding waistlines. These diet…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Keto, Ketogenic Diet, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Butter has be vilified over the years.  Are their any healthier options?  This article discusses a few.  One of the questions I have been asked on more than one occasion is should I use butter or not.  I am a little different than most physicians and I definitely do not agree with dietitians on this…
Categories: Nutrition
Tags: Butter, Margarine, Peanut Butter, Substitute

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Hatch Chile Chicken: This recipe is a quick and delicious recipe that your family will love.  The best part is that it is low in fat and it can be eaten alone or added to a wrap or bowl.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Hatch Chile, Recipe, Weight Loss

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I have often though about returning to running.  I remember my days in Germany running with a jogging stroller for fitness and in hope that this would induce sleep for my son.  It gave my wife a break and was a means for me to exercise.  I loved the stress release and I could exercise…
Categories: Exercise
Tags: Cons, Exercise, Jogging, Pros, Running, Walking

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Dinitrophenol: Pros and Cons [pullquote]I hope that the seriousness of this article will act to encourage others not to try this compound or any of the act alike thermogenic compounds.  Even if you are an athlete and model and your fitness and body weight are essential for your career, it is not worth the risk. [/pullquote]…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Supplement, Weight Loss

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"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain."~ Dolly Parton In 1974, Dolly Parton was ecstatic when Elvis Presley wanted to record a cover of her latest hit, “I Will Always Love You.” But Presley’s manager told Parton the deal could only move forward if she…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inspiration, Motivation, Quote, Weight Loss

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Sugar-sweetened beverages increase the risk of metabolic syndrome and obesity.   Metabolic Syndrome Each person in the United States drinks nearly 45 gallons of soda each year.  Many of those are sugar-sweetened.  Consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages, which include soft drinks, fruit drinks, iced tea, and energy and vitamin water drinks, has risen across the globe.…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Metabolic Syndrome, Research, Soda, Weight Loss

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Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Weight Loss, Willpower

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A hydrating and delicious smoothie with some zing. Ginger is a great antioxidant to fight inflammation.  The addition of the apple, cucumber, spinach, and flax helps adds to create a healthy, nutritious, and unique flavor you will love.  The best thing is that each serving has less than 150 calories.
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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21 simple ways to prevent or stop unhealthy food and sugar cravings. Eat More Protein: Adding additional protein increases satiety and reduces your chances of grazing that candy bowl.  If you reduce your carvings, you will be more likely to continue your diet and less likely to splurge and become discouraged.  For more on protein consumption and…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Cravings, List, Weight Loss

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Vegetarianism may not be the answer for men  Figure 1: Woman with vegetables We have all read the articles or watch the news on TV when they present the benefits of being vegetarian.  I have seen the small string bean slim scientist or health aficionado who claims that turning to vegetarianism is the cure for all…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Depression, Research, Vegetarian

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Lower Prices on Healthy Foods May Help Prevent Obesity It is obvious that the key to weight loss is making healthy decisions.  I have written multiple articles on the benefits of adding portion control, high-fiber foods, and fruits and vegetables to your diet.  The evidence is clear that moderation and…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Healthy Foods, Research, Weight Loss

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An intermittent energy restriction is a feasible option for weight loss. Woman lifting obesity Obesity is a huge problem in the United States and the world.  Obesity is a growing problem that is only superseded by our increasing waistlines.  Obesity, plainly, is one of the major health crises of the beginning of the 21st century.…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Intermittent, Research, Weight Loss

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You do not need to cut the foods you love to lose weight.   [pullquote]Myth: You must avoid the foods you love to lose weight.[/pullquote]This statement, "you must avoid the foods you love to lose weight", could not be further from the truth.  There are certain foods that I really love to eat.  I absolutely love…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Moderation, Myth, Weight Loss

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Carrot Cranberry Smoothie This smoothie recipe is full of vitamin A and fiber and best of all it is exceptionally low in calories.  If you are trying to lose weight, you will love this recipe.   It is delicious and will keep you full all morning long. [cooked-recipe…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Categories: Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Food Delivery, Marley Spoon, Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss

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Glucomannan: A weight loss cure or wallet lightener? Glucomannan or Konjac Root I recently saw an ad on a website for a supplement called glucomannan.  It is sold at GNC and Walmart, and I have thought of trying it.  What is it, does it work, is it safe?   Overweight and obesity are at near…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Supplement, Visitor Question

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Dairy appears to limit weight gain similar to exercise alone.   As obesity is becoming an increasing concern worldwide.  New drugs are being developed every day, and one recently peaked my interest.  This experimental drug is probably years away from being used on humans, but it could be very…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Dairy, Research, Weight Loss

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Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Lights, Research, Sleep, Weight Loss

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It is not eating at night but rather eating near your bedtime that causes weight gain.   Businessperson sleeping in office Nighttime eating, mainly before bed, has received considerable attention over the past several years.  Limiting food at night has been proposed as both a weight loss strategy and approach to improve health and body…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Nighttime Meals, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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A loaded pecan smoothie. I am from Georgia and have many pecan trees on my farm. Pecans are high in fiber and antioxidants.  The addition of pumpkin and banana make this an excellent source of vitamins and minerals.   In my home town, you can smell the pralines as they cook year-round. It is intoxicating. I…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chocolate, Pecan, Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Twelve high fiber smoothie ingredients that will keep you full.   Fiber is your friend.  Fiber is one of those miracle ingredients that is an awesome addition to any smoothie.  It will keep you full and help slow the digestion and absorption of both carbohydrates and fats.  Fiber slows down the digestion of starch and…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, List, Smoothie

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Increased consumption of french fried potatoes tied to increased risk of death.   french fries I love french-fried potatoes.  The smell of these little golden devils makes my mouth water.  They taste great and who can imagine eating a burger without them.  The average US resident eats approximately 29 lbs. of French fries per year​[1]​. …
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: French Fries, Research

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Categories: Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Food Delivery, Home Chef, Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss

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Nut consumption appears to reduce risk of weight gain and obesity Assorted Nuts There has been prior research to look at nuts and increased weight loss and nut consumption and increases satiety.  I have even written an article on walnuts, almonds, and peanut butter.  The question is does not consumption decrease weight gain and risk…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Nuts, Research, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Water helps weight loss but will not guarantee it.  Bottle of Water You can read about the benefits of water consumption all over the internet.  Water is essential to a healthy life, and it will help your body run more efficiently if you get enough, but too much can have the opposite effect.  The problem with…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Water, Weight Loss

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A tangy smoothie with the taste of persimmons. Persimmons are grown all over the world. They have a sweet, almost honey-like flavor. These treats are full of vitamin C. The coconut adds a sweet, creamy flavor, and the fiber will keep you full. It has a mix of green and tropical sweetness. It is kind of…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Green, Smoothie, Tropical, Weight Loss

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How to Incorporate Exercise into Your Day Push Ups Ok, it is Monday after a weekend.  I hit the snooze button too much and now I have to play catch up on my steps.  Don't let your work schedule get in the way of 10,000 steps.  In an ideal situation, I would have gotten up at…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Exercise, Proven, Research, Weight Loss

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 Can I Eat Eggs and Lose Weight?   Eggs in a bowl. Successful weight loss is as simple as making good decisions for your breakfast.  Adding eggs to your diet may be one of the easiest things to do if you’re trying to lose weight.  Eggs are cheap, easy to make,  and they are a great source…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Eggs, Proven, Research, Weight Loss

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Kefir is as effective as dairy and yogurt in helping with weight loss. Kefir Milk Most dieters are looking for that food to give them a leg up on their weight gain to assist them with weight loss.  Recently, you may have read a lot about probiotics reducing abdominal symptoms and maybe even helping with…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Dairy, Kefir, Milk, Weight Loss Research, Yogurt

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 Diet Is Better Than Exercise  There is plenty of research out there that indicates that diet is better than exercise.  We've been taught that exercise is so important for weight loss.  I absolutely hate doing to the gym.  The question is, is it true that diet is better than exercise to lose weight? A lot…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Exercise, Proven, Research, Weight Loss

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Time to change the supplement rules and enforcement Supplements I am sure you remember the snake oil salesmen from the old westerns.  In a not too distant past, salespeople would go city to city and door to door to sell their wares, and these elixirs and tonics rarely worked, and many contained addictive ingredients such…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Supplements, Weight Loss

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A delicious breakfast or an afternoon snack. A flavor blast of peach, ginger, kiwi, and banana gives you a smooth texture like a milkshake that is creamy. You’ll feel like you are having a real treat, but this tasty smoothie is made with all fresh and nutritious ingredients. It is nutritious enough for breakfast and delicious enough…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Mindfulness may help with weight loss Many writers and health advocates have touted the benefits of mindful eating and weight loss but there is limited research to back up this advice until recently. Face it! Mindfulness makes sense when it comes to weight loss. We have all had that moment when we were sitting on…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Mindfulness, Mindless Eating, Research, Weight Loss

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Fiber intake predicts weight loss and dietary adherence. fiber You gotta love fiber. Fiber is essentially free carbohydrates that do not count as calories. In fact, our bodies cannot digest them at all. Fiber is the natural that keeps your GI system running smoothly and clean from top to bottom. Fiber is also good for…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Research, Weight Loss

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Sugar-sweetened beverages increase the risk of metabolic syndrome and obesity.   Metabolic Syndrome Each person in the United States drinks nearly 45 gallons of soda each year.  Many of those are sugar-sweetened.  Consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages, which include soft drinks, fruit drinks, iced tea, and energy and vitamin water drinks, has risen across the globe.…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Metabolic Syndrome, Research, Soda, Weight Loss

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Support can be the difference been keeping the weight loss and gaining is all back. Support Group Most of us try to lose weight in our lives. Whilst initial weight loss is achievable, maintenance of long-term weight loss or maintenance is a goal that is difficult or impossible to achieve. As a medical provider, I…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Support Group, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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Beer does not cause a beer belly.   Beer belly I have often joked that I have a six-pack abdominal that is covered by a 12 pack of fat.  Drinking beer has long been associated with an increase in body fat and particularly fat around the belly. This condition is even commonly referred affectionately to as…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Beer, Myth, Obesity

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A refreshing green fruit smoothie. Collard greens are one of the only vegetables with protein and they have a healthy dose of fiber as well. They do not stop there because they are high in vitamins A, C, and calcium.  This mixed with cashews and fruit to round out the nutritional smorgasbord. This smoothie will…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Fruit, Green, Recipe, Smoothie

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Categories: Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Food Delivery, Nutrition, Review, Sun Basket, Weight Loss

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walnuts Walnut consumption tied to weight reduction and improved satiety Everyone who is trying to lose weight is looking for a strategy to assist them in their endeavor.  Dietary strategies may help patients adhere to a weight reduction diet or limit their hunger thus limit their odds of splurging.  Anything that may increase the likelihood of weight…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Nuts, Research, Satiety, Walnuts, Weight Loss

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Categories: Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Food Delivery, Nutrition, Review, Sun Basket, Weight Loss

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Adding probiotics to your diet may help with weight loss. Probiotics In recent years, the number of articles clamoring about the benefits of probiotics for digestive health has exploded.  I am a huge fan of probiotics.  I have taken them a number of years to assist with bloating, gas, and intermittent bouts of constipation and diarrhea.…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Probiotics, Research, Weight Loss

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Not all vitamins are created equal.   Vitamins The statement, “all vitamins are the same,” is actually meant to be “all multivitamins are the same.”  Since there are 13 essential vitamins, the statement that vitamins are all the same is ridiculous.  What most people mean by vitamin is a multivitamin when they make this statement. …
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Vitamin

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A healthy smoothie with the taste of pumpkin spice. This pumpkin spice matcha smoothie is the perfect warm beverage to start your day. This recipe will remind you of the Halloween dessert pumpkin pie, but it is a lot more healthy.  Skip the coffee and try this energizing, healthy drink instead! It has a filling list…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Pumpkin Spice, Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Naughty holiday foods that will not be nice for your waistline. The season of weight gain has begun.  The tempting and tasty foods that we all love will soon be on our plates. It is nearly Christmas and New Years, and we have Thanksgiving behind us.  The problem with…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Foods, Holiday, List

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KETOtastic! I am definitely a keto believer and it is only getting better. I am near my short term goal weight of 220 lbs. Report: Weight: 221 pounds - Lost 21 poundsBody Fat: 18.2% - lost 3%Diet: I am very successful at maintaining 20 grams of carbohydrates or less and limited alcohol. I might have…
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Canola oil may worsen memory and obesity. Rapeseed In recent years, research has pointed to polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats as having health benefits and potentially helpful in weight loss.  In recent years, consumption of canola oil has increased due both to the lower cost compared with olive oil and the perception that it may share health…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Canola Oil, Memory, Olive Oil, Research, Weight Loss

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Progress is the key to success. Progress is not possible without deviation.~ Frank Zappa Deviation from the past is the key to successful weight loss and is absolutely essential to lose weight and keep it off. If you continue to do what you were doing, you will fail to lose weight or quickly gain it…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Progress, Quote, Weight Loss

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Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Meal Size, Research, Weight Loss

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Cutting carbohydrates is not the answer.   German Bread Weight loss and obesity continue to be the major cause of premature illness and death.  Science continues to look for the reason for the expanding waistline.  Weight loss is not as easy, but it is an attainable task.  Weight loss and maintenance is obviously an uphill battle for…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Carbohydrates, Myth, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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A hydrating and delicious smoothie with some zing. Ginger is a great antioxidant to fight inflammation.  The addition of the apple, cucumber, spinach, and flax helps adds to create a healthy, nutritious, and unique flavor you will love.  The best thing is that each serving has less than 150 calories.
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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A delicious smoothie to remind you of a childhood treat. When first introduced, smoothies were a huge success. They are a far cry from the Orange Julius drinks I had a child. They are nutritious and can be a filling part of or replacement for a meal while on the go. My all-time favorite is…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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KETO Time. I am definitely a keto believer now. Report: Weight: 226 pounds - Lost 15 poundsBody Fat: 19% - lost 2%Diet: I am fairly successful at maintaining 20 grams of carbohydrates or less and limited alcohol. Exercise: Exercising every day. I am back to walking every morning. The bottom line: 3 pounds lost this…
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Decaffeinated black and green tea polyphenols decrease weight gain in obese mice. A cup of black tea Tea possesses significant antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anticarcinogenic, antihypertensive, neuroprotective, cholesterol-lowering, and thermogenic properties​[1]​.  Black and green tea are high in phytochemical.  A phytochemical is plant compound that is renowned for their antioxidant properties.  Tea is the most frequently…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Black Tea, Research, Weight Loss

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"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain."~ Dolly Parton In 1974, Dolly Parton was ecstatic when Elvis Presley wanted to record a cover of her latest hit, “I Will Always Love You.” But Presley’s manager told Parton the deal could only move forward if she…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inspiration, Motivation, Quote, Weight Loss

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Employee weight loss results in organizational study Money There have been studies that looked at the individual saving money if they lose weight.  In general, if you eat less, you will save money on food.  I am sure you will also save money on health care and potentially on transportation costs since your car now…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Money, Research, Weight Loss

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Many items sold in stores are not entirely safe for you to take.   Supplement Most people may not realize that weight-loss supplements aren’t approved by the FDA or tested in the United States.  In the United States, there is little to no testing for efficacy or safety prior to a bad outcome. This statement…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Supplement, Weight Loss

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A simple smoothie that is high in vitamin A and C. Nothing says spring like carrots, rhubarb, and orange. It can really put that bounce in your step. The best part is that it is high in fiber, vitamins A and C, and magnesium. You have a sweet, brightly colored drink that tastes like a dessert but…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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How to avoid overeating while traveling.   Travel and Dieting: The Open Road Traveling can create difficult obstacles to eating a healthy diet.  It may seem like the two are incompatible, and you may feel like just waiting until after the holiday season or your big trip.  The stress of traffic and being in the…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dieting, Fast Food, List, Travel, Weight Loss

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Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Break, Research, Weight Loss

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Alcohol in moderation does not significantly increase weight.   Glass of Beer I have always been told that alcohol consumption is not conducive to weight loss and can significantly increase weight gain since it is empty calories.  I believe this is true if you fail to moderate your consumption.  The calories from alcohol like that…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Alcohol, Research, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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The longer you sit, the higher your risk of death from all causes.   Excessive sedentary time is exceptionally common in Western societies, and the United States is probably one of the worst.  We have long known that a sedentary lifestyle is bad for your waistline…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Research

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Zero Sugar Diet Book Review Zero Sugar Diet Book [pullquote]The bottom line up front: The Zero Sugar Diet book is next book the “zero” book series by David Zinczenko.  The author’s goal is to educate others on the benefits of a well-­rounded healthy diet that is high in fiber and low in added sugar.  The…
Categories: Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Sugar, Weight Loss, Zero Sugar Diet; Editorial

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A delicious and quick recipe made with sliced steak. I really love this recipe.  It has the perfect mixture of sweet and spicy.  I adapted this from a Marley Spoon to make it healthier and spicier.  Each taco has almost 15 grams of fiber and had ample protein to promote long-lasting satiety.
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Beef, Recipe, Tacos

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Juicing is not as good for you as eating the whole fruits and vegetables. Poolside orange juice There's nothing wrong with drinking juice or smoothies.  I love to drink them as a quick breakfast when I need to get out the door quicker.  Juice is not as healthy as eating fresh fruits and vegetables.  The…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Cleanse, Juice, Myth

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Teas may assist in regulating bile acid, slow metabolism, and help maintain a healthy weight. Oolong Tea Bile acid has long been suspected to assist in regulating metabolism. We know that these acids are essential in the digestion of fats that we eat in our diet. We know that bile acids saponify and thus increase…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Bile Acid, Black Tea, Green Tea, Oolong, Tea, Weight Loss

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Can portion control lead to weight loss? Absolutely.   Portion Control Plate For as long as I can remember, everyone has told me that portion control is key to weight loss.  It started with my grandmother and her common-sense approach to just about everything.  When it came to weight control, she simply said to cut…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Portion Control, Research, Weight Loss

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Timing of food intake near sleep cycle is associated with increased body fat TV and Junk Food Weight gain and obesity have reached alarming levels.  Obesity is a massive epidemic worldwide.  Every year more and more of us are succumbing to the evil grasps of the animal that will eventually contribute to the early death…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Mealtime, Research, Weight Loss

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Being overweight is not the cause of diabetes. Obesity: Belly It is a common misconception that diabetes is caused by obesity.  First of all, there are two types of diabetes.  Type 1 is caused by an autoimmune disorder that destroys the cells in the pancreas that produces insulin.  Type 2 diabetes is caused by cells…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diabetes, Myth, Obesity

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A simple and refreshing summer smoothie. A simple high fiber orange raspberry rhubarb smoothie with added fiber and plenty of protein.  It is full of fiber, vitamin K, and calcium but without a lot of calories. Rhubarb is the perfect summer vegetable to thicken a smoothie and add some fiber and potassium. A nice dose of pea…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Categories: Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Blue Apron, Food Delivery, Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss

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Crunch Time. Monday I made a change. I was not losing weight as I expected. I chose to try something new and transitioned to a Keto diet. After 5 days, I am in moderate Ketosis. For the last 3 days, I have had a net of 9 carbs per day. Report: Weight: 230.8 pounds -…
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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For the first time, the brain cells that control appetite have been identified.   Brain Research have identified the cells and signal that cause a feeling of satiety or fullness.  So what does this mean?  This finding thing means that we have found the cause of satiety.  Dieting could be revolutionized by these findings because we finally have…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Research, Weight Loss

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Ginger supplementation may aid in weight loss.   Fresh ginger root and ground ginger I review a lot of research on weight loss.  I enjoy looking at the studies, how they are designed, the interpretation of the results, and how I might be able to incorporate them into my daily routine.  As I was reviewing…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Ginger, Supplement, Weight Loss

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Lemons may help you lose weight.   Lemon Lemons are rich in polyphenols which are naturally occurring antioxidants.  Each citrus fruits have their own polyphenols combination, and the ones in lemons can have significant health benefits.  Who would have thought that a little lemon in water would have a positive benefit in weight loss?  We know that water…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Lemon, Research, Weight Loss

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Halloween Candy in Bowl Ways to avoid overindulgence and what to do with leftover candy. Myth: Halloween is a great time to take a break and eat all you want because a single day does not matter.  Don’t you wish this was true?  I wish the sweet stuff were calorie free and I could eat…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Halloween, Weight Loss

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A quick smoothie to rid your kitchen of those overripe bananas. This recipe is a delicious and nutritious after school snack that will have you remembering your childhood.  This creamy 5-ingredient peanut butter blueberry smoothie makes the perfect healthy breakfast or snack. It will keep you satisfied for hours.
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Ten Habits Assist with Self-Regulation Bathroom Scale with Measuring Tape We are all looking for easy ways to assist our endeavor toward weight loss success.  Many simple habits have been shown to assist with weight loss.  Habit interventions are designed to promote a routine that consists of healthy behaviors.  This routine may also enhance self-regulation while…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Habits, List, Self-regulation, Weight Loss

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Slow, slow progress. I am doing more of a 16:8 fast with Keto, but the keto has a lot of lapses. Report: Weight: 234.4 poundsBody Fat: 21%Diet: Fewer carbohydrates. No alcohol. Exercise: Continuing to walk. Need to add the bike. The bottom line: I like the Factor 75 Meals. Contact me if you want a…
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Almond consumption increase bell fat loss and increase satiety Almonds I wrote about the benefits of walnut consumption to assist with weight loss and reduced satiety.  It is amazing that nuts have so many health benefits when consumed in moderation.  I have written on the benefits of peanut butter in "Peanut Butter: Can I eat it…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Belly Fat, Nuts, Research, Satiety, Weight Loss

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Commercial Weight Loss Programs Fail to Deliver Claimed Results. Apple, Scale, and Tape Measure Weight management is a booming industry.  So, you have decided to lose those pesky little pounds that have been dogging you for years.  There are literally hundreds of options for fat diets, commercial diets, or online programs out there.  Each one has…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Commercial Weight Loss, Research, Weight Loss

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High protein diet results in more weight loss and improved biomarkers for metabolic syndrome. Huge Steak Over the years, I have had many people try to sell me the advantages of a high protein diet such as the Adkin's diet.  I have not bought into the craze, but I have tried the diet once in…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Adkin's Diet, High Protein, Research, Weight Loss

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Margarine is not lower in calories or healthier than butter.   Fresh butter curls in a dish I really love butter.  If you are like me, you like butter on just about anything but ice cream.  You can add a dab to a potato, toast, pasta, sweet potato or just about anything.  You probably have heard…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Butter, Margarine, Myth, Weight Loss

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A delicious and refreshing morning smoothie. You will love this recipe. A blueberry pineapple smoothie is delicious and filling. It is not low-carbohydrate, but you will find it delicious and refreshing in the morning. The best part is that it is loaded with antioxidants.
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recioe, Smoothie

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Weight loss need not involve starvation.   I have heard many people say that the key to the weight loss is starving oneself.  The truth is that weight loss and starvation are not the same.  Sure, lowering calorie consumption during weight loss is required to result in weight loss, but lowering it too far will…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Weight Loss

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Self-weighing can promote a healthier weight.   Scale and Tape Measure I think we all gained a little weight after high school or college when our activity level and metabolism dropped.  Ever since I have looked for advice from men's magazines that might help me lose weight.  I can not count the number of articles…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Closeup of artificial sweetener tablets Artificial sweeteners increase your risk of weight gain. Artificial sweetener sales are booming market.  Even though sales have decreased in the United States in the past 3-5 years, the market remains a multi-billion dollar industry worldwide.  Nonnutritive sweeteners, such as aspartame, saccharin, sucralose, and stevioside, are widely consumed, even though their…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Artificial sweeteners, Research, Weight Loss

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Walnuts appear to activate the brain region associated with appetite control I am always amazed at the health benefits of nut consumption in moderation.  I wrote about the benefits of peanut butter in "Peanut Butter: Can I eat it and lose weight?" and nuts in general in "Weight Loss Tips: Go Nuts."  I literally could go nuts writing…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Nuts, Research, Walnuts, Weight Loss

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Clean eating will not in itself help with weight loss. Clean eating: oatmeal cereal, apple, and smoothie Nutritious fruit and vegetables Firstly, what is clean eating?  Clean eating means consuming minimally processed foods such as unrefined, whole, unprocessed, wild, pasture-raised, hormone-free - the way nature intended.  On these diets, you try to consume very little…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Clean Eating, Myth, Weight Loss

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A simple topping or fruity dessert. Compote or compôte is a dessert originating from medieval Europe, made of whole or pieces of fruit in sugar syrup. It is created by boiling fruit until the sugar is concentrated to congeal the mixture. This recipe is a delicious recipe that goes great on toast, french toast, or waffles.  Heck, it goes well by itself,…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Fruit Compote, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Breakfast will not help you lose weight.   Wait, did I just say that.  Yes, I did.  If you drift back to another article I wrote on breakfast preventing obesity, you remember that I said breakfast would not prevent obesity.  It is 100% correct.  To prevent obesity, you have…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Breakfast, Myth, Weight Loss

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Resistant dextrin may improve insulin resistance and assist with weight loss. Recently, I have noticed a new ingredient in many of the cereals I eat.  The additive is a compound called resistant dextrin.  Dextrin is a soluble gummy substance or prebiotic that is obtained by hydrolysis of starch, used as a thickening agent and in…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Additive, Insulin Resistance, Resistant Dextrin, Weight Loss

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Just say no to being hangry. I know you have experienced it.  You start a new diet and now you are both angry from low blood sugar and hungry from the lack of food.  The problem is that this might not be what really happens.  A study from…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Fat but healthy: is it a real thing? I cannot count the number of times that a patient or family member has said that they are fat but healthy.  As a physician, I have no idea what that means, but it seems to be a common myth.  I guess,…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Breakfast will not help you lose weight.   Wait, did I just say that.  Yes, I did.  If you drift back to another article I wrote on breakfast preventing obesity, you remember that I said breakfast would not prevent obesity.  It is 100% correct.  To prevent obesity, you have…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Breakfast, Myth, Weight Loss

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 A breakfast smoothie that is the right way to start your day. This Peaches and Cream Breakfast Smoothie is made with juicy peaches, milk, and has enough fiber added to keep you full all day. It will bring back memories of this delicious summer treat.
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Gradual weight loss is not better than losing weight quickly. Imagine you are 10-20 pounds lighter.  You no longer had to spend 30 minutes struggling to get into those new jeans that you thought would fit.  Your growing belly or waistline will cease to bulge over your belt.  Your…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Research, Weight Loss

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Food Commercials Focus on Selling Food and Not on Your Health.   Every commercial we see on TV is directed at the sale of a product. It doesn't matter whether his Weight Watchers or Nutrisystem's, the intent is to sell a product.   There are a lot of fat diets…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Junk Food, Research, Snacks

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Substantial fat loss reduces inflammatory markers for cardiometabolic disease in normal-weight individuals I know after reading the title, you are asking yourself the question “How can someone be of normal-weight and safely lose body fat?”  The question is can someone be of normal-weight and still have too much fat and the answer is absolutely “yes”.…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Central Obesity, Diabetes Type 2, Heart Disease, Research, Weight Loss

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Self-weighing can promote a healthier weight.   Scale and Tape Measure I think we all gained a little weight after high school or college when our activity level and metabolism dropped.  Ever since I have looked for advice from men's magazines that might help me lose weight.  I can not count the number of articles…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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A bigger calorie deficit will result in faster weight loss.     This concept is valid to a point, but eventually, you will reach a point where your body responds by slowing metabolism.  The fact is if we eat too many calories and over time, our bodies will store excess calories or energy as fat.  If you eat…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Weight Loss

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A simple topping or fruity dessert. Compote or compôte is a dessert originating from medieval Europe, made of whole or pieces of fruit in sugar syrup. It is created by boiling fruit until the sugar is concentrated to congeal the mixture. This recipe is a delicious recipe that goes great on toast, french toast, or waffles.  Heck, it goes well by itself,…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Fruit Compote, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Ten beverages that will pack on the pounds.   I think we all like having a drink during a social event.  The problem is these babies are full of empty calories, but not all drinks are created equal.  Some, in particular, are high in fat and sugar.  The empty calories are the reason you should…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Alcohol, List, Weight Loss

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What is chitosan and does it help with weight loss? Supplements Capsules Chitosan is a fiber compound made from multiple saccharides or sugar molecules.  Therefore, it is actually a polymer of sugar or polysaccharide.  It is made by treating the chitin shell of crustaceans such as shrimp with an alkaline.  This process softens the shell…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Supplement, Visitor, Weight Loss

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Scales misrepresent your weight more than you think. Nearly all dieters use a scale to judge their weight loss success and all of us have looked down at the scale dejected when we did not see the success we expected.  I, personally, have gone from 231 to 224 pounds in 2 months.  I would have expected…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Is there a relationship between food addiction, binge eating disorder, and obesity? Obesity - Fat Belly I have often wondered if there was a relationship between being a binge eater, food addiction, and obesity.  I reviewed the textbooks and many online references, and the publications are mixed.  Some say there is a relationship and others, explicitly, say…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research, Weight Loss

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Weight loss should be more than just pounds.   Waistline Weight loss as a term is itself the problem with getting healthy.  Instead of calling it losing weight, we need to focus on getting healthy overall and belly fat loss.  When it comes to weight loss, a lot of folks focus on that number on…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Research, Waist Circumference, Weight Loss

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A reminder of your childhood by the fire. This recipe is easy to make and delicious addition to any breakfast or even a nice dessert.  As the temperature is getting cooler outside, this recipe is a perfect addition to your daily plan. The best part of this recipe is you cna have the flavor with…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Doing Crunches will not give you a six-pack, but walking your butt off will. Six pack abs Many people want to lose fat from one specific area of their body.  How many guys or gals do I see in the gym who are overtraining a particular area.  Examples are you might want a six-pack of abs…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Weight Loss

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A visitor asked: What is Taurine and is it safe? Energy drink One of the energy drinks I regularly drink contains taurine.  What is Taurine and is it safe?  What is a toxic level?  I am concerned because I take in 1000-2000 mg per day.  Dear Concerned, I will try to answer your questions.   What…
Categories: Nutrition, Research
Tags: Research, Supplement

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Walking Enhances a Reduced Calorie Diet to improve Fat Loss in Overweight and Obese Adults Walking As if you have not figured from the title of my blog.  Honestly, it is just common sense that walking or other forms of moderate exercise will help with weight loss.  As an advocate for walking for fitness, I…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss

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Whole egg consumption may attenuate body fat loss in type 2 diabetic rats. It has long been postulated that eggs are unhealthy but the most recent studies have pointed to the opposite.  This month, one more study was released to show even more evidence that eggs are…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Egg, Research, Weight Loss

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Watch out for the snake oil salesman! Snake Oil If it sounds too good to be true, it is probably completely false.  There are no quick fixes.  Some supplements may help, but most of them are not what they claim to be.  Anyone who’s ever tried to shed a few extra pounds from their midsection has…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Supplements

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Turmeric may assist in weight loss.   Chicken Curry Turmeric has long been used as a spice in our foods.  Turmeric is a spice or perennial herb that has traditional usage worldwide but is most commonly used in Indian dishes.  It is a close relative of ginger.  It is a yellow-orange spice that is a…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss

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 A breakfast smoothie that is the right way to start your day. This Peaches and Cream Breakfast Smoothie is made with juicy peaches, milk, and has enough fiber added to keep you full all day. It will bring back memories of this delicious summer treat.
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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If you snooze, you will lose weight! Sleep is essential for your health and successful weight loss.  The truth is that you can sleep your way to a smaller waistline.  If you do not get enough sleep, your metabolism will slow, and your body will degrade.   It is not easy…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: List, Sleep, Weight Loss

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Coffee consumption lowers Risk of Syndrome X.   Magic Coffee Beans  A recent study published in the August 2017 issue of International Journal of Food Science Nutrition looked at the relationship between coffee consumption and metabolic syndrome​[1]​.  The study used the data from the WOBASZ II study.  This study was a cross-sectional study that looked…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coffee, Metabolic Syndrome, Research, Weight Loss

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A new study shows all-cause mortality rate reduced by coffee consumption.   Cup of Coffee A huge multi-country study that looked at all-cause mortality was released on 11 July 2017.  The EPIC (European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition)​[1]​ looked at over 520,000 research subjects from 10 European countries over a 16-year period.  The primary focus was…
Categories: Nutrition, Research
Tags: Coffee, Research

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Cinnamon works!  Give it a try but consider using Ceylon cinnamon because it is safer at higher doses. Cinnamon You have heard me say a million times that there is no quick fix when it comes to weight loss.  Because being overweight or obese is so prevalent, the epidemic and potential cures are a favorite…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Insulin Resistance, Research, Weight Loss

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Are you discouraged at the progress in meeting your New Years Resolution? We are at the one-week mark and between 1-3 weeks is where quite a few of us will become discouraged and plan on quitting their plan.  No matter whether you plan to save more, lose weight, live a healthy lifestyle, or improve your…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Discourage, New Year's, Plan, Refocus, Resolutions

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A light, refreshing, and delicious smoothie to start the day. Today for recipe Sunday and I have made a simple, summertime smoothie that is so tasty and filling it can keep you full for hours.  This is my favorite Raspberry Orange Smoothie.  This recipe is a delicious and filling breakfast smoothie.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Ten beverages that will pack on the pounds.   I think we all like having a drink during a social event.  The problem is these babies are full of empty calories, but not all drinks are created equal.  Some, in particular, are high in fat and sugar.  The empty calories are the reason you should…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Alcohol, List, Weight Loss

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Week 3 is a go. I am not quite doing a fasting diet. I am doing a keto fast. Report: Weight: 240 poundsBody Fat: 21%Diet: Fewer carbohydrates. No alcohol. Exercise: Need to add the bike and walking. The bottom line: 2 pounds down is better than none. I need to do a little better.
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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What does a Mediterranean Diet do to diabetes risk?   Metabolic Syndrome infographic First, let's look at what metabolic syndrome is.  Metabolic syndrome is a pre-drome for diabetes are heart disease.  It is simply the syndrome of central obesity, elevated blood pressure, insulin resistance, abnormal cholesterol levels, and truncal or central obesity.  The pre-drome or precursor…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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New research shows that access to supermarkets and fast food is not tied to obesity in veterans.   Healthy Home Cooked Meal America is the land of plenty, and on every street corner, you will find a fast-food restaurant to get you to fix filled with a fat and carb-filled delight.  In recent years, new…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fast Food, Research, Weight Loss

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A Mediterranian diet is not only healthy; they may help with weight loss.   Assorted Nuts I remember in the past year being taught that a low-fat diet is a way to go but as I indicated, this is a thing of the past.  Now research is overwhelmingly abundant that it is not fat, but the type…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Nuts, Olive Oil, Research, Weight Loss

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Watch out for the snake oil salesman! Snake Oil If it sounds too good to be true, it is probably completely false.  There are no quick fixes.  Some supplements may help, but most of them are not what they claim to be.  Anyone who’s ever tried to shed a few extra pounds from their midsection has…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Supplements

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This recipe is a healthier version of a simple ice-milkshake you can make in your blender at home.  You taste buds and waistline will both love it.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Dessert, Milk Shake, Recipe, Smoothie

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Ten beverages that will pack on the pounds.   I think we all like having a drink during a social event.  The problem is these babies are full of empty calories, but not all drinks are created equal.  Some, in particular, are high in fat and sugar.  The empty calories are the reason you should…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Alcohol, List, Weight Loss

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Good morning!!!!! I am not a morning person, but I am excited to start fresh today.  If you have read any of my posts, you know I have decided to switch my diet around.  This is my first meal.  This is not regular toast, this is higher fiber and protein bread.   I am a…
Categories: Nutrition
Tags: Breakfast, Fiber, Meal, Protein, Weight Loss

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Cinnamon works!  Give it a try but consider using Ceylon cinnamon because it is safer at higher doses. Cinnamon You have heard me say a million times that there is no quick fix when it comes to weight loss.  Because being overweight or obese is so prevalent, the epidemic and potential cures are a favorite…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Insulin Resistance, Research, Weight Loss

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Eating less frequently, reducing snacking, consuming breakfast, and eating the largest meal in the morning may be effective methods for preventing long-term weight gain. Everyone is looking for the key to weight loss and avoid regaining it.  There is not a panacea or easy path to lose weight, but one…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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Coffee consumption lowers Risk of Syndrome X.   Magic Coffee Beans  A recent study published in the August 2017 issue of International Journal of Food Science Nutrition looked at the relationship between coffee consumption and metabolic syndrome​[1]​.  The study used the data from the WOBASZ II study.  This study was a cross-sectional study that looked…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coffee, Metabolic Syndrome, Research, Weight Loss

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A reminder of your childhood by the fire. This recipe is easy to make and delicious addition to any breakfast or even a nice dessert.  As the temperature is getting cooler outside, this recipe is a perfect addition to your daily plan. The best part of this recipe is you cna have the flavor with…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Exercise is only 15-25% of dieting.   Many dieters mistakenly think that exercise is key to weight loss.  Weight loss is 75-85% what you eat so you must eat healthy to keep the weight off and lose weight.  If you do not watch what you eat, you will…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Myth, Weight Loss

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Why walking?  This article reviews the many reasons walking is better than higher impact exercise such as running.  For me I chose walking because I have a physical limitation that keeps me from running long distances.  After having major ankle reconstruction surgery, I have been limited in my ability to run.  There are lots of…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Running, Walking, Weight Loss

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Commercial Weight Loss May Be Superior Primary Care Directed Plans.   I know this is a no brainer.  Primary care managers do not have the time nor is it the right focus for intensive behavioral interaction.  It is the ideal to bring up the concerns, but the follow…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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This is the 2000th day and blog post for this forum. Over 5 years ago, I started this blog and this is sort of a birthday. I started this move to weight loss. It’s a little crazy. The idea of writing a blog even for professional writers is challenging and a little terrifying even. That…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Anniversary, Blog, Post

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A new study shows all-cause mortality rate reduced by coffee consumption.   Cup of Coffee A huge multi-country study that looked at all-cause mortality was released on 11 July 2017.  The EPIC (European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition)[1] looked at over 520,000 research subjects from 10 European countries over a 16-year period.  The primary focus was…
Categories: Nutrition, Research
Tags: Coffee, Research

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Watch out for the snake oil salesman! Snake Oil If it sounds too good to be true, it is probably completely false.  There are no quick fixes.  Some supplements may help, but most of them are not what they claim to be.  Anyone who’s ever tried to shed a few extra pounds from their midsection has…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Supplements

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This dip is a delicious and healthy recipe that does straight with bean chips, plantain chips, or vegetables. A delicious and healthy recipe that you family will love. Makes 2 cups.   Recommended book on Guacamole:
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Guacamole, Recipe

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Let's get this weight loss party started.   The New Year has rolled around again, well, we are nearly there.  You have planned this moment for weeks to months and procrastinated.   You have made plans to abstain from your vices.  Your vice may be alcohol, bread, cake,…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: New Year's, Resolution, Weight Loss

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What is fasting and is it a safe option for weight loss? Fasting Scale I am preparing to try fasting.  Before I start, as preparation, I have been reading as much as I can find to determine if fasting is safe and what the best type of fasting is for me.   Like many of…
Categories: Nutrition, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Fasting, Progress Report, Weight Loss

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A visitor asked: What is Taurine and is it safe? Energy drink One of the energy drink I regularly drink contains taurine.  What is Taurine and is it safe?  What is a toxic level?  I am concerned because I take in 1000-2000 mg per day.  Dear Concerned, I will try to answer your questions.   What…
Categories: Nutrition, Research
Tags: Research, Supplement

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Focus on a path to better health and not the numbers on the scale. New Year's Resolution The New Year is near again, well, we are nearly there.  If you are like me, you have planned to diet and lose weight for weeks to months and procrastinated. You have made plans to abstain from your…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Healthy Choices, New Year's Resolution, Weight Loss

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Recent studies point to a tie between diet drinks and dementia and stroke.   A cold glass of soda drink Nothing scares most folks more than being dependent on their spouse or family for medical care and being unable to complete their activities of daily living.  Imagine yourself in a diaper requiring 100% support from your…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Dementia, Diet Soda, Research, Stroke

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Doing Crunches will not give you a six-pack, but walking your butt off will. Many people want to lose fat from one specific area of their body.  How many guys or gals do I see in the gym who are overtraining a particular area.  Examples are you might…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Weight Loss

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 A breakfast smoothie that is the right way to start your day. This Peaches and Cream Breakfast Smoothie is made with juicy peaches, milk, and has enough fiber added to keep you full all day. It will bring back memories of this delicious summer treat.
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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A special wish for a Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas to all! Military Christmas This time of year is the perfect time to reflect and show appreciation to those around you. Christmas is a time of giving. I want to share my personal Christmas reflection. As a member of the military, many times in my life…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Merry Christmas

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How to survive with your sanity after the holidays with your family. I have often thought about a vacation in sub-Sahara Africa during the holiday season to avoid my family.  I guess I could play possum or just stop answering the door and phone.  I love my family, but ten…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Alcohol, Anxiety, Christmas Tips, Holiday Tips, Stress

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Merry Christmas and let's pack on the pounds! Holidays are times of plenty and food is no different.  The goal is to enjoy yourself without digging a hole too big to escape from in the new year.  I’m not going to advocate that you should attempt…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Christmas, Holiday Parties, Holiday Season, Weight Loss

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What is fasting and is it a safe option for weight loss? Fasting Scale I am preparing to try fasting.  Before I start, as preparation, I have been reading as much as I can find to determine if fasting is safe and what the best type of fasting is for me.   Like many of…
Categories: Nutrition, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Fasting, Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Daily self-weighing is effective in the prevention of holiday-associated weight gain. Apple, Scale, and Tape Measure Holiday weight gain is a huge problem for all Americans. Some gain as many as ten pounds or more from November to January. The average holiday weight gain is reported to be about 3-4 pounds which clearly and contributes…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Holiday, Scale, Self-weighing, Weight Gain

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You do not need to avoid your favorite foods to lose weight.   Overweight man watching television with doughnuts Weight loss is all about a reduction in calorie intake.  Banning a single food is an over-simplistic view of weight loss.  Sure if you cannot limit your consumption of ice cream, you need to avoid it.  Everyone…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Weight Loss

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The perfect mix of tangy peach and sweet orange. My usual smoothie-making includes adding unique ingredients into a blender that may or may not go together to make a unique flavor. This is not one of those drinks. Peach and orange go very well together. You and your family will love this concoction.
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Ten Foods That Will Make It Hard To Lose Weight.   Everyone has tried to find food that will help with weight loss.  The list below are commonly used foods that are sold as healthy but are terrible for your waistline, and you would be better off eating something…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Food List, List. Diet Food, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Fiber can reduce the weight loss effect of sugar. Cold glass of soda drink Weight gain after childbirth is a huge problem for many women. The baby and breastfeeding ramp up your metabolism and you add some weight to keep the baby safe. Anything you can do to limit post-delivery weight gain and to lose…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Obesity, Research, Sugar, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Eating less frequently, reducing snacking, consuming breakfast, and eating the largest meal in the morning may be effective methods for preventing long-term weight gain. Everyone is looking for the key to weight loss and avoid regaining it.  There is not a panacea or easy path to lose weight, but one…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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A Mediterranian diet is not only healthy; they may help with weight loss.   Assorted Nuts I remember in the past year being taught that a low-fat diet is a way to go but as I indicated, this is a thing of the past.  Now research is overwhelmingly abundant that it is not fat, but the type…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Nuts, Olive Oil, Research, Weight Loss

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Does Increased Body Weight Protect Against Stroke? Recent research studies have looked at the data from the Framingham Heart Study (FHS) and the relationship in the data between body weight and stroke.  News articles have misinterpreted the data and conclusions and I have received questions from patients ask me…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Viewer Question: Are energy drinks safe?   Energy drinks I am going to own up that I might not be the best person to ask this question.  This request is a loaded question.  I am biased a little because I love the Monster Absolute Zero series and my favorite college teams coach is well known…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, User Question, Viewer Question, Weight Loss

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 A breakfast smoothie that is the right way to start your day. This Peaches and Cream Breakfast Smoothie is made with juicy peaches, milk, and has enough fiber added to keep you full all day. It will bring back memories of this delicious summer treat.
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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If you snooze, you will lose weight! Sleep is essential for your health and successful weight loss.  The truth is that you can sleep your way to a smaller waistline.  If you do not get enough sleep, your metabolism will slow, and your body will degrade.   It is not easy…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: List, Sleep, Weight Loss

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The facts about self weigh-ins. One of the most common questions I receive is how often should you weigh yourself. This is not a simple question and there is no right answer. I have been a physician for a long time and many health care professionals and fitness experts try to make it more simple…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Question, Scale, Water, Weight Loss, Weight-in

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Travel and weight loss: a bumpy road. Ok, I am on my first big trip to take a vacation.  That is actually two obstacle to continuing my health kick.  One is traveling and the other being on vacation.  I plan to attack this differently than I have in the past.  In the past, I would take…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Airplane, Airport, Nutrition, Road Bump, Travel, Weight Loss Maintenance

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What does a Mediterranean Diet do to diabetes risk?   Metabolic Syndrome infographic First, let's look at what metabolic syndrome is.  Metabolic syndrome is a pre-drome for diabetes are heart disease.  It is simply the syndrome of central obesity, elevated blood pressure, insulin resistance, abnormal cholesterol levels, and truncal or central obesity.  The pre-drome or precursor…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Weight loss may help reduce falls and increase balance as we age.   Elderly Couple Walking on Beach When I was in medical school, evidence-based medicine was not the center of the training of new students and doctors.  Today, evidence-based medicine is the center of how medical providers practice medicine.  When I trained, I was taught…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Balance, Exercise, Falls, Weight Loss

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Just say no to being hangry. I know you have experienced it.  You start a new diet and now you are both angry from low blood sugar and hungry from the lack of food.  The problem is that this might not be what really happens.  A study from…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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A delicious side dish that will add a lot of flavor to any meal. A simple and delicious dish to serve with roast meats.  It is easy to make and even my teenage son loves it.  It is also very filling and full of healthy fats.
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Weight Loss

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Ten beverages that will pack on the pounds.   I think we all like having a drink during a social event.  The problem is these babies are full of empty calories, but not all drinks are created equal.  Some, in particular, are high in fat and sugar.  The empty calories are the reason you should…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Alcohol, List, Weight Loss

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Birthdays should be guilt free. Colorful cupcakes with candles spelling Happy Birthday Today is my birthday, and I am 54. I am a Sagittarius, and according to myth, I should be impulsive and fiery. I guess that is pretty much a fact. I fully intend to have my cake and I will eat it, too!!…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Happy Birthday

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A new study shows all-cause mortality rate reduced by coffee consumption.   A huge multi-country study that looked at all-cause mortality was released on 11 July 2017.  The EPIC (European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition)[1] looked at over 520,000 research subjects from 10 European countries over a 16-year…
Categories: Nutrition, Research
Tags: Coffee, Research

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Airport Food: The options are slim and unhealthy. I am in the airport in Dallas and I have to say it is a nice airport.  With a 2 hour layover, I have plenty of time to walk steps in the airport.  The open area and walkways between terminals will allowed me to get in about…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Airplane, Airport, Food, Nutrition, Travel, Weight Loss

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Recent studies point to a tie between diet drinks and dementia and stroke.   A cold glass of soda drink Nothing scares most folks more than being dependent on their spouse or family for medical care and being unable to complete their activities of daily living.  Imagine yourself in a diaper requiring 100% support from your…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Dementia, Diet Soda, Research, Stroke

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A new study found plant protein promotes high satiety.   In recent years, animal advocacy groups have been pushing for less animal and more plant based consumption.  Manufacturers have made progress in the texture of plant based products that look, taste, and feel like their animal based predecessors.  You…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetitie, Protein, Research, Satiety

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This dip is a delicious and healthy recipe that does straight with bean chips, plantain chips, or vegetables. A delicious and healthy recipe that you family will love. Makes 2 cups.   Recommended book on Guacamole:
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Guacamole, Recipe

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Making good choices is the key to successful weight loss.  If you choose wisely, the weight will come off, and you will be less hungry.  If you chose poorly, you will be ravenously hungry and end up not only less satisfied but will also gain weight.  The following is a short list of foods I…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Foods, List, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Fat man with a Beer Belly November of 2021:  I have started diets so many times in my life.  This time, I lost over 50 pounds, and then I fell off the wagon per se.   I could have just given up like so many times before, but this time I have decided it will…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Happy Thanksgiving Today is the day of plenty.  Please enjoy your Thanksgiving.   Tomorrow is another day. The most important thing about Thanksgiving is you should feel no regret and no guilt.  Focus on recovery tomorrow.  Tomorrow I will post an article on attempts to…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Happy Thanksgiving

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Commercial Weight Loss May Be Superior Primary Care Directed Plans.   I know this is a no brainer.  Primary care managers do not have the time nor is it the right focus for intensive behavioral interaction.  It is the ideal to bring up the concerns, but the follow…
Categories: Exercise, Research
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Viewer Question: Are energy drinks safe?   I am going to own up that I might not be the best person to ask this question.  This request is a loaded question.  I am biased a little because I love the Monster Absolute Zero series and my favorite college teams…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, User Question, Viewer Question, Weight Loss

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Watch out for the snake oil salesman! If it sounds too good to be true, it probably completely false.  There are no quick fixes.  Some supplements may help, but most of them are not what they claim to be.  Anyone who’s ever tried to shed a few extra pounds from…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Supplements

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An orange tropical flavor that will satisfy your sweet tooth and keep you full. Orange Tropical Smoothie This is a delicious and nutritious smoothie that is full of fiber and protein. It has nearly 10 grams of fiber per serving.
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Ten Foods That Will Make It Hard To Lose Weight.   Everyone has tried to find food that will help with weight loss.  The list below are commonly used foods that are sold as healthy but are terrible for your waistline, and you would be better off eating something…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Food List, List. Diet Food, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Wheatgrass is not a worthy addition to your diet! Many health nuts add a shot of this sprouted grain to their diet daily with little to no idea of what it actually is. Wheatgrass is a nutrient-rich type of young grass in the wheat family.  It is created by soaking or mechanically grinding it into…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Weight Loss, Wheatgrass

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Recent studies point to a tie between diet drinks and dementia and stroke.   A cold glass of soda drink Nothing scares most folks more than being dependent on their spouse or family for medical care and being unable to complete their activities of daily living.  Imagine yourself in a diaper requiring 100% support from your…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Dementia, Diet Soda, Research, Stroke

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Exercise is only 15-25% of dieting.   Many dieters mistakenly think that exercise is key to weight loss.  Weight loss is 75-85% what you eat so you must eat healthy to keep the weight off and lose weight.  If you do not watch what you eat, you will…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Myth, Weight Loss

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Fasting before exercising can assist with fat loss.   Breakfast Omelet We have all tackled this question.  I remember skipping breakfast before football practices.  I was worried about getting sick in practice, but football practice was much more intense than my usual workout.  My workouts today are much less intense, but the question remains, should…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Breakfast, Exercise, Research, Weight Loss

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What is fasting and is it a safe option for weight loss? I am preparing to try fasting.  Before I start, as preparation, I have been reading as much as I can find to determine if fasting is safe and what the best type of fasting is for me.…
Categories: Nutrition, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Fasting, Weight Loss

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Hatch Chile Chicken: This recipe is a quick and delicious recipe that your family will love.  The best part is that it is low in fat and it can be eaten alone or added to a wrap or bowl.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Chile, Hatch, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Ten Foods That Will Make It Hard To Lose Weight.   Everyone has tried to find food that will help with weight loss.  The list below are commonly used foods that are sold as healthy but are terrible for your waistline, and you would be better off eating something…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Food List, List. Diet Food, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Reducing you cell phone usage may improve your life and leap you lose weight. Cell Phone Americans and the world are becoming more and more sedentary. We are supersizing our waistlines and unfortunately there does not appears to a cure in sight. It is hard to believe that fix to part of what is causing…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Cell Phone, Diet, Exercise, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Does Fucoidan Extract Work for Weight Loss? There are plenty of weight loss supplements out there that make outlandish claims to be the silver bullet for weight loss.  Face it; there is not a shortage of snake oil salesmen out there.  Like many of you, I do not always have the…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Supplement, User Quesstion, Viewer Question, Weight Loss

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A visitor asked: What is Taurine and is it safe? One of the energy drink I regularly drink contains taurine.  What is Taurine and is it safe?  What is a toxic level?  I am concerned because I take in 1000-2000 mg per day.  Dear Concerned, I will try to answer…
Categories: Nutrition, Research
Tags: Research, Supplement

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Bitter orange supplementation is dangerous and unlikely to work. Common Names:  Bitter orange, Seville orange, sour orange, bigarade orange, zhi shi, or marmalade orange.   Latin Name: Citrus aurantium Bitter orange is a common ingredient in many supplements that you can buy in the local health food or supplement stores.  It Bitter Orange often added in place of ephedra…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Bitter Orange, Research, Supplement, Weight Loss

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Recent weight loss research found that long-term weight loss is difficult.   Obesity I found an article just after the holidays that was very depressing for me.  While searching for research to back up another post, I found an article on CBC - Canada entitled "Obesity Research Confirms Long-term Weight Loss Almost Impossible"​[1]​ that touted…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Long-term, Research, Success, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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A delicious and filling smoothie that can replace your dessert. This recipe will remind you of a Creamsicle, and the protein and fiber will keep you full all morning long.  I like this recipe as a smoothie or a quick dessert in a blender.
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Exercise is not a great means to lose weight. Exercise To lose weight, you can do this two ways: eat fewer calories than you burn or burn more calories than you eat.  You must have a negative calorie balance to induce weight loss.  There is not a magical pill that will transform or suspend the…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Myth, Weight Loss

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After many weeks of not following a diet and many slip ups, I have decided to change my ways and try to get back on track.  The bottom line to my less successful last two months is that I took a vacation and went home and decided that I would start again tomorrow and each passing…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Psyllium can help with weight loss! Psyllium Powder Dietary fiber seems to help lower levels of LDL cholesterol, possibly by absorbing fat in the gut or by binding sugars to carbohydrates.  Fiber can come from beans, oats, produce, and whole grains or you can add a supplement.  I recommend whole foods, but if you are…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Psyllium, Research, User Question

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You do not need to avoid your favorite foods to lose weight.   Overweight man watching television with doughnuts Weight loss is all about a reduction in calorie intake.  Banning a single food is an over-simplistic view of weight loss.  Sure if you cannot limit your consumption of ice cream, you need to avoid it.  Everyone…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Weight Loss

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Email based support may be superior for weight loss.   Support Group Weight loss is tough and difficult under even the best circumstances.  Almost every dieter is looking for that one thing to help them maximize their weight loss.  Dieters spend billions every year looking for one thing to help them lose and maintain their weight…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Support, Weight Loss

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Eat Less and Exercise More is Insufficient for Weight Loss.   It seems simple, but event the most educated can oversimplify weight loss.  Oversimplification can be the enemy of success.   Body fat is means stored calories or energy for the proverbial rainy day, but reducing weight…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Weight Loss

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A healthy and delicious version of this popular Tex-Mex dish. Chicken fajitas are one of my family’s favorite recipes. I personally love to make it because it can be made in so many ways and it is easily to make. You can make them in a frying pan, grill them, or even back them on…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Recipe, Tex Mex

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No amount of exercise will turn fat into muscle.  Sit-Ups I remember in high school that guys and my football coaches used this statement.  Even in the late 70s and 80s, we knew that this statement was utterly malarkey.  This statement is almost as fictitious as the alchemist turning lead into gold.   I know…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Myth

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Soda taxes reduce sales in Philadelphia by sending buyers to neighboring areas.   In prior posts, I have been quite skeptical of sin taxes such as sugar or soda taxes.  I personally think that they will hurt those who can barely afford them and drive people to buy them elsewhere.  I wrote about it in…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Soda, Weight Loss

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Researchers warn of heart disease risk increasing with your waistline.   Waist Circumference Measurement For 30 years, medical providers have been encouraging diabetics and patients at risk for heart disease patients to consider increasing their exercise and being more healthy.  Study after study has shown a tie between the two diseases and heart disease.  …
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Body Fat, Research, Waist Circumference

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To remain healthy and keep the weight off, you must watch what you eat. All-You-Can-Eat-Buffet Obesity is associated with an increased risk of several chronic diseases, but being thin or losing weight does not resolve that risk if you fail to maintain the change in your diet.  You will need to keep a healthy diet…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Weight Loss

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Sales of sugar-sweetened beverages can be reduced by taxes.   Refreshing Bubbly Soda Pop About one year ago, Berkeley, California, added a one-cent tax per ounce on certain sugar-sweetened beverages.  The tax was added in an attempt to reduce the consumption of sugar to protect children and adults from the evils of sugar.  The idea that sugar is…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Soda, Sugar, Sugar Tax

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Losing Weight is a not a linear process, and it is quite unpredictable. weight loss curve Losing weight is usually not linear.  It is more of a curve than a linear one.  It might start off quite rapid but it slows more and more as you near your goal.  In most, there are setbacks from time…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Weight Loss

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This is a mild recipe to make a family favorite. My family loves this recipe and I am sure yours will too. It is a great winter soup that will help warm you up. It is easy to make and freezes well for later meals. If you want to expand it, consider adding a whole…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Chili, Recipe

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Walking is a lower impact exercise and better tolerated as we age. Walking Why did I choose walking as a form of exercise?  This is an easy answer for me.  It is an exercise that I can continue as I age.   Walking Walking can be a simpler form of exercise for the beginner, overweight, sedentary,…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Walking

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What is the link between sugary beverage consumption and increased all-cause mortality Pineapple juice We have long suspected that there is a link between sugar-sweetened beverages consumption and multiple illnesses and even premature death.  Sugar consumption has long believed to be a risk for metabolic syndrome, obesity, heart disease, diabetes type II, stroke, cancer, and…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Mortality, Weight Loss

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Group support of a structured diet is a winning strategy.   Diet and Nutrition Confusion Obesity is at epidemic levels in the United States and becoming an increasing problem worldwide.  You can easily see the problem with a short trip to your local shopping center or grocery store.  Five to ten years ago, you only…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Detox the myth that detox diets are healthy.   Fruit and Vegetable Smoothy Detox or detoxification diets are being sold as the cure to all that ails you.  You can find it on TV on such shows as the Dr. Oz show and on just about every website that is dedicated to fitness, health, and…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Weight Loss

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Eating Patterns May Help Men Maintain a Healthy Weight A Family Preparing a Meal We are all looking for a silver bullet to help us lose weight and sustain the loss afterward.  To be bluntly honest, we have not found such a piece of information, and I personally doubt it exists at all.  The problem…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Yo-yo diet may increase your risk of heart disease and premature death.   Scale and Tape Measure A number is just a number, but if your weight yo-yos up and down, losing weight may be bad for your health.  I am not talking about the daily fluctuations that occur in all of us.  Some weight fluctuations…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Weight Loss, Yo-yo Diet

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A healthy and filling side dish that goes with just about any main dish. Roasting in the oven brings out the natural sweetness of the vegetables.  Combine vegetables to meet your dietary requirements whatever they may be low-carb, high-fiber, or low-calorie.  The combinations are almost limitless.  If there are other vegetables that you enjoy, feel free…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Food, Recipe, Vegetable

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Most people who avoid gluten are wasting money. Low and no gluten foods are a huge market right now.  Just a few years ago, you could not find a gluten-free product on the shelves, but now, you see the label almost everywhere.  The number of folks who feel that…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Gluten, Myth

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Diet rich in food may promote satiety and weight loss. Raw steak Nearly on a daily basis people ask me if eating beef is healthy. Beef in moderation can be a healthy addition to any diet and it is a great source of iron, vitamins, and protein. Sure it is a source of saturated fat,…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Beef, Hunger, Research, Satiety, Weight Loss

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Being moderately overweight is not protective in overall mortality. Obesity: Belly One of the problems in research is when you oversimplify or unintentionally skew your data.  When you do this sort of examination of data, you miss the proverbial forest because you are looking at all the trees.  You need to look at the right…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research

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Weight loss is simple, but not as easy as weight gain. Okay.  Let's start with the basics.  If you understand the why and how of weight loss and weight gain then losing weight is an easy concept that is very difficult to maintain.  Weight loss is not as easy as just pushing back from the…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Biochemistry, Calories, Weight Loss

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Obesity Tied to Secretive Eating I am not an expert on eating disorders or obesity for that matter, but as a primary care physician, I often am the first to suspect and diagnose eating disorders. The diagnosis is difficult to make, and patients and…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research

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Recent weight loss research found that long-term weight loss is difficult.   Obesity I found an article just after the holidays that was very depressing for me.  While searching for research to back up another post, I found an article on CBC - Canada entitled "Obesity Research Confirms Long-term Weight Loss Almost Impossible"​[1]​ that touted…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Long-term, Research, Success, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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A delicious and filling smoothie recipe. Cinnamon Bun Smoothie
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Cinnamon, Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Detox the myth that detox diets are healthy.   Detox or detoxification diets are being sold as the cure to all that ails you.  You can find it on TV on such shows as the Dr. Oz show and on just about every website that is dedicated…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Weight Loss

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Sleeping more on weekends will not recover the sleep debt impact on your metabolism. In today's on-the-go culture, we spend a lot of our lives in a state so sleep deprivation.   We struggle to find enough time in the day to accomplish family, me, and work time so often we skip multiple hours of…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Sleep, Sleep Deprivation, Weight Loss

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Email based support may be superior for weight loss.   Weight loss is tough and difficult under even the best circumstances.  Almost every dieter is looking for that one thing to help them maximize their weight loss.  Dieters spend billions every year looking for one thing to help them lose…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Support, Weight Loss

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Sales of sugar-sweetened beverages can be reduced by taxes.   About one year ago, Berkeley, California, added a one-cent tax per ounce on certain sugar-sweetened beverages.  The tax was added in an attempt to reduce consumption of sugar to protect children and adults from the evils of sugar.  The idea…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Soda, Sugar, Sugar Tax

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Group support of a structured diet is a winning strategy.   Obesity is at epidemic levels in the United States and becoming an increasing problem worldwide.  You can easily see the problem with a short trip to you local shopping center or grocery store.  Five to ten…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Weight loss and management can reduce absenteeism at work. A few years ago, studies confirmed that smokers have a higher absenteeism and that treating them with smoking cessation is good both the business and the employee.  It just makes sense from a health perspective that employees that quite will be…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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An easy low calorie, high-fiber casserole.   This high-fiber casserole is one your family will love. Freekeh is a young green wheat that is often roasted and cracked. This traditional food of the Middle East has a pleasant nutty flavor and cooks in just 25 minutes. A high-fiber whole grain, freekeh is perfect for savory…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Chile, Fiber, Food, Recipe

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Cooking at home is cheaper and healthier.   We have all heard the myth that eating at home is more expensive.  Food that is good for you is more expensive is what I have always heard, and I guess that is true if all you eat is frozen…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Research

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Editorial: Artificial sweeteners are not all bad! I am a physician and I have read a lot of articles that vilify artificial sweeteners.  There are plenty of rat studies that suggest that they may be harmful to rodents.  Very few studies have shown any significant form in humans are the recommended dosage.  In fact, I would do a…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Artificial sweeteners, Diabetes Type 2, Editorial, Obesity, Weight Loss

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How much time you spend a week preparing meals can influence your health and your wallet. [pullquote]Failing to plan is planning to fail. - Allen Lakein[/pullquote]I recently started prepping my meals ahead of time.  I usually prepare my meals for…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Meal Prepping, Research

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Yo-yo diet may increase your risk of heart disease and premature death.   A number is just a number, but if your weight yo-yos up and down, losing weight may be bad for your health.  I am not talking about the daily fluctuations that occur in all of…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Weight Loss, Yo-yo Diet

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“Low-Content” Nutrient Claims in the United States Don't Add Up I can remember the big low-fat claims for nearly a half century, but the fact is that this fight has been going on for over a century. Experts pushed the concept that fat was bad for you and you should…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Guidelines for food intake are not evidence based. I am confident that nearly 100% of the public has seen the food pyramid and the new nutrition plate guideline.  We have been brainwashed in school that these tools were the key to being healthy…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research

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A delicious side dish that your family will love. This dish is a delicious adaptation of Homes Chef's Zucchini and Sun-Dried Tomato Au Gratin.  I did not care for the sundried tomatoes, so I adapted the recipe.  I am certain you will enjoy it.  
Categories: Recipe
Tags: Recipe

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Eating Breakfast Every Day Will Not Protect Against Obesity Breakfast Many of us have heard this whopper, and I am not referring to that fatty charbroiled cheeseburger from a fast-food chain.  American children have long been indoctrinated by our family members, teachers, and just about any authority figure that routinely eating breakfast is a simple…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Breakfast, Myth

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Sleep medications are not without risk and will not help you with weight! As a family physician, sleep medications are one of the common requests that I received from patients.  Sleep medications are one of the most common advertised medications that you will see online.  Sleep medications rank right behind impotence behavioral health, impotence, and dermatologic…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Sleep Medications, Weight Loss

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Can Coconut Oil Help with Weight Loss? Almost everyone who is dieting wants to find a quick way to maximize weight loss. We all know there are no magic bullets to weight loss, but there are some things that might help us increase our weight loss were assist with maintenance.  Could coconut oil be one of those…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coconut, Coconut Oil, Research, Research Proven, Weight Loss

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Cappuccino Your coffee habit might be making you fat. I love a good cup of morning joe.  No, I am not talking about a third-rate crappy news show.  A cup of coffee is a staple part of breakfast around the globe.  America’s appetite for caffeinated drinks has led to the success of multiple coffee franchises.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Coffee, Editorial, Obesity, Weigh Gain, Weight Loss

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Apple Cider Vinegar: The Magic Bullet? Apple cider vinegar I can remember as a child that we always made apple butter and cider in the last summer in West Virginia. We would gather at the family farm to pick apples and press them for cider. I love the stuff and miss those simpler days of…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Apple Cider Vinegar, Blood Sugar, Fat Loss, Satiety, Vinegar, Weight Loss

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Not all vegetables are created equal.        You already knew that.  Some vegetables have more fiber, some have more vitamins, some aren’t vegetables at all.  Wait… What?  Take corn, for instance.  When in its kernel form, corn is classed…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Vegetables, Weight Loss

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Red Tomatillo Salsa I love Chipotle Mexican Grill.  It is like the Subway of TexMex.  If you make smart choices, it can be healthy.  This recipe is a spicy salsa recipe inspired by their Red Tomatillo Salsa.  It is not the same, but I am sure you will love it.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Salsa, Tomatillo

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Cooking at home is cheaper and healthier.   We have all heard the myth that eating at home is more expensive.  Food that is good for you is more expensive is what I have always heard, and I guess that is true if all you eat is frozen…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Research

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Making some progress. I am a month from having to weight in and COVID is keeping me from my normal routine, but I am making progress. I have long haul syndrome but I will lick this. Report: Weight: 230 poundsBody Fat: 20%Diet: Fewer carbohydrates but still too many simple sugars. minimal alcohol. Exercise: Need to…
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Sugar type may be an independent risk for weight gain and disease.   I have been told for years that calories are calories and it does not matter from which source they come.  This month, I found a study in a PubMed search and a review article from Science Daily[1] that…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diabetes, Fuctose, Glucose, Heart Disease, Sugar, Weight Gain

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Hot Peppers and Spicy Food May Increase Longevity.   Red hot peppers on the table Spicy, hot foods are adored by many.  Although this has nothing to do with weight loss, it clearly indicated a positive benefit for eating spicy foods.  I have published another article on the benefits of hot peppers in weight loss.  Recent…
Categories: Nutrition, Research
Tags: Hot Peppers, Research, Spicy Foods

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“Diet” is a four-letter word.  Instead, let’s start eating and living healthily. There are so many diets out there and each one has its own book.  You could literally read a new diet book every day of your life and still have a few more to read.  Most…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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Sleep deprivation may cause people to eat more calories. Sleep is so critical for good health.  In the past, most of the research investigated the behavioral health impact of poor sleep.  Over the past 10-15 years, the amount of research done on the physical and metabolic effect of…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Sleep, Weight Gain

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An American classic made just a bit healthier. This a healthier version of a recipe I once tried from Blue Apron.  I loved it so much that I slimmed it down.  Cheeseburgers are delicious but there are nto exactly low calorie.  
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Cheeseburger, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Would a tax reduce sugar usage and obesity or is sugar not the bitter poison as portrayed.   For years, public health experts and politicians have argued that adding a tax on sugar would lead to reductions in poor health outcomes.  Sugar consumption is at higher levels…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Sugar Taxes

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Large progress. I am making weight progress. Report: Weight: 234 poundsBody Fat: 21%Diet: Fewer carbohydrates but still too many simple sugars. minimal alcohol. Exercise: Need to add the bike and walking. The bottom line: I am very happy with 4 pounds lost.
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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“Diet” is a four-letter word.  Instead, let’s start eating and living healthily. There are so many diets out there and each one has its own book.  You could literally read a new diet book every day of your life and still have a few more to read.  Most…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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  A spouse's weight loss can "spread" to the other spouse. I often find interesting research when I am studying for my job.  I receive emails every day highlighting new research studies.  One from MedPageToday caught my eye [1]. We all know that the benefit of…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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A new mouse study sheds light on how chemicals from plastic may increase obesity risk. What the heck is BPA?  BPA is a chemical found in a variety of plastic food containers, water bottles, and can linings. BPA is employed to make certain plastics and epoxy resins. BPA…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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A Challenge of Terminology: Overweight or Overfat Overfat One of the problems with our current state of diet, weight loss, and obesity in the United States is the language we use. Every article I read refers to weight loss when they mean fat loss. I am no different because I interchange the worse at will.…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Body Fat, Obesity, Overfat, Overweight, Research, Weight Loss

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A delicious and spicy dish with the zing of ginger and sweetness of teriyaki. This a delicious recipe that adds the slight kick of jalapeño peppers, the zing of ginger, and the sweetness of teriyaki.  I am certain you will like it.    
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Salmon, Weight Loss

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Reader Question: Does White Kidney Bean Extract work for Weight Loss?   This question came to me from a reader who is struggling with weight loss.  He has been on a diet for three months and has plateaued and wants to know if this supplement might help.  He…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Research, Supplements, User Question

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A new start. 2 pounds is good weigh loss progress. Report: Weight: 238 poundsBody Fat: 22%Diet: Fewer carbohydrates but still too many simple sugars. Minimal alcohol. Exercise: Need to add the bike and walking. The bottom line: 2 pounds down is better than none.
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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I recently received a question by email after one of my posts in which a reader asked for a definition of Binge Eating Disorder (BED).   Binge Eating Disorder Binge eating disorder is characterized by compulsive overeating in which people consume excessive amounts of food while feeling they are out of control…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Eating Disorder, Question

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Fruits and vegetables lower risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer deaths.   Most of the world, including the United States, eats too few fruits and vegetables.  I can remember trying to get my son to eat more vegetables during his elementary school carnivore stage.  Adults are equally…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Food, Healthy, Nutrition, Research

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Mechanism found to indicate why the Western diet leads to obesity.   America is in the state of an epidemic.  At least two-thirds of the adults in the United States are considered overweight or obese and the global cost could be as high as 2 trillion dollars per…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research, Weight Loss

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Recent weight loss research found that long-term weight loss is difficult.   Obesity I found an article just after the holidays that was very depressing for me.  While searching for research to back up another post, I found an article on CBC - Canada entitled "Obesity Research Confirms Long-term Weight Loss Almost Impossible"​[1]​ that touted…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Long-term, Research, Success, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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A delicious and spicy dish with the zing of ginger and sweetness of teriyaki. This a delicious recipe that adds the slight kick of jalapeño peppers and the sweetness of teriyaki.  I am certain you will like it.  The change from Salmon to Chicken will make a dish your whole family will love.   [cooked-recipe…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Poultry, Recipe

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 You can enjoy your favorite foods by lightening the ingredients.   Making healthy choices is the first step to eating right and losing weight.  Cooking in a healthier way is another huge part of meeting this goal because if you cook the Paula Dean way with a pound…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: List, Recipes, Weight Loss

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The facts about cinnamon, your metabolism, satiety, and weight loss I recently read a blog post by a dietician who was slamming cinnamon and the medical and scientific community that has touted its benefits for weight loss.  The self-proclaimed "expert" suggested that readers put on their BS detectors in the first paragraph.  This is pretty…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Cinnamon, Editorial, Weight Loss

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Multiple studies indicate impulsivity is linked to obesity.   The notion may surprise you in the slightest, but multiple sets of research support the theory that people with impulsive personalities may be more likely to struggle with addiction whether to drugs, alcohol, or even food, but are they also more likely to…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research, Weight Loss

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The sweetener and creamer in your coffee and tea can sabotage you weight loss plans. We all like to have a Cup of Joe in the morning and I am not referring to that for that terrible copy of Fox and Friend on CNN.  I am referring to…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coffee, Research, Sugar, Tea, Weight Loss

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Is it just the fiber that makes Oatmeal a good choice or is there more to it? Oatmeal with berries and nuts It is estimated that during the Bronze Age (3200-600 BC), oats were first cultivated in Switzerland.  Oats had been around for a long time before that but were probably thought of as more…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Oatmeal, Research, Weight Loss

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The sweetener and creamer in your coffee and tea can sabotage you weight loss plans. We all like to have a Cup of Joe in the morning and I am not referring to that for that terrible copy of Fox and Friend on CNN.  I am referring to…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coffee, Research, Sugar, Tea, Weight Loss

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A smooth and filly snack that packs island flavor. I love Piña Coladas or Pina Coladas if you do not have the special characters on your keyboard.  This is an awesome drink that I think you will love.  You will need a Ninja Blender and xylitol, pineapple extract, and coconut extract.
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe
Tags: Piña Colada, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Vegetarian is not necessarily healthier and may not lead to weight loss.   Not all vegetarians are skinny or healthy. It is important to understand that vegan or vegetarian diets are not all the same.  Vegetarians often eliminate meat for religious or health reasons.  Many will continue to eat processed…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Nutrition Vegetarian, Research, Weight Loss

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Pick a diet that works for you and limits processed food! Nutrition and medical experts have long debated what the most optimal diet is.  Some argue for moderation and portion control; others suggest that Keto or Adkin's diets are superior, and a few even suggest that a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle for there is an…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Best Diet, Diet, Editorial, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Inactivity linked to a decreased motivation in obese mice Elderly Couple Walking on Beach So much research has been completed to find the magic bullet for the cause of obesity and this study is no different.  I found the study after reading an article on Science Daily entitled "Inactivity in obese mice linked to a…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Research, Weight Loss

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Will sin taxes and subsidies improve healthy dietary choices? I have discussed both sin taxes and the increasing obesity epidemic in the article entitled "Food for Thought: Tax on Body Weight".  Ever expanding waistlines will have a major impact on the health care costs of the future if we…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Taxes, Weight Loss

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Is it just the fiber that makes Oatmeal a good choice or is there more to it? It is estimated that during the Bronze Age (3200-600 BC), oats were first cultivated in Switzerland.  Oats had been around for a long time before that but were probably…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss

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Having sex is not a great form of exercise and will probably not help with weight loss.   This concept is total bullshit.  I am sorry if I insulted your sensibilities.  To be honest with you, this is just not a great way to lose weight. Sure, you…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Sex, Weight Loss

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A healthy burrito bowl your family will love for dinner. I absolutely love Chipotle's burrito bowls so I trying to find a healthier option.  Although not a copy of the original, I am certain you will like this one.  My family loves this as a healthier option. It is not only healthy, but it is…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Burrito Bowl, Recipe

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Twenty Ways to Eat Chia Seeds Chia seeds have come a long way since being introduced in 1977 as a house botanical garden that you plant on a clay head or pet.  Since then, they have been sold in many forms from the likeness of Garfield the cat to…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Chia Seeds, List, Weight Loss

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Eating a breakfast every day may not be a good plan for weight loss.   Eating breakfast may be a common practice to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight.  In fact, cereal companies have pushed this myth for decades to get you to include their products into your diet.  The problem with the first…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Breakfast, Fasting, Intermittent Energy Restriction, Research, Weight Loss

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Shorter workouts multiple times per day are beneficial.   Walking We all know that weight loss is a simple concept that is hard to implement and maintain.  For you to lose weight you need to eat less or exercise more and optimally, you should do both.  The research supporting the benefits of regular exercise and eating…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Research, Shorter Workouts, Weight Loss

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[pullquote]Never give up!  Everyone has a bad day or weekend.  Pick yourself up and Keep Going![/pullquote]  We have all experienced a momentary lapse in judgment.  I did it this weekend myself.  You meant to just grab a cup of coffee on your drive into work this morning.  You stopped at Starbucks, and there it was…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss

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Why so many pounds regained weight after weight loss and how to prevent the weight gain?  Energy Balance I am nearly 100% certain that this is not the first time you have tried to or have lost weight.  I know there are some folks out there that are blessed with a good metabolism but they…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Strcuture, Weight Loss

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Vegetarian is not necessarily healthier and may not lead to weight loss.   Not all vegetarians are skinny or healthy. It is important to understand that vegan or vegetarian diets are not all the same.  Vegetarians often eliminate meat for religious or health reasons.  Many will continue to eat processed…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Nutrition Vegetarian, Research, Weight Loss

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Carbohydrates are no more fattening than any other calorie source.   If you read any of the low-carb books, you will get the idea that carbohydrates are evil and you should avoid them at all costs.  There could be nothing further from the truth because your body needs…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Carbohydrates, Myth, Nutrition, Obesity, Research, Weight Loss

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Red Tomatillo Salsa I love Chipotle Mexican Grill.  It is like the Subway of TexMex.  If you make smart choices, it can be healthy.  This recipe is a spicy salsa recipe inspired by their Red Tomatillo Salsa.  It is not the same, but I am sure you will love it.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Salsa, Tomatillo

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Obesity is a disease and not a choice.   Fatphobia is the rampant in social media, the United States, and most of the World.  Most people believe that obesity is a personal weakness and choice.  Many fail to see the facts before them.  Obesity is a disease and we should not judge people that suffer…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Disease, Editorial, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Why so many pounds regained weight after weight loss and how to prevent the weight gain?  Energy Balance I am nearly 100% certain that this is not the first time you have tried to or have lost weight.  I know there are some folks out there that are blessed with a good metabolism but they…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Plan, Research, Structure, Weight Loss

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Stop Wishing and Start Doing.   Stop Wishing and Start Doing We all look at the stars and wish for something.  We are not in the land of Disney so face the facts: the only way you are going to get the health you want is to start doing.  Your life is your life.  You…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, Weight Loss

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Cardiovascular risk reduction benefits may continue five years after weight loss program ends. Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Need another reason to lose weight.  This study evidence may motivate you to lose weight.  More motivation is a good thing, and hopefully, this will push you to success.  The bottom line is that even a small amount…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Risk Factors, Weight Loss, Why WAIT

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Quit Making Excuses and Get Motivated!   Motivation: Results Not Excuses Ok, you had a bad weekend and you slipped up and either did not exercise, splurged on snacks, or both.  But really, stuffing yourself like a Christmas turkey isn’t limited to the holidays. There are plenty of times we might be tempted to overeat.  My…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, No Excuses, Weight Loss

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A smooth and filly snack that packs island flavor. I love Piña Coladas or Pina Coladas if you do not have the special characters on your keyboard.  This is an awesome drink that I think you will love.  You will need a Ninja Blender and xylitol, pineapple extract, and coconut extract.
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe
Tags: Piña Colada, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Myth: If You Eat and Exercise Consistently, You Will Never Gain Weight Man and woman jumping rope If you exercise once a day, every day, the theory that you can eat whatever you want and not gain weight or fat is utter malarkey.  All the indulgent calories that you consume will just be offset by…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Exercise, Myth

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Mobile Bite Counters may assist with weight loss. Chewing is the mechanism by which we mechanically crush and cut food.  The act of chewing stimulates multiple physiologic responses to include increased release of digestive enzymes and a feeling of satiety.  Prior research has shown that chewing slower and more increases satiety.  It would make sense that using…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Bite Count, Chew Slow, Weight Loss

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Chew More Slowly, Lose More Weight Woman Chewing Chocolate It has been widely postulated that eating slower or completely chewing your food will increase satiety or suppress your appetite.  In medicine and health research, folks often say things based on experience but with our any proof.  For years, my wife has nagged me to eat…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Chew, Chewing, Satiety, Supress, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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A mother's body fat may affect her child's risk of obesity. Chunky Baby It has been a common belief that obesity is mostly a learned behavior that children get from both parents.  In the past ten years, genetics has been increasingly blamed for obesity in individuals.  It has been postulated that the body mass index…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Babies, Obesity, Pregnancy, Research

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Apple Cider Vinegar: The Magic Bullet? Apple cider vinegar I can remember as a child that we always made apple butter and cider in the last summer in West Virginia. We would gather at the family farm to pick apples and press them for cider. I love the stuff and miss those simpler days of…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Apple Cider Vinegar, Blood Sugar, Fat Loss, Satiety, Vinegar, Weight Loss

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Sugar type may be an independent risk for weight gain and disease.   I have been told for years that calories are calories and it does not matter from which source they come.  This month, I found a study in a PubMed search and a review article from Science Daily[1] that…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diabetes, Fuctose, Glucose, Heart Disease, Sugar, Weight Gain

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A healthy burrito bowl your family will love for dinner. I absolutely love Chipotle's burrito bowls so I trying to find a healthier option.  Although not a copy of the original, I am certain you will like this one.  My family loves this as a healthier option. It is not only healthy, but it is…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Burrito Bowl, Recipe

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Not all snacking is bad.   Mindless Eating in front Television Snacking is when you consume food or beverages between your regular meals. Snacking is vilified because, for many of those trying to lose weight, this may be counter-productive to the end result.  Sure, if your idea of a snack is diving headfirst into the…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Snacking, Weight Loss

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Salt may not be as big of a risk to your health as you think. Salt Well As a physician, I get the question asked all the time. The fact is that there is not a clear answer. Even my father used to tell me salt was bad for me. He was not trying to…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Hypertension, Question, Salt, Sodium, Visitor Question, Weight Loss

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Clinical outcomes: It is all about the quality of your carbohydrate intake.   Clinicians and researchers have long suspected that not all carbohydrates are created equal.  It makes perfect sense that an unprocessed starchy food with 100 calories would not result in similar clinical outcomes as the same number of calories of table sugar.  The…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Carbohydrate, Mortality, Quality, Weight Loss

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Keeping Old Clothes Will Not Help Motivate You to Lose Weight Walk-in closet I have done it for years.  Whether the clothes are too big or too small, I keep the old clothes because I think I might need them if my weight swings back the other way.  I like a particular pair of shorts…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Lose Weight, Motivation Tip, Old Clothes, Weight Loss

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Obesity in parents may be an indicator of developmental delays in children.   Obese Family We all know that obesity is not good for the individual and that families who are overweight tend to brood children that are overweight, but is your weight bad for your children's health.  Although the research is not definitive, there is…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Delays, Development, Obesity, Research

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Recent weight loss research found that long-term weight loss is difficult.   Obesity I found an article just after the holidays that was very depressing for me.  While searching for research to back up another post, I found an article on CBC - Canada entitled "Obesity Research Confirms Long-term Weight Loss Almost Impossible"​[1]​ that touted…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Long-term, Research, Success, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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A smooth and filly snack that packs island flavor. I love Piña Coladas or Pina Coladas if you do not have the special characters on your keyboard.  This is an awesome drink that I think you will love.  You will need a Ninja Blender and xylitol, pineapple extract, and coconut extract.
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe
Tags: Piña Colada, Recipe, Weight Loss

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 You can enjoy your favorite foods by lightening the ingredients.   Making healthy choices is the first step to eating right and losing weight.  Cooking in a healthier way is another huge part of meeting this goal because if you cook the Paula Dean way with a pound…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: List, Recipes, Weight Loss

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One small step for weight loss. I started last week and I have made progerss. Report: Weight: 234 poundsBody Fat: 19%Diet: Fewer carbohydrates but still too many simple sugars. No alcohol. Exercise: Need to add the bike and walking. The bottom line: Small progress is still progress.
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Healthy lifestyle leads to a significant reduction in type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Nearly everyone is looking for a way to live more healthily.  Now as you start a new year, maybe it is time to make a new move to a healthier lifestyle. The real question as you make this move is what is more…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diabetes Type II, Metabolic Syndrome, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Don't quit, try again.   We live in one of the most prosperous nations in existence.  How do we prove that? Our waistlines. There are approximately 320 million people in the United States1.  68% of us are overweight or obese.  At any given time, about 50% of overweight people are trying to lose weight, and…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, Weight Loss

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Raspberries and other red berries may assist with weight loss. raspberries Berries like raspberries have many health benefits and they are a delicious part of any diet. In recent years, many supplement companies have marketed raspberry ketones as a cure for weight loss, but why eat a pill or capsule when the fruit may do…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Raspberries, Research, Weight Loss

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Frozen and prepackaged meals can be a healthy option. Man and Microwave Meal Our society is increasingly on the go and has less downtime than many of our counterparts in the world. With the increased time at work and travel to and from, we look for more convenient ways to feed our families. Frozen and…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Dinners, Foods, Frozen, Meals, Microwave, Nutrition, Packaged, Processed, Weight Loss

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Apple cinnamon can be a delicious and filling start to your day. This is a great recipe for weight loss and a much tastier version of Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal. It is filling and full of fiber. Since it is made with Fairlife skim…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal, Oatmeal, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Myth: If You Eat or Exercise Consistently, You Will Never Gain Weight A common myth is that people who exercise should not gain weight.  The common belief is that fat people are lazy and if they exercise it would fix their obesity.  The fact is that weight gain is mostly an input and not an…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Myth, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Stress and overeating do not mix well. Stress and overeating are like gas and fire. They do not mix well or maybe they mix too well. I have gained too much weight and I feel terrible. I did this before and I can do it again. Report: Weight: 238 poundsBody Fat: 19%Diet: Too many carbohydrates…
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Homeopathic medicine or natural supplements can help with your weight but you have to be careful and choose wisely. Homeopathy. Herbal extracts in small bottles. Obesity is a huge problem around the globe and it is clear that commercial medicines and surgeries are not a solution for all of those who are suffering at the…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Homeopathy, Question, Supplements

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Whey Supplementation Helps with Weight Loss.   WP Powder with Scoop What is whey protein (WP)?  Proteins are the building blocks of our bodies and are made of chains of amino acids. Simply put, whey is one of the two proteinaceous compounds found in milk, with the other being casein.  When a coagulant called renin…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Body Fat, Casein, Fat Loss, Muscle Mass, Obesity, Protein, Weight Loss, Whey

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Mindfulness may help with weight loss Many writers and health advocates have touted the benefits of mindful eating and weight loss but there is limited research to back up this advice until recently. Face it! Mindfulness makes sense when it comes to weight loss. We have all had that moment when we were sitting on…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Mindfulness, Mindless Eating, Research, Weight Loss

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Chew More Slowly, Lose More Weight Woman Chewing Chocolate It has been widely postulated that eating slower or completely chewing your food will increase satiety or suppress your appetite.  In medicine and health research, folks often say things based on experience but with our any proof.  For years, my wife has nagged me to eat…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Chew, Chewing, Satiety, Supress, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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America's birthday is not a reason to gain weight. United States Flag Fireworks and freedom are a combination that marks every 4th of July in America. That’s what we do on the Fourth of July to celebrate the country’s birthday. It is filled with lots of burgers and hotdogs. The calories are a minefield that…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Independence Day, List, Weight Loss

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The statement "fast food is too unhealthy for weight loss" is a myth.   Burger and Fries Now before you flood my inbox with emails, I am not saying that it is healthy to eat fast food every meal or even every day.  If you must have a fast food meal, it is more healthy if…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fast Food, Myth, Unhealthy, Weight Loss

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Get more sleep and lose more weight! Reported poor sleep duration linked to less successful weight loss attempt. Sleeping Child Sleep as long been linked to obesity. Sleep apnea, central obesity, and insulin resistance is obviously associated with one another. An association between sleep and obesity has been suggested in several studies, but many previous…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Sleep, Weight Loss

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An intermittent energy restriction is a feasible option for weight loss. Woman lifting obesity Obesity is a huge problem in the United States and the world.  Obesity is a growing problem that is only superseded by our increasing waistlines.  Obesity, plainly, is one of the major health crises of the beginning of the 21st century.…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Intermittent, Research, Weight Loss

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A Single Additional Bottle of Cold Water Can Lead to Significant Weight Loss Glass of Water This is one of my quick tip articles.  Before we hit the research, let's discuss some background information.  Water is an essential element in our diets.  Our bodies have a need for water that is relentless to function efficiently.  The amount…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Boost Metabolism, Calorie, Quick Tip, Research, Water, Weight Loss

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Vegetarianism may not be the answer for men  Figure 1: Woman with vegetables We have all read the articles or watch the news on TV when they present the benefits of being vegetarian.  I have seen the small string bean slim scientist or health aficionado who claims that turning to vegetarianism is the cure for all…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Depression, Research, Vegetarian

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A Challenge of Terminology: Overweight or Overfat Overfat One of the problems with our current state of diet, weight loss, and obesity in the United States is the language we use. Every article I read refers to weight loss when they mean fat loss. I am no different because I interchange the worse at will.…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Body Fat, Obesity, Overfat, Overweight, Weight Loss

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Steel Cut Oatmeal: the perfect food and a superfood all rolled up in one. Oatmeal in the slow cooker. Oatmeal is a "superfood."  Although superfood is a made-up marketing term and can be misleading, it is absolutely the proper term for oatmeal.  Oatmeal is very filling when eaten, high in fiber (with both soluble and insoluble),…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Breakfast, Fiber, Oatmeal, Recipe, Satiety

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Pasta can be a very fulfilling meal, but can it be healthy? Not all noodles are created equal.  Even within the same brand, there may be a drastic difference in the nutritional content.  Because we enjoy pasta but want to eat healthily, we compared the nutrition information to help us choose the best.   As with…
Categories: Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Healthier Pasta, Protein, Weight Loss

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Is there an optimal diet for weight management and metabolic health? Big family dinner People can lose body weight and improve health status on a nearly every diet your want to try. This general statement is true, but I would limit with the word “nearly” because going on an ice cream diet would probably not…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Answer, Perfect Diet, Question, Weight Loss

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Sleep can help you lose weight and avoid obesity and cravings.  We all know that sleep is essential for optimal health.  We do not function efficiently without enough sleep, and we are just plain grumpy if our sleep is interrupted, but we still fail to get enough good quality…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Craving, Obesity, Rem, Rem Sleep, Research, Sleep, Sucrose, Weight Loss

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Cardiovascular risk reduction benefits may continue five years after weight loss program ends. Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Need another reason to lose weight.  This study evidence may motivate you to lose weight.  More motivation is a good thing, and hopefully, this will push you to success.  The bottom line is that even a small amount…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Risk Factors, Weight Loss, Why WAIT

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Alcohol is the diet destroyer.   Quite a few of us enjoy social time after work and the relaxing and sedating effects of a drink.  It is a part of our society's traditions.  I am no different.  I love a good glass of bourbon and…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Alcohol, Diet Destroyer, Diet Killer, Moderation, Research, Weight Loss

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Phone SMS messaging of encouragement and tips can assist in maintain weight loss. Cell Phone We are all looking for a way to help us keep the weight loss. Weight loss is possible for most but nearly all fail to keep it off or maintain the loss they have achieved. The problem is that the…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Cell Phone, Maintenance, Message, Research, Sms, Weight Loss

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Breakfast: Is It The Most Important Meal of the Day? Breakfast We have all heard the statement that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  My grandmother always told me it was unhealthy to miss breakfast.  I have read in many books that missing breakfast makes weight loss more unlikely.  Breakfast can help with…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Breakfast, Research, Weight Loss

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My Lessons from a Dietician Nutrition and Calories I recently attended a nutrition class that was offered for free at a local hospital.  It was an interesting class.  Many of the things discussed were things that we already know.  Don’t eat junk food.  Eat more fiber.  Eat more fruits and vegetables.  Reduce red meat consumption. …
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Body, Body Fat, Dietician, Eat, Fat, Nutrition, Registered, Weight

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A visitor asked: What is Taurine and is it safe? Energy drink One of the energy drink I regularly drink contains taurine.  What is Taurine and is it safe?  What is a toxic level?  I am concerned because I take in 1000-2000 mg per day.  Dear Concerned, I will try to answer your questions.   What…
Categories: Nutrition, Research
Tags: Research, Supplement

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Sleep can help you lose weight and avoid obesity and cravings.  We all know that sleep is essential for optimal health.  We do not function efficiently without enough sleep, and we are just plain grumpy if our sleep is interrupted, but we still fail to get enough good quality…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Craving, Obesity, Rem, Rem Sleep, Sleep, Sucrose, Weight Loss

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Is there a healthy alternative to corn-based tortilla chips? Strapping on the feed bag in front of the TV is harder to avoid as you watch your favorite football team.  Our falls are spent in tailgate party binge eating and drinking copious amounts of alcohol.  Snack foods are the bane of weight loss and maintenance.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Tortilla Chips, Weight Loss

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Fruits and vegetables and fruits will help you lose weight.   Fruits and vegetables at a farmers market Americans, in general, eat too few fruits and vegetables.  Fruits and vegetables have several benefits that make them exceptionally beneficial for those trying to lose weight.  They tend to have more fiber than fruit juices but still have the…
Categories: Nutrition, Progress Report, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fruits, Nutrition, Research, Research Proven, Vegetables, Weight Loss

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Can exercise lead to meaningful weight loss? Exercise with Kettlebells The key to successful weight loss is creating an energy deficit. A negative energy balance or deficit will cause you to burn fat for energy in order to main the steady state and avoid the chaos of inefficiency that would ultimately result in death if…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Exercise, Weight Loss

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An American classic made just a bit healthier. This a healthier version of a recipe I once tried from Blue Apron.  I loved it so much that I slimmed it down.  Cheeseburgers are delicious but there are not exactly low-calorie.  This recipe is a repost from March 19, 2017.
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Cheeseburger, Recipe

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These lucky seven snacks may help with weight loss and promote satiety. Weight loss fail! I can't count the number of times someone has told me how bad snacking is for dieting. The fact is that snacking can prevent you from gorging yourself on comfort foods and not all snack food are bad for you.…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: List, Satiety, Snacks, Weight Loss

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Focus on a path to better health and not the numbers on the scale. New Year's Resolution The New Year is near again, well, we are nearly there.  If you are like me, you have planned to diet and lose weight for weeks to months and procrastinated. You have made plans to abstain from your…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Healthy Choices, New Year's Resolution, Weight Loss

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Is sugar-free sucralose good For your health? Sucralose Sucralose is a no-calorie sweetener that contributes sweetness to foods and beverages without adding calories or carbohydrates. It is actually not entirely sugar-free. It is made from a process that begins with regular table sugar (sucrose); however, sucralose is really not a sugar. Your body cannot burn…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Healthy, Question, Safe, Sucralose, Weight Loss

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Tight Clothing Can Motivate Weight Loss.   Motivation Tip 36 - Your Old Clothes Can Help With Weight Loss As you try to find some motivation to lose weight, all you have to do is grab a pair of shorts that do not fit well.  You have a pair of shorts or a short that might…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Clothes, Motivation Tip, Weight Loss

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Does diet soda help or hurt weight loss?   A cold glass of soda drink The recent bans and taxes in liberal cities to paternalistically protect you from the evils of sugar or carbonation are nothing new.  The bullseye on soda or carbonated sweetened drinks has been around for a long time and they want you…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Artificial, Aspartame, Fountain Drink, Obesity, Research, Soda, Soft Drink, Sweetener, Waistline, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Counting calories is the key to successful weight loss. Fruits and vegetables with calories labels I am sure that you are often frustrated by your failed attempts to lose weight. You have tried just about all the weight loss techniques. Like many of you, I don't really discuss my diet or calorie counting amongst my…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Red Tomatillo Salsa I love Chipotle Mexican Grill.  It is like the Subway of TexMex.  If you make smart choices, it can be healthy.  This recipe is a spicy salsa recipe inspired by their Red Tomatillo Salsa.  It is not the same, but I am sure you will love it.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Salsa, Tomatillo

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It is not eating at night but rather eating near your bedtime that causes weight gain.   Businessperson sleeping in office Nighttime eating, mainly before bed, has received considerable attention over the past several years.  Limiting food at night has been proposed as both a weight loss strategy and approach to improve health and body…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Nighttime Meals, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Doing Crunches will not give you a six-pack, but walking your butt off will. Many people want to lose fat from one specific area of their body.  How many guys or gals do I see in the gym who are overtraining a particular area.  Examples are you might…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Weight Loss

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Does diet soda help or hurt weight loss?   A cold glass of soda drink The recent bans and taxes in liberal cities to paternalistically protect you from the evils of sugar or carbonation are nothing new.  The bullseye on soda or carbonated sweetened drinks has been around for a long time and they want you…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Artificial, Aspartame, Fountain Drink, Obesity, Soda, Soft Drink, Sweetener, Waistline, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Why haven't I lost weight? I have said this before, but it is time to review this topic as we enter into the new year.  We are impatient and expect instant changes.  Weight loss takes time, and you need avoid becoming discouraged.   Weight loss and fitness require a lot of effort that is more…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Advice, Homor, Weight Loss

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Do Carbohydrates Help or Hurt Weight Loss? Carbohydrates have been vilified over the years.  The Adkin's diet and other low carbohydrate diets have highlighted carbs as the primary cause of our obesity problem in the United States.  Is there any truth to this claim or is this just hype to sell books and low-carb foods?   Research…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Carbohydrates, Frutose, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Research Proven, Sugars, Weight Loss

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Memorial Day This year, Memorial Day is Monday, May 31, 2021. This day is very sacred and we should all take the time to remember those that have given their lives as a sacrifice for this country. Even this old Veteran learns a little about service and how to better honor those who came before…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Holiday, Memorial Day

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Categories: Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Food Delivery, Home Chef, Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss

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Does Food Flavor Lead to Obesity? We all have foods that we crave.  The mere thought of eating them brings the flavor to mind and makes our mouths water.  It has often been postulated that sweet or fatty flavors by themselves might cause obesity.  Fat, sugar, and carbohydrates have been vilified as culprits when discussing…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Flavor, Myth, Obesity, Research, Weight Gain

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Green coffee extract may help weight loss but is it worth the risk? Green Coffee Green coffee beans are the seeds of the Coffee fruit.  They merely coffee beans that haven’t been roasted.  When we roast coffee beans to produce drinking coffee, the process reduces the chemical chlorogenic acid level in the coffee beans. Chlorogenic acid…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Green Coffee, Research, Supplements, Weight Loss

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Color Up Your Food and Dinner Plate for Weight Loss When I started to research this as a topic after reading an article on colors of plates and weight loss, I thought this topic is crazy.  The color of a plate is not going to cause someone to lose weight.  What inherent property would a…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Hunger, Plate Color, Research, Satiety, Weight Loss

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Obesity is not due to Poor Self-Discipline. I do not know how many times during my years in the military have I heard an officer and enlisted Soldier refer to someone overweight as weak.  It is more than just willpower and a decision to be thin.  It is 100% false that weight gain/loss is all about…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Weight Gain, Weight Loss, Willpower

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Is it just the fiber that makes Oatmeal a good choice or is there more to it? Oatmeal with berries and nuts It is estimated that during the Bronze Age (3200-600 BC), oats were first cultivated in Switzerland.  Oats had been around for a long time before that but were probably thought of as more…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Oatmeal, Research, Weight Loss

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Holiday weekend - a weight loss challenge.   Weight loss during the week is easy.  Holidays and weekends are a challenge.  We made it through November and December.  Now, welcome to January.  I am headed into the 4 days weekend: the weekend of the MLK holiday.  The holiday weekends are not helpful for maintaining a healthy…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Weekend, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Aspiration Therapy for obesity; a Safe and Effective Treatment or the 21st Century Tape Worm. In obesity, you have to understand the root of what causes most obesity.  Most obesity is not caused by a magical endocrine disorder or metabolic shortcoming that hinders someone from losing weight.  The problem in…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: AspireAssist, Obesity, Research, Therapy, Weight Loss

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Losing Weight Can Expand Your Wallet While Trimming Your Waist! The number of Americans that are overweight or obese is approximately 72 million per the CDC.  Most are not motivated to lose weight but obviously, we are or you would not be on this website.  What can I do to…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: List, Money, Save Money, Waist Line, Wallet, Weight Loss

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Dietary viscous fiber increases weight loss independently of calorie consumption. fiber Fiber intake has been tied to multiple health benefits. Fiber is basically a non-digestible carbohydrate and is made from repeating sugars that form a chain or sheet. The bonds that bind the sugars together are not breakable by humans without some assistance. Some types…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Research. Soluble Fiber, Weight Loss

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Can Calcium Increase Weight Loss I already did an article that showed research raving that yogurt can help with weight loss.  We are told that milk and calcium are good for the bones and teeth.  I have read that calcium can do it also, but is there research to back that up?   Pouring milk Research on…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetitie, Calcium, Dairy, Fat Loss, Weight Loss

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Low-fat and Fat-free foods often contain as many or more calories as the full fat versions. In college, I remember when the avalanche of low-fat and fat-free products hit the market.  People flocked to the stores to buy and try these new products.  The marketing had sole them as a way to manage calories and eat…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fat-free, Lose Weight, Low-fat, Myth, Nutrition

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Can Coconut Oil Help with Weight Loss? Almost everyone who is dieting wants to find a quick way to maximize the weight loss. We all know there are no magic bullets to weight loss, but there are some things that might help us increase our weight loss were assist with maintenance.  Could coconut oil be one of…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coconut, Coconut Oil, Research, Research Proven, Weight Loss

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Calories differ based on the source.   Calorie Definition A calorie is a single measurement of energy, and each calorie is the same in terms of energy.  If they come from a different source, are they different in the way they affect the human body based on the laws of physics and thermodynamics?  Are all calories are created equal…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: A Calorie Is Not A Calorie, Calorie, Calories Are Not Calories, Macronutrients, Protein, Research, Weight Loss

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Obesity and High Blood Pressure AKA Hypertension Diabetes and Hypertension affect many Americans. Hypertension is at epidemic levels, and like diabetes, high blood pressure is a silent killer. The number of people living with hypertension is predicted to be over 1.5 billion worldwide in less than…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Blood Pressure, Hypertension, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Withings Pedometer  Bottom Line Up Front:  This is a good and effective pedometer.  It just plain works and has a lot of great features which are listed below.   Pedometers come in all shapes, colors, and sizes.   This particular model is the perfect shape and size to fit on your belt and the buttons are in the…
Categories: Exercise, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Electronics, Exercise, Fitness, Pedometer, Walking, Withings

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Substantial fat loss reduces inflammatory markers for cardiometabolic disease in normal-weight individuals I know after reading the title, you are asking yourself the question “How can someone be of normal-weight and safely lose body fat?”  The question is can someone be of normal-weight and still have too much fat and the answer is absolutely “yes”.…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Central Obesity, Diabetes Type 2, Heart Disease, Research, Weight Loss

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Spicy Food Are Key to Lasting Weight Loss It has long been postulated that spicy foods can help to speed up your metabolism.  Capsaicin, which is the active ingredient in hot peppers, makes you sweat like you just exercised, but does it affect your metabolism?  Do chilies raise your body temperature and require your body to…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Hot Peppers, Research, Spicy Foods, Weight Loss

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Metabolic Syndrome: Is more than just overweight? What is metabolic syndrome?  Metabolic syndrome, aka Syndrome X, is a common condition that is every bit as prevalent as the common cold and likely way more expensive for us to treat.  Nearly 50 million Americans have metabolic syndrome and it has a family, age-related, and ethnic predisposition. …
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Central, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Hypertension, Insulin Resistance, Metabolic Syndrome, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Obesity is a risk for COVID-related deaths even under 65. COVID Ben A lot of folks have assumed that youth provides protection from COVID. This is true to a point, but it is limited by some other risk factors. One such risk is obesity and another is diabetes or insulin resistance, so, even if you…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: COVID, Obesity, Research, Weight Loss

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Obesity humor is not just a joke. A positive attitude and confidence can empower successful weight loss, but how is it possible if we continue to pile on with derogatory and sarcastic humor from all angles that make fun of and diminishes the problem and ridicules the individual.  A negative attitude can make losing weight difficult or…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Attitude, Confidence, Editorial, Energy, Negative, Positive, Weight Loss

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Taxing Obesity: That will teach those overeaters!   [pullquote]"Ultimately, what may be needed to address the obesity problem are direct taxes on body weight." - Jonathan Gruber[/pullquote]  This is the way many liberals and politicians think.  Tax them and punish them for their bad behavior and they will change.  How well ahs they worked out…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Body Weight, Obesity, Overweight, Punish, Sin Tax, Tax

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Myth: If You Eat or Exercise Consistently, You Will Never Gain Weight A common myth is that people who exercise should not gain weight.  The common belief is that fat people are lazy and if they exercise it would fix their obesity.  The fact is that weight gain is mostly an input and not an…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Myth, Weight Loss

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Resistant dextrin may improve insulin resistance and assist with weight loss. Recently, I have noticed a new ingredient in many of the cereals I eat.  The additive is a compound called resistant dextrin.  Dextrin is a soluble gummy substance or prebiotic that is obtained by hydrolysis of starch, used as a thickening agent and in…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Additive, Insulin Resistance, Resistant Dextrin, Weight Loss

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Weight loss and energy supplements found to contain nine prohibited stimulants. <blockquote> Weight loss and sports supplements containing the compound deterenol have been associated with serious adverse events including cardiac arrest. Supplements Supplements containing stimulants are linked to ER visits for hundreds of thousands and hundreds of deaths annually. In the past, supplements have been…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Performance Enhancer, Research, Stimulant, Supplement, Weight Loss

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Ghrelin: The Gremlin of Hunger Hormones If you talk to the average American, they have heard of adrenalin, insulin, and cortisol.  If you mention ghrelin, they will probably think it was a corny 1980s film about little creatures that you should not feed at night or give water.  This one is almost as sinister and…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Ghrelin, Hormone, Hunger, Obesity, Weight Gain

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 Diet Is Better Than Exercise  There is plenty of research out there that indicates that diet is better than exercise.  We've been taught that exercise is so important for weight loss.  I absolutely hate doing to the gym.  The question is, is it true that diet is better than exercise to lose weight? A lot…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Exercise, Proven, Research, Weight Loss

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Doughnut are Satan's Minions Doughnuts are one of those things that are very hard to resist.  They are exceptionally delicious and I might even say addictive but they are also poisoned to your waistline.  They make you feel good with a euphoria that is to some as addictive as heroin.  There is nothing like the…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Doughnuts, Evils, Fat, Obesity, Sugar. Editorial

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Fresh is better but frozen is fine! Frozen Food Isle I can remember, as a child, my grandmother telling me that flash foods were better than frozen foods. If you think about it, it makes sense that fresh food would be better for you than frozen food. Frozen food is processed and well, fresh food…
Categories: Nutrition
Tags: Fresh, Frozen, Fruits, Nutrition, Vegetables

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How to Incorporate Exercise into Your Day Ok, it is Monday after a weekend.  I hit the snooze button too much and now I have to play catch up on my steps.  Don't let your work schedule get in the way of 10,000 steps.  In an ideal situation, I would…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Weight Loss, Work

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Support can be the difference been keeping the weight loss and gaining is all back. Support Group Most of us try to lose weight in our lives. Whilst initial weight loss is achievable, maintenance of long-term weight loss or maintenance is a goal that is difficult or impossible to achieve. As a medical provider, I…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Support Group, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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 Can I Eat Eggs and Lose Weight?   Successful weight loss is as simple as making good decisions for your breakfast.  Adding eggs to your diet may be one of the easiest things to do if you’re trying to lose weight.  Eggs are cheap, easy to make,  and they…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Eggs, Proven, Research, Weight Loss

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Stress and Cortisol: a struggle with Obesity This is the first of a four-part article on stress and cortisol.  If you understand stress and cortisol, you will understand one reason why Americans are getting fatter and fatter.  Sure we overeat, but stress and cortisol are arguably the main reasons why. What is Stress? Stress is…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cortisol, Stress, Weight, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Omega-3: An Appetite Suppressant?  There is no such thing as a sure thing or a magic bullet when it comes to weight loss.  Around the globe, obesity and obesity-related illnesses represent a major public health challenge. The prognosis for citizens of the United States is exceptionally poor.  Unfortunately, there is no sunrise on the horizon and…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fatty Acid, Leptin, Omega-3, Weight Loss

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 [pullquote]“I am in shape. Round is a shape.”- Anonymous[/pullquote]  We spend a lot of time and effort on losing weight.  American's spend billions on supplements, health clubs, and weight loss books.  There is no quick fix so make a pledge today to change.  The key to last weight loss is making a change that sticks.…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inspirational Quote, Weight Loss

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Can I eat at McDonald's and still maintain a healthy lifestyle?   McWeight Fat food is the biggest minefield for dieters.   You are on the road and want something fast and your family chooses McDonald's.  Although it is not the best choice, you can still control your portion size and eat somewhat healthy.   Breakfast:…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Eating Healthy, McDonald, Weight Loss

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How to create and maintain motivation! Motivation The most difficult thing about weight loss is motivation.  Motivation changes and is one of the first things to change as you near your goal.  Maintaining motivation over time is the largest obstacle to maintain weight loss and in my book, is the number one reason for weight…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: List, Motivation, Weight Loss

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Fiber intake predicts weight loss and dietary adherence. fiber You gotta love fiber. Fiber is essentially free carbohydrates that do not count as calories. In fact, our bodies cannot digest them at all. Fiber is the natural that keeps your GI system running smoothly and clean from top to bottom. Fiber is also good for…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Research, Weight Loss

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Coffee can jump start your weight loss plan. Coffee is a nectar of the gods.  It is miraculous what it does to me each morning.  It truly wakes me from my zombielike state each morning.  It starts every day for many around the world.   I can speak for my administrative assistant and she thanks our maker…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coffee, Research, Satiety, Weight Loss

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Stress as Cause of Weight Gain This a continuation of part 1.  Cortisol, as indicated in part one, is a stress steroid hormone. Many health experts say cortisol is public enemy number one. Researchers and doctors alike have indicated that it is a major cause of poor health in patients with chronic elevated stress and…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Stress Reduction, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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A smaller plate can lead to a smaller waist. I know it sounds ridiculous.  I have heard for years that using a smaller bowl or plate will help you eat less.  Today, when we eat out, our portion are huge and they seem to get larger every year.  We truly are not only supervising our…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Smaller Plate, Weight Loss

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[pullquote]The number of kids affected by obesity has tripled since 1980, and this can be traced in large part to lack of exercise and a healthy diet. - Virginia Foxx[/pullquote]One of my pet peeves is seeing many of the folks riding around stores on a motorized shopping cart.  Before you get mad, I am not criticizing…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Disability, Food For Thought, Handicap, Motorized Carts

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Overeating is one reason we are overweight. It does not matter if you are trying to maintain weight loss or if you are just starting to lose weight, the reasons for less-than-successful weight loss are the same.  You have decided to make a change and are careful to know portion sizes and eat healthy choices, but…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: List, Loss, Overeat, Reasons, Weight

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Fiber will fill you up and keep you full longer. I posted an article on the benefits of fiber.  This is going to be a multiple part series on high fiber foods you need to add to your diet on a regular basis.  I have found that if I get 30-50 grams of fiber in…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, High Fiber Foods, Nutrition

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So how exactly does intermittent fasting help lose weight? Fasting Scale I have been trying unsuccessfully to lose weight. I am not sure how to make this work and I think the problem I am having is that I am not sticking to the diet and I am drinking too much alcohol. I have been…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Intermittent Fasting, Weight Loss

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Cell phones can assist with weight loss and maintenance Cell Phone The obesity epidemic in the United States is exploding and has spread to young adults.   As it reaches higher and higher levels, it is leading to significantly more public health implications that will follow the youth in adulthood.   If we can implements…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cell Phone, Research, Weight Loss

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Exercise: Slow Return to Running If you have not figured it out yet, I am in the US Military.  The military is very interested in readiness and part of readiness is being able to run from incoming fire.  I can run if you chase me with a baseball bat.  In fact, I am pretty sure…
Categories: Exercise
Tags: Exercise, Running, Slow, Walking

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Intermittent fasting for weight loss is safe and effective. Fasting Fasting is not a new practice.  Fasting is a practice that is older than many modern religions.  It is a central part of many religious practices, but the idea of using it for weight loss is relatively new.  Regardless, fasting is beginning to capture attention as a possible…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diabetes, Fasting, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Leptin: the hormone that suppresses appetite  Many dieters struggle with weight loss because of their feelings of hunger.  They try to lose weight but their appetite gets in the way.  Many have tried unsafe fad diets that are based on science but do not fully understand the science behind them.  Recently, I wrote an article…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Ghrelin, Hunger, Leptin, Obesity, Sateity, Satiety, Weight Loss

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Obesity and weight gain are the bain of fitness. [pullquote]“If you keep on eating unhealthy food than no matter how many weight loss tips you follow, you are likely to retain weight and become obese. If only you start eating healthy food, you will be pleasantly surprised how easy it is to lose weight.”  ― Subodh…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inpirational, Obesity, Quote, Weight Gain

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Comfort foods can add to your midsection. The best comfort food will always be greens, cornbread, and fried chicken. -  Maya Angleou Comfort foods are foods we use to soothe our anxiety and depression.  They make us calm and increase endorphins.  For me, my comfort food is pizza or pepperoni rolls  Heck, I will take…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Comfort, Food, Thought

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If you snooze, you will lose weight! This list is an extension of the 10 sleep suggestions article that I wrote a few years ago.  Sleep is essential for your health and successful weight loss.  The truth is that you can sleep your way to a smaller waistline.  If you do…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: List, Sleep, Weight Loss

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Eating healthy while eating out is not easy. Fast Food Restaurant I personally would prefer to not eat healthy when I eat out.  I would prefer to just eat what I want, but recently, I visited a restaurant that is a less common chain restaurant near Jacksonville, FL.  I reviewed the calorie content online as…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dining, Eating, Out, Weight Loss

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Should I pass on the salt or add salt to my food?   Salt Well To start, let us discuss what table salt is.  Table salt or sodium chloride is a white crystalline structure that contains equal parts of sodium and chloride.  The salt compound is bonded with ionic bonds from negatively charged chlorine atoms and…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Hypertension, Research, Salt, Visitor Question

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Cortisol: The Beer Gut Hormone Steroid hormone cortisol (hydrocortisone) structural formula Cortisol is a steroid hormone of the glucocorticoid class that is made and released by the Adrenal Glands in response to stress (Examples of glucocorticoid-like hormones are hydrocortisone and prednisone).  The adrenals located above each kidney.  It is often released in hard times to…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cortisol, Hormones, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Portion control leads to higher level of weight loss success.   Portion Control Weight loss success in people is highly variable among individuals and what may lead to success in one may lead to failure in another.  Analysis of weight loss patterns in those that are successful may help those who intend to try to…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Portion Control, Research, Weight Loss

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Michelle Obama was right but missed the mark in her methods. Before you start reading, I am fairly conservative and a Ronald Reagan fan.  I consider him to be the best president in the 50 years I have been on this planet.  If this offends you, I suggest you stop reading now.  In preparing for this article,…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Nutrition, School Lunches

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Raspberry Mint Green Tea This beverage is a delicious and refreshing drink that is low in calories and will help you lose weight.  It combines the tart taste of Raspberries and the refreshing zing of mint.     Raspberry Mint Green Tea Nutrition: …
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Green Tea, Recipe, Tea, Weight Loss

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Advice on smartly navigating the weight loss landmines in the supermarket. When trying to lose weight, one of the most difficult activities you must do is grocery shopping. Since weight loss is 80 percent diet, going to the grocery store can be an exercise in torture. All those tempting goodies on the shelves, the delicious…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Food, Healthy, Lists, Nutrition, Shopping, Tips, Weight Loss Tips

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Will Alli help with weight loss? Orlistat is a pharmaceutical drug, sold over-the-counter under the name Alli, and under prescription as Xenical.  It has been on the market since 1999.  In 2007, it was released for over-the-counter sales under the name Alli.  The difference between the two pills, Alli and Xenical, is dosage.  Alli is…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Supplement, Weight Loss

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Should I pass on the salt or add salt to my food?   To start, let us discuss what table salt is.  Table salt or sodium chloride is a white crystalline structure that contains equal parts of sodium and chloride.  The salt compound is bonded with ionic bonds from negatively…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Hypertension, Research, Salt, Visitor Question

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Ice Cream: The Frozen Nectar of Satan Ice cream is a fantastic thing unless of course, you are lactose intolerant then it is worse than the frozen nectar of stain.  You can get the yogurt version or lactose-free but they are not the same.  Ice cream is sweet can creamy cold goodness that our parents reward…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Dessert, Ice Cream, Road Bump, Weight Loss

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Cardiovascular fitness reduces all-cause mortality. Exercise Many patients ask me if they should add exercise to their daily regime.  Very few patients should be told not to exercise so for most of you the answer is near 100% yes.  It widely accepted that cardiovascular fitness has an inverse relationship with mortality.   We have all…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Fitness, Mortality, Research

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Flawed last words of the health kick. I know you have said and done it.  You plan to start a new diet or exercise plan.  Shortly after the start or a few weeks into the diet, you become distracted and reach for that comfort food.  It is just a small slip, and those words come…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Healthy, Weight Loss

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Dragon Fruit Blackberry Smoothie Dragon fruit or Pitaya is a decent source of protein and it reportedly speeds up your metabolism making it a great fruit for weight loss.  Pitaya is also high in Vitamin C which helps to boost your immune system.  The fruit is cholesterol…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Tips to avoid late-night snacking Snacking can be the enemy of weight loss and cause significant weight gain.  If you can prevent snacking and grazing, you will be a step ahead in losing weight.  
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: List, Snack, Weight Loss

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Stagnation The past two weeks have been full of the stagnation. Report: Weight: 224 poundsBody Fat: 19%Diet: Improved but too many sweets. Exercise: Daily on the bike. Need to go to two-a-days. The bottom line: Need improvement!
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Note, Weight Loss

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Intermittent fasting induces weight loss preferentially in obesity-prone rats Obesity is a leading health problem in the United States and obesity-related deaths due to disease such as diabetes type 2 and heart disease are on the rise.  Despite the abundance of weight-loss programs and treatments available, the health, fitness, and medical community are unable to…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Intermittent Fasting, Research, Weight Loss

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Obesity and weight gain are the bain of fitness. [pullquote]“If you keep on eating unhealthy food than no matter how many weight loss tips you follow, you are likely to retain weight and become obese. If only you start eating healthy food, you will be pleasantly surprised how easy it is to lose weight.”  ― Subodh…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inpirational, Obesity, Quote, Weight Gain

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Paternal exercise appears to improve glucose metabolism in offspring.   Father with two toddlers Dads, this is one more reason to shed that dad bod before you start procreating.  Exercise has many positive effects outside of physical fitness and improved stamina.  Exercise lowers stress and improves your cognitive ability.  Exercise is synergistic with diet in promoting weight…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Metabolic, Research

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A few days ago, I drank a regular soda for the first time in nearly 35 months and….…   Yes, you read that right.  I have not had a sugar-sweetened drink in nearly four years.  It is a conscious decision I made to avoid these damn drinks. …
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Soda, Sugar, Weight Loss

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A simple Tex-Mex dish that is also healthy. Tex Mex Pizza A delicious and simple recipe for Mexican pizza your family will love. Mexican Pizza is delicious as a pizza crust or flour tortilla topped with any number of toppings. You can add beans, beef, cheese, sour cream, onions, tomatoes, jalapeños, or even guacamole. The…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Mexican Pizza, Pizza, Recipe, Weight Loss

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How to avoid overeating while traveling.   Traveling can create difficult obstacles to eating a healthy diet.  It may seem like the two are incompatible, and you may feel like just waiting until after the holiday season or your big trip.  The stress of traffic and being in the care with your family are natural…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dieting, Fast Food, List, Travel, Weight Loss

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Four week splurge come to an end. I made weight a month a go. I am back in the saddle - I hope. Report: Weight: 223 poundsBody Fat: 17%Diet: Better at avoiding sweets. No alcohol. Exercise: Once a day on my bike. The bottom line: Hopefully this continues.
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Weight loss may help reduce falls and increase balance as we age.   Elderly Couple Walking on Beach When I was in medical school, evidence-based medicine was not the center of the training of new students and doctors.  Today, evidence-based medicine is the center of how medical providers practice medicine.  When I trained, I was taught…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Balance, Exercise, Falls, Weight Loss

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Motivation is one key for weight loss success. The Way Get Started Is To Quit Talking And Begin Doing. ~ Walt Disney I have found it difficult to stay motivated and have to admit that I often fail to meet my target.  More times than not, I get backed into a corner and have no choice but to lose…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Weight Loss

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Exercise won't make you thin but it helps. Exercise assists diet in losing weight.   Exercise The United States and the rest of the world continue to struggle with a significant public health problem that is nearly entirely associated with obesity and inactivity.  This epidemic has far-ranging consequences that could cripple the world economy by…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss

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Emotional eating can be the end of your diet success.   Emotional eating We all have stress in our lives.  I often feel intense food cravings when my stress is high.  I reach for those comfort foods to soothe the stress and make me feel better.  The problem is that the comfort foods do not help me…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Emotional Eating, Mindful Eating

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A simple chicken dish that is easy to make. This is an easy main course to put together.  Enjoy this chicken in a high-fiber wrap with a side of veggies and you have a quick and simple meal. You family will love this dish and ask for it regularly.
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Overeating is one reason we are overweight. It does not matter if you are trying to maintain weight loss or if you are just starting to lose weight, the reasons for less-than-successful weight loss are the same.  You have decided to make a change and are careful to know portion sizes and eat healthy choices, but…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: List, Loss, Overeat, Reasons, Weight

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I got get back to making progress. I made weight 3 weeks a go. Too much alcohol and candy. Report: Weight: 227 poundsBody Fat: 18%Diet: Better at avoiding sweets. Exercise: Once a day on my bike. The bottom line: We start again, again.
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Teas may assist in regulating bile acid, slow metabolism, and help maintain a healthy weight. Oolong Tea Bile acid has long been suspected at assist in regulating metabolism. We know that these acids are essential in the digestion of fats that we eat in our diet. We know that bile acids saponify and thus increase…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Bile Acid, Black Tea, Green Tea, Oolong, Tea, Weight Loss

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The key to weight loss is a negative calorie balance.   Calculator I know this seems like a simple concept, but many cannot accomplish this simple task.  If you want to lose weight, you must create a deficit of calories.  It is this simple, if you eat too many calories, you will lose weight, and…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Calorie Deficit, Weight Loss

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Fiber is filling and can assist with weight loss. We all know that fiber helps with lowering your cholesterol and risk of colon cancer.  In my opinion, when it comes to losing weight, one simple piece of advice may be more helpful than all the diet books, exercise, calorie counting, and portion measuring put together: Eat…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss

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A break from the grind of dieting may be exactly what you need. Taking a break Are you having trouble losing weight? You can now join my frustration. Over the past 4-6 weeks, I have struggled to lose weight, and I am not sure there is a quick fix. The answer for both of us…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Break, Diet, Editorial, Time-off

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Spicy Red Pepper Hummus : A healthier option than nachos It is Saturday and this is a great recipe for game day.  Yes, I know it is not nacho cheese, but you can dip with vegetable chips or bean chips and save a whole lot of calories.  This is a spicy hummus that will make you…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Weight Loss

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Exercise: Slow Return to Running If you have not figured it out yet, I am in the US Military.  The military is very interested in readiness and part of readiness is being able to run from incoming fire.  I can run if you chase me with a baseball bat.  In fact, I am pretty sure…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Running, Slow, Walking

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New research points to a vegan diet as a solution for elevated weight and obesity. The biggest nutritional argument of the past twenty years has been between the low-carbohydrate and low-fat crowds.  There is plenty of research to back up both sides claims that…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: High Carbohydrate, Research, Vegan Diet, Weight Loss

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More weight loss is better in patients with knee arthritis.   Osteoarthritis or arthritis I have always been taught that better is the enemy of the good.  In other words, more is not always better.  One of the biggest obstacles to good health is patient that believe if one is good, then more is better.…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss

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Type 2 Diabetes can be slowed or prevented. “No disease that can be treated by diet should be treated with any other means.” ― Maimonides Diabetes Diabetes type II or adult-onset diabetes is a genetic disease that is diet and nutrition-related.  If your parents have it, you likely have the gene that will give you this disease.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diabetes, Diet, Food, Nutrition, Thought

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Cell phones can assist with weight loss and maintenance Cell Phone The obesity epidemic in the United States is exploding and has spread to young adults.  As it reaches higher and higher levels, it is leading to significantly more public health implications that will follow the youth in adulthood.  If we can implements interventions at…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cell Phone, Research, Weight Loss

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Comfort foods can add to your midsection. The best comfort food will always be greens, cornbread, and fried chicken. -  Maya Angleou Comfort foods are foods we use to soothe our anxiety and depression.  They make us calm and increase endorphins.  For me, my comfort food is pizza or pepperoni rolls  Heck, I will take…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Comfort, Food, Quotes, Thought

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A simple but healthier twist on a family favorite. I have to admit that I love Italian.  I have a weakness for a simple pasta and meat sauce and I am looking for ways to make a quick dish that I can make and put in bowls in my refrigerator to eat for dinner for…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Italian, Recipe, Weight Loss

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I posted an article on the benefits of fiber.  This is going to be a multiple part series on high fiber foods you need to add to your diet on a regular basis.  I have found that if I get 30-50 grams of fiber in my diet each day that I am much less hungry.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, High Fiber Foods, Nutrition

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Two weeks post-weight-in I made weight a couple of weeks ago. Small indulgence and I back to losing weight. Report: Weight: 225 poundsBody Fat: 19%Diet: Better at avoiding sweets. Exercise: Twice a day on my bike. The bottom line: a little slip up.
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Teas may assist in regulating bile acid, slow metabolism, and help maintain a healthy weight. Oolong Tea Bile acid has long been suspected to assist in regulating metabolism. We know that these acids are essential in the digestion of fats that we eat in our diet. We know that bile acids saponify and thus increase…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Bile Acid, Black Tea, Green Tea, Oolong, Tea, Weight Loss

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Once day closer is just that - closer. I am not sure I know who said it, but I found it online.  Today I needed come inspiration.  I reassess my goals and I would like to get to 199 pounds and 18 percent body fat.  I am currently at 208 and 22.5 percent.  The body post…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inspiration, Motivation, Weight Loss

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Walking for two periods of exercise per day is better than one even if the total length is the same. Walking I have heard for years that a slim abdomen is made in the kitchen and not the gym. We know that exercise helps, but the fact is that exercise is not essential, takes longer,…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Walking, Weight Loss

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Family Food Preferences Not all of us have the option of preparing meals for just one.  Some of us have to consider our family, friends, roommates, etc. when choosing the weekly menu, shopping, and preparation of meals.  With Chuck living away for work, I must feed myself and our son.  The problem comes in that…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Family, Food, Nutrition, Road Bump

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Egg Taco: a simple breakfast treat you family will love. This recipe is a very tasty breakfast meal that is easy to make. tacos are a key staple in Texas. I have grown fond of them during my time at Fort Hood. My family have grown to prefer them over a breakfast sandwich. I have…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Egg Taco, Eggs, Healthy, Recipe, Taco, Tex Mex

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Seventeen tips to help start your weight loss right. Whenever you strive to change, making the decision is the first step.  Pat yourself on the back for making that decision.  You have already accomplished the first hurdle.  You now need to be confident in your decision and have a positive attitude.  As your blood sugar…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: List, Motivation, Strategies, Weight Loss

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One week post weight-in On, last Tuesday I weighted-in and made weight. I had a little bit of indulgence over the weekend. I gained 3 pounds, but I am back in the saddle and living healthy. Report: Weight: 222 poundsBody Fat: 18%Diet: Too much alcohol and ice cream. Mmm, Ice cream. Exercise: Twice a day…
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Bacteria supplementation appears to help with weight loss and metabolic syndrome Bacteria People have long looked for a magical weight loss cure. Anything that could help you gain that advantage against the losing battle to lose weight which most of us have struggled with our whole life. Although it is not coming to market or…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Bacteria, Metabolic Syndrome, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Motivation is the key to success in weight loss. Motivation I have found it difficult to stay motivated and have to admit that I often fail to meet my target.  More times than not, I get backed into a corner and have not choice but to lose weight or have severe ramifications. Over the years,…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Weight Loss

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Artificially sweetened beverages may not be as benign as we think. Refreshing Bubbly Soda Pop There are a lot of people out there who drink diet sodas. It is a huge market with sales in the billions of dollars. There is a perception that diet sodas are healthier than sugar-sweetened sodas. The manufacturers claim that…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet Beverages, Diet Soda, Healthy Risks, Weight Loss

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Exercise can help, but a flat belly is made in the Kitchen. "I got kicked out of ballet class because I pulled a groin muscle.  It wasn't mine." - Rita Rudner  Exercise motivation is tough.  Many morning that I have planned to exercise ended with me rolling over and burying my face in the pillow…
Categories: Exercise
Tags: Exercise, Quote, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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"Stressed spelled backward is desserts. Coincidence? I think not!" ~Author Unknown Chips, nachos and curls This a small food for thought on the simple things you can remove from your diet and how much weight you could lose in a year if you avoid them.  We are going to focus on sugar and junk food today.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Food For Thought, Junk Food, Weight Loss

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Weight training can assist with weight loss. Lifting Weights If you understand how you burn calories, you understand why it is important to keep muscle mass.  Weight lifting is one way to protect and build more muscle mass.   Many consider weight liftings or residence training to be one of the most important methods of…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss, Weight Training

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This week: Success. Tuesday, I weighted-in and made weight. I am really close! Report: Weight: 220 poundsBody Fat: 18%Diet: Much better!Exercise: Twice a day on my bike. The bottom line: Progress. I got this!
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Incentives can help with attendance but might not help with weight loss. [pullquote]"A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon." -Napolean Bonaparte. [/pullquote]One of the largest problems with community or work-related weight loss programs is engagement.  The old adage is true, you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss, Wellness

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The slower pace will finish the race! One of the most important tips I can give you about starting slow.  If you start out from more sedentary or mild activity to level and try to go heavy or high-intensity exercise, you will likely either be unsuccessful or end in injury.  As you increase the intensity,…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise Tip, Start Slow

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Exercise assists diet in losing weight.   Exercise The United States and the rest of the world continue to struggle with a significant public health problem that is nearly entirely associated with obesity and inactivity.  This epidemic has far-ranging consequences that could cripple the world economy by reducing the available workforce.  It even greatly impacts…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss, Wellness

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Alcohol does not have too derail weight loss, but it can.  Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy. - Frank Sinatra Ok, we all know that alcohol is full of calories, but we continue to drink it.  This point I would make is that if you can avoid alcohol,…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Alcohol, Quote, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Low-calorie foods might not be the answer. Eating Cardboard [pullquote]"A gourmet who thinks of calories is like a tart who looks at her watch." -  James Beard[/pullquote] Everyone thinks that foods that are high in calories are unhealthy.  I will refute this right now.  Plain and simple this is untrue.  Cardboard is low in calories…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Food For Thought, High-calorie Foods, Weight Loss

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Any pedometer will work to track activity. Pedometer Bottom Line Up Front:  This is a very cheap but effective pedometer.  It is made in China and I purchased it for about three dollars including shipping.  That being said, I just purchased a series 6 Apple watch.  Pedometers come in all shapes, colors, and sizes.  …
Categories: Exercise, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Pedometer, Weight Loss

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Slight improvement.   Name a diet, and you will find a diet that I have struggled to maintain.  I have tried Keto, low carb, paleo, and fasting.  I, like countless people, can tell me about my trials and tribulations with nearly every diet I have tried. Each time I tried a new diet, I saw a…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Cortisol: The Beer Gut Hormone Cortisol is a steroid hormone of the glucocorticoid class that is made and released by the Adrenal Glands in response to stress (Examples of glucocorticoid like hormones are hydrocortisone and prednisone).  The adrenals located above each kidney.  It is often…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cortisol, Stress, Weight, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Eating cake can derail your weight-loss train. Parties often involve a celebratory cake.  Cakes are full of sugar and fat.  The best of all is a buttercream cake.  The cake is often made pound cake which contains over a pound of butter and flour and that does not count what is in the icing.  How…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Cake, Nutrition, Road Bump, Weight Loss

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Daily regularity in breakfast consumption is associated with a healthier weight in women Breakfast Prior research has pointed to eating breakfast as being linked to a healthier weight. This link most notably comes from the National Weight Control Registry. The fact is that the evidence suggests that regular eating patterns may be favorable with respect…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Breakfast, Research, Weight Loss

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Even a cheap pedometer will work if you use it. Bottom Line Up Front:  This is a cheap but effective pedometer.  It is made in China and I purchased it for about $2 dollars and that included shipping. Pedometers come in all shapes, colors, and sizes.   Most are not the most accurate at measuring steps…
Categories: Exercise, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Fitness, Healthy, Pedometer, Walking, Weight Loss

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Disciple is a key to success in weight loss. I tried every diet in the book. I tried some that weren’t in the book. I tried eating the book. It tasted better than most of the diets.~Dolly Parton Discipline So you need a little inspiration to get you motivated to avoid the food you crave.…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Disciple, Quote, Weight Loss

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Pedometers and The number of steps needed for a healthy lifestyle. If you buy a pedometer, smartwatch, or fitness tracker like a Fitbit, chances are the device will encourage you to take 10,000 steps a day. But do you have to walk this much to be healthy?   There are many recommendations on how many…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Electronics, Exercise, Fitness, Fitness Electronics, Steps, Walking, Weight Loss

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Travel and weight loss: a bumpy road. Ok, I am on my first big trip to take a vacation.  That is actually two obstacle to continuing my health kick.  One is traveling and the other being on vacation.  I plan to attack this differently than I have in the past.  In the past, I would take…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Road Bump, Travel, Weight Loss

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Teas may assist in regulating bile acid, slow metabolism, and help maintain a healthy weight. Oolong Tea Bile acid has long been suspected at assist in regulating metabolism. We know that these acids are essential in the digestion of fats that we eat in our diet. We know that bile acids saponify and thus increase…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetitie, Hunger, Satiate, Tea, Weight Loss

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Rest and sleep and two keys to weight loss success. "Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise".Ben Franklin So should you walk up at 5 am and go out for a run?  Ben Franklin said that "Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise".  In the…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Rest, Road Bump, Sleep, Weight Loss

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Persistent self-weighing is one key means to increase the success of successful weight loss and maintenance. Scale and Tape Measure Self-monitoring of weight loss success is long suspected to be a successful method for increasing the efficacy of your weight loss plans. In fact, I have written several articles on this very topic and most…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Self-weighing, Weight Loss

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If you choose wisely, eating healthy does not have to break the bank. grocery aisle Whenever I hear someone claim that healthy foods don't cost more than unhealthy ones, I can only shake my head and wonder if this is actually true. I am a physician and not poor by any means. I own a…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Budget, Editorial, Expensive, Healthy Food, Research, Weight Loss

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An introduction to Portion Control One of the most common reasons for failure in weight loss is overeating.  No matter if you are trying to lose weight or just start eating healthier the first thing you need to learn is portion control.  The first step is to really understand what a portion or serving size…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Portion Control, Weight Loss

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The magic of pedometer is simple math. Ok.  The key to knowing more about pedometers is to know how the math works.  If you understand the math, you understand the science and mechanism behind the wizard that is a pedometer.  They are not all that complicated until you get to the smartwatch. Americans are becoming…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Electronics, Exercise, Fitness, Fitness Electronics, Obesity, Weight, Weight Loss

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Today's Stats: Weight: 224lbsBody Fat: 19% Goals: Weight 210Body Fat: 18% The bottom line: I am getting closer.
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Even more weight loss mistakes to avoid. You plan you diet carefully and limit snack to only the healthier foods.  But are you making good choices.  This series is all about looking at the not so smart choices you might have made.   Low-fat diets:  Recent studies have debunked the age-old claims that we should…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Loss, Mistakes, Weight, Weight Loss. Nutrition

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Peer pressure may be the root of all weight gain evil! One of the biggest obstacles to success in weight loss or weight loss management is peer pressure. Peer Pressure You are out to eat with your family and they decide they want to order dessert or your son opens the box of Oreos.  Oreo…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Peer Pressure, Research, Road Bump, Weight Loss

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Water can help you lose weight. Americans are estimated to be 5-10% dehydrated, but too much water can be just as fatal as dehydration.  I would suspect that this estimate is low based on my trips to the grocery store.  Everyone I saw was loading their cart full of soda and coffee.  Both of these may…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Research, Water, Weight Loss

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Addiction to being healthy is not easy.   I am addicted to food. I have been addicted to food for years.  This idea is not some new revelation, but it is something that I wish would go away. After many years of being exposed to its powers, I spent hours…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Execise, Healthy Life, Nutrition

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A healthy and delicious version of this popular Tex-Mex dish. Chicken fajitas are one of my family’s favorite recipes. I personally love to make it because it can be made in so many ways and it is easily to make. You can make them in a frying pan, grill them, or even back them on…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Recipe, Tex Mex

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A pedometer can assist with accountability. Why buy a pedometer?  Many folks out there will tell you that you are wasting your money if you buy a fitness tracker or pedometer.  There are many benefits to buying one, but are they worth the investment?  How do pedometers help me with fitness and weight loss? Pedometer…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Electronics, Exercise, Fitness, Fitness Electronics, Obesity, Weight, Weight Loss

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COVID was an interesting technique to lose weight.  I did not catch on purpose and I would not recommend it as a means, but it did work.   Today's stats: Weight: 225lbs Body Fat: 19% Goals: Weight 210 Body Fat: 18% Oops!  Reality Check:  I forgot my lunch…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Fiber is filling and can assist with weight loss. We all know that fiber helps with lowering your cholesterol and risk of colon cancer.  In my opinion, when it comes to losing weight, one simple piece of advice may be more helpful than all the diet books, exercise, calorie counting, and portion measuring put together: Eat…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss

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Airport Food: The options are slim and unhealthy. Airline meal I am in the airport in Dallas and I have to say it is a nice airport.  With a 2 hour layover, I have plenty of time to walk steps in the airport.  The open area and walkways between terminals will allowed me to get…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Airplane, Airport, Road Bump. Weight Loss, Travel

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Whey protein may help you lose weight. One of the most common supplements for muscle building and weight loss is Whey Protein.  I have heard a lot of outlandish claims on it.  I remember a press conference on YouTube a few years ago when one of the better-known companies claimed a higher rate of muscle…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Protein, Supplement, Weight Loss. Whey

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Time to back into the grind! I am on my way back from vacation.  I have experienced a bit of forced downtime based on my COVID testing.  I tested positive and have to be away from my family and work.  I missed my family but it might be the escape formwork that impacted my eating…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Note, Weight Loss

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An easy low calorie, high-fiber casserole.   This high-fiber casserole is one your family will love. Freekeh is a young green wheat that is often roasted and cracked. This traditional food of the Middle East has a pleasant nutty flavor and cooks in just 25 minutes. A high-fiber whole grain, freekeh is perfect for savory…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Chile, Fiber, Food, Recipe

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Garcinia Cambogia is probably one to avoid! Source: Garcinia Cambogia Fruit which is a small green to pale yellow fruit that is shaped a like a pumpkin.  It is grown in Southeast Asia and Africa and is also know as brindleberry, Malabar tamarind, and kudam puli.   Garcinia cambogia…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Garcinia Cambogia Extract, Research, Supplement, Weight Loss

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COVID Positive and what do I do? Ok, here we are trying to start a new start after the new year and I test positive for COVID. I tested positive on 1 January. That one thing that surely can derail the weight-loss train. Then again, don't use COVID as a weight-loss technique. Sure nausea can…
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: COVID, Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Making good choices is the key to successful weight loss.  If you choose wisely, the weight will come off, and you will be less hungry.  If you chose poorly, you will be ravenously hungry and end up not only less satisfied but will also gain weight.  The following is a short list of foods I…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Foods, List, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Green tea boosts fat loss. Green tea has been widely recommended for just about anything that you can think up.  This liquid cure-all from the Orient is full of antioxidants and metabolism boosters.  The taste takes some time to get used to it, but once you do, it can be very pleasant. The question remains:…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Green Tea, Research, Weight Loss

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What is the history of pedometers?   Pedometers were first popular in the 1960s.  They gained fame in the 1964 Olympics in Japan as the 10,000 Step Meter or  Manpo-Kei.  This caused a fitness explosion in Japan and many walking clubs sprung into existence.  Even though this is when pedometers gained popularity, they have existed…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Fitness Electronics, History, Pedometer, Walking

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High protein diets may help with weight loss. High Protein Foods How does protein consumption affect weight loss?  I am not going o discuss a particular source of protein.  This is a post reviewing general research on the amount of protein consumption and weight loss.   The fad diets are out there.  Everyone has heard…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: High Protein, Research, Weight Loss

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Changing for life is the key to successful weight loss maintenance.   In college, I used to always toast a party with on toast: "Here is to having what you don't want and wanting what you don't have".  At the time, I thought I know what I wanted…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Weight Loss

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Airport Food: The options are slim and unhealthy. I am in the airport in Dallas and I have to say it is a nice airport.  With a 2 hour layover, I have plenty of time to walk steps in the airport.  The open area and walkways between terminals will allowed me to get in about…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Airplane, Airport, Food, Nutrition, Travel, Weight Loss

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Healthy, positive emotions are key to weight loss success. Weight loss quote with apple and tape measure If you are trying to lose right or get healthier, the worst thing you can do is feel that you have slipped up or are failing.  Regret and guilt will follow and you will being to worsen your eating…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Emotions, Weight Loss

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Let's get this weight loss party started.   The New Year has rolled around again, well, we are nearly there.  You have planned this moment for weeks to months and procrastinated.   You have made plans to abstain from your vices.  Your vice may be alcohol, bread, cake,…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: New Year's, Resolution, Weight Loss

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Time to return to my path to better health. New Years. For a long time, I have the wrong priorities. I have been focusing on short term enjoyment and relaxation instead on my path to better health. I blame it on stress at work and temptations from my family. The fact is that this is…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Health, New Year's, Resolution, Weight Loss

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Travel and weight loss: a bumpy road. Ok, I am on my first big trip to take a vacation.  That is actually two obstacle to continuing my health kick.  One is traveling and the other being on vacation.  I plan to attack this differently than I have in the past.  In the past, I would take…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Road Bump, Travel, Weight Loss

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New research points to a vegan diet as a solution for elevated weight and obesity. The biggest nutritional argument of the past twenty years has been between the low-carbohydrate and low-fat crowds.  There is plenty of research to back up both sides claims that…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: High Carbohydrate, Research, Vegan Diet, Weight Loss

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So how exactly does intermittent fasting help lose weight? Fasting Scale I have been trying unsuccessfully to lose weight. I am not sure how to make this work and I think the problem I am having is that I am not sticking to the diet and I am drinking too much alcohol. I have been…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Intermittent Fasting, Weight Loss

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A delicious and filling smoothie recipe. Cinnamon Bun Smoothie
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Cinnamon, Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Eating healthy while eating out is not easy. Fast Food Restaurant I personally would prefer to not eat healthy when I eat out.  I would prefer to just eat what I want, but recently, I visited a restaurant that is a less common chain restaurant near Jacksonville, FL.  I reviewed the calorie content online as…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dining, Eating, Out, Weight Loss

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Merry Christmas!   This time of year is the perfect time to reflect and show appreciation.  Christmas is a time of sharing and giving.  I want to give my appreciation to everyone that has visited my site.  I am truly grateful for all of my readers, family, and friends that have and continue to support me…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Merry Christmas, Weight Loss

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Christmas eve is a time for hope. Christmas Decor Today, I am taking a break from writing about my diet and path to health.   Every year on December 24, my parents would let us open a present.  Christmas is a huge time for businesses to make money.  We have over comercialized the holiday and…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Christmas Eve

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Bacteria supplementation appears to help with weight loss and metabolic syndrome Bacteria People have long looked for magical weight loss cure. Anything that could help you gain that advantage against the losing battle to lose weight which most of us have struggled with our whole life. Although it is not coming to market or a…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Bacteria, Metabolic Syndrome, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Will Alli help with weight loss? Orlistat is a pharmaceutical drug, sold over-the-counter under the name Alli, and under prescription as Xenical.  It has been on the market since 1999.  In 2007, it was released for over-the-counter sales under the name Alli.  The difference between the two pills, Alli and Xenical, is dosage.  Alli is…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Supplement, Weight Loss

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Addiction to being healthy is not easy.   I am addicted to food. I have been addicted to food for years.  This idea is not some new revelation, but it is something that I wish would go away. After many years of being exposed to its powers, I spent hours…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Execise, Healthy Life, Nutrition

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A delicious side dish that will add a lot of flavor to any meal. A simple and delicious dish to serve with roast meats.  It is easy to make and even my teenage son loves it.  It is also very filling and full of healthy fats. My family loves this recipe so much I republished…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Weight Loss

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Calories from different sources are not the same. Cutting Calories I have had a lot of nutrition lectures.  Whether it was a medical instructor or a dietician that I visited when I was trying to lose weight, almost all of them said weight loss is all about calories.  Although this is true to a point, it…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Weight Loss

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Baby Steps My weight is creeping down. Report: Weight: 229 poundsBody Fat: 19%Diet: Improved but too many sweets. Exercise: Daily on the bike The bottom line: Progress, progress, progress.
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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New research points to a vegan diet as a solution for elevated weight and obesity. The biggest nutritional argument of the past twenty years has been between the low-carbohydrate and low-fat crowds.  There is plenty of research to back up both sides claims that…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: High Carbohydrate, Research, Vegan Diet, Weight Loss

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The facts about self weigh-ins. One of the most common questions I receive is how often should you weigh yourself. This is not a simple question and there is no right answer. I have been a physician for a long time and many health care professionals and fitness experts try to make it more simple…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Question, Scale, Water, Weight Loss, Weight-in

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Paternal exercise appears to improve glucose metabolism in offspring.   Dads, this is one more reason to shed that dad bod before you start procreating.  Exercise has many positive effects outside of physical fitness and improved stamina.  Exercise lowers stress and improves your cognitive ability.  Exercise is synergistic with…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Metabolic, Research

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If you choose wisely, eating healthy does not have to break the bank. grocery aisle Whenever I hear someone claim that healthy foods don't cost more than unhealthy ones, I can only shake my head and wonder if this is actually true. I am a physician and not poor by any means. I own a…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Budget, Editorial, Expensive, Healthy Food, Research, Weight Loss

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A sweet, salty, and tangy treat for tastebuds. This chicken recipe covers all the bases that I look for in a recipe I love. It is a combination of sweet, tart, and salty. It uses lean chicken breasts and takes less than 45 minutes to complete. This stuffed chicken recipe is easy enough to make…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Recipe

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Eating Healthy In Restaurants Eating out with family and friends shouldn't be an excuse to eat unhealthy foods. This article contains five of my tips that I use to keep my calorie count down when I eat out.  Now, you can sit and enjoy your meal guilt free.   So,  you can sit and enjoy the company of your…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Eating Out, Healthy Diet, Weight Loss

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Baby Steps I am eating a little better and I have been biking every day. Report: Weight: 230 poundsBody Fat: 20%Diet: Improved but too many sweets. Exercise: Daily on the bike The bottom line: Progress, progress, progress.
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Fiber can reduce the weight loss effect of sugar. Cold glass of soda drink Weight gain after childbirth is a huge problem for many women. The baby and breastfeeding ramp up your metabolism and you add some weight to keep the baby safe. Anything you can do to limit post-delivery weight gain and to lose…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Obesity, Research, Sugar, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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What is a healthy goal for weight loss? The problem with most dieters is they pick a target that is too lofty or unrealistic, and when they miss the mark, they become discouraged.  Being discouraged naturally leads to regret and guilt and these negation thoughts are not helpful with weight loss.  We are in the…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Goals, Smart, Weight Loss

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What is a pedometer and how does one work? A pedometer is a relatively simple device.  Pedometers are devices that are portable and electronic, mechanical, or electromechanical that count each step a person takes by detecting the motion of the user's hands or hips.  They can be a simple mechanical device that just counts steps or as complex as the modern sports…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Calorie Counter, Exercise, Fitness Electronics, Pedometer, Step Count, Step Counter

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Quote to inspire a healthy mindset: Motivation So you need a little motivation to get you to lose weight and exercise.  Focus on success.  You can do this.  Avoid these negative thoughts of failure and you will.  It may not happen as quickly as you would like, but it will happen as long as you keep…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Quote, Weight Loss

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Suggestions to help avoid gaining weight after an injury Walking Injuries can be a huge obstacle to weight loss. Plain and simple, weight loss is dependent on creating a calorie deficit. Sure, most of the deficit is made in the kitchen, but a lack of exercise will have an impact. It impacts both in calories…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Injury, List, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Does an illness need to derail your exercise plans? Should I exercise when I am sick?  This is not an exact answer.  But, I will do my best to provide an answer.    What type of illnesses are we discussing? allergiescoldscoughsear infectionssinusitistonsillitisthroat infections (sore throat) Whether you should exercise depends not he several issues: BenefitRisk…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cold, Common Cold, Exercise, Heat Injury, Illness

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One week post-feast I am eating a little better and I have been biking every day. Report: Weight: 232 poundsBody Fat: 21%Diet: Improved but too many sweets. Exercise: Daily The bottom line: One step forward.
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Birthdays should be guilt free. Colorful cupcakes with candles spelling Happy Birthday Today is my birthday, and I am 53. I am a Sagittarius, and according to myth, I should be impulsive and fiery. I guess that is pretty much a fact. I fully intend to have my cake and I will eat it, too!!…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Happy Birthday

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Artificially sweetened beverages may not be as benign as we think. Refreshing Bubbly Soda Pop There are a lot of people out there who drink diet sodas. It is a huge market with sales in the billions of dollars. There is a perception that diet sodas are healthier than sugar-sweetened sodas. The manufacturers claim that…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Artificial sweeteners, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Mortality, Research, Sugar

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Weight loss mistakes make it more difficult. The is part 2 of the series.  I hope you find it helpful.   Obesity - Causes and Effects Dehydration:  Hydration is key and it is a research-proven method to lose weight and keep it off.  If you do not get enough fluids, you will gain weight.  There…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Loss, Mistakes, Weight, Weight Loss

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The Wild West of supplements is mostly unregulated. Supplements Capsules Dietary supplementation is in need of a change. I sesame recommend a need for regulation or laws, but this is one area that needs some moderation. The actual crisis is the fact that the supplement manufacturers are made up of snake oil salesmen and crooks. Although…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Nutrition, Supplement, Weight Loss

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If you snooze better, you will be more likely to lose weight. Sleep Sleep is essential for your health and successful weight loss.  The truth is that you can sleep your way to a smaller waistline.  If you do not get enough sleep, your metabolism will slow, and your body will degrade.  This post is…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: List, Sleep, Weight Loss

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Interval Training can assist with weight loss We have all looked for exercise to help maximize weight loss.  Which ones work and which ones do not?  All exercise will work for weight loss if you have a calorie deficit, but some work better. What is interval training?  Interval training is a type of exercise that combines various…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Interval, Loss, Training, Weight Loss

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Day sfter the feast and man I am bloated Thanksgiving came and is gone. Now is time for the crying as I step on the scale. Report: Weight: 233 poundsBody Fat: 21%Diet: Too many sweets and way too much food. Exercise: None The bottom line: Monday is a new start.
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Walkingoffpounds.com wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving! Happy Thanksgiving to all my loyal visitors!  I really appreciate you stopping by my site, reading my articles or posts and following my weight loss story.  I hope you have a fun and eventful day…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Happy Thankgiving

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Butter or Ghee: Which one is better?   The question of butter or ghee is quite a conundrum.  Ghee is all the rave.  Whether you are trying to lose weight or not, you can find lots of claims to the benefits of ghee with a quick internet search.  
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Butter, Ghee], Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Green Coffee bean may help with weight loss but it is probably not worth the risk. Green coffee beans are the seeds of the Coffee fruit.  They simply normal coffee beans that haven’t been roasted.  When we roast coffee beans to produce drinking coffee, the process reduces the chemical chlorogenic acid level in the coffee…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coffee, Supplements, Weight Loss

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Keto diets are too restrictive and are not sustainable for long haul. Ketogenic low carbs diet. The ketogenic diet or ‘keto diet’ is one of the new favorite diets that your see on the cover the grocery store garbage magazine. This a dietary approach is not new. Keto diets have been used for decades by…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Keto Diet, Ketogenic, Ketogenic Diet, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Tips to avoid late-night snacking Snacking can be the enemy of weight loss and cause significant weight gain.  If you can prevent snacking and grazing, you will be a step ahead in losing weight.  
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: List, Snack, Weight Loss

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Not all carbs are bad. Sure, they all end up as a simple sugar.  They all end up being stored as fat or burned for energy.   Products rich of complex carbohydrates. Now for the rest of the message: not all carbohydrates are the same.  There are two basic types of carbohydrates: simple and complex.…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Bad, Carbohydrate, Carbs, Myth, Nutrition

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A new start! Good progress and heading into the holidays! A little stagnation but no slips back. Report: Weight: 229 poundsBody Fat: 20%Diet: Too many sweets and alcohol.Exercise: The goal is 120 minutes of exercise and 8000 steps per day. The bottom line: Steps foward but there is a lots of room for improvement.
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Supplements create short-term success and are not the answer. supplement capsules Supplements that claim to stoke or speed up the metabolism have been around for decades and currently go by the name thermogenic or metabolism boosters.   They are currently one of the most popular weight loss supplements in the world and the supplement companies have billions invested…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Supplements, Thermogenic, Weight Loss

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Weight loss supplements provide limited weight loss assistance. Suplements The weight loss supplement industry is a billion dollar industry.  There is a lot of research out there that seems to support the use of supplements to lose weight.  What is the truth behind the research and should I take supplements? There are all sorts of…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Bad, Danger, Good, Myth, Supplements, Truth

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Peanut butter can be a part of your weight loss plan. As a child, I loved to eat peanut butter sandwiches after exercise.  I used to have 1-2 after each football and basketball practice.  It is a staple food of many children and teenagers in America, but somewhere after that age,  peanut butter becomes vilified…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Peanut Butter, Research, Weight Loss

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Should I be worried? The "so-what" to research results from 2013. There are hundreds of millions so people suffering from Diabetes type 2 around the globe (if not more). This disease is caused by an inability to properly process sugar from the blood. Normally, insulin signals our cells to pull sugar from our blood when…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Blood Sugar, Chewing, Editorial, Research, Satiety

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Thoughts of Quitting does not mean failure! Quitting Quote [pullquote]“Be the person that when your feet touch the floor in the morning the devil says, “aww shit.. they’re up…”  -- The Rock[/pullquote] We all think about quitting because weight loss seems so hard.  Focus on your goal and why you decided to take this quest…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Inspirational Quote, Quitting, Weight Loss

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Medications are hit and miss for weight loss...mostly a miss. I recently had a request to write and article one weight loss medications.   As a physician, I try everything in my arsenal to avoid having to go this route with patients.  I would prefer that they not have to take medications, but some are…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Medications, Question, Supplements, Weight Loss

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A new start! Today I weigh 229 pounds and did not make weight but I can do this. I pray for progress. Report: Weight: 229 poundsBody Fat: 20%Diet: Too many sweets. My goal is to reduce empty calories and add fiber. Exercise: The goal is 150 minutes of exercise and 10000 steps per day. The…
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Good vs. Bad fats. Figure 1: Pound of Body Fat Disgusting fat! Would all of our weight loss problems be solved if we just eliminated fat from our diets? The simple answer is no, it's not that simple.  Fats are an important part of a healthy diet and you cannot live without them.  Essential fatty…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Healthy Fats, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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The real truth about supplements and myths:   Figure 1:  Mortal and Pestle: This how many herbs are ground up for medicinal use.     What is the truth about supplements? A lot of health-conscious Americans are taking a vitamin, mineral, or supplement today.  I believe natural medicine has a role in health and wellness.  I…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Bad, Danger, Good, Myth, Supplements, Truth

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Yogurt could be one key to unlock weight loss success. Yogurt One of the key lessons to achieving lasting weight loss is actually learning to eat correctly.  There are many foods that can be added to your diet to maximize weight loss or reduce weight gain.  One such food is yogurt.  There are plenty of…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Loss, Research, Weight, Weight Loss, Yogurt

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A new word to learn but eating method to avoid. Portion Control Definition: Snarfing: To eat or drink something very quickly in a way that people think is greedy. I am always amazed at how fast people can consume food. Personally, I have always eaten fast, but my eating speed picked up during medical school…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Portion Control, Weight Loss

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Reasons to eat more dark chocolate. Do you really need a reason to eat more chocolate?  Probably not!  Chocolate is the ultimate comfort food.  Chocolate is one of the simple pleasures in life that has been tied to just about any benefit you can imagine.  People claim it can reduce stress, protect your heart, and acts…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: BMI, Chocolate, Exercise, Satiety, Weight Loss

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Exercise is not required for weight loss. This statement, "exercise is essential for weight loss," is far from the truth.  I have heard many so-called experts indicate that exercise is required to lose weight.  There are many problems with this statement and our near-religious belief that it is…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Myth, Weight Loss

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A new start! Today I weigh 228 pounds and I did not make weight this week. Report: Weight: 228 pounds - 7 pounds downBody Fat: 21%Diet: Improved. Need more fiber.Exercise: The goal is 150 minutes of exercise and 10000 steps per day. I did not meet this goal but I am riding the bike every…
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report

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Are Chickpeas Good For Weight Loss? Chickpeas Most dieters are looking for healthy and filling foods for their dietary plan. Putting together a healthy meal plan is confusing and it is hard to navigate the minefield of the healthy and unhealthy meal and snack options. The good news is that one such healthier option is…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Chickpeas, Question, Weight Loss

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Inspiration may help you start right! Here is a thought.  Get started with the first step to being healthier today.  Lose one half pound per week.  That sounds like very little and you may…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inspiration, Quote, Weight Loss

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Intermittent fasting obtained more weight loss than Paleo or Mediterranean diets. Woman scratching her head. Intermittent fasting and Paleolithic diets are all the rage today. If you walk out of the grocery store, you will find multiple magazines pushing these diets and the recipes as a means to produce weight loss. The problem is that…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Dieting, Intermittent Fasting, Research, Weight Loss

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Our own lack of compassion for our selves is a key reason for weight loss failure. Central Obesity Daily, millions of individuals seek to lose or maintain weight loss. Despite the fact that millions of Americans are struggling with obesity, we failur to understand the our own shortcomings. Although we will forgive others, we fail…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Behavioral, Compassion, Editorial, Weight Loss

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A loaded pecan smoothie. I am from Georgia and have many pecan trees on my farm. Pecans are high in fiber and antioxidants.  The addition of pumpkin and banana make this an excellent source of vitamins and minerals.   In my home town, you can smell the pralines as they cook year-round. It is intoxicating. I…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chocolate, Pecan, Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Avoiding mistakes is the key to success. Weight loss fail. Losing weight is not easy.  For some, the struggle to maintain a healthy weight, and others just give up and wallow in their obesity.  There are lots of mistakes you can make during your endeavor to lose weight.  These traps will lead to you ultimately failing…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Loss, Mistakes, Weight, Weight Loss

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Starting to get in a groove. Today I weigh 229 pounds and I am starting to gain a little confidence. Report: Weight: 229poundsBody Fat: 20%Diet: Still need to cut back on alcohol and sweets a little more, but I am doing better. Exercise: I have started using my bike and walking every day. The bottom…
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss

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The answer is clear: it is not safe! Candlenut seeds Nearly everyone is looking for the magic bullet to assist with weight loss and keeping it off once people hit their goal. There are many things that are safe and effective for losing weight and keeping it off. Unfortunately, candlenut in not one of them.…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Answer, Candlenut, Question, Research. Supplement, Weight Loss

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Restricting calories on low-carbohydrate results in more weight loss than a low-fat diet. Products rich of complex carbohydrates. The low carbohydrate versus low fat argument seems to never ending and no two experts agree, but the evidence is growing in research. The macronutrient debate for weight loss will continue no matter how much research is…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Low Carb, Low-carbohydrate, Research, Weight Loss

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Smaller meals mean fewer calories...Maybe. Myth If you have health problems, discuss this and any dieting plans with your doctor or dietician.  They can help individualize your plan to your disease condition. One of the most common myths I hear is that it is better to eat 5-6 smaller meals rather than three larger meals. …
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Research, Smaller Meals, Weight Loss

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Hunger is the bane of a successful diet plan. Hungry and craving. Many of us that have dieted are are dieting experience unexplained and unwanted hunger. It crops up from the gut at inconvenient times and despite your best efforts to avoid it, you now are craving good. The cravings have ensure that now you…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Hunger, Satiety, Weight Loss

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A tangy smoothie with the taste of persimmons. Persimmons are grown all over the world. They have a sweet, almost honey-like flavor. These treats are full of vitamin C. The coconut adds a sweet, creamy flavor, and the fiber will keep you full. It has a mix of green and tropical sweetness. It is kind of…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Green, Smoothie, Tropical, Weight Loss

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Coffee can be a healthy part of nearly any diet. Cup of Coffee "Coffee is dangerous and unhealthy."  This is preposterous and untrue for most of us.  The reasoning behind this is coffee…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coffee, Dangerous, Mortality, Myth, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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One step forward toward success. Today I weigh 231 pounds and I have made a little success with 4 pounds of weight loss. Report: Weight: 231 poundsBody Fat: 20.4%Diet: I have done better, but need to go a lot more. Exercise: 120 minutes of exercise and 10000 steps per day x 3 days. The bottom…
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Is sugar-free sucralose good For your health? Sucralose Sucralose is a no-calorie sweetener that contributes sweetness to foods and beverages without adding calories or carbohydrates. It is actually not entirely sugar-free. It is made from a process that begins with regular table sugar (sucrose); however, sucralose is really not a sugar. Your body cannot burn…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Healthy, Question, Safe, Sucralose, Weight Loss

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Physical activity a risk is a protective factor against dietary lapses after weight loss. Woman exercising with personal fitness coach. Nearly everyone who is trying to lose weight and gained the weight back dreads relapse on their next try. The fact is that very few people avoid weight regain that comes after weight loss. Dietary…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Relapse, Research, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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Consistent initiation of sleep appears to assist the maintenance of body weight Young girl sleeping in bedroom Several studies have suggested that reduced sleep duration and quality are associated with an increased risk of obesity and related metabolic disorders, but the role of sleep in long-term weight loss maintenance has not been thoroughly explored in…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Metabolic Syndrome, Obesity, Research, Sleep, Weight Loss

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The prefect diet for weight or fat loss is a utopian pipe dream that does not exist. Obesity. If you ask 100 people what the prefect diet is, you will get nearly 100 varied answers. The number of possibilities is quite overwhelming and will quickly drown those looking for assistance. There are so many diets…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Edit, Editorial, Perfect Diet, Weight Loss

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A delicious breakfast or an afternoon snack. A flavor blast of peach, ginger, kiwi, and banana gives you a smooth texture like a milkshake that is creamy. You’ll feel like you are having a real treat, but this tasty smoothie is made with all fresh and nutritious ingredients. It is nutritious enough for breakfast and delicious enough…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Walking is a lower impact exercise and better tolerated as we age. Walking Why did I choose walking as a form of exercise?  This is an easy answer for me.  It is an exercise that I can continue as I age.   Walking Walking can be a simpler form of exercise for the beginner, overweight, sedentary,…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Walking

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A new start! Today I weigh 235 pounds and I will not make weight by the time I have my next PT test and weigh in. I hope for some progress. Report: Weight: 235 poundsBody Fat: 21%Diet: Too many sweets. My goal is to reduce empty calories and add fiber. Exercise: The goal is 150…
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Nutrition labels are confusing but don't fret, you can figure them out. The new nutrition labels have been clarified to be less confusion but you need to understand the basics to comprehend the labels. Reading labels can be tricky and it is easy to misread them and over-consume. Consumers are becoming more health-conscious and knowledgeable.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition Labels, Question, Weight Loss

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Television may cause you to consume higher calorie intake. Mindless Eating in front Television Eating while doing something mindless such as television appears to increase the risk of over consumptions and obesity. It makes sense that the distration of one’s mind might make it more difficult to notice when you feel full. There has been…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss

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High levels of sugar consumption appear to promote obesity and change gut microbe flora. Sugar Weight control and obesity are huge problems in the united states and they are growing as fast as the average waistline. Obesity is the single largest growing health issue in the United States. We all know that increased caloric consumption…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Obesity, Research, Sugar

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A healthy diet is not as simple as low-carbohydrates or low-fat.   healthy lifestyle = good health and good food If you ask ten people to define a healthy diet, you will get at least 8-9 different answers.  May will say that is some variant of a low-fat diet, but others will say it is low sugar…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Healthy Diet, Nutrition

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The delicious smoothie is satisfying deep purple. This is a strange period in Georgia. In July and August, I begin harvesting my blackberries. These are a great ingredient in my smoothies and they go great with just about any other fruit. Pomegranates are what I have chosen to add to this smoothie. These two berries…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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The benefits of walking over other ambulatory exexcise. I have often though about returning to running.  I remember my days in Germany running with a jogging stroller for fitness and in hope that this would induce sleep for my son.  It gave my wife a break and was a means for me to exercise.  I…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Walking, Weight Loss

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Fructose is passed through breast milk, and even a small amount is associated with increases in body weight Dietary sugars and in particular add sugar have been shown to promote excess adiposity, body fat,  in both children and adults.  This being said, no…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Body Fat, Breastfeeding, Obesity, Research, Weight Loss

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Is it better to eat before or after exercise? Happy Young Businesswoman Doing Stretching Exercise At Workplace Exercise fanatics have as many opinions about their routines and diets as there are exercisers. No two agree with what is the best timing of meals to exercise. Some feel that meals would occur before exercise to provide…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Meals, Weight Loss

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Beverages with added sugar are not so sweet on your waistline after childbirth. Cold glass of soda drink Weight gain after childbirth is a huge problem for many women. The baby and breastfeeding ramp up your metabolism and you add some weight to keep the baby safe. Anything you can do to limit post-delivery weight…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Activity monitors such as a Fitbit work for some. Fitbit Versa Obesity is a major health concern in western countries and it is growing just as fast as the suffers' waist lines. In teh United States, patients with obesity can attend weight-loss programs that incldue a mix of exercise and dietary education. Changes in dietary…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Activity Monitor, Exercise, Obesity, Research, Weight Loss

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Social Media could a new way to jump-start your weight loss plan. Instagram. One of the hardest parts of making a big change is getting and staying motivated. There are many tips and tricks to staying motivated and inspired to continue on your path to better health and weight loss and one of the biggest…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Instagram, Research, Weight Loss

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A delicious smoothie to remind you of a childhood treat. When first introduced, smoothies were a huge success. They are a far cry from the Orange Julius drinks I had a child. They are nutritious and can be a filling part of or replacement for a meal while on the go. My all-time favorite is…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Tropical, Weight Loss

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Weight loss is dependent on calories. Okay.  Let's start with the basics.  If you understand the why and how of weight loss and weight gain, losing weight is an easy concept that is very difficult to maintain.  Weight loss is not as easy as just pushing back from the table or not filling the feed…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Biochemistry, Calories, Weight Loss

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Most cholesterol is made by our bodies and not ingested in our diet.   Like most of you, I grew up being told that foods like red meat, eggs, and bacon raise our cholesterol levels and that I should avoid them. This belief is based on the fat diet…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Cholesterol, Myth

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Coffee can be a part of a healthy lifestyle. Coffee Caffeine use is increasing worldwide. I personally have several cups every morning and several sodas during the day. I find that consumption allows me to focus and improves my performance. For years, many professional groups have recommended that we reduce our consumption because of the…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Arrhythmia, Research, Weight Loss

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Probiotics promote satiety and increase weight loss. fiber Prebiotics are a type of fiber that the human body cannot digest. They serve as food for probiotic microorganisms. These tiny living microorganisms have may helpful effects on our digestive track and health. Both prebiotics and probiotics may support helpful bacteria and other organisms in the gut…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Prebiotics, Research, Weight Loss

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Online support and weight loss program can lead to significant weight loss. Surprise From Scale Obesity is a huge problem around the world. The worldwide epidemic has been associated with a large increase in morbidity and mortality. Although it was initially centered in developed countries, it is not expanding just as fact the waistlines in…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Digital, Internet, Research, Support, Weight Loss

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Using pills or supplements for weight loss does not result in lasting weight loss and they are a huge risk to your health. Pills: Ooo Petty Colors Every dieter is looking for a quick way to get a leg up on obesity. With today’s sedentary lifestyles, it is near impossible to accomplish meaningful weight loss…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Medication, Supplements, Weight Loss

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A refreshing green fruit smoothie. Collard greens are one of the only vegetables with protein and they have a healthy dose of fiber as well. They do not stop there because they are high in vitamins A, C, and calcium.  This mixed with cashews and fruit to round out the nutritional smorgasbord. This smoothie will…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Green, Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Water can help promote weight loss. Glass of water Most of Aermcian's think they drink enough water. Nothing could be further from the truth. Most of the daily intake of water comes from food and beverages. The average American is chronically dehydrated and some are dehydrated by as much at 25%. Most experts recommend for…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Tidbit, Water, Weight Loss

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A study found people would rather take a pill than exercise to treat high blood pressure. The American culture is teetering on the edge of an abyss.  We are pending a fall into a state of poor health that is unprecedented on this scale.  Sure, we had…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, High Blood Pressure, Research

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A higher protein diet may be just what you need to maintain weight loss. Obesity - Causes and Effects High-protein diets have long been the craze around the world. Many book have highlighted them for both weight loss in the management of obesity. These diets have been around for many years and have been rigorously…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: High Protein, Obesity, Research, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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Alcohol is an empty calories can be the roadblock on the path to weight loss. Alcohol may not be as bad for weight loss you may think it is. There is research that has shown that a single drink a couple of times a week may lower your risk of becoming obese, but those who consume…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Alcohol, Obstacle, Road Bump, Weight Loss

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Four versus six-hour restrictive eating for weight loss Fasting Intermittent fasting is all the craze today. Many dieters are giving it a try to assist with weight loss and scientifically, it makes sense that fasting should work for weight loss if you can maintain it. The most common fast today is the 16:8 hour fast…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fasting, Intermittent Fasting, Research, Weight Loss

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Is a breakfast of toast and coffee healthy? Good morning!!!!! I am not a morning person, but I am excited to start fresh today.  If you have read any of my posts, you know I have decided to switch my diet around.  This is my first meal.  This is not regular toast, this is higher…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Breakfast, Fiber, Meal, Protein, Weight Loss

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A healthy smoothie with the taste of pumpkin spice. This pumpkin spice matcha smoothie is the perfect warm beverage to start your day. This recipe will remind you of the Halloween dessert pumpkin pie, but it is a lot more healthy.  Skip the coffee and try this energizing, healthy drink instead! It has a filling list…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Pumpkin Spice, Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Chicory root is a common additive to food.  It is also known as inulin.  You can read more to find out specifics and the pros and cons of Inulin. Figure 1:  Chicory Flower Chicory or Cichorium intybus grows in the United States and is cultivated in Mediterranean areas in Europe.  Chicory is a somewhat woody, perennial herbaceous plant of the…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Inulin, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Fitness and physical activity associated with a decreased risk of heart disease in those genetically predisposed.   People have long looked for a magic bullet to reduce their risk of heart disease.  Experts have pointed to reduced sugar and saturated fat as a mean to lower the risk.  The question…
Categories: Exercise, Research
Tags: Exercise, Heart Disease, Weight Loss

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Insulin inhibits or lowers your ability to burn fat. Close-up Of Young Man Holding Insulin And Syringe Insulin is a hormone or signal that notifies your cells that your blood sugar is high. The purpose of insulin is not to make you fat, but it is there to protect you from the toxic effects of…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Insulin, Obesity, Question, Weight Loss

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Smartphone applications and paper-based dietary diaries work at assisting weight loss Cell Phone I have used multiple methods to track my diet and instill self-accountability. Written journals were all the craze for decades, but it can be limited due to difficulty carrying it with you all of the time. It would make sense that mobile…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cell Phone Application, Diary, Exercise, Journal, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss

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Whole-body vibration might assist with weight loss. Shake Weight I would have never guessed that anyone world try vibration as a means to induce weight loss. Then again, they have been selling the Shake Weight for weight loss and fitness for years. The fact is that the whole idea seems a little ridiculous. Well, researchers…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Insulin Resistance, Research, Vibration, Weight Loss

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Walking is a better form of exercise for most people. Why walking?  This article reviews the many reasons walking is better than higher impact exercise such as running.  For me, I chose walking because I have a physical limitation that keeps me from running long distances.  After having major ankle reconstruction surgery, I have been…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Exercise, Running, Walking, Weight Loss

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A delicious and filling tropical smoothie. A simple, tropical delight to help you lose weight and be enough protein to protect your muscle mass. It is a deliciously refreshing island taste that will keep you coming back for more. The best part is it is full of protein and fiber to keep you full. [cooked-recipe…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Tropical

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Good choices can lead to weight loss success. One of the biggest misconceptions I have found in articles, books, and conversations concerning weight loss is that all you have to do is remove a single food type or groups from your diet in order to loose weight.  This is simply and patently false.  So what…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Keys, List, Weight Loss

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Extending your lifespan may be as easy as eating less.   A chronic caloric restriction has been suggested by several studies as a means to reduce the aging process and extend life.  Most of these have been in mice or rats and more primitive species.  There is a bountiful amount of…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Calorie Restriction, Longevity, Research, Weight Loss

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The CORRECT amount of protein question is not simple to answer! Steak There is no easy answer to this question, but I will make an attempt to answer it. Eating a healthy and nutritious diet is vitally important to remain in good health, but the question is what denotes healthy? There is no easy answer…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: How Much, Protein, Question

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High carbohydrate may lead to elevated cholesterol more than saturated fat consumption Butter on plate Current and prior US dietary guidelines have suggested the evils of saturated fat despite the fact that there is nearly no evidence to support these recommendations. We have pushed low-fat, low cholesterol diets for decades with little to no effect…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fat, Insulin Resistance, Obesity, Research

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More steps and higher Intensity linked with a lower mortality rate in adults. Walking I think we are all looking for something to motivate us to exercise more.  Although we all suspect that exercise will help us lower our risk of premature death, there is very little evidence in research to back up any suggestion…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Mortality, Research, Weight Loss

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Weight loss doe into have to be complex or difficult. Every so-called expert will tell you the secret to weight loss.  Anyone who tells you it is easy and you just have to eat lots of a single item, be leery.  Whether it is your sister or aunt telling you all you have to do…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Simple, Weight Loss

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A good choice does not have to taste bad. Microwave Meal A frozen dinner may not be what comes to mind when you think about trying to eat healthily. For people who live alone or are single, it might be challenging to cook healthily because small portions can be difficult to prepare.  If you cook…
Categories: Nutrition
Tags: Health, Meals, Microwave

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This list of habits might be leading to less weight loss trap. A brushtail possum is caught in a trap. Many of us are trying to lose weight and hitting the roadblock to success. The path to a healthier wasitline is filled with potholes that can derail you ability to lose weight. The problem is…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, List, Nutrition, Nutrition; Guidelines

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Plain and simple: Cholesterol and saturated fat are not your enemies. I am a child of the late 70s and mid-80s.  I started college in the mid-80s and finished in the early 90s.  Medical school for me started in the mid-90s and ended right before the turn-of-the-century.  I was educated…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Heart Disease, Metabolic Syndrome, Myth, Obesity, Research, Saturated Fat

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Personal activity trackers, when combined with online tracking, may assist with weight loss. Fitbit Versa The market is exploding with personal activity trackers, such as an Apple Watch or Fitbit, to meet your exercise tracking needs. Gone are the days of a simple pedometer. Today, you can find them in all kinds of shapes and…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Personal Activity Tracker, Weight Loss

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Understanding Calories and BMR can assist with weight loss "How many calories do I need?"  This is one of the most asked questions from people trying to lose weight.  A short and straightforward question, but it does not have an easy answer.  The most correct answer is that it depends on several factors. What is…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Bmr, Calculations, Calories

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Green tea may increase metabolism, assist with weight loss, and promote longevity. Green Tea Green tea is a popular drink worldwide but it is not near as popular in the United States. After reviewing a flurry of new research, I would recommend that you add it to your diet. This is not the first article…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fat Loss, Longevity, Research, Weight Loss

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Fiber: Why Do We Need It? What Foods Are Rich In Fiber? fiber What is fiber?  Why do I need it?  How can I add it to my diet?  Read more of this article to find out everything you want or need to know about fiber. Fiber is the performer otherwise known as roughage. Simply put…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Nutrition, Tidbit, Weight Loss

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Metabolic syndrome and metabolically health appear to worse in those without motivation to lose weight. Metabolic Syndrome The researchers used the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2011–2016) to conduct a cross-sectional analysis of 4509 adults with excess weight. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome and a metabolically healthy status was estimated by a no desire…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Metabolic Syndrome, Weight Loss

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10 simple dietary mistakes that hinder successful weight loss Picture of depressed fat woman scratching her head while thinking her problems in the studio You stick to your diet and exercise still gain weight if you do not make smart choices. Sure, vegetables are healthy but when you drench them in cheese or Ranch, you…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: List, Mistakes, Weight Loss

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A study reveals keys to successful weight maintenance in young adults In young adulthood, the beginnings of life-long obesity start.  An intervention in early adulthood could make the difference and improve health for a whole lifetime.  The problem, to date,  has been a lack in quality studies and a poor…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Regular Meals, Research, Weight Loss

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It is unclear if skipping breakfast Will harm your health. Low Carb Breakfast Skipping breakfast is a pretty common thing that many people do nearly every day. In the United States, as many as 25 percent of us will miss this daily meal and it is the center part of many diets to include intermittent…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Healthy, Question, Skipping Meals, Weight Loss

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Fat from dairy is associated with a lower risk of Diabetes type 2. Milk Twenty-six years ago, when I went to medical school, scientists and medical experts alike push the belief that fat was evil and the cause of heart disease. I remember a biochemist and physiologist lecturing that this may not be as clear…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome, Research, Weight Loss

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Adding nuts to your diet may help you keep your waist slim. Assorted Nuts Nuts are healthy snack or addition to any meal. They are packed full of healthy fats, fiber, nutrients, and antioxidants. Many weight-loss experts caution eating them when you are trying to lose weight, but they are grossly misinformed because they have…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Nuts, Research, Satiety, Weight Gain

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The right bread is high in fiber to keep you full. Bread is one of the most common foods in the American diet. During the past 50 years, bread in America has had less and less nutritional value. We are engineering our bread to be more easily digestible and with less nutritional quality.  These tips…
Categories: Nutrition
Tags: Bread, Nutrition, Tidbit, Weight Loss

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A decent filling and healthy choice. Today I am trying a new meal.  I paid $1.74 for Smart Ones Spaghetti meal. I am not huge fan of microwave meals. The photo is a fair representation of the meal inside.  It absolutely does not have the number of mushrooms in the photo, but that is ok…
Categories: Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Microwave Meal, Weight Loss

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How to create and maintain motivation! Motivation The most difficult thing about weight loss is motivation.  Motivation changes and is one of the first things to change as you near your goal.  Maintaining motivation over time is the largest obstacle to maintain weight loss and in my book, is the number one reason for weight…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: List, Motivation, Weight Loss

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Twenty Ways to Eat Chia Seeds Chia seeds have come a long way since being introduced in 1977 as a house botanical garden that you plant on a clay head or pet.  Since then, they have been sold in many forms from the likeness of Garfield the cat to…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Chia Seeds, List, Weight Loss

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Research appears to show that high protein, restricted energy diets are not superior to other diets. High Protein Foods In this time when we are so worried about COVID and infectious disease, we are ignoring the disease that is killing millions, and it's a huge drain on the global economy. Obesity has become a global…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, High Protein, Low-carbohydrate, Research, Weight Loss

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Good food choice is the difference between weight loss and weight gain. I have read a lot about food choices in dieting and weight loss.  One question that is commonly asked: Are there any key food types to avoid?  Food that makes the most sense to avoid is this that has limits for no nutritional…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Empty Calories, Nutrition, Obesity, Weight Gain

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Research study shows support for use of high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet to lose weight and lower cholesterol High-Protein Many dieters around the globe turn to higher protein or lower carbohydrates diets to assist with weight loss. Higher protein diets have been around for many years and have been touted to help with weight loss and high…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Dirt, High Protein, Low Calorie, Low-carbohydrate, Protein Bar, Research, Weight Loss

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Two studies released in 2020 found that modest improvement in insulin resistance with increased fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. We have long known that healthy eating will lower your risk of Diabetes type 2. It would make sense that a healthier diet higher in fiber and lower in empty carbohydrates would lower the insulin spikes…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Healthy Eating, Insulin Risistance, Metabolic Syndrome, Obesity, Research

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A simple smoothie that is high in vitamin A and C. Nothing says spring like carrots, rhubarb, and orange. It can really put that bounce in your step. The best part is that it is high fiber, vitamins A and C, and magnesium. You have a sweet, brightly colored drink that tastes like a dessert but is…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Tea can help you lose weight and keep it off. Peach Ginger Tea Tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world. American's drink more coffee, but around the world, tea takes the peak. There are hundreds of varieties and nearly all may assist you in losing weight it and keeping it off.…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Nutrition, Tea, Weight Loss. List

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A daily serving of walnuts may help shed extra pounds.   Walnuts are readily available year-round in just about every grocery store on the planet.   They are a delicious source of protein and healthy fats.  Walnuts are well documented to be high in antioxidants and helpful in lowering your "bad" cholesterol.  The key is walnuts…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Nuts, Research, Walnuts, Weight Loss

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Research shows better quality sleep leads to more weight loss. Sleep We are all looking for a way to improve our weight loss success. The problem is that it is not as easy as making a small change in our lives. We know that sleep is associated with weight gain and sleep is consistently being…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Sleep, Weight Loss

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Aerobic and resistance training assists with weight loss. Resistance band exercise. Obesity is becoming a huge problem worldwide. Obesity can lead to a number of alterations in biomechanical structures and can cause massive issues with pain and lead to osteoarthritis over time. Osteoarthritis can lead to miserable quality fo life and increases morbidity and morbidity.…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Physical activity appears to be protective factor against dietary during and after weight loss Exercise Nearly everyone had either attempted weight loss or lost weight and then experienced a lapse that resulted in regain. It almost seems like an inevitability. Dietary lapses drive weight loss failure And can be quite disheartening and destroy confidence. The…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Regain, Relapse, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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A Challenge of Terminology: Overweight or Overfat Overfat One of the problems with our current state of diet, weight loss, and obesity in the United States is the language we use. Every article I read refers to weight loss when they mean fat loss. I am no different because I interchange the worse at will.…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Body Fat, Obesity, Overfat, Overweight, Weight Loss

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Delicious garlic filled recipe! Chicken when cooked correctly can be a delicious and nutritious meal.  When I was looking to lose weight, I found many of the recipes to be less than desirable.  I think you and your family will love this addition to your night-time rotation. This recipe is one that I really…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe
Tags: Healthy, Recipe, Weight Loss

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IHOP: The dietary minefield has made a healthy option. Simple & Fit Two x Two x Two It's easy to get into trouble when eating out but that is especially true at any place that serves as many pancake options as IHOP. I absolutely love pancakes but they do not love me. This meals choice…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Breakfast, Healthy Meal, IHOP, Lunch, On-the-go, Weight Loss

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Back in the saddle for 7 days. I have had a good week with exercise 3 ofd 7 days and fairly good diet selections. I have avoided alcohol but had some sweets. Update: Weight: 231 pounds - lost 5 pounds since 1 June (236).Body fat: 19%. Down 1%Waist: 38.5 inches. Down 0.5 inch. Short term…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Aerobic exercise classes may assist with fat and weight loss. Step Aerobics Class Aerobics has long been an attractive type of aerobic exercise and can be considered as an appropriate intervention strategy for weight loss. Aerobic classes are a form of high-intensity training and they have long been used for weight loss and fitness. I…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Aerobics, Exercise, Research, Weight Loss

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Moderation is key to making your choice a healthy one. buttered-toast Butter has be vilified over the years.  Are their any healthier options?  This article discusses a few.  One of the questions I have been asked on more than one occasion is should I use butter or not.  I am a little different than most…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Butter, Margarine, Nutrition Tidbit

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Egg consumption does not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease Bunch of Eggs Eggs, and in particular egg yolks, have long been vilified as being bad for people because they reportedly increased the risk of heart disease. To be honest, egg yolks and whole eggs are high in cholesterol and cholesterol is the main component…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Eggs, Health, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss

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Cinnamon reduced blood glucose better than a placebo. Cinnamon sticks and cinnamon powder in wooden scoop I have written prior posts on the miracle of cinnamon. Cinnamon supplements have been touted to help with blood sugar, insulin resistance, and obesity. Identifying a adjunct safe, durable, and cost-effective approach to reduce insulin resitance before the need…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Blood Sugar, Cinnamon, Research, Weight Loss

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A simple chicken dish that is easy to make. This is an easy main course to put together.  Enjoy this chicken in a high-fiber wrap with a side of veggies and you have a quick and simple meal. You family will love this dish and ask for it regularly. We recommend the following…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Tips to avoid late-night snacking Snacking can be the enemy of weight loss and cause significant weight gain.  If you can prevent snacking and grazing, you will be a step ahead in losing weight.  
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: List, Snack, Weight Loss

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Time to Restart. The fact is that I have been failing to stick to my diet since Mid June. Today I restart. Update: Weight: 235 pounds - lost 3 pounds since 1 June (236).Body fat: 20%. Down 0%Waist: 40 inches. Down 0 inch. Short term goal: 220 pounds so I have 13 pounds to go.Exercise…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress, Report, Weight Loss Research

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Today is our blog's birthday or 4 year anniversary. We have over 1461 posts in that time frame. As we start year 5, let's hope for 4 more. It has been a long and crazy second year and I can't believe how much this blog has changed in 4 years. I have learned a lot…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Happy Anniversary

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Cold exposure and brown fat may assist weight loss and increase caloric expenditure. Pound of Fat Cold and freezing of body fat is all of the rage to induce weight loss. There are any number of devices and treatments being pushed to help you cut the body fat without a knife or liposuction. Over the…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Brown Fat, Research, Weight Loss

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More walking may assist with achieving long term weight loss and maintenance. Walking for health This week marks the third anniversary of the start of this blog so I am going to write about what got it started and that is walking. It is hard to believe I have been on this quest for 3…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Research, Walking, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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COVID should be a huge motivation to lose weight. Obesity - Causes and Effects Ever since the COVID epidemic kicked into full gear, we have all heard the experts tout obesity as a significant risk factor for a fatal outcome from COVID. Obesity definitely appears to be a significant risk or comorbidity to adverse outcomes…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: COVID, Obesity, Research, Risk, Weight Loss

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A hydrating and delicious smoothie with some zing. Ginger is a great antioxidant to fight inflammation.  The addition of the apple, cucumber, spinach, and flax helps adds to create a healthy, nutritious, and unique flavor you will love.  The best thing is that each serving has less than 150 calories.
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Fifteen easy ways to banish your belly fat No one wants more ugly disgusting belly fat.  Belly fat is not just a problem because of its appearance.  More belly fat leads to more than just being fat.  Losing belly fat has benefits for your health and can help you live longer because it lowers your…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Belly Fat, Central Obesity, Fat Loss, List, Weight Loss

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There is no evidence that any number of meals is better than another.   There is a lot of debate over how many meals to eat per day. I have heard many reported experts and professionals scream out in support of a higher number of smaller meals over…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Meals, Myth, Weight Loss

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Short bouts of exercise have an accumulated effect on weight loss. Exercise couple I have long been suspect of exercise for weight loss. Although exercise by itself is not effective for weight loss or maintenance, it can be combined With a healthy diet to create a positive result on weight loss and maintenance. That being…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss

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Fat-free is a weight loss trap. Fat Free Many folks out there believe that fat-free is the key to health and weight loss. The problem is that fat-free does not mean calorie-free. Calories reduction the ket to weight loss and when you falsely delude yourself into thinking that your choices are healthy because you to…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss, Weight Loss Top

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Being mindful of the foods we eat and their impact can assist with successful weight loss. Mindful Eating Obesity has skyrocketed in the last decade and we are going to need to address this causes and the disease they have caused. The prevalence rates of overweight clearly indicate that the growing waist lines are going…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Mindfulness, Weight Loss. Mindful Eating

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Well, at least, a return to better choices and health to follow. The Open Road This post may seem framiliar to my regualrs.  I am reposting it, sort of! I have decided it is time to make a change in my life.  I am on new path to better health. I have struggled for months…
Categories: Progress Report
Tags: Health, Weight Loss

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A tropical smoothie that is both refreshing and filling. I love having a smoothie for breakfast and this is the perfect refreshing morning treat. This smoothie has the refreshing flavor of citrus and mango that really hits the spot. The simple 7 ingredients make a thick and creamy smoothie. It is 100% healthy and contains…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Weight Loss

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Ten simple steps to help you lose weight. I have made a list of weight loss tips that I have made on this.  I will post a new tip every Wednesday and Friday.  Some think will apply to use and others will not.  I recommend that you pick one or two and slowly add them…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: List, Weight Loss

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Fasting may help improve your health by reducing disease.   Fasting is more than just a recent fat.  It has been a part of many cultures for not only centuries but many millennia.  Calorie restriction has been shown to enhance healthy aging, but the inability of most subjects to…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fasting, Obesity, Research, Weight Loss

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Whey protein versus collagen supplementation: One is a hit and the other misses the mark. Scoops of Whey Protein Powder Protein supplements are usually used to control body weight, however, the impact of protein quality on body fat attenuation is unknown. Whey protein has long been touted as a potential addition to a weight loss…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Collagen, Refasten, Research, Supplementation, Weight Loss, Whey Protein

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Prepping your meal plans can help you lose weight. Food Meal Prep Who would have thought that planning your meal plans ahead of time and using an assembly line to get your meals packaged for the upcoming week would help you lose weight? I think we experience trouble making all the meals for you or…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Healthy Diet, Meal Prep, Weight Loss Tip

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Diet common to Scandinavian countries may assist with short term weight loss. Salmon Fish Fillet The Nordic diet incorporates many foods that commonly consumed by people in the Nordic countries. Thee countries include Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland. Several studies have looked at the health benefits of consuming foods that many of the inhabitants of…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Nordic Diet, Research, Weight Loss

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Ketogenic diets: The basics and some research  A keto or ketogenic diet is not a new diet.  This type of diet has been well known for being a low carb diet that is centered around the production of ketones.…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Ketogenic Diet, Research, Visitor Question, Weight Loss

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A basic smoothie made with healthy, fresh ingredients. This Strawberry raspberry smoothie recipe is an incredible marriage of two most sought after berries in an icy cool smoothie is a must-have experience for the summer. It is both refreshing and filling. Choose fresh berries, probiotic yogurt or milk, and a fiber supplement. We recommend…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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How to avoid overeating while traveling.   Traveling can create difficult obstacles to eating a healthy diet.  It may seem like the two are incompatible, and you may feel like just waiting until after the holiday season or your big trip.  The stress of traffic and being in the care with your family are natural…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dieting, Fast Food, List, Travel, Weight Loss

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Women may experience better improvement in insulin resistance than men after weight loss.   Weight loss interventions are considered part of the first line of therapy for those who develop disease states associated with insulin resistance, such as pre-diabetes, diabetes, or metabolic syndrome.  Gender differences in…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fat Loss, Gender, Research, Weight Loss

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Chlorogenic acid appears to assist with weight loss. Coffee I get this type of question all of the time. It is an interesting question, but it is not easy to answer. Chlorogenic acid has been touted as a cure for wide range of health concerns. To answer this question we have to develop a common…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Chlorogenic Acid, Coffee, Research, Weight Loss

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Greater attendance in weight loss program predicts weight loss. Weight loss fail. Wait, did I read this, right? If I stick to my diet, I will be more successful? Tell me it is not so. It seems so much like common sense. The fact is that even though it appears like an easy concept, many…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Participation, Research, Weight Loss

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According to research: More protein is better to keep the weight off. High-Protein Many studies have looked for the best strategy for weight loss and maintenance. There are plenty of studies that show that higher protein can assist with weight loss, improved satiety, and reduced insulin resistance. It is quite clear that high in processed…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: High Protein, Maintenance, Protein, Research, Weight Loss

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When you do partake, moderation is key to avoiding gluttony.   Cake,  whether white, yellow, or chocolate, is one of the most tempting foods man is ever created.  For example, a simple recipe for white cake contains the perfect mixture of sugar, butter, eggs, vanilla, flour, baking soda, and milk.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Cake, Editorial, Weight Loss

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A quick smoothie to rid your kitchen of those overripe bananas. This recipe is a delicious and nutritious after school snack that will have you remembering your childhood.  This creamy 5-ingredient peanut butter blueberry smoothie makes the perfect healthy breakfast or snack. It will keep you satisfied for hours.
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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America's birthday is not a reason to gain weight. United States Flag Fireworks and freedom are a combination that marks every 4th of July in America. That’s what we do on the Fourth of July to celebrate the country’s birthday. It is filled with lots of burgers and hotdogs. The calories are a minefield that…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Independence Day, List, Weight Loss

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Chia seeds may induce weight loss Chia seeds or Salvia hispanica have a food additive that have recently become the center of attention for many people interested in healthy and fitness.  I have seen a lot of outlandish claims, but some of them have a basis behind them.  I…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Chia Seeds, Nutrition, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Sedentary job high more a link to the obesity rate than the level of job stress. Stressed Healthcare professionals and researchers have long tied stress and a sedentary lifestyle to elevated body weight. Healthcare professionals, in particular, are subject to higher levels of stress at work, and their jobs are also sedentary. Thus, it would…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Body Mass Index, Research, Sedentary Lifestyle, Stress, Walk, Weight Gain

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The right combo of fat and fiber spells lasting satiety. Healthy Fats Like many of you, I am looking for a way to promote fullness and satiety. The problem is that it is not as easy as you might expect. The good news is that combining fat with fiber has been shown to promote fullness…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fat, Fiber, Weight Loss Tip

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Week on, week off intermittent dieting appears to be effective for weight loss and maintenance. Which Diet? Intermittent energy restriction or the “week on, week off“ weight loss diet continues to gain popularity as a weight loss strategy. The problem is that prior to recent research, there is limited evidence to back this method of…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Intermittent Fasting, Research, Weight Loss

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One more step toward final success. We can do this! Update: Weight: 229 pounds - lost 7 pounds since 1 June (236).Body fat: 19%. Down 1%Waist: 39 inches. Down 1 inch. Short term goal: 220 pounds so I have 9 pounds to go.Exercise - 2 days a week - I have exercised 1 of 7…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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A simple and refreshing summer smoothie. A simple high fiber orange raspberry rhubarb smoothie with added fiber and plenty of protein.  It is full of fiber, vitamin K, and calcium but without a lot of calories. Rhubarb is the perfect summer vegetable to thicken a smoothie and add some fiber and potassium. A nice dose of pea…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Fifteen high-protein snacks that will help prevent grazing the candy bowls Hard-boiled eggs This article is an extended version of the post: List: Ten High Protein Snacks. We all have had one of those days.  You are having one of those days with no white space and the marathon of back to back meetings all day…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: High Protein, List, Snacks, Weigh Loss

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One step backwards. We can still do this! Update: Took a small step backwards. Weight: 228 pounds - lost 8 pounds since 1 June (236).Body fat: 19%. Down 1%Waist: 39 inches. Down 1 inch. Short term goal: 220 pounds so I have 8 pounds to go.Exercise - 3 days a week - I have exercised…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Worksite weight control programs help workers lose weight and keep it off. Businesswoman Doing Stretching Exercise In the Workplace Prior research on worksite weight loss programs has found that such programs assist with weight loss. In fact, I wrote a post in the past that looked at research on weight loss and reduced absenteeism. It…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Maintenance. Jobsite Programs, Research, Weight Loss

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People who eat a later dinner may be predeposed to weight gain Late night meal / snack. Billions worldwide and millions of adult American adults are overweight or obese. Obesity will lead to health complications like diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Nearly all of these subjects are look fopr a way to lose…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Late Dinner, Research, Weight Loss

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Get more sleep and lose more weight! Reported poor sleep duration linked to less successful weight loss attempt. Sleeping Child Sleep as long been linked to obesity. Sleep apnea, central obesity, and insulin resistance is obviously associated with one another. An association between sleep and obesity has been suggested in several studies, but many previous…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Sleep, Weight Loss

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One more step toward final success. We can do this! Update: Weight: 227 pounds - lost 9 pounds since 1 June (236).Body fat: 19%. Down 1%Waist: 39 inches. Down 1 inch. Short term goal: 220 pounds so I have 7 pounds to go.Exercise - 3 days a week - I have exercised 2 of 7…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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A delicious and quick recipe made with sliced steak. I really love this recipe.  It has the perfect mixture of sweet and spicy.  I adapted this from a Marley Spoon to make it healthier and spicier.  Each taco has almost 15 grams of fiber and had ample protein to promote long-lasting satiety.
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Beef, Recipe, Tacos

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Twenty-five simple ways to prevent or stop unhealthy food and sugar cravings. The article is a continuation of List: 21 Ways to Fight Cravings.  Everybody has moments of weakness that sends them toward the exit ramp from the diet train.  Nothing will destroy your willpower or derail your diet faster than giving into your cravings.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Cravings, List, Weight Loss

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Baby steps. It is slow, but it is real. Update: Weight: 228 pounds - lost 8 pounds since 1 June (236).Body fat: 19%. Down 1%Waist: 39 inches. Down 1 inch. Short term goal: 220 pounds so I have 8 pounds to go.Exercise - 3 days a week - I have exercised 4 of 7 days.…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Is there an optimal diet for weight management and metabolic health? Big family dinner People can lose body weight and improve health status on a nearly every diet your want to try. This general statement is true, but I would limit with the word “nearly” because going on an ice cream diet would probably not…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Answer, Perfect Diet, Question, Weight Loss

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Meal delivery services can help you lose weight. Food Meal Prep Do you hate to cook? Not many of us like to cook and all are looking to a quick and easy way to prepare meals and still lose weight. The good news is you don't have to cook to lose weight and meal delivery…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Delivery Service, Meal Prep, Weight Loss Tip

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Phone SMS messaging of encouragement and tips can assist in maintain weight loss. Cell Phone We are all looking for a way to help us keep the weight loss. Weight loss is possible for most but nearly all fail to keep it off or maintain the loss they have achieved. The problem is that the…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Cell Phone, Maintenance, Message, Research, Sms, Weight Loss

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More progress from fasting. It is slow, but it is real. Update: Weight: 229 pounds - lost 7 pounds since 1 June (236).Body fat: 19%. Down 1%Waist: 39 inches. Down 1 inch. Short term goal: 220 pounds so I have 9 pounds to go.Exercise - 3 days a week - I have exercised 46 of…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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A delicious and refreshing morning smoothie. You will love this recipe. A blueberry pineapple smoothie is delicious and filling. It is not low-carbohydrate, but you will find it delicious and refreshing in the morning. The best part is that it is loaded with antioxidants.
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recioe, Smoothie

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Baker's dozen of foods that will increase your fiber intake. fiber If losing weight is what you desire, fiber is your friend.  Fiber truly is a weight loss miracle and you cannot go wrong with adding a little extra to your diet.  It will not only help you lose weight and feel full longer, fiber…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, List, Weight Loss

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Intermittent fasting: Stagnation Continues Again and Again Slow progress and I feel pretty good. I have no idea how I avoided symptomatic COVID. I continue to exercise without a mask but outdoors. Update: Weight: 230 pounds - lost 6 pounds since 1 June (236).Body fat: 19%. Down 1%Waist: 39 inches. Down 1 inch. Short term…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Skipping television and more home-cooked meals area associated with less obesity in adults. A Family Preparing a Meal Distracted or mindless eating is the enemy of a slim waistline. Many prior studies have looked at eating at home and watching TV during meals as a risk for weight gain or obesity. Few studies have analyzed…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Home-cooked Meals, Obesity, Research, Television, Weight Loss

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Why eggs are one of the perfect weight loss foods. Bunch of Eggs Eggs have long been vilified as unhealthy food and the cause of high cholesterol, heart disease, and strokes. The fact is that the tie between eggs and health conditions is very poor and more recent research refutes these claims. In fact, eggs are…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Eggs, Weight Loss Tip

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Chromium and Carnitine supplementation appears to lower body weight and and insulin resistance. Supplements Chromium and carnitine have long been suggested to assist with blood sugar maintenance. There is some research to back their use in people with type II diabetes. Obesity, PCOS, and metabolic syndrome have similar biochemical influences to diabetes type II because…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Insulin Resistance, Metabolic Syndrome, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Research, Weight Loss

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Week one complete! We continue to make progress! Update: Weight: 231 pounds - lost 4 pounds since 1 June (236).Body fat: 19%. Down 1%Waist: 39 inches. Down 1 inch. Short term goal: 220 pounds so I have 10 pounds to go.Exercise - 3 days a week - I have exercised 3 of 7 days. Diet:…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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A simple topping or fruity dessert. Compote or compôte is a dessert originating from medieval Europe, made of whole or pieces of fruit in sugar syrup. It is created by boiling fruit until the sugar is concentrated to congeal the mixture. This recipe is a delicious recipe that goes great on toast, french toast, or waffles.  Heck, it goes well by itself,…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Fruit Compote, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Twelve-step program to avoid binging. Overeating - Family style Overeating is one of the most common mistakes people make when they make a move toward a healthier lifestyle.  You woke up today making a plan to make today a different day and instead of having that healthy breakfast at home, you had a pastry.  The…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Binge, List, Weight Loss

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Intermittent fasting: Stagnation Continues Again and Again So far so good = 2 pounds Update: Weight: 233 pounds - lost 2 pounds since 1 June (236).Body fat: 20%. Down 0%Waist: 40 inches. Down 1 inch. Short term goal: 220 pounds so I have 13 pounds to go.Exercise - 3 days a week - I have…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Research shows that low-carb diets work for weight loss and maintenance and lower cardiac risk. Low Carbohydrate Low carbohydrate diets have been around for centuries but for years this claimed benefits have been lacking in quality evidence to back their suggested use. The good news is that the evidence is growing to suggest that they…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Heart Disease, Low Carb, Low-carbohydrate, Question, Weight Loss

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Avoid most herbal supplements and supplements. Supplements Everyone his looking for a leg up in weight loss. To be honest, I would buy them if they were proven safe by a reputable study and effective at weight loss. The problem is that rarely is there a good study that is not full bias and often…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Herbals, Nutrition, Weight Loss Tip

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Research indicates a positive link to effective weight loss and fat loss to the use of circuit training. Exercise with Kettlebells Circuit training is a form of body conditioning or resistance training using high-intensity aerobics or interval training. It targets strength building and muscular endurance through stations of repeated exercises. An exercise "circuit" is complete…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Circuit Training, Exercise, Interval Training, Research, Weight Loss

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I fell off the wagon and will start again. I have eaten way too much pizza for the past two weeks and imbibed way too much to keep the weight off. In fact, I have gained 3-4 pounds in a weekend. I am back to day 1. I am starting the weight loss journey again.…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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A light, refreshing, and delicious smoothie to start the day. Today for recipe Sunday and I have made a simple, summertime smoothie that is so tasty and filling it can keep you full for hours.  This is my favorite Raspberry Orange Smoothie.  This recipe is a delicious and filling breakfast smoothie.  
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Green coffee extract may help weight loss but is it worth the risk? Green Coffee Green coffee beans are the seeds of the Coffee fruit.  They merely coffee beans that haven’t been roasted.  When we roast coffee beans to produce drinking coffee, the process reduces the chemical chlorogenic acid level in the coffee beans. Chlorogenic acid…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Green Coffee, Research, Supplements, Weight Loss

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Frown, Intermittent fasting time. Frowny Face I started a diet full of hope and gusto but are now picking up the pieces. Like many of you, I feel like you failed. I didn’t fail. The diet failed me. Most of the reason I failed was the stress of COVID. I could have been too restrictive,…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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A systematic review to look at the significance of water as a means to lose weight. Glass of water Over the years, there have been many scientific studies to look at water as a means to induce weight loss. In fact, I have written about using water to induce weight loss by increasing daily water…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Water, Weight Loss

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Muscle burns more calories Muscle Weight loss is simple and it is very dependent on a simple calculation. The key is to produce a dept of calories. This is the one debt that we will encourage. Boosting your metabolism can help you lose weight and keep it off, but how do you boost your metabolism? Metabolism is…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Muscle, Weight Loss Tip

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Dietary viscous fiber increases weight loss independently of calorie consumption. fiber Fiber intake has been tied to multiple health benefits. Fiber is basically a non-digestible carbohydrate and is made from repeating sugars that form a chain or sheet. The bonds that bind the sugars together are not breakable by humans without some assistance. Some types…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Research. Soluble Fiber, Weight Loss

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Memorial Day This years, Memorial Day is Monday, May 25, 2020. This day is very sacred and we should all take the time to remember those that have given their lives as a sacrifice for this country. Even this old Veteran learns a little about service and how to better honor those who came before…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Holiday, Memorial Day

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The perfect mix of tangy peach and sweet orange. My usual smoothie-making includes adding unique ingredients into a blender that may or may not go together to make a unique flavor. This is not one of those drinks. Peach and orange go very well together. You and your family will love this concoction.
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Ten ways to boost coffee flavor without adding lots of calories. The empty calories of sugar or creamer can kill a weight loss plan.  Many of us love a good cup of coffee from our local barista, but many of them are packed with extra calories you don't need.  If you’re trying to stay healthy and…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Coffee, List, Weight Loss

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Frown, I am just biding my time. UGGGGGGG. 235 pounds and counting! Frowny Face! Update: I am not sure where to go. 1 June, 1 June, 1 June The bottom line: I am at a higher weight than I have been in months. Stress and alcohol are not my friend.
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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A study links weight loss and improved military fitness. Military Formation Military readiness is a huge problem across the Department of Defense (DOD). I have seen new articles that appear to indicate that the limitary is becoming less and less fit and thus less ready to fight the countries wars. Far be it from me…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Fitness, Research, Weight Loss

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Consume fewer calories by eating more fruits and vegetables Fruits and vegetables at a farmers market Eating fewer calories is the key to weight loss. Although it may seem easy, it is not as easy as it may seem. Many of the foods that we have grown to love are high in calories and in…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fruits, Vegetables, Weight Loss Tip

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On the go, all day and night lifestyle worsens obesity, harms sleep, and increases snacking. snacking on the couch The quality of the diet in America and the rest of the world has taken a huge downturn in the last twenty years. With the downturn, we have seen an increase in our abdominal circumference, diabetes,…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Lifestyle, Metabolism, Research, Snacking, Weight Loss

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Intermittent fasting: Darn failure again. One word: UGGGGGGGGG x 3! What the heck! Frowny Face Update: Clear the schedule. I am going to wait until 1 June. The bottom line: Hopefully, I can slow the gain will after 1 June.
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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This blueberry smoothie recipe is everything but a plain Jane, “basic” blueberry smoothie. It is cold, creamy, nutritious, and delicious. The biggest thing I love about this smoothie is the fact that it combines the probiotic of kefir and probiotics of Fiber DX. All you need to make these blueberry smoothies are three basic ingredients:…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Prebiotic, Probiotic, Recipe, Smoothie

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Fifteen reasons to choose the elliptical over a treadmill Elliptical Trainer To make this clear: You can get an effective aerobic workout with both an elliptical machine and a treadmill.  Your fitness goals and personal preferences likely determine whether you choose an elliptical machine, a treadmill or a different piece of exercise equipment.  Heck, you…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Elliptical, Exercise, List, Weight Loss

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Intermittent fasting: Stagnation Continues Again and Again One word: UGGGGGGGGG x 2! Huge fail! Update: Weight: 229 pounds - lost 8 pounds since 24 February (237).Body fat: 20%. Down 5.8%Waist: 39 inches. Down 2 inches. Short term goal: 220 pounds so I have 9 pounds to go.Exercise - 3 days a week - I have…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Nordic walking appears to promote weight loss in overweight people. Nordic Walking Nordic walking is a new trend in some areas and is also a competitive sport. It is a form of a total body walking that is done with ski poles. It is very similar to cross country skiing without the skis and snow.…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Nordic Walking, Obesity, Research, Walking, Weight Loss

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A higher protein diet with moderate carbohydrates increases feeling fullness. High-Protein The key to successful weight loss is promoting a sense of fullness or satiety. Nearly every dieter is looking for some means to get the leg up on hunger and overeating. There is no magic bullet, but the favorable effects of a high-protein and…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Protein, Research, Satiety, Weight Loss

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Probiotics can assist with weight loss and weight maintenance but they are not a magic cure for obesity. Probiotics While you are probably reading about probiotics or prebiotics in all of your health and wellness magazines, I am sure the articles are leaving a lot of wonder and doubt in your mind. The words are…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Probiotics, Research, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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Intermittent fasting: Stagnation Continues Again and Again One word: UGGGGGGGGG! Update: Weight: 228 pounds - lost 9 pounds since 24 February (237).Body fat: 20%. Down 5.8%Waist: 39 inches. Down 2 inches. Short term goal: 220 pounds so I have 8 pounds to go.Exercise - 3 days a week - I have exercised 3 of 7…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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A reminder of your childhood by the fire. This recipe is easy to make and delicious addition to any breakfast or even a nice dessert.  As the temperature is getting cooler outside, this recipe is a perfect addition to your daily plan. The best part of this recipe is you cna have the flavor with…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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How to create and maintain motivation Motivation The most difficult thing about weight loss is motivation.  Motivation changes and is one of the first things to change as you near your goal.  Maintaining motivation over time is the largest obstacle to maintain weight loss and in my book, is the number one reason for weight…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: List, Motivation, Weight Loss

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Intermittent fasting: Stagnation Continues Again A little bit of stagnation. How do I stay on track? No idea. Update: Weight: 227 pounds - lost 10 pounds since 24 February (237).Body fat: 19.8%. Down 6.2 %Waist: 39 inches. Down 2 inches. Short term goal: 220 pounds so I have 7 pounds to go.Exercise - 3 days…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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A goal of ten-thousands steps is nothing but a number. Walking For over 50 years, experts and fitness fanatics have been pushing a goal of 10,000 steps per day. The goal is present as this magic number that will lead to instant fitness and better health. No matter whether you get 10,000 steps of exercise…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: 10000 Steps, Question, Steps, Weight Loss

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The first three months are essential for weight loss. Weight loss fail. Losing weight is not easy. Nearly every dieter struggles to lose weight or hits a plateau. Experts will tell you good gradual weight loss is the way to go. It is Victor's little to no evidence to back up this week. In fact,…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Maintenance, Weight Loss Tip

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Dietary adherence improved by virtual counseling and monitoring. Cell Phone Cost and access to support are common obstacles to attaining assistance with weight loss. Whether you need support or education, access to experts is needed to attain these goals for most dieters. There is nothing free in our society and unfortunately, weight loss support by…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Adherence, Research, Telehealth, Virtual, Weight Loss

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Intermittent fasting: Stagnation returns A little bit of stagnation. How do I stay on track. Update: Weight: 226 pounds - lost 11 pounds since 24 February (237).Body fat: 19.8%. Down 6.2 %Waist: 39 inches. Down 2 inches. Short term goal: 220 pounds so I have 6 pounds to go.Exercise - 3 days a week -…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Spring and summer-themed smoothie without the wine. The white sangria blend is delicious. It is a creamy smoothie that is full of frozen fruit from Aldi. You will love the mixture of Orange, strawberry, pineapple, and apple. I have the red and can't wait to try it too. It is the perfect recipe to add…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Sangria, Smoothie

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Twelve-step program to avoid binging. Overeating - Family style Overeating is one of the most common mistakes people make when they make a move toward a healthier lifestyle.  You woke up today making a plan to make today a different day and instead of having that healthy breakfast at home, you had a pastry.  The…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Binge, List, Weight Loss

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Intermittent fasting: Stagnation has ended. 1 week fo progress. Stagnation has ended. Update: Weight: 225 pounds - lost 12 pounds since 24 February (237).Body fat: 19.8%. Down 6.2 %Waist: 39 inches. Down 2 inches. Short term goal: 220 pounds so I have 5 pounds to go.Exercise - 3 days a week - I have exercised…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Increased control of cravings reduces the drive to overconsume too much food. Hungry and craving. Having a hankering for a particular food is hard to resist. Generally, it is well accepted that the overconsumption of foods is probably the top reason for weight gain. Exercise is important, but it has such a minor effect on…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Processed Foods, Research, Weight Loss

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More sleep and quality sleep helps shed the pounds Man sleeping Poor sleep duration and quality can pack on the pounds. It is well documented in research and medical literature that sleep helps reduce weight gain. Sleep is essential for efficient and properly functioning metabolism. In fact, a short sleep duration that is less than…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Sleep, Weight Loss Tip

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Fiber intake predicts weight loss and dietary adherence. fiber You gotta love fiber. Fiber is essentially free carbohydrates that do not count as calories. In fact, our bodies cannot digest them at all. Fiber is the natural that keeps your GI system running smoothly and clean from top to bottom. Fiber is also good for…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Research, Weight Loss

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Intermittent fasting: Stagnation x 2 A little bit of stagnation. How do I get back on track? Update: Weight: 226 pounds - lost 11 pounds since 24 February (237).Body fat: 19.8%. Down 6.2 %Waist: 39 inches. Down 2 inches. Short term goal: 220 pounds so I have 6 pounds to go.Exercise - 3 days a…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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A delicious and filling breakfast sandwich. Al fresco breakfast sausage on this sandwich do great with a strong cup of coffee. It is easy to make and great way to start a great day. I love the mix of sage and thyme. It goes great with dijon mustard.
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Breakfast, Recipe, Sandwich

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Reasons to eat more dark chocolate. Do you really need a reason to eat more chocolate?  Probably not!  Chocolate is the ultimate comfort food.  Chocolate is one of the simple pleasures in life that has been tied to just about any benefit you can imagine.  People claim it can reduce stress, protect your heart, and acts…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: BMI, Chocolate, Exercise, Satiety, Weight Loss

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Intermittent fasting: Stagnation x 2 A little bit of stagnation. How do I get back on track? Update: Weight: 227 pounds - lost 10 pounds since 24 February (237).Body fat: 19.8%. Down 6.2 %Waist: 39 inches. Down 2 inches. Short term goal: 220 pounds so I have 8 pounds to go.Exercise - 3 days a…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Support can be the difference been keeping the weight loss and gaining is all back. Support Group Most of us try to lose weight in our lives. Whilst initial weight loss is achievable, maintenance of long-term weight loss or maintenance is a goal that is difficult or impossible to achieve. As a medical provider, I…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Support Group, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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Modify old habits and adopt new ones can add a little spice to your old diet. Mindless Intake in front Television The enemy of a successful diet is boredom. That little rut can happen anytime but it is more likely to happen when you are bored. The problem is that it is very easy to…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Exercise, Habit, Mindless, Weight Loss Tip

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Dietary carbohydrate restriction improves metabolic syndrome through improved insulin sensitivity Metabolic Syndrome Metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance are the banes of many of the obese and overweight people around the globe. Many like to use their metabolic imbalance as a reason for why they cannot lose weight. Weight loss has long been believed to the…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Insulin Resistance, Low-carbohydrate, Metabolic Syndrome, Research, Weight Loss

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Intermittent fasting: Another stable week A little bit of stagnation but once again, that in itself is not a step backwards. Update: Weight: 227 pounds - lost 10 pounds since 24 February (237).Body fat: 19.8%. Down 6.2 %Waist: 39 inches. Down 2 inches. Short term goal: 220 pounds so I have 8 pounds to go.Exercise…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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 A breakfast smoothie that is the right way to start your day. This Peaches and Cream Breakfast Smoothie is made with juicy peaches, milk, and has enough fiber added to keep you full all day. It will bring back memories of this delicious summer treat.
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Thirteen foods that will increase your fiber intake and keep you full all day long.   If losing weight is what you desire, fiber is your friend.  Fiber truly is a weight loss miracle and you cannot go wrong with adding, a little extra to your diet.  It will not only help you lose weight…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, List, Satiety, Weight Loss

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Intermittent fasting: Stagnation A little bit of stagnation. Nothing else need to be said Update: Weight: 227 pounds - lost 10 pounds since 24 February (237).Body fat: 19.8%. Down 6.2 %Waist: 39 inches. Down 2 inches. Short term goal: 220 pounds so I have 8 pounds to go.Exercise - 3 days a week - I…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Nutritional counseling may be an effective means to reduce your weight. Registered dietician taking notes Sorry, nutritional counseling does not involve laying on a couch and being asked about your relationship with your mother. Instead, nutrition counseling is a type of assessment or counseling that analyzes various health and fitness needs. A nutritional counselor can help you to set…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Dietician, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss

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Eating out less and making your meals is the recipe for more weight loss. Couple cooking A lot of folks will tell that eating at home is healthier than eating out but it also a recipe for weight loss. The average meal that is eaten in a restaurant is near twice the caloric count that…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Eat At Home, Nutrition, Restaurant, Weight Loss Tip

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The total amount of weight loss associated with improved metabolic health and thus lower risk heart disease risk and diabetes type 2 and improved insulin sensitivity. Metabolic Syndrome Obesity is tied to a condition called metabolic syndrome. It is of the largest contributing factors to the development of diabetes type 2, heart disease, high blood…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Insulin Resistance, Metabolic Syndrome, Research, Weight Loss

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Intermittent fasting: Another great week A little bit of stagnation but that in itself is not a step backwards. Update: Weight: 227 pounds - lost 10 pounds since 24 February (237).Body fat: 20%. Down 6 %Waist: 39 inches. Down 2 inches. Short term goal: 220 pounds so I have 8 pounds to go.Exercise - 3…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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An orange tropical flavor that will satisfy your sweet tooth and keep you full. Orange Tropical Smoothie This is a delicious and nutritious smoothie that is full of fiber and protein. It has nearly 10 grams of fiber per serving.
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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A list of reasons COVID-19 is not the Zombie Apocalypse. Coronavirus The coronavirus epidemic is over three months old. This pandemic is increasing in complexity and size every day. Although I think you should not panic, I do not want to create a false sense of security or create a sense that the severity of…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Coronavirus, Health, List, Pandemic

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Intermittent fasting: Another great week Great week. I remain under 230! Update: Weight: 227 pounds - lost 10 pounds since 24 February (237).Body fat: 20%. Down 6 %Waist: 39 inches. Down 2 inches. Short term goal: 220 pounds so I have 8 pounds to go.Exercise - 3 days a week - I have exercised 5…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Magic eightball says the "signs point to yes"! A heap of Hot Peppers I like many of you like to eat foods that are on the hot side of the spicy scale. I have heard a lot of folks swear by them from everything from joint pain, cholesterol levels, weight loss, and longer life. Recent…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Hot Peppers, Mortality, Research, Weight Loss

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Getting out of bed and moving around is a simple what to lose weight. Rise and shine I have to admit that like many of us that I am not a morning person. I wake a little grumpy and need a few cups of coffee to get moving. My mom used to sing a good…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Sleep, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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The keto diet can assist with weight loss, but weight loss is often not sustained. Ketogenic low carbs diet. Ketogenic diets are attractive to many Americans because the foods are very palatable and fit within our lifestyle. Everyone is looking for a quick means to lose weight. One promising new diet is the ketogenic diet…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Ketogenic, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss

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Intermittent fasting: baby steps of improvement. Great day today. I am under 230! Update: Weight: 228 pounds - lost 9 pounds since 24 February (237).Body fat: 20%. Down 6 %Waist: 39 inches. Down 2 inches. Short term goal: 220 pounds so I have 8 pounds to go.Exercise - 3 days a week - I have…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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A delicious and filling smoothie that can replace your dessert. This recipe will remind you of a Creamsicle, and the protein and fiber will keep you full all morning long.  I like this recipe as a smoothie or a quick dessert in a blender.
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Avoiding emotional eating can help you avoid an end to your path to health. Fatigued stressed female Go outside and exercise: Exercise promotes a healthy lifestyle and balance. It also will help you reduce depression and increase happy hormones like serotonin. The sunlight will do you good but wear some sunscreen.Eat smaller meals: Larger meals…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: COVID, Depression, Exercise, List, Nutrition, Stress, Weight Loss

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Intermittent fasting: No change this week. I am still happy with my success, and no change is better than a gain. Update: Weight: 230 pounds - lost 7 pounds since 24 February. (237)Body fat: 20%. Down 6 %Waist: 39 inches. Down 2 inches. Short term goal: 220 pounds so I have 10 pounds to go.Exercise…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Cutting even 150-300 calories day can improve your health and weight. Calorie Obesity has over 30% of Americans within its suffocating grasp. Like a Boa constrictor, it is squeezing the health form it many sufferers. Many American's wonder if how many calories they have to cut to induce weight loss. I have had this question…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Answer, Calories, Question, Weight Loss

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The wrong wrap can lead to gained weight. Chicken Wrap Wraps are a popular food choice and most feel that they are a superior food for weight loss. I have no doubt that they are a delicious, complete, convenient, and balanced meal that can fit the palm of your hand. Wraps are a popular food…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Tortilla, Weight Loss Tip, Wraps

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Technological based self-monitoring may be one key successful means to assist young men with weight loss. Scale and Tape Measure Young overweight adults around the globe are a huge risk for the diseases caused by obesity. They will spend much of their lives struggling to attain and maintain a healthy weight. Most will try and…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Self-monitoring, Self-weighing, Weight Loss

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Intermittent fasting: No change this week. I am still happy with my success, and no change is better than a gain. Update: Weight: 231 pounds - lost 6 pounds since 24 February (237).Body fat: 21%. Down 5 %Waist: 39.5 inches. Down 1.5 inch. Short term goal: 220 pounds so I have 11 pounds to go.Exercise…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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A delicious and filling smoothie recipe. Cinnamon Bun Smoothie
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Cinnamon, Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Buffets and cafeterias can be a minefield but choosing well can prevent the weight gain BOOM! A few weeks ago, I was on a work related trip and looking for a decent breakfast. We were in the hotel and they have a breakfast bar and buffet style breakfast. I would have easily blown my health…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Breakfast, Healthy Meal, Lunch, On-the-go, Weight Loss

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Intermittent fasting: End of another week. I am creeping along with some success. About one pound a week. Update: Weight: 231 pounds - lost 6 pounds since 24 February (237).Body fat: 21%. Down 5 %Waist: 39.5 inches. Down 1.5 inch. Short term goal: 220 pounds so I have 12 pounds to go.Exercise - 3 days…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Daily regularity in breakfast consumption is associated with a healthier weight in women Breakfast Prior research has pointed to eating breakfast as being linked to a healthier weight. This link most notably comes from the National Weight Control Registry. The fact is that the evidence suggests that regular eating patterns may be favorable with respect…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Breakfast, Research, Weight Loss

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Skipping the bread can help you lose some fat rolls. White Bread When out at a restaurant, ask the server to hold the bread. I would never argue that a little bread and olive oil with your dinner is not a fantastic and flavorful way to start each meal. The is nothing like a good…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Bread, Rolls, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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There is no clear evidence of a benefit to suggest vitamin D supplementation for weight loss. Fairlife Milk For years, medical and nutrition experts have recommended Vitamin D to cure just about whatever ails you. I have seen it recommended for pain, weight loss, and bone health. Our side of bone health, there is limited…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research, Vitamin D, Weight Loss

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Intermittent fasting: Week 3. Long workdays are reducing exercise, but I am able too stick to a modicum of healthy eating. Update: Weight: 231 pounds - lost 6 pounds since 24 February (237).Body fat: 21%. Down 5 %Waist: 40 inches. Down 1 inch. Short term goal: 220 pounds so I have 12 pounds to go.Exercise…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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A healthy and filling side dish that goes with just about any main dish. Roasting in the oven brings out the natural sweetness of the vegetables.  Combine vegetables to meet your dietary requirements whatever they may be low-carb, high-fiber, or low-calorie.  The combinations are almost limitless.  If there are other vegetables that you enjoy, feel free…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Food, Recipe, Vegetable

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This recipe is one heck of a healthier version a Chinese favorite. Summer Yule’s Unrolled Egg Rolls I found this recipe after she visit and like another one of my posts. I true love her site. I decided to give this recipe a try and you may see a version of it post on my…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Recipes, Website Review, Weight Loss

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Intermittent fasting: 16-hour workdays make it hard to gain weight or eat. I am back to my diet and it is holding well. Update: Weight: 232 pounds - Lost 5 pounds since 24 February (237).Body fat: 23%. Down 3 %Waist: 40 inches. Down 1 inch. Short term goal: 220 pounds so I have 12 pounds…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Persistent self-weighing is one key means to increase the success of successful weight loss and maintenance. Scale and Tape Measure Self-monitoring of weight loss success is long suspected to be a successful method for increasing the efficacy of your weight loss plans. In fact, I have written several articles on this very topic and most…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Scale, Self-weighing, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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Healthy fats promote satiety: Choose your fats wisely can help you feel full longer. Example of Dietary Fat Sources Dietary fat has frequently have been blamed for the increase in the prevalence of obesity. It sort of makes sense that logically that if fat is what is stored that eating more would be the culprit…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Fat, Fullness, Healthy Fats, Obesity, Satiety, Weight Loss Tip

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Teas may assist in regulating bile acid, slow metabolism, and help maintain a healthy weight. Oolong Tea Bile acid has long been suspected to assist in regulating metabolism. We know that these acids are essential in the digestion of fats that we eat in our diet. We know that bile acids saponify and thus increase…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Bile Acid, Black Tea, Green Tea, Oolong, Tea, Weight Loss

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Intermittent fasting: back in the saddle again. After a two week hiatus due to a business trip, I am back on my diet. Update: Weight: 235 pounds - gained 2 pounds since 24 February (237).Body fat: 25%. Down 2 %Waist: 40 inches. Down 1 inch. Short term goal: 220 pounds so I have 15 pounds…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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A healthy and delicious version of this popular Tex-Mex dish. Chicken fajitas are one of my family’s favorite recipes. I personally love to make it because it can be made in so many ways and it is easily to make. You can make them in a frying pan, grill them, or even back them on…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Recipe, Tex Mex

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A delicious and high protein lunch that will keep you full for hours. Chick-fil-A 12 Piece Grilled Chicken Nuggets with Fruit We had to pick my son up from college the other day and stopped at Chick-Fil-A for lunhc. I have never had their grilled chicken nuggets so I decided to give them a try.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Healthy Meal, Lunch, On-the-go, Weight Loss

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I fly home tomorrow with a successful finish. I am down 2% body fat and I feel great. Update: Weight: 235 pounds - down 2 pounds since 24 February (237).Body fat: 25%. Down 2 %Waist: 40.5 inches. Down 0.5 inches. Short term goal: 220 pounds so I have 14 pounds to go.Exercise - 3 days…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Egg protein induces fat loss, maintenance of lean mass, increased satiety, and reduced appetite. Eggs are Healthy. An increasing number of dieters are trying to supplement their protein intake. In fact, researchers are also showing an increasing interest in moderate enrichment in protein for treating obesity and its metabolic consequences. Even though egg proteins that…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Egg, Fat Loss, Lean Body Mass, Research, Satiety, Weight Loss

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Smoothies and soup may be the perfect foods to promote satiety and weight loss. Chunky Vegetable and Bean Soup If you are like me, you can probably remember the soup your mother made when you came in from a day playing in the snow. Soup may be the perfect comfort food for those that are…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Satiety, Soup, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Workplace weight loss programs assist with weight loss and do not reduce productivity. Weight loss Many workplaces have instituted employee health programs that will help employees lose weight and improve their health. They are very popular and improve employee morale. To this date there is been limited evidence to indicate weight loss programs have any…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Absenteeism, Research, Weight Loss, Workplace

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Start of Week 2 of my business trip. I am starting week two down 1% body fat. I have been working out and eating right. Update: Weight: 234 pounds - down 3 pounds since 24 February (237).Body fat: 25.5%. Down 1.5 %Waist: 40 inches. Down 1 inch. Short term goal: 220 pounds so I have…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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A delicious side dish that will add a lot of flavor to any meal. A simple and delicious dish to serve with roast meats.  It is easy to make and even my teenage son loves it.  It is also very filling and full of healthy fats. My family loves this recipe so much I republished…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Weight Loss

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A healthier choice at a restaurant that is caloric minefield. A few weeks ago, I was our to eat with my family at night while dropping my son off at college. I let my son pick the dinning establishment. As we entered the restaurant I was significantly concern that I might not be able to…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dinner, Healthy Meal, Lunch, On-the-go, Weight Loss

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Almost to the end of my first week of the business trip. This week has not ended with a disaster. One more week away from home. Update: Weight: 234 pounds - gained 3 pounds since 24 February (237).Body fat: 26%. Down 1 %Waist: 40.5 inches. Down 0.5 inches. Short term goal: 220 pounds so I…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Reddit use can positively impact your weight loss plans. Cell Phone Reddit and other user groups have been shown to be an important tool for people to share information and have been extensively used for people to achieve beneficial changes in health. Support is one of the key means for successful weight loss. Online social…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Online Support, Research, Weight Loss

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Thirst can lead to overeating. A Woman drinking water. Most American's are in a state of chronic dehydration. As a society, we have become so accustomed to drinking many artificial drinks suck as soda and many of them contain high levels of dehydrating caffeine. I have been told many times that thirst and hunger can…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Hunger, Hydration, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Soups increase satiety through slowed digestion. Bowl of Thick Chunky Vegetable and Bean Soup One recent post last week looked at soup and satiety. Although the research behind the post shows increased satiety with soup when compared to solids or beverages. Previous studies have demonstrated the satiating properties of soups compared with solids or beverages,…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fullness, Research, Satiety, Soup, Weight Loss

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Intermittent fasting on a break I had a good week last week but now I am going on a business trip. This is where the wheels usually fall off. I am looking to remain stable for the next 2 weeks will I get back. Update: Weight: 234 pounds - down 3 pounds since 24 February…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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This is a mild recipe to make a family favorite. My family loves this recipe and I am sure yours will too. It is a great winter soup that will help warm you up. It is easy to make and freezes well for later meals. If you want to expand it, consider adding a whole…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Chili, Recipe

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A delicious and healthy sandwich as long as you avoid the fries. A few weeks ago, I was traveling and looking for a good meal. I could have had a burger, but elected to have a grilled chicken sandwich. It was not only delicious and filling, but also healthy. It had less than 400 calories,…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dinner, Healthy Meal, Lunch, On-the-go, Weight Loss

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Intermittent fasting day number 5 I have had a good week. I have been sticking to the fast relatively well. Update: Weight: 234 pounds - down 3 pounds since 24 February .Body fat: 27%.Waist: 40.5 inches. Down 0.5 inches. Short term goal: 220 pounds so I have 14 pounds to go.Exercise - 3 days a…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Soups may promote higher levels of satiety. Lentil soup I was recently asked a question of whether soups promote satiety. I though back at the winter soups, stews, and chili and remember that some of them seemed to make me feel fuller. In general, liquids promote a lower level of satiety but not all liquids…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Satiety, Soup, Weight Loss

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Hummus is a healthier and more filling option than Ranch dip. Spicy Red Pepper Hummus Nothing says party like chips or vegetables and dip. Almost every party I have been to that has snack food has bowls of some sort of chips, plates of vegetables, and some fatty dairy-based dip like ranch or sour cream…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dip, Hummus, Nutrition, Weight Loss Tip

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Individuals who stay up late are more likely to gain excess weight. man sleeping. Obesity is a huge problem within the United States and the rest of the world. Researchers are on constant watch for potential ways to help people lose weight. They are looking for tips and medication to help people who are stuck…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Night Owls, Obesity, Sleep, Weight Loss

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Start 2: Intermittent fasting day number 1 I started intermittent fasting 25 days ago and I have failed miserably. Today, I start again and hopefully, we get a different result but may that is insanity. Update: Weight: 237 pounds - gained 7 pounds since 31 January.Body fat: 29%.Waist: 41 inches. Short term goal: 220 pounds…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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An easy low calorie, high-fiber casserole.   This high-fiber casserole is one your family will love. Freekeh is a young green wheat that is often roasted and cracked. This traditional food of the Middle East has a pleasant nutty flavor and cooks in just 25 minutes. A high-fiber whole grain, freekeh is perfect for savory…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Chile, Fiber, Food, Recipe

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Eleven easy ways to boost your daily weight loss Weight loss fail. Weight loss is not easy. As we become older, it becomes even more difficult to accomplish your weight loss goals. Don't fret too much, because there are ways yo help you shed those unwanted pounds. If you are trying to lose those extra pounds,…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, List, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Be confident in your plans and push forward. Obese belly in a mirror The enemy of a plan to strive to improve your health and lose weight is quitting.  This summer, I really let myself go and gained a bunch of weight.  I gained back nearly 15 pounds, and I felt terrible.  I tried multiple…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Weight Loss

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Saturated fats can assist with weight loss and a healthy cholesterol profile. Low Carbohydrate Many dieters reach for a low-carbohydrate diet or a ketogenic diet to assist with their weight loss. Many experts warn that going on either of these diets will raise your risk of heart disease because they often contain foods that are…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Low-carbohydrate, Research, Saturated Fat, Weight Loss

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A tasty and nutritious addition to your weight loss journey. Avocados Avocados are a unique fruit. They are high in both fat and fiber and that is rare for a fruit. In fact, nearly 80- percent of the calories come from fats. The best thing about avocados is that they are high in the healthier…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Avocados, Guacamole, Weight Loss Tip. Weight Loss

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Intermittent fasting like safe and equivalent outcomes overall to standard dieting. Fasting For years, dieters struggled to lose weight. For most, weight loss is a constant struggle to maintain moderation. Some look to faster methods of weight loss such as fasting, ketogenic, and high-protein Adkins type diets. Many medical professionals in weight loss experts question…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Intermittent Fasting, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Avoiding Extra Pounds As Your Souvenir Okay, I have been tasked to go on a business trip.  You know the kind of trip that has mandatory fun to include mixers.  The mixers are sold at times to network with your colleagues from all around the country.  They feature mixed drinks, high-calorie finger foods, and best…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Business Trip, Editorial, Weight Loss

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A sweet, salty, and tangy treat for tastebuds. This chicken recipe covers all the bases that I look for in a recipe I love. It is a combination of sweet, tart, and salty. It uses lean chicken breasts and takes less than 45 minutes to complete. This stuffed chicken recipe is easy enough to make…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Recipe

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Proof that you can even get a healthy breakfast meal at IHOP. IHOP Simple &Fit Two Egg Breakfast Ok, color me surprised. Recently, in a moment of indecision, I gave in to frustration to let my family decide where to eat. I asked and they answered "IHOP". I suddenly began to panic with the wonder…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Breakfast, Healthy Meal, On-the-go, Weight Loss

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Last day of work before vacation. I am exercising but not dieting. I have gained 2 pounds. Update: Weight: 238 pounds - gained 2 pounds in a weekend. No change. Body fat: 30%, down by 0 percent in 8 weeks. Down 0.5 in a week of fasting. No change over the weekend.Waist: 41 inches. Down…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Coffee lowers your mortality and morbidity risk in moderation. Coffee Coffee not only tastes great, it lowers your risk of all-cause mortality. There reasons not to drink coffee so if your medical prover recommends against consumption, please steer clear. If not, enjoy your morning Joe and I am not talking about that liberal jerk on…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coffee, Question, Safe, Weight Loss

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Greek yogurt will keep you full and add some much-needed protein to your diet. Yogurt with Chia and Kiwi Looking for a filling and delicious snack or dessert that will nto pack on the pounds? You really do not need to go any further than the dairy aisle. I recommend adding a little nonfat Greek…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Weight Loss Tip, Yogurt

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Weight cycling may not be as bad as we once thought. Woman lifting obesity Obesity is a huge problem around the globe. The fact is that obesity and obesity-related illnesses have substantially increased in prevalence in modern times and the cost could cripple the world economy. The associated chronic health conditions such as arthritis cardiovascular…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research, Weight Cycling, Weight Loss, Yo-yo Diet

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Time off again. I am exercising but not dieting. I have remained stable. Update: Weight: 236 pounds - gained 0 pounds in a weekend. No change. Body fat: 29%, down by 1 percent in 6 weeks. Down 0.5 in a week of fasting. No change over the weekend.Waist: 41 inches. Down 0.5 in a week.…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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A delicious side dish that your family will love. This dish is a delicious adaptation of Homes Chef's Zucchini and Sun-Dried Tomato Au Gratin.  I did not care for the sundried tomatoes, so I adapted the recipe.  I am certain you will enjoy it.  This a repost from April 16, 2017, at 9:01 pm. [cooked-recipe…
Categories: Recipe
Tags: Cheese, Recipe, Zucchini

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Drinking Water From Bottle This list of ten drinks that will not extinguish your metabolic fire. Empty calories are the enemy of weight loss. If you’re trying to lose weight, it is as important to watch what is in your glass as what is on your plate. Choosing a healthy beverage is as essential as…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Drinks, Empty Calories, List, Weight Loss

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Intermittent fasting failed. I am not ready to start a new diet. Work is too stressful. I will start after my leave at the end of February. I will continue to post updates. Update: Weight: 236 pounds - gained 0 pounds in a weekend.Body fat: 29%, down by 1 percent in 6 weeks. Down 0.5…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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How much water should I drink every day? Glass of water There are almost as many different recommendations about how much water to drink as there are drops of water in a rainstorm. You can also search online for formula, and it can indicate how much water a healthy person should drink every day. The…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Hydration, Question, Water, Weight Loss

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You do not need to clean your plate so save some for lunch tomorrow. Big family dinner Portion control is essential for weight loss. We have all been tunned by our grandmothers and parents to clean out plates. There are many differences between the diets out there, but they all have something in common and…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Portion Control, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Fat cell size and fat loss have an impact on insulin resistance. Pound of Fat Experts have long thought or hypothesized that body fat and in particular abdominal body fat were tied to insulin resistance and increased obesity. Overweight and obese individuals have an increased risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease so it just makes…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Adipose Cell, Body Fat, Central Abdominal Obesity, Fat Loss, Weight Loss

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Intermittent fasting day number 8 Ok, I started this change a week at approximately 236 and today I weight 234. The weight is coming off and I am not hungry but I did have a little alcohol over the weekend. That sort of derailed my fasting. Update: Weight: 234 pounds - gained 2 pounds in…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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A delicious and spicy dish with the zing of ginger and sweetness of teriyaki. This a delicious recipe that adds the slight kick of jalapeño peppers and the sweetness of teriyaki.  I am certain you will like it.  The change from Salmon to Chicken will make a dish your whole family will love.  This recipe…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Poultry, Recipe

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This post contains a list of reasons you should not be exercising alone. Exercise with Kettlebells Exercising alone stinks and it is not easy. We have all experienced that time when you hit a wall and just can't make it to the finish of your workout. You just quit early. Heck, other times it is…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Group, List

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Intermittent fasting day number 5 Ok, I started this change on Monday at approximately 236 and today I weight 232. The weight is coming off and I am not hungry. I have lunch at 11 am and my dinner is at 1800. The first day I wanted breakfast, but then I realized I am eating…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Dietary supplements are not all the same. Supplements Today, if you walk to your local nutrition store or vitamin aisle, you will find a cure for just about everything that ails you. Many of these supplement manufacturers make outlandish claims and there's very little evidence to back up the use of their products. The questions…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Question, Research, Supplement, Visitor Question, Weight Loss

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Sex can reduce your appetite and can help you lose weight. young couple in bed It is well known that exercise can help suppress your appetite. I am not saying that exercise will not deplete your sorted calories and make you need to eat. I am saying that exercise before meals can reduce your need…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Meal Replacement, Sex, Weight Loss Tip

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Weight lifting or resistance training can help with diabetes type 2, insulin resistance, and obesity. Resistance band exercise. Medical professionals, physiotherapists, trainers, and researchers have long suspected that resistance or weight training would reduce insulin sensitivity and, thus, obesity if properly implemented and continued. In fact, prior research was quite encouraging. Aerobic exercise clearly improves…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diabetes, Exercise, Insulin Resistance, Research, Weight Loss

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Insight into an new problem with an old solution. Fasting Scale Good day! I am going to try something new. I was reading a research article on intermittent fasting. I have tried it in the past but never serious thought it was a worthy method. Something finally clicked today. I looked back at collage and…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Intermittent Fasting, Weight Loss

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The wonderful flavor of garlic alfredo and the kick of crushed red pepper. I love garlic and developed this recipe after making many Italian-style recipes while being stationed away from my family.  You can tailor the spice level to your taste. My brother is a professionally trained chef and is my inspiration for this recipe.…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Pasta, Recipe

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This sandwich has a mixture of fiber and protein to keep you full all day long. VEGGIE EGG WHITE SANDWICH I struggle to eat a healthy meal on the go and this is especially true with breakfast. When I travel, I often leave the house before breakfast so picking up a quick breakfast is essential…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fast Food, Healthy Eating, Nutrition, On-the-go

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Time for a change. Ok, I will restart on Monday. Today, I weighed 237. Update: Weight: 237 pounds - gained 2 pounds in these weeks.Body fat: 29.5%, down by 1 percent in two weeks.Waist: 41.5 inches The bottom line: I am seriously thinking about intermittent fasting and a Mediterranian diet. We will refocus on Monday…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Peanut butter is delicious and filling but might be hurting your successful weight loss plan. Peanut Butter on a Spoon I absolutely resemble the concerns of this visitor. Like many of you, I am a absolutely love nut butters and that included the peanut varieties. In fact, at times, I find it difficult to stop…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Peanut Butter, Question, Weight Loss

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Processed foods have limited nutritional value and essentially only pad your waistline. Junk Food Box We are currently flooded and overwhelmed with processed foods. They assault our eating option around every corner. There are very limited means to avoid them but if you want to lose weight, you must avoid them. You may never be…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Empty Calories, Processed Food, Weight Loss Tip

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Self-monitoring behavior added to physical activity build compliance and improved weight loss maintenance. Athlete fit woman exercising. Anything we can do to help increase weight loss success would be welcome news to many dieters. One they lose weight, most will drift back to the unhealthy lifestyles that many of us are trying to avoid. We all…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Self-monitoring, Weight Loss

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The sweet and sour of artificial sweeteners. Should I consume them? Closeup of artificial sweetener tablets Artificial sweeteners are nothing new and they are not all bad. They have been around for centuries. These little drink and food additives are synthetic sugar substitutes that are added to our diets to replace sugar in the hope…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Artificial sweeteners, Editorial, Weight Loss

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A delicious and spicy dish with the zing of ginger and sweetness of teriyaki. This a delicious recipe that adds the slight kick of jalapeño peppers, the zing of ginger, and the sweetness of teriyaki.  I am certain you will like it.    This recipe was reposted from April 2, 2017, at 10:00 am. [cooked-recipe…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Salmon, Weight Loss

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These tips can help you escape the rut making poor choices you have made while eating out. Restaurant Sure, cooking your own food at home is one of the best ways to ensure you are sticking with healthy eating habits. You are committed to eating healthy and you do not need to limit yourself to eating…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fast Food, List, Restaurant, Weight Loss

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Why is it so hard for me to lose weight? Help: My weight is out of Control There are lots of myths about weight gain, weight loss, and dieting. I myself have fallen for many of these myths and today, I am struggling to lose weight. It is time for a change, but maybe today…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Healthy Choices, Weight Loss

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Is it possible to lose the weight caused by depression medication while remaining on them? Prozac - An antidepressant Many medications have been linked to weight gain and potentially obesity. It is important for patients to understand this risk and the mechanism for which each one might cause this side-effect. Many of the behavioral health…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Depression, Medication, Question, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Add a hot spice to your meals can help you eat less and lose weight. Red pepper flakes Much of the United States likes spicy food, but we are absolutely not the most spice loving region of the world. Indian and Thai foods are among the spiciest foods in the world. My wife and I…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Spicy, Weight Loss Tip

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Research casts some doubt on concerns about red meat consumption. Steak Dietitians and researchers have long indicated concern about humans eating red meat. Vegans and animal rights advocated have used it to try to persuade the public to avoid red meat and turn to vegetable based protein sources. The problem with most of the advice…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Heart Disease, Red Meat, Research, Weight Loss

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Counting calories is the key to successful weight loss. Fruits and vegetables with calories labels I am sure that you are often frustrated by your failed attempts to lose weight. You have tried just about all the weight loss techniques. Like many of you, I don't really discuss my diet or calorie counting amongst my…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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An American classic made just a bit healthier. This a healthier version of a recipe I once tried from Blue Apron.  I loved it so much that I slimmed it down.  Cheeseburgers are delicious but there are nto exactly low calorie.  This recipe is a repost from March 19, 2017.
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Cheeseburger, Recipe, Weight Loss

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These lucky seven snacks may help with weight loss and promote satiety. Weight loss fail! I can't count the number of times someone has told me how bad snacking is for dieting. The fact is that snacking can prevent you from gorging yourself on comfort foods and not all snack food are bad for you.…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: List, Satiety, Snacks, Weight Loss

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Two weeks and counting. The snowball is rolling down the hill of health progress. Today, I weighed 233. Update: Weight: 233 pounds - gained 5 pounds in two weeks.Body fat: 29.5%, down by 1 percent in two weeks.Waist: 41.5 inches The bottom line: Keep me in your prayers to keep marching forward.
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Salt may not be as big of a risk to your health as you think. Salt Well As a physician, I get the question asked all the time. The fact is that there is not a clear answer. Even my father used to tell me salt was bad for me. He was not trying to…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Hypertension, Question, Salt, Sodium, Visitor Question, Weight Loss

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Getting more sleep can help to lose more weight.   Businessperson sleeping in the office It is hard to believe that eating a little more can help you lose more weight.  It seems counterintuitive that laying down and doing less will help you burn more calories and lose more weight.  Believe it or not, sleeping more can help…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Sleep, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Raspberries and other red berries may assist with weight loss. raspberries Berries like raspberries have many health benefits and they are a delicious part fo any diet. In recent years, many supplement companies have marketed raspberry ketones as a cure for weight loss, but why eat a pill or capsule when the fruit may do…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Raspberries, Research, Weight Loss

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Homeopathic medicine or natural supplements can help with your weight but you have to be careful and choose wisely. Homeopathy. Herbal extracts in small bottles. Obesity is a huge problem around the globe and it si clear that commercial medicines and surgeries are not a solution for all of those who are suffering at the…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Homeopathy, Question, Supplements

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Can exercise lead to meaningful weight loss? Exercise with Kettlebells The key to successful weight loss is creating an energy deficit. A negative energy balance or deficit will cause you to burn fat for energy in order to main the steady-state and avoid the chaos of inefficiency that would ultimately result in death if you…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Exercise, Weight Loss

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Red Tomatillo Salsa I love Chipotle Mexican Grill.  It is like the Subway of TexMex.  If you make smart choices, it can be healthy.  This recipe is a spicy salsa recipe inspired by their Red Tomatillo Salsa.  It is not the same, but I am sure you will love it.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Salsa, Tomatillo

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A promising website that needs more posts and encouragement. Food & Diet Screen Shot I recently visited a new website: Food & Diet: Knowing the world one bite at a time!. I really like the first post so much that I have reviewed it here to encourage her to post more. The first post: "Short…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Website Review, Weight Loss

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A new year with new progress. The holidays have not been kind to me, but today I am seeing progress. Today, I weighed 235. Update: Weight: 235 pounds - gained 3 pounds in 1 weeks.Body fat: 30.0%. I am down by 0.5%.Waist: 42 inches The bottom line: Starting off good.
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Healthy lifestyle leads to a significant reduction in type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Nearly everyone is looking for a way to live more healthily.  Now as you start a new year, maybe it is time to make a new move to a healthier lifestyle. The real question as you make this move is what is more…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Diabetes Type II, Metabolic Syndrome, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Time to return to my path to better health. New Years. For a long time, I have the wrong priorities. I have been focusing on short term enjoyment and relaxation instead on my path to better health. I blame it on stress at work and temptations from my family. The fact is that this is…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Health, New Year's, Resolution, Weight Loss

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Bacteria supplementation appears to help with weight loss and metabolic syndrome Bacteria People have long looked for a magical weight loss cure. Anything that could help you gain that advantage against the losing battle to lose weight which most of us have struggled with our whole life. Although it is not coming to market or…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Bacteria, Metabolic Syndrome, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Focus on a path to better health and not the numbers on the scale. New Year's Resolution The New Year is near again, well, we are nearly there.  If you are like me, you have planned to diet and lose weight for weeks to months and procrastinated. You have made plans to abstain from your…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Healthy Choices, New Year's Resolution, Weight Loss

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A healthy burrito bowl your family will love for dinner. I absolutely love Chipotle's burrito bowls so I trying to find a healthier option.  Although not a copy of the original, I am certain you will like this one.  My family loves this as a healthier option. It is not only healthy, but it is…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Burrito Bowl, Recipe

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Walking for two periods of exercise per day is better than one even if the total length is the same. Walking I have heard for years that a slim abdomen is made in the kitchen and not the gym. We know that exercise helps, but the fact is that exercise is not essential, takes longer,…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Walking, Weight Loss

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Re-evaluation has occurred and I am going to try to get back on course. The holidays have not been kind to me. I have grazed and eaten at the feeding trough for weeks. Now it is game time. Today, I weighed 239. Update: Weight: 239 pounds - gained 4 pounds in four weeks.Body fat: 30.5%Waist:…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Daily self-weighing is effective in the prevention of holiday-associated weight gain. Apple, Scale, and Tape Measure Holiday weight gain is a huge problem for all Americans. Some gain as many as ten pounds or more from November to January. The average holiday weight gain is reported to be about 3-4 pounds which clearly and contributes…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Daily Self-Weighing, Holidays, Research, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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A special wish for a Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas to all! Military Christmas This time of year is the perfect time to reflect and show appreciation to those around you. Christmas is a time of giving. I want to share my personal Christmas reflection. As a member of the military, many times in my life…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Merry Christmas

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Christmas eve is a time for hope. Christmas Decor Today, I am taking a break from writing about my diet and path to health.   Every year on December 24, my parents would let us open a present.  Christmas is a huge time for businesses to make money.  We have over comercialized the holiday and…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Christmas Eve

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A break from the grind of dieting may be exactly what you need. Taking a break Are you having trouble losing weight? You can now join my frustration. Over the past 4-6 weeks, I have struggled to lose weight, and I am not sure there is a quick fix. The answer for both of us…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Break, Diet, Editorial, Time-off

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A smooth and filly snack that packs island flavor with that extra kick of fiber. I love Piña Coladas or Pina Coladas if you do not have the special characters on your keyboard.  This is an awesome drink that I think you will love.  You will need a Ninja Blender and xylitol, pineapple extract, and coconut…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe
Tags: Fiber, Piña Colada, Recipe, Weight Loss

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If you snooze better, you will be more likely to lose weight. Sleep Sleep is essential for your health and successful weight loss.  The truth is that you can sleep your way to a smaller waistline.  If you do not get enough sleep, your metabolism will slow, and your body will degrade.  This post is…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: List, Sleep, Weight Loss

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Time to step back and re-evaluate. It is the holiday season and my wheels have come off of my diet train. Time to look and re-evaluate the plan. Today, I weighed 239. Update: Weight: 239 pounds - gained 4 pounds in four weeks.Body fat - still at 28% The bottom line: I need to re-evaluate…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Homeopathic medicine or natural supplements can help with your weight but you have to be careful and choose wisely. Homeopathy. Herbal extracts in small bottles. Obesity is a huge problem around the globe and it si clear that commercial medicines and surgeries are not a solution for all of those who are suffering at the…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Homeopathy, Question, Supplements

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Adding flax to your oatmeal will bump up your fiber and healthy fat consumption. Flax seeds Flaxseeds have long been recommended as a healthy addition to any diet. Historically, flax is one of the oldest fiber crops in the world. Flaxseed has been cultivated in ancient Egypt and China. The seeds were cultivated in Babylon as early…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Flax, Satiety, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Artificially sweetened beverages may not be as benign as we think. Refreshing Bubbly Soda Pop There are a lot of people out there who drink diet sodas. It is a huge market with sales in the billions of dollars. There is a perception that diet sodas are healthier than sugar-sweetened sodas. The manufacturers claim that…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet Beverages, Diet Soda, Healthy Risks, Weight Loss

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Whoops, another step back. It is the week of the Holiday Ball and I went to go to the weekend off to attend the event. Today, I weighed 235. Update: Weight: 235 pounds - gained 1 pound in three weeks.Body fat - still at 28% The bottom line: The train is off the rails, again.…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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A smooth and filly snack that packs island flavor. I love Piña Coladas or Pina Coladas if you do not have the special characters on your keyboard.  This is an awesome drink that I think you will love.  You will need a Ninja Blender and xylitol, pineapple extract, and coconut extract. This recipe was originally posted…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe
Tags: Piña Colada, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Cooking without Limits A Food Photography and Recipe Blog. A few months ago, I found an interesting website while reviewing my blog likes. The site is Cooking Without Limits. This website is definitely worth your time to click a few links. The blogger is Anonymous or I did not find her name. She reported being…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Healthy Recipes, Website Review, Weight Loss

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Whoops, another step back. It is the week of the Holiday Ball and I am going to go and take the weekend off to attend the event. Today, I weighed 233. Update: Weight: 233 pounds - down 1 pound in two weeks.Body fat - still at 28% The bottom line: The train is off the…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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The facts about self weigh-ins. One of the most common questions I receive is how often should you weigh yourself. This is not a simple question and there is no right answer. I have been a physician for a long time and many health care professionals and fitness experts try to make it more simple…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Question, Scale, Water, Weight Loss, Weight-in

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Having options at home can prevent fast food grazing when restraint is lower. Woman with Kitchen Pantry We have all had that moment of weakness. You are driving home after work or after a long day at play. You remember that the refrigerator is empty. You have two choices at this stage: take a quick…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Meal Planning, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Vegetarians may have lower heart disease risk and higher stroke risk. Vegetarian Vegetarian and vegan diets have long been touted as being healthier. I was taught in my liberal medical school education that humans and our environment would be better off if we would all switch to a vegetarian diet. Veganism has become increasingly popular…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Vegan, Vegetarian, Weight Loss

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How can you trust nutrition advice with all the bias out there? Today, I read an article by the Skeptical Cardiologist that really lit a fire for me and of which I am in 100% agreement. The article entitled: “Meat Guidelines Are Exposing the Fault Lines in Nutrition Advice - The Skeptical Cardiologist has one…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Bias, Editorial, Meat, Nutrition, Nutrition; Guidelines

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Staring week three and moving forward. This weekend was a rocket weekend and I did not follow my diet. The good news is that there was no weight gain. Today, I weighed 231, again. Update: Weight: 231 pounds - down 3 pounds in two weeks.Body fat - still at 28% The bottom line: This week…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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The Beauty in Balance A food, lifestyle, and travel blog. A few weeks ago, I found an interesting website while reviewing my blog likes. The site is The Beauty in Balance. This website is definitely worth a little surfing and the time to click on a few of its pages. The blogger is Shannon. She…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Healthy Recipes, Website Review, Weight Loss

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Week 2 complete and stable. I started and ended the week with no change in my weight. Then again, no weight gain is still some progress in my book. Today, I weighed 231. Update: Weight: 231 pounds - down 3 pounds in two weeks.Body fat - still at 28% The bottom line: Maybe next week…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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 I have read online that reducing sugar consumption may be the key to weight loss. Deadly sugar - Skull and Cross Bones The answer is yes, not, and maybe. WHAT? Yes, you read my answer correct. It is not a non-answer. It is the correct answer. We will answer this part by part and I…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Question, Sugar, Weight Loss

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Fatigue is a symptom you should not ignore. Fatigued stressed female Do you feel tired all of the time while trying to lose weight? Fatigue while dieting is a very common symptom caused by a reduction in calories as you burn up your excess carbohydrates. Some reduction in energy may occur naturally, but it might…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Association of Exposure to Artificial Light at Night While Sleeping With Risk of Obesity in Women Sleep I am sure you are inundated with news articles talking about the importance of good quality sleep to promote health. We know that the use of electronic devices with blue lights preceding bedtime can inhibit sleep. The lights…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research, Sleep, Weight Loss

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Week 2 and two weeks of baby steps. My shoulder is not improving, but I am not using it as an excuse. Over the last two weeks, I have continued to improve my diet and add some exercise. Today, I weighed 231. Update: Weight: 231 pounds - down 3 pounds in two weeks.Body fat -…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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A sweet and zingy flavor combination. Pineapple The Carrot Ginger Pineapple Smoothie recipe is a simple drink that tastes great and is very easy to make. It is not only a treat for tastebuds but also packs the fiber to keep you full all morning long. The pineapple will bring a slight island flavor that…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Suggestions to help avoid gaining weight after an injury Walking Injuries can be a huge obstacle to weight loss. Plain and simple, weight loss is dependent on creating a calorie deficit. Sure, most of the deficit is made in the kitchen, but a lack of exercise will have an impact. It impacts both in calories…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Injury, List, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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The plan has started and progress is beginning. If you have been following my plan, you know that I have experienced a setback in my weight loss and maintenance. Six weeks ago, I injured or reinjured my shoulder. Over the last week, I have begun to push myself with physical therapy and restarted the diet.…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Walkingoffpounds.com wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving! Happy Thanksgiving to all my loyal visitors!  I really appreciate you stopping by my site, reading my articles or posts and following my weight loss story.  I hope you have a fun and eventful day…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Happy Thankgiving

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Naughty holiday foods that will not be nice for your waistline. The season of weight gain has begun.  The tempting and tasty foods that we all love will soon be on our plates. It is nearly Christmas and New Years, and we have Thanksgiving behind us.  The problem with…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Foods, Holiday, List

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 Self-monitoring maybe key to successful weight loss! Diet and Exercise Journal Attempts at weight loss are one of the most unsuccessful resolutions that people make during their lives. Any research that might provide insight into keys to more successful attempts would be welcome to most dieters. Many research studies have looked into various methods of…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Dieting, Exercise, Research, Self-monitoring, Weight Loss

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Natural flavoring are nothing more than food additives to enhance flavor Natural Flavors How many times have you wondered what natural and artificial flavors on the ingredient list actually are. I am sure you have assumed that if it is natural that it must be healthier. The term "natural flavors" is common on many ingredients…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Aroma, Natural Flavors, Weight Loss

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Apple cinnamon can be a delicious and filling start to your day. This is a great recipe for weight loss and a much tastier version of Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal. It is filling and full of fiber. Since it is made with Fairlife skim…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal, Oatmeal, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Dan Sims' blog might provide you with a little motivation. Dan Sims Blog Dam Sims is one visitor that has liked my site in the past so I decided to give his site a visit. He reports to be a moptivational speaker and his site is fill of motivational memes. I found the site to…
Categories: Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Website Review, Weight Loss

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Injury confirmed and plan in place. I saw a physician on Monday. I have a frozen shoulder. It is mild nut I am going to have to stretch the capsule and start working out more. The center is stretching the shoulder with a swimmers stretch. Three days of doing the swimmers stretch have begun to…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Fat loss and fat cells: The real truth! Obesity - Fat Belly A lot of dieters have no idea what fat is and why many of us have to much of it. To them, fat is the bane of their existence and they failed to understand the purpose behind fat. Fat has a purpose and…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Adipose, Fat, Question, Weight Loss

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Choosing the right cooking method can help you lose weight. Cooking time The way you are cooking may be making you fatter. One key to a slim waist is choosing the right foods, but nearly as important to the food choice is the way you prepare them to be eaten. Certain cooking methods may not…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Cooking, Nutrition, Weight Loss Tip

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One more journal article confirms higher-protein diets help with weight loss. Foods high in protein. Obesity and weight gain become huge financial public health burden for both the United States and worldwide. The social and economic impact created by obesity and obesity related illnesses could be devastating to the world economy within 10 years. While…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, High Protein, Insulin Resistance, Obesity, Weight Loss

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The vegan push is moreover a political statement than a push for health. Nutritious fruit and vegetables Many Americans and people around the globe are pushing for people to stop eating meat. They use everything from global warming to suspect claims that it will improve your health to convert mediators to veganism. I will not…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Vegan, Vegetarian, Weight Loss

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Steel Cut Oatmeal: the perfect food and a superfood all rolled up in one. Oatmeal in the slow cooker. This recipe is a republication from 2019-02-12: Recipe: Slow Cooker Steel Cut Oats. I have also written several articles on the health benefits of oatmeal. I think you would enjoy the article: Weight loss tip: Eat…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Breakfast, Fiber, Oatmeal, Recipe, Satiety

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These signs might indicate your are not eating enough food. Hungry and craving. Most of us jump into a new diet feet first and try to lose weight with lots of gusto. Then we tighten the screws when we hit the wall and stop losing weight. The next thing we know, we are tired all…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, List, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Another attempt up in flames due to an injury. I know this is just an excuse, but now I am having trouble exercising due to an injury. I subluxed my shoulder and now I have a lot of pain. I have a strained left shoulder with pain in the infraspinatus. and symptoms of a frozen…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Elevated insulin and metabolic syndrome can result in weight gain. Insulin Obesity and metabolic syndrome are parts of the same illness. To understand the spectrum of disorders that are obesity and metabolic syndrome, you must fully understand how insulin and insulin resistance play a part in weight gain. If you understand this complex dance, understanding…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diabetes, Insulin, Metabolic Syndrome, Question, Weight Loss

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Pumpkin seeds may be small, but they are full of valuable nutrients and filling healthy fats and fiber. Raw Pumpkin Seeds One of the challenges with choosing the right snack. Snacks can be full of processed fats and carbohydrates that will hinder satiety and have you looking for more soon after you consume them. Pumpkin…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Pepitas, Pumpkin Seeds, Weight Loss Tip

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Sugar may increase risk for cancer. Soda Cans in Ice The study of sugar has shown that increased sugar consumption may be tied to multiple diseases. Research has shown a link to sugar-sweetened soda consumption and heart disease. Research has also shown a link between sugar consumption and metabolic syndrome, obesity, and diabetes type 2.…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cancer, Sugar, Weight Loss

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The widening girth is becoming a huge problem for the military, but treating it as health problem is a part of the solution Obese Soldier For years, the Military has struggled with a growing weight problem. Gone are the days in which the elite force is lean and mean and ready to go to war.…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Military, Obesity

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A healthy alternative to a Tex Mex Favorite. Our family loves Mexican food. It is one of our favorite meals to have both at home and in a restaurant. We have tried just about every Mexican joint within 30 miles of our house. My favorite dish at our favorite place is the Burrito California. This…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Chile, Food, Mexican, Recipe, Weight Loss

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A dead site withg a little bit of good information. The Health Look Over a year ago, The Health Look liked a few of my posts. On review of the site log, I finally decided to go take a few clicks around the website. I really like the site. I recommend you visit The Health…
Categories: Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Nutrition, Website Review, Weight Loss

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Starting to see some progress. Two days of eating a little more healthy. With luck, I will back on track to being more healthy. Over 3 years ago, I started this website.  I decided it is time to make a change in my life.  I was starting a new path to better health. Now I…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Thyroid disease can cause weight gain and weight loss. Thyroid Hormone Axis The key to understanding the thyroid is to understand the gland and hormone. The thyroid and the hormone it produces is essential for the metabolism and development of humans and most vertebrate animals. During adulthood, thyroid hormone is critical to mediating changes in metabolism…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Question, Thyroid Hormone, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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A good try but I was sacked. I have tried but the stress of work and the holidays has led to a lack of success. My shoulder is injured and I just do not feel like exercising in the colder temperatures. Excuses, excuses, excuses. My new goal is to lose over 20 lbs in 4.5…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Meal replacement products may be an effective means to assist with weight loss. Meal Replacement Shakes Meal replacements drinks and products are just about everywhere you look. There is a new product around every corner in the health section of your local grocery or box store. Despite the wide availability and popularity to assist with…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Meal Replacement, Obesity, Overweight, Weight Loss

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Successful dieting requires individualized plans that fit your personality and dietary choices. Diet Help! Many people start a diet with a plan to lose a lot of weight. Many look to throwaway magazines and books for that perfect diet that fits everyone and requires little to no effort. I am here to tell you that…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Carbohydrates, Dieting, Editorial, Weight Loss

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A delicious recipe for a cold day. A tasty recipe for a soup that replaces some of the noodles with vegetables.  It is a delicious soup that you will enjoy and best of all it is balanced with starch, meat, and lots of vegetables.  This soup will fill you up and keep you full for…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken Noodle, Healthy, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Holiday calories count: How to reduce overeating.   The real truth about holiday calorie counts is that we eat way too much.  I have heard many people make this delusional statement.  The fact is that we, Americans, consume a huge amount…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Holiday Tips, List, Weight Loss

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Nothing, again - Swing and a miss. Another crazy week! Sorry for the boring post, but my week has been everything but boring. I haven't felt like being healthy much. I feeling terrible and I word out. I am reaching for comfort food too much. I am not doing what I'm supposed to do. The…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Being overweight before age forty linked to increased cancer risk. Obese with Measuring Tape Cancer is on the rise around the globe and most of the increased risk is because we are living longer and as our cells age, the risk goes up. Obesity is also a well establish risk for several types of cancer.…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cancer, Obesity, Research, Weight Loss

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Consuming beans can make you lean. White Kidney Beans Beans are not only inexpensive, easy to prepare, and healthy, but they may also help with weight loss. Beans are seeds or legumes that are a staple food around the globe. They have a bad rap for causing gas but this will dissipate over time if…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Beans. Legumes, Satiety, Weight Loss Tip

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Standup desks may assist with burning more calories in the obese. Standup Desk Standup desks are all the rage in my office. Nearly every furniture manufacturer is rushing to the market with their own form of this furniture. Many of my coworkers swear by them for everything from low back pain to increase the calories…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Energy Expenditure, Obesity, Standup Desk, Weight Loss

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Soy milk is not an ideal replacement for milk! If you're allergic to dairy or lactose intolerant, you may be reaching to soy milk as a comparable alternative.  May vegans feel it is a great alternative but is it?  Generally, soy has a longer shelf life than dairy milk and some many prefer the taste, but…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Milk Replacement, Nutrition, Soy Milk

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Chick-fil-a’s Egg White Grill breakfast sandwich is a healthy option while traveling. Chick-fil-a Egg White Grill On, I struggle to eat a healthy meal on the go and this is especially true with breakfast. It is not easy to pick a healthy breakfast meal from a fast-food restaurant. Today, we are headed to a rocket…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fast Food, Healthy Eating, Nutrition, On-the-go

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A weight loss and fitness blog that has a great list of recipes FitAmbitiousBlonde Screenshot In recent months, FitAmbitiousBlonde or Beth has liked a few of my posts so I decided to visit her site today. I spend a couple of hours today perusing the articles and recipes. Her focus is very similar to mine…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Recipes, Website Review, Weight Loss

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No progress and one step back. I am not where I want to be right now. A lack of exercise and increased stress are taking a toll on my weight loss plans. My biggest problem is that I have little to no self-control when it comes to food. I tend to strap on the feed…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Reducing meal size through time can improve sleep quality. Sleeping Child Prior research has looked at time-restricted feeing as means to promote weight loss. This research proved that it will result in less calorie consumption, a lower risk of metabolic syndrome, and weight loss. It makes perfect sense that if you shorten feeding times, less…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Portion Control, Research, Sleep, Time-restricted Eating, Weight Loss

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Good posture builds core muscles and will burn calories and help weight loss. Posture analysis Many people allow their shoulders to slouch and stand in a manner that would have our grandmothers hapring. Poor posture is terrible for your health and might also be contributing to less confidence and weight gain. Because standing with proper posture uses more…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Confidence, Posture, Weight Loss Tip

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Weight lifting and protein appears to promote less fat regain after weight loss Lifting Weights Many Americans are looking for the silver bullet on how to prevent weight loss. They start with a healthy diet, add exercise, and now they have lost weight. Many of us have found that altering our diet in the kitchen…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fat Loss, Protein, Research, Weight Lifting, Weight Loss Maintenance

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Wheatgrass is not a worthy addition to your diet! Many health nuts add a shot of this sprouted grain to their diet daily with little to no idea of what it actually is. Wheatgrass is a nutrient-rich type of young grass in the wheat family.  It is created by soaking or mechanically grinding it into…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Weight Loss, Wheatgrass

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The healthier jalapeño poppers. Stuffed jalapenos make a great party appetizer. My family loves them. These little babies are the perfect pregame snack. The best part is that they are healthier than the breaded jalapeno poppers.  They are so easy to make. You can make them ahead of time and refrigerate. Unlike the breaded version,…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Jalapeno, Recipe, Spicy, Texmex

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Zaxby’s Grilled Chicken Sandwich is a healthy option on-the-go with one caveat. Zaxby’s Grilled Chick Sandwich On, I struggle eating a healthy meal on the go. It is not easy to pick a healthy meal from fast food restaurant. Today, we are taking my son back to college so We stopped at Zaxby’s because my…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fast Food, Healthy Eating, Nutrition, On-the-go

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The road to good intentions. Road to good intentions Ok, I am not there. I have decided life is too crazy right now I am will start next week. Work is just cray-cray so I am going to wait one more week. I have had good intentions to start prior to today, but it did…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Could raising the prices on sugary snacks could help reduce obesity? Weight of taxes If you have read to any of my prior blog posts, you know my opinion on sin taxes. I decided to revisit the topic because I found a new article and some research to back six taxes. If I thought they…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss

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Sharing weight loss goals can build accounability and encouragement. Man with megaphone Most people who make a change toward better eating and exercise to lose weight will tell at least a few others about their intentions.  They rarely keep is a secret. All of a sudden you’re buying healthier foods and exercising more, so it…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Share Goal, Share Plan, Weight Loss Tip

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Back on the wagon again. A New Start I made weight 2 weeks ago and immediately fell off the wagon. I did really well and lost 20 pound in 2 months. I completed it by eating healthy, exercising daily, and avoiding empty calories. The bad news is that I fell off the wagon, but the…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Reducing you cell phone usage may improve your life and leap you lose weight. Cell Phone Americans and the world are becoming more and more sedentary. We are supersizing our waistlines and unfortunately there does not appears to a cure in sight. It is hard to believe that fix to part of what is causing…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Cell Phone, Diet, Exercise, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Beef Nachos Ok, it is college game day and of course, who does not like nachos on game day.  This is a healthier twist to a game time treat. This recipe is one your whole family will enjoy and come back asking for more. It might even give you leathy snack while heloping…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Healthy, Mexican, Nachos, Recipe, Weight Loss

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A nutrition and recipe blog that does more that talk the talk. Screen shot of Summer Yule Nutrition. I found this great website after the owner or blogger liked one of my posts so I took a look and was soi impressed that I am writying this review. The website is Summer Yule Nutrition. Her…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Recipes, Website Review, Weight Loss

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One week off. I am taking another week off. This will be the second week off. Weight: Started last Monday at 223Ended at 227.0up 7 pounds but 8 since the PT test but that was on a different scale. Exercise:Nada.Diet:I followed my plan for 0 of 7 days. I ate out a little bit too…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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The collegial nature of a weight loss challenge might help you lose weight. Exercise with Kettlebells Anyone not living under rock for the past 10-20 years knows about the biggest loser. The reality show challenged participants to lose weight as a group. Most participants were able to turn a little competition into miraculously surprising weight…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Challenge, Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss

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Taking a short nap can diminish your risk of a binge just by reducing carvings. A guy taking a nap. Getting adequate sleep is a part of any healthy lifestyle. It reduces stress and anxiety and can improve your work performance. But who would've thought that adequate sleep and even a short nap can help…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Cravings, Nap, Napping, Weight Loss Tip

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Yogurt, especially when fortified, improves both weight and body fat composition of consumers when combined with a calorie-restricted diet. Yogurt Obesity is not a simple illness. Obesity is quite complex and it is not the same from person to person. Almost everyone is looking for a leg up on their path to weight loss. If…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Dairy, Weight Loss, Yogurt

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Is the 10,000 step goal effect for weight loss? Many Americans are focused on a 10,000 step goal.  Our smartwatches and cell phones all recommend reaching this goal.  No matter whether you are new to weight loss and exercise or if you are a seasoned power walker, I am sure you too have focused on…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Editorial, Exercise, Steps, Weight Loss

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A tender and juicy chicken recipe that is exploding with bold TexMex flavors. It is great to spend a week at home and today I am making one of my family's favorite meals. The best part is that is is a healthy meal that can jump-start your path to better health. The only weakness is it…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Chile, Lime, Recipe

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Picking the right snack bar can help weight loss and prevent derailing your path to health. Granola Snack Bar You are on the go and have to run errands so you pack a snack bar to get you to your next meal without grazing the snack foods or candy bowls, but the problem is that…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Healthy, List, Protein, Snack Bar, Weight Loss

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One week off. I am taking this week off. I have splurged a little. Weight: Started last Monday at 221Ended at 223.0up 2 pounds but four since the PT test but that was on a different scale. Exercise:1 day.Diet:I followed my plan for 0 of 7 days. I ate out a little bit too much.Zero…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Coffee could be the key to a slim waistline. Coffee is the favorite drink of the United States. You can hardly drive any distance without finding a Starbucks, Dunkin Doughnuts, or another java centered establishments. It is a huge industry and represents over 75 billion dollars per year. Could this addiction to the morning brew…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Brown Fat, Coffee, Obesity, Research

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Photographs can be used as motivation and to document your success. Photographer using old camera After college, I gained a lot of weight. Part of it was the sedentary lifestyle that grew with my waistline as I moved through medical school. Unfortunately, the sedentary lifestyle of education was not healthy for my weight. I am…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Document, Motivate, Photograph, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Independent of weight loss, carbohydrate restrictions can help improve metabolic syndrome. Metabolic Syndrome We have all heard about the evils of metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome has been correlated with obesity and weight gain. Dietary carbohydrate intake has been reported to independent of weight loss. Treatment of metabolic syndrome remains controversial. We continue to test the…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Low-carbohydrate, Metabolic Syndrome, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Editorial: Artificial sweeteners are not all bad! I am a physician and I have read a lot of articles that vilify artificial sweeteners.  There are plenty of rat studies that suggest that they may be harmful to rodents.  Very few studies have shown any significant form in humans are the recommended dosage.  In fact, I would do a…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Artificial sweeteners, Diabetes Type 2, Editorial, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Spicy Red Pepper Hummus : A healthier option than nachos It is Sunday and this is a great recipe for game day.  Yes, I know it is not nacho cheese, but you can dip with vegetable chips or bean chips and save a whole lot of calories.  This is a spicy hummus that will make you…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Weight Loss

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Lowering your risk of ED is as easy as following these ten easy steps. Cigarettes cause impotency Nothing will make a guy cross his legs quicker than the fear of erectile dysfunction (ED). ED is caused by lower blood flow to the penis that causes it to become less rigid or entirely limp. The process…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Alcohol, ED, Erectile Disfunction, List, Narcotics, Weight Lsos

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FIRST GOAL MET!!!! Yesterday was my PT test and I met my goal of less than 26% BF and 219. No I get to take a week off. I will start again on 7 October. Weight: Started last Monday at 222Ended at 219Down 3 poundsBody Fat:Down another 0.5% - total loss of 6% and 0%…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Leptin deficiencies tied to weight gain and obesity. Most people looking to lose weight are looking for a quick and easy weight loss trick. The problem is that this panacea of weight loss is next to near impossible that it nothing more than a dream. So why do many of us have weight problems? Obesity…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Leptin, Obesity, Research, Weight Loss

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Yoga is a great low impact exercise to help with weight loss. Yoga is a fantastic exercise. It is been touted to help with just about anything you can imagine. Exercise can be stressful on your body and many exercises can create a lot of impact on your joints. Yoga is not only low impact…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Stress Reduction, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip, Yoga

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I have written articles in the past lauding eggs as a protein source and writing about the research-proven weight loss benefits of eggs. I have even written an article debunking the myth that eggs are bad for you. In May of 2019, new research was released to once again back up the consumption of eggs…
Categories: Nutrition, Research
Tags: Eggs, Heart Attack, Heart Disease, Research, Stroke, Weight Loss

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Sleep medications are not without risk and will not help you with weight! As a family physician, sleep medications are one of the common requests that I received from patients.  Sleep medications are one of the most common advertised medications that you will see online.  Sleep medications rank right behind impotence behavioral health, impotence, and dermatologic…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Sleep Medications, Weight Loss

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The Cranberry Pineapple Chia Smoothie recipe is a simple drink that tastes great and is very easy to make. It is not only a treat for tastebuds but also packs the fiber to keep you full all morning long. The sweet flavor of pineapple and dray taste of cranberries will remind you of family Thanksgiving…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Cow’s milk vs. the alternatives: Which is the better choice? Milk Before I start, let me begin the article with the acknowledgment and confession: I…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Milk, Milk Alternatives, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Huge progress. Week 10 is complete with 6 days to go until my next PT test.  I literally need to lose 1 pounds a week to meet my goal.  It has been a great week with over 4 pounds lost.  I have lost a whole 1.2% body fat.   Weight: Started last Monday at 226.5Ended at…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Increase heart disease risk tied to processed food intake. Processed Junk Food Scientists and medical professionals have long suspected that increased processed food intake is likely hazardous to your health. It just makes sense that if you remove parts of the natural healthy foods while processing them that it would result in less healthy foods,…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Processed Foods, Research, Weight Loss

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Quinoa is a whole grain that is easy to cook and goes great with both meats and vegetables. Quinoa Quinoa is a seed that is prepared and eaten similarly to a grain. It was not widely known in the United States until recently. In fact, it is not new at all. Quinoa was an important…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Protein, Quinoa, Weight Loss Tip

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Garcinia Cambogia is likely ineffective. If you pick up a checkout counter magazine, there is not or listened to Dr. Oz on TV, you know about Garcinia cambogia.   Garcinia cambogia (malabar tamarind, bitter kola) is a herb or supplement that is all the rage for weight loss.  This plant source for this herb is abundantly in the…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Garcinia Cambogia, Research, Weight Loss

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Flax Milk: close but no cigar. Flax milk and flax seed Flax Milk: Flaxseed Milk contains no cholesterol or lactose, making it a heart-healthy alternative. Flaxseed milk…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Flax Milk, Milk, Milk Alternatives, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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The blueberry chia smoothie recipe is a simple drink that tastes great and is very easy to make. It is not only a treat for tastebuds but also packs the fiber to keep you full all morning long. The blueberries will bring you home to your country roots. You will love the mixture of hometown…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Alcohol may do more than make you fat beer belly gut There is no doubt that heavy alcohol consumption is very harmful to your health. It is obviously alcohol is a source of empty calories. I wrote about the need to limit alcohol consumption if you are trying to lose weight. Moderate alcohol consumption is…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Alcohol, List, Weight Loss

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A little progress. Week 9 is complete with 2 to go until my next PT test.  I literally need to lose 4 pounds a week to meet my goal.  It has been a tough week.  A Little weight loss, and I have lost a whole 0.8% body fat.   Weight: Started last Monday at 228.5Ended at…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Energy drinks tied to prolonged QT interval Energy drink Many American's love to partake in a Monster drink or Red Bull to reduce fatigue. I myself have been known to have a couple of them every once in a while. It makes sense that a stimulant-laced drink like these energy drinks may be increasing your…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Energy Drinks, Research, Weight Loss

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Cheese is calorie dense and reducing it can assist with weight loss Wedge of cheese with caraway seeds Seductive foods that taste great are very tempting when you are restricting intake while trying to lose weight. These foods are addictive and found in just about any restaurant you find. They make fast food nearly impossible…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Cheese, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Soda taxes reduce sales in Philadelphia by sending buyers to neighboring areas.   In prior posts, I have been quite skeptical of sin taxes such as sugar or soda taxes.  I personally think that they will hurt those who can barely afford them and drive people to buy them elsewhere.  I wrote about it in…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Soda, Weight Loss

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What is the link between sugary beverage consumption and increased all-cause mortality Pineapple juice We have long suspected that there is a link between sugar-sweetened beverages consumption and multiple illnesses and even premature death.  Sugar consumption has long believed to be a risk for metabolic syndrome, obesity, heart disease, diabetes type II, stroke, cancer, and…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Mortality, Weight Loss

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Chicken when cooked correctly can be a delicious and nutritious meal.  When I was looking to lose weight, I found many of the recipes to be less than desirable.  I think you and your family will love this addition to your night-time rotation. This recipe is one that I really like.  It has lots…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe
Tags: Healthy, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Avoid these smoothie ingredients if you want to lose weight. A Selection of Colorful Smoothies The key to weight loss is creating a calorie deficit. Unlike you bank account, having less calories in your diet is a good thing. As you head toward a bath to better healthy, making good decisions is key to success.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Avoid, Empty Calories, List, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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The no progress, progress report. I am moving on four weeks from my last PT test and my diet continues to suffer.  The good news is that my weight is stable.  
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Diet rich in food may promote satiety and weight loss. Raw steak Nearly on a daily basis people ask me if eating beef is healthy. Beef in moderation can be a healthy addition to any diet and it is a great source of iron, vitamins, and protein. Sure it is a source of saturated fat,…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Beef, Hunger, Research, Satiety, Weight Loss

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Resistance bands are a simple at-home or on-the-go strength training option. Athlete fit woman using a red resistance band. Resistance training and weightlifting are well documented through research to assist with weight loss.  Resistance bands are a great alternative to weights or even a great addition to a traditional weight training program.  I think there is…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Fat Loss, Resistance Bands, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Sleeping more on weekends will not recover the sleep debt impact on your metabolism. In today's on-the-go culture, we spend a lot of our lives in a state so sleep deprivation.   We struggle to find enough time in the day to accomplish family, me, and work time so often we skip multiple hours of…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Sleep, Sleep Deprivation, Weight Loss

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Coconut Milk: Not too bad. Vintage bottle with coconut milk and fresh coconuts Coconut Milk:  Coconut milk is a very close alternative to cow's milk.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Coconut Milk, Milk, Milk Alternatives, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Healthier Buffalo Chicken Tenders This a very tasty version of my favorite recipe.  My wife makes this for me and my son and he loves it.  It does well with a healthy version of ranch she often makes to dip for the tenders and celery in.  If you are interested in ranch recipe, visit "Recipe:…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Buffalo Chicken, Healthier Buffalo Chick Tenders Recipe, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Ten ways to boost coffee flavor without adding lots of calories. The empty calories of sugar or creamer can kill a weight loss plan.  Many of us love a good cup of coffee from our local barista, but many of them are packed with extra calories you don't need.  If you’re trying to stay healthy and…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Coffee, List, Weight Loss

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The no progress, progress report. I am moving on four weeks from my last PT test and my diet continues to suffer.  The good news is that my weight is stable.  
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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I started a new diet and never overeat and I am still gaining weight. Exercise Thank you for your question. The answer is simple, but not a single answer will fit for everyone. In your email, you claim to have cut your calories to 1200 per day and are still not losing weight. There are…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Question, Weight Loss

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Mayonnaise contains empty calories and provides little to no nutrition and is best left in the jar. Mayonnaise sauce. Mayonnaise is one of those guilty pleasures that many people feel is essential to their daytime regime. People added to their sandwich and just about any recipe you can imagine. I, like you, enjoy mayonnaise on…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Maynnaisem, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Portion control is less successful while watching television and playing video games. Television TV Eating Researchers have long suspected that eating while watching television could be an independent risk for consuming more calories and hence obesity. Face it, activities that involve electronics distract us from how much we are consuming and any signals that we…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Electronics, Mindless Eating, Television, Weight Loss

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Obesity is a disease and not a choice.   Fatphobia is the rampant in social media, the United States, and most of the World.  Most people believe that obesity is a personal weakness and choice.  Many fail to see the facts before them.  Obesity is a disease and we should not judge people that suffer…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Disease, Editorial, Obesity, Weight Loss

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The perfect dip and dressing made a little healthier. I want to make something that I could dip Buffalo Strips in during the football games so here you go, but what are Bafflo strips without ranch dip. The best part is that this dip goes great with Buffalo or vegetables. If you want it as a…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Healthy, Ranch, Recipe

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More weight loss tips. This list is a list of weight loss tips 11-20.  
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: List, Weight Loss

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The no progress, progress report. I am moving on four weeks from my last PT test and my diet continues to suffer.  The good news is that my weight is stable.  
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Acute liver injury following Garcinia cambogia usage for weight-loss. Many Americans see herbal supplements as a means to jump-start their weight loss. The number of articles in magazines and stars on TV spouting the benefits of one supplement or another is staggering. Garcinia cambogia extract and the products containing it are some of the most popular…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Garcinia Cambogia, Liver Damage, Supplement, Weight Loss

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Avoiding the temptation is key to success in weight loss and maintenance. Meal prepping The enemy of weight loss is eating more. We often have a little leftover when we are done serving our meals. It sits there begging to be eaten and if your anything like me, you have a tendance to want to…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Meal Prepping, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Eating a breakfast every day may not be a good plan for weight loss.   Eating breakfast may be a common practice to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight.  In fact, cereal companies have pushed this myth for decades to get you to include their products into your diet.  The problem with the first…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Breakfast, Fasting, Intermittent Energy Restriction, Research, Weight Loss

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Hemp Milk: not gonna do it. Hemp Milk with Seeds Hemp Milk: Hemp milk is an excellent source of nutrition, but if you have a federal…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Hemp Milk, Milk, Milk Alternatives, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Egg Taco: a simple breakfast treat you family will love. This recipe is a very tasty breakfast meal that is easy to make. tacos are a key staple in Texas. I have grown fond of them during my time at Fort Hood. My family have grown to prefer them over a breakfast sandwich. I have…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Egg Taco, Eggs, Healthy, Recipe, Taco, Tex Mex

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Reasons to eat more dark chocolate. Do you really need a reason to eat more chocolate?  Probably not!  Chocolate is the ultimate comfort food.  Chocolate is one of the simple pleasures in life that has been tied to just about any benefit you can imagine.  People claim it can reduce stress, protect your heart, and acts…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: BMI, Chocolate, Exercise, Satiety, Weight Loss

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The no progress, progress report. I am moving on four weeks from my last PT test and my diet continues to suffer.  The good news is that my weight is stable.  
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Employee health program can be an effective means to increase healthy habits.   Workplace wellness programs are all the rage businesses all across the United States. Employers have increasingly invested in these wellness programs to improve employee health and decrease health care costs.  They are being sold as the solution to the effects of the sedentary…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Employee Wellness, Research, Weight Loss

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Remember the lessons but let the past go.   I have found that dieting is all about focusing on the future. Like the Apple Computer theme, it is important in weight loss that you think differently - you must start thinking thin. Far too often, we hold on to the belief that they can't think…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Focus, Future, Weight Loss Tip

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Web support is a useful option to assist with weight loss.    Obesity is a massive epidemic worldwide, but it is notably worse in the United States.  The cost of therapy for treatment is often too high and too ineffective to justify funding by some insurance companies.   If researchers could find an effective mechanism for…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Internet, Research, Web-based, Weight Loss

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Pick a diet that works for you and limits processed food! Nutrition and medical experts have long debated what the most optimal diet is.  Some argue for moderation and portion control; others suggest that Keto or Adkin's diets are superior, and a few even suggest that a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle for there is an…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Best Diet, Diet, Editorial, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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A simple Tex-Mex dish that is also healthy. Tex Mex Pizza A delicious and simple recipe for Mexican pizza your family will love. Mexican Pizza is delicious as a pizza crust or flour tortilla topped with any number of toppings. You can add beans, beef, cheese, sour cream, onions, tomatoes, jalapeños, or even guacamole. The…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Mexican Pizza, Pizza, Recipe, Weight Loss

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More weight loss tips. This list is a list of weight loss tips 11-20.  
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: List, Weight Loss

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The no progress, progress report. I am moving on four weeks from my last PT test and my diet continues to suffer.  The good news is that my weight is stable.  
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Study confirms the deleterious effect of processed carbohydrates on cholesterol and blood lipids. High cholesterol, particularly low-density lipoproteins (LDL), has been established as a major risk factor for coronary artery disease (CAD). LDL and the risk for CAD worsen with increasing central obesity.  It has also been suspected to worsen with certain dietary influences to include saturated fats…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Heart Disease, Obesity, Processed Foods, Sugar, Weight Loss

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Salads are not instant weight loss but they can help. Fresh green salad One item you can add to your plans for weight loss is more vegetables and fiber. Salads are full of fiber that can help you feel full without those extra calories that need to be burned off. Salads, if propperly made can…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Salad, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Increased weight tied to daytime sleepiness Medical providers and researchers have long known that there is a relationship between obesity and sleep apnea and that sleep apnea causes daytime sleepiness or drowsiness.  This finding is now known to be due with increased floppiness of the airway and thickness of the tissue on the chest and airways.…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Daytime Somnolence, Obesity, Sleep, Sleep Apnea, Weight Loss

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Rice Milk: ok, but not great. Rice Milk Rice milk: Rice milk is lactose-free and low in saturated fat.  But unlike cow’s milk and like oat…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Milk, Milk Alternatives, Nutrition, Rice Milk, Weight Loss

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A simple but healthier twist on a family favorite. I have to admit that I love Italian.  I have a weakness for a simple pasta and meat sauce and I am looking for ways to make a quick dish that I can make and put in bowls in my refrigerator to eat for dinner for…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Italian, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Herbs and spices may be the key to your weight loss success.   Spices can do more than perk up the flavor of a meal.  We are constantly looking for alternatives to medications to help with improving our health.  You may be able to reach for the bottles in your spice cabinet for assistance with everything…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: List, Spices, Weight Loss

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The no progress, progress report. I am moving on four weeks from my last PT test and my diet continues to suffer.  The good news is that my weight is stable.  
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Schlotzsky Angus Beef & Provolone: a healthier option with huge flavor Today, I am on the go. I am traveling back home to see my family and had to stop for lunch. My family did there typical wishy-washy dance so I has to decide on where to eat. I decided on Schlotzsky and there we…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Healthy Eating On The Go, Weight Loss

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Taking a break from eating may the key to weight loss. Most of us sit down to eat and once we start shoveling with the fork, we do not stop eating until our food is all gone. We are in a rush all day and we rarely take a break so why should meals be…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Is telephonic counseling effecting for weight loss?   Poor diet and obesity are independent risk factors for type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease. In particular truncal obesity is one of the tell-tale signs of obesity and heart disease risk in men.  This risk is particularly high in rural areas of the South.  I remember many patients who…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Counseling, Telehealth, Weight Loss

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The truth about the unregulated, overhyped, and dangerous dietary supplements supplement capsules As a physician, my patients are constantly asking me what supplements will help them with their weight, performance, and illnesses. They want a quick fix so they are asking me what I would recommend for them to take to achieve a certain goal. …
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Supplement, Weight Loss

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The Blackberry strawberry chia smoothie recipe is a simple drink that tastes great and is very easy to make. It is not only a treat for tastebuds but also packs the fiber to keep you full all morning long. The mix of tart flavors will bring you home to your country roots. You will love…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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More weight loss tips. This list is a list of weight loss tips 11-20.  
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: List, Weight Loss

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The no progress, progress report. I am moving on four weeks from my last PT test and my diet continues to suffer.  The good news is that my weight is stable.  
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Sleep restriction hinders weight loss even when calories are reduced.   Sleep deprivation is terrible for your physical and mental health.  Poor sleep habits lead to higher stress levels and higher levels of cortisol.  Cortisol is a stress hormone that also leads to higher fat stores and hunger.  Multiple studies have shown that stress and…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Sleep, Weight Loss

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You can add fiber to your diet without making your friends and family miserable. Fiber is essential for good digestive health and the key to preventing constipation. Fiber is the material found in plants that cannot or is not digested within the human gastrointestinal tract. This material, unfortunately, can be digested by the bacteria in…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Flatulence, Question

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Diets with a lower fiber intake and caloric density appear superior for weight loss.  Little is known about the effects of a low caloric density diets on weight loss and maintenance.  It makes sense that a diet that is lower in calories and higher in fiber will result in weight loss because lower density should…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Caloric Density, Energy Density, Research, Weight Loss

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Oat Milk: Decent but no cigar. Oat Milk Oat milk: Oat milk is a popular dairy-free, vegan-friendly milk substitute.  It is one of the newest…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Milk, Milk Alternatives, Nutrition, Oat Milk, Weight Loss

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The Blackberry Cherry Flax Smoothie recipe is a simple smoothie that tastes great and is very easy to make. It is not only a treat for tastebuds but also packs the fiber to keep you full all morning long. The berry flavor will bring you home to your country roots. You will love the mixture…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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How to create and maintain motivation! Motivation The most difficult thing about weight loss is motivation.  Motivation changes and is one of the first things to change as you near your goal.  Maintaining motivation over time is the largest obstacle to maintain weight loss and in my book, is the number one reason for weight…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: List, Motivation, Weight Loss

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The no progress, progress report. I am moving on four weeks from my last PT test and my diet continues to suffer.  The good news is that my weight is stable.  
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Mobile Bite Counters may assist with weight loss. Chewing is the mechanism by which we mechanically crush and cut food.  The act of chewing stimulates multiple physiologic responses to include increased release of digestive enzymes and a feeling of satiety.  Prior research has shown that chewing slower and more increases satiety.  It would make sense that using…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Bite Count, Chew Slow, Weight Loss

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Better fitting drawers make all the difference in your confidence! We have all felt that dread of sliding on your favorite pair of jeans and them not fitting at all or quite right.  A few years ago, I gained weight up to 265 and I could not fit in any of my clothes.  My uniforms…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Pants, Size, Waist Circumference

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Clinical outcomes: It is all about the quality of your carbohydrate intake.   Clinicians and researchers have long suspected that not all carbohydrates are created equal.  It makes perfect sense that an unprocessed starchy food with 100 calories would not result in similar clinical outcomes as the same number of calories of table sugar.  The…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Carbohydrate, Mortality, Quality, Weight Loss

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Cashew Milk: Not quite milk. Cashew milk Cashew Milk: Cashew milk is made from ground cashews and water.  It is rich and creamy.  It has a…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Cashew Milk, Milk, Milk Alternatives, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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The Tropical Flax Smoothie recipe is a simple smoothie that tastes great and is very easy to make. It is not only a treat for tastebuds but also packs the fiber to keep you full all morning long. The tropical flavor will bring you to the islands. You will love the mixture of tropical flavors.…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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More weight loss tips. This list is a list of weight loss tips 11-20.  
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: List, Weight Loss

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The no progress, progress report. I am moving on four weeks from my last PT test and my diet continues to suffer.  The good news is that my weight is stable.  
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Fiber intake and adherence to diet predict weight loss success.   Low-fat diets have been long accepted to be the key to weight loss.  In recent years, higher fat and protein diets have also been shown to produce weight loss and these diets are all the rage in health and fitness magazines. Nearly all of…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fat, Fiber, Protein, Weight Loss

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The facts about cinnamon, your metabolism, satiety, and weight loss I recently read a blog post by a dietician who was slamming cinnamon and the medical and scientific community that has touted its benefits for weight loss.  The self-proclaimed "expert" suggested that readers put on their BS detectors in the first paragraph.  This is pretty…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Cinnamon, Editorial, Weight Loss

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Expert coaching over the web can assist with significant weight loss.   Expert coaching for weight loss is expensive but has been shown to help with weight loss in prior research.  Coaching is the key part that both motivates and increases engagement.  Providing coaches as part of a weight management program is a common practice…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coaching, Research, Weight Loss

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Pea Milk: From Peas and not Pee. Macadamia Milk Pea Milk: Along with Macadamia milk, pea milk is one of the newest dairy-free alternatives to arrive…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Milk, Milk Alternatives, Nutrition, Pea Milk, Weight Loss

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Double B Flax Smoothie The Double B (Blackberry and Raspberry) Smoothie recipe is a simple recipe that tastes great and is very easy to make. It is not only a treat for tastebuds but also packs the fiber to keep you full all morning long. The combination of flax and chia seeds adds healthy fats…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Eating near bedtime can hinder sleep but some foods are worse than others. Sleep Bedtime or nighttime snacks can help satiate the hungers and for some, it may limit late night snacking. Good health is more than just what you eat but also eating the right foods at the right time. This being said, you…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Foods, List, Sleep, Weight Loss

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The no progress, progress report. I am moving on four weeks from my last PT test and my diet continues to suffer.  The good news is that my weight is stable.  
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Apples may be one key to your weight loss success.   As a child, apples were a key staple food in our family.  They were more than just a snack, but could also serve as a healthy dessert.  An apple is a sweet, edible fruit that is produced by an…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Apple, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss

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Liberal Pediatrician and American Heart Association recommend soda tax.   Soda taxes are a topic that is near and dear to my heart.  On 25 March of 2019, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and American Heart Association releases a joint policy statement that recommends in favor of the US Government and States instituting a…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Soda Tax, Weight Loss

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Worsening psychologic status leads to weight cycling. Several studies have suggested an association between weight cycling and psychological status.  It makes sense that anxiety and depression will lead to an increase in eating and less exercise.  Although I think that weight cycles an lead to psychological distress, anxiety and depression (as well as other behavioral…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Anxiety, Depression, Research, Weight Cycling

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Macadamia Milk: Not Milk, but a decent creamer. Macadamia Milk Macadamia Milk: Macadamia milk is made mostly of water. It’s a newcomer to the milk alternative…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Macadamia Milk, Milk, Milk Alternatives, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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This recipe is a simple smoothie recipe that tastes great and is very easy to make. It is not only a treat for tastebuds but also packs the fiber to keep you full all morning long. The combination of flax and chia seeds adds healthy fats and fiber. Chia seeds are equally impressive a decent…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Twelve-step program to avoid binging.   Overeating is one of the most common mistakes people make when they make a move toward a healthier lifestyle.  You woke up today making a plan to make today a different day and instead of having that healthy breakfast at home,…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Binge, List, Weight Loss

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The no progress, progress report. I am moving on four weeks from my last PT test and my diet continues to suffer.  The good news is that my weight is stable.  
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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The evidence does not support chromium supplements for weight loss.   Chromium picolinate has long been touted as a miracle supplement for weight loss and blood sugar stabilization.  It has been suggested as a supplement for diabetic type 2 patients because this metabolic syndrome should improve with blood sugar stabilization and weight loss.  
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Metabolic Syndrome, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Weight Loss

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Reducing carbohydrates intake is essential for weight loss. Low-carb diets are commonplace in our society.  You will be hard pressed to find a single individual that has not tried on the form of this dietary spectrum or another.  Many of these diets replace carbohydrates with proteins and/or fats.  The low carb craze is nothing new.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Ketogenic Diet, Low-carbohydrate, Weight Loss

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Low and high carbohydrate intakes are tied to increase mortality.   There is much disagreement about how much carbohydrates are recommended.  For years, American experts have recommended anywhere from 45-65% of your calorie intake from carbohydrates.  Some experts argue for a lower number and others suggest higher numbers.  Who is right?  
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Carbohydrates, Low Carb, Moderation, Mortality, Weight Loss

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Almond Milk: Not Quite Milk! Organic White Almond Milk in a Jug Almond milk is not a terrible replacement for milk as long as you…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Almond Milk, Milk, Milk Alternatives, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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This recipe is a simple smoothie recipe that tastes great and is very easy to make. It is not only a treat for tastebuds but also packs the fiber to keep you full all morning long. The combination of flax and chia seeds adds healthy fats and fiber. Chia seeds are equally impressive a decent…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Your weight would be perfect if your were 11 feet tall! Unfortunately, we cannot make you taller. You will have to work on making yourself slimmer. Good luck with your weight loss endeavor.
Categories: Weight Loss

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The carrot strawberry flax smoothie recipe is a simple smoothie that tastes great and is very easy to make. It is not only a treat for tastebuds but also packs the fiber to keep you full all morning long. The mixture of strawberries and carrots will add appealing color and taste you will love. The…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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The no progress, progress report. I am moving on four weeks from my last PT test and my diet continues to suffer.  The good news is that my weight is stable.  
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Pedometers may help weight loss after all Pedometers are all the rage today.  From the Fitbit to the Apple Watch, it is hard to find someone without one on their wrists.  I personally wear one on each wrist.  I wind the motivations and functionality of the Apple Watch to be superior, but the step counts…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Pedometer, Step Count, Weight Loss

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Elderly Couple Walking on Beach Walking tied to lower mortality. With the title of the forum, would you expect no less than this title? We have all been taught that the goal of 10K steps is the key to weight loss and health success. The fact is that this goal is probably still a good…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Mortality, Research, Walking

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Soy Milk: Not Quite Milk! Ten years ago, all you have to cover your cereal was dairy or cow's milk. Oh my, how the world…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Milk, Milk Alternatives, Nutrition, Soy Milk, Weight Loss

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Pineapple Strawberry Flax Smoothie This recipe is a simple smoothie recipe that tastes great and is very easy to make. It is not only a treat for tastebuds but also packs the fiber to keep you full all morning long. It can also be a filling snack or deserts for adults and kids alike. [cooked-recipe…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Fifteen reasons to choose the elliptical over a treadmill To make this clear: You can get an effective aerobic workout with both an elliptical machine and a treadmill.  Your fitness goals and personal preferences likely determine whether you choose an elliptical machine, a treadmill or a different piece of…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Elliptical, Exercise, List, Weight Loss

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The no progress, progress report. I am moving on four weeks from my last PT test and my diet continues to suffer.  The good news is that my weight is stable.  
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Combination of exercise and weight loss improves functional status as we age.   Most of the elderly fear losing independence as they age.  As we age, human naturally lose some functional status.  Functional status refers to the ability of the elderly to function on their own without assistance.  It is believed that obesity and a lack…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Elderly, Exercise, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Pedometer use promotes weight loss success. Emerging evidence suggests that being overweight and obese will increase your risk of all-cause mortality.   I know this is all-cause, but the elevation of risk is likely due to heart disease and diabetes type 2.   Exercise should induce healthy changes that would result in a reduction in…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Pedometer, Research, Weight Loss

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Low carbohydrate diets are not without risk.   Low carbohydrate diets are at near epidemic levels and you cannot walk in a gym and throw a rock without hitting a half-dozen people that are currently following one form of the diet or another.   Restricting carbohydrates has become a popular way to lose weight quickly in…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Atrial Fibrillation, Heart Diease, Low Carb, Low-carbohydrate, Weight Loss

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The no progress, progress report. I am moving on four weeks from my last PT test and my diet continues to suffer.  The good news is that my weight is stable.  
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Rotisserie Chicken Wrap This recipe is for a wrap that you and your family will love as a meal on the go or for dinner when you need a break.  The best part is that it can be made with leftovers.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Recipe, Rotissery, Weight Loss, Wrap

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Sugars are sugars to your body. Natural sugar refers to sugars that occur naturally in foods.  Sugar is found in nature in foods such as fruits.  Although fruit contains the much-vilified fructose that is found in high fructose corn syrup, it is in much lower levels in fruit than a soda.  The problem is not the…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: High Fructose Corn Syrup, Myth, Natural Sugars, Weight Loss

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The refrigerator lights put to see me. Refrigerator Humor Weight loss is so difficult. Every time I visit the refrigerator, it opens to light up my life. Its encouraging glow lights up its contents with an inviting atmosphere that makes me want to eat more and that more leads to more weight gain. The bottom…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Humor, Weight Loss

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Resistance training alone unlikely to end in fat or weight loss.    Exercise I have served as a military officer for over twenty years. In the military, the belief that the key to maintaining a healthy weight is exercise. If you are overweight, commanders often punish those who fail to make weight standard with extra exercise.…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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Milk-based interventions work for fat loss.   Today, many folks question the benefit of animal and dairy-based diets.  In modern society, dairy-based drinks and foods are convenient and widely available.  Therapeutic options for patients that are overweight are limited.  The medications have a lot of side-effects.  The…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Dairy, Meal Replacement, Reserach, Weight Loss

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Dietary and exercise combined are superior for fat loss than diet alone. If you are like most Americans and you look in the mirror, you most certainly notice that your fat storage is around your belly.   Sure we all want abdominals of steel, but in reality, it is extremely unlikely most fo use will get…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Exercise, Fat Loss, Research, Weight Loss

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Lactose-Free Milk Many American's suffer from lactose intolerance.  The risk of suffering from this ailment increases with your age.  The simple pleasure of cheese, milk, and ice cream can make the sufferer quite ill in little no time after consumption.  I could not imagine being unable to enjoy these treats.  You could take lactase pills…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dairy, Lactose-Free Milk, Milk, Milk Alternative, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Hatch Chile Chicken: This recipe is a quick and delicious recipe that your family will love.  The best part is that it is low in fat and it can be eaten alone or added to a wrap or bowl.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Chile, Hatch, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Drinking more water will not shed off the pounds. Many experts, myself included, recommend drinking more weight to help with weight loss.  The belief is that more water will increase calories burned and decrease calorie intake by improving satiety.  There is no doubt in my mind that water is vital for human existence.  It makes…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Water, Weight Loss

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The no progress, progress report. I am moving on four weeks from my last PT test and my diet continues to suffer.  The good news is that my weight is stable.  
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Substantial fat loss reduces inflammatory markers for cardiometabolic disease in normal-weight individuals I know after reading the title, you are asking yourself the question “How can someone be of normal-weight and safely lose body fat?”  The question is can someone be of normal-weight and still have too much fat and the answer is absolutely “yes”.…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Central Obesity, Diabetes Type 2, Heart Disease, Research, Weight Loss

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Scales misrepresent your weight more than you think. Nearly all dieters use a scale to judge their weight loss success and all of us have looked down at the scale dejected when we did not see the success we expected.  I, personally, have gone from 231 to 224 pounds in 2 months.  I would have expected…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Evening exercise does not appear to disrupt sleep or alter energy intake. Just about anyone who has trouble sleeping has filled out a sleep hygiene questionnaire and received education to avoid exercise within 4 hours of bedtime because it will disrupt sleep and make you hungrier.  In today's culture, following this advice makes evening exercise…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Hunger, Sleep

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I hope everyone has a great weekend, but as you head off the rocket launches, picnics, or family gatherings, think about what this weekend is about. It is more than just a day off.  Some facts about memorial day and the history behind it:  https://www.history.com/topics/holidays/memorial-day-history Memorial Day Infographic Memorial Day and Veterans Day are both patriotic holidays…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial

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Ok, I feel like a pro at smoothies. I have made them for years and authored at least 20-30 recipes.  I drink them several days a week, and I feel better if I have one. I think the pink and purple or citrus smoothies are my favorites, but I can tolerate some of the green ones.  This…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Not all fats are bad. Several years ago, every medical and nutrition expert recommended that we avoid fats in our diet.  Basically, the entire school-age population was taught in health class and on Saturday infomercials that we should eat a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet.  The problem is that this advice does not pass the muster of nutrition science.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fats, Myth, Obesity, Weight Loss

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One last start! Summer is nearly here and if the weather is any indication, it is already that time. I was looking forward to more exercise outside, but it is too hot. It is almost time to start a new month and boy do I need a new start. I have not weighed in for…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Resistant dextrin may improve insulin resistance and assist with weight loss. Recently, I have noticed a new ingredient in many of the cereals I eat.  The additive is a compound called resistant dextrin.  Dextrin is a soluble gummy substance or prebiotic that is obtained by hydrolysis of starch, used as a thickening agent and in…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Additive, Insulin Resistance, Resistant Dextrin, Weight Loss

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Are energy drinks bad for you? We have all been there.  It was a long night and you tossed and turned.  You may have had a late night of work followed by a dinner that haunted you.  You may have even had a nightcap or two.  Now, it is 9 am and you are dragging at work or…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Energy Drink

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Cell phone apps that self-monitor can assist with  weight loss A discussed in multiple other research projects, self-monitoring of dietary intake is essential for successful weight loss.  Self-monitoring is one means of behavioral weight loss treatment, but most of the research has been done through paper journals and logs. Past research has shown that people…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cell Phone Application, Research, Self-monitoring, Weight Loss

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Fairlife Milk: The Better Milk If you visit the Fairlife milk website, you can easily find the claims that it is nutrient-rich milk made with a patented cold-filtration process that removes the lactose and increases the protein content.  The claim that their filtration process was inspired by the same process that removes impurities from water.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dairy, Milk, Milk Alternative, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Apple Cranberry Flax Smoothie This recipe combines healthy fats from the flax meal.  Flax meal is high in fiber, and 73% of the fat is polyunsaturated.   I have added a base of Fairlife nonfat milk.  The fruit adds enough sweetness to absolve the need for sugar, but you may need to add a little honey.…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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More weight loss tips. This list is a list of weight loss tips 11-20.  
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: List, Weight Loss

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The no progress, progress report. I am moving on four weeks from my last PT test and my diet continues to suffer.  The good news is that my weight is stable.  
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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A high-protein diet may be the answer for weight loss and metabolic syndrome. The high protein lifestyle has been recommended for weight loss for years.  Some argue that fat and protein from meat is the cause of obesity.  Many are beginning to suggest that we should avoid protein and in particular meat because it makes us unhealthy.…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: High Protein, Metabolic Syndrome, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Food hoarding leads to weight gain and less healthy choices.   Food hoarding is similar to compulsive hoarding that we have all seen on TV.  I am really not talking about that, but it is similar.  True hoarders should seek the help of a behavioral health provider.  Special care needs to be taken to address…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Food Hoarding, Weight Loss Tip

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High-protein may assist with weight control and lower cardiac risk. Higher protein diets are still a common approach to weight loss.  Most dieters have tried them.  The problem with suggesting them is that there is limited research to support their use and some research shows that the addition of many sources of protein may actually…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cardiac Disease, High Protein, Obesity, Research, Weight Loss

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No change to report. I am moving on three weeks from my last PT test, and it has been a little chaotic, and my diet has suffered.  The good news is that my weight is stable.   All the ice cream is gone and I am ready to start.
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Red Tomatillo Salsa I love Chipotle Mexican Grill.  It is like the Subway of TexMex.  If you make smart choices, it can be healthy.  This recipe is a spicy salsa recipe inspired by their Red Tomatillo Salsa.  It is not the same, but I am sure you will love it.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Salsa, Tomatillo

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Eating at night will not make you overweight.   A lot of experts recommend against eating past 6 p.m. at night because they mistakenly believe that it might make you more likely to gain weight.  This type of advice might seem to make sense because we are less active at night, but it is also…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Meals, Myth, Night, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Starting is half the battle. I took two seeks off my battle and I have started anew.  My diet has not been perfect, but then again perfection is the enemy of success.
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Self-monitoring is the best approach to weight loss. Self-monitoring is the centerpiece of most weight loss interventions. It is one of the major and, possibly, most important behavioral interventional strategy for weight management and lifestyle change is self-monitoring.  Self-monitoring has been used for years by successfully and less successful dieters.  It will not guarantee you…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Self-monitoring, Self-weighing, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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Today you plan to start an anew, but what is next?   You are planning a new diet or a new pathway to better health.  So you aren’t sure of how to where to start? Don’t worry! This concern or question is one of the most asked questions for new dieters.  To survive droughts or…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, New Start, Weight Loss

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I start once again. The last two weeks have been time off so I start a new.    
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Weight maintenance is tied to lower food addiction and higher inhibition Weight regain happens in nearly every person that is successful at losing weight. Most dieters who attempt weight loss are able to lose the weight but the big challenge is keeping it off.  Few are able to sustain the changes in behavior required to…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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Peanut Butter Banana Boost Smoothie This recipe combines healthy fats from chia seeds and flax meal.  Flax meal is high in fiber, and 73% of the fat is polyunsaturated.  Chia seeds are equally impressive a decent source of protein and fiber.   I have added a base of Fairlife nonfat milk.  Banana is high in fiber and…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Happy Star Wars Day! This post does not fit with my blog on health and weight loss, but I am taking a break today.  Today is the annual day in which most Star Wars Fanatics celebrate the film series that we have all grown to love.  May of use love an hate certain films, but…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Star Wars

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Two weeks to a new beginning.   Yesterday was a terrible day at work.  I came home and has pizza.  You can multiply that times 8-10 days and that has been the last nearly two weeks for me since the last twice annual sudden cardiac event (physical fitness test).  We are required to make weight…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Spiralling, Weight Loss

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Portion control actually works for weight loss. Weight loss should be as simple as eating fewer calories ends in less weight on your torso.  Sure, it sounds so simple as not eat or drink too much, but, unfortunately, weight loss is not this simple.  This is why many of the worlds are now struggling with…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Commercial Diet, Portion Control, Portion Size, Research, Weight Loss

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Does coconut oil help with weight loss or is it another fad?   n recent years, coconut oil has been touted as one of the healthy fats and many think it is a cure for everything to include diabetes type 2, heart disease, metabolic syndrome, and obesity.  Currently, because of what I like to call…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coconut Oil, Obesity, Research, Satiety, Weight Loss

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Restricting feeding hours can help you lose weight. Fasting for weight loss is one of the most common diets of the current age.  Restricted time diets are just another form of intermittent fasting.  Counting calories is difficult and near impossible for some.  Time-restricted eating is a type of diet that focuses on the timing of…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Time Restricted Dieting

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A new start, once again. I took the weekend off and now it is time to start again.  
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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California Burrito Filling Our family loves Mexican food. It is one of our favorite meals to have both at home and in a restaurant. We have tried just about every Mexican joint within 30 miles of our house. My favorite dish at our favorite place is the Burrito California. This is my take on their…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Chile, Food, Recipe

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Ten stress relief tips to help you lose weight If you have a job like mine, you probably feel the effects of stress daily.  Trying to find balance on long work days is near to impossible, but it can make a huge difference in your life and your waistline.  Today, we, as a society,  are…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Stress, Weight Loss

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Success. Yesterday, I made weight by tape.  Success, partially.  I would prefer not to have to live and die by the tape.  The tape is a means the military uses to measure body fat.  They use a tape measure to measure your next and waist (males).  It is demeaning and inaccurate.  
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Should we or should we not eat breakfast? I am absolutely certain that you have heard that you should never skip breakfast.  I have been taught for years that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  There is plenty of research to indicate that people eat breakfast tend to be somewhat slimmer.  The…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Breakfast, Weight Loss

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Nutmeg is more than just a tasty spice. Our modern busy lifestyles are often lead to unhealthy food habits.  As a person who has tried one diet or another over the years, I, like you, am always looking for another leg up in my path to healthy.   Most weight loss programs are way too…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutmeg, Spice, Weight Loss

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Star anise may assist in weight loss by changing the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.   There are many potential bioactive compounds in nature.  Salicylates are related to aspirin, and they originate from willow bark.  There are many other possible examples.  Star anise is one possibility, and it…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Blood Sugar, Body Fat, Star Anise, Weight Loss

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A new start, again and again. Today I start a new.  Forget the mistakes of the past.  
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Blackberry Dragon Fruit Flax Smoothie This recipe combines healthy fats from chia seeds and flax meal.  Flax meal is high in fiber, and 73% of the fat is polyunsaturated.  Chia seeds are equally impressive a decent source of protein and fiber.   I have added a base of Fairlife milk and kefir.  The fruit is simply 140…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Seventeen ways to avoid the all-or-nothing pitfall.   All-or-nothing usually ends in nothing but diet failure.   The all-or-nothing mentality is the enemy of successful weight loss or maintenance.  Unfortunately, this type of mentality leads to unrealistic expectations.  Recently, I was required to take a trip for work.  This trip required that I take a…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, List, Motivation, Weight Loss

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Still one step away from my short-term goal. So I started my weight loss journey back in January of 2019 and I weighed in at 231 lbs. By March, I lost some weight and was at 225 lbs.  Since March, I haven’t really lost any more weight.  In fact, I yo-yoed up and down for most of the next…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Cloves may reduce both fat deposition and insulin resistance. Clove is one of the many key spices used in Indian cuisine.  It is also found in many seasonal recipes in the United States.  I love adding a dash to my eggnog.  A little dab of ground clove goes a long way to maximizing the taste…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cloves, Insulin Resistance, Research, Spice, Weight Loss

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Nutrisystem® may show promise at reducing weight and body circumference Few if any commercial weight loss programs have research to back up their use for short or long term weight loss.   Commercial diet plans are readily available to the most weight conscious consumer, but their cost may not be worth the investment because the…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrisystem, Portion Control, Research, Weight Loss

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Caraway may promote satiety. Spices can make your food taste better.  If your food tastes better, it might promote satiety.   Caraway seeds have a pungent flavor that comes from the compounds that make it unique.   Caraway is used to flavor bread, rice, and many sausages.  Caraway seeds taste great, but could they weight…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Caraway Seeds, Research, Weight Loss

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Admiring the problem is not the solution to losing weight.   You have made the decision to lose weight, and that is a huge decision that is very admirable.  I made the decision three years ago, and I decided to document my various bouts…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Weight Loss

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Pineapple Strawberry Flax Smoothie This recipe combines healthy fats from chia seeds and flax meal.  Flax meal is high in fiber and 73% of the fat is polyunsaturated.  Chia seeds are equally impressive a decent source of protein and fiber.   I have added a base of Fairlife milk and kefir.  The fruit is simply 140 grams…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Fruit, Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Today is a mark of 1000 posts to this blog! You may consider it sort of a birthday for the blog. It is a milestone.  I have reached the 1000th post milestone.  This day is significant because 1000 posts is a huge accomplishment.  When I started my blog back in July of 2016 I had…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: 1000 Post, Milestone

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One step away from my short-term goal. Continued progress has me a little closer to my goal.  I have 1.5 pounds to go until I will make weight and one week to meet that goal.  My PT test is less than 1 week away and I weigh in on the following week.  
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Lemon water may help with weight loss.   Lemons are often promoted as a magical weight loss food that will help the drinker lose weight with no addition of any other activities or changes to your diet.  It sounds like a bridge too far.  I discussed lemons water and the research behind it over a…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Lemon Water, Research, Weight Loss

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Most dieters fail to achieve meaningful weight loss on commercial programs You have seen the ads for Nutrisystems with multiple stars claiming to lose the weight with their packages meals with minimal to no effort.  Despite popular belief, most of the commercial weight loss programs are somewhat less effective than the ads will make you believe.  The…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Commercial Diet, Research, Weight Loss

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Drinking alcohol increases grazing for junk food.   We have all had a night of debauchery in our youth where we spent the night out with friends hopping from bar to bar followed by a less than a healthy meal.  Anecdotally, we know that drinking increase poor food choices.  It just makes sense that sense…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Alcohol, Junk Food, Research, Weight Loss

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Thirteen days and counting. I have had a fantastic week with three days of exercise and I have followed my eating plan for the most part.  My progress continues to meet the 220 goal by next week.  Two pounds to go!  
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Peach Flax Smoothie This recipe combines healthy fats from chia seeds and flax meal.  Flax meal is high in fiber and 73% of the fat is polyunsaturated.  Chia seeds are equally impressive a decent source of protein and fiber.   I have added a base of Fairlife milk and kefir.  The fruit is simply 140 grams of…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Flex, Peach, Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Tips to avoid late-night snacking The enemy of a healthy weight and losing weight in mindless grazing at night.  Many of us find ourselves overeating late at night, even though we aren't hungry.  The stress or work and even idle time lead us to gorge ourselves.  Nighttime eating can be a major cause of obesity because it…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: List, Snack, Weight Loss

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A step forward and two to go. I continue to make progress toward my final goal.  I have two pounds to go until I will make weight and two weeks to meet that goal.  My PT test is one week away and I weigh in on the following week.  
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Counting calories may help with weight loss. Many models of weight loss have been deemed successful; however, maintenance continues to remain a challenge.  Counting calories has been a long-standing suggested method of losing weight and keeping it off.   It has been long proposed as a self-monitoring method and it is considered an important behavior in both…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Counting Calories, Weight Loss

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Is eating fewer carbohydrates the solution in your quest to lose weight? A low-carbohydrate or low-carb diet is a dietary plan that restricts carbohydrates.  Carbohydrates are found in food such as bread, cereals, grains, pasta, potatoes, and rice.  A low carbo is higher in protein and fat.  There are several different types of low-carb diets.…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: High Protein, Low Carb, Low-carbohydrate, Research, Weight Loss

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Walnuts may help you lose weight and make better food choices.   Gaining weight is complicated, but it is not less complicated than losing it.  Weight gain is a consequence of total energy intake.  It is an imbalance between what we eat and burn during our lives.  If we burn more, we lose weight, and…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Healthy Choices, Research, Walnuts, Weight Loss

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Not April Fools Day. I have had a great week and continue to make progress despite a few detours.  I have 2 full weeks to make 220 or less.  
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Pineapple Flax Smoothie This recipe combines healthy fats from chia seeds and flax meal.  Flax meal is high in fiber and 73% of the fat is polyunsaturated.  Chia seeds are equally impressive a decent source of protein and fiber.   I have added a base of Fairlife milk and kefir.  The fruit is simply 140 grams of…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Flax, Pineapple, Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Easy high protein breakfasts for those on the go.   We all struggle to get out the door on time and still have a healthy filling breakfast.  It is essential that we start our day off right?  Adding high-protein foods to your morning meals can help you start your day right and staff full all morning…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Breakfast, High Protein, List, Lose Weight

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Ten Weight Loss Tips That Work Below is a list of ten weight loss tips that work.  I have made a list of weight loss tips that I have made on this site.  Some think will apply to use and others will not.  I recommend that you pick one or two and slowly add them…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, List, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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A little progress is still progress. I have made a little progress without making any attempt at following my plan.  I really need to get below 220 by 19-20 April.  
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Smart scales can help improve weight loss.   I have long been told that frequent weighing is not helpful for weight loss.  I have written several articles on scales, but to this date, I have not found one on the use of smart scales.  Prior studies have shown that frequent trips to the scale can…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Smart Scale, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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Self-monitoring is can make a difference in weight loss success Weight-loss should focus on building behaviors that will not only result in weight loss but also lead to life-long change that will prevent weight regain.  In the past, changes such as calorie counting, carb counting, physical activity, and daily self-weighing have been suggested.   These self-monitoring…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Obesity in the absence of metabolic disease may not increase health risks.   I have many patients who feel that if their blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol are normal that they do not need to worry about their weight.  In medicine, this is referred to as metabolically healthy obesity.  The…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Metabolic Syndrome, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Finally, some progress. I am within striking distance of the short term goal.  I have 2-3 weeks to make 220 or less.  I continue to find it very difficult to stick to plan.  Too many temptations and this week it was ice cream and chocolate.  
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Blueberry Flax Smoothie This recipe combines healthy fats from chia seeds and flax meal.  Flax meal is high in fiber and 73% of the fat is polyunsaturated.  Chia seeds are equally impressive a decent source of protein and fiber.   I have added a base of Fairlife milk and kefir.  The fruit is simply 140 grams of…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Blueberry, Flax, Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Advice on smartly navigating the weight loss landmines in the supermarket. When trying to lose weight, one of the most difficult activities you must do is grocery shopping. Since weight loss is 80 percent diet, going to the grocery store can be an exercise in torture. All those tempting…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Food, Healthy, Lists, Nutrition, Shopping, Tips, Weight Loss Tips

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Fridays are made for time off. I gained 3 pounds this week.  I really need to get below 220 by 19-20 April.   As with last week, I would have liked to see more exercise.  It just did not happen
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Economic incentives may increase weight loss. Obesity and obesity-related illness are at near epidemic levels in the United States and other parts of the World.   The prevalence of overweight and obesity patients has more than doubled in the past three decades, leading to rising costs to treat a non-communicable disease associated with treated the illnesses associated…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Incentive, Research, Reward, Weight Loss

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An explanation of dietary fat and weight loss Whether you are trying to lose weight, lower your blood cholesterol levels, or simply eat healthier, you may want to limit total fat intake, but you need to understand that fats are a vitally important part of your diet.  In fact, many of the processes of our…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fat, Weight Loss

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Protein quality can affect your energy intake.   Today, many nutritional experts are recommending a return to eating foods that are less processed.  Processed food reduces the nutritional quality of the food by removing parts of the nutrients such as vitamins and minerals or the nondigestible fiber.  The act of processing the foods makes them more…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Protein, Research, Weight Loss

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Monday are made for recovery. I have found ti very difficult to stick to my path to a healthy lifestyle on weekends.  Too many temptations and way to much alcohol.  I have about another 3 weeks to go and I need to lose 6  pounds.  
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Dark Cherry Flax Smoothie This recipe combines healthy fats from chia seeds and flax meal.  Flax meal is high in fiber and 73% of the fat is polyunsaturated.  I have added a base of Fairlife milk and kefir.  The fruit is simply 140 grams of unsweetened frozen raspberries.  This simple smoothie has enough fiber and protein…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Cherry, Flax, Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Twenty-four Ways to Eat Chia Seeds Chia seeds have come a long way since being introduced in 1977 as a house botanical garden that you plant on a clay head or pet.  Since then, they have been sold in many forms from the likeness of Garfield the cat to President Obama’s and just about anything…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Chia Seeds, List, Weight Loss

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Fridays are made for time off. This week I have lost another 1 pounds of fat loss and I have not really worked that hard to lose it.  I now weight about 222 and I need to lose about 7 pounds in 4 weeks.  The weight may seem stagnant if I just looked at the…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Will CPAP Use help with Weight Loss? Obesity is an important risk factor for the development of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and we know that weight loss can reduce apnea severity or even lead to a resolution in some patients.  Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a chronic condition that is characterized by repeated episodes of…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: CPAP, Sleep Apnea, Weight Loss

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Omega-3: An Appetite Suppressant?  There is no such thing as a sure thing or a magic bullet when it comes to weight loss.  Around the globe, obesity and obesity-related illnesses represent a major public health challenge. The prognosis for citizens of the United States is exceptionally poor.  Unfortunately, There is no sunrise on the horizon and…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fatty Acid, Leptin, Omega-3, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Buckwheat combined with satiety increases satiety. Nearly every dieter is looking for that magic gun that will reduce their dietary intake and promote weight loss.  Researchers have long pointed to a diet rich in whole grains as a potential panacea toward weight loss and maintenance.  Whole grains have been linked to multiple beneficial health outcomes,…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Buckwheat, Research, Satiety, Weight Loss

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I hate Mondays.     I have about another month to go and I need to lose at least 10 pounds.  I had a little slip up this weekend with too much alcohol and sweets.  
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Raspberry Flax Smoothie This recipe combines healthy fats from chia seeds and flax meal.  I had added a base of Fairlife milk and kefir.  The fruit is simply 140 grams of frozen raspberries.  This simple smoothie has enough fiber and protein to keep you full all morning long.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Raspberry, Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Four key tips to make weight loss easier. Weight loss is a simple concept, but we often make it harder than it needs to be.  The key is avoiding excess calories while maintaining a lower level of hunger and a higher level of satiety.  Being satisfied with the food you have eaten when you are…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, List, Weight Loss

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4 more weeks and progress continues. This week I have lost another 1-2 pounds of fat lost and I have not really worked that hard to lose it.  I now weight about 223 and I need to lose about 8 pounds in 5 weeks.  The weight may seem stagnant if I just looked at the…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Soy protein induces satiety similar to animal sources.   There are many studies that show that a plant-based diet can help you live longer and healthier.  Plant-based protein tends to be higher in carbohydrates and fiber.  Plant-based protein also tends to be of lower quality unless you acquire it from multiple sources.  These statements may lead…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: High Protein, Protein, Research, Satiety, Weight Loss

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Color Up Your Food and Dinner Plate for Weight Loss When I started to research this as a topic after reading an article on colors of plates and weight loss, I thought this topic is crazy.  The color of a plate is not going to cause someone to lose weight.  What inherent property would a…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Food Color, Obesity, Plate Color, Weight Loss Tip

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The frequency of foods consumption can lower cravings. We all crave certain foods and the craving of these foods can be near to impossible to avoid consumption.  A food craving is simply an intense desire for a specific food and they differ from person to person.  Food cravings are thought to be the result of social conditioning…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cravings, Research, Weight Loss

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Monday with stability.   I have about another month to go and I need to lose 6-10 pounds.  I have had some difficulty making good choices when I go out to eat.  Way too many eating out and way too many desserts.  
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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This recipe combines healthy fats from chia seeds and flax meal. I had added a base of Fairlife milk and kefir. The fruit is simply 140 grams of frozen strawberries and you can add a little honey for additional sweetness. This simple smoothie has enough fiber and protein to keep you full all morning long.
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Flax, Recipe, Smoothie, Strawberry

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Fifteen easy ways to banish your belly fat No one wants more ugly disgusting belly fat.  Belly fat is not just a problem because of its appearance.  More belly fat leads to more than just being fat.  Losing belly fat has benefits for your health and can help you live longer because it lowers your…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Belly Fat, Central Obesity, Fat Loss, List, Weight Loss

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A new month and February was a success. It has been a good week with about 2 pounds lost.  I now weight about 222-223 and I need to lose about 6-8 pounds in 6 weeks.  I am down a few pounds, my pants fit better, and I feel great.
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Lean Beef can be a successful part of a high-protein diet for weight loss. Everywhere I turn, someone is suggesting a vegetarian diet or avoiding red meat.  Red meat is a central part of much of the western diets and a major contributor to overall protein intake within the United States.  The animal rights folks continuously…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Beef, Protein, Research, Weight Loss

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Eggs can help you lose weight!   You have probably read somewhere, been told by a friend or doctor, or watch a TV show that has indicated that you should avoid eggs as a part of your daily breakfast.  They have been tied to more dastardly poor health conditions than the most villainous of comic book…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Eggs, Research, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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The evidence is lacking to back the use of artificial sweeteners. Non-sugar sweeteners or artificial sweeteners have been around for hundreds of years.  Medical providers have recommended them to patients for decades to help reduce patient risks for obesity and Diabetes.  It just makes sense that they would work to decrease the risk of both.…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Artificial sweeteners, Obesity, Research, Weight Loss

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Monday with no update.   I would not say that this result is a success, but I can not say for certain because I forgot to weigh in this am.  I had too much alcohol and sweets this weekend so tomorrow might be an unpleasant surprise.  
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Egg Taco: a simple breakfast treat you family will love. This recipe is a very tasty breakfast meal that is easy to make. tacos are a key staple in Texas. I have grown fond of them during my time at Fort Hood. My family have grown to prefer them over a breakfast sandwich. I have…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Egg Taco, Eggs, Healthy, Recipe, Taco, Tex Mexx

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Ten simple steps to help you lose weight. I have made a list of weight loss tips that I have made on this.  I will post a new tip every Wednesday and Friday.  Some think will apply to use and others will not.  I recommend that you pick one or two and slowly add them…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: List, Weight Loss

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Another week down about 8 weeks to go.   It has been a decent week.  I am down a few pounds.  I started the week at about 228-229 and with 4-5 pounds lost.  I am not sure how accurate it is.  I have not noticed any difference in the mirror, but I fell lighter on…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Fatty acid profiles improved in grass-fed beef and butter Many studies show that people who eat the most CLA have improved metabolic health and a lower risk of many diseases to include heart disease.  
Categories: Nutrition, Research
Tags: Beef, Butter, Grain-fed, Research

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Chokeberries may reduce weight gain and modulate insulin What the heck is a chokeberry?  The Chokeberry is of the Aronia genus of deciduous shrubs.  The shrubs that grow the berries are native to eastern North America and most commonly found in wet woods and swamps and many feel they a nuisance or weed.  Chokeberries are…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Aronia Berry, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Wisely chosen interventions can lead to long-term weight loss.   We are always looking for the right weight loss intervention.  There are many to choose from but many of them show very little lifelong changes in weight.  Most of them lead to fleeting change that might lead to short rm weight loss but…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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A small step back.   On Friday, I made good progress to about 224.6.  Today, I weigh 228.  I have had a weekend that has been full of splurges.  My family came to visit and I went hog wild.  Now, I get back on the horse.     
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Healthier Buffalo Chicken Tenders This a very tasty version of my favorite recipe.  My wife makes this for me and my son and he loves it.  It does well with a healthy version of ranch she often makes to dip for the tenders and celery in.  If you are interested in ranch recipe, visit "Recipe:…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Buffalo Chicken, Healthier Buffalo Chick Tenders Recipe, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Fifteen high-protein snacks that will help prevent grazing the candy bowls This article is an extended version of the post: List: Ten High Protein Snacks. We all have had one of those days.  You are having one of those days with no white space and the marathon of back to…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: High Protein, List, Snacks, Weigh Loss

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Progress and more progress.   On Monday, I posted about my progress.  This will make two weeks of good progress, and I am very happy to report that I have lost about 5 pounds.  I just need to keep marching forward.  
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Research: Clay could be a novel treatment for obesity These clay particles appear to help prevent weight gain from fats.  These particles may lead to the development of new anti-obesity therapies.
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss

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Schedule times for me-time you schedule. Weight Loss Tip 196 - Make Sacred Times Most of us make the critical mistake of filling our schedule to the brim with appointments to take care of other things or people.  I am sure you have experienced times when you have 8-10 hours of back to back meetings…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss Tip

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Mindfulness is not a good predictor with weight loss success. Weight loss success is difficult to predict.  There is behavior linked to weight loss success.  An example is that portion control is linked to weight loss success.  Identifying individuals who are less or more likely…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Whew, I am making progress.   I had a great weekend with my family and I ate out twice with no weight gain.  I did eat what I wanted but I avoided splurges.  That is the hardest thing because we were out of town for a rocket launch.  
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Healthy Beef Nachos Ok, it is college game day and of course, who does not like nachos on game day.  This is a healthier twist to a game time treat. This recipe is one your whole family will enjoy and come back asking for more. It might even give you leathy snack while…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Healthy, Mexican, Nachos, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Twenty-five simple ways to prevent or stop unhealthy food and sugar cravings. The article is a continuation of List: 21 Ways to Fight Cravings.  Everybody has moments of weakness that sends them toward the exit ramp from the diet train.  Nothing will destroy your willpower or derail your diet faster than giving into your cravings.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Cravings, List, Weight Loss

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A new start and new progress.   On Monday, I was very worried that I could not lose weight.  I was discouraged and I had not observed progress despite multiple attempts over 1-2 months.  I am very happy to report a week (5 days) of progress.  
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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More weight loss is better in patients with knee arthritis.   Osteoarthritis or arthritis I have always been taught that better is the enemy of the good.  In other words, more is not always better.  One of the biggest obstacles to good health is patient that believe if one is good, then more is better.…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss

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Cleaner food choices can help you lose weight. I know you have used the excuse that it is a weekend or holiday so you partake in foods you would normally avoid.  If you keep holiday and weekend meals…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Clean Eating, Weight Loss Tip

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Cell phones can assist with weight loss and maintenance Cell Phone The obesity epidemic in the United States is exploding and has spread to young adults.  As it reaches higher and higher levels, it is leading to significantly more public health implications that will follow the youth in adulthood.  If we can implements interventions at…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cell Phone, Research, Weight Loss

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Back in the saddle again.   It is down to go time.  I have 2 months till my next PT test and weight in.  I have really missed up and I have about 16 pounds to lose to make weight.  This amount of weight loss is not outside the realm of possibility.  It is time…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Chicken when cooked correctly can be a delicious and nutritious meal.  When I was looking to lose weight, I found many of the recipes to be less than desirable.  I think you and your family will love this addition to your night-time rotation. This recipe is one that I really like.  It has lots…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe
Tags: Healthy, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Sixteen high fiber smoothie ingredients that will keep you full.   Fiber is your friend.  Fiber is one of those miracle ingredients that is an awesome addition to any smoothie.  It will keep you full and help slow the digestion and absorption of both carbohydrates and fats.  Fiber slows down the digestion of starch and…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Ingredients, List, Smoothie

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Intermittent fasting for weight loss is safe and effective. Fasting Fasting is not a new practice.  Fasting is a practice that is older than many modern religions.  It is a central part of many religious practices, but the idea of using it for weight loss is relatively new.  Regardless, fasting is beginning to capture the attention as a…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diabetes, Fasting, Obesity, Weight Loss

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People who have sex more often weigh less.   Having a healthy weight is part of a healthy life, and many of us are focusing on exercising and eating right in order to attain a healthy…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Sex, Weight Loss Tip

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Portion control leads to higher level of weight loss success.   Portion Control Weight loss success in people is highly variable among individuals and what may lead to success in one may lead to failure in another.  Analysis of weight loss patterns in those that are successful may help those who intend to try to…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Portion Control, Research, Weight Loss

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Michelle Obama was right but missed the mark in her methods. Before you start reading, I am fairly conservative and a Ronald Reagan fan.  I consider him to be the best president in the 50 years I have been on this planet.  If this offends you, I suggest you stop reading now.  In preparing for this article,…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Nutrition, School Lunches

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Rotisserie Chicken Wrap This recipe is for a wrap that you and your family will love as a meal on the go or for dinner when you need a break.  The best part is that it can be made with leftovers.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Recipe, Rotissery, Weight Loss, Wrap

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If you snooze, you will lose weight! This list is an extension of the 10 sleep suggestions article that I wrote a few years ago.  Sleep is essential for your health and successful weight loss.  The truth is that you can sleep your way to a smaller waistline.  If you do…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: List, Sleep, Weight Loss

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Little progress and a little stagnation.   This morning, I weighed in at 230.5 pounds, and I am down 3 pounds.  No terrible, but not great for two weeks.  I have not exercised as much as I would like.  I am having a night off, and I will start again tomorrow.  
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Should I pass on the salt or add salt to my food?   Salt Well To start, let us discuss what table salt is.  Table salt or sodium chloride is a white crystalline structure that contains equal parts of sodium and chloride.  The salt compound is bonded with ionic bonds from negatively charged chlorine atoms and…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Hypertension, Research, Salt, Visitor Question

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Napping may help with weight loss.   You read that right.  A nap may...may help with weight loss.  Cosying up with a blanket to these nap has benefits and one of those is weight loss.  I…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Napping, Weight Loss Tip

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Cardiovascular fitness reduces all-cause mortality. Exercise Many patients ask me if they should add exercise to their daily regime.  Very few patients should be told not to exercise so for most of you the answer is near 100% yes.  It widely accepted that cardiovascular fitness has an inverse relationship with mortality.   We have all…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Fitness, Mortality, Research

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Become more inclusive.   Today, Monday 21 January 2019 is MartinLuther King (MLK) day.  MLK made a huge impact on encouraging diversity.  The key word there is encouraging and enforcing.  We should be me inclusive and less divisive.  Exclusivity discourages others from joining a group.   
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: MLK Day

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Chocolate Devine Smoothie It was adapted from a GreenBlender Smoothie: Death by Chocolate.  I really love this recipe, but I did not care for the fake yogurt added to it.  It is thick and creamy.  I am sure you will enjoy it too.  If you are vegan, swap out the milk I used with soy,…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chocolate, Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Advice on smartly navigating the weight loss landmines in the supermarket. When trying to lose weight, one of the most difficult activities you must do is grocery shopping. Since weight loss is 80 percent diet, going to the grocery store can be an exercise in torture. All those tempting goodies on the shelves, the delicious…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Food, Healthy, Lists, Nutrition, Shopping, Tips, Weight Loss Tips

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Holiday weekend - a weight loss challenge.   Weight loss during the week is easy.  Holidays and weekends are a challenge.  We made it through November and December.  Now, welcome to January.  I am headed into the 4 days weekend: the weekend of the MLK holiday.  The holiday weekends are not helpful for maintaining a healthy…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Weekend, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Paternal exercise appears to improve glucose metabolism in offspring.   Father with two toddlers Dads, this is one more reason to shed that dad bod before you start procreating.  Exercise has many positive effects outside of physical fitness and improved stamina.  Exercise lowers stress and improves your cognitive ability.  Exercise is synergistic with diet in promoting weight…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Metabolic, Research

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Doing too much at the gym can be worse than not going at all. We have all done it.  You go to the gym and go hog wild with your workout.  It's never a good idea to overdo it with your workout.  If you overdo it, you will be less likely to maintain the exercise…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Weight Loss Tip

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Intermittent fasting induces weight loss preferentially in obesity-prone rats Obesity is a leading health problem in the United States and obesity-related deaths due to disease such as diabetes type 2 and heart disease are on the rise.  Despite the abundance of weight-loss programs and treatments available, the health, fitness, and medical community are unable to…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Intermittent Fasting, Research, Weight Loss

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Progress Report: Week 1 I just finished the first-week fo trying to lose weight for 2019.  I need to lose about 20 pounds from my starting weight of 234 pounds and 28.8% body fat per impedance.  I have elected to throw out the fad diets and just moderate my intake and add exercise.  I am…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Hatch Chile Chicken: This recipe is a quick and delicious recipe that your family will love.  The best part is that it is low in fat and it can be eaten alone or added to a wrap or bowl.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Chile, Hatch, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Tips to avoid late-night snacking Snacking can be the enemy of weight loss and cause significant weight gain.  If you can prevent snacking and grazing, you will be a step ahead in losing weight.  
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: List, Snack, Weight Loss

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Slight improvement.   Name a diet, and you will find a diet that I have struggled to maintain.  I have tried Keto, low carb, paleo, and fasting.  I, like countless people, can tell me about my trials and tribulations with nearly every diet I have tried. Each time I tried a new diet, I saw a…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Weight loss may help reduce falls and increase balance as we age.   Elderly Couple Walking on Beach When I was in medical school, evidence-based medicine was not the center of the training of new students and doctors.  Today, evidence-based medicine is the center of how medical providers practice medicine.  When I trained, I was taught…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Balance, Exercise, Falls, Weight Loss

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Cottage cheese can help with weight loss.   Stocking your fridge with cottage cheese is one step to jump-starting your weight loss.  Well, this is sort of true.  You have to eat it to get the…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Cottage Cheese, Nutrition, Weight Loss Tip

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Exercise won't make you thin but it helps. Exercise assists diet in losing weight.   Exercise The United States and the rest of the world continue to struggle with a significant public health problem that is nearly entirely associated with obesity and inactivity.  This epidemic has far-ranging consequences that could cripple the world economy by…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss

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Flawed last words of the health kick. I know you have said and done it.  You plan to start a new diet or exercise plan.  Shortly after the start or a few weeks into the diet, you become distracted and reach for that comfort food.  It is just a small slip, and those words come…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Healthy, Weight Loss

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Dragon Fruit Blackberry Smoothie Dragon fruit or Pitaya is a decent source of protein and it reportedly speeds up your metabolism making it a great fruit for weight loss.  Pitaya is also high in Vitamin C which helps to boost your immune system.  The fruit is cholesterol…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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How to avoid overeating while traveling.   Traveling can create difficult obstacles to eating a healthy diet.  It may seem like the two are incompatible, and you may feel like just waiting until after the holiday season or your big trip.  The stress of traffic and being in the care with your family are natural…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dieting, Fast Food, List, Travel, Weight Loss

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A diet miss.   I will procrastinate again - "I guess I will start being healthy tomorrow". I will see you again in a week.  Hopefully, we will see improvement.  
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Incentives can help with attendance but might not help with weight loss. [pullquote]"A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon." -Napolean Bonaparte. [/pullquote]One of the largest problems with community or work-related weight loss programs is engagement.  The old adage is true, you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss, Wellness

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If you believe you can do it, you are halfway there.       I talk to a lot of people about getting healthy and lose weight.  Ultimately, you did not gain that weight overnight, and…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Let's get this weight loss party started.   The New Year has rolled around again, well, we are nearly there.  You have planned this moment for weeks to months and procrastinated.   You have made plans to abstain from your vices.  Your vice may be alcohol, bread, cake,…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: New Year's, Resolution, Weight Loss

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Changing for life is the key to successful weight loss maintenance.   In college, I used to always toast a party with on toast: "Here is to having what you don't want and wanting what you don't have".  At the time, I thought I know what I wanted…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Weight Loss

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My New Year’s Resolution: An Evolution I started last year like any other by creating a New Year’s Resolutions.  I planned to be healthier and for this, I was partially successful.  I did well for the first 4-6 months and then I began to be less successful.   As soon as I returned to live with…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, New Year's Resolution, Resolution, Weight Loss

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Reasons to eat more dark chocolate. Do you really need a reason to eat more chocolate?  Probably not!  Chocolate is the ultimate comfort food.  Chocolate is one of the simple pleasures in life that has been tied to just about any benefit you can imagine.  People claim it can reduce stress, protect your heart, and acts…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: BMI, Chocolate, Exercise, Satiety, Weight Loss

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Keto and happy.   The first 24-28 hours were miserable.  I was hungry and wanted to eat everything in sight.  Now the ravenous period is over, I am doing better.  My hunger has returned to normal.  I did have a few headaches and fatigue.....
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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New research points to a vegan diet as a solution for elevated weight and obesity. The biggest nutritional argument of the past twenty years has been between the low-carbohydrate and low-fat crowds.  There is plenty of research to back up both sides claims that…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: High Carbohydrate, Research, Vegan Diet, Weight Loss

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Keep pushing toward that goal.   [pullquote]“The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places.” ~Unknown[/pullquote]We have the opportunity to succeed and do something great in life, and we can either grasp the bull by the horns, or we can let…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Weight Loss Tip

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Merry Christmas!   This time of year is the perfect time to reflect and show appreciation.  Christmas is a time of sharing and giving.  I want to give my appreciation to everyone that has visited my site.  I am truly grateful for all of my readers, family, and friends that have and continue to support me…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Merry Christmas, Weight Loss

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Swing and a miss.   It is Christmas Eve and I have a lot to be happy about.  I am at home with my family and not in the middle of the desert.  I am pretty healthy.  The problem is that I am still at 230 and have not made a dent in my diet…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Butter or Ghee: Which one is better?   The question of butter or ghee is quite a conundrum.  Ghee is all the rave.  Whether you are trying to lose weight or not, you can find lots of claims to the benefits of ghee with a quick internet search.  
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Butter, Ghee], Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Ten ways to boost coffee flavor without adding lots of calories. The empty calories of sugar or creamer can kill a weight loss plan.  Many of us love a good cup of coffee from our local barista, but many of them are packed with extra calories you don't need.  If you’re trying to stay healthy and…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Coffee, List, Weight Loss

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Tight Clothing Can Motivate Weight Loss.   As you try to find some motivation to lose weight, all you have to do is grab a pair of shorts that do not fit…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Clothes, Motivation, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Social media may increase weight loss.   The impacts of obesity on health and wellness are well documented.  We regularly work to promote weight loss programs in community settings but they have limited impact on actual weight loss. There is a well-established gap between…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Social Media, Weight Loss

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Weight loss is a slow process, but quitting won't speed it up or help you reach your goal.   [pullquote]“Be the person that when your feet touch the floor in the morning, the devil says, “aww shit.. they’re…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Quiting, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Self-hypnosis is shown to assist with decreasing appetite.   Nearly every dieter is looking for assistance in losing weight.  One possible means to help is to reduce your appetite.  Many supplements and prescription drugs claim to magically reduce your weight through an increased metabolism…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Hypnosis, Research, Satiety, Weight Loss

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Emotional eating can be the end of your diet success.   Emotional eating We all have stress in our lives.  I often feel intense food cravings when my stress is high.  I reach for those comfort foods to soothe the stress and make me feel better.  The problem is that the comfort foods do not help me…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Emotional Eating, Mindful Eating

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Mango Mint Strawberry Smoothie Smoothies are the perfect breakfast for on the go.  You can store them in the refrigerator overnight. Kefir adds a probiotic for gastrointestinal health.   Mango Mint Strawberry Smoothie Nutrition:  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Holiday calories count: How to reduce overeating.   The real truth about holiday calorie counts is that we eat way too much.  I have heard many people make this delusional statement.  The fact is that we, Americans, consume a huge amount…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Holiday Tips, List, Weight Loss

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Attitude is the difference between succeeding and trying.   We all start with a weight loss attempt and a plan to succeed, but even the word considers we might fail.  We are not attempting to lose weight.  Rather, we will lose weight.  We will meet our…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Acupuncture treatment may reduce body weight by reducing insulin resistance.   Obesity is a huge problem in the United States and around the world.  Research has proven that insulin resistance increases the need for higher levels of insulin to clear blood sugar from your blood supply after meals.…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Insulin Resistance, Leptin, Obesity, Prediabetes, Research, Weight Loss

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The enemy of good is better, and that includes the quest for perfection.   Being a perfectionist is the enemy of progress in a successful diet.  Being a perfectionist is a true weakness.  There…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Perfectionist, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Unsaturated fats, especially polyunsaturated, help reduce age-related weight gain. Dietary fat content and change in the composition of the fats you eat and their effect of weight loss and management are very controversial topics.  There are weight loss diets that focus on eating amounts of fat to induce ketosis and lower…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Saturated Fat, Unsaturated Fats, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Another 2 weeks, another step back.   After a few months of trying, I am going to try something different.  Tomorrow, I will start exercising.  It is really not that much different, but it is the part I try to avoid at all costs.  
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Mixed Berry Smoothie: This is a recipe for a simple mixed berry recipe that is full of phytochemical and protein.  It will keep you full for a long time while delivering the refreshing taste of berries.  Your family will love it.     Mixed Berry Smoothie Nutrition: [caption…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Should you avoid snacks to lose or maintain weight loss? I have read and heard the claim that snack cause weight gain and should be avoided in weight loss many times.  Face it; the concept makes sense because if you eat more food by adding snacks, you…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Research, Snacks, Weight Loss

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Guilty feelings can sabotage your weight loss program.   Eating a meal is associated with pleasure and enjoyment, but can also create guilt and shame.  We have all had that moment of guilt after eating something you…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Research, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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The Southern diet is linked to a higher risk for hypertension.   The fact is that most of us love the Southern diet.  I grew up enjoying my Grandmother's fried chicken and mash potatoes with gravy.  She was a fantastic cook, and the meals were almost as fulfilling as…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: High Blood Pressure, Hypertension, Obesity, Research

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Look in the mirror because the person looking back is your competition.   Do not get discouraged by the figure that looks back at you, use it as motivation to make a…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Mirror, Motivation, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Lowering your calorie intake, without exercise, can help you lose weight and lower your risk of cardiac disease.   We have all heard the mantra that exercise is required to lose weight.  There are just as many people that stay the same for lowering you cardiac risk level.   We…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Caloric Restriction, Diet, Exercise, Research, Weight Loss

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A few days ago, I drank a regular soda for the first time in nearly 47 months and….…   Yes, you read that right.  I have not had a sugar-sweetened drink in nearly four years.  It is a conscious decision I made to avoid these damn drinks. …
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Soda, Sugar, Weight Loss

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Spicy Red Pepper Hummus It is Saturday, and this is a great recipe for game day.  Yes, I know it is not nacho cheese, but you can dip with vegetable chips or bean chips and save a whole lot of calories.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe

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How to create and maintain motivation The most difficult thing about weight loss is motivation.  Motivation changes and is one of the first things to change as you near your goal.  Maintaining motivation over time is the largest obstacle to maintain weight loss and in my book, is the number…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: List, Motivation, Weight Loss

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Focus on small goals.   We have all heard the story of someone in our circle that has lost a massive amount of weight.  We use others stories as motivation, but the fact is that establishing a massive weight…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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New guidelines point to a higher level of weight loss success with behavioral interventions.     Obesity is a scourge on modern society.  It is one of the top causes of lost work productivity and premature death and disability.  Over 1/3 of the population of the United…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research, Weight Loss

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Writing it down can keep you motivated.   Occasionally, you may have a setback or slow down in your weight loss.  Don't be too hard on yourself.  One of the best motivators in your weight loss journey is yourself. Keep a motivational…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Journal, Motivation, Weight Loss Tip

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Healthier habits are the key to a lower weight and higher quality of life.   The concept of weight loss seems like such a simple concept, yet we continue to focus on on the wrong goals and yo-yo out of control.  The key to long-term lasting weight loss is not cutting calories or exercising your butt off.…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Healthy Habits, Nutrition, Quality Of Life, Weight Loss

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[Subtitle].   [Paragraph].   [Paragraph].   [Paragraph].    Update and Plan for next 2 weeks:   Exercise: 3-5 times a week.  Cardio 5 times a week with push-ups and sit-ups 3 x a week.   Nutrition: 1500-1700 calories a day with 20-30% protein and 30 grams of fiber.   Weight: Lose 2 pounds lost or…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Raspberry Mint Green Tea This beverage is a delicious and refreshing drink that is low in calories and will help you lose weight.  It combines the tart taste of Raspberries and the refreshing zing of mint.     Raspberry Mint Green Tea Nutrition: …
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Green Tea, Recipe, Tea, Weight Loss

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Exercise is not required for weight loss. This statement, "exercise is essential for weight loss," is far from the truth.  I have heard many so-called experts indicate that exercise is required to lose weight.  There are many problems with this statement and our near-religious belief that it is…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Myth, Weight Loss

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Determination and Satisfaction [pullquote]Wake with determination to complete the daily goal and go to bed with satisfaction that you are one day closer to making your dreams a reality.[/pullquote]Motivation and determination in the context of weight management is a difficult topic because it…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Leave it on the table instead of your waist.   It is Thanksgiving and you are about to enter the land of plenty.   When it comes to fitness and weight loss, the concept of viewing food as harmful can be dangerous to your physical and mental health.  Many…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Christmas, Happy Thankgiving, Holiday, Weight Loss

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Smart Weight Loss is..... [pullquote]Smart weight loss is 1% inspiration and 99% determination.[/pullquote]Weight loss is a simple mixture of eating a healthy diet (80%) and exercise (20%), but you must first start with a little inspiration and follow through with a lot…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Research: More weight loss equals an even lower risk of metabolic syndrome - Higher amounts of weight loss appears to lead to an even lower risk of metabolic syndrome.  Although 5-10% weight loss should be the goal, we should continue to suggest more weight loss in certain groups that could use large amounts of weight loss.  I…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Metabolic Syndrome, Research, Weight Loss

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Be confident in your plans and push forward. The enemy of a plan to strive to improve your health and lose weight is quitting.  This summer, I really let myself go and gained a bunch of weight.  I gained back nearly 15 pounds, and I felt…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Weight Loss

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Blackberry Mint Green Tea This beverage is a delicious and refreshing drink that is low in calories and will help you lose weight.   Blackberry Mint Green Tea Nutrition:
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Weight Loss

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There is nothing magically about 10,000 steps Today, it is near to impossible to walk the streets without finding a self-proclaimed expert that will swear that the key to weight loss and good health is getting 10,000 steps.  Nearly everyone has a smartphone or watch, and many of them are using…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Myth, Pedometer, Walking, Weight

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Design Your Own Weight Loss Plan One of the toughest things about leading an organization in a new direction is getting buy-in.  Buy-in for a new program is easier if the participants assist in the development.  This statement is even true if you…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Mothers lifestyle choices play a significant role in childhood obesity risk The goal in writing this article is to expand your understanding of the effects of your lifestyle choices on your children and family.  The hope is that it will assist you in maintaining and increasing your drive to stay…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Obesity, Research, Weight Loss

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New Start: Day 4.    I weight 226 pounds and I have begun to make some progress. My diet has been tough to maintain based on the pre-holiday schedule.   I cannot wait till the holidays since I have next week off.   Today, I have had whole grain granola and Bulgarian Yogurt for the third…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Stop wish for better health and thinner and start doing what you need to be it! I wish I were a genie and could snap my fingers and get what I want.  I would be back in a size of jeans with a 32-inch waist.  We…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Increased risk of death is not the old reason to lose weight in the obese. Many dieticians and medical providers have long listed increase risk of death, diabetes, and heart disease as a reason to lose weight.   It only makes sense that losing weight and exercising would help lower…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research, Weight Loss

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New Start: Day 1.    I weight 226.6 pounds and have gained about 12 pounds in the last five weeks.  I have felt horrible recently, and have made a decision to change.  Today is that day.   Today, I decided to start with breakfast with a nice whole grain…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: New Start, Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Start again: Take 10.    I took three weeks off after the last PT test.  I weight 226.6 pounds and have gained about 12 pounds in the last five weeks.  I feel horrible, and it is time again to make a change.  I know a lot of that is water weight, but it needs to…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Carrot Ginger Tangerine Smoothie I really like this smoothie.  It is not too sweet, and it is excellent for nausea.  The zing of the ginger works to relieve the upset stomach after an illness, a drive through the mountains, or a rough night on the town.  If…
Categories: Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Ginger, Smoothie Recipe

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Truth: You can lose weight without eating less.   Wait, did you say I can lose weight without eating less.  Yes, I did.  Now let me explain.  You will still need…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Eat Less, Empty Calories, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Commitment is pushing yourself when no one else is around.   Successful and lasting weight loss requires commitment.  It is easy to commit to something when your coworkers, family, and friends are watching.  It is harder to do when you are bored and home alone.…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Commitment, Motivation, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Carbohydrates and fats activate your rewards center.   Scientists have long suspected that sugar is addictive.  You have to look no further than your children to see the effects.  They will gorge themselves to illness on sugar and cry for more when the post-sugar hangover wears off.  Researchers have continued to find increasing evidence that…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Addiction, Carbohydrates, Fat, Research, Reward, Weight Loss

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Slow and steady progress will win the weight loss race. Everyone is looking for a quick trip to a new weight, but the key to weight loss success is to retrain your daily routine.  Once you develop a new routine, you will be more likely…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Gradual Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Restricting feeding through daily fasting works for weight loss.   Fasting has become quite the rage around the globe.  I have heard quite a few outlandish claims of health improvement and weight loss tied to fasting but prior to recent history, there has been limited research to back…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fasting, Research, Water, Weight Loss

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Sugar-free does not mean low calorie or even healthy.   Food marketers are very skilled at peddling their wares.  They come up with fancy new ways to hide the real evils of their products, and many of them are hidden by the claims of what they don't have in their…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Calories, Editorial, Nutrition, Sugar-free, Weight Loss

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Easy Orange Gingerade This refreshing drink will only take you a minute longer than pouring a glass of water.  It tastes amazing and will help with nausea.  I find it the ultimate refreshment on a hot afternoon. Orange Gingerade Nutrition:
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Drink, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Truth: lost weight is not always fat.   We have all fallen for that trap.  We drop 5-10 pounds of body weight and step on the scale, and everything looks great until we take that next step.  The next step is a simple measurement.  We grab the tape…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fat Loss, Myth, Weight Loss

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Failure is making excuses for your weaknesses.   We all look for what we have failed in the past, but this search might be holding you back.  We all think of things to keep us from losing the…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Excuses, Motivation, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Research: Moderate coffee consumption safe and improves health Coffee is my favorite drink.  I truly think it is the nectar of the gods.  It is one of the most perfect drinks.  I have written many posts on coffee.  I write about coffee and reduced mortality, weight loss, metabolic syndrome, and…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coffee, Mortality, Research, Safety

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Negative energy will bread self-doubt and negative thoughts.  Being hard on yourself is not the right approach to successful weight loss.  When it comes to losing weight, having an all or nothing approach is very common and is a common cause of…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Compassion, Flexibility, Motivation, Positivity, Weight Loss Tip

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Six-week weight loss plan with healthier diet and exercise improves body composition. Nearly every expert that claims to be able to help you with weight loss will tell you that the key is a clean and healthier diet and improving your body composition and lose weight.  The problem…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Exercise, Research, Weight Loss

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I start again.   I took three weeks off after the last PT test.  I weight 228 and have gained about 14 pounds in the last three weeks.  I feel horrible, and it is time again to make a change.  I know a lot of that is water weight, but it needs to go now.  …
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Hatred must end today.   After the event of the last several weeks, I feel that I must speak out.  I know this is a weight loss blog, but I am going to write this article in response to the villainizing that has occurred and the tragic deaths…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Hate

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Vanilla Raspberry Pluot Smoothie This smoothie is the perfect mixture of tart and sweet.  A pluot is a stone fruit, which is a hybrid between a plum and an apricot.  Pluots are high in vitamin C, potassium, vitamin A, and fiber. Raspberries are an excellent source of vitamin C, manganese, and…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Not feeling sore does not mean you did not get a good workout. If you live by the motto “no pain, no gain,” you might want to relook at your workout plan because you could be increasing your risk of a potentially serious injury.  Pain and soreness are warning signs…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Myth, Pain

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Special events can be used to motive weight loss.   Motivation is a good thing, and we all find motivation in different ways.  Everyone has a special day in which they want to weight less to impress people they have not…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Events, Motivate, Motivation, Weight Loss Tip

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Habit-based interventions can help with weight loss by building a healthier routine.   The prevalence of overweight and obesity continues to skyrocket each year in the United States, and the world is no different.  The obesity rate is nearly double what was recorded in 1980.  Despite the significance education efforts by the…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Habits, Research, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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Get Competitive: With Yourself or Your Friends.   Light a little fire behind you by using a competition with a friend to motivate you.  There is nothing like a bit of competition to get your motor running.  It does…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Research, Weight Loss Tip

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Follow up shows no adverse changes in cardiometabolic testing with high-egg diet in type 2 diabetes. Some dietary and medical guidelines recommend that people with type 2 diabetes limit their consumption of eggs and cholesterol.  Both egg whites and yolks are rich in nutrients to include proteins,…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diabetes, Eggs, Research, Weight Loss

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Food manufacturers disguise sugar to sell more. Food manufacturers have long hidden harmful additives in the maze of compounds included in the ingredient list.   In recent history, we are just not beginning to see the evils of empty calories from sugars.  American’s are becoming increasingly…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Nutrition, Sugar, Weight Loss

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Peach Ginger Tea This recipe has the zing ginger with the sweetness of peach and the health benefits of green tea.  It is actually a mix of green and black tea.   Peach Ginger Green Tazo: It has 45-50 calories with 9-10 grams of carbohydrates.  It is…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Ginger, Recipe, Tea

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A ten step program to a higher metabolism, Part 1.   Weight loss is not easy.  The first step in raising your metabolism is defining it.  To fully understand how to increase your metabolism, you must understand the inputs and output of metabolism and then…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Boost Metabolism, List, Metabolism, Weight Loss

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Motivation got you started, but you will need the discipline to stay on the path to health.   [pullquote]Discipline is just choosing between what you want now and what you want more.[/pullquote] We all go shopping at the inopportune…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Discipline, Motivation, Weight Loss Tip

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Digital online support can help assist with weight loss.    Weight loss interventions tend to be more successful if they are started early before obesity is attained.  In our society today, young men and women are gaining weight rapidly.  If we could implement an intervention that would prevent weight gain before…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Email, Social Media, Weight Loss

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Avoid canned fruit and fruit sauces. Oh, wait, please tell me you are not going to attack my fruit cocktail and applesauce.  Applesauce and cans of fruit cocktail are a favorable memory from my childhood as I am sure it is from yours.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fruit, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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All protein sources of consumption appear to enhance feelings of fullness.   Although metabolism is important, any mechanism by which we reduce the intake of food and calories can assist with weight loss.  Dietary protein has long been suggested as a means of enhancing satiety.  Dietary protein has long been considered the most…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Protein, Research, Satiety, Weight Loss

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Weekend off and back in the saddle.   On, Thursday, I met my goal.  My short-term goal was to lose enough weight to not need a tap test.  I DID IT!!!!!!  I treated my self to the weekend off.   Next goal is to get down to 207.   Update and Plan for the next…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Cranberry Kiwi Persimmon Smoothie Persimmon is the Latin word for it means “food of the gods.”  The fruit is grown in warm, dry climates.  I saw them for the first time in Israel.   The largest source in the United States is Japan and it is Japan's national fruit.  It has a unique flavor and 1…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Is a slow metabolism to blame for my weight gain? - The truth about metabolism Slow metabolism is probably not the answer.  Yes, there is such a thing as a slow metabolism, but a slow metabolism is rarely the cause fo weight gain or obesity.…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet Quality, Exercise, Metabolism, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Eat like you care about yourself. Food can be our medicine or our enemy.  I want to encourage you to eat like you love yourself.  You are worth the time and effort to eat…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Weight Loss Tip

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Thank God, I made weight.   Today, I had my twice annual weight in for the military.  I made weight.  It has been a long time since I was overweight by military standards.  My height is 6' 2.5".  I am allowed to weight 220 pounds,…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Protein digestion requires more energy to break down. Protein is the building block of our cells, enzymes, and muscle.  We would not exist without it.  It is one of three macronutrients that our bodies need to function.  We can make carbohydrates, bot the essential amino acids (the building blocks…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Protein, Research, Weight Loss

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The most significant obstacle is overcoming your inner self.     [pullquote]The hardest part of weight loss is not the exercise or nutrition, it is motivating you mind to make a change.[/pullquote] The odds are that this is not the first time you…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Weight Loss Tip

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Weight change may increase the risk of mortality in metabolically challenged adults. Obesity is directly tied to multiple metabolic abnormalities.  Not only is weight gain tied to these metabolic abnormalities, but it is also tied to an increase in morbidity and mortality from the diseases associated with these metabolic…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Metabolic Syndrome, Obesity, Research, Weight Loss

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Don’t get stuck on that endless diet roller coaster. Losing weight isn’t easy, but it is a lot easier than keeping it off.   Keeping that new slimmer body after weight loss is the most challenging part of a weight loss and management plan.  In fact, the lack of having…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance, Yo-yo Diet

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Cranberry Grapefruit Pomegranate Ginger Smoothie That title is a mouth full.  I took a long time building this recipe.  I was looking for something that was less sweet and I find this to be the perfect mix of summer and winter fruit.  I tried banana in place of…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Twelve-step program to avoid binging.   Overeating is one of the most common mistakes people make when they make a move toward a healthier lifestyle.  You woke up today making a plan to make today a different day and instead of having that healthy breakfast at home,…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Binge, List, Weight Loss

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Avoid fatalistic view, you can do this! [pullquote]Everyone has a bad day or weekend.  Pick yourself up and keep going![/pullquote] We have all experienced a momentary lapse in judgment.  I did it this weekend myself.  You meant…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Attitude, Weight Loss Tip

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Research proven methods to protect muscle mass during weight loss. Obesity is having a significant impact on the world's health and financial stability.  It is associated with increased risk for multiple cardiometabolic diseases to include diabetes, stroke, and coronary artery disease.  Weight loss or dieting is the cornerstone of therapy…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Metabolism, Muscle Mass, Research, Weight Loss

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Got Splurge? Don't get down. Did you overdo it a little last night?  Did you have too much cake at a party?  Too many buffalo wings while out with friends?  Stay positive and don't let a little lapse…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Attitude, Motivation, Weight Loss Tip

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Chokeberries may attenuate weight gain and modulates insulin When was the last time you ate chokeberries?  The Aronia is a genus of deciduous shrubs also known as the chokeberries.  The shrubs that grow the berries are native to eastern North America and most commonly found in wet woods and swamps and…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research, Weight Loss

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Need more time.   Ok, My fitness test is in two weeks and I started just a few weeks too late.  I said I would never get back to being taped.  Well, that is not gonna happen this time.  I will pass a tape test but it is the only way I am going to make…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Blackberry Butternut Kiwi Smoothie This smoothie recipe is one that I made to use up some butternut squash that I had a leftover in frozen cubes.  It was so delicious I decided to add it to the website. Blackberry Butternut Kiwi Smoothie Nutrition: [caption id="attachment_10961"…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Fourteen reasons to choose the elliptical over a treadmill To make this clear: You can get an effective aerobic workout with both an elliptical machine and a treadmill.  Your fitness goals and personal preferences likely determine whether you choose an elliptical machine, a treadmill or a different piece of…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Elliptical, Exercise, List, Weight Loss

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Your health should be more important.  Dieting and weight loss is a lot of hard work.  You have to make tough choices and sacrifices to be successful at weight loss.  Then again, do you really want…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Research points to meal type, patterns, and times as a risk of central obesity.   Differences in meal patterns and timing with regard to central obesity have long been discussed as a potential cause of central obesity.   We know that the prevalence of obesity is increasing worldwide and…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Meal Timing, Obesity, Rerearch, Variety, Weight Loss

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Having a snack does not have to sink your diet. With practice, healthy snacking can become as easy as dropping a couple dollars in the vending machine.  In fact, with as much trouble as I have had…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Snacking, Weight Loss Tip

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Weight-loss reduces patellofemoral loading and thus arthritis Knee pain and arthritis are one of the most common causes of disability.  Knee pain and arthritis of the knees are actually a part of the same spectrum or a continuum.   Knee arthritis or osteoarthritis is most commonly caused by chronic…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Exercise, Research, Weight Loss

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Continued Progress.   Two more weeks have passed and I have continued to make progress.  It is not large progress, but some progress.  I will continue to push forward and hopefully, we will reach my goal.   Update and Plan for next 2 weeks:   Exercise: 3-5 times a week.  Cardio 3 times a week…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Vanilla Cherry Kiwi Smoothie This recipe is for a delicious and sweet smoothie that is high in protein and fiber.   Vanilla Cherry Kiwi Smoothie Nutrition:
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Aspartame is safe and well studied.   Aspartame is a non-nutritive low-calorie sugar substitute that is marketed under brand names such as Equal and NutraSweet.  A very large number of Americans routinely exposed to Aspartame since it was first introduced in the late twentieth century.  In reality, aspartame is nothing more…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Aspartame, Myth

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Avoid getting discouraged! Your body stores excess calories as body fat. You need some fat to save for a rainy day and to pad your organs, but too much body fat will pose a health risk.…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Five lifestyle changes can add years to your life If you could make five small changes to your life that you knew would extend your lifespan, would you make those changes?  For most Americans, the answer is probably "no."  I wrote a recent article in which I…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: BMI, Healthy Habits, Research, Weight Loss

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Soda pop can increase weight gain.   I love soda or pop.  I can remember it being a treat when I would go to football games that my Dad would buy me my own…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet Soda, Soda, Weight Loss Tip

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There appears to be a link between diet soda and heart disease. Diet soda is one of the most common drinks that obese and diabetics turn to lower their calorie and sugar intake.  I have probably have consumed a tanker truck full of Diet Coke or…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diabetes, Heart Disease, Obesity, Research, Weight Loss

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Should I try a ketogenic diet?  I am a scientist by trade, and I try not to dismiss a question without reading up on the research behind it.,  Recently, many of my patients have been asking the same question about ketogenic diets.  In fact, the most recent…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Ketogenic Diet, Low Carb, Low-carbohydrate, Research, Weight Loss

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Apple Maqui Kumquat Smoothie I recently tried kumquats for the first time.  This tart little citrus fruit is delicious in a smoothie.   Apple Maqui Kumquat Smoothie Nutrition:
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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There is no evidence that slow and gradual weight loss is better.   For years, I have read book after book, article…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Rapid, Weight Loss

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Meal Planning Made Easy: Freezing Leftovers Part of my weekly meal planning strategy is to have a few backup meals at all times in the freezer for nights that I know I won't have time…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Leftovers, Weight Loss Tip

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A trim and tone waist can mean lower body weight and improved health.   Our body waist circumference is an indicator of our overall health and risk fo disease.  Instructors teach all medical professionals that reducing your risk of diabetes and heart disease is as easy as shrinking your belly.…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Waist Circumference, Weight Loss

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Meditation will help you cope with chronic stress and lose weight. In my profession, stress is usually a regular part of my life.  I am an Osteopathic Physician.  For the over 20 years, I…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Meditate, Meditation, Stress, Weight Loss Tip

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Exercise can reduce the risk of heart disease in obese patients.   I recently read an article and study that claimed that exercise might outweigh the impact of being overweight in those at risk or have heart disease[1].   I do not doubt that exercise reduces the risk…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Heart Disease, Research, Weight Loss

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Slowed Progress.   Ok, we are one month will I have to weigh in again for my Army fitness test.  I said I would nto be in the position of having to be taped again and I blew it.  Being at home has not helped me keep the weight off and stay fit.  It is…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Grapefruit Pomegranate Ginger Smoothie We love eating seasonally grown fruit whenever possible.  Pomegranate is one season fruit that really gets my goat.  I will tell you to buy it prepared bu Pom-Pom.  This simple smoothie recipe is a refreshing blend of winter and spring fruits boosted with the zing of ginger.  Grapefruit Pomegranate…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Grapefruit diet fad, fiction, and myth or miracle food for weight loss. I am sure that almost every one of us has seen the magazines at the checkout line that claim that there is a new diet in which you can reduce your belly or waistline by eating a particular…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Grapefruit, Myth, Weight Loss

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Progress is still progress.   [pullquote]Slow Progress is better than no progress!   No matter how slow you progress, you are still doing better than the person on the couch.[/pullquote]I know it might seem depressing when…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Progress, Weight Loss Tip

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Weight loss results in both short and long-term increases in health-related quality of life. Obesity is a worldwide public health issue. Most Americans have a weight challenge, and many have given up because they feel that it is not worth the effort.  Many feel that weight…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Quality Of Life, Research, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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Attitude is one key to weight loss and determination and satisfaction help.   [pullquote]Determination and Satisfaction: Try to wake with determination to be successful and go to bed with the satisfaction of your accomplishments.[/pullquote]Theoretically, weight loss is easy, but I practice it is much harder in reality.  Is…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Determination, Motivation, Satisfaction, Weight Loss Tip

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Pasta can be part of a healthy weight loss and maintenance diet.   Pasta is a staple of many American diets.  It has long been vilified as a cause of obesity because it has high carbohydrate content.  This being said, this statement is not backed by research. It…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research, Weight Loss

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Obesity is a medical condition and not behavior deficit.   As a practicing medical professional with a history of military service, one of the largest challenges I have faced is redefining obesity as a disease and not a character weakness.  Most military commanders still see obesity as a matter…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Lemon Ginger Smoothie You will love the sweet and sour taste of this smoothie.  It is a great way to start the morning and keep you full all morning. Lemon Ginger Smoothie Nutrition:
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Exercise can help you lose weight. I have always been amazed at the total rubbish beliefs our there on exercise and weight loss. This one is a doozy.  The fact is that this myth does have a basis of fact behind it, but the believers or myth pushers have over-generalized the facts to the point…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Myth, Weight Loss

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The future is what you make.   Have you tried to lose weight dozens of times and always end up frustrated?  Change is hard and weight loss is a change that is not different from any…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Fitness and physical activity associated with a decreased risk of heart disease in those genetically predisposed.   People have long looked for a magic bullet to reduce their risk of heart disease.  Experts have pointed to reduced sugar and saturated fat as a mean to lower the risk.  The question…
Categories: Exercise, Research
Tags: Exercise, Heart Disease, Weight Loss

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Progress is attained one step repeated over and over again.   [pullquote]Progress: you may not be where you want to be, but you are a heck of a lot closer than when you started![/pullquote]We have all been there.  We hit a day in which…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Encouragement, Motivation, Weight Loss Tip

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A study found people would rather take a pill than exercise to treat high blood pressure. The American culture is teetering on the edge of an abyss.  We are pending a fall into a state of poor health that is unprecedented on this scale.  Sure, we had…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, High Blood Pressure, Research

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Progress made.   In the last two weeks, I have made progress through exercise and 16-hour fasts.  I read about this method in the past and failed miserably at it.  This time, it appears to be working for me.   So, what is different?  This time, I am focusing on hydration a little more and…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Banana Mango Strawberry Smoothie This recipe is one of the most delicious smoothies I have eaten.  It is high in fiber and protein.   Banana Mango Strawberry Smoothie Nutrition:
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Most cholesterol is made by our bodies and not ingested in our diet.   Like most of you, I grew up being told that foods like red meat, eggs, and bacon raise our cholesterol levels and that I should avoid them. This belief is based on the fat diet…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Cholesterol, Myth

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Success is a sum of small efforts.  [pullquote]Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day after day.  [/pullquote] Like a New Year's resolution, new diets and exercise programs often fail in one to two weeks.  The gyms make huge…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Success, Weight Loss Tip

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Fructose is passed through breast milk, and even a small amount is associated with increases in body weight Dietary sugars and in particular add sugar have been shown to promote excess adiposity, body fat,  in both children and adults.  This being said, no…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Body Fat, Breastfeeding, Obesity, Research, Weight Loss

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Exercise is Not Punishment! [pullquote]Exercise would be rewarding and relaxing, not a punishment for a dietary indiscretion.[/pullquote]Exercise is healthy and we want to encourage ourselves to do more of it.  Exercise is not a form of torture like waterboarding so we need to stop…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Motivation, Weight Loss Tip

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Food pricing may be a promising means to improve dietary intake and lower BMI. There is no doubt by anyone that a poor diet leads to poor health.  A lower quality diet may even be tied to a cause of higher morbidity and mortality.  In fact, experts have tied rising…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Food Tax, Research, Soon Subsidy

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The key to successful weight loss and maintenance is planning.   [pullquote]“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” - Benjamen Franklin[/pullquote]Have you ever been really excited to so to a new restaurant to store? You leave the house without a map.  If you don’t have a map or use a GPS system,…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Planning, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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Vanilla Spiced Chai Tea Latte Need an afternoon or end of day pick-me-up but can't have the caffeine from coffee this latte?  Chai Tea can be just what you need, and it is a great energy-boost and an alternative to coffee.   The best part about this recipe is…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chai, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Ten to fix your heel and arch pain Warning: If your foot is cold or hot to the touch, see a medical provider.  If your foot's color turns black, blue, or red in color, see a medical provider.  If the pain is so severe that you cannot walk, please see a medical provider.…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Foot Pain, Home Remedy, List

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Freezing leftovers can prevent the urge for seconds.   Near twice a week, I have written a post to share a tip or trick that I have found to be helpful as journeyed down the…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Leftovers, Meal Prepping, Weight Loss Tip

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Eating apples may promote satiety and weight loss.   Most Americans do not meet the recommended daily consumption of fruit consumption.   Apples are the second most commonly consumed fruit in the United States and have long been promoted as a good to promote improved general health and a…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Apple, Satiety, Weight Loss

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A simple update can help motivate weight loss. Do you like to buy new clothes?  Do you like the feeling of fitting into a new pair of jeans?  Updating your closet is an easy way promote weight loss…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Clothes, Weight Loss Tip

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A maintenance plan to include relapse-prevention planning, self-monitoring, and social support is key to weight loss success.  Weight regain after successful weight loss interventions is common.  Regain happens in nearly 100% of intentional weight loss.   It appears as if the type of diet does not really matter…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Self-weighing, Social Support, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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Progress with a small road bump.   I have lost 2 pounds in 2 weeks.  I would have lost about four, but I had a little over indulgence over the weekend.  Dammit, cookie dough! Update and Plan for next 2 weeks:   Exercise: Cardio 3 times a week with push-ups and sit-ups 3 x a week.…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Easy Orange Gingerade Smoothie All the benefits of ginger, without all the hassle.  It is a superfood boost and refreshing.     Easy Orange Gingerade Nutrition:  
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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some excerpt
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, List, Motivation, Weight Loss

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Halo Top: a little scoop of heaven?   There is nothing more satisfying than a bowl of creamy, dreamy, sweet ice cream that melts in your mouth on a summer day.  I can remember my father mixing up a batch at the lake and the kids fighting to turn…
Categories: Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Ice Cream, Nutirtion, Review, Weight Loss

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Moms who have a weight problem misjudge their children's  weight As a family physician, I have spent a lot of my life taking care of families and in particular children.  If you notice a child is a little overweight and mention it, some mothers will barely come to blows…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research, Weight Loss

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Follow every meal with a large glass of water. Your body is over 7o% water and water is a vital part of every bodily function.  This fact is why drinking plenty of water to…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Hydration, Water, Weight Loss

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Sugary Sweetened Sodas Linked Increased Heart Disease Risk There is almost nothing more American than an ice cold Coke on a hot and sunny day.  It is not only iconic, but it is also very effective at quenching one's thirst.  I remember going to football games with my father as…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Soda, Sugar, Weight Loss

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I am sick and tired of surfing the craving wave. Today is Monday and odds are, if you are anything like me, you have grazed all weekend.  Honestly, I am sick of my unhealthy habits of grazing the candy bowls looking for the next snack.  Unfortunately, the office candy dish…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Candy, Editorial, Empty Calories, Weight Loss

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Pomegranate Ginger Chai Tea Latte This recipe is for a lower calorie chai latte with the zing of ginger.  You can easily increase or decrease the calories with less milk or milk substitute.  Many have long considered ginger, like ginseng, to be the ‘secret to a healthier…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chai Latte, Ginger, Recipe, Weight Loss

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One diet works for all? No, that is absurd.   Humans are as different as they are similar.  Sure, we share most of our genetic code, but the subtle differences in genes are what makes us each unique.  These subtle differences result in different body types, eye color, hair color, height,…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Myth, Weight Loss

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Soybeans can be the perfect snack.   What is edamame?  That term is nothing more than a fancy word for the American soybean.  It is a fancy name for a legume grown all across the globe.  I…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Edamame, Soy Nuts, Weight Loss Tip

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Stress correlates with higher levels of obesity. Earlier I wrote an article about the hormone cortisol and why it is the enemy of a slim waistline.  Chronic cortisol exposure or elevations have long been hypothesized to contribute to obesity.  You do not have to look any further than symptoms…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research, Stress, Weight Loss

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Before you eat out, check the options out online.   Just because you’re trying to lose weight does not mean you should stop socializing and having fun.  You can be on a diet…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Menu, Restaurant, Weight Loss Tip

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Extending your lifespan may be as easy as eating less.   A chronic caloric restriction has been suggested by several studies as a means to reduce the aging process and extend life.  Most of these have been in mice or rats and more primitive species.  There is a bountiful amount of…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Calorie Restriction, Longevity, Research, Weight Loss

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Day 1 of 180, Try number 3.   Ok, this is the third time in 6 weeks I am trying to get this started.  I should have known better than to try to start during my vacation.   It is time for me to stopping working against…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Cinnamon Spiced Apple Smoothie Cinnamon adds a little taste of the fall holidays.  The best part about this smoothie is that it is low in calories and high in fiber.  It will keep you full all morning long.   Cinnamon Spiced Apple Smoothie Nutrition: [caption id="attachment_10504"…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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List of weight loss tips This post is a list of the 115 or more weight loss tips with accompanying image to help you find a tip that might be helpful for your busy lifestyle.  It only takes a small change over time to make a huge difference in your waistline.…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: List, Weight Loss Tips

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Ending overeating: Try to avoid obsessing on the foods you should avoid.   Are you obsessed with certain foods?  I can remember several years ago that I would focus…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Moderation, Portion Control, Weight Loss Tip

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PURE study proves the heart hypothesis is full of hot air.  A new study looked at dietary habits in 135,000 people around the glove and found that not all is what we have been taught for years[1].  The study looked at the controversial relationship between macronutrients…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Adding exercise during the workday can assist with weight loss.   Let's face it,  one of the enemies of a slim waistline is the perpetual seated lifestyle that work has given us.  Unfortunately, there is…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Exercise At Work, Weight Loss Tip

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More weight around your middle appears to increase cancer risk. I recently read an article from Nutrition Action Newsletter that highlighted cancer being linked to obesity[1].  I am absolutely certain that most Americans have heard the tie or link between obesity, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, and diabetes type…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cancer, Motivation, Research, Weight Loss

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Addiction to being healthy is not easy.   I am addicted to food. I have been addicted to food for years.  This idea is not some new revelation, but it is something that I wish would go away. After many years of being exposed to its powers, I spent hours…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Execise, Healthy Life, Nutrition

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Dragon Fruit Blackberry Smoothie Dragon fruit or Pitaya is a decent source of protein and it reportedly speeds up your metabolism making it a great fruit for weight loss.  Pitaya is also high in Vitamin C which helps to boost your immune system.  The fruit is cholesterol…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Plain and simple: Cholesterol and saturated fat are not your enemies. I am a child of the late 70s and mid-80s.  I started college in the mid-80s and finished in the early 90s.  Medical school for me started in the mid-90s and ended right before the turn-of-the-century.  I was educated…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Heart Disease, Metabolic Syndrome, Myth, Obesity, Research, Saturated Fat

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Trade out your favorite pasta noodles with spiraled vegetables.   When eating pasta or any other starchy food such as bread, potatoes, or rice, portion control is a key to avoiding weight gain or losing weight.   Maintaining control your food intakes is…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: List, Pasta Alternatives, Weight Loss Tip

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Fasting may help improve your health by reducing disease.   Fasting is more than just a recent fat.  It has been a part of many cultures for not only centuries but many millennia.  Calorie restriction has been shown to enhance healthy aging, but the inability of most subjects to…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fasting, Obesity, Research, Weight Loss

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Overnight oatmeal can help you save time and lose weight.       Breakfast is way too important to miss.  We all have trouble finding time to eat right, and breakfast is the easiest one…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Oatmeal, Overnight Oatmeal, Weight Loss Tip

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A study reveals keys to successful weight maintenance in young adults In young adulthood, the beginnings of life-long obesity start.  An intervention in early adulthood could make the difference and improve health for a whole lifetime.  The problem, to date,  has been a lack in quality studies and a poor…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Regular Meals, Research, Weight Loss

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A few steps forward and a step back.   Two weeks ago, I made a pledge to be more healthy.  My family agreed to help.  I darted into the week with a new found energy and determination to be successful.   Unfortunately, one to two days and again I whiffed.  Now I back to the…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Chia Apple Mint Smoothie Chia Apple Mint Smoothie: This recipe for a smoothie is from Greenblender.  It is delicious and you will enjoy both nutrition and flavor.   Chia Apple Mint Smoothie Nutrition: 
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chia, Recipe, Smoothie

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There is no evidence that any number of meals is better than another.   There is a lot of debate over how many meals to eat per day. I have heard many reported experts and professionals scream out in support of a higher number of smaller meals over…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Meals, Myth, Weight Loss

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Exercise is not a punishment! [pullquote]Exercise would be rewarding and relaxing, not a punishment for a dietary indiscretion.[/pullquote]Exercise is healthy and we want to encourage ourselves to do more of it.  Exercise is…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Weight Loss Tip

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Ketogenic diets: The basics and some research  A keto or ketogenic diet is not a new diet.  This type of diet has been well known for being a low carb diet that is centered around the production of ketones.…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Ketogenic Diet, Research, Visitor Question, Weight Loss

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Success is a state of mind.  [pullquote]Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day after day.  [/pullquote] We have all had bad days where we overeat or miss our exercise goal.  It can be very discouraging.  You need to dust…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Success, Weight Loss Tip

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Women may experience better improvement in insulin resistance than men after weight loss.   Weight loss interventions are considered part of the first line of therapy for those who develop disease states associated with insulin resistance, such as pre-diabetes, diabetes, or metabolic syndrome.  Gender differences in…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fat Loss, Gender, Research, Weight Loss

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When you do partake, moderation is key to avoiding gluttony.   Cake,  whether white, yellow, or chocolate, is one of the most tempting foods man is ever created.  For example, a simple recipe for white cake contains the perfect mixture of sugar, butter, eggs, vanilla, flour, baking soda, and milk.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Cake, Editorial, Weight Loss

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Black Raspberry Blueberry Chia Water This drink recipe is a healthy way to get some fiber, protein, and antioxidants.  I added apple cider vinegar because I found if covers the taste of the vinegar.     Black Raspberry Blueberry Chia Water Nutrition: …
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chia Seeds, Drink, Recipe

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Twenty Ways to Eat Chia Seeds Chia seeds have come a long way since being introduced in 1977 as a house botanical garden that you plant on a clay head or pet.  Since then, they have been sold in many forms from the likeness of Garfield the cat to…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Chia Seeds, List, Weight Loss

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A daily serving of walnuts may help shed extra pounds.   Walnuts are readily available year-round in just about every grocery store on the planet.   They are a delicious source of protein and healthy fats.  Walnuts are well documented to be high in antioxidants and helpful in lowering your "bad" cholesterol.  The key is walnuts…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Nuts, Research, Walnuts, Weight Loss

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Food addiction and binge eating will expand your waistline.   Food addiction and compulsions are a terrible thing for a slim waistline.  I have been addicted to food nearly my whole life.  It started…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Eating Disorder, Food Addiction, Sugar, Weight Loss Tip

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Chia seeds may induce satiety Chia seeds or Salvia hispanica are a fairly new arrival to the food additive market.  Two days ago I wrote about the a research study that showed that chia seeds help with fat or weight loss around the belly.  In the search, I began…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Chia Seeds, Nutrition, Satiety, Weight Loss

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Keep moving forward.   [pullquote]Never give up!  Everyone has a bad day or weekend.  Pick yourself up and Keep Going![/pullquote]  We have all experienced a momentary lapse in judgment.  I did it this weekend myself.  You meant to just grab a cup of…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Weight Loss Tip

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Chia seeds may induce weight loss Chia seeds Chia seeds or Salvia hispanica have a food additive that have recently become the center of attention for many people interested in healthy and fitness.  I have seen a lot of outlandish claims, but some of them have a basis behind them.  I have seen some claim…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss

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Missed opportunities and a new start.   None of us are infallible.  We all slip up, and I am no different.  It has been over a month since I arrived at my new duty location.  I have entirely failed to follow any compliance of a diet, and my ballooning waistline is what I have to show…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Healthy Vegetarian Chili This chili is a delicious recipe that will warm you up on a winter afternoon.  I am not a vegetarian but chili is one food that does not need meat.  It’s perfect for watching March Madness or a football game.  To get the texture of meat, I added…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chili, Recipe, Vegetarian

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Chia seeds are full of nutrients and a great addition to your diet. Until recently, the only thing about chia seeds was the add from my childhood selling the chia pets - you know: Cha-Cha-Cha Chia!  I recently found them in a smoothie recipe and my research started.  The truth…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Chia Seeds, List, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Quit Making Excuses and Get Motivated!   Ok, you had a bad weekend and you slipped up and either did not exercise, splurged on snacks, or both.  But really, stuffing yourself like a Christmas turkey isn’t limited to the holidays. There are plenty of…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, No Excuses, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Nutritional information on restaurant menus rescued caloric consumption In recent years, nutritional labelling have been advocated as a means to promote better health by reducing consumption of less healthy foods.  Eating excess calories contributes to people becoming overweight and obese.  Obesity has been shown to increases the risks of…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Menu, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss

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Stop Wishing and Start Doing.   [pullquote]“Life is too short to be wishing for things that have been proven by many to be achievable.”  ― Edmond Mbiaka[/pullquote]We all look at the stars and wish for something.  We are not in the land of Disney…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Weight Loss Tip, Wishing

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Success of intermittent energy restrictions confirmed.   Obesity is a well-established cause of premature mortality and a known health risk. In the United States, Obesity and related illnesses are the largest cost creators in health care.  In fact, there are very few illnesses that we cannot attribute some…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fasting, Intermittent Energy Restriction, Weight Loss

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Question: Is it a fruit or vegetable?   One of the great debates around the crisper is all about whether the contents are fruits or vegetables.  Confusion on this topic has no bounds.  In high school and middle school, I received two different answers from two health teachers.  College…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Fruits, Nutrition, Vegetables, Weight Loss

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Aloe Peara Smoothie Excuse the play on words.  This smoothie recipe is full of nutritional value.  There are plenty of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.  The addition of Fiber DX adds both protein and fiber.  It is a little sweet for my taste but it is delicious.   [buymeapie-recipe…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Eggs are healthy and are a great source of nutrition.   It's time to set the story straight on the nutritional benefits of an egg.  Eggs are a nutritional powerhouse and should be one of the staple foods in your diet.  Eggs and in particular egg yolks have…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss

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Don't quit, try again.   We live in one of the most prosperous nations in existence.  How do we prove that? Our waistlines.  We continue to expand our waists more and more, and we fail to learn from our prior attempts so…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Weight Loss Tip

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Despite prior junk research indicating an advantage to the obese, they do not live to.   In recent years, there have been a few studies that claimed that obese people live longer once they get ill with a disease.  In fact, prior studies have demonstrated lower all-cause mortality in individuals who…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Heart Disease, Obesity, Research, Weight Loss

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Keeping Your Old Clothes Will Not Help Motivate You to Lose Weight I have done it for years.  Whether the clothes are too big or too small, I keep the old clothes because I…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Old Clothes, Weight Loss Tip

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Chia seeds may help you lose weight.   Do you remember the chia pet of our childhood?   The commercials were mesmerizing.  These little clay figurines came in multiple shapes to include Homer Simpson, Darth Vader, and just about any other barnyard or public figure you can imagine.  Although…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Chia Seeds, Research, Weight Loss

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Today is an opportunity.   Ok, first let me apologize.  I posted a post today that was just a template and not ready for prime time. I said I would nto let that happen again and oops, there it is.  This is the corrected post.   I feel fat and bloated.  My clothes are tight…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Apple Ginger Smoothie This recipe is a creamy smoothie that is high in vitamin C, protein, and fiber.  I really like the taste.  You can substitute lemon for lime juice if you prefer.   Apple Ginger Smoothie Nutrition:
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Skipping breakfast can to binge eating.   Our bodies have gotten used to three meals a day every day's snacks in between.  In the past, our bodies were readying for the next drought.  The worst part about this situation is that the drought is never coming.  I’m used to not…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Breakfast, Myth, Weight Loss

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Buying single serving contains for leftovers can help with weight loss.   One of the biggest threats to a slim waistline is going back for seconds.  We all have leftovers and the temptation is to polish…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Meal Prepping, Weight Loss Tip

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Weight loss plans should be individualized.   Overweight/obesity is one of the major public health concern young adults in the United States.  The prevalence of obesity in the 20-39-year-old group is  60.3%[1].  If this rate continues to remain at this level of increase, the results could be catastrophic for our country…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Using nonstick spray instead of oil can help with weight loss.   Spraying your pain with a little nonstick spray can when you sauté or fry your foods can significantly reduce your calories.  Oil is often used…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss Tip

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Reminders for healthy lifestyles may assist with weight loss.   The United States and the world have experienced a dramatic increase in obesity rates.  The CDC, NIH, and World Health Organization all consider obesity to be one of the larges health concerns for the 21st century.  The point is that excessive fat accumulation around our…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Vegan: Enlightened or flawed reasoning?   Before I start, I want to apologize in advance to my vegan friends.  This article is gonna tick you off, but then again why should I care.    If you want, I will invite you over for a steak.    Vegans…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Hypocrite, Meat, Vegan

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Green Grasshopper Smoothie No, this recipe does not contain grasshopper.  It is a classic mint smoothie.   Green Grasshopper Smoothie Nutrition:
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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No diet is perfect for everyone.   Almost everyone who is trying to lose weight is looking for the best way to lose weight.   You can find a book to back just about diet your want to try.  If you search enought, your will even find a…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Myth, Weight Loss

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Avoid restaurant and store made juice smoothies. What could be unhealthy about drinking smoothies?  They are fruit and juice, so they have to be healthy, right? When people think about smoothies, they assume they are…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Smoothie, Sugar, Weight Loss Tip

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Darkness prior and during sleep may reduce weight gain Light has long been known as the enemy of good sleep.  From the standard night light to the relatively new blue light sources created by our electronic lifestyles, we have been bombarding our eyes with light that inhibits our ability to get a good night sleep.…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Lights, Research, Sleep, Weight Loss

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Sports drinks can derail your weight loss. There are hundreds of them on the market.   They are pretty much the same thing.  Sports drinks are dilute sugary some added sodium and potassium.  Each one of them is…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Empty Calories, Sports Drinks, Weight Loss Tip

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Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss

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A new start, again.   I am experiencing Deja Vois.  I feel like I have been here before.  I made huge progress and lost most of the weight I want to lose and off the wagon I fell.  The last several week I have been moving back to Georgia.  I swore this time it would…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Chocolate Peanut Butter Smoothie This recipe is a smoothie that is rich and filling.   Chocolate Peanut Butter Smoothie:
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Fat cells number remains unchanged despite weight loss.   In weight loss, the number of fat cells remains unchanged even in weight loss.  Even after massive amounts of weight loss, the number of fat cells remains constant.  In fact, fat cells remain constant after childhood and adolescence.  …
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Cooking smaller amounts of food can help with weight loss.   One of the biggest obstacles to losing or maintaining weight is the ever-growing meal of our modern culture.  As with…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Cooking, Portion Control, Weight Loss Tip

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Eating meals slower may help obese patients lose weight. Few studies have examined the causal relationships between lifestyle habits such as eating speed and obesity.  I wrote an article in the past on chewing slowly may assist with weight loss.  There is lots of books about mindful eating.  There is…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Slower Eating, Weight Loss

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Snacking may be the enemy of weight loss.   Over the years, I have seen many suggestions to assist with weight loss.  If you bring up snacking in front of dietitians, medical providers, and fitness buffs, you…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Insulin Resistance, Snacking, Weight Loss Tip

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Pasta may actually help you lose weight. Pasta makes you fat or does it?  Pasta is a traditional component of the Italian diet.  Unfortunately, pasta has limited research that details its role in the management of body weight. Pasta has long had a reputation for being the central cause of…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Meditteranean Diet, Obesity, Pasta, Research, Weight Loss

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Cleanse and detox diets are dangerous and should be avoided.   I am absolutely certain that you have seen or heard of a celebrity what had a friend that lost a lot of weight on one of these new liquid diets.  These new liquid or cleanse diets are all the…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Cleanse, Detox, Editorial, Weight Loss

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Dark Chocolate Smoothie This rich and creamy smoothie is also healthy.   Dark Chocolate Smoothie Nutrition:
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Perfectionism is the enemy of weight loss.   Saying weight loss is all or nothing is a form of perfectionism.  One thing you learn is life is that perfectionists are miserable to live with.  They have a high divorce rate because they will never be happy…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Weight Loss

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Avoid eating snacks from a bag.     I remember a commercial from my childhood.  Lay's produced the commercial with the slogan "Bet you can't eat just one!".  The slogan is much more than a…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Chips, Popcorn, Snack, Weight Loss Tip

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Sleep deprivation leads to increase insulin resistance. Sleep is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle.  Ever noticed how staying up late almost always makes you just a bit off your game? Lack of sleep has long been touted as hindering your performance and making us grumpy.  Outside of…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Insulin Resistance, Obesity, Research, Sleep, Weight Loss

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A buffet is a weight loss minefield.   Some of the finest moments in my college time were spent eating at the all-you-can-eat buffet with my friends.  Cheap and endless food supply is the…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Buffet, Overeating, Weight Loss Tip

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More sleep may help you reduce your sugar intake and lose weight.   Sleep is one of the most essential activities of every day.  I know that you do not get paid to sleep, but it is every bit as important to maintain your…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Sleep, Sugar, Weight Loss

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Finally moved.   I finished my move.  I am in a new apartment in Augusta, GA.  Well, I am in the apartment but will have a hell of a lot of unpacking to complete.  Hopefully, My weight is not ballooning.  It is hard to keep yourself accountable when your schedule is all out of whack.  I…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Blackberry Pluot Smoothie You will love this smoothie.  It is filling and full of fiber and vitamins and minerals.   Blackberry Pluot Smoothie Nutrition:
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Herbs and spices may be the key to your weight loss success.   Spices can do more than perk up the flavor of a meal.  We are constantly looking for alternatives to medications to help with improving our health.  You may be able to reach for the bottles in your spice cabinet for assistance with everything…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: List, Spices, Weight Loss

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Cleaning sucks.  But cleaning sucks up calories too.     I hate cleaning, and I have spent most of my time the past two days cleaning packing up my apartment to move out.  How could you ever get someone to clean your apartment, house,  or business?  No amount of money is worth…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Moving, Progress Report

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Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss Tup

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Garlic can help with weight loss.   We have long know that garlic has many helpful benefits for your health.   Garlic is one of the most studied of all spices.  Claims are far and wide and seem to be unlimited but research is less supportive.  The research has proven…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Garlic, Research, Spice, Weight Loss

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Packing up sucks! Today will be a rough day.  I have to pack up an one bedroom apartment and load it into a moving truck.  The good news is that I will be home in 48-72 hours.  Home sweet home Georgia.  I am a West Virginia Boy by heart,…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Moving, Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Parties are the devil's bane! Today was a tough day.  It is bittersweet leaving Texas.  Today, they threw a party for me at work.  At the party, multiple desserts and fried disrupt obstacle that made me eating healthy for the day nearly impossible.  You could say that the people at…
Categories: Nutrition, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Moving, Parties, Progress Report

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Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Grilling, Olive Oil, Weight Loss Tip

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Mustard Mustard may boost your metabolism and reduce insulin sensitivity.   Weight loss is tough for just about anyone that attempts it.  Few of us have the gift of the perfect metabolism that allows us to eat whatever we want and not gain weight.  No matter what your plan is, weight loss is best achieved through…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Mustard, Research, Spice, Weight Loss

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Moving is very stressful! Last night, while I was in the midst of packing up my stuff to relocate households, I realized I am significantly stressed.  It amazes me how much crap I can accumulate in just two years.  I moved to Texas two years ago and everything fit…
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Moving, Progress Report, Relocating, Stress

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Manufacturers and USDA have conspired for decades to make us fat.    Imagine a foreign power planning to infiltrate our government and conspiring to alter our food recommendations to encourage our citizens to eat unhealthy food choices.  The spies change our food guidelines to make us sick and…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Nutrition, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Chocolate Devine Smoothie It was adapted from a GreenBlender Smoothie: Death by Chocolate.  I really love this recipe, but I did not care for the fake yogurt added to it.  It is thick and creamy.  I am sure you will enjoy it too.  If you are vegan, swap…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chocolate, Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Moderate and low-intensity workouts are more efficient at burning fat.   Figure 1: Heart Rate Zones - Click for larger version. This statement centers on an age-old question that will be debated well after I am long from this Earth.  With mountains of research to explain the physiology, the question remains is low or high-intensity…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Fat, Myth, Weight Loss

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Having smaller goals can lead to larger results.   The most significant mistake you can make when planning weight loss is to start with too large of a goal.  Lofty or unrealistic goals can lead to you becoming discouraged when…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Realistic Goals, Weight Loss Tip

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Peppermint may help avoid cravings.   Peppermint Tea The sense of smell is directly tied to taste and vice versa.  It makes sense that we might be attracted to foods that taste good.  I am sure you have felt an intense desire to consume certain foods and drinks after smelling them, such as cookies, pizza,…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Peppermint, Research, Weight Loss

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Planning and visualizing will motivate success.   As I had heard many times when I used to play golf, "see or be the ball."  This statement means you need to visualize a successful put to make it happen.  The same…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Weight Loss Tip

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Chili powder may help you lose weight.   chili powder A visitor to the site asked for chili powder can help with weight loss.  The answer, without a doubt, is: YES. Chili powder is a traditional smoky and spicy flavored spice that is used in Latin American and Tex-Mex cooking.  The ingredients of chili powder…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Chili Powder, Question, Research, Spicy, Weight Loss

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A little stability.   Two weeks ago, I finally began to make progress and with one week pending before my PT test, I decided to change my plans.  Normally, I take 1-4 weeks off after the PT test.  This time, I am not taking any time off.   We will see if I can finally…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Maqui Pluot Raspberry Smoothie This recipe is a delicious smoothie that is just as beautiful with its purple hue as it is nutritious.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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People over 50 years should exercise. Elderly Walking Regardless of age, exercise is a key part of maintaining and improving your fitness and health.  A 50- or 60-year-old body isn't the same as a 20-year-old, but exercise can benefit everyone.  Exercise is key to lowering stress, improving sleep, improving memory, and reducing the risk of…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Myth, Weight Loss

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Reducing the booze can help with weight loss. Alcohol use is a common part of our social culture.  I myself, like to have a drink on occasion.  I would say that alcohol has some positive effects,…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Alcohol, Calories, Weight Loss Tip

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Cardamom could assist with your weight loss plans Cardamon is one of the more expensive spices in your spice cabinet.  As an Osteopathic physician, I am trained to investigate and approach suggestions from my patients with an open mind.  We are trained to take a holistic approach to any treatments we…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Spice, Weight Lsos

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weight lsos tipEating only at the dinner table can help with weight loss.   Eating around the dinner table is something special.  I can remember eating dinner with my family as a child.  It…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Dinner Table, Mindful Eating, Weight Loss Tip

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Ginseng may improve insulin sensitivity and assist with weight loss.   Back home in West Virginia, ginseng is found growing in the mountains.  It is a native plant that has been a part of the mountain culture.  For generations, they have traded it and used it in traditional recipes to…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Ginseng, Insulin Resistance, Weight Loss

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Is alkaline water a healthy option, or are the claims fraudulent?   Essentia Water My grandmother would have laughed at the idea of spending $2-5 for a bottle of water.  To her, the idea of wasting money on a plastic bottle of water was a waste of hard-earned cash.  In the United States, we have…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Alkaline Water, Editorial, Hoax

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Apple Maqui Kumquat Smoothie I recently tried kumquats for the first time.  This tart little citrus fruit is delicious in a smoothie.  
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Starches and carbohydrates do not make you fat.   [pullquote]Do carbohydrates make us fat?  [/pullquote]There are only four common macronutrients used for energy: alcohol, carbohydrates, fats, and protein.  Of these, carbohydrates instill fear in all that think of them.  They are vilified for being the cause of diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.  The fear is…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Carbohydrate, Myth, Starch

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Use healthy food as your blocker as you hit the fridge or pantry. Football season is over but I will sue a little analogy to illustrate a point.  Like a football running back, blocking can…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Pantry, Refrigerator, Weight Loss Tip

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Part of the cure for obesity includes mobile applications.   In recent years, the number of mobile weight loss and health-related applications has grown faster than the waistline of the average American.   We all know that the average Unites States resident could use some help with coming to grips with their unhealthy lifestyle.  The…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Mobile Applications, Research, Weight Loss

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Weight loss will be easier if you cut out processed foods.   Today's food manufacturers have made our lives much easier.  We no longer have to hunt or gather your food and unfortunately, it…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Processed Foods, Weight Loss Tip

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Your motivation may help your spouse lose weight.   I have long felt that my wife did not help my weight loss.  Over the years, I have tried to lose weight to meet the standards required for my work, and my family seems to lack the diligence to back…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Time of maintenance.   I am one week past my weigh in for the fall physical fitness test.  I weighed in at 205 pounds.  I have made significant progress and I weight loss than my last PT test.  I weighed 206 pounds in the fall.  I am still not where I want to be so we…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Acerola Cherry, Peach, Pineapple Probiotic Smoothie Acerola Cherry, Peach, Pineapple Probiotic Smoothie This smoothie recipe is packed with 800% of your vitamin C requirements and plenty of fiber and protein.  Best of all, it is delicious.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Aerobic is not superior to weight lifting for weight loss.   Running You may have heard that weight loss and washboard abdominals are made in the kitchen.  There is no doubt this is true.  Does exercise have a place?  Absolutely.   Does exercise help with weight loss and maintenance?  Absolutely.  Can I lose weight without…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Aerobic, Exercise, Myth, Weight Lifting, Weight Loss

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Eating too little is almost as bad as eating too much! No, I am not talking about starving yourself.  I am talking about getting enough food.  We have all done it.  You are trying hard to make…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Under Eating, Weight Loss Tip

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Increased alcohol sales: an undesired outcome of soda taxes.   Beer belly, gut Taxing sodas is not a new idea.  It has been mentioned every several years for as long as I have been alive.  The idea is that if you tax it enough, it will reduce consumption.  Well, it worked for tobacco, so it…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research, Soda, Sugar, Weight Loss

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Little celebrations of your weight loss success can motivate you.   Each person's start on the path to health is different.  Making a behavioral change is only the first step to success.  You have to maintain…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Success, Weight Loss Tip

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Turmeric may assist in weight loss.   Chicken Curry Turmeric has long been used as a spice in our foods.  Turmeric is a spice or perennial herb that has traditional usage worldwide but is most commonly used in Indian dishes.  It is a close relative of ginger.  It is a yellow-orange spice that is a…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss

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Weight loss requires a lifelong change.   Feet on scale Before you start talking about how much weight you have lost and how I am wrong, give me time to explain what I mean by this statement.  As a military physician, I spend a good portion of my life trying to lose weight or helping…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dieting, Editorial, Weight Loss

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Cranberry Orange Smoothie This recipe is one of the most delicious smoothies I have ever had.  It was adapted from Homechef's Cranberry Orange Dream Smoothie. I added some fiber and protein with Darndad Nutrition's Fiber DX.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Tips to avoid late-night snacking fridge with food Get enough fiber throughout the day.  Fiber helps you feel fuller longer, quelling your urge to snack. Get enough sleep. Stick to a routine and go to bed simultaneously each night. If you are asleep, you will not be able to raid the pantry. Drink a glass of water.…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: List, Snack, Weight Loss

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"Sugar-free" does not always mean "more healthy". Sugar is in the health spotlight as being risk #1 for obesity.   There are two types of sugar in your food.  There's the sugar that comes naturally in the sugar that is added.  Natural sugar includes things like fructose…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Added Sugar, Sugar-free, Weight Loss Tip

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Large waist tied to lower fitness level Central Obesity Every dieter is looking for a tip to help them lose weight.  In the past, many experts have suggested eating less and exercising more.   At least on paper, the following research would appear to confirm this, or does it?  To many of us, we cannot…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Obesity, Research

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Healthy fats can keep you satisfied.   Sounds crazy?  You have always heard that fat makes you fat?  I dispelled the myth of high-fat diets causing obesity in Research: High protein diet may improve metabolic syndrome.  People…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fat, Nutrition, Weight Loss Tip

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New research links weight loss to soluble fiber supplement intake.   [pullquote]The bottom line: Research strongly supports the recommendation of supplementation with soluble fiber for people who are trying to lose weight. [/pullquote]Most Americans do not get enough fiber.  In fact, less than 50% achieve the recommended daily allowance for fiber[1].…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Nutrition, Research, Soluble Fiber, Weight Loss

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Stagnation.   After three months of dieting and starting a fourth, I have lost about 6-7 pounds.  I weight 208.9.  My current weight is just not where I wanted it to be.     Update and Plan for next 2 weeks:   Exercise: I need to kick start my exercise a little.  Increase to 5-6 times…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report

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A light and nutrition packed smoothie that will keep you full. Delicious, fiber filled smoothie recipe that will keep you full longer and is high in potassium and calcium.    
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Fat-free can add more fat you belly.   Fat Free I remember back in the 1990s that we had a flood of fat-free products to help combat obesity.  For years, our goverment and medical and nutrition experts have have sold fat and saturated fat as the cause of  obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.  The fact…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fat-free, Myth, Weight Loss

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Eat whole grains and lose weight.   Switching to 100% whole wheat or whole grain bread is easy, especially now that so many 100% whole wheat products are available in supermarkets, but you need to read…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss Tip, Whole Grain

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Cumin may help with weight loss.   Spices Cumin is a common spice that often in Asian, African, Indian, Mexican, and Latin American foods.   Without it, Tex-Mex foods such as chili would not be the same.  It is a rather spicy herb that scientifically known as Cuminum cyminum, and it belongs to the family…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cumin, Research, Spices, Weight Loss

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Start your day off right with a nutritious breakfast. We have all heard it at one time during our life: breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  You can’t go…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Breakfast, Weight Loss Tip

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Can cayenne help with weight loss?   Cayenne Pepper Cayenne pepper is a herb that is commonly added to food to add that spicy heat, so many of us love to eat, and this addition may just help you lose weight.  I absolutely love cayenne.  I like to add it to anything from Creole cooking…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetitie, Cayenne, Hot Peppers, Research, Weight Loss

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Daily multivitamins are not needed. Vitamin Pills A daily multivitamin and mineral pill are the most popular supplement in the United States. The vitamin and supplement industry is a multibillion-dollar business that is predicated on making you think you need them to survive.   They want you to believe that you can make up for nutrients…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Apricot, Blueberry, Protein Smoothie Apricot, Blueberry, Protein Smoothie A beautiful and delicious smoothie to add antioxidants to your or snack morning meal.  It is packed with vitamins and fiber.
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Counting calories will not lead to long-term weight loss or maintenance.   In our day and time, you would think that weight loss is simple.  Many of us have been taught to measure and count our way to weight loss.  I am 100% certain that nearly everyone has tried calorie counting,…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Counting Calories, Myth, Weight Loss

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Categories: Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Food Delivery, GreenBlender, Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss

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Black pepper may help you lose weight.   Like many other spices, black pepper boasts fat-burning properties.  The active ingredient in black pepper is peperine.  It appears that adding a little a little pepper to your food will help with weight loss.  Before you run out and buy yourself…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Black Pepper, Research, Spices, Weight Loss

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Fill half of your plate with vegetables to lose weight.   What is the thing that most of us do to lose weight?  Most look to decrease caloric intake and increase exercise as a means to…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Plate, Vegetables, Weight Loss Tip

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Dietary patterns may indicate a risk of weight regain.   Central Obesity The dietary habits contributing to weight loss and maintenance are fully understood.  If you happen to be lucky to lose the weight that you are trying to lose, maintenance is the key to long-term weight loss success.    There are multiple studies that indicate…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet Pattern, Research, Weight Loss

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More baby steps.   After three months of dieting, I still have a quite a bit of weight to lose .  My current weight is near the weight where I started prior to Christmas (207).  I am finally back on track.  Now it is time to keep the train on the tracks.  This is exactly…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Apple Banana Cinnamon Smoothie I call this my ABC smoothie because like the alphabet, this smoothie is how you should start you day. This smoothie recipe has three servings of fruits and vegetables.  It is packed with 11 grams of fiber per serving.  You will love it.  …
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Weight loss and fat loss are very different things.   Obese with Measuring Tape It is that time of the year and many of us have put on a few pounds during the winter and now we want to lose it for the summer.  Many of us use the term "weight loss" when we diet, but…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Weight Loss

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Dessert is not the enemy.   We focus on sweets a being the enemy.  You do not need to deny yourself desserts all the time, in fact, desserts may help you lose weight.  If you deny yourself the treats you…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dessert, Weight Loss Tip

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Raspberry ketones: Hype or hoax?   Red Raspberries Raspberries are one of my favorite fruits or berries. They are a staple in my smoothies, so the idea of a component of them being helpful for weight loss has my attention. This concept is especially true since a component of them would be a natural product, and…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Visitor Question, Weight Loss

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Only eat that which you need! We have all had it happen to us.  We are at a family dinner with your family or your in-laws.   They push that button with the food you absolutely love.  Mine is…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Overeating, Weight Loss Tip

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The Ketogenic Diet: Does it work? First, let's define ketogenic diet.  A keto or ketogenic diet is not a new concept.  Infect you might know it by a different name.  The keto diet is also known as the low carbohydrate, high-fat diet.  This diet is the one that has been…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Adkin's Diet, Ketogenic Diet, Research, Weight Loss

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Is it time for an obesity code?   obesity The obesity rate in the United States is growing faster than the average waistline of a Dunkin' Doughnuts Patron.  Many of the nanny state politicians would make you think that we should consider taxing the food that is unhealthy or adding a tax for each inch of your…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Raspberry Kefir Smoothie This recipe is the best-tasting raspberry smoothie I have ever had. This recipe is a delicious smoothie with the fiber and protein to keep you full and the vitamins and antioxidants of maqui berry powder.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss

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You can lose weight without cutting calories.   Cutting Calories This statement is partially true, but if you fail to lose weight or have some stubborn pounds you can lose, you should stop and reevaluate your caloric intake.  Your body needs a certain baseline level of calories.  I cannot count the number of people that think that…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Force yourself to walk more steps. Exercise can be fit into your schedule each day and does not have to cost you any money.  You can increase your exercise with simple changes and…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Walking, Weight Loss Tip

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LCHF diets may work for weight loss. Given the existing problem of obesity, you would think that there was plenty of research to look at just about any diet type you can imagine.  There are limited research studies that point to the effectiveness of low-carb diets that are higher in fat, but dieticians and physicians…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Low Carb, Research, Weight Loss

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Eat slowly and savor each bite. Many of us are looking for the newest quick loss diet to find an easy way out of the work for weight loss.  I would…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Chew Slowly, Weight Loss Tip

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High-intensity interval training may make regional fat loss possible. Running Stairs High-intensity interval training HIIT has been in the exercise new a lot in recent years.  It has been highlighted as an exercise that can be done in a shorter period of time, works better for reducing central body fat, and is in the spotlight as…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss

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Limited progress with room for improvement.   I started trying to improve my health over a year ago, and I have made dramatic progress, but there have been bumps in the road to success.  I have had a lot of stress at home and work to contribute to a level of success that is less than…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Chocolate Covered Almonds Smoothies Chocolate Covered Almonds Smoothie This recipe is delicious and moderately high in fiber, and the addition of lacuna creates a taste of peanuts. You will love it.  
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss

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Fact: Our metabolic rate can be changed. You have probably heard people blame their weight on a slow metabolism.  I know I have heard them and they treat it like it is a crutch.  To them, it is an unchanging disability that will forever keep their weight high.  Is metabolism the…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Boost Metabolism, Exercise, Myth

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Start your day with exercise. We have passed the New Years resolution period and now you have fallen off the wagon.  Have you missed you last several exercise days?  I am not trying to kick in a guilt…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Morning, Weight Loss Tip

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Daily self-weighing may be a successful prevention measure for weight gain  We are all looking for that tip to prevent obesity and weight gain.  There is no magic bullet, but there are things that may help.  Over the last 20 years, I have read many books that suggest that daily…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research, Scale, Weight Loss

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Dips can be very satiating.   Admittedly, This is a very controversial topic.  What I will tell you is it is better to tip in those dressings and sips than to pour.  If you love creamy dips and sauces,…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Dip, Weight Loss Tip

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Resistance training may provide superior results.   Weights It has long been argued which type of exercise is superior for weight loss.  Once camp argues that aerobic exercise is superior because it burns more calories and is better for the heart.  The other group argues that resistance training is superior because it burns more calories over…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss

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Michelle Obama was right but missed the mark in her methods.   Before you start reading, I am fairly conservative and a Ronald Reagan fan.  I consider him to the be the best president in the 50 years I have been on this planet.  If this offends you, I suggest…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Nutrition, School Lunches

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Cranberry Maple Chia Smoothie This recipe is a smoothie that adds the caramel flavor of maple with the fiber and protein of chia seeds.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Cranberry, Maple, Recipe, Smoothie

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Ten high-protein snacks that will help prevent grazing the candy bowls We all have had one of those days.  You are having one of those days with no white space and the marathon of back-to-back meetings all day long.  Dinner will be late, and you know that the enemy…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: High Protein, List, Snacks

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Portion Control is one key method of weight maintenance.   You have been trying hard to get rid of your gut for a while and unfortunately, I am sure your New Year's resolution is now in the rear…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Portion Control, Weight Loss Tip

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Late to rise from bed may increase your risk of obesity. Waking Up Ben Franklin may be right when he said that ".....early to rise, may make a man healthy, wealthy, and wise".  Based on this statement, he believed that people who were morning folks would be healthier.  Re=cent research from February 2017 appears to…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Sleep, Weight Loss

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 A handful of walnuts may help with losing weight I know what you are thinking.  Walnuts are high in fat and fat makes you fat.  Although, it would seem that since walnuts are high in fat and calories…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Nuts, Walnuts, Weight Loss Tip

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Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Caloric Density, Research, Weight Loss

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Two days into the Zero Sugar Diet.   This prior weekend, I did not stick to my diet.  I have a lot of work to do in the next 6-7 weeks.  Yesterday, a craving hit for chocolate, and I ate 4-5 servings of chocolate covered almonds.  That is one energy-dense food, and I am sure…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Chocolate Pumpkin Seed Smoothie This recipe has the fiber from pumpkin and chia seeds and the protein and probiotics of kefir.   
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss

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Actually, weighing yourself daily may help with weight loss.   I have heard many people claim that weighing yourself daily will hurt your ability to lose weight.  It makes sense that your body weight due to hydration and fiber intake can fluctuate quite a bit…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Self-weighing, Weight Loss

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Green tea has been shown to reduce abdominal circumference Most of us focus on weight when we start on a health kick.  Our goal is always centered on the scale so every day millions of Americans will…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Green Tea, Waist Circumference, Weight Loss Tip

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Jello Gelatin can help reduce your appetite.   I recent visitor to the website asked a novel question after reading an article in a health magazine.  It is interesting because I have personally never seen anything to support using gelatin for weight loss, but why let this hinder my ability to research the topic.  If…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Gelatin, Research, Satiety, Visitor Question

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Low-carbohydrate diets help with weight loss.   The fact is that low-carb diets are effective at weight loss.  I have been told that eating fat will make you fat.  It is actually much more complicated than that. …
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Low Carb, Weight Loss Tip

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Consumption of empty calories is tied to weight gain.   Calorie For many years, I have read diet book after diet book that has advocated for one method or another to lose weight.  Some suggest that a balanced diet with counting calories and exercising more is the key to success.  A few suggest limiting particular…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Calorie, Research, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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If you believe you can do it, you are halfway there.   I talk to a lot of people about getting healthy and lose weight.  Ultimately, you did not gain that weight overnight, and you will not…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, Weight Loss

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Cranberry Kiwi Kefir Smoothie A protein, fiber-rich smoothie that will keep you full all morning long.
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Low-fat foods will not help with weight loss.   I first started having a weight problem when I was in my early to mid-twenties.  The college weight was adding up and my sedentary lifestyle with most of my time spent sitting and studying was not helping.  During that period of…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Low-fat, Myth, Weight Loss

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Housework stacks up well against exercise and can help with weight loss I absolutely hate working out and for that matter.  I also despise housework, but if I had my choice, I would rather…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Housework, Weight Loss Tip

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Exercise may be one key to preventing overeating.   With the ever-growing obesity epidemic, it is essential that we slow the growth of the world's waistline.  The "exercise more and eat less" crowd has long touted this mantra as the solution for overeating and weight gain.  The group points to…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Hunger, Research, Satiety

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Remember, Weight Loss is Not A Race In the United States, nearly two-thirds of adults are obese or overweight. Most want to lose weight, and many of them have tried to lose weight.  The question…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss Tip

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Higher body mass index has been linked to dementia. Five obesely fat men on the beach Almost all of us worry about becoming dependent on others and losing our independence as we age.  Having treated patients with Alzheimer's dementia for years, I can tell you the loss of my faculties scares the daylights out of me.…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research, Weight Loss

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Baby steps.   On, so this week has been a stressful week.  I have exercised 4 days total during the week and took the weekend off.  If the goal is slow progress then I think I am on track.   I am allowed 214 pounds, and I weight 211.4 pounds.  The goal that I set is…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Apple Cinnamon Smoothie A delicious smoothie that will have you thinking of Mom's baked apples and cinnamon.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Cinnamon, Recipe, Smoothie

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"Cheat" meals and snacks can be a part of a successful diet.   The thought of starting a diet can be quite depressing for many, and one thing is for certain, dieting is not easy.  Most of us do not enjoy dieting, but it is a necessary evil.  Most…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Cheat Meals, Myth

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Categories: Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Food Delivery, HelloFresh, Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss

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The link between coffee consumption and reduce risks for diabetes and heart disease is confirmed.   Top Ten Beverages Worldwide Cup of Coffee Coffee is one of the most popular beverages consumed in the United States and worldwide.  Depending on the method used to measure, it is recorded as being number one or number two…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coffee, Research, Weight Loss

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Calories are important but focus on more. We have all focused on calories too much.  If you think about calories that are 100 calories or less, you will quickly see my points.  A medium apple…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Calories, Focus, Weight Loss Tip

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Adding olive oil to your diet may boost weight loss. Olive Oil Olive oil is a true superfood, and there is no doubt that it protects against the risk of heart disease.  It is a delicious part of almost any meal and does not have to be limited to just Italian or Greek foods.  Contrary to popular…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fats, Meditteranean Diet, Weight Loss

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Keep pushing toward that goal.   [pullquote]“The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places.” ~Unknown[/pullquote]We have the opportunity to succeed and do something great in life, and we can either grasp the bull by the horns, or we can let it…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Push Forward, Weight Loss Tip

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Tropical Cranberry Pear Smoothie Tropical Cranberry Pear Smoothie This recipe is a delicious cranberry pear smoothie with a touch of tropical flavor from coconut and orange.  I added a little pea protein and chia seeds for extra protein and fiber but you could easily replace them with flax and whey.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Body Fat, Myth, Restance Training, Weight Loss, Weight Training

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Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Grocery Shopping, Weight Loss Tip

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Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Added Sugar, Hidden Sugar, Obesity, Weight Lsos

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Below is an Added Sugar Infographic that shows the added sugar content of various foods.  
Categories: Nutrition
Tags: Added Sugar Infographic

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Get up and move more!   I am sure you have seen the multitude of articles equating sitting to be the new smoking.  There is no doubt about it that the research points to sitting as…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Walking, Weight Loss Tip

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Potential mechanism of fat loss found for cinnamon.   I recently published a post in August of 2017 discussing the results of another study that showed that cinnamon helps weight loss.  The researchers found that there is a link between cinnamon consumption and fat loss but it…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cinnamon, Fat Loss, Weight Loss

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Limited progress with room for improvement.   I started trying to improve my health over a year ago, and I have made dramatic progress, but there have been bumps in the road to success.  I have had a lot of stress at home and work to contribute to a level of success that is less than…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Cinnamon Bun Smoothie I know you have craved a cinnamon bun.  You walk into the mall and the smell hits your nose and it is nearly an instant craving.  This smoothie recipe might help fill that void.  The only difference is this is a heck of a lot more…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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21 simple ways to prevent or stop unhealthy food and sugar cravings. Eat More Protein: Adding additional protein increases satiety and reduces your chances of grazing that candy bowl.  If you reduce your carvings, you will be more likely to continue your diet and less likely to splurge and become discouraged.  For more on protein consumption and…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Cravings, List, Weight Loss

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Chewing gum reduces appetite and cravings. Distracting yourself from hunger has long been shown to reduce hunger and cravings.  It appears that cravings, in particular, are short-lived and will dissipate if you can distract yourself for 10-20 minutes.  There…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Chewing Gum, Research, Weight Loss Tip

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Lower Prices on Healthy Foods May Help Prevent Obesity It is obvious that the key to weight loss is making healthy decisions.  I have written multiple articles on the benefits of adding portion control, high-fiber foods, and fruits and vegetables to your diet.  The evidence is clear that moderation and…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Healthy Foods, Research, Weight Loss

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Eating a big breakfast may keep you full longer. Eating a larger meal at the beginning of the day will keep you full longer.  I know you have heard it a million…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Breakfast, Research, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Dairy appears to limit weight gain similar to exercise alone.   As obesity is becoming an increasing concern worldwide.  New drugs are being developed every day, and one recently piqued my interest.  This experimental drug is probably years away from being used on humans, but it could be very…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Dairy, Research, Weight Loss

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Healthy eating is key to weight loss.   Weight loss is not easy but it is even harder if you make poor decisions.  I have always heard that "weight loss is 1% inspiration…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Exercise, Weight Loss

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Carrot Cranberry Smoothie This smoothie recipe is full of vitamin A and fiber and best of all it is exceptionally low in calories.  If you are trying to lose weight, you will love this recipe.   It is delicious and will keep you full all morning long. [cooked-recipe…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Weight Loss, Willpower

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Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Light, Obesity, Sleep, Weight Loss

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Kefir is as effective as dairy and yogurt in helping with weight loss. Kefir Milk Most dieters are looking for that food to give them a leg up on their weight gain to assist them with weight loss.  Recently, you may have read a lot about probiotics reducing abdominal symptoms and maybe even helping with…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Dairy, Kefir, Milk, Weight Loss Research, Yogurt

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Categories: Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Food Delivery, Marley Spoon, Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss

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Dinitrophenol: Pros and Cons [pullquote]I hope that the seriousness of this article will act to encourage others not to try this compound or any of the act alike thermogenic compounds.  Even if you are an athlete and model and your fitness and body weight are essential for your career, it is not worth the risk. [/pullquote]…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Supplement, Weight Loss

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Very limited progress.   The past two weeks have been very tough for me.  The weather has been cold, and I have been indoors.  The weather should be better starting tomorrow, so hopefully, I will be able to exercise more.   Plan for the next two weeks:   Exercise: 3-5 times a week.  Cardio 3 times…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Twelve high fiber smoothie ingredients that will keep you full.   Fiber is your friend.  Fiber is one of those miracle ingredients that is an awesome addition to any smoothie.  It will keep you full and help slow the digestion and absorption of both carbohydrates and fats.  Fiber slows down the digestion of starch and…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, List, Smoothie

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You do not need to cut the foods you love to lose weight.   [pullquote]Myth: You must avoid the foods you love to lose weight.[/pullquote]This statement, "you must avoid the foods you love to lose weight", could not be further from the truth.  There are certain foods that I really love to eat.  I absolutely love…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Moderation, Myth, Weight Loss

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Intermittent Dieters may lose more weight. Everything I have read until recently has suggested the key to dieting is consistency.  When most of us decide to lose weight, we usually set up a plan to exercise…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Intermittent Dieting, Weight Loss Tip

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Sugar-sweetened beverages increase the risk of metabolic syndrome and obesity.   Metabolic Syndrome Each person in the United States drinks nearly 45 gallons of soda each year.  Many of those are sugar-sweetened.  Consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages, which include soft drinks, fruit drinks, iced tea, and energy and vitamin water drinks, has risen across the globe.…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Metabolic Syndrome, Research, Soda, Weight Loss

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Categories: Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Food Delivery, Nutrition, Review, Sun Basket, Weight Loss

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Mindfulness may help with weight loss Many writers and health advocates have touted the benefits of mindful eating and weight loss but there is limited research to back up this advice until recently. Face it! Mindfulness makes sense when it comes to weight loss. We have all had that moment when we were sitting on…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Mindfulness, Mindless Eating, Research, Weight Loss

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Tight Clothing Can Motivate Weight Loss.   Motivation Tip 36 - Your Old Clothes Can Help With Weight Loss As you try to find some motivation to lose weight, all you have to do is grab a pair of shorts that do not fit well.  You have a pair of shorts or a short that might…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Clothes, Motivation Tip, Weight Loss

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A loaded pecan smoothie. I am from Georgia and have many pecan trees on my farm. Pecans are high in fiber and antioxidants.  The addition of pumpkin and banana make this an excellent source of vitamins and minerals.   In my home town, you can smell the pralines as they cook year-round. It is intoxicating. I…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chocolate, Pecan, Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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It is not eating at night but rather eating near your bedtime that causes weight gain.   Businessperson sleeping in office Nighttime eating, mainly before bed, has received considerable attention over the past several years.  Limiting food at night has been proposed as both a weight loss strategy and approach to improve health and body…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Nighttime Meals, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Meditation might help with weight loss. Before you commit to that fad diet you’re considering, try meditation.   Meditation is a simple and easy strategy that could be just what you are looking for to cut…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Meditation, Weight Loss Tip

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An intermittent energy restriction is a feasible option for weight loss. Woman lifting obesity Obesity is a huge problem in the United States and the world.  Obesity is a growing problem that is only superseded by our increasing waistlines.  Obesity, plainly, is one of the major health crises of the beginning of the 21st century.…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Intermittent, Research, Weight Loss

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Categories: Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Food Delivery, Home Chef, Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss

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Vegetarianism may not be the answer for men  Figure 1: Woman with vegetables We have all read the articles or watch the news on TV when they present the benefits of being vegetarian.  I have seen the small string bean slim scientist or health aficionado who claims that turning to vegetarianism is the cure for all…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Depression, Research, Vegetarian

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Limited progress with room for improvement.   The new year is here.  I started trying to improve my health over a year ago, and I have made dramatic progress, but now it is time to redouble my effort.  This week is my military height weight week, and I take my PT (Physical fitness) test next week.…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Happy New Years!!!! A new year with a single resolution.   Happy New Years.  Today's post is my second New Year blog article.  Each year, I usually make a resolution to live healthier, eat out less, save more…
Categories: Exercise
Tags: Exercise, New Year's Resolution

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Water helps weight loss but will not guarantee it.  Bottle of Water You can read about the benefits of water consumption all over the internet.  Water is essential to a healthy life, and it will help your body run more efficiently if you get enough, but too much can have the opposite effect.  The problem with…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Water, Weight Loss

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Let's get this weight loss party started.   The New Year has rolled around again, well, we are nearly there.  You have planned this moment for weeks to months and procrastinated.   You have made plans to abstain from your vices.  Your vice may be alcohol, bread, cake,…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: New Year's, Resolution, Weight Loss

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Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Lights, Research, Sleep, Weight Loss

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Plan tomorrow’s meals before your hungry. Anyone who knows me knows that I am a proponent for folks to enjoy life.  There is no reason to be miserable so you might as well have fun.  Most of…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Planning, Weight Loss Tip

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Glucomannan: A weight loss cure or wallet lightener? Glucomannan or Konjac Root I recently saw an ad on a website for a supplement called glucomannan.  It is sold at GNC and Walmart, and I have thought of trying it.  What is it, does it work, is it safe?   Overweight and obesity are at near…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Supplement, Visitor Question

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Walkingoffpounds.com wishes you a Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas to all my loyal visitors!  I hope you are having a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends.    I really appreciate you stopping by my site and reading my articles.  If you enjoy an article or have a suggestion, please…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Merry Christmas

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A tangy smoothie with the taste of persimmons. Persimmons are grown all over the world. They have a sweet, almost honey-like flavor. These treats are full of vitamin C. The coconut adds a sweet, creamy flavor, and the fiber will keep you full. It has a mix of green and tropical sweetness. It is kind of…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Green, Smoothie, Tropical, Weight Loss

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Naughty holiday foods that will not be nice for your waistline. The season of weight gain has begun.  The tempting and tasty foods that we all love will soon be on our plates. It is nearly Christmas and New Years, and we have Thanksgiving behind us.  The problem with…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Foods, Holiday, List

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Drink More Water and Lost Weight Water is an essential part of your diet.  Your body is 50-60% water and it needs it for everything from digestions to clearing toxins from your cells.  Water…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Water, Weight Loss Tip

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Nut consumption appears to reduce risk of weight gain and obesity Assorted Nuts There has been prior research to look at nuts and increased weight loss and nut consumption and increases satiety.  I have even written an article on walnuts, almonds, and peanut butter.  The question is does not consumption decrease weight gain and risk…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Nuts, Research, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Use the Rule of One to reduce your holiday indiscretions.   The key to weight loss is not depriving you of the foods you desire.  If you truly want the food and completely avoid it, you might make the desire for the food…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Holidays, Portion Control, Weight Loss Tip

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Increased consumption of french fried potatoes tied to increased risk of death.   french fries I love french-fried potatoes.  The smell of these little golden devils makes my mouth water.  They taste great and who can imagine eating a burger without them.  The average US resident eats approximately 29 lbs. of French fries per year​[1]​. …
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: French Fries, Research

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Time to change the supplement rules and enforcement Supplements I am sure you remember the snake oil salesmen from the old westerns.  In a not too distant past, salespeople would go city to city and door to door to sell their wares, and these elixirs and tonics rarely worked, and many contained addictive ingredients such…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Supplements, Weight Loss

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A delicious breakfast or an afternoon snack. A flavor blast of peach, ginger, kiwi, and banana gives you a smooth texture like a milkshake that is creamy. You’ll feel like you are having a real treat, but this tasty smoothie is made with all fresh and nutritious ingredients. It is nutritious enough for breakfast and delicious enough…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Beer does not cause a beer belly.   Beer belly I have often joked that I have a six-pack abdominal that is covered by a 12 pack of fat.  Drinking beer has long been associated with an increase in body fat and particularly fat around the belly. This condition is even commonly referred affectionately to as…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Beer, Myth, Obesity

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Add interval training because it can help you lose weight. Interval training is when you vary your speeds and intensity throughout your workout and involves repetitions of series of low- to high-intensity workouts that are abbreviated by rest periods that…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Interval Training, Weight Loss Tip

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Zero Sugar Diet - 17 Day start is now complete  This time, I have been successful on the Zero Sugar Diet and the 17 days detox portion of the diet is complete.  I have not been fully successful.  I did have some sugary holiday snacks and Christmas cookies.  You can read my review of the Zero Sugar…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Eat Eggs For Breakfast and Lose Weight Successful weight loss is as simple as making good decisions for your breakfast.  Adding eggs to your diet may be one of the easiest things to do if you are trying to lose weight.  Eggs are cheap, easy to make, and they are…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Eggs, Weight Loss Tip

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walnuts Walnut consumption tied to weight reduction and improved satiety Everyone who is trying to lose weight is looking for a strategy to assist them in their endeavor.  Dietary strategies may help patients adhere to a weight reduction diet or limit their hunger thus limit their odds of splurging.  Anything that may increase the likelihood of weight…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Nuts, Research, Satiety, Walnuts, Weight Loss

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Weight loss is a slow process, but quitting won't speed it up or help you reach your goal.   Motivation Tip 35 - Stop Quitting [pullquote]“Be the person that when your feet touch the floor in the morning the devil says, “aww shit.. they’re up…”  -- The Rock[/pullquote] We all think about quitting because weight…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, Quiting, Weight Loss

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500th day and post! Today, we published our 500 poster article on this blog.  It is hard to believe that this blog has been active for over 500 days.  I hope you find reading the articles I have written as helpful as I have found writing them.  The articles I…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: 500th Post

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Not all vitamins are created equal.   Vitamins The statement, “all vitamins are the same,” is actually meant to be “all multivitamins are the same.”  Since there are 13 essential vitamins, the statement that vitamins are all the same is ridiculous.  What most people mean by vitamin is a multivitamin when they make this statement. …
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Vitamin

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Emotional eating can tank your weight loss plans, so get control of your comfort foods.   Emotional stress can create some of the strongest food cravings.  They tend to hit when you are weak, and…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Comfort Foods, Weight Loss Tip

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Canola oil may worsen memory and obesity. Rapeseed In recent years, research has pointed to polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats as having health benefits and potentially helpful in weight loss.  In recent years, consumption of canola oil has increased due both to the lower cost compared with olive oil and the perception that it may share health…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Canola Oil, Memory, Olive Oil, Research, Weight Loss

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Don't Find Time, Make Time to Exercise!   You have heard many people say that exercise makes you fit and eating right makes you slim.  Do not misinterpret this statement!  This statement does not mean that activity is not essential.  Plain and…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Weight Loss Tip

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Adding probiotics to your diet may help with weight loss. Probiotics In recent years, the number of articles clamoring about the benefits of probiotics for digestive health has exploded.  I am a huge fan of probiotics.  I have taken them a number of years to assist with bloating, gas, and intermittent bouts of constipation and diarrhea.…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Probiotics, Research, Weight Loss

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Zero Sugar Diet: The Midpoint.    This time, I have been more successful on the Zero Sugar Diet.  You can read my review of the Zero Sugar Diet: The Zero Sugar Diet: the Sugar Detox Diet.  I also have written several other posts on my attempts at this diet: Progress Report: 13 November 2017, Progress Report: 20 November 2017,…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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The delicious smoothie is satisfying deep purple. This is a strange period in Georgia. In July and August, I begin harvesting my blackberries. These are a great ingredient in my smoothies and they go great with just about any other fruit. Pomegranates are what I have chosen to add to this smoothie. These two berries…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Cutting carbohydrates is not the answer.   German Bread Weight loss and obesity continue to be the major cause of premature illness and death.  Science continues to look for the reason for the expanding waistline.  Weight loss is not as easy, but it is an attainable task.  Weight loss and maintenance is obviously an uphill battle for…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Carbohydrates, Myth, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Portion or serving size is key to weight loss and maintenance.    The serving size in the United States has been growing for the past 50 years.  Unfortunately, our serving sizes are influenced by all the wrong…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Portion Size, Serving Size, Weight Loss Tip

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Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Meal Size, Research, Weight Loss

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Committing to weight loss together will up your odds of success.  If you are trying to lose weight, consider joining a weight-loss group and competing against others.  Enlist a friend or your spouse to…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss Tip

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Decaffeinated black and green tea polyphenols decrease weight gain in obese mice. A cup of black tea Tea possesses significant antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anticarcinogenic, antihypertensive, neuroprotective, cholesterol-lowering, and thermogenic properties​[1]​.  Black and green tea are high in phytochemical.  A phytochemical is plant compound that is renowned for their antioxidant properties.  Tea is the most frequently…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Black Tea, Research, Weight Loss

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Zero Sugar Diet: Try number 3 appears to have more success.    I started Zero Sugar Diet last week for the third time.  I appear to have finally gotten to good point my life to try it.  First thing I will say is I am not hungry.  I feel no urge to snack.  I am…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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A delicious smoothie to remind you of a childhood treat. When first introduced, smoothies were a huge success. They are a far cry from the Orange Julius drinks I had a child. They are nutritious and can be a filling part of or replacement for a meal while on the go. My all-time favorite is…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Many items sold in stores are not entirely safe for you to take.   Supplement Most people may not realize that weight-loss supplements aren’t approved by the FDA or tested in the United States.  In the United States, there is little to no testing for efficacy or safety prior to a bad outcome. This statement…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Supplement, Weight Loss

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Fat-free broth or demi-glace can add lots of flavor with minimal calories.    Cooking for yourself is not an easy thing. Cooking for yourself can get monotonous but especially if you eat only microwave meals.  I found many ways to help increase…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss Tip

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Walkingoffpounds.com wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving! Happy Thanksgiving to all my loyal visitors!  I really appreciate you stopping by my site, reading my articles or posts and following my weight loss story.…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Happy Thankgiving

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I will try to stick to the Zero Sugar Diet again. I tried to stick to it, but this week has been nearly impossible to stick to it.  Two Thanksgiving parties at work and the temptation of office doughnuts and cookies for free was too much temptation for me to stick to the diet.  I am…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Determine what stimulates you to overeat We all have triggers and comfort foods,  We all have had that moment during the week when we are at our weakest.   Our stressors or anxiety lead us to eat…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Cues, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Employee weight loss results in organizational study Money There have been studies that looked at the individual saving money if they lose weight.  In general, if you eat less, you will save money on food.  I am sure you will also save money on health care and potentially on transportation costs since your car now…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Money, Research, Weight Loss

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Zero Sugar Diet: Try number one is a "swing and a miss."   I started Zero Sugar Diet last week, and thus far, I have failed to stick to it.  My downfall has been the candy bowls at work and the work Thanksgiving Party.  I just could not stay away from the dessert bar at…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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A refreshing green fruit smoothie. Collard greens are one of the only vegetables with protein and they have a healthy dose of fiber as well. They do not stop there because they are high in vitamins A, C, and calcium.  This mixed with cashews and fruit to round out the nutritional smorgasbord. This smoothie will…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Fruit, Green, Recipe, Smoothie

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How to avoid overeating while traveling.   Travel and Dieting: The Open Road Traveling can create difficult obstacles to eating a healthy diet.  It may seem like the two are incompatible, and you may feel like just waiting until after the holiday season or your big trip.  The stress of traffic and being in the…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dieting, Fast Food, List, Travel, Weight Loss

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Substituting hot peppers or hot sauce for condiments can reduce your calorie intake  Most of us would not think a small drizzle of our favorite condiment would much of a difference…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Hot Peppers, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Alcohol in moderation does not significantly increase weight.   Glass of Beer I have always been told that alcohol consumption is not conducive to weight loss and can significantly increase weight gain since it is empty calories.  I believe this is true if you fail to moderate your consumption.  The calories from alcohol like that…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Alcohol, Research, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Become aware of your calories. You have heard the saying that a calorie is a calorie.  Not all calories are not created equal.  Sugar is an empty calorie.  You may develop consistent cravings…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Empty Calories, Weight Loss Tip

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Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Break, Research, Weight Loss

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Time to start again.  Two days into the Zero Sugar Diet.   On Saturday, I made the decision to implement the Zero Sugar Diet.  Since I left Texas to go to my mother's funeral, I have been very depressed and have eaten and drank way too much.  I have had alcohol 2-3 times a week and…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Zero Sugar Diet Book Review Zero Sugar Diet Book [pullquote]The bottom line up front: The Zero Sugar Diet book is next book the “zero” book series by David Zinczenko.  The author’s goal is to educate others on the benefits of a well-­rounded healthy diet that is high in fiber and low in added sugar.  The…
Categories: Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Sugar, Weight Loss, Zero Sugar Diet; Editorial

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Juicing is not as good for you as eating the whole fruits and vegetables. Poolside orange juice There's nothing wrong with drinking juice or smoothies.  I love to drink them as a quick breakfast when I need to get out the door quicker.  Juice is not as healthy as eating fresh fruits and vegetables.  The…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Cleanse, Juice, Myth

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Scheduling your meals workouts in advance can help with weight loss.   I am a busy executive for a major medical center.  My days are full and my schedule often…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Meals, Weight Loss Tip, Workout

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Can portion control lead to weight loss? Absolutely.   Portion Control Plate For as long as I can remember, everyone has told me that portion control is key to weight loss.  It started with my grandmother and her common-sense approach to just about everything.  When it came to weight control, she simply said to cut…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Portion Control, Research, Weight Loss

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Measuring is key to portion control.   Measuring is one measure to control your portion size, but no, you do not have to weigh and measure your food if you are trying to lose weight.  Personally, I do…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Measure, Portion Control, Weight Loss Tip

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The longer you sit, the higher your risk of death from all causes.   Excessive sedentary time is exceptionally common in Western societies, and the United States is probably one of the worst.  We have long known that a sedentary lifestyle is bad for your waistline…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Research

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Attitude is the difference between succeeding and trying.   We all start with a weight loss attempt and a plan to succeed but even the word considers we might fail.  We are not attempting to lose weight.  Rather, we will lose weight.  We will meet our goal.…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, Weight Loss

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A healthy smoothie with the taste of pumpkin spice. This pumpkin spice matcha smoothie is the perfect warm beverage to start your day. This recipe will remind you of the Halloween dessert pumpkin pie, but it is a lot more healthy.  Skip the coffee and try this energizing, healthy drink instead! It has a filling list…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Pumpkin Spice, Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Being overweight is not the cause of diabetes. Obesity: Belly It is a common misconception that diabetes is caused by obesity.  First of all, there are two types of diabetes.  Type 1 is caused by an autoimmune disorder that destroys the cells in the pancreas that produces insulin.  Type 2 diabetes is caused by cells…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diabetes, Myth, Obesity

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Packing your lunch can help you lose weight.   You have started a new diet and now, you are feeling pretty good about yourself.  You are walking with confidence and have a great outlook on your…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Meal Prepping, Weight Loss Tip

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Ginger supplementation may aid in weight loss.   Fresh ginger root and ground ginger I review a lot of research on weight loss.  I enjoy looking at the studies, how they are designed, the interpretation of the results, and how I might be able to incorporate them into my daily routine.  As I was reviewing…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Ginger, Supplement, Weight Loss

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Categories: Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Blue Apron, Food Delivery, Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss

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Halloween Candy in Bowl Ways to avoid overindulgence and what to do with leftover candy. Myth: Halloween is a great time to take a break and eat all you want because a single day does not matter.  Don’t you wish this was true?  I wish the sweet stuff were calorie free and I could eat…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Halloween, Weight Loss

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A missed opportunity for progress with lots of room for improvement. I have had a little lapse in my weight loss and my move to better health.  My mother died, and I went home for the funeral.  That involved eating out more and a lot of depression.  It is very tough losing a family member, and…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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A hydrating and delicious smoothie with some zing. Ginger is a great antioxidant to fight inflammation.  The addition of the apple, cucumber, spinach, and flax helps adds to create a healthy, nutritious, and unique flavor you will love.  The best thing is that each serving has less than 150 calories.
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Weight loss need not involve starvation.   I have heard many people say that the key to the weight loss is starving oneself.  The truth is that weight loss and starvation are not the same.  Sure, lowering calorie consumption during weight loss is required to result in weight loss, but lowering it too far will…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Weight Loss

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Plan your meal schedule and stick to the routine.   I have heard a lot of diet experts speak that should eat before you exercise and yet others express the benefits of eating after you exercise.  Some say…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss Tip

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Ten Habits Assist with Self-Regulation Bathroom Scale with Measuring Tape We are all looking for easy ways to assist our endeavor toward weight loss success.  Many simple habits have been shown to assist with weight loss.  Habit interventions are designed to promote a routine that consists of healthy behaviors.  This routine may also enhance self-regulation while…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Habits, List, Self-regulation, Weight Loss

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Divide your portion and ask for the doggie bag before you eat. The key to weight loss is portion control and avoiding mindless eating.  Restaurants often give you 2-3 times the amount…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Doggie Bag, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Timing of food intake near sleep cycle is associated with increased body fat TV and Junk Food Weight gain and obesity have reached alarming levels.  Obesity is a massive epidemic worldwide.  Every year more and more of us are succumbing to the evil grasps of the animal that will eventually contribute to the early death…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Mealtime, Research, Weight Loss

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The enemy of good is better, and that includes the quest for perfection.   Being a perfectionist is the enemy of a successful diet.  Being a perfectionist is a true weakness.  There is nothing wrong with the quest to be better, but perfection is not…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, Weight Loss

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A tropical smoothie that is both refreshing and filling. I love having a smoothie for breakfast and this is the perfect refreshing morning treat. This smoothie has the refreshing flavor of citrus and mango that really hits the spot. The simple 7 ingredients make a thick and creamy smoothie. It is 100% healthy and contains…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Weight Loss

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Organic foods are not any safer.   Most Americans believe that organic foods are healthier than food grown using conventional methods.  The problem is they are 100% incorrect.  The organic food industry is a huge racket, and they have a vested interest in making sure that you buy…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Organic

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Reducing sugar can help with weight loss Sugar is the ultimate in empty calories.  When you begin to reduce your sugar intake, you will likely not only lose weight but also feel better.  There are many…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss Tip

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New research points to over 50% of America suffering from obesity Obesity is a huge problem for America.  I recently took a trip to Walmart, and I saw no fewer than three morbidly obese people riding scooters while they shop.  I see…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research

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Tips to maximize weight loss and minimize hunger and malnutrition.   In dieting, it is easy to miss a step or get off track…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss Tip

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Eating Breakfast May Increase Weight Loss Breakfast is the most important meal of the day or is it?  This is one of the most contested questions in the nutrition and weight loss world.  Is breakfast really the most important meal of the day and does…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Breakfast, Research, Weight Loss

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Limited progress with room for improvement.   I started trying to improve my health over a year ago, and I have made dramatic progress, but there have been bumps in the road to success.  I have had a lot of stress at home and work to contribute to a level of success that is less than…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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A delicious and filling tropical smoothie. A simple, tropical delight to help you lose weight and be enough protein to protect your muscle mass. It is a deliciously refreshing island taste that will keep you coming back for more. The best part is it is full of protein and fiber to keep you full. [cooked-recipe…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Smoothie Recipe, Tropical

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Bottom line up front:  All supplements have side-effects.   FACT: This is complete malarkey.  Not a single item you take in orally is without side effects.  Take beans for instance.  I would consider beans to be healthy and natural, but they can give you gas.  Everything that you take in orally has side effects and just…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Supplements, Weight Loss

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People who sit in the middle eat more at parties and gatherings.   So you are at a party or a family dinner at this new restaurant.  Where do you sit at the table?  Wait staff tends to…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss Tip

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A meager weight loss of 10% or less will create beneficial health effects.   I am asked this question several times a year.  I have always struggled to answer it and usually answer it with another question: "How much weight do you want to lose?"     …
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Eating with your non-dominant hand can reduce how much you eat.   We are all looking for habits that will help you decrease your calorie intake.  I have found one that is…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss Tip

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Commercial Weight Loss Programs Fail to Deliver Claimed Results. Apple, Scale, and Tape Measure Weight management is a booming industry.  So, you have decided to lose those pesky little pounds that have been dogging you for years.  There are literally hundreds of options for fat diets, commercial diets, or online programs out there.  Each one has…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Commercial Weight Loss, Research, Weight Loss

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Guilty feelings can sabotage your weight loss program.   Eating meals is associated with pleasure and enjoyment, but can also create guilt and shame.  We have all had that moment of guilt after eating something you should not or eat more than you intended.…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, Research, Weight Loss

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A basic smoothie made with healthy, fresh ingredients. This Strawberry raspberry smoothie recipe is an incredible marriage of two most sought after berries in an icy cool smoothie is a must-have experience for the summer. It is both refreshing and filling. Choose fresh berries, probiotic yogurt or milk, and a fiber supplement.
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Margarine is not lower in calories or healthier than butter.   Fresh butter curls in a dish I really love butter.  If you are like me, you like butter on just about anything but ice cream.  You can add a dab to a potato, toast, pasta, sweet potato or just about anything.  You probably have heard…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Butter, Margarine, Myth, Weight Loss

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Get more sleep during the work week.   We all do it.  We go to work during the day, and we spend our evenings trying to do our hobbies and be with our family.  All of…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Insulin Resistance, Obesity, Sleep, Weight Loss Tip

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For the first time, the brain cells that control appetite have been identified.   Brain Research have identified the cells and signal that cause a feeling of satiety or fullness.  So what does this mean?  This finding thing means that we have found the cause of satiety.  Dieting could be revolutionized by these findings because we finally have…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Research, Weight Loss

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Greens are slimming and filling.   Green foods such as lettuce, broccoli, and spinach are low and calories, filling, and slimming.  Green salads are a healthful addition to any diet, as long you do not smother it…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Greens, Salad, Weight Loss Tips

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Lemons may help you lose weight.   Lemon Lemons are rich in polyphenols which are naturally occurring antioxidants.  Each citrus fruits have their own polyphenols combination, and the ones in lemons can have significant health benefits.  Who would have thought that a little lemon in water would have a positive benefit in weight loss?  We know that water…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Lemon, Research, Weight Loss

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Look in the mirror because the person looking back is your competition.   Do not get discouraged by the figure that looks back at you, use it as motivation to make a new…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Mirror, Motivation Tip, Weight Loss

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A simple smoothie that is high in vitamin A and C. Nothing says spring like carrots, rhubarb, and orange. It can really put that bounce in your step. The best part is that it is high in fiber, vitamins A and C, and magnesium. You have a sweet, brightly colored drink that tastes like a dessert but…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Progress: 30 September 2017 - A great start.   I am 5 days into my new path to better health.  I have made good progress and hoped to avoid any detours or delays.  I have not done…
Categories: Progress Report
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Create your own snack packs Making your own snack packs is more economical and may reduce grazing.  Grazing the candy bowls or cake cutting ceremonies at work can hurt your chances of weight I…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Snacks, Weight Loss Tip

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Closeup of artificial sweetener tablets Artificial sweeteners increase your risk of weight gain. Artificial sweetener sales are booming market.  Even though sales have decreased in the United States in the past 3-5 years, the market remains a multi-billion dollar industry worldwide.  Nonnutritive sweeteners, such as aspartame, saccharin, sucralose, and stevioside, are widely consumed, even though their…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Artificial sweeteners, Research, Weight Loss

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A pedometer can keep you honest in getting up from your desk. A pedometer is just a tool for us to measure our progress on a daily basis step by step.  Pedometers are not perfect, but they do…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Pedometer, Weight Loss Tip

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Almond consumption increase bell fat loss and increase satiety Almonds I wrote about the benefits of walnut consumption to assist with weight loss and reduced satiety.  It is amazing that nuts have so many health benefits when consumed in moderation.  I have written on the benefits of peanut butter in "Peanut Butter: Can I eat it…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Belly Fat, Nuts, Research, Satiety, Weight Loss

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My path to health: a slight stagnation I started refocusing my efforts after I peaked to 218 pounds on 2 July.  I have lost 8 pounds in 3 months.  To be honest, I have not really tried that hard.  I have about three weeks until the fitness test.  I…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report

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A delicious and quick recipe made with sliced steak. I really love this recipe.  It has the perfect mixture of sweet and spicy.  I adapted this from a Marley Spoon to make it healthier and spicier.  Each taco has almost 15 grams of fiber and had ample protein to promote long-lasting satiety.
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Beef, Recipe, Tacos

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Clean eating will not in itself help with weight loss. Clean eating: oatmeal cereal, apple, and smoothie Nutritious fruit and vegetables Firstly, what is clean eating?  Clean eating means consuming minimally processed foods such as unrefined, whole, unprocessed, wild, pasture-raised, hormone-free - the way nature intended.  On these diets, you try to consume very little…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Clean Eating, Myth, Weight Loss

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Avoid dieting, eat and exercise better. Dieting conjures up the thoughts of the Spanish Inquisition or torture in a sweat box in Southeast Asia.  Part of me would rather have bamboo shoots under my…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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High protein diet results in more weight loss and improved biomarkers for metabolic syndrome. Huge Steak Over the years, I have had many people try to sell me the advantages of a high protein diet such as the Adkin's diet.  I have not bought into the craze, but I have tried the diet once in…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Adkin's Diet, High Protein, Research, Weight Loss

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Drinking a 16-ounce glass of cold water before every meal may decrease calories eaten As long as I can remember, I have recommended a full glass of water before each meal.  Since your body is…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Hydrate, Water, Weight Loss Tip

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Walnuts appear to activate the brain region associated with appetite control I am always amazed at the health benefits of nut consumption in moderation.  I wrote about the benefits of peanut butter in "Peanut Butter: Can I eat it and lose weight?" and nuts in general in "Weight Loss Tips: Go Nuts."  I literally could go nuts writing…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Nuts, Research, Walnuts, Weight Loss

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Focus on small goals.   We have all heard the story of someone in our circle that has lost a massive amount of weight.  We use others stories as motivation, but the fact is that establishing a massive weight loss…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, Weight Loss

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A quick smoothie to rid your kitchen of those overripe bananas. This recipe is a delicious and nutritious after school snack that will have you remembering your childhood.  This creamy 5-ingredient peanut butter blueberry smoothie makes the perfect healthy breakfast or snack. It will keep you satisfied for hours.
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Gradual weight loss is not better than losing weight quickly. Imagine you are 10-20 pounds lighter.  You no longer had to spend 30 minutes struggling to get into those new jeans that you thought would fit.  Your growing belly or waistline will cease to bulge over your belt.  Your…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Research, Weight Loss

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Snack foods might be making you fat. Snacking foods might be the enemy to reducing your waistline.  The problem with snacking is that it often adds calories to your diet that are low calorie.…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Snacks, Weight Loss Tip

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Food Commercials Focus on Selling Food and Not on Your Health.   Potato Chips Every commercial we see on TV is directed at the sale of a product. It doesn't matter whether his Weight Watchers or Nutrisystem's, the intent is to sell a product.   There are a lot of fat diets out there, and most…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Junk Food, Research, Snacks

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A scoop of cinnamon a day will keep the fat away.   There is plenty of research to pack up cinnamon's health benefits.  Studies have shown that including cinnamon in your daily diet can help you balance your blood sugar…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Cinnamon, Weight Loss Tip

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Fat but healthy: is it a real thing? I cannot count the number of times that a patient or family member has said that they are fat but healthy.  As a physician, I have no idea what that means, but it seems to be a common myth.  I guess,…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Writing it down can keep you motivated.   Occasionally, you may have a setback or slow down in your weight loss.  Don't be too hard on yourself.  One of the best motivators in your weight loss journey is yourself. Keep a motivational journal…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip

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A simple and refreshing summer smoothie. A simple high fiber orange raspberry rhubarb smoothie with added fiber and plenty of protein.  It is full of fiber, vitamin K, and calcium but without a lot of calories. Rhubarb is the perfect summer vegetable to thicken a smoothie and add some fiber and potassium. A nice dose of pea…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Breakfast will not help you lose weight.   Wait, did I just say that.  Yes, I did.  If you drift back to another article I wrote on breakfast preventing obesity, you remember that I said breakfast would not prevent obesity.  It is 100% correct.  To prevent obesity, you have…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Breakfast, Myth, Weight Loss

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Remove all tempting low-quality food from your kitchen.   You are embarking on a lifestyle change with a goal of losing weight and living healthier.  If you are like me, you have probably squirreled away various foods that were on sale at your…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss Tip

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Self-weighing can promote a healthier weight.   Scale and Tape Measure I think we all gained a little weight after high school or college when our activity level and metabolism dropped.  Ever since I have looked for advice from men's magazines that might help me lose weight.  I can not count the number of articles…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.   Today, you will start a new diet. Tomorrow, you will break your diet.   Next, you will awake to plan or start a new diet, or maybe you will wait a week.…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Fad Diet, Weight Loss Tip

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Is there a relationship between food addiction, binge eating disorder, and obesity? Obesity - Fat Belly I have often wondered if there was a relationship between being a binge eater, food addiction, and obesity.  I reviewed the textbooks and many online references, and the publications are mixed.  Some say there is a relationship and others, explicitly, say…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research, Weight Loss

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[pullquote]Wake with determination to complete the daily goal and go to bed with satisfaction that you are one-day closer to making your dreams a reality.[/pullquote]Motivation and determination in the context of weight management is a difficult topic because it centers so much on self-control…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, Weight Loss

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A delicious and refreshing morning smoothie. You will love this recipe. A blueberry pineapple smoothie is delicious and filling. It is not low-carbohydrate, but you will find it delicious and refreshing in the morning. The best part is that it is loaded with antioxidants.
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recioe, Smoothie

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A bigger calorie deficit will result in faster weight loss.     This concept is valid to a point, but eventually, you will reach a point where your body responds by slowing metabolism.  The fact is if we eat too many calories and over time, our bodies will store excess calories or energy as fat.  If you eat…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Weight Loss

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Saving leftovers can help with weight loss.   My grandmother was part of the group that survived the Great Depression.  They thought that food wasted was a sin and encouraged us all to clean out plates.  They encouraged us to…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss Tip

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What is chitosan and does it help with weight loss? Supplements Capsules Chitosan is a fiber compound made from multiple saccharides or sugar molecules.  Therefore, it is actually a polymer of sugar or polysaccharide.  It is made by treating the chitin shell of crustaceans such as shrimp with an alkaline.  This process softens the shell…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Supplement, Visitor, Weight Loss

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Black Coffee Can Help With Weight Loss.   Coffee and caffeine have been unfairly demonized. If you read many of the articles on caffeine and coffee you will come to the belief that a…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Caffeine, Coffee, Weight Loss Tip

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Walking Enhances a Reduced Calorie Diet to improve Fat Loss in Overweight and Obese Adults Walking As if you have not figured from the title of my blog.  Honestly, it is just common sense that walking or other forms of moderate exercise will help with weight loss.  As an advocate for walking for fitness, I…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss

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[pullquote]Smart weight loss is 1% inspiration and 99% determination.[/pullquote] Weight loss is a simple mixture of eating a healthy diet (80%) and exercise (20%), but you must first start with a little inspiration and follow through with a lot of…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, Weight Loss

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A simple topping or fruity dessert. Compote or compôte is a dessert originating from medieval Europe, made of whole or pieces of fruit in sugar syrup. It is created by boiling fruit until the sugar is concentrated to congeal the mixture. This recipe is a delicious recipe that goes great on toast, french toast, or waffles.  Heck, it goes well by itself,…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Fruit Compote, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Weight loss should be more than just pounds.   Waistline Weight loss as a term is itself the problem with getting healthy.  Instead of calling it losing weight, we need to focus on getting healthy overall and belly fat loss.  When it comes to weight loss, a lot of folks focus on that number on…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Research, Waist Circumference, Weight Loss

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A small slip-up is not the end of the world.   We have all been there before.  You plan for this great success and then a few small slip-ups, and you are totally defeated, physically and emotionally.  Your path to health…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Setbacks, Weight Loss Tip

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Whole egg consumption may attenuate body fat loss in type 2 diabetic rats. It has long been postulated that eggs are unhealthy but the most recent studies have pointed to the opposite.  This month, one more study was released to show even more evidence that eggs are…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Egg, Research, Weight Loss

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Less mindless eating will reduce your waistline. How many times have you sat down on the couch with a bowl or bag of popcorn and before you know it, the container was empty, and you are left looking for where…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Mindless Eating, Weight Loss Tip

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Coffee consumption lowers Risk of Syndrome X.   Magic Coffee Beans  A recent study published in the August 2017 issue of International Journal of Food Science Nutrition looked at the relationship between coffee consumption and metabolic syndrome​[1]​.  The study used the data from the WOBASZ II study.  This study was a cross-sectional study that looked…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coffee, Metabolic Syndrome, Research, Weight Loss

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Design Your Own Weight Loss Plan One of the toughest things about leading an organization in a new direction is getting buy-in.  Buy-in for a new program is easier if the participants assist in the development.  Rather than trying a new diet fad…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, Weight Loss

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A light, refreshing, and delicious smoothie to start the day. Today for recipe Sunday and I have made a simple, summertime smoothie that is so tasty and filling it can keep you full for hours.  This is my favorite Raspberry Orange Smoothie.  This recipe is a delicious and filling breakfast smoothie.  
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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A day of change.   Ok, I have not done a progress report in a few weeks.  I thought today was a good day to post a little update.  I am making a change to my diet I am making a change to my diet.  I have hit a little roadblock, and I am not…
Categories: Progress Report
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Let Your Plate Size Help Shrink Your Waist Shrinking your plate is a simple method to make you perceive your portions are larger than they are.  Cornell University has been doing studies on plate size and color for years, and their researchers…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Plate Size, Weight Loss Tip

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Cinnamon works!  Give it a try but consider using Ceylon cinnamon because it is safer at higher doses. Cinnamon You have heard me say a million times that there is no quick fix when it comes to weight loss.  Because being overweight or obese is so prevalent, the epidemic and potential cures are a favorite…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Insulin Resistance, Research, Weight Loss

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 Increased muscle mass means more calories burned. You are thinking of losing weight.  The key concept is that the speed of weight loss is dependent on your metabolism.  You can increase your metabolism by increasing your…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Muscle, Weight Loss Tip

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New research shows that access to supermarkets and fast food is not tied to obesity in veterans.   Healthy Home Cooked Meal America is the land of plenty, and on every street corner, you will find a fast-food restaurant to get you to fix filled with a fat and carb-filled delight.  In recent years, new…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fast Food, Research, Weight Loss

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Stop wish for better health and thinner and start doing what you need to be it! I wish I were a genie and could snap my fingers and get what I want.  I would be back in a size of jeans with a 32-inch waist.  We all…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, Weight Loss

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The perfect mix of tangy peach and sweet orange. My usual smoothie-making includes adding unique ingredients into a blender that may or may not go together to make a unique flavor. This is not one of those drinks. Peach and orange go very well together. You and your family will love this concoction.
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Watch out for the snake oil salesman! Snake Oil If it sounds too good to be true, it is probably completely false.  There are no quick fixes.  Some supplements may help, but most of them are not what they claim to be.  Anyone who’s ever tried to shed a few extra pounds from their midsection has…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Supplements

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Slow change is the key to long term weight loss success.   We live in the day of instant gratification.  Every thing we do is fast or quick.  We have fast food, instant oats, and microwave meals.  We can quickly order something online…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss Tip

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A new study found plant protein promotes high satiety.   In recent years, animal advocacy groups have been pushing for less animal and more plant based consumption.  Manufacturers have made progress in the texture of plant based products that look, taste, and feel like their animal based predecessors.  You…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetitie, Protein, Research, Satiety

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Vegetables are the perfect diet food.   Weight loss and weight gain are directly related to the pattern of how and what you eat.  If you set a pattern and repeat it each time you eat, you will make it a habit or a part of your routine.  Once it is a part of your…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Vegetables, Weight Loss Tip

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Just say no to being hangry. I know you have experienced it.  You start a new diet and now you are both angry from low blood sugar and hungry from the lack of food.  The problem is that this might not be what really happens.  A study from…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Commitment is pushing yourself when no one else is around.   Successful and lasting weight loss requires commitment.  It is easy to commit to something when your coworkers, family, and friends are watching.  It is harder to do when you are bored and home alone.   …
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, Weight Loss

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A reminder of your childhood by the fire. This recipe is easy to make and delicious addition to any breakfast or even a nice dessert.  As the temperature is getting cooler outside, this recipe is a perfect addition to your daily plan. The best part of this recipe is you cna have the flavor with…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Doing Crunches will not give you a six-pack, but walking your butt off will. Many people want to lose fat from one specific area of their body.  How many guys or gals do I see in the gym who are overtraining a particular area.  Examples are you might…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Weight Loss

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Slow and steady progress will win the weight loss race. Everyone is looking for a quick trip to a new weight, but the key to weight loss success is to retrain your daily routine.  Once you develop a new routine, you will more likely to…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss Tip

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A Mediterranian diet is not only healthy; they may help with weight loss.   Assorted Nuts I remember in the past year being taught that a low-fat diet is a way to go but as I indicated, this is a thing of the past.  Now research is overwhelmingly abundant that it is not fat, but the type…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Nuts, Olive Oil, Research, Weight Loss

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Before you get in the check out line, review your shopping cart one last time.   You made a list and you think you stuck to it.  Then you get home and realize you just fell for the snack trap.  What is the…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Snack Food, Weight Loss Tip

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What does a Mediterranean Diet do to diabetes risk?   Metabolic Syndrome infographic First, let's look at what metabolic syndrome is.  Metabolic syndrome is a pre-drome for diabetes are heart disease.  It is simply the syndrome of central obesity, elevated blood pressure, insulin resistance, abnormal cholesterol levels, and truncal or central obesity.  The pre-drome or precursor…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Slow and steady progress will win the weight loss race. Everyone is looking for a quick trip to a new weight, but the key to weight loss success is to retrain your daily routine.  Once you develop a new routine, you will be more likely to…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip

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This recipe is a healthier version of a simple ice-milkshake you can make in your blender at home.  You taste buds and waistline will both love it.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Dessert, Milk Shake, Recipe, Smoothie

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Happy anniversary!!!!!! My journey toward a new path to health started exactly one year ago.  The bad news is I am not where I want to be.  The good new is that I am a hell of a lot closer than I was one year ago.  Today, I celebrate my accomplishments with a glass of bourbon and tomorrow…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Black tea is a staple of the European diet, and it may help you lose weight.   Over 80% of all tea consumed in Europe is black tea.  I have already written an…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Black Tea, Tea, Weight Loss Tip

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Magic Bullet?   Ok, after years of searching for a magic bullet, I may have found something that works for me.  It is cinnamon.  I can't even believe it.  I have lost nearly 10 pounds in 3 weeks taking this stuff.  At, first, the weight loss was slow.  But to be honest, I was drinking…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report

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If you can't resist overeating them, I recommend you keep the binge starting foods out your of your home! Junk food is pretty tempting.  I have been told my entire life to just not eat and that dieting is all about will…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss Tip

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We are beginning to see progress.  Ok.  After three weeks of trying to make progress and failing multiple times, I have finally made a little.  Weight loss is difficult.  My big issue is weekend indiscretions.  Most of my road bumps blocking success have to do with alcohol and sweets.  Heck, we have a cake cut every…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Failure is making excuses for your weaknesses.   Stop making excuses and start doing.  If you know your weaknesses, you can use them as a strength.  Be strong and stop making all these weak excuses.   Weight loss is simple if you stay on the…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, Weight Loss

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This dip is a delicious and healthy recipe that does straight with bean chips, plantain chips, or vegetables. A delicious and healthy recipe that you family will love. Makes 2 cups.   Recommended book on Guacamole:
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Guacamole, Recipe

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If you snooze, you will lose weight! Sleep is essential for your health and successful weight loss.  The truth is that you can sleep your way to a smaller waistline.  If you do not get enough sleep, your metabolism will slow, and your body will degrade.   It is not easy…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: List, Sleep, Weight Loss

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The skinny truth on mayonnaise and some healthy alternatives.   I am going to just be blunt about this.  There is no way to beat around the bush on mayonnaise.  It tastes great and it is…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Mayonnaise, Weight Loss Tip

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Eating less frequently, reducing snacking, consuming breakfast, and eating the largest meal in the morning may be effective methods for preventing long-term weight gain. Everyone is looking for the key to weight loss and avoid regaining it.  There is not a panacea or easy path to lose weight, but one…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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Hot peppers can assist with weight loss It has long been postulated that spicy foods can help to speed up your metabolism.  Capsaicin, which is the active ingredient in hot peppers, makes you sweat like you just exercised, but does it affect your metabolism?  Do chilies raise your body temperature and require your body to "turn…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Hot Peppers, Weight Loss Tip

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Commercial Weight Loss May Be Superior Primary Care Directed Plans.   I know this is a no brainer.  Primary care managers do not have the time nor is it the right focus for intensive behavioral interaction.  It is the ideal to bring up the concerns, but the follow…
Categories: Exercise, Research
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Negative energy will bread self-doubt and negative thoughts.  Success is weight loss requires positive thought and optimism.  You will need to feel good about the path you have chosen and confident you will get there.  The problem is we often have little compassion…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, Negative Energy

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 A breakfast smoothie that is the right way to start your day. This Peaches and Cream Breakfast Smoothie is made with juicy peaches, milk, and has enough fiber added to keep you full all day. It will bring back memories of this delicious summer treat.
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Ten beverages that will pack on the pounds.   I think we all like having a drink during a social event.  The problem is these babies are full of empty calories, but not all drinks are created equal.  Some, in particular, are high in fat and sugar.  The empty calories are the reason you should…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Alcohol, List, Weight Loss

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Realistic goals are the key to weight loss success. The biggest threat to successful fat or weight loss is becoming discourages.  Confidence is the key to success.  If you create a lofty, unrealistic goal, you are more likely to become discourages.  Every day,…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Realistic Goals, Weight Loss Tip

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A visitor asked: What is Taurine and is it safe? Energy drink One of the energy drinks I regularly drink contains taurine.  What is Taurine and is it safe?  What is a toxic level?  I am concerned because I take in 1000-2000 mg per day.  Dear Concerned, I will try to answer your questions.   What…
Categories: Nutrition, Research
Tags: Research, Supplement

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Higher stress levels can lead to a diet failure.   I have written two articles on stress already.  The first one was a weight loss tip on reducing your stress at work.  Another article is on the stress hormone: cortisol.  …
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Stress, Weight Loss Tip

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A new study shows all-cause mortality rate reduced by coffee consumption.   Cup of Coffee A huge multi-country study that looked at all-cause mortality was released on 11 July 2017.  The EPIC (European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition)​[1]​ looked at over 520,000 research subjects from 10 European countries over a 16-year period.  The primary focus was…
Categories: Nutrition, Research
Tags: Coffee, Research

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Get Competitive: With Yourself or Your Friends.   Light a little fire behind you.  There is nothing like a little competition to get your motor running.  It does not matter whether it is a golf game, shooting hoops, playing chess, or just about any activity, friendly competition can help you improve.  A little competition goes…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, Research

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My Renewed Effort for Improved Health I am five days into my return to a healthier path.  After just over two months of going astray, I am finally back on track.  I fell prey to the evils of procrastination.  It is easy to procrastinate, and this simple change can lead to massive weight gain.   I…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Exercise is only 15-25% of dieting.   Many dieters mistakenly think that exercise is key to weight loss.  Weight loss is 75-85% what you eat so you must eat healthy to keep the weight off and lose weight.  If you do not watch what you eat, you will…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Myth, Weight Loss

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Shopping lists are essential to sticking to your diet.   One of my local grocery stores does the perfect temptation dance.  The dance they practice is a very diverse list of marketing tactics that do a mile further than any store I have ever shopped.   Weight Loss Tip 44 -…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Shopping, Weight Loss Tip

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Does Increased Body Weight Protect Against Stroke? Recent research studies have looked at the data from the Framingham Heart Study (FHS) and the relationship in the data between body weight and stroke.  News articles have misinterpreted the data and conclusions and I have received questions from patients ask me…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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An attempt to gain control of my diet and life again. It is 6 AM, and I am planning the new start that I discussed yesterday.  I have really let life and the stress of my summer vacation get ahead of healthy choices.  I know this happened to everyone.  Do not let this discourage you from…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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After many weeks of not following a diet and many slip ups, I have decided to change my ways and try to get back on track.  The bottom line to my less successful last two months is that I took a vacation and went home and decided that I would start again tomorrow and each passing…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Time for a time-out: Frustration has set in.   Ok, I am trying to restart.  I started with fasting and that blew up in my face.  I just do not have the focus right now.  By military standards, I am within a good weight limit, but I want to…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Slumps can be discouraging.   I am heading into the independence day holiday, and I am unable to keep my diet.  This holiday is a big deal in my family, and I can't help but feel the stress and depressive symptoms caused by me being alone in TX.  …
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Making good choices is the key to successful weight loss.  If you choose wisely, the weight will come off, and you will be less hungry.  If you chose poorly, you will be ravenously hungry and end up not only less satisfied but will also gain weight.  The following is a short list of foods I…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Foods, List, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Protein Early Will Mean Less Calorie Intake. Increase you early morning protein intake.  I say "pound the protein" earlier in the day to reduce your calories eaten all day.  Protein is digested more slowly than most other foods.  If you add a little protein during breakfast, you will feel fuller the rest of the day.   …
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Protein, Weight Loss Tip

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Viewer Question: Are energy drinks safe?   Energy drinks I am going to own up that I might not be the best person to ask this question.  This request is a loaded question.  I am biased a little because I love the Monster Absolute Zero series and my favorite college teams coach is well known…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, User Question, Viewer Question, Weight Loss

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What is fasting and is it a safe option for weight loss? Fasting Scale I am preparing to try fasting.  Before I start, as preparation, I have been reading as much as I can find to determine if fasting is safe and what the best type of fasting is for me.   Like many of…
Categories: Nutrition, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Fasting, Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Recent studies point to a tie between diet drinks and dementia and stroke.   A cold glass of soda drink Nothing scares most folks more than being dependent on their spouse or family for medical care and being unable to complete their activities of daily living.  Imagine yourself in a diaper requiring 100% support from your…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Dementia, Diet Soda, Research, Stroke

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Dietary Misstep Are Common and Should Not Discourage You.   We all have a period of time when we choose to overeat.  We plan to start a diet and after a few days, we find ourselves trying to recover with our ball in the rough.  There is no simple way to say it, I messed up.  I…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Fasting, Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Ten Foods That Will Make It Hard To Lose Weight.   Everyone has tried to find food that will help with weight loss.  The list below are commonly used foods that are sold as healthy but are terrible for your waistline, and you would be better off eating something…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Food List, List. Diet Food, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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You do not need to avoid your favorite foods to lose weight.   Overweight man watching television with doughnuts Weight loss is all about a reduction in calorie intake.  Banning a single food is an over-simplistic view of weight loss.  Sure if you cannot limit your consumption of ice cream, you need to avoid it.  Everyone…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Weight Loss

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Three Days Down and All is Well I started this little endeavor as a means to see what fasting is like.  After reading the Obesity Code, I have decided that I was fascinated by the concept of fasting and the research behind the book make sense.  If you noticed,…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Fasting, Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Two Days of Fasting and I am Smooth Sailing! A progress report. Ok, I have to admit I was a quite a skeptic.  I really thought this would be much harder.  Sure, I have had some hunger and dry mouth the first couple of days, but it was mild…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Fasting, Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Fasting: A Day of Hunger Today is my first day of my fast.  Today, I weighed 214 pounds.  I have gained some weight, and after reading the Obesity Code[1], I have decided to use fasting as a means to lower my weight and reset my…
Categories: Progress Report, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fasting, Progress Report, Weight Loss

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June of 2017:  I have started diets so many times in my life.  This time, I lost over 50 pounds, and then I fell off the wagon per se.   I could have just given up like so many time before, but this time I…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Special events can be used to motive weight loss.   Motivation is a good thing, and we all find motivation in different ways.  Everyone has a special day in which they want to weight less to impress people they have not seen in a while.  Weddings, reunions, and vacations result in gatherings that people you…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip

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An orange tropical flavor that will satisfy your sweet tooth and keep you full. Orange Tropical Smoothie This is a delicious and nutritious smoothie that is full of fiber and protein. It has nearly 10 grams of fiber per serving.
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie

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Eat Less and Exercise More is Insufficient for Weight Loss.   It seems simple, but event the most educated can oversimplify weight loss.  Oversimplification can be the enemy of success.   Body fat is means stored calories or energy for the proverbial rainy day, but reducing weight…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Weight Loss

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Standing more can help you burn more calories.   Standing seems like a minuscule change, and it would n0t make much of a difference.  It is true that standing takes little to no effort, but it can add up…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss Tip

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Does Fucoidan Extract Work for Weight Loss? There are plenty of weight loss supplements out there that make outlandish claims to be the silver bullet for weight loss.  Face it; there is not a shortage of snake oil salesmen out there.  Like many of you, I do not always have the…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Supplement, User Quesstion, Viewer Question, Weight Loss

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Reduce stress during the workday can reduce work time splurges. We all experience the stress of a busy workday.  Some days have tighter schedules than others, but schedules full of tight deadlines, endless meetings, and elevated demands…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Stress, Weight Loss Tip

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Fasting before exercising can assist with fat loss.   Breakfast Omelet We have all tackled this question.  I remember skipping breakfast before football practices.  I was worried about getting sick in practice, but football practice was much more intense than my usual workout.  My workouts today are much less intense, but the question remains, should…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Breakfast, Exercise, Research, Weight Loss

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Motivation got you started, but you will need the discipline to stay on the path to health.   [pullquote]Discipline is just choosing between what you want now and what you want more.[/pullquote] We all go shopping at the inopportune time and buy that "food" we do not…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip

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A delicious and filling smoothie that can replace your dessert. This recipe will remind you of a Creamsicle, and the protein and fiber will keep you full all morning long.  I like this recipe as a smoothie or a quick dessert in a blender.
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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Losing Weight is a not a linear process, and it is quite unpredictable. weight loss curve Losing weight is usually not linear.  It is more of a curve than a linear one.  It might start off quite rapid but it slows more and more as you near your goal.  In most, there are setbacks from time…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Weight Loss

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Half the bread in your sandwich.   Bread and carbohydrates can be the enemy of weight loss and maintenance.  Most bread is low in fiber will not keep you full long and many of us who are trying to lose or maintain our weight struggle with the number of carbohydrates we eat.  If you put…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss Tip

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Psyllium can help with weight loss! Psyllium Powder Dietary fiber seems to help lower levels of LDL cholesterol, possibly by absorbing fat in the gut or by binding sugars to carbohydrates.  Fiber can come from beans, oats, produce, and whole grains or you can add a supplement.  I recommend whole foods, but if you are…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Psyllium, Research, User Question

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Loss of pounds is necessary, but healthy choices are essential to lifelong successful weight loss. The biggest mistake you can make is to focus on a set number of pounds to lose in a specified period.  I am confident that some can lose weight doing this, but…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss Tip

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Bitter orange supplementation is dangerous and unlikely to work. Common Names:  Bitter orange, Seville orange, sour orange, bigarade orange, zhi shi, or marmalade orange.   Latin Name: Citrus aurantium Bitter orange is a common ingredient in many supplements that you can buy in the local health food or supplement stores.  It Bitter Orange often added in place of ephedra…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Bitter Orange, Research, Supplement, Weight Loss

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Eat like you care about yourself. You are worth it.  Food can be the cure most of what is wrong with you, but if you eat in excess, it can be the cause of a lot of your future diseases.  I know because I’ve been on both sides of the diagnostic equation.  Do not let…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip

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A delicious and filling smoothie recipe. Cinnamon Bun Smoothie
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Cinnamon, Recipe, Smoothie, Weight Loss

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To remain healthy and keep the weight off, you must watch what you eat. All-You-Can-Eat-Buffet Obesity is associated with an increased risk of several chronic diseases, but being thin or losing weight does not resolve that risk if you fail to maintain the change in your diet.  You will need to keep a healthy diet…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Weight Loss

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Limit the juicing and make your calories count.   Watching calories is the most important thing to weight loss.  Sure, juice sounds healthy, and our mothers and grandmothers have brainwashed us into thinking that juice is a healthy alternative to soda or other sweetened drinks.  The thing you need to understand is that calories need…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Juice, Weight Loss Tip

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Researchers warn of heart disease risk increasing with your waistline.   Waist Circumference Measurement For 30 years, medical providers have been encouraging diabetics and patients at risk for heart disease patients to consider increasing their exercise and being more healthy.  Study after study has shown a tie between the two diseases and heart disease.  …
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Body Fat, Research, Waist Circumference

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Upgrade your snack with more protein and stay full longer. Protein keeps you feeling full and it is a great snack.  Whether a snack before hitting the gym or…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Protein, Weight Loss Tip

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Sales of sugar-sweetened beverages can be reduced by taxes.   Refreshing Bubbly Soda Pop About one year ago, Berkeley, California, added a one-cent tax per ounce on certain sugar-sweetened beverages.  The tax was added in an attempt to reduce the consumption of sugar to protect children and adults from the evils of sugar.  The idea that sugar is…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Soda, Sugar, Sugar Tax

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The largest obstacle is overcoming your inner self. [pullquote]The hardest part of weight loss is not the exercise or nutrition, it is motivating you mind to make a change.[/pullquote] The odds are that this is not the first time you have tried to lose weight.  You have decided to become healthier in the past and…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip

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A healthy and filling side dish that goes with just about any main dish. Roasting in the oven brings out the natural sweetness of the vegetables.  Combine vegetables to meet your dietary requirements whatever they may be low-carb, high-fiber, or low-calorie.  The combinations are almost limitless.  If there are other vegetables that you enjoy, feel free…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Food, Recipe, Vegetable

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Most people who avoid gluten are wasting money. Low and no gluten foods are a huge market right now.  Just a few years ago, you could not find a gluten-free product on the shelves, but now, you see the label almost everywhere.  The number of folks who feel that…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Gluten, Myth

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Eat Lots of Fruits and Vegetables Can Keep You Feeling Full Longer Anything you can do to keep yourself feeling full longer can assist with weight loss.  One key to success in diets for weight loss is to include plenty of fruits and vegetables.   Fruits and vegetables…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fruit, Vegetables, Weight Loss Tips

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Email based support may be superior for weight loss.   Support Group Weight loss is tough and difficult under even the best circumstances.  Almost every dieter is looking for that one thing to help them maximize their weight loss.  Dieters spend billions every year looking for one thing to help them lose and maintain their weight…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Support, Weight Loss

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Moderation and not elimination is the key to weight loss. This statement is not a new topic.  You have heard me pipe in with the moderation topic and not to vilify foods.  We all question the food choices we make and the amount of food you are eating.  Studies have shown that we do a…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss Tip

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Yo-yo diet may increase your risk of heart disease and premature death.   Scale and Tape Measure A number is just a number, but if your weight yo-yos up and down, losing weight may be bad for your health.  I am not talking about the daily fluctuations that occur in all of us.  Some weight fluctuations…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Editorial, Weight Loss, Yo-yo Diet

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Got Splurge? Don't get down. Did you overdo it a little last night?  Did you have too much cake at a party?  Too many buffalo wings while out with friends?  Stay positive and don't let a little lapse get you down.  Don't allow yourself time to become discouraged over a single lapse.  When you begin…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip

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A healthy and delicious version of this popular Tex-Mex dish. Chicken fajitas are one of my family’s favorite recipes. I personally love to make it because it can be made in so many ways and it is easily to make. You can make them in a frying pan, grill them, or even back them on…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Recipe, Tex Mex

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Detox the myth that detox diets are healthy.   Fruit and Vegetable Smoothy Detox or detoxification diets are being sold as the cure to all that ails you.  You can find it on TV on such shows as the Dr. Oz show and on just about every website that is dedicated to fitness, health, and…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Weight Loss

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Skipping Meals can sabotage your success. We have all done it.  We plan to have regular meals and life gets in the way.  You slept in today and now eating breakfast is not an option.  Next,…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss Tip

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Weight loss and management can reduce absenteeism at work. A few years ago, studies confirmed that smokers have a higher absenteeism and that treating them with smoking cessation is good both the business and the employee.  It just makes sense from a health perspective that employees that quite will be…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Food and Body Shaming does not work.   I see this nearly every day in the United States Army.  Body shaming is the norm in many parts of the military.  To the military, your weight is purely a measure of your lack of discipline.  This approach is not helpful and shows a genuine lack of…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss Tip

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Group support of a structured diet is a winning strategy.   Diet and Nutrition Confusion Obesity is at epidemic levels in the United States and becoming an increasing problem worldwide.  You can easily see the problem with a short trip to your local shopping center or grocery store.  Five to ten years ago, you only…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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[pullquote]Everyone has a bad day or weekend.  Pick yourself up and keep going![/pullquote] We have all experienced a momentary lapse in judgment.  I did it this weekend myself.  You meant to just grab a cup of coffee on your drive into work this morning.  You stopped at Starbucks, and there it was staring back at you…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip

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A delicious side dish that will add a lot of flavor to any meal. A simple and delicious dish to serve with roast meats.  It is easy to make and even my teenage son loves it.  It is also very filling and full of healthy fats.
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Weight Loss

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Exercise is not a great means to lose weight. Exercise To lose weight, you can do this two ways: eat fewer calories than you burn or burn more calories than you eat.  You must have a negative calorie balance to induce weight loss.  There is not a magical pill that will transform or suspend the…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Myth, Weight Loss

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What is the Truth About White Foods? Should you give up white foods because they are high in calories?  Many white foods are, essentially, carbohydrates.  These white carbohydrates are white in color and that have been processed and refined,…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Carbohydrates, Weight Loss Tip

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Eating Patterns May Help Men Maintain a Healthy Weight A Family Preparing a Meal We are all looking for a silver bullet to help us lose weight and sustain the loss afterward.  To be bluntly honest, we have not found such a piece of information, and I personally doubt it exists at all.  The problem…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Short bouts of exercise are better than no exercise Many professions have time requirements that are near to impossible to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  There are no many of them that can match up with the life of a physician.  I wake at 05:00 or 5:00 AM…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss Tip

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Being moderately overweight is not protective in overall mortality. Obesity: Belly One of the problems in research is when you oversimplify or unintentionally skew your data.  When you do this sort of examination of data, you miss the proverbial forest because you are looking at all the trees.  You need to look at the right…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research

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Your health should be more important.  [pullquote]Sacrifice those high-calorie foods that you crave for something that matters more: your health.[/pullquote]I know you crave something.  There is a food you cannot resist.  For me, it is something smothered in gooey cheese.  It could be nachos or pizza or maybe even another food depending on the restaurant or my mood.…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, Weight Loss

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This is a mild recipe to make a family favorite. My family loves this recipe and I am sure yours will too. It is a great winter soup that will help warm you up. It is easy to make and freezes well for later meals. If you want to expand it, consider adding a whole…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Chili, Recipe

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No amount of exercise will turn fat into muscle.  Sit-Ups I remember in high school that guys and my football coaches used this statement.  Even in the late 70s and 80s, we knew that this statement was utterly malarkey.  This statement is almost as fictitious as the alchemist turning lead into gold.   I know…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Myth

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Variety is the Spice of Life! No, I am not talking about using the blender.  We have all done it.  You find that food you love and is perfect for your weight loss plan and lifestyle so we make it a staple food in your house.  Mine was frozen meal that is found in your…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss Tip

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Obesity Tied to Secretive Eating I am not an expert on eating disorders or obesity for that matter, but as a primary care physician, I often am the first to suspect and diagnose eating disorders. The diagnosis is difficult to make, and patients and…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research

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Calories from, Sugary Soda and Fruit Juices Can Quickly Add Up Most beverages are of limited to no nutritional value, and they can pack on or pour on the pounds.  I am like all of you, and I…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss Tip

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Guidelines for food intake are not evidence based. I am confident that nearly 100% of the public has seen the food pyramid and the new nutrition plate guideline.  We have been brainwashed in school that these tools were the key to being healthy…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research

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Never Get Discouraged! [pullquote]Never Get Discouraged!  If you can't see the result sin the mirror, remember, the first and most important changes happen on the inside of your body.[/pullquote]  It is easy to get discouraged when you do not see progress in the mirror.  Often, initially, progress can be slow, and most of the initial changes…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, Weight Loss

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An easy low calorie, high-fiber casserole.   This high-fiber casserole is one your family will love. Freekeh is a young green wheat that is often roasted and cracked. This traditional food of the Middle East has a pleasant nutty flavor and cooks in just 25 minutes. A high-fiber whole grain, freekeh is perfect for savory…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Chile, Fiber, Food, Recipe

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Cooking at home is cheaper and healthier.   We have all heard the myth that eating at home is more expensive.  Food that is good for you is more expensive is what I have always heard, and I guess that is true if all you eat is frozen…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Research

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No food should be vilified.   We often place foods in lists as being either good or bad.  Although the goal of making it off limits is to reduce the intake of these foods, unfortunately, it often has the opposite effect.  Most of the restrictions are limitations on higher calorie foods.…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss Tip

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How much time you spend a week preparing meals can influence your health and your wallet. [pullquote]Failing to plan is planning to fail. - Allen Lakein[/pullquote]I recently started prepping my meals ahead of time.  I usually prepare my meals for…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Meal Prepping, Research

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The key to successful weight loss is change.  [pullquote]You will never lose weight until you change and the secret to successful weight loss is in developing a new routine.[/pullquote]We all get stuck in a rut or a counterproductive routine.  Remember that the definition of insanity is to keep trying the same failed measures of the past…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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“Low-Content” Nutrient Claims in the United States Don't Add Up I can remember the big low-fat claims for nearly a half century, but the fact is that this fight has been going on for over a century. Experts pushed the concept that fat was bad for you and you should…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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[pullquote]Slow Progress is better than no progress!   No matter how slow you progress, you are still doing better than the person on the couch.[/pullquote]I know it might seem depressing when your progress is slower than you expect or want.  Miracles rarely happen so make you own miracle instead of focussing on miraculous results, be happy…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, Progress

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A sweet, salty, and tangy treat for tastebuds. This chicken recipe covers all the bases that I look for in a recipe I love. It is a combination of sweet, tart, and salty. It uses lean chicken breasts and takes less than 45 minutes to complete. This stuffed chicken recipe is easy enough to make…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Recipe

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Advice on smartly navigating the weight loss landmines in the supermarket. When trying to lose weight, one of the most difficult activities you must do is grocery shopping. Since weight loss is 80 percent diet, going to the grocery store can be an exercise in torture. All those tempting…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Food, Healthy, Lists, Nutrition, Shopping, Shopping Tips, Tips

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Moderate Bad Decisions and Make Better Ones [pullquote]Life is hard; it's even harder if you're stupid.  ~ John Wayne. [/pullquote] Weight loss and maintenance is dependent on the quality of the decision you make.  If you make a bad decision, you are more likely to derail your ride to success.  Less than ideal decisions are often…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Cappuccino Your coffee habit might be making you fat. I love a good cup of morning joe.  No, I am not talking about a third-rate crappy news show.  A cup of coffee is a staple part of breakfast around the globe.  America’s appetite for caffeinated drinks has led to the success of multiple coffee franchises.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Coffee, Editorial, Obesity, Weigh Gain, Weight Loss

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Chocolate for weight loss: Reality or is it too good to be true?  Chocolate is the ultimate indulgence for many out there.  Dark chocolate is the right mixture of sweet to not be overpowering with a slight bitterness.  Researchers have preached for a long time of the benefits of…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Chocolate, Research, Weight Loss Tip

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Hot Peppers and Spicy Food May Increase Longevity.   Red hot peppers on the table Spicy, hot foods are adored by many.  Although this has nothing to do with weight loss, it clearly indicated a positive benefit for eating spicy foods.  I have published another article on the benefits of hot peppers in weight loss.  Recent…
Categories: Nutrition, Research
Tags: Hot Peppers, Research, Spicy Foods

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We are past April Fools Day so I can post this without a joke.  I am 8 months into my health kick, and even though I have fallen off the wagon a little, I can feel good about my accomplishments.   Accomplishments:   Snacking on…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Gain

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A delicious side dish that your family will love. This dish is a delicious adaptation of Homes Chef's Zucchini and Sun-Dried Tomato Au Gratin.  I did not care for the sundried tomatoes, so I adapted the recipe.  I am certain you will enjoy it.  
Categories: Recipe
Tags: Recipe

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Eating Breakfast Every Day Will Not Protect Against Obesity Breakfast Many of us have heard this whopper, and I am not referring to that fatty charbroiled cheeseburger from a fast-food chain.  American children have long been indoctrinated by our family members, teachers, and just about any authority figure that routinely eating breakfast is a simple…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Breakfast, Myth

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Daily Self-Weighing Can Help Prevent Weight Gain and Help You Lose Weight     We have all heard the statement that we should not weigh ourselves every day because it can become discouraging and cause you to…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Scale, Weigh, Weight Loss Tip

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Reader Question: Does White Kidney Bean Extract work for Weight Loss?   This question came to me from a reader who is struggling with weight loss.  He has been on a diet for three months and has plateaued and wants to know if this supplement might help.  He…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Research, Supplements, User Question

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Your Smart Phone Can Help You Choose Food Wisely. When you are shopping or dining out and wonder what a better or healthier choice for a meal or snack might be, do a quick search on Google, and you will find many sources for just about any restaurant meal you…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Smart Phone, Weight Loss Tip

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Would a tax reduce sugar usage and obesity or is sugar not the bitter poison as portrayed.   For years, public health experts and politicians have argued that adding a tax on sugar would lead to reductions in poor health outcomes.  Sugar consumption is at higher levels…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Sugar Taxes

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[pullquote]Determination and Satisfaction: Try to wake with determination to be successful and go to bed with the satisfaction of your accomplishments.[/pullquote]The feeling of determination is critical for the start of a diet and exercise program.  If you are not determined to be successful, you will not start a new program to be more healthy or to lose weight…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Determination, Motivation Tip

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A delicious and spicy dish with the zing of ginger and sweetness of teriyaki. This a delicious recipe that adds the slight kick of jalapeño peppers and the sweetness of teriyaki.  I am certain you will like it.  The change from Salmon to Chicken will make a dish your whole family will love.   [cooked-recipe…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Poultry, Recipe

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Rice: Should I avoid it? Rice is a grain and is one of the most consumed foods in the world.  It is cheap and very dense in both calories and carbohydrates.  Since as long as I can remember, it is has been tied to obesity and chronic diseases such…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Rice, Weight Loss

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Make small short term goals.   I have not met a dieter that has made a goal that does not focus on this huge number of pounds to lose as a goal.  We all…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss Tip

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Will sin taxes and subsidies improve healthy dietary choices? I have discussed both sin taxes and the increasing obesity epidemic in the article entitled "Food for Thought: Tax on Body Weight".  Ever expanding waistlines will have a major impact on the health care costs of the future if we…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Taxes, Weight Loss

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The Shopping List: A Guide to Avoid the Supermarket Trap [pullquote]Making a Shopping List: Making a list prior to shopping will reduce impulse buying and over indulgence. [/pullquote] After 45 minutes to an hour wandering the aisles of the concrete plains looking fo my kill to…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Grocery Shopping, Weight Loss Tip

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Sleep deprivation may cause people to eat more calories. Sleep is so critical for good health.  In the past, most of the research investigated the behavioral health impact of poor sleep.  Over the past 10-15 years, the amount of research done on the physical and metabolic effect of…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Sleep, Weight Gain

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The Future is What You Make.   The best way to predict your future is to make your own future.  The future thin and healthy you is just one thought away.  Visualize yourself thin and make it happen.  Rehearse your plan daily prepares you to recognize and…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, Weight Loss

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A delicious and spicy dish with the zing of ginger and sweetness of teriyaki. This a delicious recipe that adds the slight kick of jalapeño peppers, the zing of ginger, and the sweetness of teriyaki.  I am certain you will like it.    
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Salmon, Weight Loss

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Not all vegetables are created equal.        You already knew that.  Some vegetables have more fiber, some have more vitamins, some aren’t vegetables at all.  Wait… What?  Take corn, for instance.  When in its kernel form, corn is classed…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Vegetables, Weight Loss

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Oats are your diet's friend by promoting fullness! Oats are one of the most healthy carbohydrate sources out there.  Eating a cup of oatmeal in the morning will keep you full well into the afternoon.   Oats are a healthy staple food for both me and my family because they…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Oatmeal, Weight Loss Tip, Weight Loss Tips

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  A spouse's weight loss can "spread" to the other spouse. I often find interesting research when I am studying for my job.  I receive emails every day highlighting new research studies.  One from MedPageToday caught my eye [1]. We all know that the benefit of…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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You should avoid empty calories including carbohydrates. I know you have heard this before, but empty calories provide very limited nutritional benefit.  This concept means that the food is low in fiber, vitamins, and minerals.  Often, we splurge on these low-quality foods.  The problem is you get very…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Empty Calories, Empty Carbohydrates, Weight Loss Tip

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Fruits and vegetables lower risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer deaths.   Most of the world, including the United States, eats too few fruits and vegetables.  I can remember trying to get my son to eat more vegetables during his elementary school carnivore stage.  Adults are equally…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Food, Healthy, Nutrition, Research

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[pullquote]Progress: you may not be where you want to be, but you are a heck of a lot closer than when you started![/pullquote].  We have all been there.  We hit a day in which we are not progressing as much as we would like or maybe we see our goal and it seems so far away,…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Encouragement, Motivation, Motivation Tip

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The wonderful flavor of garlic alfredo and the kick of crushed red pepper. I love garlic and developed this recipe after making many Italian-style recipes while being stationed away from my family.  You can tailor the spice level to your taste. My brother is a professionally trained chef and is my inspiration for this recipe.…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Pasta, Recipe

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Having sex is not a great form of exercise and will probably not help with weight loss.   This concept is total bullshit.  I am sorry if I insulted your sensibilities.  To be honest with you, this is just not a great way to lose weight. Sure, you…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Sex, Weight Loss

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The rule is called the 50/25/25 Rule.  We have all heard it from our mother and grandmother.  They told us to finish our vegetables.  Little did I know they were 100% correct.  Well, at least partially.  I am sure my grandmother did not fully understand nutrition when guilting me into finishing my plate.  In fact,…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Portion Control, Weight Loss Tip

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The sweetener and creamer in your coffee and tea can sabotage you weight loss plans. We all like to have a Cup of Joe in the morning and I am not referring to that for that terrible copy of Fox and Friend on CNN.  I am referring to…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coffee, Research, Sugar, Tea, Weight Loss

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Noise and Light Inhibit the Initiation and Quality of Sleep.   In 18 years of medical practice, I get at least one patient that is there to see me about the quality of their sleep, and when I complete a sleep hygiene review, I find that they watch TV or listen to the radio in bed.…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Radio, Television, TV, Weight Loss Tip

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“Diet” is a four-letter word.  Instead, let’s start eating and living healthily. There are so many diets out there and each one has its own book.  You could literally read a new diet book every day of your life and still have a few more to read.  Most…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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Exercise is Not Punishment! [pullquote]Exercise would be rewarding and relaxing, not a punishment for a dietary indiscretion.[/pullquote]Exercise is healthy and we want to encourage ourselves to do more of it.  Exercise is not a form of torture like waterboarding so we need to stop treating it such.  Look forward to your next session and embrace…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Motivation Tip

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An American classic made just a bit healthier. This a healthier version of a recipe I once tried from Blue Apron.  I loved it so much that I slimmed it down.  Cheeseburgers are delicious but there are nto exactly low calorie.  
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Cheeseburger, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Vegetarian is not necessarily healthier and may not lead to weight loss.   Not all vegetarians are skinny or healthy. It is important to understand that vegan or vegetarian diets are not all the same.  Vegetarians often eliminate meat for religious or health reasons.  Many will continue to eat processed…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Nutrition Vegetarian, Research, Weight Loss

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Shopping while you are hungry will increase both the amount of calories and food you purchase.   We have all done it and regretted our decision before we even made it to the exit.  You are on your way home from work, and you stop to buy groceries at your local market.  You meant to…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Ghrelin, Groceries, Shopping, Weight Loss Tip

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I recently received a question by email after one of my posts in which a reader asked for a definition of Binge Eating Disorder (BED).   Binge Eating Disorder Binge eating disorder is characterized by compulsive overeating in which people consume excessive amounts of food while feeling they are out of control…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Eating Disorder, Question

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Nuts can be healthy and help with weight loss.   For years, people have recommended avoiding nuts because of their high-fat and calorie content.  They have been vilified for causing anything from obesity to diverticulitis.  Today, we can celebrate nuts for their nutritional value because “nuts are unhealthy could…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Nuts, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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A new mouse study sheds light on how chemicals from plastic may increase obesity risk. What the heck is BPA?  BPA is a chemical found in a variety of plastic food containers, water bottles, and can linings. BPA is employed to make certain plastics and epoxy resins. BPA…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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Success!  [pullquote]Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day after day.  [/pullquote] We have all had bad days where we overeat or miss our exercise goal.  It can be very discouraging.  You need to dust yourself off and get back up.  Lick your wounds and get back out there.   Success at anything you…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip

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Red Tomatillo Salsa I love Chipotle Mexican Grill.  It is like the Subway of TexMex.  If you make smart choices, it can be healthy.  This recipe is a spicy salsa recipe inspired by their Red Tomatillo Salsa.  It is not the same, but I am sure you will love it.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Salsa, Tomatillo

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Carbohydrates are no more fattening than any other calorie source.   If you read any of the low-carb books, you will get the idea that carbohydrates are evil and you should avoid them at all costs.  There could be nothing further from the truth because your body needs…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Carbohydrates, Myth, Nutrition, Obesity, Research, Weight Loss

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Television snacking increases the amount you eat and your risk of obesity.   I am starting a new series of short articles that are hopefully both entertaining and informative.  My goal is to provide a quick blurb each Saturday on a weight loss tip and some research to back it up if it exists.  [caption…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Snack, Snacking, Television, TV, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Mechanism found to indicate why the Western diet leads to obesity.   America is in the state of an epidemic.  At least two-thirds of the adults in the United States are considered overweight or obese and the global cost could be as high as 2 trillion dollars per…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research, Weight Loss

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Freshening Your Breath or Cleansing Your Palate Can Reduce Your Calorie Consumption. I have found one thing that seems to help me maintain and lose weight, and it is very simple.  People often try to lose weight and find this urge to change the taste in…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss Tips

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Multiple studies indicate impulsivity is linked to obesity.   The notion may surprise you in the slightest, but multiple sets of research support the theory that people with impulsive personalities may be more likely to struggle with addiction whether to drugs, alcohol, or even food, but are they also more likely to…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Research, Weight Loss

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[pullquote]Never give up!  Everyone has a bad day or weekend.  Pick yourself up and Keep Going![/pullquote]  We have all experienced a momentary lapse in judgment.  I did it this weekend myself.  You meant to just grab a cup of coffee on your drive into work this morning.  You stopped at Starbucks, and there it was…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Weight Loss

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A healthy burrito bowl your family will love for dinner. I absolutely love Chipotle's burrito bowls so I trying to find a healthier option.  Although not a copy of the original, I am certain you will like this one.  My family loves this as a healthier option. It is not only healthy, but it is…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Burrito Bowl, Recipe

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Myth: If You Eat and Exercise Consistently, You Will Never Gain Weight Man and woman jumping rope If you exercise once a day, every day, the theory that you can eat whatever you want and not gain weight or fat is utter malarkey.  All the indulgent calories that you consume will just be offset by…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Exercise, Myth

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Empty Calories Will Sabotage Your Diet. Empty calories provide limited nutritional benefit and often are low in fiber.  You want to make your calories count and reduce your drive to splurge.  You want to get ample protein, fiber, fat, minerals, and vitamins and let's face the…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Empty Calories, Weight Loss Tips

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Inactivity linked to a decreased motivation in obese mice Elderly Couple Walking on Beach So much research has been completed to find the magic bullet for the cause of obesity and this study is no different.  I found the study after reading an article on Science Daily entitled "Inactivity in obese mice linked to a…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Weight Loss

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If you don't see them, you won't eat them.   Out of sight, out of mind, out of ... mouth?  If you put the treats that you want to avoid in the back of your drawer,…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Loss Tips

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Is it just the fiber that makes Oatmeal a good choice or is there more to it? It is estimated that during the Bronze Age (3200-600 BC), oats were first cultivated in Switzerland.  Oats had been around for a long time before that but were probably…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Oatmeal, Research, Weight Loss

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Stop Wishing and Start Doing.   Stop Wishing and Start Doing We all look at the stars and wish for something.  We are not in the land of Disney so face the facts: the only way you are going to get the health you want is to start doing.  Your life is your life.  You…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, Weight Loss

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A smooth and filly snack that packs island flavor. I love Piña Coladas or Pina Coladas if you do not have the special characters on your keyboard.  This is an awesome drink that I think you will love.  You will need a Ninja Blender and xylitol, pineapple extract, and coconut extract.
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe
Tags: Piña Colada, Recipe, Weight Loss

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 You can enjoy your favorite foods by lightening the ingredients.   Making healthy choices is the first step to eating right and losing weight.  Cooking in a healthier way is another huge part of meeting this goal because if you cook the Paula Dean way with a pound…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: List, Recipes, Weight Loss

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 Buying a fruit bowl can help you decrease your BMI.   The growing obesity epidemic in the United States has raised questions among many health professionals.  Health providers of all types have been asking themselves how to help their patients become healthier and accomplish a healthier weight.   They…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fruit, Obesity, Weight Loss Tip

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A mother's body fat may affect her child's risk of obesity. Chunky Baby It has been a common belief that obesity is mostly a learned behavior that children get from both parents.  In the past ten years, genetics has been increasingly blamed for obesity in individuals.  It has been postulated that the body mass index…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Babies, Obesity, Pregnancy, Research

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Lighten the recipe, but eat the foods you like.   Do you like pizza or Mexican food?  Don't completely ban them from your diet.  Find a way to make them healthier.  One of the easiest ways to reduce calories without feeling…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Weight Loss Tip

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Shorter workouts multiple times per day are beneficial.   Walking We all know that weight loss is a simple concept that is hard to implement and maintain.  For you to lose weight you need to eat less or exercise more and optimally, you should do both.  The research supporting the benefits of regular exercise and eating…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Research, Shorter Workouts, Wight Loss

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Quit Making Excuses and Get Motivated!   Motivation: Results Not Excuses Ok, you had a bad weekend and you slipped up and either did not exercise, splurged on snacks, or both.  But really, stuffing yourself like a Christmas turkey isn’t limited to the holidays. There are plenty of times we might be tempted to overeat.  My…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation Tip, No Excuses, Weight Loss

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Apple cinnamon can be a delicious and filling start to your day. This is a great recipe for weight loss and a much tastier version of Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal. It is filling and full of fiber. Since it is made with Fairlife skim…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal, Oatmeal, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Myth: If You Eat or Exercise Consistently, You Will Never Gain Weight A common myth is that people who exercise should not gain weight.  The common belief is that fat people are lazy and if they exercise it would fix their obesity.  The fact is that weight gain is mostly an input and not an…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Myth, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Food Commercials Increase Snacking.   Every commercial we see on TV is directed at the sale of a product.  Every aspect of the commercial is planned to accentuate the product and tap into your subconscious to get you to buy the product.  Whether the commercial is for Doritos or Poptarts, the goal is to get…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Commercials, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Low-calorie diets: The new fountain of youth?   Fountain of Youth We have searched for solutions to create youth and longevity since Ponce DeLeon was searching for the fountain of youth.   We want to live forever but we are quite mortal and forever will never happen.  Our bodies are just not made to live…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Calorie Restriction, Calories, Research, Weight Loss, Youth

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Focus on healthy choices and not the weight on the scale. We have all done it.  We value the tracking of our weights more than the long game of change your habits.  The problem with scale watching is that you will plateau or our weight loss will slow.  The gradual change makes it easy to get…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Healthy Choices, Lose Weight, Weight Loss Tip

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Why so many pounds regained weight after weight loss and how to prevent the weight gain?  Energy Balance I am nearly 100% certain that this is not the first time you have tried to or have lost weight.  I know there are some folks out there that are blessed with a good metabolism but they…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Strcuture, Weight Loss

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Don't quit, try again.   We live in one of the most prosperous nations in existence.  How do we prove that? Our waistlines. There are approximately 320 million people in the United States1.  68% of us are overweight or obese.  At any given time, about 50% of overweight people are trying to lose weight, and…
Categories: Weight Loss

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Steel Cut Oatmeal: the perfect food and a superfood all rolled up in one. Oatmeal in the slow cooker. Oatmeal is a "superfood."  Although superfood is a made-up marketing term and can be misleading, it is absolutely the proper term for oatmeal.  Oatmeal is very filling when eaten, high in fiber (with both soluble and insoluble),…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Breakfast, Fiber, Oatmeal, Recipe, Satiety

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The statement "fast food is too unhealthy for weight loss" is a myth.   Burger and Fries Now before you flood my inbox with emails, I am not saying that it is healthy to eat fast food every meal or even every day.  If you must have a fast food meal, it is more healthy if…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fast Food, Myth, Unhealthy, Weight Loss

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Climbing the Stairs Is a Great Exercise to Help You Burn More Calories Stair climbing is a unique exercise that you can easily fit into your work day and can have a beneficial impact on your health over time.  The scientific evidence shows it is everyday activities like…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Stairs, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Sugar type may be an independent risk for weight gain and disease.   I have been told for years that calories are calories and it does not matter from which source they come.  This month, I found a study in a PubMed search and a review article from Science Daily[1] that…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diabetes, Fuctose, Glucose, Heart Disease, Sugar, Weight Gain

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Prepping and Planning Your Meals Leads to Success.   I have never been much of a prepper.  To be frank and honest, I am a procrastinator.  I loathe being prepared.  I am an adrenaline junky that likes to fly by the seat of his pants.  I prepare, but as I get closer to the deadline,…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Menu, Planning, Prepping, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Dietary sugar guidelines are lacking in evidence. Sugar Cube Pyramid I like to review medical journals, Google Scholarly, and MEDLINE for newly released research articles.  I read each with a certain degree of skepticism.  I recently found a journal article in the Annals of Internal Medicine entitled "The Scientific Basis of Guideline Recommendations on Sugar…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Limits, Restrictions, Sugar

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Keeping Old Clothes Will Not Help Motivate You to Lose Weight Walk-in closet I have done it for years.  Whether the clothes are too big or too small, I keep the old clothes because I think I might need them if my weight swings back the other way.  I like a particular pair of shorts…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Lose Weight, Motivation Tip, Old Clothes, Weight Loss

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A healthy alternative to a Tex Mex Favorite. Our family loves Mexican food. It is one of our favorite meals to have both at home and in a restaurant. We have tried just about every Mexican joint within 30 miles of our house. My favorite dish at our favorite place is the Burrito California. This…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Chile, Food, Mexican, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Not all snacking is bad.   Mindless Eating in front Television Snacking is when you consume food or beverages between your regular meals. Snacking is vilified because, for many of those trying to lose weight, this may be counter-productive to the end result.  Sure, if your idea of a snack is diving headfirst into the…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Snacking, Weight Loss

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Go Walking and Lose Weight Walking is an easy form of exercise that just about anyone can perform.  Both young and old can enjoy the benefits with little to no equipment or training.  Walking will keep you fit and if you walk each mile in 13-14 minutes, you…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Lose Weight, Walk, Walking, Weight Loss Tip

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Breakfast: Is It The Most Important Meal of the Day? Breakfast We have all heard the statement that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  My grandmother always told me it was unhealthy to miss breakfast.  I have read in many books that missing breakfast makes weight loss more unlikely.  Breakfast can help with…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Breakfast, Research, Weight Loss

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Fiber is free and fills you up.   Fill up on fiber.  Fiber is an important part of digestion, but it is also filling and free. Why do I say this?  It can be subtracted from your carbohydrate count because although it is a carbohydrate, you cannot digest…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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A time to refocus on the plan for 2017.   I have completed one month of 2017.  This post is a monthly progress report to hold myself accountable.  My goal remains unchanged.  I want to try to get to 190 pounds and 18% body fat.   I will then shift to maintenance.  I am pretty…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Plan, Progress Report, Weight, Weight Loss

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The odds are that you have already given up of violated your New Year's resolution. We are one month into resolution season.  Millions of us made the decision to take the plunge into a new plan to accomplish a self-improvement goal.  Statistics show that 40% of Americans will…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Fail, New Year's, New Year's Resolution, Reasons, Resolution, Weight Loss

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A delicious recipe for a cold day. A tasty recipe for a soup that replaces some of the noodles with vegetables.  It is a delicious soup that you will enjoy and best of all it is balanced with starch, meat, and lots of vegetables.  This soup will fill you up and keep you full for…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken Noodle, Healthy, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Measure You Waist Circumference I have seen quite a few folks trying to lose weight that were very distressed by hitting a plateau.  Using only a scale is a terrible way to look at your progress.  They always report doing the right thing with their…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Central Obesity, Tape Measure, Waist Circumference, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tip

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Recent weight loss research found that long-term weight loss is difficult.   Obesity I found an article just after the holidays that was very depressing for me.  While searching for research to back up another post, I found an article on CBC - Canada entitled "Obesity Research Confirms Long-term Weight Loss Almost Impossible"​[1]​ that touted…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Long-term, Research, Success, Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance

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A tender and juicy chicken recipe that is exploding with bold TexMex flavors. It is great to spend a week at home and today I am making one of my family's favorite meals. The best part is that is is a healthy meal that can jump-start your path to better health. The only weakness is it…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Chile, Lime, Recipe

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Whey Supplementation Helps with Weight Loss.   WP Powder with Scoop What is whey protein (WP)?  Proteins are the building blocks of our bodies and are made of chains of amino acids. Simply put, whey is one of the two proteinaceous compounds found in milk, with the other being casein.  When a coagulant called renin…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Body Fat, Casein, Fat Loss, Muscle Mass, Obesity, Protein, Weight Loss, Whey

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Frozen and prepackaged meals can be a healthy option. Man and Microwave Meal Our society is increasingly on the go and has less downtime than many of our counterparts in the world. With the increased time at work and travel to and from, we look for more convenient ways to feed our families. Frozen and…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Dinners, Foods, Frozen, Meals, Microwave, Nutrition, Packaged, Processed, Weight Loss

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Pasta can be a very fulfilling meal, but can it be healthy? Not all noodles are created equal.  Even within the same brand, there may be a drastic difference in the nutritional content.  Because we enjoy pasta but want to eat healthily, we compared the nutrition information to help us choose the best.   As with…
Categories: Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Healthier Pasta, Protein, Weight Loss

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A Single Additional Bottle of Cold Water Can Lead to Significant Weight Loss Glass of Water This is one of my quick tip articles.  Before we hit the research, let's discuss some background information.  Water is an essential element in our diets.  Our bodies have a need for water that is relentless to function efficiently.  The amount…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Boost Metabolism, Calorie, Quick Tip, Research, Water, Weight Loss

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There are healthier tortillas for you to enjoy. So, you have decided to improve your diet. This concept brings up a lot of questions.  Where do you start?  What do you need to change?  Do you go low calorie, low carbohydrate, high fiber, high protein, or any combination of the above?  The wraps you use…
Categories: Nutrition, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Choice, Flour, Healthy, High Fiber, Low Carb, Nutrition, Review, Tortilla

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Meal timing study shows promise in helping people shed body fat It has long been postulated that the key to weight loss is eating breakfast and not skipping meals.  It appears that a recent study breaks this concept particularly.  A study at the University of Alabama Birmingham found…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Dinner, Earlier, Meal Skipping, Meal Time, Research

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Splurges are a quick way to derail your diet.   Don't let a single slip up ruin your progress or knock you off the wagon.  The big thing is you need to not let one slip up turn into a whole day, month, or week of slip ups.  You cannot…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Derail, Diet, Slip Up, Weight Loss

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New data shows red meat has neutral effect on cardiovascular disease risk factors Red meat has long been vilified for causing heart disease for the last 20-30 years.  Just like dairy and butter, red meat and the saturated fat contained within it has long been tied to heart disease.…
Categories: Research
Tags: Cardiovascular, Moderation, Red Meat, Research, Weight Loss

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Can running excessively cause hip and knee arthritis?   Running is an excellent form of exercise if your body can take the pounding.  You can burn over 500 calories per hour.  One of the questions many patients ask is if it will increase your risk of degenerative or osteoarthritis (OA).…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Arthritis, Cartlidge, Degenerative, Exercise, Jogging, Joint, Knee, OA, Obesity, Osteoarthritis, Research, Running, Study, Walking, Weight Loss

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Low-carbohydrate Diets May Be Better For Weight Loss Than a Low-fat Alternative. As we enter the post-holiday period, most of us begin to focus on recovering from all the parties and feasts.  Most have gained a little poundage over the holidays, and now we plan to lose the extra that we gained around our waistlines.…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Low Carb, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss

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[pullquote]When eating out, ask for the salad dressing on the side.  This way, you can eat only the dressing you want.  [/pullquote]Weight loss tip #1 is very simple.  Eating out is a trap for those trying to lose weight.  The foods can be high in calories and…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Salad Dressing, Weight Loss Tip

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A Challenge of Terminology: Overweight or Overfat Overfat One of the problems with our current state of diet, weight loss, and obesity in the United States is the language we use. Every article I read refers to weight loss when they mean fat loss. I am no different because I interchange the worse at will.…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Body Fat, Obesity, Overfat, Overweight, Research, Weight Loss

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Is there a healthy alternative to corn-based tortilla chips? Strapping on the feed bag in front of the TV is harder to avoid as you watch your favorite football team.  Our falls are spent in tailgate party binge eating and drinking copious amounts of alcohol.  Snack foods are the bane of weight loss and maintenance.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Tortilla Chips, Weight Loss

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My Lessons from a Dietician Nutrition and Calories I recently attended a nutrition class that was offered for free at a local hospital.  It was an interesting class.  Many of the things discussed were things that we already know.  Don’t eat junk food.  Eat more fiber.  Eat more fruits and vegetables.  Reduce red meat consumption. …
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Body, Body Fat, Dietician, Eat, Fat, Nutrition, Registered, Weight

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Chew More Slowly, Lose More Weight Woman Chewing Chocolate It has been widely postulated that eating slower or completely chewing your food will increase satiety or suppress your appetite.  In medicine and health research, folks often say things based on experience but with our any proof.  For years, my wife has nagged me to eat…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Chew, Chewing, Satiety, Supress, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Cardiovascular risk reduction benefits may continue five years after weight loss program ends. Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Need another reason to lose weight.  This study evidence may motivate you to lose weight.  More motivation is a good thing, and hopefully, this will push you to success.  The bottom line is that even a small amount…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Risk Factors, Weight Loss, Why WAIT

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Obesity in parents may be an indicator of developmental delays in children.   Obese Family We all know that obesity is not good for the individual and that families who are overweight tend to brood children that are overweight, but is your weight bad for your children's health.  Although the research is not definitive, there is…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Delays, Development, Obesity, Research

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Are you discouraged at the progress in meeting your New Years Resolution? We are at the one-week mark and between 1-3 weeks is where quite a few of us will become discouraged and plan on quitting their plan.  No matter whether you plan to save more, lose weight, live a healthy lifestyle, or improve your…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Discourage, New Year's, Plan, Refocus, Resolutions

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Aspiration Therapy for obesity; a Safe and Effective Treatment or the 21st Century Tape Worm. In obesity, you have to understand the root of what causes most obesity.  Most obesity is not caused by a magical endocrine disorder or metabolic shortcoming that hinders someone from losing weight.  The problem in…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: AspireAssist, Obesity, Research, Therapy, Weight Loss

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Does Food Flavor Lead to Obesity? We all have foods that we crave.  The mere thought of eating them brings the flavor to mind and makes our mouths water.  It has often been postulated that sweet or fatty flavors by themselves might cause obesity.  Fat, sugar, and carbohydrates have been vilified as culprits when discussing…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Flavor, Myth, Obesity, Research, Weight Gain

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Why haven't I lost weight? I have said this before, but it is time to review this topic as we enter into the new year.  We are impatient and expect instant changes.  Weight loss takes time, and you need avoid becoming discouraged.   Weight loss and fitness require a lot of effort that is more…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Advice, Homor, Weight Loss

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Sleep can help you lose weight and avoid obesity and cravings.  We all know that sleep is essential for optimal health.  We do not function efficiently without enough sleep, and we are just plain grumpy if our sleep is interrupted, but we still fail to get enough good quality…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Craving, Obesity, Rem, Rem Sleep, Sleep, Sucrose, Weight Loss

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A new start and plan for the start of 2017.   As we enter into the New Year.  I plan a monthly progress report to hold myself accountable.  I am pretty close to where I want to be.  I have lost over 30 pounds and 10 percent body fat.  That is not bad for 4-5 months.…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Plan, Progress Report, Weight, Weight Loss

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Life with less CRAP.     Ok, I have to admit that I do not live very healthy.  I lost a bunch of weight over the years, but I have failed to keep it off.  Once again, I have started to gain it off.  My dietary indiscretion is…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Goals, New Year's, New Year's Resolution, Resolution, Weight Loss

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New Year's Resolutions rarely come to fruition.   We rarely put a lot of time and effort into planning our New year's resolutions.  We make many unrealistic and idealistic plan to change our lives after a night full of alcohol induced delusions…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, New Year, New Year's Resolution, Resolution, Weight, Weight Loss

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Alcohol is the diet destroyer.   Quite a few of us enjoy social time after work and the relaxing and sedating effects of a drink.  It is a part of our society's traditions.  I am no different.  I love a good glass of bourbon and…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Alcohol, Diet Destroyer, Diet Killer, Moderation, Weight Loss

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Apple Cider Vinegar: The Magic Bullet? Apple cider vinegar I can remember as a child that we always made apple butter and cider in the last summer in West Virginia. We would gather at the family farm to pick apples and press them for cider. I love the stuff and miss those simpler days of…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Apple Cider Vinegar, Blood Sugar, Fat Loss, Satiety, Vinegar, Weight Loss

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Taxing Obesity: That will teach those overeaters!   Ultimately, what may be needed to address the obesity problem are direct taxes on body weight. - Jonathan Gruber This is the way many liberals and politicians think.  Tax them and punish them for their bad behavior, and they will change.  How well have they worked out…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Obesity, Tax, Weight Loss

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Fruits and vegetables and fruits will help you lose weight.   Fruits and vegetables at a farmers market Americans, in general, eat too few fruits and vegetables.  Fruits and vegetables have several benefits that make them exceptionally beneficial for those trying to lose weight.  They tend to have more fiber than fruit juices but still have the…
Categories: Nutrition, Progress Report, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fruits, Nutrition, Research, Research Proven, Vegetables, Weight Loss

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Does diet soda help or hurt weight loss?   A cold glass of soda drink The recent bans and taxes in liberal cities to paternalistically protect you from the evils of sugar or carbonation are nothing new.  The bullseye on soda or carbonated sweetened drinks has been around for a long time and they want you…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Artificial sweeteners, Aspartame, Diet Soda, Nutrasweet, Weight Loss

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How to survive with your sanity after the holidays with your family. I have often thought about a vacation in sub-Sahara Africa during the holiday season to avoid my family.  I guess I could play possum or just stop answering the door and phone.  I love my family, but ten…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Alcohol, Anxiety, Christmas Tips, Holiday Tips, Stress

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Merry Christmas Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.   This is a great time of year to enjoy you family so from my family to yours, Merry Christmas.  Enjoy the family time and don't worry about your diet.  As I have said many times this year, have a great day and don't go "hog wild".  The less…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Merry Christmas, Wish

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Ways to control you portion size Weight loss is not an easy task.  Most dieters have no idea of what a portion size is and how to moderate the intake of various foods they eat in a given day.  When we sit down to eat, the last thing…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Portion Control, Weight Loss

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Obesity and High Blood Pressure AKA Hypertension Diabetes and Hypertension affect many Americans. Hypertension is at epidemic levels, and like diabetes, high blood pressure is a silent killer. The number of people living with hypertension is predicted to be over 1.5 billion worldwide in less than…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Blood Pressure, Hypertension, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Merry Christmas and let's pack on the pounds! Holidays are times of plenty and food is no different.  The goal is to enjoy yourself without digging a hole too big to escape from in the new year.  I’m not going to advocate that you should attempt…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Christmas, Holiday Parties, Holiday Season, Weight Loss

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The perfect dip and dressing made a little healthier. I want to make something that I could dip Buffalo Strips in during the football games so here you go, but what are Bafflo strips without ranch dip. The best part is that this dip goes great with Buffalo or vegetables. If you want it as a…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Healthy, Ranch, Recipe

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Understanding Prediabetes, Diabetes, and Obesity This post will hopefully help individuals understand how excess weight puts them at a higher risk of developing pre-diabetes and diabetes. Most with a weight problem are not aware they are predisposed for pre-diabetes and diabetes until symptoms of type 2 diabetes begin to show. Even then it takes time…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Nutrition, Obesity, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Metabolic Syndrome: Is it more than just overweight? What is metabolic syndrome?  Metabolic syndrome, aka Syndrome X, is a common condition that is every bit as prevalent as the common cold and likely way more expensive for us to treat.  Nearly 50 million Americans have metabolic syndrome, and it has a family, age-related, and ethnic…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Metabolic Syndrome, Nutrition, Obesity, Weight Loss

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Losing Weight Can Expand Your Wallet While Trimming Your Waist! The number of Americans that are overweight or obese is approximately 72 million per the CDC.  Most are not motivated to lose weight but obviously, we are or you would not be on this website.  What can I do to…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: List, Money, Save Money, Waist Line, Wallet, Weight Loss

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Obesity humor is not just a joke. A positive attitude and confidence can empower successful weight loss, but how is it possible if we continue to pile on with derogatory and sarcastic humor from all angles that make fun of and diminishes the problem and ridicules the individual.  A negative attitude can make losing weight difficult or…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Attitude, Confidence, Editorial, Energy, Negative, Positive, Weight Loss

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Calories differ based on the source.   Calorie Definition A calorie is a single measurement of energy, and each calorie is the same in terms of energy.  If they come from a different source, are they different in the way they affect the human body based on the laws of physics and thermodynamics?  Are all calories are created equal…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: A Calorie Is Not A Calorie, Calorie, Calories Are Not Calories, Macronutrients, Protein, Research, Weight Loss

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Healthier Buffalo Chicken Tenders This a very tasty version of my favorite recipe.  My wife makes this for me and my son and he loves it.  It does well with a healthy version of ranch she often makes to dip for the tenders and celery in.  If you are interested in ranch recipe, visit "Recipe:…
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Buffalo Chicken, Healthier Buffalo Chick Tenders Recipe, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Do Carbohydrates Help or Hurt Weight Loss? Carbohydrates have been vilified over the years.  The Adkin's diet and other low carbohydrate diets have highlighted carbs as the primary cause of our obesity problem in the United States.  Is there any truth to this claim or is this just hype to sell books and low-carb foods?   Research…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Carbohydrates, Frutose, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Research Proven, Sugars, Weight Loss

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The December Lull The end of November and early December have not been conducive to sticking to a healthy lifestyle.  There have been a lot of parties and social functions.  That with the changing of the weather, I have not been exercising as much, and I have…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Maximize Fat Loss What dieters should focus on is fat loss and not weight loss.  Ultimately, maximizing fat loss is all about calories in versus calories out and a total deficit of 3500 calories to lose 1 pound of body weight[1].  This fact is true, but how much less should you eat to…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Caloric Balance, Fat Loss, Maximizing Fat Loss, Weight Loss

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Fresh is better but frozen is fine! Frozen Food Isle I can remember, as a child, my grandmother telling me that flash foods were better than frozen foods. If you think about it, it makes sense that fresh food would be better for you than frozen food. Frozen food is processed and well, fresh food…
Categories: Nutrition
Tags: Fresh, Frozen, Fruits, Nutrition, Vegetables

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Withings Pedometer  Bottom Line Up Front:  This is a good and effective pedometer.  It just plain works and has a lot of great features which are listed below.   Pedometers come in all shapes, colors, and sizes.   This particular model is the perfect shape and size to fit on your belt and the buttons are in the…
Categories: Exercise, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Electroncis, Exercise, Fitness, Pedometer, Walking, Withings

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Color Up Your Food and Dinner Plate for Weight Loss When I started to research this as a topic after reading an article on colors of plates and weight loss, I thought this topic is crazy.  The color of a plate is not going to cause someone to lose weight.  What inherent property would a…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Hunger, Plate Color, Research, Satiety, Weight Loss

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Obesity is not due to Poor Self-Discipline. I do not know how many times during my years in the military have I heard an officer and enlisted Soldier refer to someone overweight as weak.  It is more than just willpower and a decision to be thin.  It is 100% false that weight gain/loss is all about…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Weight Gain, Weight Loss, Willpower

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Can Calcium Increase Weight Loss I already did an article that showed research raving that yogurt can help with weight loss.  We are told that milk and calcium are good for the bones and teeth.  I have read that calcium can do it also, but is there research to back that up?   Pouring milk Research on…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetitie, Calcium, Dairy, Fat Loss, Weight Loss

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Low-fat and Fat-free foods often contain as many or more calories as the full fat versions. In college, I remember when the avalanche of low-fat and fat-free products hit the market.  People flocked to the stores to buy and try these new products.  The marketing had sole them as a way to manage calories and eat…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fat-free, Lose Weight, Low-fat, Myth, Nutrition

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Can Coconut Oil Help with Weight Loss? Almost everyone who is dieting wants to find a quick way to maximize weight loss. We all know there are no magic bullets to weight loss, but there are some things that might help us increase our weight loss were assist with maintenance.  Could coconut oil be one of those…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coconut, Coconut Oil, Research, Research Proven, Weight Loss

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The Bod Pod: Body Fat Percentages  The Bod Pod is the Cadillac of body fat percentages.  I have a scale in the bathroom and it does electrical impedance.  They are notorious for being 12 percentages off depending on hydration.  I decided to have the measurement done at our local wellness center to see where I…
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Bod Pod, Body Composition, Body Fat, Motivation, Weight Loss

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Spicy Food Are Key to Lasting Weight Loss It has long been postulated that spicy foods can help to speed up your metabolism.  Capsaicin, which is the active ingredient in hot peppers, makes you sweat like you just exercised, but does it affect your metabolism?  Do chilies raise your body temperature and require your body to…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Hot Peppers, Research, Spicy Foods, Weight Loss

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Doughnut are Satan's Minions Doughnuts are one of those things that are very hard to resist.  They are exceptionally delicious and I might even say addictive but they are also poisoned to your waistline.  They make you feel good with a euphoria that is to some as addictive as heroin.  There is nothing like the…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Doughnuts, Evils, Fat, Obesity, Sugar. Editorial

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Egg Taco: a simple breakfast treat you family will love. This recipe is a very tasty breakfast meal that is easy to make. tacos are a key staple in Texas. I have grown fond of them during my time at Fort Hood. My family have grown to prefer them over a breakfast sandwich. I have…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Egg Taco, Eggs, Healthy, Recipe, Taco, Tex Mex

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 Diet Is Better Than Exercise  There is plenty of research out there that indicates that diet is better than exercise.  We've been taught that exercise is so important for weight loss.  I absolutely hate doing to the gym.  The question is, is it true that diet is better than exercise to lose weight? A lot…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Exercise, Proven, Research, Weight Loss

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How to Incorporate Exercise into Your Day Push Ups Ok, it is Monday after a weekend.  I hit the snooze button too much and now I have to play catch up on my steps.  Don't let your work schedule get in the way of 10,000 steps.  In an ideal situation, I would have gotten up at…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Weight Loss, Work

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A simple Tex-Mex dish that is also healthy. Tex Mex Pizza A delicious and simple recipe for Mexican pizza your family will love. Mexican Pizza is delicious as a pizza crust or flour tortilla topped with any number of toppings. You can add beans, beef, cheese, sour cream, onions, tomatoes, jalapeños, or even guacamole. The…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Mexican Pizza, Pizza, Recipe, Weight Loss

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 [pullquote]“I am in shape. Round is a shape.”- Anonymous[/pullquote]  We spend a lot of time and effort on losing weight.  American's spend billions on supplements, health clubs, and weight loss books.  There is no quick fix so make a pledge today to change.  The key to last weight loss is making a change that sticks.…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inspiration, Quite, Weight Loss

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 Can I Eat Eggs and Lose Weight?   Eggs in a bowl. Successful weight loss is as simple as making good decisions for your breakfast.  Adding eggs to your diet may be one of the easiest things to do if you’re trying to lose weight.  Eggs are cheap, easy to make,  and they are a great source…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Eggs, Proven, Research, Weight Loss

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Happy Thanksgiving Today is the day of plenty.  Please enjoy your Thanksgiving.   Tomorrow is another day. The most important thing about Thanksgiving is you should feel no regret and no guilt.  Focus on recovery tomorrow.  Tomorrow I will post an article on attempts to…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Happy Thanksgiving

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Thanksgiving is almost here! Thanksgiving is the holiday of over indulgence.  The cornucopia of plenty is a threat to any diet.   Many surveys indicate that the average weight gain during Thanksgiving is approximately 5 pounds for each American.  …
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Obesity, Road Bump, Thanksgiving, Weight Gain

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Can I eat at McDonald's and still maintain a healthy lifestyle?   McWeight Fat food is the biggest minefield for dieters.   You are on the road and want something fast and your family chooses McDonald's.  Although it is not the best choice, you can still control your portion size and eat somewhat healthy.   Breakfast:…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Eating Healthy, McDonald, Weight Loss

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Omega-3: An Appetite Suppressant?  There is no such thing as a sure thing or a magic bullet when it comes to weight loss.  Around the globe, obesity and obesity-related illnesses represent a major public health challenge. The prognosis for citizens of the United States is exceptionally poor.  Unfortunately, there is no sunrise on the horizon and…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fatty Acid, Leptin, Omega-3, Weight Loss

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Leptin: the hormone that suppresses appetite  Many dieters struggle with weight loss because of their feelings of hunger.  They try to lose weight but their appetite gets in the way.  Many have tried unsafe fad diets that are based on science but do not fully understand the science behind them.  Recently, I wrote an article…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Ghrelin, Hunger, Leptin, Obesity, Sateity, Satiety, Weight Loss

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Obstacles to a Diet During Travel  Travel during the holidays presents several road bumps.  Road trips, air travel, changing schedules, eating Thanksgiving or Christmas dinners, Chanukah and its emphasis on dairy and foods fried in oil.  The list of challenges is as endless as the different ways we celebrate the holidays. …
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Hints, Holiday, Obesity, Travel, Weight Loss

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Obesity and weight gain are the bain of fitness. [pullquote]“If you keep on eating unhealthy food than no matter how many weight loss tips you follow, you are likely to retain weight and become obese. If only you start eating healthy food, you will be pleasantly surprised how easy it is to lose weight.”  ― Subodh…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inpirational, Obesity, Quote, Weight Gain

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 Progress Report: 17 November 2016 I am now almost 4 months into my new path to health.  I have been scaling back my exercise and I am now only down about 250-500 calories per day which should result in 1/2 to 1 pounds of weight loss per week.  I am down almost 38 pounds in…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Ice Cream: The Frozen Nectar of Satan Ice cream is a fantastic thing unless of course, you are lactose intolerant then it is worse than the frozen nectar of stain.  You can get the yogurt version or lactose-free but they are not the same.  Ice cream is sweet can creamy cold goodness that our parents reward…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Dessert, Ice Cream, Road Bump, Weight Loss

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[pullquote]The number of kids affected by obesity has tripled since 1980, and this can be traced in large part to lack of exercise and a healthy diet. - Virginia Foxx[/pullquote]One of my pet peeves is seeing many of the folks riding around stores on a motorized shopping cart.  Before you get mad, I am not criticizing…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Disability, Food For Thought, Handicap, Motorized Carts

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Ghrelin: The Gremlin of Hunger Hormones If you talk to the average American, they have heard of adrenalin, insulin, and cortisol.  If you mention ghrelin, they will probably think it was a corny 1980s film about little creatures that you should not feed at night or give water.  This one is almost as sinister and…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Appetite, Ghrelin, Hormone, Hunger, Obesity, Weight Gain

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Stress as Cause of Weight Gain This a continuation of part 1.  Cortisol, as indicated in part one, is a stress steroid hormone. Many health experts say cortisol is public enemy number one. Researchers and doctors alike have indicated that it is a major cause of poor health in patients with chronic elevated stress and…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Stress Reduction, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Comfort foods can add to your midsection. The best comfort food will always be greens, cornbread, and fried chicken. -  Maya Angleou Comfort foods are foods we use to soothe our anxiety and depression.  They make us calm and increase endorphins.  For me, my comfort food is pizza or pepperoni rolls  Heck, I will take…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Comfort, Food, Thought

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Stress and Cortisol: a struggle with Obesity This is the first of a four-part article on stress and cortisol.  If you understand stress and cortisol, you will understand one reason why Americans are getting fatter and fatter.  Sure we overeat, but stress and cortisol are arguably the main reasons why. What is Stress? Stress is…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cortisol, Stress, Weight, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Cortisol: The Beer Gut Hormone Steroid hormone cortisol (hydrocortisone) structural formula Cortisol is a steroid hormone of the glucocorticoid class that is made and released by the Adrenal Glands in response to stress (Examples of glucocorticoid-like hormones are hydrocortisone and prednisone).  The adrenals located above each kidney.  It is often released in hard times to…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cortisol, Hormones, Obesity, Weight Loss

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The Hormones of Weight Gain and Loss Nearly two-thirds of Americans are either overweight of obese.  Medical providers are overwhelmed by the consequences of poor dietary and lifestyle decisions.  Obesity results in deaths from illnesses such as hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes type 2, heart disease, high cholesterol, and stroke.  Weight gain and obesity is…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Hormones, Obesity, Weight Loss

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A simple chicken dish that is easy to make. This is an easy main course to put together.  Enjoy this chicken in a high-fiber wrap with a side of veggies and you have a quick and simple meal. You family will love this dish and ask for it regularly.
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Overeating is one reason we are overweight. It does not matter if you are trying to maintain weight loss or if you are just starting to lose weight, the reasons for less-than-successful weight loss are the same.  You have decided to make a change and are careful to know portion sizes and eat healthy choices, but…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: List, Loss, Overeat, Reasons, Weight

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A simple but healthier twist on a family favorite. I have to admit that I love Italian.  I have a weakness for a simple pasta and meat sauce and I am looking for ways to make a quick dish that I can make and put in bowls in my refrigerator to eat for dinner for…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Italian, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Exercise: Slow Return to Running If you have not figured it out yet, I am in the US Military.  The military is very interested in readiness and part of readiness is being able to run from incoming fire.  I can run if you chase me with a baseball bat.  In fact, I am pretty sure…
Categories: Exercise
Tags: Exercise, Running, Slow, Walking

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Family Food Preferences Not all of us have the option of preparing meals for just one.  Some of us have to consider our family, friends, roommates, etc. when choosing the weekly menu, shopping, and preparation of meals.  With Chuck living away for work, I must feed myself and our son.  The problem comes in that…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Family Food Preferences, Road Bump

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Type 2 Diabetes can be slowed or prevented. “No disease that can be treated by diet should be treated with any other means.” ― Maimonides Diabetes Diabetes type II or adult-onset diabetes is a genetic disease that is diet and nutrition-related.  If your parents have it, you likely have the gene that will give you this disease.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Diabetes, Diet, Food, Nutrition, Thought

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Fiber will fill you up and keep you full longer. I posted an article on the benefits of fiber.  This is going to be a multiple part series on high fiber foods you need to add to your diet on a regular basis.  I have found that if I get 30-50 grams of fiber in…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, High Fiber Foods, Nutrition

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Exercise can help, but a flat belly is made in the Kitchen. "I got kicked out of ballet class because I pulled a groin muscle.  It wasn't mine." - Rita Rudner  Exercise motivation is tough.  Many morning that I have planned to exercise ended with me rolling over and burying my face in the pillow…
Categories: Exercise
Tags: Exercise, Quote, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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This is my 3 month progress report on my path to better health. I met my first goal and have a new plan.  I have completed 3 months of my path to health.  I am very happy with my progress and I passed my physical fitness test and I am near being the most fit I…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Fitness, Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Alcohol does not have too derail weight loss, but it can.  Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy. - Frank Sinatra Ok, we all know that alcohol is full of calories, but we continue to drink it.  This point I would make is that if you can avoid alcohol,…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Alcohol, Quote, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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Spicy Red Pepper Hummus : A healthier option than nachos It is Saturday and this is a great recipe for game day.  Yes, I know it is not nacho cheese, but you can dip with vegetable chips or bean chips and save a whole lot of calories.  This is a spicy hummus that will make you…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Recipe, Weight Loss

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Even a cheap pedometer will work if you use it. Bottom Line Up Front:  This is a cheap but effective pedometer.  It is made in China and I purchased it for about $2 dollars and that included shipping. Pedometers come in all shapes, colors, and sizes.   Most are not the most accurate at measuring steps…
Categories: Exercise, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Fitness, Healthy, Pedometer, Walking, Weight Loss

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"Stressed spelled backward is desserts. Coincidence? I think not!" ~Author Unknown Chips, nachos and curls This a small food for thought on the simple things you can remove from your diet and how much weight you could lose in a year if you avoid them.  We are going to focus on sugar and junk food today.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Food For Thought, Junk Food, Weight Loss

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The key to weight loss is a negative calorie balance.   Calculator I know this seems like a simple concept, but many cannot accomplish this simple task.  If you want to lose weight, you must create a deficit of calories.  It is this simple if you eat too many calories, you will lose weight, and…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Calorie Deficit, Weight Loss

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Low-calorie foods might not be the answer. Eating Cardboard   "A gourmet who thinks of calories is like a tart who looks at her watch." -   ~ James Beard Everyone thinks that foods that are high in calories are unhealthy.  I will refute this right now.  Plain and simple, this is untrue.  Cardboard is…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Food For Thought, High-calorie Foods

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Seventeen tips to help start your weight loss right. Whenever you strive to change, making the decision is the first step.  Pat yourself on the back for making that decision.  You have already accomplished the first hurdle.  You now need to be confident in your decision and have a positive attitude.  As your blood sugar…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: List, Motivation, Strategies, Weight Loss

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An introduction to Portion Control One of the most common reasons for failure in weight loss is overeating.  No matter if you are trying to lose weight or just start eating healthier the first thing you need to learn is portion control.  The first step is to really understand what a portion or serving size…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Portion Control, Weight Loss

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Disciple is a key to success in weight loss. I tried every diet in the book. I tried some that weren’t in the book. I tried eating the book. It tasted better than most of the diets.~Dolly Parton Discipline So you need a little inspiration to get you motivated to avoid the food you crave.…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inspiration, Quote, Weight Loss

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I am still trying to lose weight. I struggle and make progress. Hopefully, I am finally on the right track. Cross your fingers and we will get there.  We have miles to go, but each day is one step closer.  
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Motivation is one key for weight loss success. The Way Get Started Is To Quit Talking And Begin Doing. ~ Walt Disney I have found it difficult to stay motivated and have to admit that I often fail to meet my target.  More times than not, I get backed into a corner and have no choice but to lose…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Motivation, Weight Loss

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Weight training can assist with weight loss. Lifting Weights If you understand how you burn calories, you understand why it is important to keep muscle mass.  Weight lifting is one way to protect and build more muscle mass.   Many consider weight liftings or residence training to be one of the most important methods of…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss, Weight Training

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Bottom Line Up Front:  This is a very cheap but effective pedometer.  It is made in China and I purchased it for about three dollars including shipping. Pedometers come in all shapes, colors, and sizes.   Most are not extremely accurate at measuring steps or feature-rich choice, but it is great at estimating how close…
Categories: Exercise, Review, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Fitness, Fitness Electronics, Pedometer, Weight Loss

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I am not sure I know who said it, but I found it online.  Today I needed come inspiration.  I reassess my goals and I would like to get to 199 pounds and 18 percent body fat.  I am currently at 208 and 22.5 percent.  The body post and metabolic testing in 3-4 weeks should help…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inspirational Quote, Weight Loss

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More improvement.   I am below my goal now.  I am reassessing my goals.   Weight:  If you look at figure 1.  I lost 5.4 pounds this week.  I do not think the weight gain was real.  Some of the weights were a different…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report

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Even more weight loss mistakes to avoid. You plan you diet carefully and limit snack to only the healthier foods.  But are you making good choices.  This series is all about looking at the not so smart choices you might have made.   Low-fat diets:  Recent studies have debunked the age-old claims that we should…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Loss, Mistakes, Weight, Weight Loss. Nutrition

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Beef Nachos Ok, it is college game day, and of course, who does not like nachos on game day?  This is a healthier twist to a game-time treat. This recipe is one your whole family will enjoy and come back asking for more. It might even give you healthy snacks while helping you…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Healthy, Nachos, Recipe, Weight Loss

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I am now in Day 3 post vacation.  I was a little discouraged when I stepped on the scale and saw the numbers pop up on the screen.  The damn scale said 215 after 1 week of leave.  It just did not make sense.  I could not see how I could have gained nearly 6…
Categories: Progress Report
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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The slower pace will finish the race! One of the most important tips I can give you about starting slow.  If you start out from more sedentary or mild activity to level and try to go heavy or high-intensity exercise, you will likely either be unsuccessful or end in injury.  As you increase the intensity,…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise Tip, Go Slow

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After a little hiatus from logging my diet and exercise, I am back to using lose it.  I planned to do it while on vacation, but various things got in the way.  The number one obstacle was eating out.  I did well for a about a week and then I gave up.   [caption id="attachment_3684"…
Categories: Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Note, Weight Loss

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Time to back into the grind! I am on my way back from vacation.  Two flights and I will back in Texas.  I am going to miss my family but it is time to get back to work.  This is a two-fold problem because depression often starts and ends with eating.  We are funny animals.…
Categories: Progress Report
Tags: Return From Vacation, Weight Loss

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Not bad, but there is room for improvement.   I am 10 weeks out from where I started, and I just completed 13 days of vacation time. I knew it would be tough being at home. I have had a bunch of cake during my promotion ceremony and the days that followed. I that were…
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report

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Eating cake can derail your weight-loss train. Parties often involve a celebratory cake.  Cakes are full of sugar and fat.  The best of all is a buttercream cake.  The cake is often made pound cake which contains over a pound of butter and flour and that does not count what is in the icing.  How…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Cake, Nutrition, Road Bump, Weight Loss

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Fiber is filling and can assist with weight loss. We all know that fiber helps lower cholesterol and the risk of colon cancer.  In my opinion, when it comes to losing weight, a straightforward piece of advice may be more helpful than all the diet books, exercise, calorie counting, and portion measuring put together: Eat more…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss

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Rest and sleep and two keys to weight loss success. "Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise".Ben Franklin So should you walk up at 5 am and go out for a run?  Ben Franklin said that "Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise".  In the…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Rest, Road Bump, Sleep, Weight Loss

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Delicious garlic-filled recipe! Chicken, when cooked correctly, can be a delicious and nutritious meal.  When I was looking to lose weight, I found many of the recipes to be less than desirable.  I think you and your family will love this addition to your night-time rotation. This recipe is one that I really like.…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe
Tags: Healthy, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Water can help you lose weight. Americans are estimated to be 5-10% dehydrated, but too much water can be just as fatal as dehydration.  I would suspect that this estimate is low based on my trips to the grocery store.  Everyone I saw was loading their cart full of soda and coffee.  Both of these may…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Research, Water, Weight Loss

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Peer pressure may be the root of all weight gain evil! One of the biggest obstacles to success in weight loss or weight loss management is peer pressure. Peer Pressure You are out to eat with your family and they decide they want to order dessert or your son opens the box of Oreos.  Oreo…
Categories: Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Peer Pressure, Research, Road Bump, Weight Loss

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Pedometers and The number of steps needed for a healthy lifestyle. If you buy a pedometer, smartwatch, or fitness tracker like a Fitbit, chances are the device will encourage you to take 10,000 steps a day. But do you have to walk this much to be healthy?   There are many recommendations on how many…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Electronics, Exercise, Fitness, Fitness Electronics, Steps, Walking, Weight Loss

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This report is going to be slightly different from the prior the prior reports.    I met my goal and now weight approximately 211 pounds.     You will notice that I have gained a few…
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report

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Coffee can jump start your weight loss plan. Coffee is a nectar of the gods.  It is miraculous what it does to me each morning.  It truly wakes me from my zombielike state each morning.  It starts every day for many around the world.   I can speak for my administrative assistant and she thanks our maker…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coffee, Research, Satiety, Weight Loss

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Airport Food: The options are slim and unhealthy. Airline meal I am in the airport in Dallas and I have to say it is a nice airport.  With a 2 hour layover, I have plenty of time to walk steps in the airport.  The open area and walkways between terminals will allowed me to get…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Airplane Food, Nutrition, Road Bump, Weight Loss

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Travel and weight loss: a bumpy road. Ok, I am on my first big trip to take a vacation.  That is actually two obstacle to continuing my health kick.  One is traveling and the other being on vacation.  I plan to attack this differently than I have in the past.  In the past, I would take…
Categories: Weight Loss

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The magic of a pedometer is simple math. Ok.  The key to knowing more about pedometers is to know how the math works.  If you understand the math, you understand the science and mechanism behind the wizard that is a pedometer.  They are not all that complicated until you get to the smartwatch. Americans are…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Electronics, Exercise, Fitness, Fitness Electronics, Steps, Walking, Weight Loss

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A smaller plate can lead to a smaller waist. I know it sounds ridiculous.  I have heard for years that using a smaller bowl or plate will help you eat less.  Today, when we eat out, our portions are huge, and they seem to get larger every year.  We truly are not only supervising our…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Research, Smaller Plate, Weight Loss

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Garcinia Cambogia is probably one to avoid! Source: Garcinia Cambogia Fruit which is a small green to pale yellow fruit that is shaped a like a pumpkin.  It is grown in Southeast Asia and Africa and is also know as brindleberry, Malabar tamarind, and kudam puli.   Garcinia cambogia…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Garcinia Cambogia Extract, Research, Supplement, Weight Loss

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We are at 8 weeks and I am getting much closer to my goal and I lost 2.3 pounds lost.  I too one day off. Exercise: During the seventh week, I had a…
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Research, Weight Loss

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Whey protein may help you lose weight. Whey Protein is one of the most common supplements for muscle building and weight loss.  I have heard a lot of outlandish claims about it.  I remember a press conference on YouTube a few years ago when one of the better-known companies claimed a higher rate of muscle…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Protein, Supplement, Weight Loss. Whey

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Green tea boosts fat loss. Green tea has been widely recommended for just about anything that you can think up.  This liquid cure-all from the Orient is full of antioxidants and metabolism boosters.  The taste takes some time to get used to it, but once you do, it can be very pleasant. The question remains:…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Green Tea, Research, Weight Loss

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A pedometer can assist with accountability. Why buy a pedometer?  Many folks will tell you you are wasting your money if you buy a fitness tracker or pedometer.  Buying one has many benefits, but are they worth the investment?  How do pedometers help me with fitness and weight loss? Pedometer Why buy a pedometer? Pedometers…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Fitness Electronics, History, Pedometer, Walking

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High protein diets may help with weight loss. High Protein Foods How does protein consumption affect weight loss?  I am not going o discuss a particular source of protein.  This is a post reviewing general research on the amount of protein consumption and weight loss.   The fad diets are out there.  Everyone has heard…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: High Protein, Research, Weight Loss

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What is the history of pedometers?   Pedometers were first popular in the 1960s.  They gained fame in the 1964 Olympics in Japan as the 10,000 Step Meter or  Manpo-Kei.  This caused a fitness explosion in Japan and many walking clubs sprung into existence.  Even though this is when pedometers gained popularity, they have existed…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Fitness Electronics, History, Pedometer, Walking

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We are at 7 weeks and I am getting much closer to my goal.  Week 7 has been a week in which I climbed over the plateau from last week.   I did not take any days off and that is four weeks in a row without a day off.    Exercise: Figure…
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Research, Weight Loss

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Will Alli help with weight loss? Orlistat is a pharmaceutical drug, sold over-the-counter under the name Alli, and under prescription as Xenical.  It has been on the market since 1999.  In 2007, it was released for over-the-counter sales under the name Alli.  The difference between the two pills, Alli and Xenical, is dosage.  Alli is…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Nutrition, Review, Supplements, Weight Loss

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Calories from different sources are not the same. Cutting Calories I have had a lot of nutrition lectures.  Whether it was a medical instructor or a dietician that I visited when I was trying to lose weight, almost all of them said weight loss is all about calories.  Although this is true to a point, it…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Weight Loss

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Healthy, positive emotions are key to weight loss success. Weight loss quote with apple and tape measure If you are trying to lose right or get healthier, the worst thing you can do is feel that you have slipped up or are failing.  Regret and guilt will follow, and you will begin to worsen your eating…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Emotions, Weight Loss

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Eating Healthy In Restaurants Eating out with family and friends shouldn't be an excuse to eat unhealthy foods. This article contains five of the tips that I use to keep my calorie count down when I eat out.  Now, you can sit and enjoy your meal guilt-free.   So,  you can sit and enjoy the company of your family…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Eating Out, Nutrition, Restaurant, Weight Loss

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Does an illness need to derail your exercise plans? Should I exercise when I am sick?  This is not an exact answer.  But I will do my best to provide an answer.    What type of illnesses are we discussing? allergies colds coughs ear infections sinusitis tonsillitis throat infections (sore throat) Whether you should exercise…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Cold, Common Cold, Exercise, Heat Injury, Illness

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Green Coffee bean may help with weight loss, but it is probably not worth the risk. Green coffee beans are the seeds of the Coffee fruit.  They are simply normal coffee beans that haven’t been roasted.  When we roast coffee beans to produce drinking coffee, the process reduces the chemical chlorogenic acid level in the…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Green Coffee, Research, Supplements, Weight Loss

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What is a pedometer, and how does one work? A pedometer is a relatively simple device.  Pedometers are devices that are portable and electronic, mechanical, or electromechanical and count each step a person takes by detecting the motion of the user's hands or hips.  They can be a simple mechanical device that just counts steps or as complex as the modern sports…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Calorie Counter, Exercise, Fitness Electronics, Pedometer, Step Count, Step Counter

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We are at 6 weeks.  Week 6 has been a week in which I his a bit of a plateau.   I did not take any days off and that is three weeks in a row without a day off.    Exercise: Figure 1: Runtatsic Distance with Steps:  Above is the data from…
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Research, Weight Loss

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What is a healthy goal for weight loss? The problem with most dieters is they pick a target that is too lofty or unrealistic, and when they miss the mark, they become discouraged.  Being discouraged naturally leads to regret and guilt and these negation thoughts are not helpful with weight loss.  We are in the…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Smart Goals, Weight Loss

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Peanut butter can be a part of your weight loss plan. As a child, I loved to eat peanut butter sandwiches after exercise.  I used to have 1-2 after each football and basketball practice.  It is a staple food of many children and teenagers in America, but somewhere after that age,  peanut butter becomes vilified…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Peanut Butter, Research, Weight Loss

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Ok, here we are at 5 weeks.  Week 5 has been a good week week but not great.   I did not take a day off and that is two weeks in a row without a day off.   Drum roll please...... Exercise: Figure 1:  Runtastic Distance with Steps: This chart was created…
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Weight loss supplements provide limited weight loss assistance. Supplements The weight loss supplement industry is a billion-dollar industry.  There is a lot of research out there that seems to support the use of supplements to lose weight.  What is the truth behind the research and should I take supplements? There are all sorts of different…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Bad, Danger, Good, Myth, Supplements, Truth

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Good vs. Bad fats. Figure 1: Pound of Body Fat Disgusting fat! Would all of our weight loss problems be solved if we just eliminated fat from our diets? The simple answer is no, it's not that simple.  Fats are an important part of a healthy diet; you cannot live without them.  Essential fatty acids…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Healthy Fats, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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The real truth about supplements and myths:   Figure 1:  Mortal and Pestle: This how many herbs are ground up for medicinal use.     What is the truth about supplements? Many health-conscious Americans are taking a vitamin, mineral, or supplement today.  I believe natural medicine has a role in health and wellness.  I grew up…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Bad, Danger, Good, Myth, Supplements, Truth

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Not all carbs are bad. Sure, they all end up as simple sugars.  They all end up being stored as fat or burned for energy.   Products rich of complex carbohydrates. Now for the rest of the message: not all carbohydrates are the same.  There are two basic types of carbohydrates: simple and complex. This…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Bad, Carbohydrate, Carbs, Myth, Nutrition

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Yogurt could be one key to unlocking weight loss success. Yogurt One of the key lessons to achieving lasting weight loss is actually learning to eat correctly.  There are many foods that can be added to your diet to maximize weight loss or reduce weight gain.  One such food is yogurt.  There are plenty of…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Loss, Research, Weight, Weight Loss, Yogurt

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Medications are hit-and-miss for weight loss...mostly a miss. I recently had a request to write an article on weight loss medications.   As a physician, I try everything in my arsenal to avoid going this route with patients.  I would prefer that they not have to take medications, but some cannot lose weight without them.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Medications, Question, Supplements, Weight Loss

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Progress Report: Ok, here we are at one month.  Like a kid in the candy store I am eager to see how we have done.   Week 4 has been my best week so far.   I did not take a single day off.   Drum roll please... Exercise: Figure 1:  Runtastic…
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Exercise, Progress, Report, Weight Loss

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Weight loss mistakes make it more difficult. The is part 2 of the series.  I hope you find it helpful.   Obesity - Causes and Effects Dehydration:  Hydration is key and it is a research-proven method to lose weight and keep it off.  If you do not get enough fluids, you will gain weight.  There…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Loss, Mistakes, Weight, Weight Loss

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Interval Training can assist with weight loss We have all looked for exercise to help maximize weight loss.  Which ones work and which ones do not?  All exercise will work for weight loss if you have a calorie deficit, but some work better. What is interval training?  Interval training is a type of exercise that combines various…
Categories: Exercise, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Interval, Loss, Training, Weight Loss

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Thoughts of Quitting do not mean failure! Quitting Quote [pullquote]“Be the person that when your feet touch the floor in the morning the devil says, “aww shit.. they’re up…”  -- The Rock[/pullquote] We all think about quitting because weight loss seems so hard.  Focus on your goal and why you decided to take this quest,…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Inspirational Quote, Quitting, Weight Loss

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Eating healthy while eating out is not easy. Fast Food Restaurant I would prefer not to eat healthily when I eat out.  I would prefer just to eat what I want, but recently, I visited a restaurant that is a less common chain restaurant near Jacksonville, FL.  I reviewed the calorie content online as I…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dining, Eating, Out, Weight Loss

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Inspiration may help you start right! Here is a thought.  Get started with the first step to being healthier today.  Lose one-half pound per week.  That sounds like very little, and you may ask…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Inspiration, Quote, Weight Loss

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Avoiding mistakes is the key to success. Weight loss fail. Losing weight is not easy.  For some, the struggle to maintain a healthy weight, and others just give up and wallow in their obesity.  There are lots of mistakes you can make during your endeavor to lose weight.  These traps will lead to you ultimately failing…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Loss, Mistakes, Weight, Weight Loss

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Coffee can be a healthy part of nearly any diet. Cup of Coffee "Coffee is dangerous and unhealthy."  This is preposterous and untrue for most of us.  The reasoning behind this is coffee…
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Coffee, Dangerous, Mortality, Myth, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Chicken Wrap This recipe is for a wrap you and your family will love as a meal on the go or for dinner when you need a break.  The best part is that it can be made with leftovers.
Categories: Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Recipe, Rotissery, Weight Loss, Wrap

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Progress Report: I am making progress.  Week three is complete.  I did great this week.  This third week was a lot easier. I did take Sunday off this week. So how did I do?  Let take a look. Exercise: During the third week, I walked a…
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Loss, Nutrition, Progress, Report, Weight

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Smaller meals mean fewer calories...Maybe. Myth If you have health problems, discuss this and any dieting plans with your doctor or dietician.  They can help individualize your plan to your disease condition. One of the most common myths I hear is that it is better to eat 5-6 smaller meals rather than three larger meals. …
Categories: Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss
Tags: Myth, Research, Smaller Meals, Weight Loss

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Alcohol may not be as bad for weight loss you may think it is. There is research that has shown that a single drink a couple of times a week may lower your risk of becoming obese, but those who consume more than four drinks daily are more likely to be obese.  More to come on…
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Obstacle, Research, Road Bump, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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I have often thought about returning to running.  I remember my days in Germany running with a jogging stroller for fitness and in hope that this would induce sleep for my son.  It gave my wife a break and was a means for me to exercise.  I loved the stress release, and I could exercise…
Categories: Exercise
Tags: Cons, Exercise, Jogging, Pros, Running, Walking

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Hatch Chile Chicken: This recipe is a quick and delicious recipe that your family will love.  The best part is that it is low in fat and it can be eaten alone or added to a wrap or bowl.  
Categories: Nutrition, Recipe, Weight Loss
Tags: Chicken, Hatch Chile, Recipe, Weight Loss

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Why did I choose walking as a form of exercise?  This is an easy answer for me.  It is an exercise that I can continue as I age.   Walking can be a simple form of exercise for the beginner, overweight, sedentary, or just the general couch potato.  It may not…
Categories: Exercise, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Walking

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Okay.  Let's start with the basics.  If you understand the why and how of weight loss and weight gain, then losing weight is an easy concept that is very difficult to maintain.  Weight loss is not as easy as just pushing back from the table or not filling the feed bag.  You will need to…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Biochemistry, Calories, Weight Loss

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Progress Report:  The second week is complete.  I did very well until yesterday.   This second week was a little easier as I got into the swing of exercising.  I did take two day off. So how did I do?  Let's take a look. Exercise: During the second week, I walked…
Categories: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Figure 1:  Microwave Meal A frozen dinner may not be what comes to mind when you think about trying to eat healthily. For people who live alone or are single, it might be difficult to cook healthy because small portions can be difficult.  If you cook large portions, some of the leftovers might spoil, or…
Categories: Nutrition
Tags: Frozen Meal, Microwave Meal, Nutrition

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Chicory root is a common additive to food.  It is also known as inulin.  You can read more to find out specifics and the pros and cons of Inulin. Figure 1:  Chicory Flower Chicory, or Cichorium intybus, grows in the United States and is cultivated in Mediterranean areas in Europe.  Chicory is a woody, perennial herbaceous plant of the dandelion…
Categories: Nutrition
Tags: Chicory, Fiber, Inulin, Root

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Today I am trying a new meal.  I paid $1.74 for Smart Ones Spaghetti meal. The photo is a fair representation of the meal inside.  It absolutely does not have the number of mushrooms in the photo, but that is ok because I don't care for mushrooms. I did add a little parmesan cheese to…
Categories: Nutrition, Review
Tags: Food, Italian, Meat Sauce, Microwave Meal, Nutrition, Review, Spaghetti, Weight Watchers

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Every so-called expert will tell you the secret to weight loss.  Anyone who tells you it is easy and you just have to eat lots of a single item, be leery.  Whether it is your sister or aunt telling you all you have to do is drink plenty of water and avoid all "xxx" foods.…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Calorie Balance, Made Simple, Weight Loss

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What is fiber?  Why do I need it?  How can I add it to my diet?  Read more of this article to find out everything you want or need to know about fiber. Fiber: Why Do We Need It? What Foods Are Rich In Fiber? Fiber is the performer, otherwise known as roughage. Simply put, it…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Fiber, Nutrition, Roughage

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Progress Report: The first week is always the worst.  It is very tempting to give into the hunger and eat what you crave.  The pain of exercise my be too much to not stop and take a day off and then 1 day turns into 3 and before you know it, you took a week…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Progress Report, Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Progress Report, Weight Loss

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Understanding Calories and BMR can assist with weight loss "How many calories do I need?"  This is one of the most asked questions from people trying to lose weight.  This is a short and straightforward question, but it does not have an easy answer.  The correct answer is that it depends on several factors. What…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Bmr, Calculations, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Bread is one of the most common foods in the American diet. During the past 50 years, bread in America has had less and less nutritional value. We are engineering our bread to be more easily digestible and with less nutritional quality.  These tips will help you choose better bread.  One question I commonly receive…
Categories: Nutrition
Tags: Bread, Fiber, Nutrition, Protein, Whole Grain

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One of the biggest misconceptions I have found in articles, books, and conversations concerning weight loss is that all you have to do is remove a single food type or group from your diet to lose weight.  This is simply and patently false.  So what is the key to losing weight? There are plenty of…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Keys For Success, Weight Loss

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I have read a lot about food choices in dieting and weight loss.  One question that is commonly asked: Are there any key food types to avoid?  Food that makes the most sense to avoid is this that has limits for no nutritional value.  Some of these are referred to as empty calories.  This term, empty…
Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Tags: Dieting, Empty Calories, Nutrition, Weight Loss

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Butter has been vilified over the years.  Are there any healthier options?  This article discusses a few.  One of the questions I have been asked on more than one occasion is whether I should use butter or not.  I am a little different than most physicians, and I disagree with dietitians on this one.  I…
Categories: Nutrition
Tags: Butter, Margarine, Peanut Butter, Substitute

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Good morning!!!!! I am not a morning person, but I am excited to start fresh today.  If you have read any of my posts, you know I have decided to switch my diet around.  This is my first meal.  This is not regular toast; this is higher fiber and protein bread.   I am a…
Categories: Nutrition
Tags: Breakfast, Fiber, Meal, Protein, Weight Loss

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Why walking?  This article reviews the many reasons walking is better than higher-impact exercise such as running.  For me, I chose walking because I have a physical limitation that keeps me from running long distances.  After having major ankle reconstruction surgery, I have been limited in my ability to run.  There are lots of reasons…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Exercise, Running, Walking, Weight Loss

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I woke up in January and realized I was in trouble.  My weight was over 250 and my closes did not fit well.  I lost down to 216 pounds or so.  I fell off the wagon and gained weight back.  I resolve to lose back down to 210 before my next weight.  That is 28…
Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Diet, Health, Loss, Nutrition, Weight

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Welcome to my new website.  I have decided it is time to make a change in my life.  I am on new path to better health. In January, I decided to make a change. I gained 65 pounds in the prior three years. I have drifted to less exercise and more time sitting at a…
Categories: Exercise, Nutrition, Progress Report, Research
Tags: Empty Calories, Health, Research, Weight Gain, Weight Loss

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